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native nativereplication abstract

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Pawn
      +-- Engine.Vehicle

Direct Known Subclasses:

SVehicle, UTRemoteRedeemer

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.Actor

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.Pawn
AccelRate, AIMaxFallSpeedFactor, AirControl, AirSpeed, Alertness, AllowedYawError, AlwaysRelevantDistanceSquared, Anchor, AvgPhysicsTime, bAmbientCreature, BaseEyeHeight, bAutoFire, bAvoidLedges, bCachedRelevant, bCanBeBaseForPawns, bCanClimbCeilings, bCanClimbLadders, bCanCrouch, bCanFly, bCanJump, bCanMantle, bCanPickupInventory, bCanStrafe, bCanSwatTurn, bCanSwim, bCanUse, bCanWalk, bCanWalkOffLedges, bCrawler, bDirectHitWall, bDisplayPathErrors, bDontPossess, bForceFloorCheck, bForceKeepAnchor, bForceMaxAccel, bForceRegularVelocity, bForceRMVelocity, bIgnoreForces, bIsCrouched, bIsFemale, bIsWalking, bJumpCapable, bLOSHearing, bModifyReachSpecCost, bMuffledHearing, bNoWeaponFiring, bPathfindsAsVehicle, bPlayedDeath, bPushesRigidBodies, BreathTime, bReducedSpeed, bRollToDesired, bRunPhysicsWithNoController, bSimGravityDisabled, bSimulateGravity, bSpecialHUD, bStationary, bStopAtLedges, bTryToUncrouch, Buoyancy, bUpAndOut, bWantsToCrouch, Controller, ControllerClass, CrouchedPct, CrouchHeight, CrouchRadius, CylinderComponent, DamageScaling, DesiredSpeed, DestinationOffset, DrivenVehicle, EyeHeight, FailedLandingCount, FindAnchorFailedTime, FiringMode, FlashCount, FlashLocation, Floor, FullHeight, GroundSpeed, HeadVolume, Health, HealthMax, HearingThreshold, HitDamageType, InterpolatedYaw, InventoryManagerClass, InvManager, JumpZ, LadderSpeed, LandMovementState, LastAnchor, LastFiringFlashLocation, LastHitBy, LastPainTime, LastRealViewer, LastStartSpot, LastStartTime, LastValidAnchorTime, LastViewer, Mass, MaxDesiredSpeed, MaxFallSpeed, MaxJumpHeight, MaxOutOfWaterStepHeight, MaxPitchLimit, MaxStepHeight, MeleeRange, MenuName, Mesh, MeshTranslationOffset, NetRelevancyTime, NextPathRadius, NextPawn, noise1loudness, noise1other, noise1spot, noise1time, noise2loudness, noise2other, noise2spot, noise2time, NonPreferredVehiclePathMultiplier, OldZ, OnLadder, OutofWaterZ, PathSearchType, PeripheralVision, PhysicsPushBody, PlayerReplicationInfo, PreRagdollCollisionComponent, RBPushRadius, RBPushStrength, ReceivedYaw, RemoteViewPitch, RMVelocity, SerpentineDir, SerpentineDist, SerpentineTime, ShotCount, SightRadius, SoundDampening, SpawnTime, SplashTime, TakeHitLocation, TearOffMomentum, UncrouchTime, UnderWaterTime, VehicleCheckRadius, ViewPitchMax, ViewPitchMin, WalkableFloorZ, WalkingPct, WaterMovementState, WaterSpeed, Weapon
Inherited Variables from Engine.Actor
Acceleration, AllComponents, Attached, bAlwaysEncroachCheck, bAlwaysRelevant, bAlwaysTick, Base, BaseBoneName, BaseSkelComponent, bBlockActors, bBlocksNavigation, bBlocksTeleport, bBounce, bCanBeAdheredTo, bCanBeDamaged, bCanBeFrictionedTo, bCanTeleport, bClientDemoRecording, bCollideActors, bCollideComplex, bCollideWhenPlacing, bCollideWorld, bComponentOutsideWorld, bConsiderAllStaticMeshComponentsForStreaming, bDebug, bDeleteMe, bDemoOwner, bDemoRecording, bDestroyedByInterpActor, bDestroyInPainVolume, bEdShouldSnap, bExchangedRoles, bForceNetUpdate, bGameRelevant, bHardAttach, bHasAlternateTargetLocation, bHidden, bHiddenEd, bHiddenEdCustom, bHiddenEdGroup, bHurtEntry, bIgnoreBaseRotation, bIgnoreEncroachers, bIgnoreRigidBodyPawns, bIsMoving, bJustTeleported, bKillDuringLevelTransition, bLockLocation, BlockRigidBody, bMovable, bNetDirty, bNetInitial, bNetInitialRotation, bNetOwner, bNetTemporary, bNeverReplicateRotation, bNoDelete, bNoEncroachCheck, bOnlyDirtyReplication, bOnlyOwnerSee, bOnlyRelevantToOwner, bOrientOnSlope, bPathColliding, bPathTemp, bPendingDelete, bPendingNetUpdate, bPhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck, bPostRenderIfNotVisible, bProjTarget, bPushedByEncroachers, bRepClientDemo, bReplicateInstigator, bReplicateMovement, bReplicateRigidBodyLocation, bRouteBeginPlayEvenIfStatic, bScriptInitialized, bShadowParented, bShouldBaseAtStartup, bSkipActorPropertyReplication, bStasis, bStatic, bTearOff, bTempEditor, bTicked, bUpdateSimulatedPosition, bWorldGeometry, Children, CollisionComponent, CollisionType, Components, CreationTime, CustomTimeDilation, DesiredRotation, DetachFence, DrawScale, DrawScale3D, GeneratedEvents, Group, InitialState, Instigator, LastNetUpdateTime, LastRenderTime, LatentActions, LatentFloat, LatentSeqNode, LifeSpan, Location, MessageClass, MinDistForNetRBCorrection, NetPriority, NetTag, NetUpdateFrequency, NetUpdateTime, OverlapTag, Owner, PendingTouch, Physics, PhysicsVolume, PrePivot, RelativeLocation, RelativeRotation, RemoteRole, Role, Rotation, RotationRate, SupportedEvents, Tag, TickGroup, Timers, Touching, Velocity, WorldInfo

