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abstract native nativereplication hidecategories ( Navigation ) DependsOn ( AnimNode )

+-- Engine.Actor

Direct Known Subclasses:

Brush, Camera, CameraActor, ComponentTestActorBase, Controller, DecalActor, DecalManager, DialogueManager, DroppedPickup, DynamicSMActor, Emitter, EmitterPool, FlockAttractor, FlockTestActor, FlockTest_Spawner, HUD, Info, Inventory, InventoryManager, KAsset, Keypoint, LensFlareSource, Light, MaterialInstanceActor, MatineeActor, NavigationPoint, Note, Pawn, PhysAnimTestActor, PrefabInstance, Projectile, RB_ConstraintActor, RB_CylindricalForceActor, RB_LineImpulseActor, RB_RadialForceActor, RB_RadialImpulseActor, RB_Thruster, SceneCaptureActor, SkeletalMeshActor, SpeedTreeActor, StaticMeshActorBase, SubobjectTestActor, Test0023_MetaData, TestPlaceableActor, Trigger, UTAvoidMarker, UTBreakablePowerCables, UTCarriedObject, UTCustomChar_Preview, UTDarkWalkerBeamLight, UTDeployedActor, UTGib, UTHeroBomb, UTJumpBootEffect, UTLinkBeamLight, UTOnslaughtGodBeam, UTPowerCorePanel, UTProcessedCharacterCache, UTVehicleBoostPad, UTWalkerBody, UTWarfareChildBarricade, UTWeaponAttachment, UTWeaponShield, VehicleMovementEffect

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Core.Object
DegToRad, INDEX_NONE, MaxInt, Pi, RadToDeg

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Core.Object
Class, HashNext, HashOuterNext, Linker, LinkerIndex, Name, NetIndex, ObjectArchetype, ObjectFlags, ObjectInternalInteger, Outer, StateFrame, VfTableObject

Enumerations Summary
COLLIDE_CustomDefault, COLLIDE_NoCollision, COLLIDE_BlockAll, COLLIDE_BlockWeapons, COLLIDE_TouchAll, COLLIDE_TouchWeapons, COLLIDE_BlockAllButWeapons, COLLIDE_TouchAllButWeapons,
MD_Stationary, MD_Forward, MD_Backward, MD_Left, MD_Right, MD_Up, MD_Down
ROLE_None, ROLE_SimulatedProxy, ROLE_AutonomousProxy, ROLE_Authority,
PHYS_None, PHYS_Walking, PHYS_Falling, PHYS_Swimming, PHYS_Flying, PHYS_Rotating, PHYS_Projectile, PHYS_Interpolating, PHYS_Spider, PHYS_Ladder, PHYS_RigidBody, PHYS_SoftBody, PHYS_Unused
TRAVEL_Absolute, TRAVEL_Partial, TRAVEL_Relative,
Inherited Enumerations from Core.Object
EAxis, EInputEvent, EInterpCurveMode, EInterpMethodType, ETickingGroup

Structures Summary
SlotName, NumChannels
SlotName, ChannelWeights
bCheckStarted, bCheckCompleted, bHit
ContactInfos, TotalNormalForceVector, TotalFrictionForceVector
HitActor, HitLocation, HitNormal, RayDir, HitInfo
Nav, Guid
AppliedImpulse, HitLocation, BoneName, ImpulseCount, bRadialImpulse
ContactPosition, ContactNormal, ContactPenetration, ContactVelocity[2], PhysMaterial[2]
Position, Quaternion, LinVel, AngVel, bNewData
bLoop, FuncName, Rate, Count, TimerObj
Material, PhysMaterial, Item, LevelIndex, BoneName, HitComponent
Inherited Structures from Core.Object
Box, BoxSphereBounds, Color, Cylinder, double, DynamicMap_Mirror, Guid, IndirectArray_Mirror, InterpCurveFloat, InterpCurvePointFloat, InterpCurvePointQuat, InterpCurvePointTwoVectors, InterpCurvePointVector, InterpCurvePointVector2D, InterpCurveQuat, InterpCurveTwoVectors, InterpCurveVector, InterpCurveVector2D, IntPoint, LinearColor, Map_Mirror, Matrix, MultiMap_Mirror, Plane, pointer, Quat, qword, RawDistribution, RenderCommandFence, Rotator, TextureMipBulkData_Mirror, ThreadSafeCounter, TPOV, TwoVectors, UntypedBulkData_Mirror, Vector, Vector2D, Vector4

