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native ( Anim ) hidecategories ( Object )

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Slot for Matinee controlled Animation Trees. Each slot will be able to blend a defined number of channels (AnimNodeSequence connections).

+-- Engine.AnimNode
   +-- Engine.AnimNodeBlendBase
      +-- Engine.AnimNodeSlot

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.AnimNodeBlendBase
bFixNumChildren, Children
Inherited Variables from Engine.AnimNode
bCachedHasRootMotion, bJustBecameRelevant, bRelevant, bSkipTickWhenZeroWeight, bTickDuringPausedAnims, CachedBoneAtoms, CachedRootMotionDelta, DrawHeight, DrawWidth, InstanceVersionNumber, NodeCachedAtomsTag, NodeName, NodePosX, NodePosY, NodeTickTag, NodeTotalWeight, OutDrawY, ParentNodes, SearchTag, SkelComponent, TotalWeightAccumulator

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.AnimNode

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Engine.AnimNodeBlendBase
Inherited Structures from Engine.AnimNode

Functions Summary
function AddToSynchGroup (Name GroupName)
functionAnimNodeSequence GetCustomAnimNodeSeq ()
functionName GetPlayedAnimation ()
functionfloat PlayCustomAnim (name AnimName, float Rate, optional float BlendInTime, optional float BlendOutTime, optional bool bLooping, optional bool bOverride)
function PlayCustomAnimByDuration (name AnimName, float Duration, optional float BlendInTime, optional float BlendOutTime, optional bool bLooping, optional bool bOverride = TRUE)
function SetActorAnimEndNotification (bool bNewStatus)
function SetCustomAnim (Name AnimName)
function SetRootBoneAxisOption (optional ERootBoneAxis AxisX = RBA_Default, optional ERootBoneAxis AxisY = RBA_Default, optional ERootBoneAxis AxisZ = RBA_Default)
function StopCustomAnim (float BlendOutTime)
Inherited Functions from Engine.AnimNodeBlendBase
PlayAnim, StopAnim
Inherited Functions from Engine.AnimNode
FindAnimNode, OnBecomeRelevant, OnCeaseRelevant, OnInit, PlayAnim, StopAnim

Variables Detail

bIsPlayingCustomAnim Source code

var const bool bIsPlayingCustomAnim;
True, when we're playing a custom animation

BlendTimeToGo Source code

var const FLOAT BlendTimeToGo;
How long before current blend is complete (ie. target child reaches 100%)

CustomChildIndex Source code

var const INT CustomChildIndex;
Child index playing a custom animation

PendingBlendOutTime Source code

var const FLOAT PendingBlendOutTime;
save blend out time when playing a one shot animation.

SynchNode Source code

var const transient AnimNodeSynch SynchNode;
SynchNode, used for multiple node synchronization

TargetChildIndex Source code

var const INT TargetChildIndex;
Child currently active, being blended to

TargetWeight Source code

var Array<FLOAT> TargetWeight;
Array of target weights for each child. Size must be the same as the Children array.

Functions Detail

AddToSynchGroup Source code

final native function AddToSynchGroup ( Name GroupName )
Synchronize this animation with others.
@param GroupName Add node to synchronization group named group name.

GetCustomAnimNodeSeq Source code

final native function AnimNodeSequence GetCustomAnimNodeSeq ( )
Returns AnimNodeSequence currently selected for playing animations. Note that calling PlayCustomAnim *may* change which node plays the animation. (Depending on the blend in time, and how many nodes are available, to provide smooth transitions.

GetPlayedAnimation Source code

final native function Name GetPlayedAnimation ( )
Returns the Name of the currently played animation or '' otherwise.

PlayCustomAnim Source code

final native function float PlayCustomAnim ( name AnimName, float Rate, optional float BlendInTime, optional float BlendOutTime, optional bool bLooping, optional bool bOverride )
Play a custom animation. Supports many features, including blending in and out.
@param AnimName Name of animation to play.
@param Rate Rate animation should be played at.
@param BlendInTime Blend duration to play anim.
@param BlendOutTime Time before animation ends (in seconds) to blend out. -1.f means no blend out. 0.f = instant switch, no blend. otherwise it's starting to blend out at AnimDuration - BlendOutTime seconds.
@param bLooping Should the anim loop? (and play forever until told to stop)
@param bOverride play same animation over again only if bOverride is set to true.
@return PlayBack length of animation.

PlayCustomAnimByDuration Source code

final native function PlayCustomAnimByDuration ( name AnimName, float Duration, optional float BlendInTime, optional float BlendOutTime, optional bool bLooping, optional bool bOverride = TRUE )
Play a custom animation. Supports many features, including blending in and out.
@param AnimName Name of animation to play.
@param Duration duration in seconds the animation should be played.
@param BlendInTime Blend duration to play anim.
@param BlendOutTime Time before animation ends (in seconds) to blend out. -1.f means no blend out. 0.f = instant switch, no blend. otherwise it's starting to blend out at AnimDuration - BlendOutTime seconds.
@param bLooping Should the anim loop? (and play forever until told to stop)
@param bOverride play same animation over again only if bOverride is set to true.

SetActorAnimEndNotification Source code

final native function SetActorAnimEndNotification ( bool bNewStatus )
Set bCauseActorAnimEnd flag

SetCustomAnim Source code

final native function SetCustomAnim ( Name AnimName )
Switch currently played animation to another one.

SetRootBoneAxisOption Source code

final native function SetRootBoneAxisOption ( optional ERootBoneAxis AxisX = RBA_Default, optional ERootBoneAxis AxisY = RBA_Default, optional ERootBoneAxis AxisZ = RBA_Default )
Set custom animation root bone options.

StopCustomAnim Source code

final native function StopCustomAnim ( float BlendOutTime )
Stop playing a custom animation. Used for blending out of a looping custom animation.


   Children(1)=(Name="Channel 01")

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