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.Pawn
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.Actor
ECollisionType, EDoubleClickDir, EMoveDir, ENetRole, EPhysics, ETravelType

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Engine.Actor
AnimSlotDesc, AnimSlotInfo, AsyncLineCheckResult, CollisionImpactData, ImpactInfo, NavReference, ReplicatedHitImpulse, RigidBodyContactInfo, RigidBodyState, TimerData, TraceHitInfo

Functions Summary
function AdjustDriverDamage (out int Damage, Controller InstigatedBy, Vector HitLocation, out Vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType))
functionbool AnySeatAvailable ()))
function AttachDriver (Pawn P ))
functionbool CanEnterVehicle (Pawn P))
functionbool CheatFly ()))
functionbool CheatGhost ()))
functionbool CheatWalk ()))
eventbool ContinueOnFoot ()))
function CrushedBy (Pawn OtherPawn))
event Destroyed ()))
function Destroyed_HandleDriver ()))
function DetachDriver (Pawn P ))
functionbool Died (Controller Killer, class<DamageType> DamageType, vector HitLocation))
function DisplayDebug (HUD HUD, out float out_YL, out float out_YPos))
function DriverDied ()))
functionbool DriverEnter (Pawn P))
eventbool DriverLeave (bool bForceLeave ))
function DriverLeft ()))
function DriverRadiusDamage (float DamageAmount, float DamageRadius, Controller EventInstigator, class<DamageType> DamageType, float Momentum, vector HitLocation, Actor DamageCauser))
function DrivingStatusChanged ()))
event EncroachedBy (Actor Other))
eventbool EncroachingOn (Actor Other))
function EntryAnnouncement (Controller C)
function FaceRotation (rotator NewRotation, float DeltaTime ))
functionbool FindAutoExit (Pawn ExitingDriver))
functionController GetCollisionDamageInstigator ()))
functionname GetDefaultCameraMode (PlayerController RequestedBy ))
functionvector GetEntryLocation ()))
functionvector GetTargetLocation (optional Actor RequestedBy, optional bool bRequestAlternateLoc) con)
function HandleDeadVehicleDriver ()
function NotifyDriverTakeHit (Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, int Damage, class<DamageType> DamageType, vector Momentum)
function NotifyTeamChanged ()))
function PancakeOther (Pawn Other))
functionbool PlaceExitingDriver (optional Pawn ExitingDriver))
function PlayDying (class<DamageType> DamageType, vector HitLoc))
function PlayerChangedTeam ()))
function PossessedBy (Controller C, bool bVehicleTransition))
event PostBeginPlay ()))
event ReplicatedEvent (name VarName))
function SetBaseEyeheight ()))
function SetDriving (bool b))
function SetInputs (float InForward, float InStrafe, float InUp))
functioncontroller SetKillInstigator (Controller InstigatedBy, class<DamageType> DamageType))
function Suicide ()))
event TakeDamage (int Damage, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser))
function TakeRadiusDamage (Controller InstigatedBy, float BaseDamage, float DamageRadius, class<DamageType> DamageType, float Momentum, vector HurtOrigin, bool bFullDamage, Actor DamageCauser ))
function ThrowActiveWeapon ()))
functionbool TryExitPos (Pawn ExitingDriver, vector ExitPos, bool bMustFindGround))
