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native ( UIPrivate ) HideCategories ( Object ) abstract placeable

Base class for all UI entities which can appear onscreen Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.UIRoot
   +-- Engine.UIScreenObject

Direct Known Subclasses:

UIObject, UIScene

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.UIRoot
Inherited Contants from Core.Object
DegToRad, INDEX_NONE, MaxInt, Pi, RadToDeg

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIRoot
CurrentMenuState, ModifierStack
Inherited Variables from Core.Object
Class, HashNext, HashOuterNext, Linker, LinkerIndex, Name, NetIndex, ObjectArchetype, ObjectFlags, ObjectInternalInteger, Outer, StateFrame, VfTableObject

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.UIRoot
EColumnHeaderState, EMaterialAdjustmentType, ENavigationLinkType, EPositionEvalType, ERotationAnchor, EScreenInputMode, ESplitscreenRenderMode, ETextAutoScaleMode, ETextClipMode, EUIAlignment, EUIAspectRatioConstraint, EUIAutoSizeConstraintType, EUIDataProviderFieldType, EUIDefaultPenColor, EUIDockPaddingEvalType, EUIExtentEvalType, EUIListElementState, EUIOrientation, EUIWidgetFace
Inherited Enumerations from Core.Object
EAxis, EInputEvent, EInterpCurveMode, EInterpMethodType, ETickingGroup

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Engine.UIRoot
AutoSizeData, AutoSizePadding, DefaultEventSpecification, InputEventSubscription, InputKeyAction, PlayerInteractionData, RenderParameters, ScreenPositionRange, StateInputKeyAction, StyleReferenceId, STYLE_ID, TextAutoScaleValue, TextureCoordinates, UIAnchorPosition, UICombinedStyleData, UIDataStoreBinding, UIDockingNode, UIDockingSet, UIFocusPropagationData, UIImageAdjustmentData, UIImageStyleOverride, UIInputAliasClassMap, UIInputAliasMap, UIInputAliasStateMap, UIMouseBounds, UINavigationData, UIProviderFieldValue, UIProviderScriptFieldValue, UIRangeData, UIRenderingSubregion, UIRotation, UIScreenValue, UIScreenValue_AutoSizeRegion, UIScreenValue_Bounds, UIScreenValue_DockPadding, UIScreenValue_Extent, UIScreenValue_Position, UIStringCaretParameters, UIStringNodeModifier, UIStyleOverride, UIStyleReference, UIStyleSubscriberReference, UITextAttributes, UITextStyleOverride, WIDGET_ID
Inherited Structures from Core.Object
Box, BoxSphereBounds, Color, Cylinder, double, DynamicMap_Mirror, Guid, IndirectArray_Mirror, InterpCurveFloat, InterpCurvePointFloat, InterpCurvePointQuat, InterpCurvePointTwoVectors, InterpCurvePointVector, InterpCurvePointVector2D, InterpCurveQuat, InterpCurveTwoVectors, InterpCurveVector, InterpCurveVector2D, IntPoint, LinearColor, Map_Mirror, Matrix, MultiMap_Mirror, Plane, pointer, Quat, qword, RawDistribution, RenderCommandFence, Rotator, TextureMipBulkData_Mirror, ThreadSafeCounter, TPOV, TwoVectors, UntypedBulkData_Mirror, Vector, Vector2D, Vector4

Delegates Summary
delegate NotifyActiveSkinChanged ()
delegatetransient NotifyActiveStateChanged (UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex, UIState NewlyActiveState, optional UIState PreviouslyActiveState)
delegate NotifyPositionChanged (UIScreenObject Sender)
delegate NotifyResolutionChanged (const out Vector2D OldViewportsize, const out Vector2D NewViewportSize)
delegate NotifyVisibilityChanged (UIScreenObject SourceWidget, bool bIsVisible)
delegate OnPreRenderCallBack ()
delegatebool OnProcessInputAxis (const out SubscribedInputEventParameters EventParms)
delegatebool OnProcessInputKey (const out SubscribedInputEventParameters EventParms)
delegatebool OnRawInputAxis (const out InputEventParameters EventParms)
delegatebool OnRawInputKey (const out InputEventParameters EventParms)

