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native ( UIPrivate ) hidecategories ( Object , UIScreenObject , UIObject , Focus , Presentation , Splitscreen , States ) notplaceable

This component when integrated into a widget allows for scrolling the contents of the widget, i.e. UIList. UIScrollbar has built-in functionality to autoposition itself within the owner widget depending on its orientation Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.UIRoot
   +-- Engine.UIScreenObject
      +-- Engine.UIObject
         +-- Engine.UIScrollbar

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.UIObject

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIObject
AnimationParent, AnimationPosition, AnimStack, bDebugShowBounds, bEnableActiveCursorUpdates, bSupportsPrimaryStyle, ContextMenuData, DebugBoundsColor, DockTargets, NavigationTargets, Owner, OwnerScene, PrimaryStyle, PrivateFlags, RenderBoundsVertices[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], RenderBounds[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], RenderOffset, Rotation, StyleSubscribers, TabIndex, ToolTip, WidgetID, WidgetTag
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIScreenObject
bHidden, bInitialized, bNeverFocus, bSupports3DPrimitives, Children, DefaultStates, EventProvider, FocusControls, FocusedCue, FocusPropagation, InactiveStates, InitialState, MouseEnterCue, NavigateDownCue, NavigateLeftCue, NavigateRightCue, NavigateUpCue, Opacity, PlayerInputMask, Position, StateStack, ZDepth

Delegates Summary
delegate OnClickedScrollZone (UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionPerc, int PlayerIndex)
delegatebool OnScrollActivity (UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionChange, optional bool bPositionMaxed=false)
Inherited Delegates from Engine.UIObject
OnClicked, OnCloseContextMenu, OnContextMenuItemSelected, OnCreate, OnDoubleClick, OnOpenContextMenu, OnPressed, OnPressRelease, OnPressRepeat, OnQueryToolTip, OnRefreshSubscriberValue, OnUIAnimEnd, OnValueChanged
Inherited Delegates from Engine.UIScreenObject
NotifyActiveSkinChanged, NotifyActiveStateChanged, NotifyPositionChanged, NotifyResolutionChanged, NotifyVisibilityChanged, OnPreRenderCallBack, OnProcessInputAxis, OnProcessInputKey, OnRawInputAxis, OnRawInputKey