functionbool TryToDrive (Pawn P))
function UnPossessed ()))
Inherited Functions from Engine.Pawn
AddDefaultInventory, AddVelocity, AdjustCameraScale, AdjustDamage, AdjustedStrength, AffectedByHitEffects, BaseChange, BecomeViewTarget, BeginState, BotFire, BreathTimer, CanAttack, CanBeBaseForPawn, CanGrabLadder, CannotJumpNow, CanSplash, CanThrowWeapon, CheatFly, CheatGhost, CheatWalk, CheckWaterJump, ChooseFireMode, ClearFlashCount, ClearFlashLocation, ClientMessage, ClientReStart, ClientSetLocation, ClientSetRotation, ClimbLadder, CreateInventory, CrushedBy, Destroyed, DetachFromController, Died, DisplayDebug, DoJump, DoKismetAttachment, DrawHUD, DropToGround, EffectIsRelevant, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EndClimbLadder, EndCrouch, FaceRotation, Falling, FellOutOfWorld, FindInventoryType, FinishedInterpolation, FireOnRelease, FiringModeUpdated, FlashCountUpdated, FlashLocationUpdated, ForceCrouch, ForceSpecialAttack, Gasp, GetActorEyesViewPoint, GetAdjustedAimFor, GetBaseAimRotation, GetBestAnchor, GetBoundingCylinder, GetCollisionExtent, GetCollisionHeight, GetCollisionRadius, GetDamageScaling, GetDefaultCameraMode, GetHumanReadableName, GetMoveTarget, GetPawnViewLocation, GetTeam, GetTeamNum, GetVehicleBase, GetViewRotation, GetWeaponStartTraceLocation, gibbedBy, HandlePickup, HasRangedAttack, HeadVolumeChange, HealDamage, HitWall, InCombat, IncrementFlashCount, InFreeCam, InGodMode, InitRagdoll, IsFiring, IsFirstPerson, IsHumanControlled, IsInPain, IsInvisible, IsLocallyControlled, IsPlayerPawn, IsSameTeam, IsStationary, IsValidEnemy, IsValidEnemyTargetFor, IsValidTargetFor, JumpOffPawn, JumpOutOfWater, KilledBy, Landed, LineOfSightTo, MessagePlayer, ModifyVelocity, NearMoveTarget, NeedToTurn, NotifyTakeHit, NotifyTeamChanged, OnAssignController, OnGiveInventory, OnSetMaterial, OnTeleport, OutsideWorldBounds, PawnCalcCamera, PlayDying, PlayDyingSound, PlayerChangedTeam, PlayFootStepSound, PlayHit, PlayLanded, PlayNextAnimation, PlayTeleportEffect, PlayWeaponSwitch, PossessedBy, PostBeginPlay, PoweredUp, PreBeginPlay, ProcessViewRotation, PruneDamagedBoneList, RangedAttackTime, ReachedDestination, ReachedPoint, ReceiveLocalizedMessage, RecommendLongRangedAttack, ReplicatedEvent, Reset, Restart, RestartPlayer, SetActiveWeapon, SetAnchor, SetBaseEyeheight, SetFiringMode, SetFlashLocation, SetKillInstigator, SetMovementPhysics, SetMoveTarget, SetPushesRigidBodies, SetRemoteViewPitch, SetViewRotation, SetWalking, ShouldCrouch, SoakPause, SpawnDefaultController, SpawnedByKismet, SpecialCostForPath, SpecialMoveTo, StartCrouch, StartDriving, StartFire, StopDriving, StopFire, StopFiring, StuckOnPawn, SuggestJumpVelocity, Suicide, TakeDamage, TakeDrowningDamage, TakeFallingDamage, TakeRadiusDamageOnBones, TermRagdoll, ThrowActiveWeapon, Timer, ToggleMelee, TooCloseToAttack, TornOff, TossWeapon, TouchingWaterVolume, TurnOff, UnCrouch, UnPossessed, UpdateControllerOnPossess, ValidAnchor, WasPlayerPawn, WeaponFired, WeaponStoppedFiring
Inherited Functions from Engine.Actor
