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native ( UIPrivate ) HideCategories ( Object ) editinlinenew implements ( UIStyleResolver )

This component handles rendering UIStrings for widgets. It is responsible for managing any formatting data that is specific to each widget instance (thus inappropriate for storage in UIStyles). Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Core.Component
   +-- Engine.UIComponent
      +-- Engine.UIComp_DrawComponents
         +-- Engine.UIComp_DrawString

Direct Known Subclasses:

UIComp_DrawCaption, UIComp_DrawStringEditbox, UIComp_DrawStringSlider, UIComp_UTGlowString

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIComp_DrawComponents
FadeAlpha, FadeRate, FadeTarget, FadeTime, FadeType, LastRenderTime

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.UIComp_DrawComponents

Functions Summary
function DisableCustomAlignment ()
function DisableCustomAttributes ()
function DisableCustomAutoScaling ()
function DisableCustomClipAlignment ()
function DisableCustomClipMode ()
function DisableCustomColor ()
function DisableCustomFont ()
function DisableCustomOpacity ()
function DisableCustomPadding ()
function DisableCustomScale ()
function DisableCustomSpacingAdjust ()
event EnableAutoSizing (EUIOrientation Orientation, bool bShouldEnable=true ))
function EnableSubregion (EUIOrientation Orientation, optional bool bShouldEnable = true)
functionUIStyle_Combo GetAppliedStringStyle (optional UIState DesiredMenuState)
functionbool GetFinalStringStyle (out UICombinedStyleData FinalStyleData)
functionname GetStyleResolverTag ()
functionEUIAlignment GetSubregionAlignment (EUIOrientation Orientation ) con)
functionfloat GetSubregionOffset (EUIOrientation Orientation, EUIExtentEvalType OutputType=UIEXTENTEVAL_Pixels ) con)
functionfloat GetSubregionSize (EUIOrientation Orientation, EUIExtentEvalType OutputType=UIEXTENTEVAL_Pixels ) con)
functionstring GetValue (optional bool bReturnProcessedText=true ) con)
functionETextClipMode GetWrapMode () con)
functionbool IsAutoSizeEnabled (EUIOrientation Orientation ))
functionbool IsSubregionEnabled (EUIOrientation Orientation ) con)
functionbool NotifyResolveStyle (UISkin ActiveSkin, bool bClearExistingValue, optional UIState CurrentMenuState, const optional name StylePropertyName)
function RefreshValue ()
function SetAlignment (EUIOrientation Orientation, EUIAlignment NewAlignment)
function SetAttributes (UITextAttributes NewAttributes)
function SetAutoScaling (ETextAutoScaleMode NewAutoScaleMode, optional float NewMinScaleValue=-1.f)
function SetAutoSizeExtent (EUIOrientation Orientation, float MinValue, float MaxValue, EUIExtentEvalType MinScaleType, EUIExtentEvalType MaxScaleType)
event SetAutoSizePadding (EUIOrientation Orientation, float NearValue, float FarValue, EUIExtentEvalType NearScaleType, EUIExtentEvalType FarScaleType ))
function SetClipAlignment (EUIAlignment NewClipAlignment)
function SetColor (LinearColor NewColor)
function SetFont (Font NewFont)
function SetOpacity (float NewOpacity)
function SetPadding (float HorizontalPadding, float VerticalPadding)
function SetScale (EUIOrientation Orientation, float NewScale)
function SetSpacingAdjust (EUIOrientation Orientation, float NewSpacingAdjust)
functionbool SetStyleResolverTag (name NewResolverTag)
function SetSubregionAlignment (EUIOrientation Orientation, EUIAlignment NewValue)
function SetSubregionOffset (EUIOrientation Orientation, float NewValue, EUIExtentEvalType EvalType)
function SetSubregionSize (EUIOrientation Orientation, float NewValue, EUIExtentEvalType EvalType)
function SetValue (string NewText)
function SetWrapMode (ETextClipMode NewClipMode)
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIComp_DrawComponents
Fade, Pulse, ResetFade

Variables Detail

bReapplyFormatting Source code

var transient bool bReapplyFormatting;
set to indicate that this label needs to recalculate the extents for its string

StringClass Source code

var const transient class<UIString> StringClass;
the class to use for creating the ValueString

StringStyle Source code

var private UIStyleReference StringStyle;
The style to use for rendering this component's string. If the style is invalid, the component will use the owning widget's PrimaryStyle, if possible.

