- Extends
- UT2K4TabPanel
+-- XInterface.GUI
+-- XInterface.GUIComponent
+-- XInterface.GUIMultiComponent
+-- XInterface.GUIPanel
+-- XInterface.GUITabPanel
+-- XInterface.UT2K4TabPanel
+-- GUI2K4.UT2K4Browser_Page
Direct Known Subclasses:
UT2K4Browser_IRC, UT2K4Browser_MOTD, UT2K4Browser_ServerListPageBase
Functions Summary |
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | AddQueryTerm (coerce string Key, coerce string Value, MasterServerClient.EQueryType QueryType))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | BindQueryClient (ServerQueryClient Client ))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | CheckJoinButton (bool Available))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | CheckRefreshButton (bool Available))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | CheckSpectateButton (bool Available))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | CloseMSConnection ()))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | FilterClicked ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | InitComponent (GUIController MyController, GUIComponent MyOwner))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | InternalOnRightClick (GUIComponent Sender))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | IsFilterAvailable (out string ButtonCaption ))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | IsJoinAvailable (out string ButtonCaption ))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | IsRefreshAvailable (out string ButtonCaption ))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | IsSpectateAvailable (out string ButtonCaption ))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | JoinClicked ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | NetworkErrorClosed (bool bCancelled ))
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | Opened (GUIComponent Sender))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | QueryComplete (MasterServerClient.EResponseInfo ResponseInfo, int Info)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ReceivedPingInfo (int ServerID, ServerQueryClient.EPingCause PingCause, GameInfo.ServerResponseLine s)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ReceivedPingTimeout (int listid, ServerQueryClient.EPingCause PingCause)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | RefreshClicked ()))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ResetQueryClient (ServerQueryClient Client ))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | SetFooterCaption (string NewCaption, optional bool bAppend))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | SetJoinCaption (string NewCaption, optional bool bAppend))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | SetRefreshCaption (string NewCaption, optional bool bAppend))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | SetSpectateCaption (string NewCaption, optional bool bAppend))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | ShouldDisplayGameType ()))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ShowNetworkError (optional string ErrorMsg ))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ShowPanel (bool bShow))
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | SpectateClicked ()
UnspecifiedNetworkError Source code
delegate OnCloseConnection ( optional int Count )
delegate OnOpenConnection ( optional int Count )
delegate RefreshFooter ( optional
UT2K4Browser_Page Page, optional
string bPerButtonSizes )
function CheckJoinButton ( bool Available) )
function CheckRefreshButton ( bool Available) )
function CheckSpectateButton ( bool Available) )
function CloseMSConnection ( ) )
function FilterClicked ( )
function bool IsFilterAvailable ( out string ButtonCaption ) )
function bool IsJoinAvailable ( out string ButtonCaption ) )
function bool IsRefreshAvailable ( out string ButtonCaption ) )
function bool IsSpectateAvailable ( out string ButtonCaption ) )
function JoinClicked ( )
function NetworkErrorClosed ( bool bCancelled ) )
function RefreshClicked ( ) )
function SetFooterCaption ( string NewCaption, optional bool bAppend) )
function SetJoinCaption ( string NewCaption, optional bool bAppend) )
function SetRefreshCaption ( string NewCaption, optional bool bAppend) )
function SetSpectateCaption ( string NewCaption, optional bool bAppend) )
function bool ShouldDisplayGameType ( ) )
function ShowNetworkError ( optional string ErrorMsg ) )
function ShowPanel ( bool bShow) )
function SpectateClicked ( )
MustUpgradeString="Upgrade available. Please refresh the News page."
QueryCompleteString="Query Complete!"
StartQueryString="Querying Master Server"
AuthFailString="Authentication Failed"
ConnFailString="Connection Failed"
ConnTimeoutString="Connection Timed Out"
RetryString=" - Retrying"
UnspecifiedNetworkError="There was an unknown error while attempting to connect to the network."
Creation time: sk 18-3-2018 09:49:56.151 - Created with