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dependson ( Settings ) native

This class holds the data used in reading/writing online profile settings. Online profile settings are stored by an external service.

+-- Engine.OnlineProfileSettings

Direct Known Subclasses:


Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Core.Object
DegToRad, INDEX_NONE, MaxInt, Pi, RadToDeg

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Core.Object
Class, HashNext, HashOuterNext, Linker, LinkerIndex, Name, NetIndex, ObjectArchetype, ObjectFlags, ObjectInternalInteger, Outer, StateFrame, VfTableObject

Enumerations Summary
OPAS_None, OPAS_Read, OPAS_Write
OPPO_None, OPPO_OnlineService, OPPO_Game
PCSO_Medium, PCSO_Low, PCSO_High,
PCVTO_Off, PCVTO_IgnoreThis, PCVTO_IgnoreThis2, PCVTO_On
PDO_Normal, PDO_Easy, PDO_Hard,
PMCO_L_Thumbstick, PMCO_R_Thumbstick
PPCO_None, PPCO_Black, PPCO_White, PPCO_Yellow, PPCO_Orange, PPCO_Pink, PPCO_Red, PPCO_Purple, PPCO_Blue, PPCO_Green, PPCO_Brown, PPCO_Silver,
PRACO_Trigger, PRACO_Button
PRBCO_Trigger, PRBCO_Button
PRCLO_Behind, PRCLO_Front, PRCLO_Inside
PRTO_Auto, PRTO_Manual
PSI_Unknown, PSI_ControllerVibration, PSI_YInversion, PSI_GamerCred, PSI_GamerRep, PSI_VoiceMuted, PSI_VoiceThruSpeakers, PSI_VoiceVolume, PSI_GamerPictureKey, PSI_GamerMotto, PSI_GamerTitlesPlayed, PSI_GamerAchievementsEarned, PSI_GameDifficulty, PSI_ControllerSensitivity, PSI_PreferredColor1, PSI_PreferredColor2, PSI_AutoAim, PSI_AutoCenter, PSI_MovementControl, PSI_RaceTransmission, PSI_RaceCameraLocation, PSI_RaceBrakeControl, PSI_RaceAcceleratorControl, PSI_GameCredEarned, PSI_GameAchievementsEarned, PSI_EndLiveIds, PSI_ProfileVersionNum, PSI_ProfileSaveCount
Inherited Enumerations from Core.Object
EAxis, EInputEvent, EInterpCurveMode, EInterpMethodType, ETickingGroup

Structures Summary
Owner, ProfileSetting
Inherited Structures from Core.Object
Box, BoxSphereBounds, Color, Cylinder, double, DynamicMap_Mirror, Guid, IndirectArray_Mirror, InterpCurveFloat, InterpCurvePointFloat, InterpCurvePointQuat, InterpCurvePointTwoVectors, InterpCurvePointVector, InterpCurvePointVector2D, InterpCurveQuat, InterpCurveTwoVectors, InterpCurveVector, InterpCurveVector2D, IntPoint, LinearColor, Map_Mirror, Matrix, MultiMap_Mirror, Plane, pointer, Quat, qword, RawDistribution, RenderCommandFence, Rotator, TextureMipBulkData_Mirror, ThreadSafeCounter, TPOV, TwoVectors, UntypedBulkData_Mirror, Vector, Vector2D, Vector4

