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native nativereplication abstract

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Controller

Direct Known Subclasses:

AIController, PlayerController

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.Actor
Inherited Contants from Core.Object
DegToRad, INDEX_NONE, MaxInt, Pi, RadToDeg

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.Actor
Acceleration, AllComponents, Attached, bAlwaysEncroachCheck, bAlwaysRelevant, bAlwaysTick, Base, BaseBoneName, BaseSkelComponent, bBlockActors, bBlocksNavigation, bBlocksTeleport, bBounce, bCanBeAdheredTo, bCanBeDamaged, bCanBeFrictionedTo, bCanTeleport, bClientDemoRecording, bCollideActors, bCollideComplex, bCollideWhenPlacing, bCollideWorld, bComponentOutsideWorld, bConsiderAllStaticMeshComponentsForStreaming, bDebug, bDeleteMe, bDemoOwner, bDemoRecording, bDestroyedByInterpActor, bDestroyInPainVolume, bEdShouldSnap, bExchangedRoles, bForceNetUpdate, bGameRelevant, bHardAttach, bHasAlternateTargetLocation, bHidden, bHiddenEd, bHiddenEdCustom, bHiddenEdGroup, bHurtEntry, bIgnoreBaseRotation, bIgnoreEncroachers, bIgnoreRigidBodyPawns, bIsMoving, bJustTeleported, bKillDuringLevelTransition, bLockLocation, BlockRigidBody, bMovable, bNetDirty, bNetInitial, bNetInitialRotation, bNetOwner, bNetTemporary, bNeverReplicateRotation, bNoDelete, bNoEncroachCheck, bOnlyDirtyReplication, bOnlyOwnerSee, bOnlyRelevantToOwner, bOrientOnSlope, bPathColliding, bPathTemp, bPendingDelete, bPendingNetUpdate, bPhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck, bPostRenderIfNotVisible, bProjTarget, bPushedByEncroachers, bRepClientDemo, bReplicateInstigator, bReplicateMovement, bReplicateRigidBodyLocation, bRouteBeginPlayEvenIfStatic, bScriptInitialized, bShadowParented, bShouldBaseAtStartup, bSkipActorPropertyReplication, bStasis, bStatic, bTearOff, bTempEditor, bTicked, bUpdateSimulatedPosition, bWorldGeometry, Children, CollisionComponent, CollisionType, Components, CreationTime, CustomTimeDilation, DesiredRotation, DetachFence, DrawScale, DrawScale3D, GeneratedEvents, Group, InitialState, Instigator, LastNetUpdateTime, LastRenderTime, LatentActions, LatentFloat, LatentSeqNode, LifeSpan, Location, MessageClass, MinDistForNetRBCorrection, NetPriority, NetTag, NetUpdateFrequency, NetUpdateTime, OverlapTag, Owner, PendingTouch, Physics, PhysicsVolume, PrePivot, RelativeLocation, RelativeRotation, RemoteRole, Role, Rotation, RotationRate, SupportedEvents, Tag, TickGroup, Timers, Touching, Velocity, WorldInfo
Inherited Variables from Core.Object
Class, HashNext, HashOuterNext, Linker, LinkerIndex, Name, NetIndex, ObjectArchetype, ObjectFlags, ObjectInternalInteger, Outer, StateFrame, VfTableObject

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.Actor
ECollisionType, EDoubleClickDir, EMoveDir, ENetRole, EPhysics, ETravelType
Inherited Enumerations from Core.Object
EAxis, EInputEvent, EInterpCurveMode, EInterpMethodType, ETickingGroup

Structures Summary
Source, Destination
Inherited Structures from Engine.Actor
AnimSlotDesc, AnimSlotInfo, AsyncLineCheckResult, CollisionImpactData, ImpactInfo, NavReference, ReplicatedHitImpulse, RigidBodyContactInfo, RigidBodyState, TimerData, TraceHitInfo
Inherited Structures from Core.Object
Box, BoxSphereBounds, Color, Cylinder, double, DynamicMap_Mirror, Guid, IndirectArray_Mirror, InterpCurveFloat, InterpCurvePointFloat, InterpCurvePointQuat, InterpCurvePointTwoVectors, InterpCurvePointVector, InterpCurvePointVector2D, InterpCurveQuat, InterpCurveTwoVectors, InterpCurveVector, InterpCurveVector2D, IntPoint, LinearColor, Map_Mirror, Matrix, MultiMap_Mirror, Plane, pointer, Quat, qword, RawDistribution, RenderCommandFence, Rotator, TextureMipBulkData_Mirror, ThreadSafeCounter, TPOV, TwoVectors, UntypedBulkData_Mirror, Vector, Vector2D, Vector4