Functions Summary
functionbool AcceptsPlayerInput (int PlayerIndex ) con)
function ActivateEventByClass (int PlayerIndex, class<UIEvent> EventClassToActivate, optional Object InEventActivator, optional bool bActivateImmediately, optional array<int> IndicesToActivate, optional out array<UIEvent> out_ActivatedEvents)
functionbool ActivateState (UIState StateToActivate, int PlayerIndex)
functionbool ActivateStateByClass (class<UIState> StateToActivate, int PlayerIndex, optional out UIState StateThatWasAdded)
event AddedChild (UIScreenObject WidgetOwner, UIObject NewChild)
functionbool CanAcceptFocus (optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() ) con)
functionbool CanPlayOnline (int ControllerId=GetBestControllerId()))
functionbool CanPropagateFocusFor (UIObject TestChild ) con)
functionVector4 CanvasToScreen (const out Vector CanvasPosition ) con)
functionbool ConditionalPropagateEnabledState (int PlayerIndex, optional bool bForce)
functionbool ContainsChild (UIObject Child, optional bool bRecurse=true ) con)
functionbool ContainsChildOfClass (class<UIObject> SearchClass, optional bool bRecurse=true ) con)
function CreatePlayerData (int PlayerIndex, LocalPlayer AddedPlayer)
functionUIObject CreateWidget (UIScreenObject Owner, class<UIObject> WidgetClass, optional Object WidgetArchetype, optional name WidgetName)
functionbool DeactivateState (UIState StateToRemove, int PlayerIndex)
functionbool DeactivateStateByClass (class<UIState> StateToRemove, int PlayerIndex, optional out UIState StateThatWasRemoved)
functionVector DeProject (const out Vector PixelPosition ) con)
event DisablePlayerInput (byte PlayerIndex, optional bool bRecurse=true ))
functionbool DisableWidget (int PlayerIndex ))
event EnablePlayerInput (byte PlayerIndex, optional bool bRecurse=true ))
functionbool EnableWidget (int PlayerIndex ))
functionUIObject FindChild (name WidgetName, optional bool bRecurse ) con)
functionint FindChildIndex (name WidgetName ) con)
functionUIObject FindChildUsingID (WIDGET_ID WidgetID, optional bool bRecurse ) con)
function FindEventsOfClass (class<UIEvent> EventClassToFind, out array<UIEvent> out_EventInstances, optional UIState LimitScope, optional bool bExactClass)
functionbool FocusFirstControl (UIScreenObject Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex())
functionbool FocusLastControl (UIScreenObject Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex())
functionint GetActivePlayerCount ()
functionfloat GetAspectRatioAutoScaleFactor (optional Font BaseFont ) con)
functionint GetBestControllerId ()))
functionint GetBestPlayerIndex () con)
functionfloat GetBounds (EUIOrientation Dimension, EPositionEvalType OutputType=EVALPOS_None, optional bool bIgnoreDockPadding) con)
functionmatrix GetCanvasToScreen () con)
functionarray<UIObjectGetChildren (optional bool bRecurse, optional array ExclusionSet ) con)
functionUIState GetCurrentState (INT PlayerIndex=INDEX_NONE)
function GetDockedWidgets (out array<UIObject> out_DockedWidgets, optional EUIWidgetFace SourceFace=UIFACE_MAX, optional EUIWidgetFace TargetFace=UIFACE_MAX ) con)
functionUIObject GetFocusedControl (optional bool bRecurse, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() ) con)
functionMatrix GetInverseCanvasToScreen () con)
functionUIObject GetLastFocusedControl (optional bool bRecurse, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() ) con)
functionELoginStatus GetLoginStatus (int ControllerId=INDEX_NONE))
functionENATType GetNATType ()))
functionint GetObjectCount () con)
functionUIScreenObject GetParent ()
functionLocalPlayer GetPlayerOwner (optional int PlayerIndex=INDEX_NONE)
functionfloat GetPosition (EUIWidgetFace Face, EPositionEvalType OutputType=EVALPOS_None, optional bool bZeroOrigin, optional bool bIgnoreDockPadding ) con)
functionvector GetPositionVector (optional bool bIncludeParentPosition=true ) con)
functionint GetSupportedPlayerCount ()
event GetSupportedUIActionKeyNames (out array<Name> out_KeyNames)
functionfloat GetViewportHeight () con)
functionbool GetViewportOffset (out Vector2D out_ViewportOffset ) con)
functionbool GetViewportOrigin (out Vector2D out_ViewportOrigin ) con)
functionfloat GetViewportScale () con)
functionbool GetViewportSize (out Vector2D out_ViewportSize ) con)
functionfloat GetViewportWidth () con)
functionstring GetWidgetPathName ()
functionbool HasActiveStateOfClass (class<UIState> StateClass, int PlayerIndex, optional out int StateIndex)
functionbool HasLinkConnection ()))
function Initialize (UIScene inOwnerScene, optional UIObject inOwner)
event Initialized ()
function InitializePlayerTracking ()
functionint InsertChild (UIObject NewChild, optional int InsertIndex = INDEX_NONE, optional bool bRenameExisting=true)
functionbool IsActive (optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() ) con)
functionbool IsEnabled (optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex(), optional bool bCheckOwnerChain=true ) con)
functionbool IsFocused (optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() ) con)
functionbool IsHidden ()))
functionbool IsHoldingAlt (int ControllerId)
functionbool IsHoldingCtrl (int ControllerId)
functionbool IsHoldingShift (int ControllerId)
functionbool IsInitialized ()
eventbool IsLoggedIn (optional int ControllerId=INDEX_NONE, optional bool bRequireOnlineLogin ))
functionbool IsNeverFocused () con)
functionbool IsPressed (optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() ) con)
functionbool IsVisible ()))
functionbool KillFocus (UIScreenObject Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex())
function LogCurrentState (int Indent ))
functionbool NavigateFocus (UIScreenObject Sender, EUIWidgetFace Direction, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex())
functionbool NextControl (UIScreenObject Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex())
function OnChangeVisibility (UIAction_ChangeVisibility Action ))
function OnConsoleCommand (UIAction_ConsoleCommand Action ))
function OnSetControllerId (UIAction_SetControllerId Action ))
function OnShowAchievementsUI (UIAction_ShowAchievementsUI Action))
function OnShowContentMarketplaceUI (UIAction_ShowContentMarketplaceUI Action))
function OnShowFeedbackUI (UIAction_ShowFeedbackUI Action))
function OnShowFriendInviteUI (UIAction_ShowFriendInviteUI Action))
function OnShowFriendsUI (UIAction_ShowFriendsUI Action))
function OnShowGamerCardUI (UIAction_ShowGamerCardUI Action))
function OnShowMembershipMarketplaceUI (UIAction_ShowMembershipMarketplaceUI Action))
function OnShowMessagesUI (UIAction_ShowMessagesUI Action))
function OnShowPlayersUI (UIAction_ShowPlayersUI Action))
function OverrideLastFocusedControl (int PlayerIndex, UIObject ChildToFocus)
functionVector PixelToCanvas (const out Vector2D PixelPosition ) con)
functionVector4 PixelToScreen (const out Vector2D PixelPosition ) con)
functionbool PlayUISound (name SoundCueName, optional int PlayerIndex=0)
event PostInitialize ()
functionbool PrevControl (UIScreenObject Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex())
function PrivateSetVisibility (bool bVisible ))
functionVector Project (const out Vector CanvasPosition ) con)
function RebuildNavigationLinks ()
functionbool RemoveChild (UIObject ExistingChild, optional array<UIObject> ExclusionSet)
functionarray<UIObjectRemoveChildren (array<UIObject> ChildrenToRemove)
event RemovedChild (UIScreenObject WidgetOwner, UIObject OldChild, optional array<UIObject> ExclusionSet)
event RemovedFromParent (UIScreenObject WidgetOwner)
function RemovePlayerData (int PlayerIndex, LocalPlayer RemovedPlayer)
functionbool ReplaceChild (UIObject ExistingChild, UIObject NewChild)
function RequestFormattingUpdate ()
function RequestPrimitiveReview (bool bReinitializePrimitives, bool bReviewPrimitiveUsage)
function RequestSceneUpdate (bool bDockingStackChanged, bool bPositionsChanged, bool bNavLinksOutdated=FALSE, bool bWidgetStylesChanged=FALSE)
functionVector ScreenToCanvas (const out Vector4 ScreenPosition ) con)
functionVector2D ScreenToPixel (const out Vector4 ScreenPosition ) con)
functionbool SetEnabled (bool bEnabled, int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex())
functionbool SetFocus (UIScreenObject Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex())
functionbool SetFocusToChild (optional UIObject ChildToFocus, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex())
event SetInputMask (byte NewInputMask, optional bool bRecurse=true ))
function SetPosition (float NewValue, EUIWidgetFace Face, EPositionEvalType InputType=EVALPOS_PixelOwner, optional bool bZeroOrigin)
event SetVisibility (bool bIsVisible ))
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIRoot
<, =, ConvertWidgetIDToString, GetCurrentUIController, GetCursorPosition, GetCursorSize, GetDataStoreFieldValue, GetDataStoreStringValue, GetFaceOrientation, GetPrimitiveTransform, GetSceneClient, IsConsole, SetDataStoreFieldValue, SetDataStoreStringValue, SetMouseCaptureOverride
Inherited Functions from Core.Object
!, !=, $, $=, %, &, &&, *, **, *=, +, ++, +=, -, --, -=, / , /=, <, <<, <=, ==, >, >=, >>, >>>, @, @=, Abs, Acos, Asc, Asin, Atan, BeginState, ByteToFloat, Caps, Chr, Clamp, ClampLength, ClampRotAxis, ClassIsChildOf, ClearConfig, ClockwiseFrom, ColorToLinearColor, ContinuedState, Cos, Cross, Disable, Dot, DumpStateStack, DynamicLoadObject, Enable, EndState, Exp, FClamp, FCubicInterp, FindDeltaAngle, FindObject, FInterpEaseIn, FInterpEaseInOut, FInterpEaseOut, FInterpTo, FloatToByte, FMax, FMin, FPctByRange, FRand, GetAngularDegreesFromRadians, GetAngularDistance, GetAngularFromDotDist, GetAxes, GetDotDistance, GetEnum, GetFuncName, GetHeadingAngle, GetNetFuncName, GetPackageName, GetPerObjectConfigSections, GetRangePctByValue, GetRangeValueByPct, GetSpecialValue, GetStateName, GetUnAxes, GotoState, InStr, IsA, IsChildState, IsInState, IsNetScript, IsPendingKill, IsUTracing, IsZero, JoinArray, Left, Len, Lerp, Localize, Locs, Loge, LogInternal, MakeColor, MakeLinearColor, Max, Mid, Min, MirrorVectorByNormal, Normal, Normalize, NormalizeRotAxis, OrthoRotation, ParseStringIntoArray, PathName, PausedState, PointDistToLine, PointDistToPlane, PointInBox, PoppedState, PopState, ProjectOnTo, PushedState, PushState, QuatDot, QuatFindBetween, QuatFromAxisAndAngle, QuatFromRotator, QuatInvert, QuatProduct, QuatRotateVector, QuatSlerp, QuatToRotator, Rand, RandRange, RDiff, Repl, Right, RInterpTo, RLerp, RotRand, Round, RSize, RSmerp, SaveConfig, SClampRotAxis, ScriptTrace, SetSpecialValue, SetUTracing, Sin, Split, Sqrt, Square, StaticClearConfig, StaticSaveConfig, Tan, TimeStamp, ToHex, TransformVectorByRotation, UnwindHeading, vect2d, VInterpTo, VLerp, VRand, VSize, VSize2D, VSizeSq, VSizeSq2D, VSmerp, WarnInternal, ^, ^^, |, ||, ~, ~=