ActivateEventClass, AllActors, AllOwnedComponents, Attach, AttachComponent, AutonomousPhysics, BaseChange, BasedActors, BecomeViewTarget, BeginAnimControl, BroadcastLocalizedMessage, BroadcastLocalizedTeamMessage, Bump, CalcCamera, CanSplash, ChartData, CheckForErrors, CheckHitInfo, CheckMaxEffectDistance, ChildActors, ClampRotation, ClearLatentAction, ClearTimer, Clock, CollidingActors, CollisionChanged, ComponentList, ConsoleCommand, ConstraintBrokenNotify, ContainsPoint, CreateAudioComponent, DebugFreezeGame, Destroy, Destroyed, Detach, DetachComponent, DisplayDebug, DoKismetAttachment, DrawDebugBox, DrawDebugCone, DrawDebugCoordinateSystem, DrawDebugCylinder, DrawDebugLine, DrawDebugSphere, DynamicActors, EffectIsRelevant, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EndViewTarget, Falling, FastTrace, FellOutOfWorld, FindActorsOfClass, FindBase, FindEventsOfClass, FindGoodEndView, FindSpot, FinishAnim, FinishAnimControl, FlushPersistentDebugLines, ForceNetRelevant, ForceUpdateComponents, GainedChild, GetActorEyesViewPoint, GetActorFaceFXAsset, GetBaseMost, GetBoundingCylinder, GetComponentsBoundingBox, GetDebugName, GetDestination, GetFaceFXAudioComponent, GetGravityZ, GetHumanReadableName, GetItemName, GetLocalString, GetLocationStringFor, GetPackageGuid, GetPhysicsName, GetTargetLocation, GetTeamNum, GetTerminalVelocity, GetTimerCount, GetTimerRate, GetURLMap, GetUTFlag, HealDamage, HitWall, HurtRadius, InterpolationChanged, InterpolationFinished, InterpolationStarted, IsActorPlayingFaceFXAnim, IsBasedOn, IsInPain, IsInVolume, IsOverlapping, IsOwnedBy, IsPlayerOwned, IsStationary, IsTimerActive, KilledBy, Landed, LocalPlayerControllers, LostChild, MakeNoise, MatchStarting, ModifyHearSoundComponent, Move, MoveSmooth, MovingWhichWay, NativePostRenderFor, NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived, NotifySkelControlBeyondLimit, OnAnimEnd, OnAnimPlay, OnAttachToActor, OnCauseDamage, OnChangeCollision, OnDestroy, OnHealDamage, OnMakeNoise, OnRanOver, OnSetBlockRigidBody, OnSetPhysics, OnTeleport, OnToggleHidden, OutsideWorldBounds, OverlappingActors, OverRotated, PawnBaseDied, PhysicsVolumeChange, PickedUpBy, PlayActorFaceFXAnim, PlayerCanSeeMe, PlaySound, PlayTeleportEffect, PointCheckComponent, PostBeginPlay, PostInitAnimTree, PostRenderFor, PostTeleport, PostTouch, PreBeginPlay, PreTeleport, RanInto, ReplaceText, ReplicatedEvent, Reset, RigidBodyCollision, RootMotionExtracted, RootMotionModeChanged, ScriptGetTeamNum, SetAnimPosition, SetAnimWeights, SetBase, SetCollision, SetCollisionSize, SetDrawScale, SetDrawScale3D, SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty, SetGRI, SetHardAttach, SetHidden, SetHUDLocation, SetInitialState, SetLocation, SetMorphWeight, SetNetUpdateTime, SetOnlyOwnerSee, SetOwner, SetPhysics, SetRelativeLocation, SetRelativeRotation, SetRotation, SetSkelControlScale, SetTickGroup, SetTimer, SetZone, ShutDown, Sleep, Spawn, SpawnedByKismet, SpecialHandling, StopActorFaceFXAnim, StopsProjectile, SuggestTossVelocity, TakeDamage, TakeRadiusDamage, Tick, Timer, TimeSince, TornOff, Touch, TouchingActors, Trace, TraceActors, TraceComponent, TriggerEventClass, UnClock, UnTouch, UsedBy, VisibleActors, VisibleCollidingActors

