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within UIInteraction native ( UIPrivate ) config ( UI )

UISceneClient used when playing a game. Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.UIRoot
   +-- Engine.UISceneClient
      +-- Engine.GameUISceneClient

Direct Known Subclasses:


Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.UIRoot

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.UISceneClient
ActiveControl, ActiveSkin, bEnablePostProcess, CanvasToScreen, DataStoreManager, InvCanvasToScreen, MousePosition, OpacityParameter, OpacityParameterName, RenderViewport, UIScenePostProcess
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIRoot
CurrentMenuState, ModifierStack

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.UIRoot
EColumnHeaderState, EMaterialAdjustmentType, ENavigationLinkType, EPositionEvalType, ERotationAnchor, EScreenInputMode, ESplitscreenRenderMode, ETextAutoScaleMode, ETextClipMode, EUIAlignment, EUIAspectRatioConstraint, EUIAutoSizeConstraintType, EUIDataProviderFieldType, EUIDefaultPenColor, EUIDockPaddingEvalType, EUIExtentEvalType, EUIListElementState, EUIOrientation, EUIWidgetFace

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Engine.UIRoot
AutoSizeData, AutoSizePadding, DefaultEventSpecification, InputEventSubscription, InputKeyAction, PlayerInteractionData, RenderParameters, ScreenPositionRange, StateInputKeyAction, StyleReferenceId, STYLE_ID, TextAutoScaleValue, TextureCoordinates, UIAnchorPosition, UICombinedStyleData, UIDataStoreBinding, UIDockingNode, UIDockingSet, UIFocusPropagationData, UIImageAdjustmentData, UIImageStyleOverride, UIInputAliasClassMap, UIInputAliasMap, UIInputAliasStateMap, UIMouseBounds, UINavigationData, UIProviderFieldValue, UIProviderScriptFieldValue, UIRangeData, UIRenderingSubregion, UIRotation, UIScreenValue, UIScreenValue_AutoSizeRegion, UIScreenValue_Bounds, UIScreenValue_DockPadding, UIScreenValue_Extent, UIScreenValue_Position, UIStringCaretParameters, UIStringNodeModifier, UIStyleOverride, UIStyleReference, UIStyleSubscriberReference, UITextAttributes, UITextStyleOverride, WIDGET_ID

Functions Summary
functionUIAnimationSeq AnimLookupSequence (name SequenceName))
function AnimSubscribe (UIObject Target))
function AnimUnSubscribe (UIObject Target))
eventbool CanShowToolTips ()))
functionbool CanUnpauseInternalUI ()
function ClearMenuProgression ()))
function CloseMenu (name SceneName ))
event ConditionalPause (bool bDesiredPauseState ))
function CreateMenu (class<UIScene> SceneClass, optional int PlayerIndex=INDEX_NONE ))
functionUIScene CreateScene (class<UIScene> SceneClass, optional name SceneTag, optional UIScene SceneTemplate)
functionUIObject CreateTransientWidget (class<UIObject> WidgetClass, Name WidgetTag, optional UIObject Owner)
functionUIScene FindSceneByTag (name SceneTag, optional LocalPlayer SceneOwner ) con)
functionUIScene GetActiveScene ()))
functionWorldInfo.ENetMode GetCurrentNetMode ()
functionUIScene GetTransientScene () con)
function NotifyGameSessionEnded ()))
function NotifyLinkStatusChanged (bool bConnected ))
function NotifyOnlineServiceStatusChanged (EOnlineServerConnectionStatus NewConnectionStatus ))
function NotifyPlayerAdded (int PlayerIndex, LocalPlayer AddedPlayer ))
function NotifyPlayerRemoved (int PlayerIndex, LocalPlayer RemovedPlayer ))
function OpenMenu (string MenuPath, optional int PlayerIndex=INDEX_NONE ))
function RefreshFormatting ()))
function RequestCursorRenderUpdate ()
function RequestInputProcessingUpdate ()
function RestoreMenuProgression (optional UIScene BaseScene ))
function SaveMenuProgression ()))
functionbool SetActiveControl (UIObject NewActiveControl)
function ShowDataStoreField (string DataStoreMarkup ))
function ShowDataStores (optional bool bVerbose ))
function ShowDockingStacks ()))
function ShowMenuProgression ()))
function ShowMenuStates ()))
function ShowRenderBounds ()))
function ToggleDebugInput (optional bool bEnable=!bEnableDebugInput ))
Inherited Functions from Engine.UISceneClient
ChangeActiveSkin, ChangeMouseCursor, CloseScene, GetActiveScene, GetCanvasToScreen, GetInverseCanvasToScreen, InitializeScene, IsSceneInitialized, IsUIActive, OpenScene, SetMousePosition, UpdateCanvasToScreen
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIRoot
<, =, ConvertWidgetIDToString, GetCurrentUIController, GetCursorPosition, GetCursorSize, GetDataStoreFieldValue, GetDataStoreStringValue, GetFaceOrientation, GetPrimitiveTransform, GetSceneClient, IsConsole, SetDataStoreFieldValue, SetDataStoreStringValue, SetMouseCaptureOverride

