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native ( UserInterface ) HideCategories ( Object , UIRoot ) abstract

Base class for all classes that handle interacting with the user. Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.UIRoot

Direct Known Subclasses:

DataStoreClient, Interaction, UIAnimation, UIDataProvider, UIEditorOptions, UIInputConfiguration, UILayerBase, UISceneClient, UIScreenObject, UIState, UIString, UIStyle, UIStyle_Data, UITexture

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Core.Object
DegToRad, INDEX_NONE, MaxInt, Pi, RadToDeg

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Core.Object
Class, HashNext, HashOuterNext, Linker, LinkerIndex, Name, NetIndex, ObjectArchetype, ObjectFlags, ObjectInternalInteger, Outer, StateFrame, VfTableObject

Enumerations Summary
ADJUST_None, ADJUST_Normal, ADJUST_Justified, ADJUST_Bound, ADJUST_Stretch,
NAVLINK_Automatic, NAVLINK_Manual,
EVALPOS_None, EVALPOS_PixelViewport, EVALPOS_PixelScene, EVALPOS_PixelOwner, EVALPOS_PercentageViewport, EVALPOS_PercentageOwner, EVALPOS_PercentageScene,
RA_Absolute, RA_Center, RA_PivotLeft, RA_PivotRight, RA_PivotTop, RA_PivotBottom, RA_UpperLeft, RA_UpperRight, RA_LowerLeft, RA_LowerRight,
CLIP_None, CLIP_Normal, CLIP_Ellipsis, CLIP_Wrap,
DATATYPE_Property, DATATYPE_Provider, DATATYPE_RangeProperty, DATATYPE_Collection, DATATYPE_ProviderCollection,
UIPEN_White, UIPEN_Black, UIPEN_Grey,
ELEMENT_Normal, ELEMENT_Active, ELEMENT_Selected, ELEMENT_UnderCursor,
UIORIENT_Horizontal, UIORIENT_Vertical,
Inherited Enumerations from Core.Object
EAxis, EInputEvent, EInterpCurveMode, EInterpMethodType, ETickingGroup

Structures Summary
Extent, Padding, bAutoSizeEnabled
EventTemplate, EventState
KeyName, Subscribers
InputKeyName, InputKeyState, ActionsToExecute
FocusedControl, LastFocusedControl
DrawX, DrawY, DrawXL, DrawYL, Scaling, DrawFont, TextAlignment[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX], ImageExtent, DrawCoords, SpacingAdjust, ViewportHeight
StyleReferenceTag, StyleProperty
MinScale, AutoScaleMode
U, V, UL, VL
TextColor, ImageColor, TextPadding[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX], ImagePadding[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX], DrawFont, FallbackImage, AtlasCoords, TextAttributes, TextAlignment[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX], TextClipMode, TextClipAlignment, AdjustmentType[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX], TextAutoScaling, TextScale, TextSpacingAdjust, bInitialized
Subscriber, RequiredFieldType, MarkupString, BindingIndex, DataStoreName, DataStoreField, ResolvedDataStore
Widget, Face
OwnerWidget, TargetWidget[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], DockPadding, bLockWidthWhenDocked, bLockHeightWhenDocked, TargetFace[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], bResolved[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], bLinking[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX]
FirstFocusTarget, LastFocusTarget, NextFocusTarget, PrevFocusTarget, bPendingReceiveFocus
ProtectedRegion, AdjustmentType, Alignment
Coordinates, >, bOverrideCoordinates, bOverrideFormatting
WidgetClassName, WidgetClass, WidgetStates, StateLookupTable, StateReverseLookupTable
StateClassName, State, StateInputAliases
bFullscreenOnly, Value[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], bPixelValue[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], BoundaryObject[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX]
NavigationTarget[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], ForcedNavigationTarget[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], bNullOverride[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX]
PropertyTag, PropertyType, StringValue, ImageValue, ArrayValue, RangeValue
CurrentValue, MinValue, MaxValue, NudgeValue, bIntRange
ClampRegionSize, ClampRegionOffset, ClampRegionAlignment, bSubregionEnabled
Rotation, TransformMatrix, AnchorPosition, AnchorType
Value, ScaleType, Orientation
Value[EUIAutoSizeConstraintType.UIAUTOSIZEREGION_MAX], EvalType[EUIAutoSizeConstraintType.UIAUTOSIZEREGION_MAX]
Value[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], ScaleType[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], bInvalidated[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], AspectRatioMode
PaddingValue[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], PaddingScaleType[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX]
Value, ScaleType, Orientation
Value[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX], ScaleType[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX]
bDisplayCaret, CaretType, CaretWidth, CaretStyle, CaretPosition, CaretMaterial
CustomStyleData, BaseStyleData, Style, InlineFontStack
DrawColor, Opacity, >, bOverrideDrawColor, bOverrideOpacity, bOverridePadding
DefaultStyleTag, RequiredStyleClass, AssignedStyleID, ResolvedStyle
SubscriberId, Subscriber
Bold, Italic, Underline, Shadow, Strikethrough
DrawFont, TextAttributes, >, ClipMode, ClipAlignment, AutoScaling, >, >, bOverrideDrawFont, bOverrideAttributes, bOverrideAlignment, bOverrideClipMode, bOverrideClipAlignment, bOverrideAutoScale, bOverrideScale, bOverrideSpacingAdjust
Inherited Structures from Core.Object
Box, BoxSphereBounds, Color, Cylinder, double, DynamicMap_Mirror, Guid, IndirectArray_Mirror, InterpCurveFloat, InterpCurvePointFloat, InterpCurvePointQuat, InterpCurvePointTwoVectors, InterpCurvePointVector, InterpCurvePointVector2D, InterpCurveQuat, InterpCurveTwoVectors, InterpCurveVector, InterpCurveVector2D, IntPoint, LinearColor, Map_Mirror, Matrix, MultiMap_Mirror, Plane, pointer, Quat, qword, RawDistribution, RenderCommandFence, Rotator, TextureMipBulkData_Mirror, ThreadSafeCounter, TPOV, TwoVectors, UntypedBulkData_Mirror, Vector, Vector2D, Vector4