Functions Summary
functionbool ActorReachable (actor anActor)
eventbool AllowDetourTo (NavigationPoint N))
event BeginState (Name PreviousStateName))
functionbool BeyondFogDistance (vector ViewPoint, vector OtherPoint)
functionbool CanSee (Pawn Other)
functionbool CanSeeByPoints (Vector ViewLocation, Vector TestLocation, Rotator ViewRotation)
function CheckNearMiss (Pawn Shooter, Weapon W, vector WeapLoc, vector LineDir, vector HitLocation)
function CleanupPRI ()))
function ClientSetLocation (vector NewLocation, rotator NewRotation ))
function ClientSetRotation (rotator NewRotation, optional bool bResetCamera ))
function ClientSetWeapon (class WeaponClass ))
function ClientSwitchToBestWeapon (optional bool bForceNewWeapon))
event CurrentLevelUnloaded ()
event Destroyed ()))
function DisplayDebug (HUD HUD, out float out_YL, out float out_YPos))
function EndClimbLadder ()
function EnemyJustTeleported ()))
event EnemyNotVisible ()
functionActor FindPathTo (Vector aPoint, optional int MaxPathLength, optional bool bReturnPartial)
functionActor FindPathToIntercept (Pawn P, Actor InRouteGoal, optional bool bWeightDetours, optional int MaxPathLength, optional bool bReturnPartial)
functionActor FindPathToward (Actor anActor, optional bool bWeightDetours, optional int MaxPathLength, optional bool bReturnPartial)
functionActor FindPathTowardNearest (class<NavigationPoint> GoalClass, optional bool bWeightDetours, optional int MaxPathLength, optional bool bReturnPartial)
functionNavigationPoint FindRandomDest ()
function FinishRotation ()
functionbool FireWeaponAt (Actor inActor)
function GameHasEnded (optional Actor EndGameFocus, optional bool bIsWinner))
functionbool GamePlayEndedState ()))
functionbool GamePlayEndedState ()))
event GetActorEyesViewPoint (out vector out_Location, out Rotator out_Rotation ))
functionRotator GetAdjustedAimFor (Weapon W, vector StartFireLoc ))
functionString GetHumanReadableName ()))
functionController GetKillerController ()))
event GetPlayerViewPoint (out vector out_Location, out Rotator out_rotation ))
functionActor GetRouteGoalAfter (int RouteIdx ))
functionbyte GetTeamNum ()
eventbool HandlePathObstruction (Actor BlockedBy)
function HandlePickup (Inventory Inv)
event HearNoise (float Loudness, Actor NoiseMaker, optional Name NoiseType)
function InitPlayerReplicationInfo ()))
functionbool InLatentExecution (int LatentActionNumber)
function InstantWarnTarget (Actor InTarget, Weapon FiredWeapon, vector FireDir))
functionbool IsAimingAt (Actor ATarget, float Epsilon ))
functionbool IsDead ()
functionbool IsDead ()))
eventbool IsInCombat ()
functionbool IsLocalPlayerController ()
functionbool IsSpectating ()))
functionbool LandingShake ()))
functionbool LineOfSightTo (Actor Other, optional vector chkLocation, optional bool bTryAlternateTargetLoc)
event LongFall ()
event MayFall ()
eventbool MoverFinished ()))
function MoveTo (vector NewDestination, optional Actor ViewFocus, optional bool bShouldWalk = (Pawn != None) ? Pawn.bIsWalking : false)
function MoveToward (Actor NewTarget, optional Actor ViewFocus, optional float DestinationOffset, optional bool bUseStrafing, optional bool bShouldWalk = (Pawn != None) ? Pawn.bIsWalking : false)
event MoveUnreachable (vector AttemptedDest, Actor AttemptedTarget))
function NotifyAddInventory (Inventory NewItem)
eventbool NotifyBump (Actor Other, Vector HitNormal)
function NotifyChangedWeapon (Weapon PrevWeapon, Weapon NewWeapon)
event NotifyCoverAdjusted ()))
functionbool NotifyCoverClaimViolation (Controller NewClaim, CoverLink Link, int SlotIdx)
function NotifyCoverDisabled (CoverLink Link, int SlotIdx)
event NotifyFallingHitWall (vector HitNormal, actor Wall)
eventbool NotifyHeadVolumeChange (PhysicsVolume NewVolume)
eventbool NotifyHitWall (vector HitNormal, actor Wall)