Variables Detail

ActiveScenes Source code

var const transient array<UIScene> ActiveScenes;
the list of scenes currently open. A scene corresponds to a top-level UI construct, such as a menu or HUD There is always at least one scene in the stack - the transient scene. The transient scene is used as the container for all widgets created by unrealscript and is always rendered last.

AnimSequencePool Source code

var transient array<UIAnimationSeq> AnimSequencePool;
Holds a list of all available animations for an object

AnimSubscribers Source code

var transient array<UIObject> AnimSubscribers;
Holds a list of UIObjects that have animations being applied to them

bDisplayFullPaths Source code

var globalconfig bool bDisplayFullPaths;

bEnableDebugInput Source code

var config bool bEnableDebugInput;
Controls whether debug input commands are accepted

bInteractiveMode Source code

var globalconfig bool bInteractiveMode;

bKillRestoreMenuProgression Source code

var transient bool bKillRestoreMenuProgression;
Will halt the restoring of the menu progression

bRenderActiveControlInfo Source code

var globalconfig bool bRenderActiveControlInfo;
Controls whether debug information is rendered about the active control

bRenderCursor Source code

var const transient bool bRenderCursor;
Determines whether the cursor should be rendered. Set by UpdateMouseCursor()

bRenderDebugInfo Source code

var config bool bRenderDebugInfo;
Controls whether debug information about the scene is rendered

bRenderDebugInfoAtTop Source code

var globalconfig bool bRenderDebugInfoAtTop;
Controls whether debug information is rendered at the top or bottom of the screen

bRenderFocusedControlInfo Source code

var globalconfig bool bRenderFocusedControlInfo;
Controls whether debug information is rendered about the currently focused control

bRenderTargetControlInfo Source code

var globalconfig bool bRenderTargetControlInfo;
Controls whether debug information is rendered about the targeted control

bRestrictActiveControlToFocusedScene Source code

var config bool bRestrictActiveControlToFocusedScene;
Controls whether a widget can become the scene client's ActiveControl if it isn't in the top-most/focused scene. False allows widgets in background scenes to become the active control.

bSelectVisibleTargetsOnly Source code

var globalconfig bool bSelectVisibleTargetsOnly;
Controls whether a widget must be visible to become the debug target

bShowCurrentState Source code

var globalconfig bool bShowCurrentState;

bShowMousePos Source code

var globalconfig bool bShowMousePos;

bShowRenderBounds Source code

var globalconfig bool bShowRenderBounds;

bShowWidgetPath Source code

var globalconfig bool bShowWidgetPath;

bUpdateCursorRenderStatus Source code

var const transient bool bUpdateCursorRenderStatus;
Indicates that the input processing status of the UI has potentially changed; causes UpdateCursorRenderStatus to be called in the next Tick().

bUpdateInputProcessingStatus Source code

var const transient bool bUpdateInputProcessingStatus;
Indicates that the input processing status of the UI has potentially changed; causes UpdateInputProcessingStatus to be called in the next Tick().