Functions Summary
operator<> < (FArchive& Ar, FUIStringNode& StringNode)
operator= (const FUIInputAliasValue& Other ) con)
operator= (const FUIInputAliasValue& Other ) con)
operator= (const FRawInputKeyEventData& Other ) con)
operator= (const FRawInputKeyEventData& Other ) con)
functionstring ConvertWidgetIDToString (UIObject SourceWidget ))
functionUIInteraction GetCurrentUIController ()
functionbool GetCursorPosition (out int CursorX, out int CursorY, const optional UIScene Scene)
functionbool GetCursorSize (out float CursorXL, out float CursorYL)
functionbool GetDataStoreFieldValue (string InDataStoreMarkup, out UIProviderFieldValue OutFieldValue, optional UIScene OwnerScene, optional LocalPlayer OwnerPlayer)
functionbool GetDataStoreStringValue (string InDataStoreMarkup, out string OutStringValue, optional UIScene OwnerScene=none, optional LocalPlayer OwnerPlayer=none))
functionEUIOrientation GetFaceOrientation (EUIWidgetFace Face)
functionMatrix GetPrimitiveTransform (UIObject Widget, optional bool bIncludeAnchorPosition, optional bool bIncudeRotation=true, optional bool bIncludeScale=true ) con)
functionGameUISceneClient GetSceneClient ()
functionbool IsConsole (optional EConsoleType ConsoleType=CONSOLE_Any ))
functionbool SetDataStoreFieldValue (string InDataStoreMarkup, const out UIProviderFieldValue InFieldValue, optional UIScene OwnerScene, optional LocalPlayer OwnerPlayer)
functionbool SetDataStoreStringValue (string InDataStoreMarkup, string InStringValue, optional UIScene OwnerScene, optional LocalPlayer OwnerPlayer))
function SetMouseCaptureOverride (bool bCaptureMouse)
Inherited Functions from Core.Object
!, !=, $, $=, %, &, &&, *, **, *=, +, ++, +=, -, --, -=, / , /=, <, <<, <=, ==, >, >=, >>, >>>, @, @=, Abs, Acos, Asc, Asin, Atan, BeginState, ByteToFloat, Caps, Chr, Clamp, ClampLength, ClampRotAxis, ClassIsChildOf, ClearConfig, ClockwiseFrom, ColorToLinearColor, ContinuedState, Cos, Cross, Disable, Dot, DumpStateStack, DynamicLoadObject, Enable, EndState, Exp, FClamp, FCubicInterp, FindDeltaAngle, FindObject, FInterpEaseIn, FInterpEaseInOut, FInterpEaseOut, FInterpTo, FloatToByte, FMax, FMin, FPctByRange, FRand, GetAngularDegreesFromRadians, GetAngularDistance, GetAngularFromDotDist, GetAxes, GetDotDistance, GetEnum, GetFuncName, GetHeadingAngle, GetNetFuncName, GetPackageName, GetPerObjectConfigSections, GetRangePctByValue, GetRangeValueByPct, GetSpecialValue, GetStateName, GetUnAxes, GotoState, InStr, IsA, IsChildState, IsInState, IsNetScript, IsPendingKill, IsUTracing, IsZero, JoinArray, Left, Len, Lerp, Localize, Locs, Loge, LogInternal, MakeColor, MakeLinearColor, Max, Mid, Min, MirrorVectorByNormal, Normal, Normalize, NormalizeRotAxis, OrthoRotation, ParseStringIntoArray, PathName, PausedState, PointDistToLine, PointDistToPlane, PointInBox, PoppedState, PopState, ProjectOnTo, PushedState, PushState, QuatDot, QuatFindBetween, QuatFromAxisAndAngle, QuatFromRotator, QuatInvert, QuatProduct, QuatRotateVector, QuatSlerp, QuatToRotator, Rand, RandRange, RDiff, Repl, Right, RInterpTo, RLerp, RotRand, Round, RSize, RSmerp, SaveConfig, SClampRotAxis, ScriptTrace, SetSpecialValue, SetUTracing, Sin, Split, Sqrt, Square, StaticClearConfig, StaticSaveConfig, Tan, TimeStamp, ToHex, TransformVectorByRotation, UnwindHeading, vect2d, VInterpTo, VLerp, VRand, VSize, VSize2D, VSizeSq, VSizeSq2D, VSmerp, WarnInternal, ^, ^^, |, ||, ~, ~=

Constants Detail

ASPECTRATIO_Monitor Source code

const ASPECTRATIO_Monitor = 1.25f;

ASPECTRATIO_Normal Source code

const ASPECTRATIO_Normal = 1.333333f;
Aspect ratios

ASPECTRATIO_Widescreen Source code

const ASPECTRATIO_Widescreen = 1.777778f;

DEFAULT_SIZE_X Source code

const DEFAULT_SIZE_X = 1024;
Changes the AssignedStyleID for this style reference
@param NewStyleID the STYLE_ID for the UIStyle to link this style reference to
@return TRUE if the AssignedStyleId was changed. FALSE if NewStyleID matched the value of AssignedStyleID.

DEFAULT_SIZE_Y Source code

const DEFAULT_SIZE_Y = 768;



PRIVATE_EditorNoDelete Source code

const PRIVATE_EditorNoDelete = 0x080;
Not visible in the scene tree or layer tree, including children

PRIVATE_EditorNoRename Source code

const PRIVATE_EditorNoRename = 0x100;
This widget is not deletable in the editor

PRIVATE_EditorNoReparent Source code

const PRIVATE_EditorNoReparent = 0x200;
This widget is not renamable in the editor

PRIVATE_KeepFocusedState Source code

const PRIVATE_KeepFocusedState = 0x800;
This widget will propagate certain states to its children, such as enabled and disabled

PRIVATE_ManagedStyle Source code

const PRIVATE_ManagedStyle = 0x020;
Not able to be rotated. @todo - not yet implemented.

PRIVATE_NotDockable Source code

const PRIVATE_NotDockable = 0x008;
Not eligible to receive focus; affects both editor and game

PRIVATE_NotEditorSelectable Source code

const PRIVATE_NotEditorSelectable = 0x001;
Controls what types of interactions are allowed for a widget. Ideally this would be an enum, but the values are used as a bitmask (for UIObject.PrivateFlags) and unrealscript enums cannot be assigned values.

PRIVATE_NotFocusable Source code

const PRIVATE_NotFocusable = 0x004;
Not viewable in the scene tree or layer tree, but children are.

PRIVATE_NotRotatable Source code

const PRIVATE_NotRotatable = 0x010;
Not able to be docked to another widget.

PRIVATE_PropagateState Source code

const PRIVATE_PropagateState = 0x400;
This widget can not be reparented in the editor

PRIVATE_Protected Source code

const PRIVATE_Protected = 0x380;
Combination flags

PRIVATE_TreeHidden Source code

const PRIVATE_TreeHidden = 0x002;
Not selectable in the scene editor.

PRIVATE_TreeHiddenRecursive Source code

const PRIVATE_TreeHiddenRecursive = 0x042;
Indicates that this widget's styles are managed by its owner widgets - any style references set for this widget will not be saved.


const SCENE_DATASTORE_TAG = 'SceneData';



Variables Detail

CurrentMenuState Source code

var const transient private UIState CurrentMenuState;
The current menu state of the widget that owns the source UIString.

ModifierStack Source code

var const transient private array<ModifierData> ModifierStack;

Enumerations Detail

EColumnHeaderState Source code

enum EColumnHeaderState
The different states for a list column header

EMaterialAdjustmentType Source code

enum EMaterialAdjustmentType
ADJUST_None, ADJUST_Normal, ADJUST_Justified, ADJUST_Bound, ADJUST_Stretch,
The type of adjustment to apply to a material.