Functions Summary
functionbool ActivateEventClass (class<SequenceEvent> InClass, Actor InInstigator, const out array<SequenceEvent> EventList, optional const out array<int> ActivateIndices, optional bool bTest ))
function AllActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor)
function AllOwnedComponents (class<Component> BaseClass, ut ActorComponent OutComponent)
event Attach (Actor Other)
function AttachComponent (ActorComponent NewComponent)
function AutonomousPhysics (float DeltaSeconds)
event BaseChange ()
function BasedActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor)
event BecomeViewTarget (PlayerController PC)
event BeginAnimControl (array<AnimSet> InAnimSets)
event BroadcastLocalizedMessage (class<LocalMessage> InMessageClass, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ))
event BroadcastLocalizedTeamMessage (int TeamIndex, class<LocalMessage> InMessageClass, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ))
event Bump (Actor Other, PrimitiveComponent OtherComp, Vector HitNormal)
functionbool CalcCamera (float fDeltaTime, out vector out_CamLoc, out rotator out_CamRot, out float out_FOV ))
functionbool CanSplash ()))
function ChartData (string DataName, float DataValue)
functionbool CheckForErrors ()
function CheckHitInfo (out TraceHitInfo HitInfo, PrimitiveComponent FallBackComponent, Vector Dir, out Vector out_HitLocation ))
functionbool CheckMaxEffectDistance (PlayerController P, vector SpawnLocation, optional float CullDistance))
function ChildActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor)
functionbool ClampRotation (out Rotator out_Rot, Rotator rBase, Rotator rUpperLimits, Rotator rLowerLimits)
function ClearLatentAction (class<SeqAct_Latent> actionClass, ptional bool bAborted, ptional SeqAct_Latent exceptionAction))
function ClearTimer (optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer', optional Object inObj)
function Clock (out float time)
function CollidingActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, float Radius, optional vector Loc, optional bool bUseOverlapCheck)
event CollisionChanged ()
function ComponentList (class<Object> BaseClass, out ActorComponent out_Component)
functionstring ConsoleCommand (string Command, optional bool bWriteToLog = true)
event ConstraintBrokenNotify (Actor ConOwner, RB_ConstraintSetup ConSetup, RB_ConstraintInstance ConInstance ))
functionbool ContainsPoint (vector Spot)
functionAudioComponent CreateAudioComponent (SoundCue InSoundCue, optional bool bPlay, optional bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed, optional bool bUseLocation, optional vector SourceLocation, optional bool bAttachToSelf = true)
function DebugFreezeGame ()))
functionbool Destroy ()
event Destroyed ()
event Detach (Actor Other)
function DetachComponent (ActorComponent ExComponent)
function DisplayDebug (HUD HUD, out float out_YL, out float out_YPos))
function DoKismetAttachment (Actor Attachment, SeqAct_AttachToActor Action))
function DrawDebugBox (vector Center, vector Extent, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistentLines)
function DrawDebugCone (Vector Origin, Vector Direction, FLOAT Length, FLOAT AngleWidth, FLOAT AngleHeight, INT NumSides, Color DrawColor, optional bool bPersistentLines)
function DrawDebugCoordinateSystem (vector AxisLoc, Rotator AxisRot, float Scale, optional bool bPersistentLines)
function DrawDebugCylinder (vector Start, vector End, float Radius, INT Segments, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistentLines)
function DrawDebugLine (vector LineStart, vector LineEnd, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistentLines)
function DrawDebugSphere (vector Center, float Radius, INT Segments, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistentLines)
function DynamicActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor)
functionbool EffectIsRelevant (vector SpawnLocation, bool bForceDedicated, optional float CullDistance ))
event EncroachedBy (actor Other)
eventbool EncroachingOn (Actor Other)
event EndViewTarget (PlayerController PC)
event Falling ()
functionbool FastTrace (vector TraceEnd, optional vector TraceStart, optional vector BoxExtent, optional bool bTraceBullet)
event FellOutOfWorld (class<DamageType> dmgType))
functionbool FindActorsOfClass (class<Actor> ActorClass, out array<Actor> out_Actors))
function FindBase ()
functionbool FindEventsOfClass (class<SequenceEvent> EventClass, optional out array<SequenceEvent> out_EventList))
function FindGoodEndView (PlayerController PC, out Rotator GoodRotation))
functionbool FindSpot (vector BoxExtent, out vector SpotLocation)
function FinishAnim (AnimNodeSequence SeqNode)
event FinishAnimControl ()
function FlushPersistentDebugLines ()
function ForceNetRelevant ()))
function ForceUpdateComponents (optional bool bCollisionUpdate = FALSE, optional bool bTransformOnly = TRUE)
event GainedChild (Actor Other)
event GetActorEyesViewPoint (out vector out_Location, out Rotator out_Rotation ))
eventFaceFXAsset GetActorFaceFXAsset ()
functionActor GetBaseMost ()
function GetBoundingCylinder (out float CollisionRadius, out float CollisionHeight) con)
function GetComponentsBoundingBox (out box ActorBox) con)
functionString GetDebugName ()))
functionvector GetDestination (Controller C)
eventAudioComponent GetFaceFXAudioComponent ()))
functionfloat GetGravityZ ()
functionString GetHumanReadableName ()))
functionString GetItemName (string FullName ))
functionstring GetLocalString (optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2 ))
functionstring GetLocationStringFor (PlayerReplicationInfo PRI))
functionGuid GetPackageGuid (name PackageName)
functionString GetPhysicsName ()))
functionvector GetTargetLocation (optional actor RequestedBy, optional bool bRequestAlternateLoc) con)
functionbyte GetTeamNum ()
functionfloat GetTerminalVelocity ()
functionfloat GetTimerCount (optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer', optional Object inObj)
functionfloat GetTimerRate (optional name TimerFuncName = 'Timer', optional Object inObj)
functionstring GetURLMap ()
functionActor GetUTFlag (bool bIsRed)
functionbool HealDamage (int Amount, Controller Healer, class<DamageType> DamageType)
event HitWall (vector HitNormal, actor Wall, PrimitiveComponent WallComp)
functionbool HurtRadius (float BaseDamage, float DamageRadius, class<DamageType> DamageType, float Momentum, vector HurtOrigin, optional Actor IgnoredActor, optional Controller InstigatedByController = Instigator != None ? Instigator.Controller : None, optional bool bDoFullDamage ))
event InterpolationChanged (SeqAct_Interp InterpAction)
event InterpolationFinished (SeqAct_Interp InterpAction)
event InterpolationStarted (SeqAct_Interp InterpAction)
functionbool IsActorPlayingFaceFXAnim ()))
functionbool IsBasedOn (Actor TestActor)
functionbool IsInPain ()))
functionbool IsInVolume (Volume aVolume))
functionbool IsOverlapping (Actor A)
functionbool IsOwnedBy (Actor TestActor)
functionbool IsPlayerOwned ()
functionbool IsStationary ()))
functionbool IsTimerActive (optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer', optional Object inObj)
function KilledBy (pawn EventInstigator)
event Landed (vector HitNormal, actor FloorActor)
function LocalPlayerControllers (class<PlayerController> BaseClass, out PlayerController PC)
event LostChild (Actor Other)
function MakeNoise (float Loudness, optional Name NoiseType)
function MatchStarting ()
event ModifyHearSoundComponent (AudioComponent AC)
functionbool Move (vector Delta)
functionbool MoveSmooth (vector Delta)
functionEMoveDir MovingWhichWay (out float Amount)
function NativePostRenderFor (PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir)
function NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived ()
event NotifySkelControlBeyondLimit (SkelControlLookAt LookAt)
event OnAnimEnd (AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, float PlayedTime, float ExcessTime)
event OnAnimPlay (AnimNodeSequence SeqNode)
function OnAttachToActor (SeqAct_AttachToActor Action))
function OnCauseDamage (SeqAct_CauseDamage Action))