event NotifyJumpApex ()
function NotifyKilled (Controller Killer, Controller Killed, pawn KilledPawn))
eventbool NotifyLanded (vector HitNormal, Actor FloorActor)
event NotifyMissedJump ()
event NotifyPhysicsVolumeChange (PhysicsVolume NewVolume)
event NotifyPostLanded ()
function NotifyProjLanded (Projectile Proj ))
function NotifyTakeHit (Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, int Damage, class<DamageType> damageType, vector Momentum)
function OnCauseDamage (SeqAct_CauseDamage Action))
function OnMakeNoise (SeqAct_MakeNoise Action ))
function OnPossess (SeqAct_Possess inAction))
function OnTeleport (SeqAct_Teleport Action))
function OnToggleAffectedByHitEffects (SeqAct_ToggleAffectedByHitEffects inAction ))
function OnToggleGodMode (SeqAct_ToggleGodMode inAction))
function OnToggleHidden (SeqAct_ToggleHidden Action))
function PawnDied (Pawn inPawn))
function PawnDied (Pawn P))
functionPawn PickTarget (class<Pawn> TargetClass, out float bestAim, out float bestDist, vector FireDir, vector projStart, float MaxRange)
functionbool PickWallAdjust (vector HitNormal)
functionbool PointReachable (vector aPoint)
event Possess (Pawn inPawn, bool bVehicleTransition))
event PostBeginPlay ()))
eventfloat RatePickup (Actor PickupHolder, class<Inventory> inPickup)
function ReadyForLift ()
function ReceiveProjectileWarning (Projectile Proj)
function ReceiveWarning (Pawn shooter, float projSpeed, vector FireDir)
event ReplicatedEvent (name VarName))
function Reset ()))
function Restart (bool bVehicleTransition))
function RoundHasEnded (optional Actor EndRoundFocus))
function RouteCache_AddItem (NavigationPoint Nav)
function RouteCache_Empty ()
function RouteCache_InsertItem (NavigationPoint Nav, int Idx=0)
function RouteCache_RemoveIndex (int InIndex, int Count=1)
function RouteCache_RemoveItem (NavigationPoint Nav)
event SeeMonster (Pawn Seen)
event SeePlayer (Pawn Seen)
function SendMessage (PlayerReplicationInfo Recipient, name MessageType, float Wait, optional class<DamageType> DamageType)
function ServerGivePawn ()
function ServerRestartPlayer ()))
function ServerReStartPlayer ()))
function SetCharacter (string inCharacter)
event SetupSpecialPathAbilities ()
event StopFiring ()))
function StopLatentExecution ()
function SwitchToBestWeapon (optional bool bForceNewWeapon))
function UnderLift (LiftCenter Lift)
event UnPossess ()))
function UpdateSex ()))
function WaitForLanding (optional float waitDuration)
function WaitForMover (InterpActor M))
function WarnProjExplode (Projectile Proj)
Inherited Functions from Engine.Actor
ActivateEventClass, AllActors, AllOwnedComponents, Attach, AttachComponent, AutonomousPhysics, BaseChange, BasedActors, BecomeViewTarget, BeginAnimControl, BroadcastLocalizedMessage, BroadcastLocalizedTeamMessage, Bump, CalcCamera, CanSplash, ChartData, CheckForErrors, CheckHitInfo, CheckMaxEffectDistance, ChildActors, ClampRotation, ClearLatentAction, ClearTimer, Clock, CollidingActors, CollisionChanged, ComponentList, ConsoleCommand, ConstraintBrokenNotify, ContainsPoint, CreateAudioComponent, DebugFreezeGame, Destroy, Destroyed, Detach, DetachComponent, DisplayDebug, DoKismetAttachment, DrawDebugBox, DrawDebugCone, DrawDebugCoordinateSystem, DrawDebugCylinder, DrawDebugLine, DrawDebugSphere, DynamicActors, EffectIsRelevant, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EndViewTarget, Falling, FastTrace, FellOutOfWorld, FindActorsOfClass, FindBase, FindEventsOfClass, FindGoodEndView, FindSpot, FinishAnim, FinishAnimControl, FlushPersistentDebugLines, ForceNetRelevant, ForceUpdateComponents, GainedChild, GetActorEyesViewPoint, GetActorFaceFXAsset, GetBaseMost, GetBoundingCylinder, GetComponentsBoundingBox, GetDebugName, GetDestination, GetFaceFXAudioComponent, GetGravityZ, GetHumanReadableName, GetItemName, GetLocalString, GetLocationStringFor, GetPackageGuid, GetPhysicsName, GetTargetLocation, GetTeamNum, GetTerminalVelocity, GetTimerCount, GetTimerRate, GetURLMap, GetUTFlag, HealDamage, HitWall, HurtRadius, InterpolationChanged, InterpolationFinished, InterpolationStarted, IsActorPlayingFaceFXAnim, IsBasedOn, IsInPain, IsInVolume, IsOverlapping, IsOwnedBy, IsPlayerOwned, IsStationary, IsTimerActive, KilledBy, Landed, LocalPlayerControllers, LostChild, MakeNoise, MatchStarting, ModifyHearSoundComponent, Move, MoveSmooth, MovingWhichWay, NativePostRenderFor, NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived, NotifySkelControlBeyondLimit, OnAnimEnd, OnAnimPlay, OnAttachToActor, OnCauseDamage, OnChangeCollision, OnDestroy, OnHealDamage, OnMakeNoise, OnRanOver, OnSetBlockRigidBody, OnSetPhysics, OnTeleport, OnToggleHidden, OutsideWorldBounds, OverlappingActors, OverRotated, PawnBaseDied, PhysicsVolumeChange, PickedUpBy, PlayActorFaceFXAnim, PlayerCanSeeMe, PlaySound, PlayTeleportEffect, PointCheckComponent, PostBeginPlay, PostInitAnimTree, PostRenderFor, PostTeleport, PostTouch, PreBeginPlay, PreTeleport, RanInto, ReplaceText, ReplicatedEvent, Reset, RigidBodyCollision, RootMotionExtracted, RootMotionModeChanged, ScriptGetTeamNum, SetAnimPosition, SetAnimWeights, SetBase, SetCollision, SetCollisionSize, SetDrawScale, SetDrawScale3D, SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty, SetGRI, SetHardAttach, SetHidden, SetHUDLocation, SetInitialState, SetLocation, SetMorphWeight, SetNetUpdateTime, SetOnlyOwnerSee, SetOwner, SetPhysics, SetRelativeLocation, SetRelativeRotation, SetRotation, SetSkelControlScale, SetTickGroup, SetTimer, SetZone, ShutDown, Sleep, Spawn, SpawnedByKismet, SpecialHandling, StopActorFaceFXAnim, StopsProjectile, SuggestTossVelocity, TakeDamage, TakeRadiusDamage, Tick, Timer, TimeSince, TornOff, Touch, TouchingActors, Trace, TraceActors, TraceComponent, TriggerEventClass, UnClock, UnTouch, UsedBy, VisibleActors, VisibleCollidingActors
Inherited Functions from Core.Object
!, !=, $, $=, %, &, &&, *, **, *=, +, ++, +=, -, --, -=, / , /=, <, <<, <=, ==, >, >=, >>, >>>, @, @=, Abs, Acos, Asc, Asin, Atan, BeginState, ByteToFloat, Caps, Chr, Clamp, ClampLength, ClampRotAxis, ClassIsChildOf, ClearConfig, ClockwiseFrom, ColorToLinearColor, ContinuedState, Cos, Cross, Disable, Dot, DumpStateStack, DynamicLoadObject, Enable, EndState, Exp, FClamp, FCubicInterp, FindDeltaAngle, FindObject, FInterpEaseIn, FInterpEaseInOut, FInterpEaseOut, FInterpTo, FloatToByte, FMax, FMin, FPctByRange, FRand, GetAngularDegreesFromRadians, GetAngularDistance, GetAngularFromDotDist, GetAxes, GetDotDistance, GetEnum, GetFuncName, GetHeadingAngle, GetNetFuncName, GetPackageName, GetPerObjectConfigSections, GetRangePctByValue, GetRangeValueByPct, GetSpecialValue, GetStateName, GetUnAxes, GotoState, InStr, IsA, IsChildState, IsInState, IsNetScript, IsPendingKill, IsUTracing, IsZero, JoinArray, Left, Len, Lerp, Localize, Locs, Loge, LogInternal, MakeColor, MakeLinearColor, Max, Mid, Min, MirrorVectorByNormal, Normal, Normalize, NormalizeRotAxis, OrthoRotation, ParseStringIntoArray, PathName, PausedState, PointDistToLine, PointDistToPlane, PointInBox, PoppedState, PopState, ProjectOnTo, PushedState, PushState, QuatDot, QuatFindBetween, QuatFromAxisAndAngle, QuatFromRotator, QuatInvert, QuatProduct, QuatRotateVector, QuatSlerp, QuatToRotator, Rand, RandRange, RDiff, Repl, Right, RInterpTo, RLerp, RotRand, Round, RSize, RSmerp, SaveConfig, SClampRotAxis, ScriptTrace, SetSpecialValue, SetUTracing, Sin, Split, Sqrt, Square, StaticClearConfig, StaticSaveConfig, Tan, TimeStamp, ToHex, TransformVectorByRotation, UnwindHeading, vect2d, VInterpTo, VLerp, VRand, VSize, VSize2D, VSizeSq, VSizeSq2D, VSmerp, WarnInternal, ^, ^^, |, ||, ~, ~=