Functions Summary
function DragScroll (UIScrollbarMarkerButton Sender, int PlayerIndex)
function DragScrollBegin (UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex)
function DragScrollEnd (UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex)
function EnableCornerPadding (bool FlagValue)
functionfloat GetMarkerButtonPosition () con)
functionfloat GetMarkerPosPercent ()))
functionfloat GetMarkerSizePercent ()))
functionfloat GetNudgePercent ()))
functionfloat GetNudgeValue ()))
functionfloat GetScrollZoneExtent (optional out float ScrollZoneStart ) con)
functionfloat GetScrollZoneWidth () con)
event Initialized ()))
event PostInitialize ()))
function ScrollDecrement (UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex)
function ScrollIncrement (UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex)
function SetMarkerPosition (float PositionPercentage)
function SetMarkerSize (float SizePercentage)
function SetNudgeSizePercent (float NudgePercentage)
function SetNudgeSizePixels (float NudgePixels)
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIObject
AddStyleSubscriber, AnimSetBottom, AnimSetColor, AnimSetLeft, AnimSetOpacity, AnimSetPosition, AnimSetRelPosition, AnimSetRight, AnimSetRotation, AnimSetScale, AnimSetTop, AnimSetVisibility, CanAcceptFocus, ClearDefaultDataBinding, ClearUIAnimation, FindStyleSubscriberIndex, FindStyleSubscriberIndexById, GenerateSceneDataStoreMarkup, GenerateTransformMatrix, GetAnchorPosition, GetDefaultDataBinding, GetDefaultDataStores, GetOwner, GetParent, GetPositionExtent, GetPositionExtents, GetRotationMatrix, GetScene, GetToolTipValue, HasTransform, IsContainedBy, IsDockedTo, IsPrivateBehaviorSet, LogRenderBounds, NeedsActiveCursorUpdates, NotifyValueChanged, OnSetDatastoreBinding, PlayUIAnimation, RemoveStyleSubscriber, ResolveDefaultDataBinding, ResolveStyles, RotateWidget, SetActiveCursorUpdate, SetAnchorPosition, SetDefaultDataBinding, SetDockPadding, SetDockParameters, SetDockTarget, SetForcedNavigationTarget, SetNavigationTarget, SetPrivateBehavior, SetWidgetStyleByName, StopUIAnimation, TickAnim, UIAnimEnd, UpdateRotationMatrix
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIScreenObject
AcceptsPlayerInput, ActivateEventByClass, ActivateState, ActivateStateByClass, AddedChild, CanAcceptFocus, CanPlayOnline, CanPropagateFocusFor, CanvasToScreen, ConditionalPropagateEnabledState, ContainsChild, ContainsChildOfClass, CreatePlayerData, CreateWidget, DeactivateState, DeactivateStateByClass, DeProject, DisablePlayerInput, DisableWidget, EnablePlayerInput, EnableWidget, FindChild, FindChildIndex, FindChildUsingID, FindEventsOfClass, FocusFirstControl, FocusLastControl, GetActivePlayerCount, GetAspectRatioAutoScaleFactor, GetBestControllerId, GetBestPlayerIndex, GetBounds, GetCanvasToScreen, GetChildren, GetCurrentState, GetDockedWidgets, GetFocusedControl, GetInverseCanvasToScreen, GetLastFocusedControl, GetLoginStatus, GetNATType, GetObjectCount, GetParent, GetPlayerOwner, GetPosition, GetPositionVector, GetSupportedPlayerCount, GetSupportedUIActionKeyNames, GetViewportHeight, GetViewportOffset, GetViewportOrigin, GetViewportScale, GetViewportSize, GetViewportWidth, GetWidgetPathName, HasActiveStateOfClass, HasLinkConnection, Initialize, Initialized, InitializePlayerTracking, InsertChild, IsActive, IsEnabled, IsFocused, IsHidden, IsHoldingAlt, IsHoldingCtrl, IsHoldingShift, IsInitialized, IsLoggedIn, IsNeverFocused, IsPressed, IsVisible, KillFocus, LogCurrentState, NavigateFocus, NextControl, OnChangeVisibility, OnConsoleCommand, OnSetControllerId, OnShowAchievementsUI, OnShowContentMarketplaceUI, OnShowFeedbackUI, OnShowFriendInviteUI, OnShowFriendsUI, OnShowGamerCardUI, OnShowMembershipMarketplaceUI, OnShowMessagesUI, OnShowPlayersUI, OverrideLastFocusedControl, PixelToCanvas, PixelToScreen, PlayUISound, PostInitialize, PrevControl, PrivateSetVisibility, Project, RebuildNavigationLinks, RemoveChild, RemoveChildren, RemovedChild, RemovedFromParent, RemovePlayerData, ReplaceChild, RequestFormattingUpdate, RequestPrimitiveReview, RequestSceneUpdate, ScreenToCanvas, ScreenToPixel, SetEnabled, SetFocus, SetFocusToChild, SetInputMask, SetPosition, SetVisibility

Variables Detail

bInitializeMarker Source code

var private transient bool bInitializeMarker;
A private flag indicating that the marker needs to be repositioned and resized to the bounds of the uiscrollbar

DecrementButton Source code

var private const UIScrollbarButton DecrementButton;

DecrementStyle Source code

var private UIStyleReference DecrementStyle;

IncrementButton Source code

var private const UIScrollbarButton IncrementButton;
Buttons that can be used to increment and decrement the marker of the scrollbar.