CurrentMouseCursor Source code

var const transient UITexture CurrentMouseCursor;
The mouse cursor that is currently being used. Updated by scenes & widgets as they change states by calling ChangeMouseCursor.

DebugTarget Source code

var const transient UIScreenObject DebugTarget;
For debugging - the widget that is currently being watched.

DefaultUITexture[EUIDefaultPenColor] Source code

var const transient Texture DefaultUITexture[EUIDefaultPenColor];
Textures for general use by the UI

DoubleClickStartPosition Source code

var const transient IntPoint DoubleClickStartPosition;
The location of the mouse the last time a key press was received. Used to determine when to simulate a double-click event.

DoubleClickStartTime Source code

var const transient double DoubleClickStartTime;
The time (in seconds) that the last "key down" event was recieved from a key that can trigger double-click events

InitialPressedKeys Source code

var const transient native Map_Mirror InitialPressedKeys;
map of controllerID to list of keys which were pressed when the UI began processing input used to ignore the initial "release" key event from keys which were already pressed when the UI began processing input.

LatestDeltaTime Source code

var const transient float LatestDeltaTime;
Cached DeltaTime value from the last Tick() call

OverlaySceneAlphaModulation Source code

var config float OverlaySceneAlphaModulation;
A multiplier value (between 0.0 and 1.f) used for adjusting the transparency of scenes rendered behind scenes which have bRenderParentScenes set to TRUE. The final alpha used for rendering background scenes is cumulative.

Functions Detail

AnimLookupSequence Source code

function UIAnimationSeq AnimLookupSequence ( name SequenceName) )
Attempt to find an animation in the AnimSequencePool.
@Param SequenceName The sequence to find
@returns the sequence if it was found otherwise returns none

AnimSubscribe Source code

function AnimSubscribe ( UIObject Target) )
Subscribes a UIObject so that it will receive TickAnim calls

AnimUnSubscribe Source code

function AnimUnSubscribe ( UIObject Target) )
UnSubscribe a UIObject so that it will receive TickAnim calls

CanShowToolTips Source code

event bool CanShowToolTips ( ) )
Returns whether widget tooltips should be displayed.

CanUnpauseInternalUI Source code

native final function bool CanUnpauseInternalUI ( )
Callback which allows the UI to prevent unpausing if scenes which require pausing are still active. @see PlayerController.SetPause

ClearMenuProgression Source code

function ClearMenuProgression ( ) )
Clears out any existing stored menu progression values.

CloseMenu Source code

exec function CloseMenu ( name SceneName ) )

ConditionalPause Source code

event ConditionalPause ( bool bDesiredPauseState ) )
Toggles the game's paused state if it does not match the desired pause state.
@param bDesiredPauseState TRUE indicates that the game should be paused.

CreateMenu Source code

exec function CreateMenu ( class<UIScene> SceneClass, optional int PlayerIndex=INDEX_NONE ) )

CreateScene Source code

native final noexport coerce function UIScene CreateScene ( class<UIScene> SceneClass, optional name SceneTag, optional UIScene SceneTemplate )
Creates an instance of the scene class specified. Used to create scenes from unrealscript. Does not initialize the scene - you must call OpenScene, passing in the result of this function as the scene to be opened.
@param SceneClass the scene class to open
@param SceneTag if specified, the scene will be given this tag when created
@param SceneTemplate if specified, will be used as the template for the newly created scene if it is a subclass of SceneClass
@return a UIScene instance of the class specified

CreateTransientWidget Source code

native final coerce function UIObject CreateTransientWidget ( class<UIObject> WidgetClass, Name WidgetTag, optional UIObject Owner )
Create a temporary widget for presenting data from unrealscript
@param WidgetClass the widget class to create
@param WidgetTag the tag to assign to the widget.
@param Owner the UIObject that should contain the widget
@return a pointer to a fully initialized widget of the class specified, contained within the transient scene
@todo - add support for metacasting using a property flag (i.e. like spawn auto-casts the result to the appropriate type)