StyleResolverTag Source code

var name StyleResolverTag;
The tag used to fulfill the UIStyleResolver interface's GetStyleResolverTag method. Value should be set by the owning widget.

SubscriberOwner Source code

var transient UIDataStoreSubscriber SubscriberOwner;
The subscriber that owns this component. If set, will be added to the refresh delegates for any data stores resolved in the string contained by this component.

ValueString Source code

var private transient UIString ValueString;
The UIString that will render the text. Created at runtime when this component is initialized.


bIgnoreMarkup Source code

var(Data) bool bIgnoreMarkup;
whether the UIString should process markup


bRefreshString Source code

var(Debug) transient bool bRefreshString;
Used for debugging strings - causes RefreshValue to be called


> Source code

var(Presentation) AutoSizeData AutoSizeParameters[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX] < ToolTip = Controls how this string should be auto - sized >;
Controls whether the owning widget will be automatically resized to display this string's value.

ClampRegion[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX] Source code

var(Presentation) private UIRenderingSubregion ClampRegion[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX];
Specifies how much of the available bounding region should be available for rendering the string in.


TextStyleCustomization Source code

var(StyleOverride) UITextStyleOverride TextStyleCustomization;
Contains values for customizing and overriding rendering and formatting values designated by this component's style.

Functions Detail

DisableCustomAlignment Source code

native final function DisableCustomAlignment ( )
Disables text alignment customization allowing the string to use the values from the applied style.

DisableCustomAttributes Source code

native final function DisableCustomAttributes ( )
Disables text attribute customization allowing the string to use the values from the applied style.

DisableCustomAutoScaling Source code

native final function DisableCustomAutoScaling ( )
Disables text autoscale mode customization, allowing the string to use the values from the applied style.

DisableCustomClipAlignment Source code

native final function DisableCustomClipAlignment ( )
Disables clip alignment customization allowing the string to use the values from the applied style.

DisableCustomClipMode Source code

native final function DisableCustomClipMode ( )
Disables text clip mode customization allowing the string to use the values from the applied style.

DisableCustomColor Source code

native final function DisableCustomColor ( )
Disables font color customization allowing the string to use the values from the applied style.

DisableCustomFont Source code

native final function DisableCustomFont ( )
Disables font customization allowing the string to use the values from the applied style.

DisableCustomOpacity Source code

native final function DisableCustomOpacity ( )
Disables the custom opacity level for this comp

DisableCustomPadding Source code

native final function DisableCustomPadding ( )
Disables the custom padding for this component.

DisableCustomScale Source code

native final function DisableCustomScale ( )
Disables text scale customization allowing the string to use the values from the applied style.

DisableCustomSpacingAdjust Source code

native final function DisableCustomSpacingAdjust ( )
Disables customization of spacing adjustment between characters and lines of text from the applied style.

EnableAutoSizing Source code

final event EnableAutoSizing ( EUIOrientation Orientation, bool bShouldEnable=true ) )
Changes the value of bAutoSizeEnabled for the specified orientation.
@param Orientation the orientation to enable/disable
@param bShouldEnable whether autosizing should be enabled

EnableSubregion Source code

native final function EnableSubregion ( EUIOrientation Orientation, optional bool bShouldEnable = true )
Changes the value of bSubregionEnabled for the specified orientation.
@param Orientation the orientation to enable/disable
@param bShouldEnable whether specifying a subregion should be allowed

GetAppliedStringStyle Source code

native final noexport function UIStyle_Combo GetAppliedStringStyle ( optional UIState DesiredMenuState )
Returns the combo style data being used by this string rendering component. If the component's StringStyle is not set, the style data will be pulled from the owning widget's PrimaryStyle, if possible.
@param DesiredMenuState the menu state for the style data to retrieve; if not specified, uses the owning widget's current menu state.
@return the combo style data used to render this component's string for the specified menu state.
@note: noexport because we the native version is also handles optionally resolving the string style data from the active skin, so it takes a few more parameters.

GetFinalStringStyle Source code

native final function bool GetFinalStringStyle ( out UICombinedStyleData FinalStyleData )
Gets the style data that will be used when rendering this component's string, including all style overrides or customizations enabled for this instance.
@param FinalStyleData will be filled in with the style and formatting values that will be applied to this component's string
@return TRUE if the input value was filled in; FALSE if the component's style is still invalid or couldn't set the output value for any reason.