IncrementStyle Source code

var private UIStyleReference IncrementStyle;
The styles used for the increment, decrement and marker buttons

MarkerButton Source code

var private const UIScrollbarMarkerButton MarkerButton;
The marker which can be manipulated to change the value of the scrollbar

MarkerPosPercent Source code

var private transient float MarkerPosPercent;

MarkerSizePercent Source code

var private transient float MarkerSizePercent;

MarkerStyle Source code

var private UIStyleReference MarkerStyle;

MousePosition Source code

var transient UIScreenValue_Position MousePosition;
The current position of the mouse cursor, used in dragging handling

MousePositionDelta Source code

var private transient float MousePositionDelta;
The accumulated mouse position delta during dragging. The change in mouse position is accumulated until it is greater than the nudge value, at which point it will then call the OnScrollActivity delegate to move the content.

NudgePercent Source code

var private transient float NudgePercent;
Values which store current state of the scrollbar's marker

NudgeValue Source code

var private transient float NudgeValue;
The nudge value indicates how much marker movement will cause one position update "tick", value is stored in pixels. It can be set to 1 as is the case with the UIScrollframe, or it can be evaluated based on some percentage of the total available size as is the case with the UIList


BackgroundImageComponent Source code

var(Image) editinline const noclear UIComp_DrawImage BackgroundImageComponent;
Component for rendering the background image


bAddCornerPadding Source code

var(UIScrollbar) bool bAddCornerPadding;
Specifies wheather to leave extra space between the bottom/right corner of the scrollbar and its owner widget. Extra space prevents ovelapping if both horizontal and vertical scrollbars exist within one widget

BarWidth Source code

var(UIScrollbar) UIScreenValue_Extent BarWidth;
Determines scrollbar's thickness

ButtonsExtent Source code

var(UIScrollbar) UIScreenValue_Extent ButtonsExtent;
Determines the length of the Increment/Decrement buttons

MinimumMarkerSize Source code

var(UIScrollbar) UIScreenValue_Extent MinimumMarkerSize;
Specifies the minimum size for the scrollbar marker. Useful to prevent the marker from becoming too small if there are lots of items in the list.

NudgeMultiplier Source code

var(UIScrollbar) float NudgeMultiplier;
The NudgeMultiplier value indicates by how many NudgeValues will the marker move when the increment or decrement button is pressed, NudgeValue is multiplied by NudgeMultiplier to obtain final pixel amount

ScrollbarOrientation Source code

var(UIScrollbar) EUIOrientation ScrollbarOrientation;
Controls whether this scrollbar is vertical or horizontal

Delegates Detail

OnClickedScrollZone Source code

delegate OnClickedScrollZone ( UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionPerc, int PlayerIndex )
Called when the user clicks anywhere in the scrollbar other than on one of the buttons.
@param Sender the scrollbar that was clicked.
@param PositionPerc a value from 0.0 - 1.0, representing the location of the click within the region between the increment and decrement buttons. Values closer to 0.0 means that the user clicked near the decrement button; values closer to 1.0 are nearer the increment button.
@param PlayerIndex Player that performed the action that issued the event.

OnScrollActivity Source code

delegate bool OnScrollActivity ( UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionChange, optional bool bPositionMaxed=false )
Delegate invoked on scrolling activity
@param Sender the scrollbar that generated the event.
@param PositionChange the number of nudge values by which the marker was moved
@param bPositionMaxed indicates that the scrollbar's marker has reached its farthest available position, used to obtain pixel exact scrolling
@return currently unused.

Functions Detail

DragScroll Source code

native final function DragScroll ( UIScrollbarMarkerButton Sender, int PlayerIndex )
Called during the dragging process
@param EventObject Object that issued the event.
@param PlayerIndex Player that performed the action that issued the event.

DragScrollBegin Source code

native final function DragScrollBegin ( UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex )
Initiates mouse drag scrolling. The scroll bar marker will slide on its axis with the mouse cursor until DragScrollEnd is called.
@param EventObject Object that issued the event.
@param PlayerIndex Player that performed the action that issued the event.

DragScrollEnd Source code

native final function DragScrollEnd ( UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex )
Terminates mouse drag scrolling.
@param EventObject Object that issued the event.
@param PlayerIndex Player that performed the action that issued the event.
@return return TRUE to prevent the kismet OnClick event from firing.