Functions Summary
function AppendVersionToReadIds ()
function AppendVersionToSettings ()
functionstring GetProfileSettingColumnHeader (int ProfileSettingId)
functionbool GetProfileSettingId (name ProfileSettingName, ut int ProfileSettingId)
functionbool GetProfileSettingMappingType (int ProfileId, ut EPropertyValueMappingType OutType)
functionname GetProfileSettingName (int ProfileSettingId)
functionbool GetProfileSettingRange (int ProfileId, ut float OutMinValue, ut float OutMaxValue, ut float RangeIncrement, ut byte bFormatAsInt)
functionbool GetProfileSettingValue (int ProfileSettingId, ut string Value)
functionbool GetProfileSettingValueByName (name ProfileSettingName, ut string Value)
functionbool GetProfileSettingValueFloat (int ProfileSettingId, ut float Value)
functionbool GetProfileSettingValueId (int ProfileSettingId, ut int ValueId)
functionbool GetProfileSettingValueInt (int ProfileSettingId, ut int Value)
functionname GetProfileSettingValueName (int ProfileSettingId)
functionbool GetProfileSettingValues (int ProfileSettingId, ut array<name> Values)
functionbool GetRangedProfileSettingValue (int ProfileId, ut float OutValue)
functionint GetVersionNumber ()
functionbool IsProfileSettingIdMapped (int ProfileSettingId)
function ReconcileProfileSettings ()
event ScriptSetToDefaults ()
function SetDefaultVersionNumber ()
functionbool SetProfileSettingValue (int ProfileSettingId, onst out string NewValue)
functionbool SetProfileSettingValueByName (name ProfileSettingName, onst out string NewValue)
functionbool SetProfileSettingValueFloat (int ProfileSettingId, loat Value)
functionbool SetProfileSettingValueId (int ProfileSettingId, nt Value)
functionbool SetProfileSettingValueInt (int ProfileSettingId, nt Value)
functionbool SetRangedProfileSettingValue (int ProfileId, loat NewValue)
event SetToDefaults ()
Inherited Functions from Core.Object
!, !=, $, $=, %, &, &&, *, **, *=, +, ++, +=, -, --, -=, / , /=, <, <<, <=, ==, >, >=, >>, >>>, @, @=, Abs, Acos, Asc, Asin, Atan, BeginState, ByteToFloat, Caps, Chr, Clamp, ClampLength, ClampRotAxis, ClassIsChildOf, ClearConfig, ClockwiseFrom, ColorToLinearColor, ContinuedState, Cos, Cross, Disable, Dot, DumpStateStack, DynamicLoadObject, Enable, EndState, Exp, FClamp, FCubicInterp, FindDeltaAngle, FindObject, FInterpEaseIn, FInterpEaseInOut, FInterpEaseOut, FInterpTo, FloatToByte, FMax, FMin, FPctByRange, FRand, GetAngularDegreesFromRadians, GetAngularDistance, GetAngularFromDotDist, GetAxes, GetDotDistance, GetEnum, GetFuncName, GetHeadingAngle, GetNetFuncName, GetPackageName, GetPerObjectConfigSections, GetRangePctByValue, GetRangeValueByPct, GetSpecialValue, GetStateName, GetUnAxes, GotoState, InStr, IsA, IsChildState, IsInState, IsNetScript, IsPendingKill, IsUTracing, IsZero, JoinArray, Left, Len, Lerp, Localize, Locs, Loge, LogInternal, MakeColor, MakeLinearColor, Max, Mid, Min, MirrorVectorByNormal, Normal, Normalize, NormalizeRotAxis, OrthoRotation, ParseStringIntoArray, PathName, PausedState, PointDistToLine, PointDistToPlane, PointInBox, PoppedState, PopState, ProjectOnTo, PushedState, PushState, QuatDot, QuatFindBetween, QuatFromAxisAndAngle, QuatFromRotator, QuatInvert, QuatProduct, QuatRotateVector, QuatSlerp, QuatToRotator, Rand, RandRange, RDiff, Repl, Right, RInterpTo, RLerp, RotRand, Round, RSize, RSmerp, SaveConfig, SClampRotAxis, ScriptTrace, SetSpecialValue, SetUTracing, Sin, Split, Sqrt, Square, StaticClearConfig, StaticSaveConfig, Tan, TimeStamp, ToHex, TransformVectorByRotation, UnwindHeading, vect2d, VInterpTo, VLerp, VRand, VSize, VSize2D, VSizeSq, VSizeSq2D, VSmerp, WarnInternal, ^, ^^, |, ||, ~, ~=

Variables Detail

AsyncState Source code

var const EOnlineProfileAsyncState AsyncState;
Indicates the state of the profile (whether an async action is happening and what type)

DefaultSettings Source code

var array<OnlineProfileSetting> DefaultSettings;
These are the settings to use when no setting has been specified yet for a given id. These values should be used by subclasses to fill in per game default settings

OwnerMappings Source code

var const array<IdToStringMapping> OwnerMappings;
Mappings for owner information

ProfileMappings Source code

var array<SettingsPropertyPropertyMetaData> ProfileMappings;
Holds the set of mappings from native format to human readable format