Variables Detail

bInitialized Source code

var transient bool bInitialized;
Indicates whether this widget has been initialized. Set from UUIScene/UUIObject::Initialize, immediately after the base version of Initialized has been called, but before Initialize() has been called on the children of the widget.

bSupports3DPrimitives Source code

var const bool bSupports3DPrimitives;
Indicates whether this widget uses 3D primitives.

Children Source code

var protected noimport array<UIObject> Children;
list of UIObjects which are owned by this UIObject

DefaultStates Source code

var const array<class<UIState>> DefaultStates;
The states that should exist in this widget's InactiveStates array by default. When the widget is initialized, the InactiveStates array is iterated through, and if there are no states in the InactiveStates array that have a class matching a DefaultState, a new UIState object of that class is instanced and placed into the InactiveStates array.

EventProvider Source code

var UIComp_Event EventProvider;

FocusControls Source code

var transient const array<PlayerInteractionData> FocusControls;
The children of this widget that are in special states (i.e. focused control, last focused control, etc.) Each element of this array corresponds to the player at the same array index in the Engine.GamePlayers array.

InitialState Source code

var class<UIState> InitialState;
Specifies the UIState that this widget will automatically enter when it is initialized.

StateStack Source code

var transient const array<UIState> StateStack;
stack of states this widget is currently using


bNeverFocus Source code

var(Focus) bool bNeverFocus;
Indicates that this widget should never become the focused control; does not prevent children of this widget from receiving focus (that must be done by calling SetPrivateBehavior(PRIVATE_NotFocusable,true))

FocusPropagation Source code

var(Focus) transient array<UIFocusPropagationData> FocusPropagation;
Determines which children of this widget should receive focus when this widget receives focus. Each element of this array corresponds to the player at the same array index in the Engine.GamePlayers array.


bHidden Source code

var(Presentation) private bool bHidden;
Controls whether the screen object is visible

Opacity Source code

var(Presentation) float Opacity;
the opacity of the object

Position Source code

var(Presentation) UIScreenValue_Bounds Position;
The location of this screen object

ZDepth Source code

var(Presentation) float ZDepth;
Controls how the widget is sorted by the rendering code; higher values push the widget "away" from the screen, while lower values bring the widget "closer" to the screen


FocusedCue Source code

var(Sound) name FocusedCue;
this sound is played when this widget becomes the focused control

MouseEnterCue Source code

var(Sound) name MouseEnterCue;
this sound is played when this widget becomes the active control

NavigateDownCue Source code

var(Sound) name NavigateDownCue;
this sound is played when this widget has a navigate down event

NavigateLeftCue Source code

var(Sound) name NavigateLeftCue;
this sound is played when this widget has a navigate left event

NavigateRightCue Source code

var(Sound) name NavigateRightCue;
this sound is played when this widget has a navigate right event

NavigateUpCue Source code

var(Sound) name NavigateUpCue;
this sound is played when this widget has a navigate up event


PlayerInputMask Source code

var(Splitscreen) byte PlayerInputMask;
A bitmask representing the player indexes that this control will process input for, where the value is generated by left bitshifting by the index of the player. A value of 255 indicates that this control will process input from all players. A value of 1 << 1 indicate that only input from player at index 1 will be acccepted, etc. So value of 3 means that this control processes input from players at indexes 0 and 1. Input from player indexes that do not match the mask will be ignored.


InactiveStates Source code

var(States) const instanced array<UIState> InactiveStates;
list of states that this screen object can enter

Delegates Detail

NotifyActiveSkinChanged Source code

delegate NotifyActiveSkinChanged ( )
Called when the currently active skin has been changed. Reapplies this widget's style and propagates the notification to all children. @note: this delegate is only called if it is actually assigned to a member function.

NotifyActiveStateChanged Source code

delegate transient NotifyActiveStateChanged ( UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex, UIState NewlyActiveState, optional UIState PreviouslyActiveState )
Called when a new UIState becomes the widget's currently active state, after all activation logic has occurred.
@param Sender the widget that changed states.
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the GamePlayers array] for the player that activated this state.
@param NewlyActiveState the state that is now active
@param PreviouslyActiveState the state that used the be the widget's currently active state.

NotifyPositionChanged Source code

delegate NotifyPositionChanged ( UIScreenObject Sender )
Called whenever this object changes its position

NotifyResolutionChanged Source code

delegate NotifyResolutionChanged ( const out Vector2D OldViewportsize, const out Vector2D NewViewportSize )
Called when the viewport rendering this widget's scene is resized.
@param OldViewportSize the previous size of the viewport
@param NewViewportSize the new size of the viewport

NotifyVisibilityChanged Source code

delegate NotifyVisibilityChanged ( UIScreenObject SourceWidget, bool bIsVisible )
Allows others to receive a notification when this widget's visibility status changes.
@param SourceWidget the widget that changed visibility status
@param bIsVisible whether this widget is now visible.

OnPreRenderCallBack Source code

delegate OnPreRenderCallBack ( )
If set, this delegate will be called as directly before rendering

OnProcessInputAxis Source code

delegate bool OnProcessInputAxis ( const out SubscribedInputEventParameters EventParms )
Provides a hook for unrealscript to respond to input using UI input aliases (i.e. Clicked, NextControl, etc.) Called when an input axis event is received which this widget responds to and is in the correct state to process. The axis and states widgets receive input for is managed through the UI editor's key binding dialog (F8). This delegate is called AFTER kismet is given a chance to process the input, but BEFORE any native code processes the input.
@param EventParms information about the input event, including the name of the input alias associated with the current key name (Tab, Space, etc.), event type (Pressed, Released, etc.) and modifier keys (Ctrl, Alt)
@return TRUE to indicate that this input key was processed; no further processing will occur on this input key event.

OnProcessInputKey Source code

delegate bool OnProcessInputKey ( const out SubscribedInputEventParameters EventParms )
Provides a hook for unrealscript to respond to input using UI input aliases (i.e. Clicked, NextControl, etc.) Called when an input key event is received which this widget responds to and is in the correct state to process. The keys and states widgets receive input for is managed through the UI editor's key binding dialog (F8). This delegate is called AFTER kismet is given a chance to process the input, but BEFORE any native code processes the input.
@param EventParms information about the input event, including the name of the input alias associated with the current key name (Tab, Space, etc.), event type (Pressed, Released, etc.) and modifier keys (Ctrl, Alt)
@return TRUE to indicate that this input key was processed; no further processing will occur on this input key event.