FindSceneByTag Source code

native final const function UIScene FindSceneByTag ( name SceneTag, optional LocalPlayer SceneOwner ) con )
Searches through the ActiveScenes array for a UIScene with the tag specified
@param SceneTag the name of the scene to locate
@param SceneOwner if specified, only scenes that have the specified SceneOwner will be considered.
@return pointer to the UIScene that has a SceneName matching SceneTag, or NULL if no scenes in the ActiveScenes stack have that name

GetActiveScene Source code

function UIScene GetActiveScene ( ) )
Returns the currently active scene

GetCurrentNetMode Source code

native static final function WorldInfo.ENetMode GetCurrentNetMode ( )

@return the current netmode, or NM_MAX if there is no valid world

GetTransientScene Source code

native final const function UIScene GetTransientScene ( ) con )
Get a reference to the transient scene, which is used to contain transient widgets that are created by unrealscript
@return pointer to the UIScene that owns transient widgets

NotifyGameSessionEnded Source code

function NotifyGameSessionEnded ( ) )
Called when the current map is being unloaded. Cleans up any references which would prevent garbage collection.

NotifyLinkStatusChanged Source code

function NotifyLinkStatusChanged ( bool bConnected ) )
Called when the status of the platform's network connection changes.

NotifyOnlineServiceStatusChanged Source code

function NotifyOnlineServiceStatusChanged ( EOnlineServerConnectionStatus NewConnectionStatus ) )
Called when a system level connection change notification occurs.
@param ConnectionStatus the new connection status.

NotifyPlayerAdded Source code

function NotifyPlayerAdded ( int PlayerIndex, LocalPlayer AddedPlayer ) )
Called when a new player has been added to the list of active players (i.e. split-screen join)
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the GamePlayers array] where the player was inserted
@param AddedPlayer the player that was added

NotifyPlayerRemoved Source code

function NotifyPlayerRemoved ( int PlayerIndex, LocalPlayer RemovedPlayer ) )
Called when a player has been removed from the list of active players (i.e. split-screen players)
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the GamePlayers array] where the player was located
@param RemovedPlayer the player that was removed

OpenMenu Source code

exec function OpenMenu ( string MenuPath, optional int PlayerIndex=INDEX_NONE ) )

RefreshFormatting Source code

exec function RefreshFormatting ( ) )

RequestCursorRenderUpdate Source code

native final function RequestCursorRenderUpdate ( )
Triggers a call to UpdateCursorRenderStatus on the next Tick().

RequestInputProcessingUpdate Source code

native final function RequestInputProcessingUpdate ( )
Triggers a call to UpdateInputProcessingStatus on the next Tick().

RestoreMenuProgression Source code

function RestoreMenuProgression ( optional UIScene BaseScene ) )
Re-opens the scenes which were saved off to the Registry data store. Should be called from your game's main front-end menu.
@param BaseScene the scene to use as the starting point for restoring scenes; if not specified, uses the currently active scene.

SaveMenuProgression Source code

function SaveMenuProgression ( ) )
Stores the list of currently active scenes which are restorable to the Registry data store for retrieval when returning back to the front end menus.

SetActiveControl Source code

native function bool SetActiveControl ( UIObject NewActiveControl )
Changes this scene client's ActiveControl to the specified value, which might be NULL. If there is already an ActiveControl
@param NewActiveControl the widget that should become to ActiveControl, or NULL to clear the ActiveControl.
@return TRUE if the ActiveControl was updated successfully.

ShowDataStoreField Source code

exec function ShowDataStoreField ( string DataStoreMarkup ) )

ShowDataStores Source code

exec function ShowDataStores ( optional bool bVerbose ) )
Debug console command for dumping all registered data stores to the log
@param bFullDump specify TRUE to show detailed information about each registered data store.

ShowDockingStacks Source code

exec function ShowDockingStacks ( ) )

ShowMenuProgression Source code

exec function ShowMenuProgression ( ) )

ShowMenuStates Source code

exec function ShowMenuStates ( ) )

ShowRenderBounds Source code

exec function ShowRenderBounds ( ) )

ToggleDebugInput Source code

exec function ToggleDebugInput ( optional bool bEnable=!bEnableDebugInput ) )



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