GetStyleResolverTag Source code

native final virtual function name GetStyleResolverTag ( )
Returns the tag assigned to this UIStyleResolver by the owning widget

GetSubregionAlignment Source code

native final const function EUIAlignment GetSubregionAlignment ( EUIOrientation Orientation ) con )
Returns the alignment of the clamped subregion for a single orientation.
@param Orientation the orientation to retrieve the subregion alignment for
@return the alignment of the clamp subregion for the specified orientation.

GetSubregionOffset Source code

native final const function float GetSubregionOffset ( EUIOrientation Orientation, EUIExtentEvalType OutputType=UIEXTENTEVAL_Pixels ) con )
Returns the offset of the clamped subregion for a single orientation.
@param Orientation the orientation to retrieve the subregion offset for
@param OutputType indicates how the result should be formatted.
@return the offset of the clamp subregion for the specified orientation, relative to the widget's bounding region and formatted according to the value of OutputType.

GetSubregionSize Source code

native final const function float GetSubregionSize ( EUIOrientation Orientation, EUIExtentEvalType OutputType=UIEXTENTEVAL_Pixels ) con )
Returns the size of the clamped subregion for a single orientation.
@param Orientation the orientation to retrieve the subregion size for
@param OutputType indicates how the result should be formatted.
@return the size of the clamp subregion for the specified orientation, formatted according to the value of OutputType.

GetValue Source code

native final virtual const function string GetValue ( optional bool bReturnProcessedText=true ) con )
Retrieve the value of the string.
@param bReturnProcessedText Determines whether the processed or raw version of the value string is returned. The raw value will contain any markup; the processed string will be text only. Any image tokens are converted to their text counterpart.
@return the complete text value contained by the UIString, in either the processed or unprocessed state.

GetWrapMode Source code

native final const function ETextClipMode GetWrapMode ( ) con )
Wrapper for quickly grabbing the current wrap mode for this component.

IsAutoSizeEnabled Source code

final function bool IsAutoSizeEnabled ( EUIOrientation Orientation ) )
Returns TRUE if autosizing is enabled for the specified orientation.
@param Orientation the orientation to check
@return TRUE if auto-sizing is enabled for the specified orientation

IsSubregionEnabled Source code

native final const function bool IsSubregionEnabled ( EUIOrientation Orientation ) con )
Returns TRUE if a subregion clamp is enabled for the specified orientation.
@param Orientation the orientation to check
@return TRUE if a subregion is enabled for the specified orientation

NotifyResolveStyle Source code

native final virtual function bool NotifyResolveStyle ( UISkin ActiveSkin, bool bClearExistingValue, optional UIState CurrentMenuState, const optional name StylePropertyName )
Resolves the combo style for this string rendering component.
@param ActiveSkin the skin the use for resolving the style reference.
@param bClearExistingValue if TRUE, style references will be invalidated first.
@param CurrentMenuState the menu state to use for resolving the style data; if not specified, uses the current menu state of the owning widget.
@param StyleProperty if specified, only the style reference corresponding to the specified property will be resolved; otherwise, all style references will be resolved.

RefreshValue Source code

native final function RefreshValue ( )
Clears and regenerates all nodes in the string by reparsing the source string.

SetAlignment Source code

native final function SetAlignment ( EUIOrientation Orientation, EUIAlignment NewAlignment )
Enables text alignment customization and sets the component's custom alignment value to the value specified.
@param Orientation indicates which orientation to modify
@param NewAlignment the new alignment to use for rendering this component's text

SetAttributes Source code

native final function SetAttributes ( UITextAttributes NewAttributes )
Enables text attribute customization and changes the component's override attributes to the value specified.
@param NewAttributes the attributes to use for rendering this component's text

SetAutoScaling Source code

native final function SetAutoScaling ( ETextAutoScaleMode NewAutoScaleMode, optional float NewMinScaleValue=-1.f )
Enables autoscale customization and changes the component's override autoscalemode to the value specified.
@param NewAutoScaleMode the autoscale mode to use for formatting this component's text
@param NewMinScaleValue the minimum scaling value to apply to the text. if not specified (or a negative value is specified), the min scaling value will not be changed.