OnRawInputAxis Source code

delegate bool OnRawInputAxis ( const out InputEventParameters EventParms )
Provides a hook for unrealscript to respond to input using UI input aliases (i.e. Left, Tab, etc.) Called when an input axis event is received which this widget responds to and is in the correct state to process. The axis and states widgets receive input for is managed through the UI editor's key binding dialog (F8). This delegate is called BEFORE kismet is given a chance to process the input.
@param EventParms information about the input event.
@return TRUE to indicate that this input key was processed; no further processing will occur on this input key event.

OnRawInputKey Source code

delegate bool OnRawInputKey ( const out InputEventParameters EventParms )
Provides a hook for unrealscript to respond to input using actual input key names (i.e. Left, Tab, etc.) Called when an input key event is received which this widget responds to and is in the correct state to process. The keys and states widgets receive input for is managed through the UI editor's key binding dialog (F8). This delegate is called BEFORE kismet is given a chance to process the input.
@param EventParms information about the input event.
@return TRUE to indicate that this input key was processed; no further processing will occur on this input key event.

Functions Detail

AcceptsPlayerInput Source code

native final const function bool AcceptsPlayerInput ( int PlayerIndex ) con )
Determines whether this widget can accept input from the player specified
@param PlayerIndex the index of the player to check
@return TRUE if this widget's PlayerInputMask allows it to process input from the specified player.

ActivateEventByClass Source code

native final noexport function ActivateEventByClass ( int PlayerIndex, class<UIEvent> EventClassToActivate, optional Object InEventActivator, optional bool bActivateImmediately, optional array<int> IndicesToActivate, optional out array<UIEvent> out_ActivatedEvents )
Activate the event of the specified class.
@param PlayerIndex the index of the player that activated this event
@param EventClassToActivate specifies the event class that should be activated. If there is more than one instance of a particular event class in this screen object's list of events, all instances will be activated in the order in which they occur in the event provider's list.
@param InEventActivator an optional object that can be used for various purposes in UIEvents
@param bActivateImmediately TRUE to activate the event immediately, causing its output operations to also be processed immediately.
@param IndicesToActivate Indexes into this UIEvent's Output array to activate. If not specified, all output links will be activated
@param out_ActivatedEvents filled with the event instances that were activated.
@note: noexport because non-const optional arrays aren't exported correctly by the script compiler.

ActivateState Source code

native final virtual function bool ActivateState ( UIState StateToActivate, int PlayerIndex )
Adds the specified state to the screen object's StateStack.
@param StateToActivate the new state for the widget
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that generated this call
@return TRUE if the widget's state was successfully changed to the new state. FALSE if the widget couldn't change to the new state or the specified state already exists in the widget's list of active states

ActivateStateByClass Source code

native final noexport function bool ActivateStateByClass ( class<UIState> StateToActivate, int PlayerIndex, optional out UIState StateThatWasAdded )
Alternate version of ActivateState that activates the first state in the InactiveStates array with the specified class that isn't already in the StateStack

AddedChild Source code

event AddedChild ( UIScreenObject WidgetOwner, UIObject NewChild )
Called immediately after a child has been added to this screen object.
@param WidgetOwner the screen object that the NewChild was added as a child for
@param NewChild the widget that was added

CanAcceptFocus Source code

native const function bool CanAcceptFocus ( optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() ) con )
Determines whether this widget can become the focused control.
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player to check focus availability
@return TRUE if this widget (or any of its children) is capable of becoming the focused control.

CanPlayOnline Source code

function bool CanPlayOnline ( int ControllerId=GetBestControllerId()) )

@return Returns whether or not the specified player can play online.

CanPropagateFocusFor Source code

native final const function bool CanPropagateFocusFor ( UIObject TestChild ) con )
Determines whether this widget is allowed to propagate focus chains to and from the specified widget.
@param TestChild the widget to check
@return TRUE if the this widget is allowed to route the focus chain through TestChild.

CanvasToScreen Source code

native final const function Vector4 CanvasToScreen ( const out Vector CanvasPosition ) con )
Transforms a vector from canvas (widget local) space into screen (D3D device) space
@param CanvasPosition a vector representing a location in widget local space.
@return a vector representing that location in screen space.

ConditionalPropagateEnabledState Source code

native final virtual function bool ConditionalPropagateEnabledState ( int PlayerIndex, optional bool bForce )
Propagates the enabled state of this widget to its child widgets, if the widget has the PRIVATE_PropageteState flag set.
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that generated this call
@param bForce specify TRUE to propagate the enabled state even if this widget doesn't have the PropagateState flag set.
@return TRUE if child widget states were set successfully.

ContainsChild Source code

native final const function bool ContainsChild ( UIObject Child, optional bool bRecurse=true ) con )
Returns whether this screen object contains the specified child in its list of children.
@param Child the child to look for
@param bRecurse whether to search child widgets for the specified child. if this value is FALSE, only the Children array of this screen object will be searched for Child.
@return TRUE if Child is contained by this screen object

ContainsChildOfClass Source code

native final const function bool ContainsChildOfClass ( class<UIObject> SearchClass, optional bool bRecurse=true ) con )
Returns whether this screen object contains a child of the specified class.
@param SearchClass the class to search for.
@param bRecurse indicates whether to search child widgets. if this value is FALSE, only the Children array of this screen object will be searched for instances of SearchClass.
@return TRUE if Child is contained by this screen object

CreatePlayerData Source code

native final virtual function CreatePlayerData ( int PlayerIndex, LocalPlayer AddedPlayer )
Called when a new player has been added to the list of active players (i.e. split-screen join) after the scene has been activated.
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the GamePlayers array] where the player was inserted
@param AddedPlayer the player that was added

CreateWidget Source code

native final function UIObject CreateWidget ( UIScreenObject Owner, class<UIObject> WidgetClass, optional Object WidgetArchetype, optional name WidgetName )
Utility function for encapsulating constructing a widget
@param Owner the container for the widget. Cannot be none
@param WidgetClass the class of the widget to create. Cannot be none.
@param WidgetArchetype the template to use for creating the widget
@param WidgetName the name to use for the new widget

DeactivateState Source code

native final virtual function bool DeactivateState ( UIState StateToRemove, int PlayerIndex )
Removes the specified state from the screen object's state stack.
@param StateToRemove the state to be removed
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that generated this call
@return TRUE if the state was successfully removed, or if the state didn't exist in the widget's list of states; false if the state overrode the request to be removed

DeactivateStateByClass Source code

native final noexport function bool DeactivateStateByClass ( class<UIState> StateToRemove, int PlayerIndex, optional out UIState StateThatWasRemoved )
Alternate version of DeactivateState that deactivates the last state in the StateStack array that has the specified class.

DeProject Source code

native final const function Vector DeProject ( const out Vector PixelPosition ) con )
Converts an absolute pixel position into 3D screen coordinates.
@param PixelPosition the position of the 2D point, in pixels
@return a position tranformed using this widget's rotation and the scene client's projection matrix.

DisablePlayerInput Source code

final event DisablePlayerInput ( byte PlayerIndex, optional bool bRecurse=true ) )
Disables input processing in this widget for the player located at the specified index of the Engine.GamePlayers array. If this control is no longer masking any players (i.e. the new PlayerInputMask would be 0), the input mask will be reset to allow input from any player.
@param GamepadIndex the gamepad that this control should no longer respond to input for.
@param bRecurse propagate the new input mask to all children of this control.