ENavigationLinkType Source code

enum ENavigationLinkType
NAVLINK_Automatic, NAVLINK_Manual,
Types of navigation targets

EPositionEvalType Source code

enum EPositionEvalType
EVALPOS_None, EVALPOS_PixelViewport, EVALPOS_PixelScene, EVALPOS_PixelOwner, EVALPOS_PercentageViewport, EVALPOS_PercentageOwner, EVALPOS_PercentageScene,
method to use for resolving a UIScreenValue

ERotationAnchor Source code

enum ERotationAnchor
RA_Absolute, RA_Center, RA_PivotLeft, RA_PivotRight, RA_PivotTop, RA_PivotBottom, RA_UpperLeft, RA_UpperRight, RA_LowerLeft, RA_LowerRight,
Different presets to use for the rotation anchor's position

EScreenInputMode Source code

enum EScreenInputMode
The types of split-screen input modes that are supported for UI scenes. These control what a UIScene does when it receives input from multiple gamepads at once. @note: the order of the values in this enum should not be changed.

ESplitscreenRenderMode Source code

enum ESplitscreenRenderMode
Types of split-screen rendering layouts that scenes can use.

ETextAutoScaleMode Source code

enum ETextAutoScaleMode
Different types of autoscaling supported

ETextClipMode Source code

enum ETextClipMode
CLIP_None, CLIP_Normal, CLIP_Ellipsis, CLIP_Wrap,
Determines how text should be handled when the text overflows its bounds

EUIAlignment Source code

enum EUIAlignment
used for specifying alignment for UIObjects and operations

EUIAspectRatioConstraint Source code

enum EUIAspectRatioConstraint
The types of aspect ratio constraint adjustments supported

EUIAutoSizeConstraintType Source code

enum EUIAutoSizeConstraintType
the different types of auto-size extent values

EUIDataProviderFieldType Source code

enum EUIDataProviderFieldType
DATATYPE_Property, DATATYPE_Provider, DATATYPE_RangeProperty, DATATYPE_Collection, DATATYPE_ProviderCollection,
Data field categorizations.

EUIDefaultPenColor Source code

enum EUIDefaultPenColor
UIPEN_White, UIPEN_Black, UIPEN_Grey,
The types of default textures the UI can use

EUIDockPaddingEvalType Source code

enum EUIDockPaddingEvalType
method to use for resolving dock padding values

EUIExtentEvalType Source code

enum EUIExtentEvalType
method to use for resolving a UIAutoSizeRegion's values

EUIListElementState Source code

enum EUIListElementState
ELEMENT_Normal, ELEMENT_Active, ELEMENT_Selected, ELEMENT_UnderCursor,
Represents the state of an item in a UIList.

EUIOrientation Source code

enum EUIOrientation
UIORIENT_Horizontal, UIORIENT_Vertical,
general orientation for UIObjects

EUIWidgetFace Source code

enum EUIWidgetFace
The faces a widget may contain.

Structures Detail

AutoSizeData Source code

struct AutoSizeData
var(UIRoot) bool bAutoSizeEnabled;
var(UIRoot) UIScreenValue_AutoSizeRegion Extent;
var(UIRoot) AutoSizePadding Padding;
Defines parameters for auto-sizing a widget
whether auto-sizing is enabled for this dimension
specifies the minimum and maximum values that the region can be auto-sized to
the internal padding to apply to the region

AutoSizePadding Source code

struct AutoSizePadding extends UIScreenValue_AutoSizeRegion
Data structure for representing the padding to apply to an auto-size region

DefaultEventSpecification Source code

struct DefaultEventSpecification
var class<UIState> EventState;
var UIEvent EventTemplate;
Represents a UIEvent that should be automatically added to all instances of a particular widget.
Optionally specify the state in which this event should be active. The event will be added to the corresponding UIState instance's list of events, rather than the widget's list of events
the UIEvent template to use when adding the event instance to a widget's EventProvider

InputEventSubscription Source code

struct native InputEventSubscription
var name KeyName;
var array<UIScreenObject> Subscribers;
Represents a mapping of input key to widgets which contain EventComponents that respond to the associated input key.
The name of the key represented by this InputEventSubscription (i.e. KEY_XboxTypeS_LeftTrigger, etc.)
a list of widgets which are eligible to process this input key event

InputKeyAction Source code

struct InputKeyAction
var(UIRoot) array<SequenceAction> ActionsToExecute;
var(UIRoot) name InputKeyName;
var(UIRoot) EInputEvent InputKeyState;
Associates a UIAction with input key name.
The actions to execute
the input key name that will activate the action
the state (pressed, released, etc.) that will activate the action

PlayerInteractionData Source code

struct native PlayerInteractionData
var transient UIObject FocusedControl;
var transient UIObject LastFocusedControl;
Tracks widgets which are currently in special states.
The widget/scene that currently has focus
The widget/scene that last had focus

RenderParameters Source code

struct native RenderParameters
var TextureCoordinates DrawCoords;
var Font DrawFont;
var float DrawX;
var float DrawXL;
var float DrawY;
var float DrawYL;
var Vector2D ImageExtent;
var Vector2D Scaling;
var Vector2D SpacingAdjust;
var EUIAlignment TextAlignment[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX];
var float ViewportHeight;
General purpose data structure for grouping all parameters needed when rendering or sizing a string/image
the coordinates to use to render images
the font to use for rendering/sizing the string
a pixel value representing the horizontal screen location to begin rendering the string
a pixel value representing the width of the area available for rendering the string
a pixel value representing the vertical screen location to begin rendering the string
a pixel value representing the height of the area available for rendering the string
Only used when rendering string nodes that contain images. Represents the size to use for rendering the image
A value between 0.0 and 1.0, which represents how much the width/height should be scaled, where 1.0 represents 100% scaling.
Horizontal spacing adjustment between characters and vertical spacing adjustment between wrapped lines
The alignment for the string we are drawing.
the current height of the viewport; needed to support multifont

ScreenPositionRange Source code

struct ScreenPositionRange extends UIScreenValue_Position
Data structure for mapping a region on the screen. Rather than representing an X,Y coordinate, this struct represents the beginning and end of a dimension (X1, X2)

StateInputKeyAction Source code

struct StateInputKeyAction extends InputKeyAction
var(UIRoot) class<UIState> Scope;
Specialized version of InputKeyAction used for constraining the input action to a particular UIState.
Allows an input action to be tied to a specific UIState. If NULL, the action will be active in all states that support UIEvent_ProcessInput. If non-NULL, the input key will only be accepted when the widget is in the specified state.

StyleReferenceId Source code

struct transient StyleReferenceId
var Property StyleProperty;
var name StyleReferenceTag;
Container used for identifying UIStyleReference properties from multiple UIStyleResolvers of the same class
the actual UIStyleReference property
The tag to use for this UIStyleResolver's properties

STYLE_ID Source code

struct STYLE_ID extends GUID
A unique ID number for a resource located in a UI skin package. Used to lookup materials in skin files.