function OnChangeCollision (SeqAct_ChangeCollision Action))
function OnDestroy (SeqAct_Destroy Action))
function OnHealDamage (SeqAct_HealDamage Action))
function OnMakeNoise (SeqAct_MakeNoise Action ))
event OnRanOver (SVehicle Vehicle, PrimitiveComponent RunOverComponent, int WheelIndex)
function OnSetBlockRigidBody (SeqAct_SetBlockRigidBody Action))
function OnSetPhysics (SeqAct_SetPhysics Action))
function OnTeleport (SeqAct_Teleport Action))
function OnToggleHidden (SeqAct_ToggleHidden Action))
event OutsideWorldBounds ()))
function OverlappingActors (class<Actor> BaseClass, out Actor out_Actor, float Radius, optional vector Loc, optional bool bIgnoreHidden)
eventbool OverRotated (out Rotator out_Desired, out Rotator out_Actual)
function PawnBaseDied ()
event PhysicsVolumeChange (PhysicsVolume NewVolume)
function PickedUpBy (Pawn P)
eventbool PlayActorFaceFXAnim (FaceFXAnimSet AnimSet, String GroupName, String SeqName)
functionbool PlayerCanSeeMe ()
function PlaySound (SoundCue InSoundCue, optional bool bNotReplicated, optional bool bNoRepToOwner, optional bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed, optional vector SoundLocation, optional bool bNoRepToRelevant)
function PlayTeleportEffect (bool bOut, bool bSound)
functionbool PointCheckComponent (PrimitiveComponent InComponent, vector PointLocation, vector PointExtent)
event PostBeginPlay ()
event PostInitAnimTree (SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp)
event PostRenderFor (PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir)
function PostTeleport (Teleporter OutTeleporter)
event PostTouch (Actor Other)
event PreBeginPlay ()))
functionbool PreTeleport (Teleporter InTeleporter)
event RanInto (Actor Other)
function ReplaceText (out string Text, string Replace, string With))
event ReplicatedEvent (name VarName)
event Reset ()
event RigidBodyCollision (PrimitiveComponent HitComponent, PrimitiveComponent OtherComponent, const out CollisionImpactData RigidCollisionData, int ContactIndex)
event RootMotionExtracted (SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp, out BoneAtom ExtractedRootMotionDelta)
event RootMotionModeChanged (SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp)
eventbyte ScriptGetTeamNum ()))
event SetAnimPosition (name SlotName, int ChannelIndex, name InAnimSeqName, float InPosition, bool bFireNotifies, bool bLooping)
event SetAnimWeights (array<AnimSlotInfo> SlotInfos)
function SetBase (actor NewBase, optional vector NewFloor, optional SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp, optional name AttachName)
function SetCollision (optional bool bNewColActors, optional bool bNewBlockActors, optional bool bNewIgnoreEncroachers)
function SetCollisionSize (float NewRadius, float NewHeight)
function SetDrawScale (float NewScale)
function SetDrawScale3D (vector NewScale3D)
function SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty (Property PropToReplicate, bool bAdd)
function SetGRI (GameReplicationInfo GRI)
function SetHardAttach (optional bool bNewHardAttach)
function SetHidden (bool bNewHidden)
function SetHUDLocation (vector NewHUDLocation)
event SetInitialState ()))
functionbool SetLocation (vector NewLocation)
event SetMorphWeight (name MorphNodeName, float MorphWeight)
function SetNetUpdateTime (float NewUpdateTime)
function SetOnlyOwnerSee (bool bNewOnlyOwnerSee)
function SetOwner (actor NewOwner)
function SetPhysics (EPhysics newPhysics)
functionbool SetRelativeLocation (vector NewLocation)
functionbool SetRelativeRotation (rotator NewRotation)
functionbool SetRotation (rotator NewRotation)
event SetSkelControlScale (name SkelControlName, float Scale)
function SetTickGroup (ETickingGroup NewTickGroup)
function SetTimer (float inRate, optional bool inbLoop, optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer', optional Object inObj)
function SetZone (bool bForceRefresh)
event ShutDown ()))
function Sleep (float Seconds)
functionactor Spawn (class SpawnClass, optional actor SpawnOwner, optional name SpawnTag, optional vector SpawnLocation, optional rotator SpawnRotation, optional Actor ActorTemplate, optional bool bNoCollisionFail)
event SpawnedByKismet ()
eventActor SpecialHandling (Pawn Other)
event StopActorFaceFXAnim ()
functionbool StopsProjectile (Projectile P))
functionbool SuggestTossVelocity (out vector TossVelocity, vector Destination, vector Start, float TossSpeed, optional float BaseTossZ, optional float DesiredZPct, optional vector CollisionSize, optional float TerminalVelocity)
event TakeDamage (int DamageAmount, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser))
function TakeRadiusDamage (Controller InstigatedBy, float BaseDamage, float DamageRadius, class<DamageType> DamageType, float Momentum, vector HurtOrigin, bool bFullDamage, Actor DamageCauser ))
event Tick (float DeltaTime)
event Timer ()
functionfloat TimeSince (float Time ))
event TornOff ()
event Touch (Actor Other, PrimitiveComponent OtherComp, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal)
function TouchingActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor)
functionActor Trace (out vector HitLocation, out vector HitNormal, vector TraceEnd, optional vector TraceStart, optional bool bTraceActors, optional vector Extent, optional out TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional int ExtraTraceFlags)
function TraceActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, out vector HitLoc, out vector HitNorm, vector End, optional vector Start, optional vector Extent, optional out TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional int ExtraTraceFlags)
functionbool TraceComponent (out vector HitLocation, out vector HitNormal, PrimitiveComponent InComponent, vector TraceEnd, optional vector TraceStart, optional vector Extent, optional out TraceHitInfo HitInfo)
functionbool TriggerEventClass (class<SequenceEvent> InEventClass, Actor InInstigator, optional int ActivateIndex = -1, optional bool bTest))
function UnClock (out float time)
event UnTouch (Actor Other)
functionbool UsedBy (Pawn User))
function VisibleActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, optional float Radius, optional vector Loc)
function VisibleCollidingActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, float Radius, optional vector Loc, optional bool bIgnoreHidden)
Inherited Functions from Core.Object
!, !=, $, $=, %, &, &&, *, **, *=, +, ++, +=, -, --, -=, / , /=, <, <<, <=, ==, >, >=, >>, >>>, @, @=, Abs, Acos, Asc, Asin, Atan, BeginState, ByteToFloat, Caps, Chr, Clamp, ClampLength, ClampRotAxis, ClassIsChildOf, ClearConfig, ClockwiseFrom, ColorToLinearColor, ContinuedState, Cos, Cross, Disable, Dot, DumpStateStack, DynamicLoadObject, Enable, EndState, Exp, FClamp, FCubicInterp, FindDeltaAngle, FindObject, FInterpEaseIn, FInterpEaseInOut, FInterpEaseOut, FInterpTo, FloatToByte, FMax, FMin, FPctByRange, FRand, GetAngularDegreesFromRadians, GetAngularDistance, GetAngularFromDotDist, GetAxes, GetDotDistance, GetEnum, GetFuncName, GetHeadingAngle, GetNetFuncName, GetPackageName, GetPerObjectConfigSections, GetRangePctByValue, GetRangeValueByPct, GetSpecialValue, GetStateName, GetUnAxes, GotoState, InStr, IsA, IsChildState, IsInState, IsNetScript, IsPendingKill, IsUTracing, IsZero, JoinArray, Left, Len, Lerp, Localize, Locs, Loge, LogInternal, MakeColor, MakeLinearColor, Max, Mid, Min, MirrorVectorByNormal, Normal, Normalize, NormalizeRotAxis, OrthoRotation, ParseStringIntoArray, PathName, PausedState, PointDistToLine, PointDistToPlane, PointInBox, PoppedState, PopState, ProjectOnTo, PushedState, PushState, QuatDot, QuatFindBetween, QuatFromAxisAndAngle, QuatFromRotator, QuatInvert, QuatProduct, QuatRotateVector, QuatSlerp, QuatToRotator, Rand, RandRange, RDiff, Repl, Right, RInterpTo, RLerp, RotRand, Round, RSize, RSmerp, SaveConfig, SClampRotAxis, ScriptTrace, SetSpecialValue, SetUTracing, Sin, Split, Sqrt, Square, StaticClearConfig, StaticSaveConfig, Tan, TimeStamp, ToHex, TransformVectorByRotation, UnwindHeading, vect2d, VInterpTo, VLerp, VRand, VSize, VSize2D, VSizeSq, VSizeSq2D, VSmerp, WarnInternal, ^, ^^, |, ||, ~, ~=