ProfileSettingIds Source code

var array<int> ProfileSettingIds;
Holds the list of profile settings to read from the service. NOTE: Only used for a read request and populated by the subclass

ProfileSettings Source code

var array<OnlineProfileSetting> ProfileSettings;
Holds the set of profile settings that are either returned from a read or to be written out

VersionNumber Source code

var const int VersionNumber;
Used to determine if the read profile is the proper version or not

Enumerations Detail

EOnlineProfileAsyncState Source code

enum EOnlineProfileAsyncState
OPAS_None, OPAS_Read, OPAS_Write
Enum indicating the current async action happening on this profile

EOnlineProfilePropertyOwner Source code

enum EOnlineProfilePropertyOwner
OPPO_None, OPPO_OnlineService, OPPO_Game
Enum indicating who owns a given online profile proprety

EProfileAutoAimOptions Source code

enum EProfileAutoAimOptions
Enum of auto aim preferences stored by the online service Used with Profile ID PSI_AutoAim

EProfileAutoCenterOptions Source code

enum EProfileAutoCenterOptions
Enum of auto center preferences stored by the online service Used with Profile ID PSI_AutoCenter

EProfileControllerSensitivityOptions Source code

enum EProfileControllerSensitivityOptions
PCSO_Medium, PCSO_Low, PCSO_High,
Enum of controller sensitivity profile values stored by the online service Used with Profile ID PSI_ControllerSensitivity

EProfileControllerVibrationToggleOptions Source code

enum EProfileControllerVibrationToggleOptions
PCVTO_Off, PCVTO_IgnoreThis, PCVTO_IgnoreThis2, PCVTO_On
Enum of player's vibration preferences stored by the online service Used with Profile ID PSI_ControllerVibration

EProfileDifficultyOptions Source code

enum EProfileDifficultyOptions
PDO_Normal, PDO_Easy, PDO_Hard,
Enum of difficulty profile values stored by the online service Used with Profile ID PSI_GameDifficulty

EProfileMovementControlOptions Source code

enum EProfileMovementControlOptions
PMCO_L_Thumbstick, PMCO_R_Thumbstick
Enum of movement stick preferences stored by the online service Used with Profile ID PSI_MovementControl

EProfilePreferredColorOptions Source code

enum EProfilePreferredColorOptions
PPCO_None, PPCO_Black, PPCO_White, PPCO_Yellow, PPCO_Orange, PPCO_Pink, PPCO_Red, PPCO_Purple, PPCO_Blue, PPCO_Green, PPCO_Brown, PPCO_Silver,
Enum of team color preferences stored by the online service Used with Profile ID PSI_PreferredColor1 & PSI_PreferredColor2

EProfileRaceAcceleratorControlOptions Source code

enum EProfileRaceAcceleratorControlOptions
PRACO_Trigger, PRACO_Button
Enum of player's race gas control preferences stored by the online service Used with Profile ID PSI_RaceAcceleratorControl

EProfileRaceBrakeControlOptions Source code

enum EProfileRaceBrakeControlOptions
PRBCO_Trigger, PRBCO_Button
Enum of player's race brake control preferences stored by the online service Used with Profile ID PSI_RaceCameraLocation

EProfileRaceCameraLocationOptions Source code

enum EProfileRaceCameraLocationOptions
PRCLO_Behind, PRCLO_Front, PRCLO_Inside
Enum of player's race camera preferences stored by the online service Used with Profile ID PSI_RaceCameraLocation

EProfileRaceTransmissionOptions Source code

enum EProfileRaceTransmissionOptions
PRTO_Auto, PRTO_Manual
Enum of player's car transmission preferences stored by the online service Used with Profile ID PSI_RaceTransmission

EProfileSettingID Source code

enum EProfileSettingID
PSI_Unknown, PSI_ControllerVibration, PSI_YInversion, PSI_GamerCred, PSI_GamerRep, PSI_VoiceMuted, PSI_VoiceThruSpeakers, PSI_VoiceVolume, PSI_GamerPictureKey, PSI_GamerMotto, PSI_GamerTitlesPlayed, PSI_GamerAchievementsEarned, PSI_GameDifficulty, PSI_ControllerSensitivity, PSI_PreferredColor1, PSI_PreferredColor2, PSI_AutoAim, PSI_AutoCenter, PSI_MovementControl, PSI_RaceTransmission, PSI_RaceCameraLocation, PSI_RaceBrakeControl, PSI_RaceAcceleratorControl, PSI_GameCredEarned, PSI_GameAchievementsEarned, PSI_EndLiveIds, PSI_ProfileVersionNum, PSI_ProfileSaveCount
Enum of profile setting IDs