TextAutoScaleValue Source code

struct TextAutoScaleValue
var(UIRoot) ETextAutoScaleMode AutoScaleMode;
var(UIRoot) float MinScale;
Container for text autoscaling values.
Allows text to be scaled to fit within the bounding region
the minimum and maximum amount of scaling that can be applied to the text; these values must be set in order for auto-scaling to be used in conjunction with any type of string formatting (i.e. wrapping, clipping, etc.). Negative values will be ignored and a value of 0 indicates that MinScale is not enabled.

TextureCoordinates Source code

struct TextureCoordinates
var(UIRoot) float U;
var(UIRoot) float UL;
var(UIRoot) float V;
var(UIRoot) float VL;
Coordinates for mapping a piece of a texture atlas

UIAnchorPosition Source code

struct UIAnchorPosition extends UIScreenValue_Position
var(UIRoot) float ZDepth;
Data structure for describing the location of a widget's rotation pivot. Defines a 2D point within a widget's bounds, either in pixels or percentage, along with a z-depth value (in pixels)

UICombinedStyleData Source code

struct native UICombinedStyleData
var UIImageAdjustmentData AdjustmentType[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX];
var TextureCoordinates AtlasCoords;
var const private bool bInitialized;
var Font DrawFont;
var Surface FallbackImage;
var LinearColor ImageColor;
var float ImagePadding[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX];
var EUIAlignment TextAlignment[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX];
var UITextAttributes TextAttributes;
var TextAutoScaleValue TextAutoScaling;
var EUIAlignment TextClipAlignment;
var ETextClipMode TextClipMode;
var LinearColor TextColor;
var float TextPadding[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX];
var Vector2D TextScale;
var Vector2D TextSpacingAdjust;
Container for all data contained by UI styles. Used for applying inline modifications to UIString nodes, such as changing the font, draw color, or attributes @todo - support for embedded markup, such as blah blahblah blah
Information about how to modify the way the image is rendered.
the coordinates to use if FallbackImage is a texture atlas
indicates whether this style data container has been initialized
the font to use when rendering text
the material to use when rendering images if the image material cannot be loaded or isn't set
color to use for rendering images
padding to use for rendering images
text alignment within the bounding region
attributes to apply to this style's font
Allows text to be scaled to fit within the bounding region
Determines how the nodes of this string are ordered when the string is being clipped
determines how strings that overrun the bounding region are handled
color to use for rendering text
padding to use for rendering text
text scale to use when rendering text
Horizontal spacing adjustment between characters and vertical spacing between wrapped lines of text

UIDataStoreBinding Source code

struct UIDataStoreBinding
var const transient int BindingIndex;
var const transient name DataStoreField;
var const transient name DataStoreName;
var(UIRoot) const string MarkupString;
var(UIRoot) const editconst EUIDataProviderFieldType RequiredFieldType;
var const transient UIDataStore ResolvedDataStore;
var const transient UIDataStoreSubscriber Subscriber;
Contains information about a UI data store binding, including the markup text used to reference the data store and the resolved value of the markup text. @NOTE: if you move this struct declaration to another class, make sure to update UUIObject::GetDataBindingProperties()
Used to differentiate multiple data store properties in a single class.
the name of the field resolved from MarkupString; must be a field supported by ResolvedDataStore
the name of the data store resolved from MarkupString
A datastore markup string which resolves to a property/data type exposed by a UI data store. @note: cannot be editconst until we have full editor support for manipulating markup strings (e.g. inserting embedded markup, etc.)
Indicates which type of data fields can be used in this data store binding
a pointer to the data store resolved from MarkupString
The UIDataStoreSubscriber that contains this UIDataStoreBinding

UIDockingNode Source code

struct UIDockingNode
var(UIRoot) EUIWidgetFace Face;
var(UIRoot) UIObject Widget;
A widget/face pair. Used by the docking system to track the order in which widget face positions should be evaluated
the face on the Widget that should be updated when this docking node is processed
the widget that this docking node is associated with

UIDockingSet Source code

struct UIDockingSet
var transient byte bLinking[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
var(UIRoot) public bool bLockHeightWhenDocked;
var(UIRoot) public bool bLockWidthWhenDocked;
var transient byte bResolved[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
var(UIRoot) editconst private UIScreenValue_DockPadding DockPadding;
var const UIObject OwnerWidget;
var(UIRoot) editconst private EUIWidgetFace TargetFace[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
var(UIRoot) editconst private UIObject TargetWidget[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
Defines the desired docking behavior for all faces of a single widget
set to 1 when this node is in the process of being added to the scene's docking stack; used to easily track down circular relationships between docking sets
Controls whether the height of this widget should remain constant when adjusting the position of the top or bottom face as a result of docking. Only relevant when either the top or bottom faces are docked.
Controls whether the width of this widget should remain constant when adjusting the position of the left or right face as a result of docking. Only relevant when either the left or right faces are docked.
tracks whether each face has been resolved (via UpdateDockingSet). Reset whenever ResolveScenePositions is called
The amount of padding to use for docking each face. Positive values are considered "inside" padding, while negative values are considered "outside" padding.
The widget that is associated with this docking set. Set by InitializeDockingSet().
The face on the TargetWidget that this docking set applies to.
The widget that will be docked against. If this value is NULL, it means that docking isn't enabled for this face If this value points to OwnerWidget, it means that the face is docked to the owner scene.

UIFocusPropagationData Source code

struct UIFocusPropagationData
var transient bool bPendingReceiveFocus;
var(UIRoot) const editconst transient UIObject FirstFocusTarget;
var(UIRoot) const editconst transient UIObject LastFocusTarget;
var(UIRoot) const editconst transient UIObject NextFocusTarget;
var(UIRoot) const editconst transient UIObject PrevFocusTarget;
Contains information about how to propagate focus between parent and child widgets.
Indicates that this widget is currently becoming the focused control. Used for preventing KillFocus from clobbering this pending focus change if one of this widget's children is the currently focused control (since killing focus on a child of this widget would normally cause this widget to lose focus as well
Specifies the child widget that should automatically receive focus when this widget receives focus. Set automatically when RebuildNavigationLinks() is called on the owning widget.
Specifies the child widget which will automatically receive focus when this widget receives focus and the user is navigating backwards through the scene (i.e. Shift+Tab). Set automatically when RebuildNavigationLinks() is called on the owning widget.
Specifies the sibling widget that is next in the tab navigation system for this widget's parent. Set automatically when RebuildNavigationLinks() is called on the owning widget.
Specifies the sibling widget that is previous in the tab navigation system for this widget's parent. Set automatically when RebuildNavigationLinks() is called on the owning widget.