Constants Detail



MINFLOORZ Source code

const MINFLOORZ = 0.7;





RB_NeedsUpdate Source code

const RB_NeedsUpdate = 0x01;

RB_None Source code

const RB_None = 0x00;

RB_Sleeping Source code

const RB_Sleeping = 0x02;


when bReplicateRigidBodyLocation is true, the root body of a ragdoll will be replicated but this is not entirely accurate (and isn't meant to be) as the other bodies in the ragdoll may interfere this can then result in jittering from the client constantly trying to apply the replicated value so if the client's error is less than this amount from the replicated value, it will be ignored

TRACEFLAG_Blocking Source code

const TRACEFLAG_Blocking = 8;

TRACEFLAG_Bullet Source code

const TRACEFLAG_Bullet = 1;
List of extra trace flags

TRACEFLAG_PhysicsVolumes Source code

const TRACEFLAG_PhysicsVolumes = 2;

TRACEFLAG_SkipMovers Source code

const TRACEFLAG_SkipMovers = 4;

Variables Detail

Acceleration Source code

var vector Acceleration;

AllComponents Source code

var private transient const array<ActorComponent> AllComponents;
All actor components which are directly or indirectly attached to the actor.

Attached Source code

var const array<Actor> Attached;

bAlwaysEncroachCheck Source code

var bool bAlwaysEncroachCheck;
If true (and is an encroacher) will do the encroachment check inside MoveActor even if there is no movement. This is useful for objects that may change bounding box but not actually move.

bAlwaysRelevant Source code

var bool bAlwaysRelevant;

bAlwaysTick Source code

var const bool bAlwaysTick;

bBlockActors Source code

var bool bBlockActors;

bBlocksTeleport Source code

var bool bBlocksTeleport;

bBounce Source code

var bool bBounce;

bCanBeAdheredTo Source code

var bool bCanBeAdheredTo;
Determines whether or not adhesion code should attempt to adhere to this actor.

bCanBeDamaged Source code

var bool bCanBeDamaged;

bCanBeFrictionedTo Source code

var bool bCanBeFrictionedTo;
Determines whether or not friction code should attempt to friction to this actor.

bCanTeleport Source code

var bool bCanTeleport;

bClientDemoRecording Source code

var transient bool bClientDemoRecording;
set when we are currently replicating this Actor into a demo

bCollideActors Source code

var const bool bCollideActors;

bCollideWhenPlacing Source code

var bool bCollideWhenPlacing;

bCollideWorld Source code

var bool bCollideWorld;

bComponentOutsideWorld Source code

var const bool bComponentOutsideWorld;
Set TRUE if a component is ever attached which is outside the world. OutsideWorldBounds will be called in Tick in this case.

bDeleteMe Source code

var const bool bDeleteMe;

bDemoOwner Source code

var bool bDemoOwner;
set if remote client is recording a clientside demo

bDemoRecording Source code

var transient bool bDemoRecording;
Demo recording variables

bDestroyedByInterpActor Source code

var bool bDestroyedByInterpActor;
If TRUE, when an InterpActor (Mover) encroaches or runs into this Actor, it is destroyed, and will not stop the mover.