Variables Detail

AIMoveCheckTime Source code

var const float AIMoveCheckTime;

bAttachDriver Source code

var bool bAttachDriver;
If true, attach the driver to the vehicle when he starts using it.

bAvoidReversing Source code

var bool bAvoidReversing;
if set, AI avoids going in reverse unless it has to

bDoExtraNetRelevancyTraces Source code

var bool bDoExtraNetRelevancyTraces;
If true, do extra traces to vehicle extremities for net relevancy checks

bDriverIsVisible Source code

var bool bDriverIsVisible;
whether to render driver seated in vehicle

bDriving Source code

var repnotify bool bDriving;
true if vehicle is being driven.

bDuckObstacles Source code

var bool bDuckObstacles;

bFollowLookDir Source code

var bool bFollowLookDir;

bHasHandbrake Source code

var bool bHasHandbrake;

bRetryPathfindingWithDriver Source code

var bool bRetryPathfindingWithDriver;
if set and pathfinding fails, retry with vehicle driver - ContinueOnFoot() will be called when AI can't go any further in vehicle

bScriptedRise Source code

var bool bScriptedRise;

bSeparateTurretFocus Source code

var bool bSeparateTurretFocus;

bTurnInPlace Source code

var bool bTurnInPlace;
AI control

CrushedDamageType Source code

var class<DamageType> CrushedDamageType;

Driver Source code

var repnotify Pawn Driver;
Pawn driving this vehicle.

DriverDamageMult Source code

var float DriverDamageMult;
damage to the driver is multiplied by this value

ExitOffset Source code

var vector ExitOffset;
Offset from center for Exit test circle.

ExitRadius Source code

var float ExitRadius;
Radius for automatic exit positions.

ForceCrushPenetration Source code

var float ForceCrushPenetration;
If this vehicle penetrates more than this, even if going less than MinCrushSpeed, crush the pawn.

MinCrushSpeed Source code

var float MinCrushSpeed;
If going less than this speed, don't crush the pawn.