DisableWidget Source code

final function bool DisableWidget ( int PlayerIndex ) )

EnablePlayerInput Source code

final event EnablePlayerInput ( byte PlayerIndex, optional bool bRecurse=true ) )
Enables input processing in this widget for the player located at the specified index of the Engine.GamePlayers array. If this control is not currently masking input (i.e. its PlayerInputMask is 255), the input mask will be set to only allow input from the player index specified.
@param PlayerIndex the index of the player that this control should now respond to input for.
@param bRecurse propagate the new input mask to all children of this control.

EnableWidget Source code

final function bool EnableWidget ( int PlayerIndex ) )
wrapper for enabling/disabling widgets

FindChild Source code

native final const function UIObject FindChild ( name WidgetName, optional bool bRecurse ) con )
Find a child widget with the specified name
@param WidgetName the name of the child to find
@param bRecurse if TRUE, searches all children of this object recursively
@return a pointer to a widget contained by this object that has the specified name, or NULL if no widgets with that name were found

FindChildIndex Source code

native final const function int FindChildIndex ( name WidgetName ) con )
Find the index for the child widget with the specified name
@param WidgetName the name of the child to find
@return the index into the array of children for the widget that has the specified name, or -1 if there aren't any widgets with that name.

FindChildUsingID Source code

native final const function UIObject FindChildUsingID ( WIDGET_ID WidgetID, optional bool bRecurse ) con )
Find a child widget with the specified GUID
@param WidgetID the ID(GUID) of the child to find
@param bRecurse if TRUE, searches all children of this object recursively
@return a pointer to a widget contained by this object that has the specified GUID, or NULL if no widgets with that name were found

FindEventsOfClass Source code

native final function FindEventsOfClass ( class<UIEvent> EventClassToFind, out array<UIEvent> out_EventInstances, optional UIState LimitScope, optional bool bExactClass )
Finds UIEvent instances of the specified class.
@param EventClassToFind specifies the event class to search for.
@param out_EventInstances an array that will contain the list of event instances of the specified class.
@param LimitScope if specified, only events contained by the specified state's sequence will be returned.
@param bExactClass if TRUE, only events that have the class specified will be found. Otherwise, events of that class or any of its child classes will be found.

FocusFirstControl Source code

native function bool FocusFirstControl ( UIScreenObject Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() )
Sets focus to the first focus target within this container.
@param Sender the widget that generated the focus change. if NULL, this widget generated the focus change.
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that generated the focus change.
@return TRUE if focus was successfully propagated to the first focus target within this container.

FocusLastControl Source code

native function bool FocusLastControl ( UIScreenObject Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() )
Sets focus to the last focus target within this container.
@param Sender the widget that generated the focus change. if NULL, this widget generated the focus change.
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that generated the focus change.
@return TRUE if focus was successfully propagated to the last focus target within this container.

GetActivePlayerCount Source code

native static final noexport function int GetActivePlayerCount ( )
Returns the number of active split-screen players.

GetAspectRatioAutoScaleFactor Source code

native final const function float GetAspectRatioAutoScaleFactor ( optional Font BaseFont ) con )
Calculate the correct scaling factor to use for preserving aspect ratios in e.g. string and image formatting.
@param BaseFont if specified, a font which can provide a "base" resolution for the scale; otherwise, uses the values of the DFEAULT_SIZE_X/Y consts as the base resolution.
@param a float representing the aspect ratio percentage to use for scaling fonts and images.

GetBestControllerId Source code

function int GetBestControllerId ( ) )

@return the ControllerId for this widget's owner scene's PlayerOwner, or the player that the owning scene last received input from. If the owning scene is NULL, the PlayerOwner is NULL, and no input has been received, returns INDEX_NONE.

GetBestPlayerIndex Source code

native final const function int GetBestPlayerIndex ( ) con )
Returns the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that this widget's owner scene last received input from, or INDEX_NONE if the scene is NULL or hasn't received any input from players yet.

GetBounds Source code

native final const function float GetBounds ( EUIOrientation Dimension, EPositionEvalType OutputType=EVALPOS_None, optional bool bIgnoreDockPadding) con )
Returns the width or height for this widget
@param Dimension UIORIENT_Horizontal to get the width, UIORIENT_Vertical to get the height
@param OutputType indicates the format of the returnedvalue
@param bIgnoreDockPadding used to prevent recursion when evaluting docking links

GetCanvasToScreen Source code

native final const function matrix GetCanvasToScreen ( ) con )
Returns a matrix which includes the scene client's CanvasToScreen matrix and this widget's tranform matrix.

GetChildren Source code

native final noexport const function array<UIObject> GetChildren ( optional bool bRecurse, optional array<UIObject> ExclusionSet ) con )
Gets a list of all children contained in this screen object.
@param bRecurse if FALSE, result will only contain widgets from this screen object's Children array if TRUE, result will contain all children of this screen object, including their children.
@param ExclusionSet if specified, any widgets contained in this array will not be added to the output array.
@return an array of widgets contained by this screen object.
@note: noexport because non-const optional arrays aren't exported correctly by the script compiler.

GetCurrentState Source code

native final function UIState GetCurrentState ( INT PlayerIndex=INDEX_NONE )
Gets the current UIState of this screen object
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that generated this call

GetDockedWidgets Source code

native final const function GetDockedWidgets ( out array<UIObject> out_DockedWidgets, optional EUIWidgetFace SourceFace=UIFACE_MAX, optional EUIWidgetFace TargetFace=UIFACE_MAX ) con )
Generates a list of all widgets which are docked to this one.
@param out_DockedWidgets receives the list of widgets which are docked to this one
@param SourceFace if specified, only widgets which are docked to this one through the specified face will be considered
@param TargetFace if specified, only widgets which are docked to the specified face on this widget will be considered

GetFocusedControl Source code

native final const function UIObject GetFocusedControl ( optional bool bRecurse, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() ) con )
Retrieves the child of this widget which is current focused.
@param bRecurse if TRUE, returns the inner-most focused widget; i.e. the widget at the end of the focus chain
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that generated the focus change.
@return a pointer to the child (either direct or indirect) widget which is in the focused state and is the focused control for its parent widget, or NULL if this widget doesn't have a focused control.

GetInverseCanvasToScreen Source code

native final const function Matrix GetInverseCanvasToScreen ( ) con )
Returns the inverse of the canvas to screen matrix.

GetLastFocusedControl Source code

native final const function UIObject GetLastFocusedControl ( optional bool bRecurse, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() ) con )
Retrieves the child of this widget which last had focus.
@param bRecurse if TRUE, returns the inner-most previously focused widget; i.e. the widget at the end of the focus chain
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that generated the focus change.
@return a pointer to the child (either direct or indirect) widget which was previously the focused control for its parent, or NULL if this widget doesn't have a LastFocusedControl

GetLoginStatus Source code

function ELoginStatus GetLoginStatus ( int ControllerId=INDEX_NONE) )

@return Returns the current login status for the specified controller id.

GetNATType Source code

function ENATType GetNATType ( ) )
Wrapper for getting the NAT type

GetObjectCount Source code

native final const function int GetObjectCount ( ) con )
Returns the number of UIObjects owned by this UIScreenObject, recursively
@return the number of widgets (including this one) contained by this widget, including all child widgets

GetParent Source code

function UIScreenObject GetParent ( )
Returns the scene or widget that contains this widget in its Children array.