SetAutoSizeExtent Source code

native final function SetAutoSizeExtent ( EUIOrientation Orientation, float MinValue, float MaxValue, EUIExtentEvalType MinScaleType, EUIExtentEvalType MaxScaleType )
Changes the minimum and maximum auto-size values for this string.
@param Orientation the orientation to enable/disable
@param MinValue the minimum size that auto-sizing should resize to (specify 0 to disable)
@param MaxValue the maximum size that auto-sizing should resize to (specify 0 to disable)
@param MinScaleType the scale type for the minimum value
@param MaxScaleType the scale type for the maximum value

SetAutoSizePadding Source code

final event SetAutoSizePadding ( EUIOrientation Orientation, float NearValue, float FarValue, EUIExtentEvalType NearScaleType, EUIExtentEvalType FarScaleType ) )

SetClipAlignment Source code

native final function SetClipAlignment ( EUIAlignment NewClipAlignment )
Enables clip alignment customization and sets the component's custom clip alignment value to the value specified.
@param NewClipAlignment the new clip alignment to use mode for this string.

SetColor Source code

native final function SetColor ( LinearColor NewColor )
Enables font color customization and changes the component's override color to the value specified.
@param NewColor the color to use for rendering this component's string

SetFont Source code

native final function SetFont ( Font NewFont )
Enables font customization and changes the component's override font to the value specified.
@param NewFont the font to use for rendering this component's text

SetOpacity Source code

native final function SetOpacity ( float NewOpacity )
Enables a custom opacity and changes the component's override opacity to the value specified.
@param NewOpacity the alpha to use for rendering this component's string

SetPadding Source code

native final function SetPadding ( float HorizontalPadding, float VerticalPadding )
Enables custom padding and changes the component's override padding to the value specified.
@param HorizontalPadding new horizontal padding value to use (assuming a screen height of DEFAULT_SIZE_Y); will be scaled based on actual resolution. Specify -1 to indicate that HorizontalPadding should not be changed (useful when changing only the vertical padding)
@param HorizontalPadding new vertical padding value to use (assuming a screen height of DEFAULT_SIZE_Y); will be scaled based on actual resolution. Specify -1 to indicate that VerticalPadding should not be changed (useful when changing only the horizontal padding)

SetScale Source code

native final function SetScale ( EUIOrientation Orientation, float NewScale )
Enables text scale customization and sets the component's custom scale value to the value specified.
@param Orientation indicates which orientation to modify
@param NewScale the new scale to use for rendering this component's text

SetSpacingAdjust Source code

native final function SetSpacingAdjust ( EUIOrientation Orientation, float NewSpacingAdjust )
Enables customization of the spacing adjustment between characters and lines of text
@param Orientation indicates which orientation to modify
@param NewSpacingAdjust the new spacing adjust (in pixels) for rendering this component's text

SetStyleResolverTag Source code

native final virtual function bool SetStyleResolverTag ( name NewResolverTag )
Changes the tag assigned to the UIStyleResolver to the specified value.
@return TRUE if the name was changed successfully; FALSE otherwise.

SetSubregionAlignment Source code

native final function SetSubregionAlignment ( EUIOrientation Orientation, EUIAlignment NewValue )
Changes the alignment of the clamped subregion for the specified orientation.
@param Orientation the orientation to update
@param NewValue the new alignment to use

SetSubregionOffset Source code

native final function SetSubregionOffset ( EUIOrientation Orientation, float NewValue, EUIExtentEvalType EvalType )
Changes the offset of the clamped subregion for the specified orientation.
@param Orientation the orientation to update
@param NewValue the new offset to use
@param EvalType indicates how NewValue should be intepreted

SetSubregionSize Source code

native final function SetSubregionSize ( EUIOrientation Orientation, float NewValue, EUIExtentEvalType EvalType )
Changes the size of the clamped subregion for the specified orientation.
@param Orientation the orientation to update
@param NewValue the new size for the subregion.
@param EvalType indicates how NewValue should be intepreted

SetValue Source code

native final virtual function SetValue ( string NewText )
Changes the value of the text at runtime.
@param NewText the new text that should be displayed

SetWrapMode Source code

native final function SetWrapMode ( ETextClipMode NewClipMode )
Enables clip mode customization and sets the component's custom clip mode value to the value specified.
@param NewClipMode the new wrapping mode for this string.


   StyleResolverTag="String Style"

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