States Summary
Dead Source code
state Dead
IsDead, PawnDied, ServerReStartPlayer
RoundEnded Source code
state RoundEnded
BeginState, GamePlayEndedState

Constants Detail



Variables Detail

AdjustLoc Source code

var vector AdjustLoc;

bAdjusting Source code

var bool bAdjusting;

bAdvancedTactics Source code

var bool bAdvancedTactics;

bAffectedByHitEffects Source code

var bool bAffectedByHitEffects;

bCanDoSpecial Source code

var bool bCanDoSpecial;

bFire Source code

var input byte bFire;

bForceDesiredRotation Source code

var bool bForceDesiredRotation;
Forces physics to use Controller.DesiredRotation regardless of focus etc

bForceStrafe Source code

var bool bForceStrafe;

bGodMode Source code

var bool bGodMode;

bIsPlayer Source code

var bool bIsPlayer;

bLOSflag Source code

var const bool bLOSflag;

bNotifyApex Source code

var bool bNotifyApex;

bNotifyFallingHitWall Source code

var bool bNotifyFallingHitWall;

bNotifyPostLanded Source code

var bool bNotifyPostLanded;

bPreciseDestination Source code

var bool bPreciseDestination;
Forces all velocity to be directed towards reaching Destination

bPreparingMove Source code

var bool bPreparingMove;

bSeeFriendly Source code

var bool bSeeFriendly;
Do visibility checks, call SeePlayer events() for pawns on same team as self. Setting to true will result in a lot more AI visibility line checks.

bSlowerZAcquire Source code

var bool bSlowerZAcquire;

bSoaking Source code

var bool bSoaking;

bUsePlayerHearing Source code

var bool bUsePlayerHearing;

bUsingPathLanes Source code

var bool bUsingPathLanes;
indicates that the AI is within a lane in its CurrentPath (like a road) to avoid ramming other Pawns also using that path set by MoveToward() when it detects multiple AI pawns using the same path when this is true, serpentine movement and cutting corners are disabled

CurrentPath Source code

var ReachSpec CurrentPath;

CurrentPathDir Source code

var vector CurrentPathDir;

Destination Source code

var vector Destination;

Enemy Source code

var Pawn Enemy;

FailedMoveTarget Source code

var Actor FailedMoveTarget;
used for discovering navigation failures

FailedReachLocation Source code

var const vector FailedReachLocation;

FailedReachTime Source code

var const float FailedReachTime;

FocalPoint Source code

var vector FocalPoint;

Focus Source code

var Actor Focus;

GoalList[4] Source code

var Actor GoalList[4];

GroundPitchTime Source code

var float GroundPitchTime;

HighJumpNodeCostModifier Source code

var int HighJumpNodeCostModifier;
additive modifier to cost of NavigationPoints that require high jumping

InUseNodeCostMultiplier Source code

var float InUseNodeCostMultiplier;
multiplier to cost of NavigationPoints that another Pawn is currently anchored to

LaneOffset Source code

var float LaneOffset;
the offset from the center of CurrentPath to the center of the lane in use (the Pawn's CollisionRadius defines the extent) positive values are to the Pawn's right, negative to the Pawn's left

LastFailedReach Source code

var const Actor LastFailedReach;

LastRouteFind Source code

var float LastRouteFind;

MinHitWall Source code

var float MinHitWall;

MoveFailureCount Source code

var int MoveFailureCount;

MoveTarget Source code

var Actor MoveTarget;

MoveTimer Source code

var float MoveTimer;

NextController Source code

var const private Controller NextController;

NextRoutePath Source code

var ReachSpec NextRoutePath;

OldBasedRotation Source code

var const rotator OldBasedRotation;
Used for reversing rejected mover base movement

Pawn Source code

var Pawn Pawn;

PendingMover Source code

var InterpActor PendingMover;

PlayerNum Source code

var const int PlayerNum;

PlayerReplicationInfo Source code

var repnotify PlayerReplicationInfo PlayerReplicationInfo;

RespawnPredictionTime Source code

var float RespawnPredictionTime;

RouteCache Source code

var array<NavigationPoint> RouteCache;
Cached list of nodes filled in by the last call to FindPathXXX

RouteDist Source code

var float RouteDist;

RouteGoal Source code

var Actor RouteGoal;

ShotTarget Source code

var Pawn ShotTarget;

SightCounter Source code

var float SightCounter;

SightCounterInterval Source code

var float SightCounterInterval;

StartSpot Source code

var NavigationPoint StartSpot;

Target Source code

var deprecated Actor Target;

ViewX Source code

var vector ViewX;

ViewY Source code

var vector ViewY;

ViewZ Source code

var vector ViewZ;

VisiblePortals Source code

var array<VisiblePortalInfo> VisiblePortals;

Structures Detail

VisiblePortalInfo Source code

struct VisiblePortalInfo
var Actor Destination;
var Actor Source;
List of destinations whose source portals are visible to this Controller
destination actor of portal
source actor of portal

Functions Detail

ActorReachable Source code

native(520) final function bool ActorReachable ( actor anActor )

AllowDetourTo Source code

event bool AllowDetourTo ( NavigationPoint N) )

BeginState RoundEnded Source code

event BeginState ( Name PreviousStateName) )

BeyondFogDistance Source code

final native function bool BeyondFogDistance ( vector ViewPoint, vector OtherPoint )

CanSee Source code

native(533) final function bool CanSee ( Pawn Other )