EProfileVoiceThruSpeakersOptions Source code

enum EProfileVoiceThruSpeakersOptions
Enum of player's voice through speakers preference stored by the online service Used with Profile ID PSI_VoiceThruSpeakers

EProfileXInversionOptions Source code

enum EProfileXInversionOptions
Enum of player's X axis invert preferences stored by the online service Used with Profile ID PSI_YInversion

EProfileYInversionOptions Source code

enum EProfileYInversionOptions
Enum of player's Y axis invert preferences stored by the online service Used with Profile ID PSI_YInversion

Structures Detail

OnlineProfileSetting Source code

struct OnlineProfileSetting
var EOnlineProfilePropertyOwner Owner;
var SettingsProperty ProfileSetting;
Structure used to hold the information for a given profile setting
Which party owns the data (online service vs game)
The profile setting comprised of unique id and union of held types

Functions Detail

AppendVersionToReadIds Source code

native function AppendVersionToReadIds ( )
Adds the version id to the read ids if it is not present

AppendVersionToSettings Source code

native function AppendVersionToSettings ( )
Adds the version number to the read data if not present

GetProfileSettingColumnHeader Source code

native function string GetProfileSettingColumnHeader ( int ProfileSettingId )
Finds the localized column header text for the profile setting
@param ProfileSettingId the id to look up in the mappings table
@return the string to use as the list column header for the profile setting that matches the id, or an empty string if not found.

GetProfileSettingId Source code

native function bool GetProfileSettingId ( name ProfileSettingName,out int ProfileSettingId )
Searches the profile setting array for the matching string setting name and returns the id
@param ProfileSettingName the name of the profile setting being searched for
@param ProfileSettingId the id of the context that matches the name
@return true if the seting was found, false otherwise

GetProfileSettingMappingType Source code

native function bool GetProfileSettingMappingType ( int ProfileId,out EPropertyValueMappingType OutType )
Determines the mapping type for the specified property
@param ProfileId the ID to get the mapping type for
@param OutType the out var the value is placed in
@return TRUE if found, FALSE otherwise

GetProfileSettingName Source code

native function name GetProfileSettingName ( int ProfileSettingId )
Finds the human readable name for the profile setting
@param ProfileSettingId the id to look up in the mappings table
@return the name of the string setting that matches the id or NAME_None if not found

GetProfileSettingRange Source code

native function bool GetProfileSettingRange ( int ProfileId,out float OutMinValue,out float OutMaxValue,out float RangeIncrement,out byte bFormatAsInt )
Determines the min and max values of a property that is clamped to a range
@param ProfileId the ID to get the mapping type for
@param OutMinValue the out var the min value is placed in
@param OutMaxValue the out var the max value is placed in
@param RangeIncrement the amount the range can be adjusted by the UI in any single update
@param bFormatAsInt whether the range's value should be treated as an int.
@return TRUE if found and is a range property, FALSE otherwise

GetProfileSettingValue Source code

native function bool GetProfileSettingValue ( int ProfileSettingId,out string Value )
Finds the human readable name for a profile setting's value. Searches the profile settings mappings for the specifc profile setting and then searches the set of values for the specific value index and returns that value's human readable name
@param ProfileSettingId the id to look up in the mappings table
@param Value the out param that gets the value copied to it
@return true if found, false otherwise

GetProfileSettingValueByName Source code

native function bool GetProfileSettingValueByName ( name ProfileSettingName,out string Value )
Finds the human readable name for a profile setting's value. Searches the profile settings mappings for the specifc profile setting and then searches the set of values for the specific value index and returns that value's human readable name
@param ProfileSettingName the name of the profile setting to find the string value of
@param Value the out param that gets the value copied to it
@return true if found, false otherwise