UIImageAdjustmentData Source code

struct UIImageAdjustmentData
var(UIRoot) EMaterialAdjustmentType AdjustmentType;
var(UIRoot) EUIAlignment Alignment;
var(UIRoot) ScreenPositionRange ProtectedRegion;
Describes the parameters for adjusting a material to match the dimensions of a target region.
the type of adjustment to perform to the image for each orientation
alignment within the region
size of buffer zone for constraining the image adjustment

UIImageStyleOverride Source code

struct UIImageStyleOverride extends UIStyleOverride
var(UIRoot) UIImageAdjustmentData Formatting[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX] < EditCondition = bOverrideFormatting >;
var public bool bOverrideCoordinates;
var public bool bOverrideFormatting;
var(UIRoot) TextureCoordinates Coordinates;
Contains data for overriding the corresponding data in an image style.
Information about how to modify the way the image is rendered.
indicates whether the coordinates have been customized
indicates whether the formatting has been customized
if DefaultImage points to a texture atlas, represents the coordinates to use for rendering this image

UIInputAliasClassMap Source code

struct UIInputAliasClassMap
var const native transient Map StateLookupTable;
var const native transient Map StateReverseLookupTable;
var class<UIScreenObject> WidgetClass;
var string WidgetClassName;
var array<UIInputAliasStateMap> WidgetStates;
Defines the UIInputActionAliases that are supported by a particular widget class for each state. @todo ronp - add support for specifying "input alias => raw input key" mappings for widget archetypes
Runtime lookup map to find a input alias map. Maps a UIState class <=> (map of input key name (KEY_Left) + modifier keys <=> input key alias (UIKEY_Clicked)). Used for quickly unregistering input keys when a state goes out of scope.
Runtime lookup map to find a state input struct. Maps a UIState class => (map of input key alias (UIKEY_Clicked) => input key name (KEY_Left)) Used for quickly registering input keys when a state enters scope - since multiple input keys can be mapped to a single input key alias, and each input key alias name must be checked against the list of disabled input aliases, storing this reverse lookup table allows us to check only once for each input alias.
the widget class that this UIInputAliasMap contains input aliases for
the name of the widget class to load
the states that this widget class supports

UIInputAliasMap Source code

struct native UIInputAliasMap
var const native transient MultiMap_Mirror InputAliasLookupTable;
A TMultiMap wrapper which maps input key names (i.e. KEY_Left) to a list of input action alias data.
A mapping from input key data (name + modifier key) <==> input alias triggered by that input key event Used to retrieve the input action alias for a given input key when input events are received.

UIInputAliasStateMap Source code

struct native UIInputAliasStateMap
var class<UIState> State;
var string StateClassName;
var array<UIInputActionAlias> StateInputAliases;
Defines the list of key mappings supported in a paticular widget state.
The widget state that this map contains input aliases for.
the path name for the state class to load
the input action aliases that this widget state supports

UIMouseBounds Source code

struct UIMouseBounds
var(UIRoot) bool bFullscreenOnly;
var(UIRoot) const UIObject BoundaryObject[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
var(UIRoot) const byte bPixelValue[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
var(UIRoot) const float Value[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
Used by UIScene's for setting the boundaries which the mouse pointer can move within
If true, the mouse bounds are only applied when in fullscreen mode (default)
If set, the specified objects position and extent are used to automatically determine the scene boundaries (overrides Value and bPixelValue) Set this using the UIEditor context menu
Determines how 'Value' is interpreted; when false, Value is interpreted as a percentage
The value for each boundary face (setup much like UIScreenValue_Bounds, above)

UINavigationData Source code

struct UINavigationData
var(UIRoot) byte bNullOverride[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
var(UIRoot) editconst UIObject ForcedNavigationTarget[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
var(UIRoot) editconst transient UIObject NavigationTarget[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
Defines the navigation links for a widget.
By default, a NULL value for the forced nav taget indicates that the nav target for that face should be automatically calculated. bNullOverride indicates that a value of NULL *is* the designer specified nav target.
Allows the designer to override the auto-generated focus target for each face. If a value is set for NavigationTarget, that widget will always be set as the value for CurrentNavTarget for that face.
The widgets that will receive focus when the user presses the corresonding direction. For keyboard navigation, pressing "tab" will set focus to the widget in the UIFACE_Right slot, pressing "shift+tab" will set focus to the widget in the UIFACE_Left slot. Filled in at runtime when RebuildNavigationLinks is called.

UIProviderFieldValue Source code

struct UIProviderFieldValue extends UIProviderScriptFieldValue
var const native transient pointer CustomStringNode;
This extension of UIProviderScriptFieldValue is used when resolving values for markup text found in UIStrings. This struct allows data stores to provide the UIStringNode that should be used when rendering the value for the data field represented this struct.
Only used by native code; allows the data store to create and initialize string nodes manually, rather than allowing the calling code to create a UIStringNode based on the value of StringValue or ImageValue

UIProviderScriptFieldValue Source code

struct UIProviderScriptFieldValue
var array<int> ArrayValue;
var Surface ImageValue;
var const name PropertyTag;
var EUIDataProviderFieldType PropertyType;
var UIRangeData RangeValue;
var string StringValue;
Contains the value for a property, as either text or an image. Used for allowing script-only data provider classes to resolve data fields parsed from UIStrings.
If PropertyTag corresponds to data that should be represented as a list of untyped data, contains the value of the selected elements
If PropertyTag correspondsd to data that should be represented as an image, contains the value for this resource
the name of this resource; set natively after the list of available tags are retrieved from script
the type of field this tag corresponds to
If PropertyTag corresponds to data that should be represented as value within a specific range, contains the value for this resource
If PropertyTag corresponds to data that should be represented as text, contains the value for this resource

UIRangeData Source code

struct UIRangeData
var(Range) bool bIntRange;
var(Range) public float CurrentValue;
var(Range) float MaxValue;
var(Range) float MinValue;
var(Range) public float NudgeValue;
Contains information about a data value that must be within a specific range.
Indicates whether the values in this UIRange should be treated as ints.
the current value of this UIRange
The maximum value for this UIRange. The value of this UIRange must be less than or equal to this value.
The minimum value for this UIRange. The value of this UIRange must be greater than or equal to this value.
Controls the amount to increment or decrement this UIRange's value when used by widgets that support "nudging". If NudgeValue is zero, reported NudgeValue will be 1% of MaxValue - MinValue.

