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within UIEditBox native ( inherit ) config ( UI )

This specialized version of UIComp_DrawString handles rendering UIStrings for editboxes. The responsibilities specific to rendering text in editboxes are: 1. A caret must be rendered at the appropriate location in the string 2. Ensuring that the text surrounding the caret is always visible 3. Tracking the text that was typed by the user independently from the data source that the owning widget is bound to. Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. @todo - register this component with the data store for the caret image node so that it receives the refreshdatastore callback

+-- Core.Component
   +-- Engine.UIComponent
      +-- Engine.UIComp_DrawComponents
         +-- Engine.UIComp_DrawString
            +-- Engine.UIComp_DrawStringEditbox

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIComp_DrawString
>, bIgnoreMarkup, bReapplyFormatting, bRefreshString, ClampRegion[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX], StringClass, StringStyle, StyleResolverTag, SubscriberOwner, TextStyleCustomization, ValueString
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIComp_DrawComponents
FadeAlpha, FadeRate, FadeTarget, FadeTime, FadeType, LastRenderTime

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.UIComp_DrawComponents

Structures Summary
SelectionStartCharIndex, SelectionEndCharIndex

Functions Summary
functionbool ClearSelection ()
functionstring GetSelectedText () con)
functionbool GetSelectionRange (out int out_StartIndex, out int out_EndIndex ) con)
functionint GetUserTextLength () con)
functionbool SetSelectionEnd (int EndIndex)
functionbool SetSelectionRange (int StartIndex, int EndIndex)
functionbool SetSelectionStart (int StartIndex)
functionbool SetUserText (string NewValue)
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIComp_DrawString
DisableCustomAlignment, DisableCustomAttributes, DisableCustomAutoScaling, DisableCustomClipAlignment, DisableCustomClipMode, DisableCustomColor, DisableCustomFont, DisableCustomOpacity, DisableCustomPadding, DisableCustomScale, DisableCustomSpacingAdjust, EnableAutoSizing, EnableSubregion, GetAppliedStringStyle, GetFinalStringStyle, GetStyleResolverTag, GetSubregionAlignment, GetSubregionOffset, GetSubregionSize, GetValue, GetWrapMode, IsAutoSizeEnabled, IsSubregionEnabled, NotifyResolveStyle, RefreshValue, SetAlignment, SetAttributes, SetAutoScaling, SetAutoSizeExtent, SetAutoSizePadding, SetClipAlignment, SetColor, SetFont, SetOpacity, SetPadding, SetScale, SetSpacingAdjust, SetStyleResolverTag, SetSubregionAlignment, SetSubregionOffset, SetSubregionSize, SetValue, SetWrapMode
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIComp_DrawComponents
Fade, Pulse, ResetFade

Variables Detail

bRecalculateFirstCharacter Source code

var const transient bool bRecalculateFirstCharacter;
indicates that the FirstCharacterPosition needs to be re-evaluated the next time the string is reformatted

CaretNode Source code

var const native private transient pointer CaretNode;
the image node that is used for rendering the caret

CaretOffset Source code

var const transient float CaretOffset;
the offset (in pixels) from the left edge of the editbox's bounding region for rendering the caret

FirstCharacterPosition Source code

var const private transient int FirstCharacterPosition;
the position of the first visible character in the editbox

SelectionBackgroundColor Source code

var config LinearColor SelectionBackgroundColor;
the color to use for the background of a selected text block

SelectionRegion Source code

var transient UIStringSelectionRegion SelectionRegion;
the editbox's selected text

SelectionTextColor Source code

var config LinearColor SelectionTextColor;
the color to use for selected text

UserText Source code

var private transient string UserText;
Contains the text that the user has typed into the editbox


StringCaret Source code

var(Presentation) UIStringCaretParameters StringCaret;
Controls whether and how a caret is displayed

Structures Detail

UIStringSelectionRegion Source code

struct native UIStringSelectionRegion
var int SelectionEndCharIndex;
var int SelectionStartCharIndex;
Defines a range of selected text in a UIString.

Functions Detail

ClearSelection Source code

native final function bool ClearSelection ( )
Clears the current selection region.
@return TRUE if the selection was cleared successfully.

GetSelectedText Source code

native final const function string GetSelectedText ( ) con )

@return the string that is currently selected.

GetSelectionRange Source code

native final const function bool GetSelectionRange ( out int out_StartIndex, out int out_EndIndex ) con )
Retrieves the indexes of start and end characters of the selection region.
@param out_startIndex receives the index for the beginning of the selection region (guaranteed to be less than out_EndIndex)
@param out_EndIndex recieves the index for the end of the selection region.
@return TRUE if the selection region is valid.

GetUserTextLength Source code

native final const function int GetUserTextLength ( ) con )
Returns the length of UserText

SetSelectionEnd Source code

native final function bool SetSelectionEnd ( int EndIndex )
Sets the ending character for the selection region.
@param EndIndex the index of the character that should become the end of the selection region.
@return TRUE if the selection's ending index was changed successfully.

SetSelectionRange Source code

native final function bool SetSelectionRange ( int StartIndex, int EndIndex )
Change the range of selected characters in this editbox.
@param StartIndex the index of the first character that should be selected.
@param EndIndex the index of the last character that should be selected.
@return TRUE if the selection was changed successfully.

SetSelectionStart Source code

native final function bool SetSelectionStart ( int StartIndex )
Sets the starting character for the selection region.
@param StartIndex the index of the character that should become the start of the selection region.
@return TRUE if the selection's starting index was changed successfully.

SetUserText Source code

native final function bool SetUserText ( string NewValue )
Changes the value of UserText to the specified text without affecting the SetUserText should be used for modifying the "input text"; that is, the text that would potentially be published to the data store this editbox is bound to. SetValue should be used to change the raw string that will be parsed by the underlying UIString. UserText will be set to the resolved value of the parsed string.
@param NewText the new text that should be displayed
@return TRUE if the value changed.



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