GetPlayerOwner Source code

native final function LocalPlayer GetPlayerOwner ( optional int PlayerIndex=INDEX_NONE )
Retrieves a reference to a LocalPlayer.
@param PlayerIndex if specified, returns the player at this index in the GamePlayers array. Otherwise, returns the player associated with the owner scene.
@return the player that owns this scene or is located in the specified index of the GamePlayers array.

GetPosition Source code

native final const function float GetPosition ( EUIWidgetFace Face, EPositionEvalType OutputType=EVALPOS_None, optional bool bZeroOrigin, optional bool bIgnoreDockPadding ) con )

@Returns the Position of a given face for this widget
@param Face indicates which face to change the position for
@param OutputType indicates the format of the returnedvalue EVALPOS_None: NewValue will be considered to be in whichever format is configured as the ScaleType for the specified face EVALPOS_PercentageOwner: EVALPOS_PercentageScene: EVALPOS_PercentageViewport: Indicates that return value is between 0.0 and 1.0, which represents the percentage of the corresponding base's actual size. EVALPOS_PixelOwner EVALPOS_PixelScene EVALPOS_PixelViewport Indicates that return value is an actual pixel value, relative to the corresponding base.
@param bIgnoreDockPadding used to prevent recursion when evaluting docking links

GetPositionVector Source code

native final const function vector GetPositionVector ( optional bool bIncludeParentPosition=true ) con )
Returns this widget's absolute normalized screen position as a vector.
@param bIncludeParentPosition if TRUE, coordinates returned will be absolute (relative to the viewport origin); if FALSE returned coordinates will be relative to the owning widget's upper left corner, if applicable.

GetSupportedPlayerCount Source code

native final function int GetSupportedPlayerCount ( )
Returns the maximum number of players that could potentially generate input for this scene. If the owning scene's input mode is INPUTMODE_Free, will correspond to the maximum number of simultaneous gamepads supported by this platform; otherwise, the number of active players.

GetSupportedUIActionKeyNames Source code

event GetSupportedUIActionKeyNames ( out array<Name> out_KeyNames )
Allow Script to add UI Actions

GetViewportHeight Source code

native final const function float GetViewportHeight ( ) con )
Retrieves the height of the viewport this widget uses for rendering.

GetViewportOffset Source code

native final const function bool GetViewportOffset ( out Vector2D out_ViewportOffset ) con )
Retrieves the virtual viewport offset for the viewport which renders this widget's scene. Only relevant in the UI editor; non-zero if the user has panned or zoomed the viewport.
@param out_ViewportOffset [out] will be filled in with the delta between the viewport's actual origin and virtual origin.
@return TRUE if the viewport origin was successfully retrieved

GetViewportOrigin Source code

native final const function bool GetViewportOrigin ( out Vector2D out_ViewportOrigin ) con )
Retrieves the virtual origin of the viewport that this widget is rendered within. See additional comments in UISceneClient In the game, this will be non-zero if Scene is for split-screen and isn't for the first player. In the editor, this will be equal to the value of the gutter region around the viewport.
@param out_ViewportOrigin [out] will be filled in with the origin point for the viewport that owns this screen object
@return TRUE if the viewport origin was successfully retrieved

GetViewportScale Source code

native final const function float GetViewportScale ( ) con )
Retrieves the scale factor for the viewport which renders this widget's scene. Only relevant in the UI editor.

GetViewportSize Source code

native final const function bool GetViewportSize ( out Vector2D out_ViewportSize ) con )
Retrieves the viewport size, accounting for split-screen.
@param out_ViewportSize [out] will be filled in with the width & height of the viewport that owns this screen object
@return TRUE if the viewport size was successfully retrieved

GetViewportWidth Source code

native final const function float GetViewportWidth ( ) con )
Retrieves the width of the viewport this widget uses for rendering.

GetWidgetPathName Source code

native final noexport function string GetWidgetPathName ( )
Returns a string representation of this widget's hierarchy. i.e. SomeScene.SomeContainer.SomeWidget

HasActiveStateOfClass Source code

native final noexport function bool HasActiveStateOfClass ( class<UIState> StateClass, int PlayerIndex, optional out int StateIndex )
Determine whether there are any active states of the specified class
@param StateClass the class to search for
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that generated this call
@param StateIndex if specified, will be set to the index of the last state in the list of active states that has the class specified
@return TRUE if there is at least one active state of the class specified

HasLinkConnection Source code

function bool HasLinkConnection ( ) )

@return Returns the current status of the platform's network connection.

Initialize Source code

native final virtual function Initialize ( UIScene inOwnerScene, optional UIObject inOwner )
Perform all initialization for this widget. Called on all widgets when a scene is opened, once the scene has been completely initialized. For widgets added at runtime, called after the widget has been inserted into its parent's list of children.
@param inOwnerScene the scene to add this widget to.
@param inOwner the container widget that will contain this widget. Will be NULL if the widget is being added to the scene's list of children.

Initialized Source code

event Initialized ( )
Called once this screen object has been completely initialized, before it has called Initialize on its children.

InitializePlayerTracking Source code

native final virtual function InitializePlayerTracking ( )
Sets up the focus, input, and any other arrays which contain data that tracked uniquely for each active player. Ensures that the arrays responsible for managing focus chains are synched up with the Engine.GamePlayers array.

InsertChild Source code

native function int InsertChild ( UIObject NewChild, optional int InsertIndex = INDEX_NONE, optional bool bRenameExisting=true )
Insert a widget at the specified location
@param NewChild the widget to insert
@param InsertIndex the position to insert the widget. If not specified, the widget is insert at the end of the list
@param bRenameExisting controls what happens if there is another widget in this widget's Children list with the same tag as NewChild. if TRUE, renames the existing widget giving a unique transient name. if FALSE, does not add NewChild to the list and returns FALSE.
@return the position that that the child was inserted in, or INDEX_NONE if the widget was not inserted

IsActive Source code

native final noexport const function bool IsActive ( optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() ) con )
Returns TRUE if this widget has a UIState_Active object in its StateStack
@param PlayerIndex the index of the player to check

IsEnabled Source code

native final noexport const function bool IsEnabled ( optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex(), optional bool bCheckOwnerChain=true ) con )
Returns TRUE if this widget has a UIState_Enabled object in its StateStack
@param PlayerIndex the index of the player to check
@param bCheckOwnerChain by default, the owner chain is checked as well; specify FALSE to override this behavior.

IsFocused Source code

native final noexport const function bool IsFocused ( optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() ) con )
Returns TRUE if this widget has a UIState_Focused object in its StateStack
@param PlayerIndex the index of the player to check

IsHidden Source code

final function bool IsHidden ( ) )
Accessor for private variable
@returns true if this object is hidden

IsHoldingAlt Source code

native final virtual function bool IsHoldingAlt ( int ControllerId )
Returns TRUE if the player associated with the specified ControllerId is holding the Alt key @fixme - doesn't currently respect the value of ControllerId

IsHoldingCtrl Source code

native final virtual function bool IsHoldingCtrl ( int ControllerId )
Returns TRUE if the player associated with the specified ControllerId is holding the Ctrl key @fixme - doesn't currently respect the value of ControllerId

IsHoldingShift Source code

native final virtual function bool IsHoldingShift ( int ControllerId )
Returns TRUE if the player associated with the specified ControllerId is holding the Shift key @fixme - doesn't currently respect the value of ControllerId

IsInitialized Source code

native final noexport function bool IsInitialized ( )
Returns whether this screen object has been initialized.