UIRenderingSubregion Source code

struct UIRenderingSubregion
var(UIRoot) bool bSubregionEnabled;
var(UIRoot) EUIAlignment ClampRegionAlignment;
var(UIRoot) UIScreenValue_Extent ClampRegionOffset;
var(UIRoot) UIScreenValue_Extent ClampRegionSize;
Represents a sub-region within another render bounding region.
Must be true to specify a subregion
the alignment for the sub-region; to enable "Subregion Position", this must be set to "Inherit/Other"
Only relevant if ClampRegionAlignment is "Inherit/Other". The offset for the sub-region, relative to the beginning of the bounding region.
the size of the subregion; will be clamped to the size of the bounding region

UIRotation Source code

struct UIRotation
var(UIRoot) UIAnchorPosition AnchorPosition;
var(UIRoot) ERotationAnchor AnchorType;
var(UIRoot) rotator Rotation;
var transient matrix TransformMatrix;
Data structure for representation the rotation of a UI Widget.
point used for the origin in rotation animations
defines whether the AnchorPosition is used or one of the presets
the UE representation of the rotation of the widget
Transform matrix to use for rendering the widget.

UIScreenValue Source code

struct UIScreenValue
var(UIRoot) EUIOrientation Orientation;
var(UIRoot) EPositionEvalType ScaleType;
var(UIRoot) float Value;
Represents a screen position, either as number of pixels or percentage. Used for single dimension (point) values.
the orientation associated with this UIScreenValue. Used for evaluating relative or percentage scaling types
how this UIScreenValue should be evaluated
the value, in either pixels or percentage

UIScreenValue_AutoSizeRegion Source code

struct UIScreenValue_AutoSizeRegion
var(UIRoot) EUIExtentEvalType EvalType[EUIAutoSizeConstraintType.UIAUTOSIZEREGION_MAX];
var(UIRoot) float Value[EUIAutoSizeConstraintType.UIAUTOSIZEREGION_MAX];
Represents the constraint region for auto-sizing text.

UIScreenValue_Bounds Source code

struct UIScreenValue_Bounds
var(UIRoot) public EUIAspectRatioConstraint AspectRatioMode;
var transient public byte bInvalidated[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
var(UIRoot) editconst public EPositionEvalType ScaleType[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
var(UIRoot) editconst public float Value[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
Represents a widget's position onscreen, either as number of pixels or percentage. Used for four dimension (bounds) values.
Specifies whether this position's values should be adjusted to constrain to the current aspect ratio. @fixme ronp - can't make editconst until we've exposed this to the position panel, context menu, and/or widget drag tools
Indicates whether the position for each face has been modified since it was last resolved into screen pixels and applied to the owning widget's RenderBounds. If this value is FALSE, it indicates that the RenderBounds for the corresponding face in the owning widget matches the position Value. A value of TRUE indicates that the position Value for that face has been changed since it was last converted into RenderBounds.
Specifies how the value for each face should be intepreted.
The value for each face. Can be a pixel or percentage value.

UIScreenValue_DockPadding Source code

struct UIScreenValue_DockPadding
var(UIRoot) editconst public EUIDockPaddingEvalType PaddingScaleType[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
var(UIRoot) editconst public float PaddingValue[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
Specifies how the Value for each face should be intepreted.
The value for each face. Can be in pixels or a percentage of the owning widget's bounding region, depending on the ScaleType for each face.

UIScreenValue_Extent Source code

struct UIScreenValue_Extent
var(UIRoot) EUIOrientation Orientation;
var(UIRoot) EUIExtentEvalType ScaleType;
var(UIRoot) float Value;
Very similar to UIScreenValue (which represents a point within a widget), this data structure is used for representing a sub-region of the screen, in a single dimension
the orientation associated with this extent. Used for evaluating percentage scaling types
how this extent value should be evaluated
the value, in either pixels or percentage

UIScreenValue_Position Source code

struct UIScreenValue_Position
var(UIRoot) EPositionEvalType ScaleType[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX];
var(UIRoot) float Value[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX];
Represents a screen position, either as number of pixels or percentage. Used for double dimension (orientation) values.

UIStringCaretParameters Source code

struct UIStringCaretParameters
var(UIRoot) bool bDisplayCaret;
var transient MaterialInterface CaretMaterial;
var transient int CaretPosition;
var(UIRoot) name CaretStyle;
var(UIRoot) EUIDefaultPenColor CaretType;
var(UIRoot) float CaretWidth;
Error tolerant comparison operator
Controls whether a caret is displayed at all
For carets that use parametized materials, the MaterialInterface that was created for this caret
The current position of the caret in the string
the tag of the style to use for displaying this caret
Determines which color pen (from GameUISceneClient's DefaultUITextures) is used to render the caret
Specifies the width of the caret, in pixels

UIStringNodeModifier Source code

struct native UIStringNodeModifier
var const transient public UICombinedStyleData BaseStyleData;
var const transient public UICombinedStyleData CustomStyleData;
var const transient array<Font> InlineFontStack;
var const transient UIStyle_Data Style;
This struct contains data about the current modifications that are being applied to a string as it is being parsed, such as any inline styles, fonts, or attributes.
Optional style data that this UIStringNodeModifier was initialized from. If BaseStyleData is not valid, there must be at least one UIStyle in the ModifierStack.
The current style data to apply to each new string node that is created @note: when data stores need to access additional fields of this member, add accessors to this struct rather than removing the private access specifier
The fonts that have been resolved from inline font markup while this style was the current style.
the style for this data block. Refers to either the UIString's DefaultStringStyle, or a style resolved from an inline style markup reference (i.e. Styles:SomeStyle)

UIStyleOverride Source code

struct UIStyleOverride
var(UIRoot) float Padding[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX] < DisplayName = Padding | EditCondition = bOverridePadding >;
var public bool bOverrideDrawColor;
var public bool bOverrideOpacity;
var public bool bOverridePadding;
var(UIRoot) LinearColor DrawColor;
var(UIRoot) float Opacity;
This struct contains properties which override values in a style.
The amount of padding to apply for each orientation, in pixels. Padding will be scaled against the value of the DEFAULT_SIZE_Y const (currently 1024).
indicates whether the draw color has been customized
Allow us to override the final alpha
Indicates whether the padding has been customized
Color to use for rendering the string or image. Values for each color range from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 means "none of this color" and 1.0 means "full-color". Use values higher than 1.0 to create a "bloom" effect behind the text. Give DrawColor.A a value higher than 1.0 in order to bloom all colors uniformly. (requires UI post processing to be enabled - UISceneClient.bEnablePostProcess and the owning scene's bEnableScenePostProcessing properties must both be set to TRUE).
Provides a simple way for overriding the opacity of the text regardless of the DrawColor's Alpha value A value of 0.0 means "completely transparent"; a value of 1.0 means "completely opaque". Use values greater than 1.0 to bloom the DrawColor uniformly. (requires UI post processing to be enabled - UISceneClient.bEnablePostProcess and the owning scene's bEnableScenePostProcessing properties must both be set to TRUE).