CanSeeByPoints Source code

native(537) final function bool CanSeeByPoints ( Vector ViewLocation, Vector TestLocation, Rotator ViewRotation )

CheckNearMiss Source code

function CheckNearMiss ( Pawn Shooter, Weapon W, vector WeapLoc, vector LineDir, vector HitLocation )

CleanupPRI Source code

function CleanupPRI ( ) )

ClientSetLocation Source code

reliable client function ClientSetLocation ( vector NewLocation, rotator NewRotation ) )

ClientSetRotation Source code

reliable client function ClientSetRotation ( rotator NewRotation, optional bool bResetCamera ) )

ClientSetWeapon Source code

reliable client function ClientSetWeapon ( class<Weapon> WeaponClass ) )

ClientSwitchToBestWeapon Source code

reliable client function ClientSwitchToBestWeapon ( optional bool bForceNewWeapon) )

CurrentLevelUnloaded Source code

event CurrentLevelUnloaded ( )
Called when the level this controller is in is unloaded via streaming.

Destroyed Source code

event Destroyed ( ) )

DisplayDebug Source code

simulated function DisplayDebug ( HUD HUD, out float out_YL, out float out_YPos) )
list important Controller variables on canvas. HUD will call DisplayDebug() on the current ViewTarget when the ShowDebug exec is used
@param HUD - HUD with canvas to draw on
@input out_YL - Height of the current font
@input out_YPos - Y position on Canvas. out_YPos += out_YL, gives position to draw text for next debug line.

EndClimbLadder Source code

native function EndClimbLadder ( )

EnemyJustTeleported Source code

function EnemyJustTeleported ( ) )

EnemyNotVisible Source code

event EnemyNotVisible ( )

FindPathTo Source code

native(518) final function Actor FindPathTo ( Vector aPoint, optional int MaxPathLength, optional bool bReturnPartial )

FindPathToIntercept Source code

native final function Actor FindPathToIntercept ( Pawn P, Actor InRouteGoal, optional bool bWeightDetours, optional int MaxPathLength, optional bool bReturnPartial )

FindPathToward Source code

native(517) final function Actor FindPathToward ( Actor anActor, optional bool bWeightDetours, optional int MaxPathLength, optional bool bReturnPartial )

FindPathTowardNearest Source code

native final function Actor FindPathTowardNearest ( class<NavigationPoint> GoalClass, optional bool bWeightDetours, optional int MaxPathLength, optional bool bReturnPartial )

FindRandomDest Source code

native(525) final function NavigationPoint FindRandomDest ( )

FinishRotation Source code

native(508) final latent function FinishRotation ( )

FireWeaponAt Source code

function bool FireWeaponAt ( Actor inActor )

GameHasEnded Source code

function GameHasEnded ( optional Actor EndGameFocus, optional bool bIsWinner) )

GamePlayEndedState Source code

function bool GamePlayEndedState ( ) )

GamePlayEndedState RoundEnded Source code

function bool GamePlayEndedState ( ) )

GetActorEyesViewPoint Source code

simulated event GetActorEyesViewPoint ( out vector out_Location, out Rotator out_Rotation ) )
returns the point of view of the actor. note that this doesn't mean the camera, but the 'eyes' of the actor. For example, for a Pawn, this would define the eye height location, and view rotation (which is different from the pawn rotation which has a zeroed pitch component). A camera first person view will typically use this view point. Most traces (weapon, AI) will be done from this view point. @output out_Location, location of view point @output out_Rotation, view rotation of actor.

GetAdjustedAimFor Source code

function Rotator GetAdjustedAimFor ( Weapon W, vector StartFireLoc ) )
Adjusts weapon aiming direction. Gives controller a chance to modify the aiming of the pawn. For example aim error, auto aiming, adhesion, AI help... Requested by weapon prior to firing.
@param W, weapon about to fire
@param StartFireLoc, world location of weapon fire start trace, or projectile spawn loc.
@param BaseAimRot, original aiming rotation without any modifications.

GetHumanReadableName Source code

simulated function String GetHumanReadableName ( ) )

GetKillerController Source code

function Controller GetKillerController ( ) )
called when this Controller causes a kill; gives it the opportunity to override with a different Controller that should get kill credit instead
@return the Controller that should get kill credit

GetPlayerViewPoint Source code

simulated event GetPlayerViewPoint ( out vector out_Location, out Rotator out_rotation ) )
Returns Player's Point of View For the AI this means the Pawn's 'Eyes' ViewPoint For a Human player, this means the Camera's ViewPoint @output out_Location, view location of player @output out_rotation, view rotation of player

GetRouteGoalAfter Source code

function Actor GetRouteGoalAfter ( int RouteIdx ) )

GetTeamNum Source code

simulated native function byte GetTeamNum ( )