bDestroyInPainVolume Source code

var bool bDestroyInPainVolume;

bExchangedRoles Source code

var const bool bExchangedRoles;
whether we already exchanged Role/RemoteRole on the client, as removing then readding a streaming level causes all initialization to be performed again even though the actor may not have actually been reloaded

bForceNetUpdate Source code

var transient bool bForceNetUpdate;
When set to TRUE will force this actor to immediately be considered for replication, instead of waiting for NetUpdateTime

bGameRelevant Source code

var bool bGameRelevant;

bHasAlternateTargetLocation Source code

var bool bHasAlternateTargetLocation;
whether this Actor may return an alternate location from GetTargetLocation() when bRequestAlternateLoc is true (used as an early out when tracing to those locations, etc)

bHiddenEdCustom Source code

var const bool bHiddenEdCustom;

bHurtEntry Source code

var bool bHurtEntry;

bIgnoreEncroachers Source code

var const bool bIgnoreEncroachers;

bIgnoreRigidBodyPawns Source code

var bool bIgnoreRigidBodyPawns;
Ignore Unreal collisions between PHYS_RigidBody pawns (vehicles/ragdolls) and this actor (only relevant if bIgnoreEncroachers is false)

bIsMoving Source code

var const bool bIsMoving;
Used to determine when we stop moving, so we can update PreviousLocalToWorld to stop motion blurring.

bJustTeleported Source code

var const bool bJustTeleported;

bKillDuringLevelTransition Source code

var bool bKillDuringLevelTransition;

bMovable Source code

var const bool bMovable;

bNetDirty Source code

var transient bool bNetDirty;

bNetInitial Source code

var const bool bNetInitial;

bNetInitialRotation Source code

var const bool bNetInitialRotation;
Should replicate initial rotation. This property should never be changed during execution, as the client and server rely on the default value of this property always being the same.

bNetOwner Source code

var const bool bNetOwner;

bNetTemporary Source code

var const bool bNetTemporary;

bNeverReplicateRotation Source code

var bool bNeverReplicateRotation;
If true, never replicate rotation

bNoDelete Source code

var const bool bNoDelete;

bOnlyDirtyReplication Source code

var bool bOnlyDirtyReplication;

bOnlyOwnerSee Source code

var const bool bOnlyOwnerSee;

bOnlyRelevantToOwner Source code

var const bool bOnlyRelevantToOwner;

bOrientOnSlope Source code

var bool bOrientOnSlope;

bPathTemp Source code

var transient bool bPathTemp;

bPendingDelete Source code

var bool bPendingDelete;

bPendingNetUpdate Source code

var const transient bool bPendingNetUpdate;
Is this actor still pending a full net update due to clients that weren't able to replicate the actor at the time of LastNetUpdateTime

bPostRenderIfNotVisible Source code

var bool bPostRenderIfNotVisible;
IF true, may call PostRenderFor() even when this actor is not visible

bProjTarget Source code

var bool bProjTarget;

bPushedByEncroachers Source code

var bool bPushedByEncroachers;
whether encroachers can push this Actor (only relevant if bIgnoreEncroachers is false and not an encroacher ourselves) if false, the encroacher gets EncroachingOn() called immediately instead of trying to safely move this actor first

bRepClientDemo Source code

var transient bool bRepClientDemo;
set when we are recording a clientside demo

bReplicateInstigator Source code

var bool bReplicateInstigator;

bReplicateMovement Source code

var bool bReplicateMovement;

bReplicateRigidBodyLocation Source code

var bool bReplicateRigidBodyLocation;

bRouteBeginPlayEvenIfStatic Source code

var const bool bRouteBeginPlayEvenIfStatic;
Whether to route BeginPlay even if the actor is static.

bScriptInitialized Source code

var bool bScriptInitialized;

bShouldBaseAtStartup Source code

var bool bShouldBaseAtStartup;

bSkipActorPropertyReplication Source code

var bool bSkipActorPropertyReplication;

bStasis Source code

var bool bStasis;

bStatic Source code

var const bool bStatic;

bTearOff Source code

var bool bTearOff;

bTempEditor Source code

var transient const bool bTempEditor;

bTicked Source code

var transient const bool bTicked;

bUpdateSimulatedPosition Source code

var bool bUpdateSimulatedPosition;

bWorldGeometry Source code

var bool bWorldGeometry;

Children Source code

var transient const array<Actor> Children;

Components Source code

var private const array<ActorComponent> Components;
The actor components which are attached directly to the actor's location/rotation.

CreationTime Source code

var const float CreationTime;

CustomTimeDilation Source code

var float CustomTimeDilation;
Allow each actor to run at a different time speed

DetachFence Source code

var private native const RenderCommandFence DetachFence;
A fence to track when the primitive is detached from the scene in the rendering thread.

GeneratedEvents Source code

var const array<SequenceEvent> GeneratedEvents;
List of all events currently associated with this actor

InitialState Source code

var name InitialState;

Instigator Source code

var Pawn Instigator;

LastNetUpdateTime Source code

var const transient float LastNetUpdateTime;
Last time this actor was updated for replication via NetUpdateTime or bForceNetUpdate

LastRenderTime Source code

var transient float LastRenderTime;
The value of WorldInfo->TimeSeconds for the frame when this actor was last rendered. This is written from the render thread, which is up to a frame behind the game thread, so you should allow this time to be at least a frame behind the game thread's world time before you consider the actor non-visible. There's an equivalent variable in PrimitiveComponent.

LatentActions Source code

var array<SeqAct_Latent> LatentActions;
List of all latent actions currently active on this actor

LatentFloat Source code

var const float LatentFloat;

LatentSeqNode Source code

var const AnimNodeSequence LatentSeqNode;

LifeSpan Source code

var float LifeSpan;

MessageClass Source code

var class<LocalMessage> MessageClass;

NetPriority Source code

var float NetPriority;
Priority for this actor when checking for replication in a low bandwidth or saturated situation, higher priority means it is more likely to replicate

NetTag Source code

var const transient int NetTag;
Internal - used by UWorld::ServerTickClients()

NetUpdateFrequency Source code

var float NetUpdateFrequency;
How often (per second) this actor will be considered for replication, used to determine NetUpdateTime

NetUpdateTime Source code

var const float NetUpdateTime;
Next time this actor will be considered for replication, set by SetNetUpdateTime()

OverlapTag Source code

var native int OverlapTag;

Owner Source code

var const Actor Owner;