OldSteering Source code

var float OldSteering;
steering value used last tick

OldThrottle Source code

var float OldThrottle;
Used by AI during three point turns, to make sure it doesn't get into a state where the throttle is reversed every tick

OnlySteeringStartTime Source code

var float OnlySteeringStartTime;
when AI started using only steering (so it doesn't get stuck doing that when it isn't working)

StuckCount Source code

var byte StuckCount;

StuckTime Source code

var float StuckTime;
last time at which throttle was 0 (used by AI)

TargetLocationAdjustment Source code

var vector TargetLocationAdjustment;
Adjust position that NPCs should aim at when firing at this vehicle

ThrottleTime Source code

var float ThrottleTime;

TurnTime Source code

var float TurnTime;

VehicleMovingTime Source code

var float VehicleMovingTime;


bIgnoreStallZ Source code

var(Vehicle) bool bIgnoreStallZ;
TRUE for vehicle to ignore the StallZ value, FALSE to respect it normally

ExitPositions Source code

var(Vehicle) Array<Vector> ExitPositions;
Positions (relative to vehicle) to try putting the player when exiting. Optional -

MomentumMult Source code

var(Vehicle) float MomentumMult;
damage momentum multiplied by this value before being applied to vehicle

Rise Source code

var(Vehicle) float Rise;

Steering Source code

var(Vehicle) float Steering;

Throttle Source code

var(Vehicle) float Throttle;

Functions Detail

AdjustDriverDamage Source code

function AdjustDriverDamage ( out int Damage, Controller InstigatedBy, Vector HitLocation, out Vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType) )

AnySeatAvailable Source code

function bool AnySeatAvailable ( ) )
SeatAvailable() returns true if a seat is available for a pawn

AttachDriver Source code

simulated function AttachDriver ( Pawn P ) )
Attach driver to vehicle. Sets up the Pawn to drive the vehicle (rendering, physics, collision..). Called only if bAttachDriver is true. Network : ALL

CanEnterVehicle Source code

function bool CanEnterVehicle ( Pawn P) )
CanEnterVehicle() return true if Pawn P is allowed to enter this vehicle

CheatFly Source code

function bool CheatFly ( ) )

CheatGhost Source code

function bool CheatGhost ( ) )

CheatWalk Source code

function bool CheatWalk ( ) )

ContinueOnFoot Source code

event bool ContinueOnFoot ( ) )
ContinueOnFoot() - used by AI Called from route finding if route can only be continued on foot.

CrushedBy Source code

function CrushedBy ( Pawn OtherPawn) )
CrushedBy() Called for pawns that have bCanBeBaseForPawns=false when another pawn becomes based on them

Destroyed Source code

simulated event Destroyed ( ) )

Destroyed_HandleDriver Source code

simulated function Destroyed_HandleDriver ( ) )

DetachDriver Source code

simulated function DetachDriver ( Pawn P ) )
Detach Driver from vehicle. Network : ALL

Died Source code

function bool Died ( Controller Killer, class<DamageType> DamageType, vector HitLocation) )

DisplayDebug Source code

simulated function DisplayDebug ( HUD HUD, out float out_YL, out float out_YPos) )
@See Actor::DisplayDebug

DriverDied Source code

function DriverDied ( ) )

DriverEnter Source code

function bool DriverEnter ( Pawn P) )
DriverEnter() Make Pawn P the new driver of this vehicle

DriverLeave Source code

event bool DriverLeave ( bool bForceLeave ) )

DriverLeft Source code

function DriverLeft ( ) )

DriverRadiusDamage Source code

function DriverRadiusDamage ( float DamageAmount, float DamageRadius, Controller EventInstigator, class<DamageType> DamageType, float Momentum, vector HitLocation, Actor DamageCauser) )
DriverRadiusDamage() determine if radius damage that hit the vehicle should damage the driver

DrivingStatusChanged Source code

simulated function DrivingStatusChanged ( ) )

EncroachedBy Source code

event EncroachedBy ( Actor Other) )
Vehicles dont get telefragged.

EncroachingOn Source code

event bool EncroachingOn ( Actor Other) )
called when this Actor is encroaching on Other and we couldn't find an appropriate place to push Other to
@return true to abort the move, false to allow it
@warning do not abort moves of PHYS_RigidBody actors as that will cause the Unreal location and physics engine location to mismatch

EntryAnnouncement Source code

function EntryAnnouncement ( Controller C )

FaceRotation Source code

simulated function FaceRotation ( rotator NewRotation, float DeltaTime ) )
Vehicles ignore 'face rotation'.

