Unreal II
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Developed by Legend Entertainment
Produced by Epic GamesPublished by Atari

ESRB - RP - Rating Pending

Unreal II


Game Play

The Unreal II single player game is mission based - each combat mission features a different type of tactical situation, including assault with a squad of friendly troops, base defense, hostage rescue, civilian escort, stealth infiltration, and the traditional FPS search and destroy sorties. Opponents include a bestiary of strange alien creatures as well as human and humanoid soldiers and mercenaries.

Between missions the player will return to the orbiting Atlantis to find out about the next mission, research items picked up during the previous mission (such as new weapons), interact with fellow crew members, catch up on the story, and re-arm for the next sortie.

In addition to the story-driven missions, players will be able to ascend through three single player tournament ladders consisting of multiplayer levels populated with bots. All of these levels are also available for multiplayer action on the Internet or over a LAN. In the new expanded multiplayer game, player teams will fight for control of planet surfaces and alien artifacts using nanotechnology replicators to build ever more sophisticated weapons such as automated gun turrets, force fields, sensors, recon and repair robots, and more. Players will choose one of three player classes at the beginning of play - class selection establishes a balance of speed, special abilities, armor, and firepower. All races, abilities, weapons, equipment, and tactics will have precedents in the single player game - but the expanded multiplayer experience brings everything together at the same time.

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