PendingTouch Source code

var Actor PendingTouch;

PhysicsVolume Source code

var transient const PhysicsVolume PhysicsVolume;

RelativeLocation Source code

var const vector RelativeLocation;

RelativeRotation Source code

var const rotator RelativeRotation;

RemoteRole Source code

var ENetRole RemoteRole;

Role Source code

var ENetRole Role;

SupportedEvents Source code

var const array<class<SequenceEvent>> SupportedEvents;
List of all events that this actor can support, for use by the editor

TickGroup Source code

var const ETickingGroup TickGroup;
The ticking group this actor belongs to

Timers Source code

var const array<TimerData> Timers;

Touching Source code

var transient const array<Actor> Touching;

Velocity Source code

var vector Velocity;

WorldInfo Source code

var const transient WorldInfo WorldInfo;


bConsiderAllStaticMeshComponentsForStreaming Source code

var(Advanced) bool bConsiderAllStaticMeshComponentsForStreaming;
If true, texture streaming code iterates over all StaticMeshComponents found on this actor when building texture streaming information.

bEdShouldSnap Source code

var(Advanced) bool bEdShouldSnap;

bHiddenEd Source code

var(Advanced) const bool bHiddenEd;

bHiddenEdGroup Source code

var(Advanced) const bool bHiddenEdGroup;

bLockLocation Source code

var(Advanced) bool bLockLocation;


Base Source code

var(Attachment) const Actor Base;

BaseBoneName Source code

var(Attachment) name BaseBoneName;

BaseSkelComponent Source code

var(Attachment) SkeletalMeshComponent BaseSkelComponent;

bHardAttach Source code

var(Attachment) const bool bHardAttach;

bIgnoreBaseRotation Source code

var(Attachment) bool bIgnoreBaseRotation;

bShadowParented Source code

var(Attachment) bool bShadowParented;
If TRUE, BaseSkelComponent is used as the shadow parent for this actor.


bCollideComplex Source code

var(Collision) bool bCollideComplex;

BlockRigidBody Source code

var(Collision) const transient bool BlockRigidBody;
mirrored copy of CollisionComponent's BlockRigidBody for the Actor property window for LDs (so it's next to CollisionType) purely for editing convenience and not used at all by the physics code

bNoEncroachCheck Source code

var(Collision) bool bNoEncroachCheck;
For encroachers, don't do the overlap check when they move. You will not get touch events for this actor moving, but it is much faster. This is an optimisation for large numbers of PHYS_RigidBody actors for example.

bPathColliding Source code

var(Collision) bool bPathColliding;

bPhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck Source code

var(Collision) bool bPhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck;
If true, do a zero-extent trace each frame from old to new Location when in PHYS_RigidBody. If it hits the world (ie might be tunneling), call FellOutOfWorld.

CollisionComponent Source code

var(Collision) PrimitiveComponent CollisionComponent;

CollisionType Source code

var(Collision) const ECollisionType CollisionType;
enum for LDs to select collision options - sets Actor flags and that of our CollisionComponent via PostEditChange()


bDebug Source code

var(Debug) bool bDebug;


bHidden Source code

var(Display) const bool bHidden;
If this is True, all PrimitiveComponents of the actor are hidden. If this is false, only PrimitiveComponents with HiddenGame=True are hidden.

DrawScale Source code

var(Display) const interp float DrawScale;

DrawScale3D Source code

var(Display) const interp vector DrawScale3D;

PrePivot Source code

var(Display) const vector PrePivot;


DesiredRotation Source code

var(Movement) rotator DesiredRotation;

Location Source code

var(Movement) const vector Location;

Physics Source code

var(Movement) EPhysics Physics;

Rotation Source code

var(Movement) const rotator Rotation;

RotationRate Source code

var(Movement) rotator RotationRate;


bBlocksNavigation Source code

var(Navigation) bool bBlocksNavigation;
indicates that this Actor can dynamically block AI paths


Group Source code

var(Object) name Group;

Tag Source code

var(Object) name Tag;


MinDistForNetRBCorrection Source code

var(Physics) float MinDistForNetRBCorrection;
If linear error is less than this, will not be corrected by net update.

Enumerations Detail

ECollisionType Source code

enum ECollisionType
COLLIDE_CustomDefault, COLLIDE_NoCollision, COLLIDE_BlockAll, COLLIDE_BlockWeapons, COLLIDE_TouchAll, COLLIDE_TouchWeapons, COLLIDE_BlockAllButWeapons, COLLIDE_TouchAllButWeapons,

EDoubleClickDir Source code

enum EDoubleClickDir

EMoveDir Source code

enum EMoveDir
MD_Stationary, MD_Forward, MD_Backward, MD_Left, MD_Right, MD_Up, MD_Down
The set of Directions an actor can be moving

ENetRole Source code

enum ENetRole
ROLE_None, ROLE_SimulatedProxy, ROLE_AutonomousProxy, ROLE_Authority,

EPhysics Source code

enum EPhysics
PHYS_None, PHYS_Walking, PHYS_Falling, PHYS_Swimming, PHYS_Flying, PHYS_Rotating, PHYS_Projectile, PHYS_Interpolating, PHYS_Spider, PHYS_Ladder, PHYS_RigidBody, PHYS_SoftBody, PHYS_Unused

ETravelType Source code

enum ETravelType
TRAVEL_Absolute, TRAVEL_Partial, TRAVEL_Relative,

Structures Detail

AnimSlotDesc Source code

struct native AnimSlotDesc
var int NumChannels;
var name SlotName;
Used to indicate each slot name and how many channels they have.
Number of channels that are available in this slot.
Name of the slot.

AnimSlotInfo Source code

struct native AnimSlotInfo
var array<float> ChannelWeights;
var name SlotName;
Struct used for passing information from Matinee to an Actor for blending animations during a sequence.
Strength of each Channel within this Slot. Channel indexs are determined by track order in Matinee.
Name of slot that we want to play the animtion in.