FindAutoExit Source code

function bool FindAutoExit ( Pawn ExitingDriver) )
FindAutoExit(Pawn ExitingDriver) Tries to find exit position on either side of vehicle, in back, or in front

GetCollisionDamageInstigator Source code

function Controller GetCollisionDamageInstigator ( ) )

@return the Controller that should receive credit for damage caused by this vehicle colliding with others

GetDefaultCameraMode Source code

simulated function name GetDefaultCameraMode ( PlayerController RequestedBy ) )

GetEntryLocation Source code

simulated function vector GetEntryLocation ( ) )

GetTargetLocation Source code

simulated native const function vector GetTargetLocation ( optional Actor RequestedBy, optional bool bRequestAlternateLoc) con )

@returns Figure out who we are targetting.

HandleDeadVehicleDriver Source code

function HandleDeadVehicleDriver ( )
handles the driver pawn of the dead vehicle (decide whether to ragdoll it, etc)

NotifyDriverTakeHit Source code

function NotifyDriverTakeHit ( Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, int Damage, class<DamageType> DamageType, vector Momentum )
called when the driver of this vehicle takes damage

NotifyTeamChanged Source code

simulated function NotifyTeamChanged ( ) )
NotifyTeamChanged() Called when PlayerReplicationInfo is replicated to this pawn, or PlayerReplicationInfo team property changes. Network: client

PancakeOther Source code

function PancakeOther ( Pawn Other) )
Crush the pawn vehicle is encroaching

PlaceExitingDriver Source code

function bool PlaceExitingDriver ( optional Pawn ExitingDriver) )
PlaceExitingDriver() Find an acceptable position to place the exiting driver pawn, and move it there. Returns true if pawn was successfully placed.

PlayDying Source code

simulated function PlayDying ( class<DamageType> DamageType, vector HitLoc) )

PlayerChangedTeam Source code

function PlayerChangedTeam ( ) )

PossessedBy Source code

function PossessedBy ( Controller C, bool bVehicleTransition) )

PostBeginPlay Source code

event PostBeginPlay ( ) )

ReplicatedEvent Source code

simulated event ReplicatedEvent ( name VarName) )

SetBaseEyeheight Source code

simulated function SetBaseEyeheight ( ) )

SetDriving Source code

simulated function SetDriving ( bool b) )

SetInputs Source code

simulated function SetInputs ( float InForward, float InStrafe, float InUp) )

SetKillInstigator Source code

function controller SetKillInstigator ( Controller InstigatedBy, class<DamageType> DamageType) )

Suicide Source code

function Suicide ( ) )

TakeDamage Source code

event TakeDamage ( int Damage, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser) )

TakeRadiusDamage Source code

simulated function TakeRadiusDamage ( Controller InstigatedBy, float BaseDamage, float DamageRadius, class<DamageType> DamageType, float Momentum, vector HurtOrigin, bool bFullDamage, Actor DamageCauser ) )
Take Radius Damage by default scales damage based on distance from HurtOrigin to Actor's location. This can be overriden by the actor receiving the damage for special conditions (see KAsset.uc).
@param InstigatedBy, instigator of the damage
@param Base Damage
@param Damage Radius (from Origin)
@param DamageType class
@param Momentum (float)
@param HurtOrigin, origin of the damage radius.
@param DamageCauser the Actor that directly caused the damage (i.e. the Projectile that exploded, the Weapon that fired, etc)

ThrowActiveWeapon Source code

function ThrowActiveWeapon ( ) )

TryExitPos Source code

function bool TryExitPos ( Pawn ExitingDriver, vector ExitPos, bool bMustFindGround) )

TryToDrive Source code

function bool TryToDrive ( Pawn P) )
TryToDrive() returns true if Pawn P successfully became driver of this vehicle

UnPossessed Source code

function UnPossessed ( ) )


   Begin Object Class=CylinderComponent Name=CollisionCylinder ObjName=CollisionCylinder Archetype=CylinderComponent'Engine.Default__Pawn:CollisionCylinder'
   End Object

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