GetProfileSettingValueFloat Source code

native function bool GetProfileSettingValueFloat ( int ProfileSettingId,out float Value )
Searches for the profile setting by id and gets the value index
@param ProfileSettingId the id of the profile setting to return
@param Value the out value of the setting
@return true if the profile setting was found and not id mapped, false otherwise

GetProfileSettingValueId Source code

native function bool GetProfileSettingValueId ( int ProfileSettingId,out int ValueId )
Searches for the profile setting by id and gets the value index
@param ProfileSettingId the id of the profile setting to return
@param ValueId the out value of the id
@return true if the profile setting was found and id mapped, false otherwise

GetProfileSettingValueInt Source code

native function bool GetProfileSettingValueInt ( int ProfileSettingId,out int Value )
Searches for the profile setting by id and gets the value index
@param ProfileSettingId the id of the profile setting to return
@param Value the out value of the setting
@return true if the profile setting was found and not id mapped, false otherwise

GetProfileSettingValueName Source code

native function name GetProfileSettingValueName ( int ProfileSettingId )
Finds the human readable name for a profile setting's value. Searches the profile settings mappings for the specifc profile setting and then searches the set of values for the specific value index and returns that value's human readable name
@param ProfileSettingId the id to look up in the mappings table
@return the name of the value or NAME_None if not value mapped

GetProfileSettingValues Source code

native function bool GetProfileSettingValues ( int ProfileSettingId,out array<name> Values )
Searches the profile settings mappings for the specifc profile setting and then adds all of the possible values to the out parameter
@param ProfileSettingId the id to look up in the mappings table
@param Values the out param that gets the list of values copied to it
@return true if found and value mapped, false otherwise

GetRangedProfileSettingValue Source code

native function bool GetRangedProfileSettingValue ( int ProfileId,out float OutValue )
Gets the value of a ranged property
@param ProfileId the ID to get the value of
@param OutValue the out var that receives the value
@return TRUE if found and is a range property, FALSE otherwise

GetVersionNumber Source code

native function int GetVersionNumber ( )
Returns the version number that was found in the profile read results

IsProfileSettingIdMapped Source code

native function bool IsProfileSettingIdMapped ( int ProfileSettingId )
Determines if the setting is id mapped or not
@param ProfileSettingId the id to look up in the mappings table
@return TRUE if the setting is id mapped, FALSE if it is a raw value

ReconcileProfileSettings Source code

native function ReconcileProfileSettings ( )
Compares the data inside the profile with default values to ensure that every entry exists and sets to default values where appropriate

ScriptSetToDefaults Source code

event ScriptSetToDefaults ( )
Allows script to set defaults without being native.

SetDefaultVersionNumber Source code

native function SetDefaultVersionNumber ( )
Sets the version number to the class default

SetProfileSettingValue Source code

native function bool SetProfileSettingValue ( int ProfileSettingId,const out string NewValue )
Searches for the profile setting by name and sets the value index to the value contained in the profile setting meta data
@param ProfileSettingName the name of the profile setting to set the string value of
@param NewValue the string value to use
@return true if the profile setting was found and the value was set, false otherwise

SetProfileSettingValueByName Source code

native function bool SetProfileSettingValueByName ( name ProfileSettingName,const out string NewValue )
Searches for the profile setting by name and sets the value index to the value contained in the profile setting meta data
@param ProfileSettingName the name of the profile setting to find
@param NewValue the string value to use
@return true if the profile setting was found and the value was set, false otherwise

SetProfileSettingValueFloat Source code

native function bool SetProfileSettingValueFloat ( int ProfileSettingId,float Value )
Searches for the profile setting by id and sets the value
@param ProfileSettingId the id of the profile setting to return
@param Value the new value
@return true if the profile setting was found and not id mapped, false otherwise

SetProfileSettingValueId Source code

native function bool SetProfileSettingValueId ( int ProfileSettingId,int Value )
Searches for the profile setting by id and sets the value
@param ProfileSettingId the id of the profile setting to return
@param Value the new value
@return true if the profile setting was found and id mapped, false otherwise

SetProfileSettingValueInt Source code

native function bool SetProfileSettingValueInt ( int ProfileSettingId,int Value )
Searches for the profile setting by id and sets the value
@param ProfileSettingId the id of the profile setting to return
@param Value the new value
@return true if the profile setting was found and not id mapped, false otherwise