HandlePathObstruction Source code

event bool HandlePathObstruction ( Actor BlockedBy )
called when a ReachSpec the AI wants to use is blocked by a dynamic obstruction gives the AI an opportunity to do something to get rid of it instead of trying to find another path
@note MoveTarget is the actor the AI wants to move toward, CurrentPath the ReachSpec it wants to use
@param BlockedBy the object blocking the path
@return true if the AI did something about the obstruction and should use the path anyway, false if the path is unusable and the bot must find some other way to go

HandlePickup Source code

function HandlePickup ( Inventory Inv )

HearNoise Source code

event HearNoise ( float Loudness, Actor NoiseMaker, optional Name NoiseType )

InitPlayerReplicationInfo Source code

function InitPlayerReplicationInfo ( ) )
spawns and initializes the PlayerReplicationInfo for this Controller

InLatentExecution Source code

native final function bool InLatentExecution ( int LatentActionNumber )

InstantWarnTarget Source code

function InstantWarnTarget ( Actor InTarget, Weapon FiredWeapon, vector FireDir) )

IsAimingAt Source code

simulated function bool IsAimingAt ( Actor ATarget, float Epsilon ) )
This will return whether or not this controller is aiming at the passed in actor. We are defining AIMing to mean that you are attempting to target the actor. Not just looking in the direction of the actor.

IsDead Source code

function bool IsDead ( )

IsDead Dead Source code

function bool IsDead ( ) )

IsInCombat Source code

event bool IsInCombat ( )
Returns if controller is in combat

IsLocalPlayerController Source code

native function bool IsLocalPlayerController ( )
returns whether this Controller is a locally controlled PlayerController @note not valid until the Controller is completely spawned (i.e, unusable in Pre/PostBeginPlay())

IsSpectating Source code

function bool IsSpectating ( ) )
Returns true if controller is spectating

LandingShake Source code

simulated function bool LandingShake ( ) )
LandingShake() returns true if controller wants landing view shake

LineOfSightTo Source code

native(514) noexport final function bool LineOfSightTo ( Actor Other, optional vector chkLocation, optional bool bTryAlternateTargetLoc )

LongFall Source code

event LongFall ( )

MayFall Source code

event MayFall ( )

MoverFinished Source code

event bool MoverFinished ( ) )

MoveTo Source code

native(500) noexport final latent function MoveTo ( vector NewDestination, optional Actor ViewFocus, optional bool bShouldWalk = (Pawn != None) ? Pawn.bIsWalking : false )

MoveToward Source code

native(502) noexport final latent function MoveToward ( Actor NewTarget, optional Actor ViewFocus, optional float DestinationOffset, optional bool bUseStrafing, optional bool bShouldWalk = (Pawn != None) ? Pawn.bIsWalking : false )

MoveUnreachable Source code

event MoveUnreachable ( vector AttemptedDest, Actor AttemptedTarget) )
Called by APawn::moveToward when the point is unreachable due to obstruction or height differences.

NotifyAddInventory Source code

function NotifyAddInventory ( Inventory NewItem )
Called when an inventory item is given to our Pawn (owning client only)
@param the Inventory item that was added

NotifyBump Source code

event bool NotifyBump ( Actor Other, Vector HitNormal )

NotifyChangedWeapon Source code

function NotifyChangedWeapon ( Weapon PrevWeapon, Weapon NewWeapon )

NotifyCoverAdjusted Source code

simulated event NotifyCoverAdjusted ( ) )
Called when a slot is adjusted with this controller as the current owner.

NotifyCoverClaimViolation Source code

simulated function bool NotifyCoverClaimViolation ( Controller NewClaim, CoverLink Link, int SlotIdx )
Called when cover that AI had claimed is claimed forceably by someone else (usually a player)

NotifyCoverDisabled Source code

simulated function NotifyCoverDisabled ( CoverLink Link, int SlotIdx )
Called when a slot is disabled with this controller as the current owner.

NotifyFallingHitWall Source code

event NotifyFallingHitWall ( vector HitNormal, actor Wall )

NotifyHeadVolumeChange Source code

event bool NotifyHeadVolumeChange ( PhysicsVolume NewVolume )

NotifyHitWall Source code

event bool NotifyHitWall ( vector HitNormal, actor Wall )

NotifyJumpApex Source code

event NotifyJumpApex ( )

NotifyKilled Source code

function NotifyKilled ( Controller Killer, Controller Killed, pawn KilledPawn) )

NotifyLanded Source code

event bool NotifyLanded ( vector HitNormal, Actor FloorActor )

NotifyMissedJump Source code

event NotifyMissedJump ( )

NotifyPhysicsVolumeChange Source code

event NotifyPhysicsVolumeChange ( PhysicsVolume NewVolume )

NotifyPostLanded Source code

event NotifyPostLanded ( )

NotifyProjLanded Source code

function NotifyProjLanded ( Projectile Proj ) )

NotifyTakeHit Source code

function NotifyTakeHit ( Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, int Damage, class<DamageType> damageType, vector Momentum )

OnCauseDamage Source code

simulated function OnCauseDamage ( SeqAct_CauseDamage Action) )
Redirect to pawn.