IsLoggedIn Source code

event bool IsLoggedIn ( optional int ControllerId=INDEX_NONE, optional bool bRequireOnlineLogin ) )

@return Returns whether or not the player with the specified controller id is logged in

IsNeverFocused Source code

native final const function bool IsNeverFocused ( ) con )
Getter for bNeverFocus

IsPressed Source code

native final noexport const function bool IsPressed ( optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() ) con )
Returns TRUE if this widget has a UIState_Pressed object in its StateStack
@param PlayerIndex the index of the player to check

IsVisible Source code

final function bool IsVisible ( ) )
Accessor for private variable
@returns true if this object is visible

KillFocus Source code

native function bool KillFocus ( UIScreenObject Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() )
Deactivates the focused state for this widget.
@param Sender the control that called KillFocus.
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that generated the focus change.

LogCurrentState Source code

function LogCurrentState ( int Indent ) )

NavigateFocus Source code

native function bool NavigateFocus ( UIScreenObject Sender, EUIWidgetFace Direction, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() )
Sets focus to the widget bound to the navigation link for specified direction of the Sender. This function is used for navigation between controls in scenes that support unbound (i.e. any direction) navigation.
@param Sender Control that called NavigateFocus. Possible values are: - if NULL is specified, it indicates that this is the first step in a focus change. The widget will attempt to set focus to its most eligible child widget. If there are no eligible child widgets, this widget will enter the focused state and start propagating the focus chain back up through the Owner chain by calling SetFocus on its Owner widget. - if Sender is the widget's owner, it indicates that we are in the middle of a focus change. Everything else proceeds the same as if the value for Sender was NULL. - if Sender is a child of this widget, it indicates that focus has been successfully changed, and the focus is now being propagated upwards. This widget will now enter the focused state and continue propagating the focus chain upwards through the owner chain.
@param Direction the direction to navigate focus.
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that generated the focus change.
@return TRUE if the next child widget in the navigation network for the specified direction successfully received focus.

NextControl Source code

native function bool NextControl ( UIScreenObject Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() )
Sets focus to the next control in the tab order (relative to Sender) for widget. If Sender is the last control in the tab order, propagates the call upwards to this widget's parent widget.
@param Sender the widget to use as the base for determining which control to focus next
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that generated the focus change.
@return TRUE if we successfully set focus to the next control in tab order. FALSE if Sender was the last eligible child of this widget or we couldn't otherwise set focus to another control.

OnChangeVisibility Source code

function OnChangeVisibility ( UIAction_ChangeVisibility Action ) )
Kismet Action Handlers

OnConsoleCommand Source code

function OnConsoleCommand ( UIAction_ConsoleCommand Action ) )

OnSetControllerId Source code

function OnSetControllerId ( UIAction_SetControllerId Action ) )
Handler function for the SetControllerId action.

OnShowAchievementsUI Source code

function OnShowAchievementsUI ( UIAction_ShowAchievementsUI Action) )
Displays the achievements UI
@param Action used to determine which player is requesting the action

OnShowContentMarketplaceUI Source code

function OnShowContentMarketplaceUI ( UIAction_ShowContentMarketplaceUI Action) )
Displays the marketplace UI
@param Action used to determine which player is requesting the action

OnShowFeedbackUI Source code

function OnShowFeedbackUI ( UIAction_ShowFeedbackUI Action) )
Displays the feedback UI
@param Action used to determine which player is requesting the action

OnShowFriendInviteUI Source code

function OnShowFriendInviteUI ( UIAction_ShowFriendInviteUI Action) )
Displays the friends invite UI
@param Action ignored

OnShowFriendsUI Source code

function OnShowFriendsUI ( UIAction_ShowFriendsUI Action) )
Displays the friends UI
@param Action used to determine which player is requesting the action

OnShowGamerCardUI Source code

function OnShowGamerCardUI ( UIAction_ShowGamerCardUI Action) )
Displays the gamercard UI
@param Action used to determine which player is requesting the action

OnShowMembershipMarketplaceUI Source code

function OnShowMembershipMarketplaceUI ( UIAction_ShowMembershipMarketplaceUI Action) )
Displays the marketplace UI
@param Action used to determine which player is requesting the action

OnShowMessagesUI Source code

function OnShowMessagesUI ( UIAction_ShowMessagesUI Action) )
Displays the messages UI
@param Action used to determine which player is requesting the action

OnShowPlayersUI Source code

function OnShowPlayersUI ( UIAction_ShowPlayersUI Action) )
Displays the players UI
@param Action used to determine which player is requesting the action

OverrideLastFocusedControl Source code

native final function OverrideLastFocusedControl ( int PlayerIndex, UIObject ChildToFocus )
Manually sets the last focused control for this widget; only necessary in cases where a particular child should be given focus but this widget (me) doesn't currently have focus. Setting the last focused control to the ChildToFocus will make it so that ChildToFocus is given focus the next time this widget does.

PixelToCanvas Source code

native final const function Vector PixelToCanvas ( const out Vector2D PixelPosition ) con )
Transforms a 2D screen coordinate into this widget's local space in canvas coordinates. In other words, converts a screen point into what that point would be on this widget if this widget wasn't rotated.
@param PixelPosition the position of the 2D point; a value from 0 - size of the viewport.
@return a 2D screen coordinate corresponding to where PixelPosition would be if this widget was not rotated.

PixelToScreen Source code

native final const function Vector4 PixelToScreen ( const out Vector2D PixelPosition ) con )
Transforms a vector from pixel (viewport pixels) space into screen (D3D device) space
@param PixelPosition a vector representing a location in viewport pixel space
@return a vector representing that location in screen space.

PlayUISound Source code

native static final noexport function bool PlayUISound ( name SoundCueName, optional int PlayerIndex=0 )
Plays the sound cue associated with the specified name; simple wrapper for UIInteraction.PlayUISound
@param SoundCueName the name of the UISoundCue to play; should corresond to one of the values of the UISoundCueNames array.
@param PlayerIndex allows the caller to indicate which player controller should be used to play the sound cue. For the most part, all sounds can be played by the first player, regardless of who generated the play sound event.
@return TRUE if the sound cue specified was found in the currently active skin, even if there was no actual USoundCue associated with that UISoundCue.
@note: noexport because the native version is a static method of UUIScreenObject

PostInitialize Source code

event PostInitialize ( )
Called after this screen object's children have been initialized

PrevControl Source code

native function bool PrevControl ( UIScreenObject Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() )
Sets focus to the previous control in the tab order (relative to Sender) for widget. If Sender is the first control in the tab order, propagates the call upwards to this widget's parent widget.
@param Sender the widget to use as the base for determining which control to focus next
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that generated the focus change.
@return TRUE if we successfully set focus to the previous control in tab order. FALSE if Sender was the first eligible child of this widget or we couldn't otherwise set focus to another control.

PrivateSetVisibility Source code

final private function PrivateSetVisibility ( bool bVisible ) )
Changes this widget's visibility. Do not change this method to be public - if you need to bypass overrides of SetVisibility, use the Super/Super(UIScreenObject) syntax.
@param bVisible specify FALSE to hide the widget.

Project Source code

native final const function Vector Project ( const out Vector CanvasPosition ) con )
Converts a coordinate from this widget's local space (that is, tranformed by the widget's rotation) into a 2D viewport location, in pixels.
@param CanvasPosition a vector representing a location in widget local space.
@return a coordinate representing a point on the screen in pixel space

RebuildNavigationLinks Source code

native function RebuildNavigationLinks ( )
Immediately rebuilds the navigation links between the children of this screen object and recalculates the child that should be the first & last focused control.