SetRangedProfileSettingValue Source code

native function bool SetRangedProfileSettingValue ( int ProfileId,float NewValue )
Sets the value of a ranged property, clamping to the min/max values
@param ProfileId the ID of the property to set
@param NewValue the new value to apply to the
@return TRUE if found and is a range property, FALSE otherwise

SetToDefaults Source code

native event SetToDefaults ( )
Sets all of the profile settings to their default values


   OwnerMappings(1)=(Id=1,Name="Online Service Setting")
   OwnerMappings(2)=(Id=2,Name="Game Setting")
   ProfileMappings(0)=(Id=1,Name="Controller Vibration",MappingType=PVMT_IdMapped,ValueMappings=((Name="Off"),(Id=3,Name="On")))
   ProfileMappings(1)=(Id=2,Name="Invert Y",MappingType=PVMT_IdMapped,ValueMappings=((Name="Off"),(Id=1,Name="On")))
   ProfileMappings(2)=(Id=5,Name="Mute Voice",MappingType=PVMT_IdMapped,ValueMappings=((Name="No"),(Id=1,Name="Yes")))
   ProfileMappings(3)=(Id=6,Name="Voice Via Speakers",MappingType=PVMT_IdMapped,ValueMappings=((Name="Off"),(Id=1,Name="On"),(Id=2,Name="Both")))
   ProfileMappings(4)=(Id=7,Name="Voice Volume")
   ProfileMappings(5)=(Id=12,Name="Difficulty Level",MappingType=PVMT_IdMapped,ValueMappings=((Name="Normal"),(Id=1,Name="Easy"),(Id=2,Name="Hard")))
   ProfileMappings(6)=(Id=13,Name="Controller Sensitivity",MappingType=PVMT_IdMapped,ValueMappings=((Name="Medium"),(Id=1,Name="Low"),(Id=2,Name="High")))
   ProfileMappings(7)=(Id=14,Name="First Preferred Color",MappingType=PVMT_IdMapped,ValueMappings=(,(Id=1,Name="Black"),(Id=2,Name="White"),(Id=3,Name="Yellow"),(Id=4,Name="Orange"),(Id=5,Name="Pink"),(Id=6,Name="Red"),(Id=7,Name="Purple"),(Id=8,Name="Blue"),(Id=9,Name="Green"),(Id=10,Name="Brown"),(Id=11,Name="Silver")))
   ProfileMappings(8)=(Id=15,Name="Second Preferred Color",MappingType=PVMT_IdMapped,ValueMappings=(,(Id=1,Name="Black"),(Id=2,Name="White"),(Id=3,Name="Yellow"),(Id=4,Name="Orange"),(Id=5,Name="Pink"),(Id=6,Name="Red"),(Id=7,Name="Purple"),(Id=8,Name="Blue"),(Id=9,Name="Green"),(Id=10,Name="Brown"),(Id=11,Name="Silver")))
   ProfileMappings(9)=(Id=16,Name="Auto Aim",MappingType=PVMT_IdMapped,ValueMappings=((Name="Off"),(Id=1,Name="On")))
   ProfileMappings(10)=(Id=17,Name="Auto Center",MappingType=PVMT_IdMapped,ValueMappings=((Name="Off"),(Id=1,Name="On")))
   ProfileMappings(11)=(Id=18,Name="Movement Control",MappingType=PVMT_IdMapped,ValueMappings=((Name="Left Thumbstick"),(Id=1,Name="Right Thumbstick")))
   ProfileMappings(12)=(Id=19,Name="Transmission Preference",MappingType=PVMT_IdMapped,ValueMappings=((Name="Auto"),(Id=1,Name="Manual")))
   ProfileMappings(13)=(Id=20,Name="Race Camera Preference",MappingType=PVMT_IdMapped,ValueMappings=((Name="Behind"),(Id=1,Name="Front"),(Id=2,Name="Inside")))
   ProfileMappings(14)=(Id=21,Name="Brake Preference",MappingType=PVMT_IdMapped,ValueMappings=((Name="Trigger"),(Id=1,Name="Button")))
   ProfileMappings(15)=(Id=22,Name="Accelerator Preference",MappingType=PVMT_IdMapped,ValueMappings=((Name="Trigger"),(Id=1,Name="Button")))

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