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native implements ( Test0002_InterfaceNative )

Part of the unrealscript execution and compilation regression framework. Native class for testing and regressing issues with native unrealscript classes. Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved

+-- UnrealScriptTest.Test0010_NativeObject

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Core.Object
DegToRad, INDEX_NONE, MaxInt, Pi, RadToDeg

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Core.Object
Class, HashNext, HashOuterNext, Linker, LinkerIndex, Name, NetIndex, ObjectArchetype, ObjectFlags, ObjectInternalInteger, Outer, StateFrame, VfTableObject

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Core.Object
EAxis, EInputEvent, EInterpCurveMode, EInterpMethodType, ETickingGroup

Structures Summary
IntNoCtor, StringArrayNeedCtor
FloatNoCtor, StringArrayNeedCtor, StringNeedCtor, IntNoCtor
StringNeedCtor, IntNoCtor, InterfaceVar
MyFirstInt, MyFirstFloat, MyFirstString
MyInt, MyFloat, MyStrings[5]
Foo1, Foo2, Foo3
Inherited Structures from Core.Object
Box, BoxSphereBounds, Color, Cylinder, double, DynamicMap_Mirror, Guid, IndirectArray_Mirror, InterpCurveFloat, InterpCurvePointFloat, InterpCurvePointQuat, InterpCurvePointTwoVectors, InterpCurvePointVector, InterpCurvePointVector2D, InterpCurveQuat, InterpCurveTwoVectors, InterpCurveVector, InterpCurveVector2D, IntPoint, LinearColor, Map_Mirror, Matrix, MultiMap_Mirror, Plane, pointer, Quat, qword, RawDistribution, RenderCommandFence, Rotator, TextureMipBulkData_Mirror, ThreadSafeCounter, TPOV, TwoVectors, UntypedBulkData_Mirror, Vector, Vector2D, Vector4

Functions Summary
function PerformNativeTest (int TestNumber)
event Test01_CallEventWithStruct (NoCtorProps NoCtor, ConstructorStructString StringParm, ConstructorStructArray ArrayParm, ConstructorStructCombo ComboParm, bool PaddingBool ))
function Test02_PassNativeInterfaceToNativeFunction (Test0002_InterfaceNative InterfaceParm)
event Test03_CallEventWithNativeInterface (Test0002_InterfaceNative InterfaceParm ))
event Test05_StructInheritance ()))
event Test06_InterfaceToObjectConversions ()))
event TestInterfaceEvent (object ObjParam ))
function TestInterfaceObject_OutParmCompatibility (out Object out_Object, out Test0002_InterfaceNative out_Interface ))
function TestNativeFunction (bool bBoolParm)
function TestObjectToInterfaceConversions ()))
function VerifyConversionFromInterfaceToObjectAsNativeParm (Object InObject, int DummyInt)
Inherited Functions from Core.Object
!, !=, $, $=, %, &, &&, *, **, *=, +, ++, +=, -, --, -=, / , /=, <, <<, <=, ==, >, >=, >>, >>>, @, @=, Abs, Acos, Asc, Asin, Atan, BeginState, ByteToFloat, Caps, Chr, Clamp, ClampLength, ClampRotAxis, ClassIsChildOf, ClearConfig, ClockwiseFrom, ColorToLinearColor, ContinuedState, Cos, Cross, Disable, Dot, DumpStateStack, DynamicLoadObject, Enable, EndState, Exp, FClamp, FCubicInterp, FindDeltaAngle, FindObject, FInterpEaseIn, FInterpEaseInOut, FInterpEaseOut, FInterpTo, FloatToByte, FMax, FMin, FPctByRange, FRand, GetAngularDegreesFromRadians, GetAngularDistance, GetAngularFromDotDist, GetAxes, GetDotDistance, GetEnum, GetFuncName, GetHeadingAngle, GetNetFuncName, GetPackageName, GetPerObjectConfigSections, GetRangePctByValue, GetRangeValueByPct, GetSpecialValue, GetStateName, GetUnAxes, GotoState, InStr, IsA, IsChildState, IsInState, IsNetScript, IsPendingKill, IsUTracing, IsZero, JoinArray, Left, Len, Lerp, Localize, Locs, Loge, LogInternal, MakeColor, MakeLinearColor, Max, Mid, Min, MirrorVectorByNormal, Normal, Normalize, NormalizeRotAxis, OrthoRotation, ParseStringIntoArray, PathName, PausedState, PointDistToLine, PointDistToPlane, PointInBox, PoppedState, PopState, ProjectOnTo, PushedState, PushState, QuatDot, QuatFindBetween, QuatFromAxisAndAngle, QuatFromRotator, QuatInvert, QuatProduct, QuatRotateVector, QuatSlerp, QuatToRotator, Rand, RandRange, RDiff, Repl, Right, RInterpTo, RLerp, RotRand, Round, RSize, RSmerp, SaveConfig, SClampRotAxis, ScriptTrace, SetSpecialValue, SetUTracing, Sin, Split, Sqrt, Square, StaticClearConfig, StaticSaveConfig, Tan, TimeStamp, ToHex, TransformVectorByRotation, UnwindHeading, vect2d, VInterpTo, VLerp, VRand, VSize, VSize2D, VSizeSq, VSizeSq2D, VSmerp, WarnInternal, ^, ^^, |, ||, ~, ~=