EnableCornerPadding Source code

native final function EnableCornerPadding ( bool FlagValue )
Sets the value of the bAddCornerPadding flag

GetMarkerButtonPosition Source code

native final const function float GetMarkerButtonPosition ( ) con )
Returns the position of this scrollbar's top face (if orientation is vertical) or left face (for horizontal), in pixels.

GetMarkerPosPercent Source code

final function float GetMarkerPosPercent ( ) )

GetMarkerSizePercent Source code

final function float GetMarkerSizePercent ( ) )

GetNudgePercent Source code

final function float GetNudgePercent ( ) )

GetNudgeValue Source code

final function float GetNudgeValue ( ) )
Simple accessors

GetScrollZoneExtent Source code

native final noexport const function float GetScrollZoneExtent ( optional out float ScrollZoneStart ) con )
Returns the size of the scroll-zone (the region between the decrement and increment buttons), along the same orientation as the scrollbar.
@param ScrollZoneStart receives the value of the location of the beginning of the scroll zone, in pixels relative to the scrollbar.
@return the height (if the scrollbar's orientation is vertical) or width (if horizontal) of the region between the increment and decrement buttons, in pixels.
@note: noexport so that the native implementation can declare the optional out as a * will default value of NULL.

GetScrollZoneWidth Source code

native final const function float GetScrollZoneWidth ( ) con )
Returns the size of the scroll-zone (the region between the decrement and increment buttons), for the orientation opposite that of the scrollbar.
@return the height (if the scrollbar's orientation is vertical) or width (if horizontal) of the region between the increment and decrement buttons, in pixels.

Initialized Source code

event Initialized ( ) )
Initializes the clicked delegates in the increment, decrement and marker buttons.

PostInitialize Source code

event PostInitialize ( ) )
Propagate the enabled state of this widget.

ScrollDecrement Source code

native final function ScrollDecrement ( UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex )
Decrements marker position by the amount of nudges specified in the NudgeMultiplier. Decrement direction is either up or left, depending on marker's orientation
@param EventObject Object that issued the event.
@param PlayerIndex Player that performed the action that issued the event.

ScrollIncrement Source code

native final function ScrollIncrement ( UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex )
Increments marker position by the amount of nudges specified in the NudgeMultiplier. Increment direction is either down or right, depending on scrollbar's orientation.
@param EventObject Object that issued the event.
@param PlayerIndex Player that performed the action that issued the event.

SetMarkerPosition Source code

native final function SetMarkerPosition ( float PositionPercentage )
Sets marker's top or left face position to start at some percentage of total scrollbar extent
@param PositionPercentage determines where the marker should start, value needs to be in the range [ 0 , 1 ] and should correspond to the position of the topmost or leftmost item in the viewing area

SetMarkerSize Source code

native final function SetMarkerSize ( float SizePercentage )
Sets marker's extent to a percentage of scrollbar size, the direction will be vertical or horizontal depending scrollbar's orientation
@param SizePercentage determines the size of the marker, value needs to be in the range [ 0 , 1 ] and should be equal to the ratio of viewing area to total widget scroll area

SetNudgeSizePercent Source code

native final function SetNudgeSizePercent ( float NudgePercentage )
Sets the amount by which the marker will move to cause one position tick
@param NudgePercentage percentage of total scrollbar area which will amount to one tick value needs to be in the range [ 0 , 1 ]

SetNudgeSizePixels Source code

native final function SetNudgeSizePixels ( float NudgePixels )
Sets the amount by which the marker will move to cause one position tick
@param NudgePixels Number of pixels by which the marker will need to be moved to cause one tick


   Begin Object Class=UIComp_DrawImage Name=ScrollBarBackgroundImageTemplate ObjName=ScrollBarBackgroundImageTemplate Archetype=UIComp_DrawImage'Engine.Default__UIComp_DrawImage'
      StyleResolverTag="Background Image Style"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=UIComp_Event Name=WidgetEventComponent ObjName=WidgetEventComponent Archetype=UIComp_Event'Engine.Default__UIObject:WidgetEventComponent'
   End Object

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