UIStyleReference Source code

struct UIStyleReference
var const STYLE_ID AssignedStyleID;
var name DefaultStyleTag;
var const class<UIStyle_Data> RequiredStyleClass;
var const transient public UIStyle ResolvedStyle;
Encapsulates a reference to a UIStyle. UIStyleReference supports the following features: - when a UIStyleReference does not have a valid STYLE_ID, the default style for this style reference (as determined by DefaultStyleTag + RequiredStyleClass) is assigned as the value for ResolvedStyle, but the value of AssignedStyleID is not modified. - when a UIStyleReference has a valid STYLE_ID for the value of AssignedStyleID, but there is no style with that STYLE_ID in the current skin, ResolvedStyle falls back to using the default style for this style reference, but the value of AssignedStyleID is not modified. - once a UIStyleReference has successfully resolved a style and assigned it to ResolvedStyle, it will not re-resolve the style until the style reference has been invalidated (by calling Invalidate); attempting to change the ResolvedStyle of this style reference to a style not contained in the currently active skin invalidates the ResolvedStyle.
The STYLE_ID for the style assigned to this style reference in the game's default skin. This value is assigned when the designer changes the style for a style reference in the UI editor. This value can be overridden by UICustomSkins.
Specifies the name of the style to use if this style reference doesn't have a valid STYLE_ID (which indicates that the designer hasn't specified a style for this style reference
if non-null, limits the type of style that can be assigned to this style reference
the style data object that was associated with AssignedStyleID in the currently active skin

UIStyleSubscriberReference Source code

struct transient UIStyleSubscriberReference
var UIStyleResolver Subscriber;
var name SubscriberId;
Pairs a unique name with a UIStyleResolver reference. not currently used.
the reference to the UIStyleResolver object
A unique name for identifying this StyleResolver - usually the name of the property referencing this style resolver Used for differentiating styles from multiple UIStyleResolvers of the same class.

UITextAttributes Source code

struct UITextAttributes
var(UIRoot) bool Bold;
var(UIRoot) bool Italic;
var(UIRoot) bool Shadow;
var(UIRoot) bool Strikethrough;
var(UIRoot) bool Underline;
Defines a group of attributes that can be applied to text, such as bold, italic, underline, shadow, etc.

UITextStyleOverride Source code

struct UITextStyleOverride extends UIStyleOverride
var(UIRoot) float DrawScale[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX] < DisplayName = Text Scale | EditCondition = bOverrideScale >;
var(UIRoot) float SpacingAdjust[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX] < DisplayName = Spacing Adjust | EditCondition = bOverrideSpacingAdjust >;
var(UIRoot) EUIAlignment TextAlignment[EUIOrientation.UIORIENT_MAX] < DisplayName = Text Alignment | EditCondition = bOverrideAlignment >;
var(UIRoot) TextAutoScaleValue AutoScaling;
var public bool bOverrideAlignment;
var public bool bOverrideAttributes;
var public bool bOverrideAutoScale;
var public bool bOverrideClipAlignment;
var public bool bOverrideClipMode;
var public bool bOverrideDrawFont;
var public bool bOverrideScale;
var public bool bOverrideSpacingAdjust;
var(UIRoot) EUIAlignment ClipAlignment;
var(UIRoot) ETextClipMode ClipMode;
var(UIRoot) Font DrawFont;
var(UIRoot) UITextAttributes TextAttributes;
This struct is used to override values from a text style.
Text alignment within the bounding region
Sets the horizontal spacing adjustment between characters (in pixels), as well as the vertical spacing adjustment between lines of wrapped text (in pixels).
Scale for rendering text
Allows text to be scaled to fit within the bounding region
indicates whether the formatting has been customized
indicates whether the coordinates have been customized
indicates whether the autoscale mode has been customized
indicates whether the clip alignment has been customized
indicates whether the clipping mode has been customized
indicates whether the draw font has been customized
indicates whether the scale factor has been customized
indicates whether the spacing adjust has been customized
Determines how the nodes of this string are ordered when the string is being clipped
Determines what happens when the text doesn't fit into the bounding region.
The font to use for rendering text
Attributes to apply to the text, such as bold, italic, etc.

WIDGET_ID Source code

struct WIDGET_ID extends GUID
A unique identifier assigned to a widget.

Functions Detail

< Source code

structcpptext { FUIStringNodeModifier(classUUIStyle_Data*SourceStyle,classUUIState*MenuState) ; FUIStringNodeModifier(conststructFUICombinedStyleData&SourceStyleData,classUUIState*MenuState) ; FUIStringNodeModifier(conststructFUIStringNodeModifier&Other) ; UBOOL AddFont(classUFont*NewFont) ; UBOOL RemoveFont(classUFont*FontToRemove=NULL) ; UBOOL AddStyle(classUUIStyle_Data*NewStyle) ; UBOOL RemoveStyle(classUUIStyle_Data*StyleToRemove=NULL) ; INT FindModifierIndex(classUUIStyle_Data*SearchStyle) ; const struct FUICombinedStyleData & GetCustomStyleData() const ; class UUIState * GetMenuState() { return CurrentMenuState ; } void SetCustomTextColor(FLinearColorCustomTextColor) ; FLinearColor GetCustomTextColor() ; } } ; struct native transient UIStringNode { var native const transient noexport pointer VfTable ; var const transient UIDataStore NodeDataStore ; var native const transient pointer ParentNode { FUIStringNode } ; var() string SourceText ; var() vector2D Extent ; var() vector2D Scaling ; var bool bForceWrap ; structcpptext { FUIStringNode(constTCHAR*inSourceText) : NodeDataStore(NULL) , ParentNode(NULL) , SourceText(inSourceText) , Extent(0.f,0.f) , Scaling(1.f,1.f) , bForceWrap(FALSE) { } virtual ~ FUIStringNode() { } virtual void InitializeStyle(classUUIStyle_Data*CurrentStyle) = 0 ; virtual void InitializeStyle(conststructFUICombinedStyleData&StyleData) = 0 ; virtual void CalculateExtent(FLOATDefaultLineHeight,FLOATViewportHeight) = 0 ; virtual const TCHAR * GetValue(UBOOLbProcessedValue) const ; virtual void Render_Node(FCanvas*Canvas,conststructFRenderParameters&Parameters) { } ; virtual void AddReferencedObjects(classUUIString*Owner,TArray<UObject*>&Objects) { } ; friend FArchive & operator < < ( FArchive& Ar, FUIStringNode& StringNode )