Variables Detail

DefaultArrayStruct Source code

var ConstructorStructArray DefaultArrayStruct;

DefaultComboStruct Source code

var ConstructorStructCombo DefaultComboStruct;

DefaultStringStruct Source code

var ConstructorStructString DefaultStringStruct;

InterfaceArray Source code

var array<Test0002_InterfaceNative> InterfaceArray;

InterfaceMember Source code

var Test0002_InterfaceNative InterfaceMember;

MyArray Source code

var array<MyStruct> MyArray;

Structures Detail

ConstructorStructArray Source code

struct native ConstructorStructArray
var int IntNoCtor;
var array<string> StringArrayNeedCtor;

ConstructorStructCombo Source code

struct native ConstructorStructCombo
var float FloatNoCtor;
var int IntNoCtor;
var array<string> StringArrayNeedCtor;
var string StringNeedCtor;

ConstructorStructString Source code

struct native ConstructorStructString
var Test0002_InterfaceNative InterfaceVar;
var int IntNoCtor;
var string StringNeedCtor;

MyFirstStruct Source code

struct MyFirstStruct
var float MyFirstFloat;
var int MyFirstInt;
var string MyFirstString;
This struct is for testing a bug with struct inheritance

MyStruct Source code

struct MyStruct extends MyFirstStruct
var float MyFloat;
var int MyInt;
var string MyStrings[5];

NoCtorProps Source code

struct NoCtorProps
var int Foo1;
var bool Foo2;
var float Foo3;

Functions Detail

PerformNativeTest Source code

native final function PerformNativeTest ( int TestNumber )

Test01_CallEventWithStruct Source code

event Test01_CallEventWithStruct ( NoCtorProps NoCtor, ConstructorStructString StringParm, ConstructorStructArray ArrayParm, ConstructorStructCombo ComboParm, bool PaddingBool ) )

Test02_PassNativeInterfaceToNativeFunction Source code

native final function Test02_PassNativeInterfaceToNativeFunction ( Test0002_InterfaceNative InterfaceParm )

Test03_CallEventWithNativeInterface Source code

event Test03_CallEventWithNativeInterface ( Test0002_InterfaceNative InterfaceParm ) )

Test05_StructInheritance Source code

event Test05_StructInheritance ( ) )
using primitiveCast instead of InterfaceCast, resolving to InterfaceToBool, rather than InterfaceToString execInterfaceToBool execInstanceVariable

Test06_InterfaceToObjectConversions Source code

event Test06_InterfaceToObjectConversions ( ) )

TestInterfaceEvent Source code

event TestInterfaceEvent ( object ObjParam ) )

TestInterfaceObject_OutParmCompatibility Source code

function TestInterfaceObject_OutParmCompatibility ( out Object out_Object, out Test0002_InterfaceNative out_Interface ) )

TestNativeFunction Source code

native function TestNativeFunction ( bool bBoolParm )

TestObjectToInterfaceConversions Source code

function TestObjectToInterfaceConversions ( ) )

VerifyConversionFromInterfaceToObjectAsNativeParm Source code

native final function VerifyConversionFromInterfaceToObjectAsNativeParm ( Object InObject, int DummyInt )
this method exists to verify that passing an interface variable as the value for an object parameter of a native function works correctly. The value of DummyInt will be a pointer value if this test fails



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