OnMakeNoise Source code

simulated function OnMakeNoise ( SeqAct_MakeNoise Action ) )
Force this actor to make a noise that the AI may hear

OnPossess Source code

function OnPossess ( SeqAct_Possess inAction) )
Kismet Action to possess a Pawn or a vehicle

OnTeleport Source code

simulated function OnTeleport ( SeqAct_Teleport Action) )
Overridden to redirect to pawn, since teleporting the controller would be useless. If Action == None, this was called from the Pawn already

OnToggleAffectedByHitEffects Source code

function OnToggleAffectedByHitEffects ( SeqAct_ToggleAffectedByHitEffects inAction ) )

OnToggleGodMode Source code

function OnToggleGodMode ( SeqAct_ToggleGodMode inAction) )
Sets god mode based on the activated link.

OnToggleHidden Source code

simulated function OnToggleHidden ( SeqAct_ToggleHidden Action) )
Overridden to redirect to the pawn if available.

PawnDied Source code

function PawnDied ( Pawn inPawn) )

PawnDied Dead Source code

function PawnDied ( Pawn P) )

PickTarget Source code

native(531) final function Pawn PickTarget ( class<Pawn> TargetClass, out float bestAim, out float bestDist, vector FireDir, vector projStart, float MaxRange )

PickWallAdjust Source code

native(526) final function bool PickWallAdjust ( vector HitNormal )

PointReachable Source code

native(521) final function bool PointReachable ( vector aPoint )

Possess Source code

event Possess ( Pawn inPawn, bool bVehicleTransition) )

PostBeginPlay Source code

event PostBeginPlay ( ) )

RatePickup Source code

event float RatePickup ( Actor PickupHolder, class<Inventory> inPickup )

ReadyForLift Source code

function ReadyForLift ( )

ReceiveProjectileWarning Source code

function ReceiveProjectileWarning ( Projectile Proj )

ReceiveWarning Source code

function ReceiveWarning ( Pawn shooter, float projSpeed, vector FireDir )

ReplicatedEvent Source code

simulated event ReplicatedEvent ( name VarName) )

Reset Source code

function Reset ( ) )

Restart Source code

function Restart ( bool bVehicleTransition) )

RoundHasEnded Source code

function RoundHasEnded ( optional Actor EndRoundFocus) )

RouteCache_AddItem Source code

native function RouteCache_AddItem ( NavigationPoint Nav )

RouteCache_Empty Source code

native function RouteCache_Empty ( )
Route Cache Operations Allows operations on nodes in the route while modifying route (ie before emptying the cache) Should override in subclasses as needed

RouteCache_InsertItem Source code

native function RouteCache_InsertItem ( NavigationPoint Nav, int Idx=0 )

RouteCache_RemoveIndex Source code

native function RouteCache_RemoveIndex ( int InIndex, int Count=1 )

RouteCache_RemoveItem Source code

native function RouteCache_RemoveItem ( NavigationPoint Nav )

SeeMonster Source code

event SeeMonster ( Pawn Seen )

SeePlayer Source code

event SeePlayer ( Pawn Seen )

SendMessage Source code

function SendMessage ( PlayerReplicationInfo Recipient, name MessageType, float Wait, optional class<DamageType> DamageType )

ServerGivePawn Source code

function ServerGivePawn ( )

ServerRestartPlayer Source code

reliable server function ServerRestartPlayer ( ) )

ServerReStartPlayer Dead Source code

reliable server function ServerReStartPlayer ( ) )

SetCharacter Source code

function SetCharacter ( string inCharacter )

SetupSpecialPathAbilities Source code

event SetupSpecialPathAbilities ( )

StopFiring Source code

event StopFiring ( ) )

StopLatentExecution Source code

native final function StopLatentExecution ( )

SwitchToBestWeapon Source code

exec function SwitchToBestWeapon ( optional bool bForceNewWeapon) )

UnderLift Source code

function UnderLift ( LiftCenter Lift )
Called when the this Controller's Pawn gets hit by an InterpActor interpolating downward while this Controller has Lift set as its PendingMover
@param Lift the LiftCenter associated with the InterpActor that hit the Pawn

UnPossess Source code

event UnPossess ( ) )

UpdateSex Source code

function UpdateSex ( ) )

WaitForLanding Source code

native(527) noexport final latent function WaitForLanding ( optional float waitDuration )

WaitForMover Source code

function WaitForMover ( InterpActor M) )

WarnProjExplode Source code

function WarnProjExplode ( Projectile Proj )
Notification from given projectil that it is about to explode


   Begin Object Class=SpriteComponent Name=Sprite ObjName=Sprite Archetype=SpriteComponent'Engine.Default__SpriteComponent'
   End Object

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