= Source code

friend inline DWORD GetTypeHash(constFRawInputKeyEventData&KeyEvt) { return GetTypeHash(KeyEvt.InputKeyName) ; } FORCEINLINE void SetModifierKeyFlags(BYTEModifierFlags) { ModifierKeyFlags | = ModifierFlags ; } FORCEINLINE void ClearModifierKeyFlags(BYTEModifierFlags) { ModifierKeyFlags & = ~ ModifierFlags ; } FORCEINLINE UBOOL HasAnyModifierKeyFlags(BYTEFlagsToCheck) const { return(ModifierKeyFlags&FlagsToCheck) ! = 0 | | FlagsToCheck = = KEYMODIFIER_All ; } FORCEINLINE UBOOL HasAllModifierFlags(BYTEFlagsToCheck) const { return(ModifierKeyFlags&FlagsToCheck) = = FlagsToCheck ; } } } ; struct native export UIInputActionAlias { var name InputAliasName ; var array < RawInputKeyEventData > LinkedInputKeys ; } ; struct native transient export UIInputAliasValue { var byte ModifierFlagMask ; var name InputAliasName ; structcpptext { FUIInputAliasValue() : ModifierFlagMask(0) , InputAliasName(NAME_None) { } FUIInputAliasValue(BYTEInModifierFlagMask,constFName&inAliasName) : ModifierFlagMask(InModifierFlagMask) , InputAliasName(inAliasName) { } FUIInputAliasValue(EEventParm) { appMemzero(this,sizeof(FUIInputAliasValue)) ; } UBOOL MatchesModifierState(UBOOLbAltPressed,UBOOLbCtrlPressed,UBOOLbShiftPressed) const ; FORCEINLINE UBOOL const operator = = ( const FUIInputAliasValue& Other ) con )
Comparison operators

= Source code

FORCEINLINE UBOOL const operator ! = ( const FUIInputAliasValue& Other ) con )

= Source code

Comparison operators

= Source code

FORCEINLINE UBOOL const operator ! = ( const FRawInputKeyEventData& Other ) con )

ConvertWidgetIDToString Source code

static final function string ConvertWidgetIDToString ( UIObject SourceWidget ) )
Generates a unique tag that can be used in the scene's data store as the data field name for a widget's context menu items.
@param SourceWidget the widget to generate the unique tag for
@return a string guaranteed to be unique which represents the source widget.

GetCurrentUIController Source code

native static final noexport function UIInteraction GetCurrentUIController ( )
Returns the UIInteraction instance currently controlling the UI system, which is valid in game.
@return a pointer to the UIInteraction object currently controlling the UI system.

GetCursorPosition Source code

native static final noexport function bool GetCursorPosition ( out int CursorX, out int CursorY, const optional UIScene Scene )
Returns the current position of the mouse or joystick cursor.
@param CursorX receives the X position of the cursor
@param CursorY receives the Y position of the cursor
@param Scene if specified, provides access to an FViewport through the scene's SceneClient that can be used for retrieving the mouse position when not in the game.
@return TRUE if the cursor position was retrieved correctly.

GetCursorSize Source code

native static final noexport function bool GetCursorSize ( out float CursorXL, out float CursorYL )
Returns the current position of the mouse or joystick cursor.
@param CursorXL receives the width of the cursor
@param CursorYL receives the height of the cursor
@return TRUE if the cursor size was retrieved correctly.

GetDataStoreFieldValue Source code

native static final function bool GetDataStoreFieldValue ( string InDataStoreMarkup, out UIProviderFieldValue OutFieldValue, optional UIScene OwnerScene, optional LocalPlayer OwnerPlayer )
Gets the field value struct of the datastore entry specified.
@param InDataStoreMarkup Markup to find the field we want to retrieve the value of.
@param OutFieldValue Variable to store the result field value in.
@param OwnerScene Owner scene for the datastore, used when dealing with scene specific datastores.
@param OwnerPlayer Owner player for the datastore, used when dealing with player datastores.
@return TRUE if the value was retrieved, FALSE otherwise.

GetDataStoreStringValue Source code

static function bool GetDataStoreStringValue ( string InDataStoreMarkup, out string OutStringValue, optional UIScene OwnerScene=none, optional LocalPlayer OwnerPlayer=none) )
Gets the string value of the datastore entry specified.
@param InDataStoreMarkup Markup to find the field we want to retrieve the value of.
@param OutStringValue Variable to store the result string in.
@param OwnerScene Owner scene for the datastore, used when dealing with scene specific datastores.
@param OwnerPlayer Owner player for the datastore, used when dealing with player datastores.
@return TRUE if the value was retrieved, FALSE otherwise.

GetFaceOrientation Source code

native static final noexport function EUIOrientation GetFaceOrientation ( EUIWidgetFace Face )
Wrapper for returns the orientation associated with the specified face. @note: noexport because the C++ version is static too.

GetPrimitiveTransform Source code

native static final noexport const function Matrix GetPrimitiveTransform ( UIObject Widget, optional bool bIncludeAnchorPosition, optional bool bIncudeRotation=true, optional bool bIncludeScale=true ) con )
Returns a matrix which includes the translation, rotation and scale necessary to transform a point from origin to the the specified widget's position onscreen. This matrix can then be passed to ConditionalUpdateTransform() for primitives in use by the UI.
@param Widget the widget to generate the matrix for
@param bIncludeAnchorPosition specify TRUE to include translation to the widget's anchor; if FALSE, the translation will move the point to the widget's upper left corner (in local space)
@param bIncludeRotation specify FALSE to remove the widget's rotation from the resulting matrix
@param bIncludeScale specify FALSE to remove the viewport's scale from the resulting matrix
@return a matrix which can be used to translate from origin (0,0) to the widget's position, including rotation and viewport scale.
@note: noexport because we want this method to be static in C++ as well.

GetSceneClient Source code

native static final noexport function GameUISceneClient GetSceneClient ( )
Returns the game's scene client.
@return a pointer to the UGameUISceneClient instance currently managing the scenes for the UI System.

IsConsole Source code

static final function bool IsConsole ( optional EConsoleType ConsoleType=CONSOLE_Any ) )

@return Returns the current platform the game is running on.

SetDataStoreFieldValue Source code

native static final function bool SetDataStoreFieldValue ( string InDataStoreMarkup, const out UIProviderFieldValue InFieldValue, optional UIScene OwnerScene, optional LocalPlayer OwnerPlayer )
Sets the string value of the datastore entry specified.
@param InDataStoreMarkup Markup to find the field we want to set the value of.
@param InFieldValue Value to set the datafield's value to.
@param OwnerScene Owner scene for the datastore, used when dealing with scene specific datastores.
@param OwnerPlayer Owner player for the datastore, used when dealing with player datastores.
@return TRUE if the value was set, FALSE otherwise.

SetDataStoreStringValue Source code

static function bool SetDataStoreStringValue ( string InDataStoreMarkup, string InStringValue, optional UIScene OwnerScene, optional LocalPlayer OwnerPlayer) )
Sets the string value of the datastore entry specified.
@param InDataStoreMarkup Markup to find the field we want to set the value of.
@param InStringValue Value to set the datafield's string value to.
@param OwnerScene Owner scene for the datastore, used when dealing with scene specific datastores.
@param OwnerPlayer Owner player for the datastore, used when dealing with player datastores.
@return TRUE if the value was set, FALSE otherwise.

SetMouseCaptureOverride Source code

native static final noexport function SetMouseCaptureOverride ( bool bCaptureMouse )
Changes the value of GameViewportClient.bUIMouseCaptureOverride to the specified value. Used by widgets that process dragging to ensure that the widget receives the mouse button release event.
@param bCaptureMouse whether to capture all mouse input.



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