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native ( inherit ) nontransient

Represents a collection of UIStyles.

When a style is created, it is assigned a persistent STYLE_ID. All styles for a particular widget are stored in a single unreal package file. The root object for this package is a UISkin object. The resources required by the style may also be stored in the skin file, or they might be located in another package.

A game UI is required to have at least one UISkin package that will serve as the default skin. Only one UISkin can be active at a time, and all custom UISkins are based on the default UISkin. Custom UISkins may decide to override a style completely by creating a new style that has the same STYLE_ID as the skin to be replaced, and placing that skin into the StyleLookupTable under that STYLE_ID. Any styles which aren't specifically overridden in the custom UISkin are inherited from the default skin. By default, widgets will automatically be mapped to the customized version of the UIStyle contained in the custom UISkin, but the user may choose to assign a completely different style to a particular widget. This only changes the style of that widget for that skin set and any UISkin that is based on the custom UISkin. Custom UISkins can be hierarchical, in that custom UISkins can be based on other custom UISkins. Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.UIRoot
   +-- Engine.UIDataProvider
      +-- Engine.UIDataStore
         +-- Engine.UISkin

Direct Known Subclasses:


Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIDataStore
RefreshSubscriberNotifies, Tag
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIDataProvider
ProviderChangedNotifies, WriteAccessType

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.UIDataProvider

Structures Summary
SoundName, SoundToPlay
Inherited Structures from Engine.UIDataProvider

Functions Summary
functionbool AddStyleGroupName (string StyleGroupName)
functionbool AddUISoundCue (name SoundCueName, SoundCue SoundToPlay)
functionint FindStyleGroupIndex (string StyleGroupName ) con)
function GetAvailableStyles (out array<UIStyle> out_Styles, optional bool bIncludeInheritedStyles=true)
functionUITexture GetCursorResource (name CursorName)
function GetSkinSoundCues (out array<UISoundCue> out_SoundCues)
functionstring GetStyleGroupAtIndex (int Index ) con)
function GetStyleGroups (out array<string> StyleGroupArray, optional bool bIncludeInheritedGroups=true ) con)
functionbool GetUISoundCue (name SoundCueName, out SoundCue out_UISoundCue)
functionbool IsInheritedGroupName (string StyleGroupName ) con)
functionbool RemoveStyleGroupName (string StyleGroupName)
functionbool RemoveUISoundCue (name SoundCueName)
functionbool RenameStyleGroup (string OldStyleGroupName, string NewStyleGroupName)
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIDataStore
GetDataStoreClient, NotifyGameSessionEnded, OnCommit, RefreshSubscribers, Registered, SubscriberAttached, SubscriberDetached, Unregistered
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIDataProvider
AddPropertyNotificationChangeRequest, GenerateFillerData, GenerateScriptMarkupString, GetFieldValue, GetSupportedScriptFields, NotifyPropertyChanged, RemovePropertyNotificationChangeRequest, SetFieldValue

Variables Detail

CursorMap Source code

var const native duplicatetransient Map CursorMap;
The cursors contained by this skin. Maps a unique tag (i.e. Arrow) to a cursor resource.

SoundCueMap Source code

var const native transient Map SoundCueMap;
Maps UI sound cue names to their corresponding sound cues. Used for quick lookup of USoundCues based on the UI sound cue name. Built at runtime from the SoundCues array.

SoundCues Source code

var const protected array<UISoundCue> SoundCues;
the UI sound cues contained in this UISkin

StyleGroupMap Source code

var const native transient Map_Mirror StyleGroupMap;
Contains the style group names for this style and all parent styles.

StyleGroups Source code

var const protected array<string> StyleGroups;
The group names used by the styles in the skin package

StyleLookupTable Source code

var const native transient Map StyleLookupTable;
maps STYLE_ID to the UIStyle that corresonds to that STYLE_ID. Used for quickly finding a UIStyle based on a STYLE_ID. Built at runtime as the UISkin serializes its list of styles

StyleNameMap Source code

var const native transient Map StyleNameMap;
Maps StyleTag to the UIStyle that has that tag. Used for quickly finding a UIStyle based on a style tag. Built at runtime as the UISkin serializes its list of styles.

Styles Source code

var const instanced protected array<UIStyle> Styles;
the styles stored in this UISkin

Structures Detail

UISoundCue Source code

struct UISoundCue
var name SoundName;
var SoundCue SoundToPlay;
Associates an arbitrary
the name for this UISoundCue. this name is used by widgets to reference this sound, and must match one of the values from the GameUISceneCient's list of available sound cue names
the actual sound that should be played

Functions Detail

AddStyleGroupName Source code

native final function bool AddStyleGroupName ( string StyleGroupName )
Adds a new style group to this skin.
@param StyleGroupName the style group name to add
@return TRUE if the group name was successfully added.