AsyncLineCheckResult Source code

struct AsyncLineCheckResult
var int bCheckCompleted;
var int bCheckStarted;
var int bHit;
Structure filled in by async line check when it completes. @warning: C++ mirroring is in UnPhysPublic.h
Indicates that the async line check has finished, and bHit now contains the result.
Indicates that there is an outstanding async line check that will be filling in this structure.
Indicates result of line check. If bHit is TRUE, then the line hit some part of the level.

CollisionImpactData Source code

struct CollisionImpactData
var array<RigidBodyContactInfo> ContactInfos;
var vector TotalFrictionForceVector;
var vector TotalNormalForceVector;
Information about an overall collision, including contacts @warning: C++ mirroring is in UnPhysPublic.h
all the contact points in the collision
the total counterforce applied of the two objects sliding against each other
the total force applied as the two objects push against each other

ImpactInfo Source code

struct native ImpactInfo
var Actor HitActor;
var TraceHitInfo HitInfo;
var vector HitLocation;
var vector HitNormal;
var vector RayDir;
Hit definition struct. Mainly used by Instant Hit Weapons.
Actor Hit
Trace Hit Info (material, bonename...)
world location of hit impact
Hit normal of impact
Direction of ray when hitting actor

NavReference Source code

struct NavReference
var(Actor) editconst const guid Guid;
var(Actor) NavigationPoint Nav;
Struct used for cross level navigation point references.

ReplicatedHitImpulse Source code

struct ReplicatedHitImpulse
var vector AppliedImpulse;
var name BoneName;
var bool bRadialImpulse;
var vector HitLocation;
var byte ImpulseCount;

RigidBodyContactInfo Source code

struct RigidBodyContactInfo
var vector ContactNormal;
var float ContactPenetration;
var vector ContactPosition;
var vector ContactVelocity[2];
var PhysicalMaterial PhysMaterial[2];
Information about one contact between a pair of rigid bodies @warning: C++ mirroring is in UnPhysPublic.h

RigidBodyState Source code

struct RigidBodyState
var vector AngVel;
var byte bNewData;
var vector LinVel;
var vector Position;
var Quat Quaternion;
describes the physical state of a rigid body @warning: C++ mirroring is in UnPhysPublic.h

TimerData Source code

struct TimerData
var bool bLoop;
var float Count;
var Name FuncName;
var float Rate;
var Object TimerObj;

TraceHitInfo Source code

struct native TraceHitInfo
var name BoneName;
var PrimitiveComponent HitComponent;
var int Item;
var int LevelIndex;
var Material Material;
var PhysicalMaterial PhysMaterial;

Functions Detail

ActivateEventClass Source code

simulated final function bool ActivateEventClass ( class<SequenceEvent> InClass, Actor InInstigator, const out array<SequenceEvent> EventList, optional const out array<int> ActivateIndices, optional bool bTest ) )
Iterates through the given list of events and looks for all matching events, activating them as found.
@return true if an event was found and activated

AllActors Source code

native(304) final iterator function AllActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor )

AllOwnedComponents Source code

native final iterator function AllOwnedComponents ( class<Component> BaseClass,out ActorComponent OutComponent )
Iterates over all components directly or indirectly attached to this actor.
@param BaseClass - Only components deriving from BaseClass will be iterated upon.
@param OutComponent - The iteration variable.

Attach Source code

event Attach ( Actor Other )

AttachComponent Source code

native final function AttachComponent ( ActorComponent NewComponent )
Adds a component to the actor's components array, attaching it to the actor.
@param NewComponent - The component to attach.

AutonomousPhysics Source code

native(3971) final function AutonomousPhysics ( float DeltaSeconds )

BaseChange Source code

event BaseChange ( )

BasedActors Source code

native(306) final iterator function BasedActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor )

BecomeViewTarget Source code

event BecomeViewTarget ( PlayerController PC )

BeginAnimControl Source code

event BeginAnimControl ( array<AnimSet> InAnimSets )
Called when we start an AnimControl track operating on this Actor. Supplied is the set of AnimSets we are going to want to play from.

BroadcastLocalizedMessage Source code

event BroadcastLocalizedMessage ( class<LocalMessage> InMessageClass, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ) )

BroadcastLocalizedTeamMessage Source code

event BroadcastLocalizedTeamMessage ( int TeamIndex, class<LocalMessage> InMessageClass, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ) )

Bump Source code

event Bump ( Actor Other, PrimitiveComponent OtherComp, Vector HitNormal )

CalcCamera Source code

simulated function bool CalcCamera ( float fDeltaTime, out vector out_CamLoc, out rotator out_CamRot, out float out_FOV ) )
Calculate camera view point, when viewing this actor.
@param fDeltaTime delta time seconds since last update
@param out_CamLoc Camera Location
@param out_CamRot Camera Rotation
@param out_FOV Field of View
@return true if Actor should provide the camera point of view.

CanSplash Source code

simulated function bool CanSplash ( ) )

ChartData Source code

native final function ChartData ( string DataName, float DataValue )
Draw some value over time onto the StatChart. Toggle on and off with

CheckForErrors Source code

function bool CheckForErrors ( )

CheckHitInfo Source code

final simulated function CheckHitInfo ( out TraceHitInfo HitInfo, PrimitiveComponent FallBackComponent, Vector Dir, out Vector out_HitLocation ) )
Make sure we pass along a valid HitInfo struct for damage. The main reason behind this is that SkeletalMeshes do require a BoneName to receive and process an impulse... So if we don't have access to it (through touch() or for any non trace damage results), we need to perform an extra trace call().
@param HitInfo, initial structure to check
@param FallBackComponent, PrimitiveComponent to use if HitInfo.HitComponent is none
@param Dir, Direction to use if a Trace needs to be performed to find BoneName on skeletalmesh. Trace from HitLocation.
@param out_HitLocation, HitLocation to use for potential Trace, will get updated by Trace.