RemoveChild Source code

native final noexport function bool RemoveChild ( UIObject ExistingChild, optional array<UIObject> ExclusionSet )
Remove an existing child widget from this widget's children
@param ExistingChild the widget to remove
@param ExclusionSet used to indicate that multiple widgets are being removed in one batch; useful for preventing references between the widgets being removed from being severed.
@return TRUE if the child was successfully removed from the list, or if the child was not contained by this widget FALSE if the child could not be removed from this widget's child list.
@note: noexport because non-const optional arrays aren't exported correctly by the script compiler.

RemoveChildren Source code

native final function array<UIObject> RemoveChildren ( array<UIObject> ChildrenToRemove )
Removes a group of children from this widget's Children array. All removal notifications are delayed until all children have been removed; useful for removing a group of child widgets without destroying the references between them.
@param ChildrenToRemove the list of child widgets to remove
@return a list of children that could not be removed; if the return array is emtpy, all children were successfully removed.

RemovedChild Source code

event RemovedChild ( UIScreenObject WidgetOwner, UIObject OldChild, optional array<UIObject> ExclusionSet )
Called immediately after a child has been removed from this screen object.
@param WidgetOwner the screen object that the widget was removed from.
@param OldChild the widget that was removed
@param ExclusionSet used to indicate that multiple widgets are being removed in one batch; useful for preventing references between the widgets being removed from being severed. NOTE: If a value is specified, OldChild will ALWAYS be part of the ExclusionSet, since it is being removed.

RemovedFromParent Source code

event RemovedFromParent ( UIScreenObject WidgetOwner )
Notification that this widget's parent is about to remove this widget from its children array. Allows the widget to clean up any references to the old parent.
@param WidgetOwner the screen object that this widget was removed from.

RemovePlayerData Source code

native final virtual function RemovePlayerData ( int PlayerIndex, LocalPlayer RemovedPlayer )
Called when a player has been removed from the list of active players (i.e. split-screen players)
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the GamePlayers array] where the player was located
@param RemovedPlayer the player that was removed

ReplaceChild Source code

native final function bool ReplaceChild ( UIObject ExistingChild, UIObject NewChild )
Replace an existing child widget with the specified widget.
@param ExistingChild the widget to remove
@param NewChild the widget to replace ExistingChild with
@return TRUE if the ExistingChild was successfully replaced with the specified NewChild; FALSE otherwise.

RequestFormattingUpdate Source code

native final noexport function RequestFormattingUpdate ( )
Flag the scene to refresh all string formatting at the beginning of the next tick.

RequestPrimitiveReview Source code

native final noexport function RequestPrimitiveReview ( bool bReinitializePrimitives, bool bReviewPrimitiveUsage )
Notifies the owning UIScene that the primitive usage in this scene has changed and sets flags in the scene to indicate that 3D primitives have been added or removed.
@param bReinitializePrimitives specify TRUE to have the scene detach all primitives and reinitialize the primitives for the widgets which have them. Normally TRUE if we have ADDED a new child to the scene which supports primitives.
@param bReviewPrimitiveUsage specify TRUE to have the scene re-evaluate whether its bUsesPrimitives flag should be set. Normally TRUE if a child which supports primitives has been REMOVED.

RequestSceneUpdate Source code

native final noexport function RequestSceneUpdate ( bool bDockingStackChanged, bool bPositionsChanged, bool bNavLinksOutdated=FALSE, bool bWidgetStylesChanged=FALSE )
Tell the scene that it needs to be udpated
@param bDockingStackChanged if TRUE, the scene will rebuild its DockingStack at the beginning the next frame
@param bPositionsChanged if TRUE, the scene will update the positions for all its widgets at the beginning of the next frame
@param bNavLinksOutdated if TRUE, the scene will update the navigation links for all widgets at the beginning of the next frame
@param bWidgetStylesChanged if TRUE, the scene will refresh the widgets reapplying their current styles

ScreenToCanvas Source code

native final const function Vector ScreenToCanvas ( const out Vector4 ScreenPosition ) con )
Transforms a vector from screen (D3D device space) space into canvas (widget local) space
@param ScreenPosition a vector representing a location in screen space.
@return a vector representing that location in screen space.

ScreenToPixel Source code

native final const function Vector2D ScreenToPixel ( const out Vector4 ScreenPosition ) con )
Transforms a vector from screen (D3D device space) into pixel (viewport pixels) space.
@param ScreenPosition a vector representing a location in device space
@return a vector representing that location in pixel space.

SetEnabled Source code

native function bool SetEnabled ( bool bEnabled, int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() )
Attempts to set the object to the enabled/disabled state specified.
@param bEnabled Whether to enable or disable the widget.
@param PlayerIndex Player index to set the state for.
@return TRUE if the operation was successful, FALSE otherwise.

SetFocus Source code

native function bool SetFocus ( UIScreenObject Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() )
Activates the focused state for this widget and sets it to be the focused control of its parent (if applicable)
@param Sender Control that called SetFocus. Possible values are: - if NULL is specified, it indicates that this is the first step in a focus change. The widget will attempt to set focus to its most eligible child widget. If there are no eligible child widgets, this widget will enter the focused state and start propagating the focus chain back up through the Owner chain by calling SetFocus on its Owner widget. - if Sender is the widget's owner, it indicates that we are in the middle of a focus change. Everything else proceeds the same as if the value for Sender was NULL. - if Sender is a child of this widget, it indicates that focus has been successfully changed, and the focus is now being propagated upwards. This widget will now enter the focused state and continue propagating the focus chain upwards through the owner chain.
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that generated the focus change.

SetFocusToChild Source code

native function bool SetFocusToChild ( optional UIObject ChildToFocus, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() )
Sets focus to the specified child of this widget.
@param ChildToFocus the child to set focus to. If not specified, attempts to set focus to the most elibible child, as determined by navigation links and FocusPropagation values.
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that generated the focus change.

SetInputMask Source code

event SetInputMask ( byte NewInputMask, optional bool bRecurse=true ) )
Changes the player input mask for this control, which controls which players this control will accept input from.
@param NewInputMask the new mask that should be assigned to this control
@param bRecurse if TRUE, calls SetInputMask on all child controls as well.

SetPosition Source code

native final function SetPosition ( float NewValue, EUIWidgetFace Face, EPositionEvalType InputType=EVALPOS_PixelOwner, optional bool bZeroOrigin )
Changes this widget's position to the specified value for the specified face.
@param NewValue the new value (in pixels or percentage) to use
@param Face indicates which face to change the position for
@param InputType indicates the format of the input value EVALPOS_None: NewValue will be considered to be in whichever format is configured as the ScaleType for the specified face EVALPOS_PercentageOwner: EVALPOS_PercentageScene: EVALPOS_PercentageViewport: Indicates that NewValue is a value between 0.0 and 1.0, which represents the percentage of the corresponding base's actual size. EVALPOS_PixelOwner EVALPOS_PixelScene EVALPOS_PixelViewport Indicates that NewValue is an actual pixel value, relative to the corresponding base.
@param bZeroOrigin FALSE indicates that the value specified includes the origin offset of the viewport.

SetVisibility Source code

event SetVisibility ( bool bIsVisible ) )
Changes whether this widget is visible or not. Should be overridden in child classes to perform additional logic or abort the visibility change.
@param bIsVisible TRUE if the widget should be visible; false if not.



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