AddUISoundCue Source code

native final function bool AddUISoundCue ( name SoundCueName, SoundCue SoundToPlay )
Adds a new sound cue mapping to this skin's list of UI sound cues.
@param SoundCueName the name to use for this UISoundCue. should correspond to one of the values of the UIInteraction.SoundCueNames array.
@param SoundToPlay the sound cue that should be associated with this name; NULL values are OK.
@return TRUE if the sound mapping was successfully added to this skin; FALSE if the specified name was invalid or wasn't found in the UIInteraction's array of available sound cue names.

FindStyleGroupIndex Source code

native final const function int FindStyleGroupIndex ( string StyleGroupName ) con )
Finds the index for the specified group name.
@param StyleGroupName the group name to find
@return the index [into the skin's StyleGroupMap] for the specified style group, or INDEX_NONE if it wasn't found.

GetAvailableStyles Source code

native final function GetAvailableStyles ( out array<UIStyle> out_Styles, optional bool bIncludeInheritedStyles=true )
Retrieve the list of styles available from this skin.
@param out_Styles filled with the styles available from this UISkin, including styles contained by parent skins.
@param bIncludeInheritedStyles if TRUE, out_Styles will also contain styles inherited from parent styles which aren't explicitely overridden in this skin

GetCursorResource Source code

native final function UITexture GetCursorResource ( name CursorName )
Looks up the cursor resource associated with the specified name in this skin's CursorMap.
@param CursorName the name of the cursor to retrieve.
@return a pointer to an instance of the resource associated with the cursor name specified, or NULL if no cursors exist that are using that name

GetSkinSoundCues Source code

native final function GetSkinSoundCues ( out array<UISoundCue> out_SoundCues )
Retrieves the list of UISoundCues contained by this UISkin.

GetStyleGroupAtIndex Source code

native final const function string GetStyleGroupAtIndex ( int Index ) con )
Gets the group name at the specified index
@param Index the index [into the skin's StyleGroupMap] of the style to get
@return the group name at the specified index, or an empty string if the index is invalid.

GetStyleGroups Source code

native final const function GetStyleGroups ( out array<string> StyleGroupArray, optional bool bIncludeInheritedGroups=true ) con )
Retrieves the full list of style group names.
@param StyleGroupArray recieves the array of group names
@param bIncludeInheritedGroupNames specify FALSE to exclude group names inherited from base skins.

GetUISoundCue Source code

native final function bool GetUISoundCue ( name SoundCueName, out SoundCue out_UISoundCue )
Retrieves the SoundCue associated with the specified UISoundCue name.
@param SoundCueName the name of the sound cue to find. should correspond to the SoundName for a UISoundCue contained by this skin
@param out_UISoundCue will receive the value for the sound cue associated with the sound cue name specified; might be NULL if there is no actual sound cue associated with the sound cue name specified, or if this skin doesn't contain a sound cue using that name (use the return value to determine which of these is the case)
@return TRUE if this skin contains a UISoundCue that is using the sound cue name specified, even if that sound cue name is not assigned to a sound cue object; FALSE if this skin doesn't contain a UISoundCue using the specified name.

IsInheritedGroupName Source code

native final const function bool IsInheritedGroupName ( string StyleGroupName ) con )

@return TRUE if the specified group name exists and was inherited from this skin's base skin; FALSE if the group name doesn't exist or belongs to this skin.

RemoveStyleGroupName Source code

native final function bool RemoveStyleGroupName ( string StyleGroupName )
Removes a style group name from this skin.
@param StyleGroupName the group name to remove
@return TRUE if this style group was successfully removed from this skin.

RemoveUISoundCue Source code

native final function bool RemoveUISoundCue ( name SoundCueName )
Removes the specified sound cue name from this skin's list of UISoundCues
@param SoundCueName the name of the UISoundCue to remove. should correspond to one of the values of the UIInteraction.SoundCueNames array.
@return TRUE if the sound mapping was successfully removed from this skin or this skin didn't contain any sound cues using that name;

RenameStyleGroup Source code

native final function bool RenameStyleGroup ( string OldStyleGroupName, string NewStyleGroupName )
Renames a style group in this skin.
@param OldStyleGroupName the style group to rename
@param NewStyleGroupName the new name to use for the style group
@return TRUE if the style group was successfully renamed; FALSE if it wasn't found or couldn't be renamed.



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