CheckMaxEffectDistance Source code

simulated function bool CheckMaxEffectDistance ( PlayerController P, vector SpawnLocation, optional float CullDistance) )

ChildActors Source code

native(305) final iterator function ChildActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor )

ClampRotation Source code

simulated final native function bool ClampRotation ( out Rotator out_Rot, Rotator rBase, Rotator rUpperLimits, Rotator rLowerLimits )
Clamps out_Rot between the upper and lower limits offset from the base

ClearLatentAction Source code

simulated final function ClearLatentAction ( class<SeqAct_Latent> actionClass,optional bool bAborted,optional SeqAct_Latent exceptionAction) )
Clears all latent actions of the specified class.
@param actionClass - type of latent action to clear
@param bAborted - was this latent action aborted?
@param exceptionAction - action to skip

ClearTimer Source code

native final function ClearTimer ( optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer', optional Object inObj )
Clears a previously set timer, identical to calling SetTimer() with a <= 0.f rate.
@param inTimerFunc the name of the timer to remove or the default one if not specified

Clock Source code

native final function Clock ( out float time )

CollidingActors Source code

native(321) final iterator function CollidingActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, float Radius, optional vector Loc, optional bool bUseOverlapCheck )

CollisionChanged Source code

event CollisionChanged ( )
Called when collision values change for this actor (via SetCollision/SetCollisionSize).

ComponentList Source code

native final iterator function ComponentList ( class<Object> BaseClass, out ActorComponent out_Component )
Returns each component in the Components list

ConsoleCommand Source code

native function string ConsoleCommand ( string Command, optional bool bWriteToLog = true )

ConstraintBrokenNotify Source code

simulated event ConstraintBrokenNotify ( Actor ConOwner, RB_ConstraintSetup ConSetup, RB_ConstraintInstance ConInstance ) )
When a constraint is broken we will get this event from c++ land.

ContainsPoint Source code

native final function bool ContainsPoint ( vector Spot )

CreateAudioComponent Source code

native final function AudioComponent CreateAudioComponent ( SoundCue InSoundCue, optional bool bPlay, optional bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed, optional bool bUseLocation, optional vector SourceLocation, optional bool bAttachToSelf = true )

DebugFreezeGame Source code

function DebugFreezeGame ( ) )
Debug Freeze Game dumps the current script function stack and pauses the game with PlayersOnly (still allowing the player to move around).

Destroy Source code

native(279) final noexport function bool Destroy ( )

Destroyed Source code

event Destroyed ( )

Detach Source code

event Detach ( Actor Other )

DetachComponent Source code

native final function DetachComponent ( ActorComponent ExComponent )
Removes a component from the actor's components array, detaching it from the actor.
@param ExComponent - The component to detach.

DisplayDebug Source code

simulated function DisplayDebug ( HUD HUD, out float out_YL, out float out_YPos) )
list important Actor variables on canvas. HUD will call DisplayDebug() on the current ViewTarget when the ShowDebug exec is used
@param HUD - HUD with canvas to draw on
@input out_YL - Height of the current font
@input out_YPos - Y position on Canvas. out_YPos += out_YL, gives position to draw text for next debug line.

DoKismetAttachment Source code

function DoKismetAttachment ( Actor Attachment, SeqAct_AttachToActor Action) )
Performs actual attachment. Can be subclassed for class specific behaviors.

DrawDebugBox Source code

native static final function DrawDebugBox ( vector Center, vector Extent, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistentLines )
Draw a debug box

DrawDebugCone Source code

native static final function DrawDebugCone ( Vector Origin, Vector Direction, FLOAT Length, FLOAT AngleWidth, FLOAT AngleHeight, INT NumSides, Color DrawColor, optional bool bPersistentLines )
Draw a debug cone

DrawDebugCoordinateSystem Source code

native static final function DrawDebugCoordinateSystem ( vector AxisLoc, Rotator AxisRot, float Scale, optional bool bPersistentLines )
Draw Debug coordinate system

DrawDebugCylinder Source code

native static final function DrawDebugCylinder ( vector Start, vector End, float Radius, INT Segments, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistentLines )
Draw a debug cylinder

DrawDebugLine Source code

native static final function DrawDebugLine ( vector LineStart, vector LineEnd, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistentLines )
Draw a debug line

DrawDebugSphere Source code

native static final function DrawDebugSphere ( vector Center, float Radius, INT Segments, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistentLines )
Draw a debug sphere

DynamicActors Source code

native(313) final iterator function DynamicActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor )

EffectIsRelevant Source code

simulated function bool EffectIsRelevant ( vector SpawnLocation, bool bForceDedicated, optional float CullDistance ) )

EncroachedBy Source code

event EncroachedBy ( actor Other )

EncroachingOn Source code

event bool EncroachingOn ( Actor Other )
called when this Actor is encroaching on Other and we couldn't find an appropriate place to push Other to
@return true to abort the move, false to allow it
@warning do not abort moves of PHYS_RigidBody actors as that will cause the Unreal location and physics engine location to mismatch

EndViewTarget Source code

event EndViewTarget ( PlayerController PC )

Falling Source code

event Falling ( )

FastTrace Source code

native(548) noexport final function bool FastTrace ( vector TraceEnd, optional vector TraceStart, optional vector BoxExtent, optional bool bTraceBullet )

FellOutOfWorld Source code

simulated event FellOutOfWorld ( class<DamageType> dmgType) )
called when the actor falls out of the world 'safely' (below KillZ and such)

FindActorsOfClass Source code

final function bool FindActorsOfClass ( class<Actor> ActorClass, out array<Actor> out_Actors) )
Searches for actors of the specified class.

FindBase Source code

native function FindBase ( )
Attempts to find a valid base for this actor

FindEventsOfClass Source code

simulated final function bool FindEventsOfClass ( class<SequenceEvent> EventClass, optional out array<SequenceEvent> out_EventList) )
Builds a list of all events of the specified class.
@param eventClass - type of event to search for
@param out_EventList - list of found events
@return true if any events were found

FindGoodEndView Source code

simulated function FindGoodEndView ( PlayerController PC, out Rotator GoodRotation) )
Used by PlayerController.FindGoodView() in RoundEnded State

FindSpot Source code

native final function bool FindSpot ( vector BoxExtent, out vector SpotLocation )

FinishAnim Source code

native(261) final latent function FinishAnim ( AnimNodeSequence SeqNode )

FinishAnimControl Source code

event FinishAnimControl ( )
Called when we are done with the AnimControl track.

FlushPersistentDebugLines Source code

native static final function FlushPersistentDebugLines ( )
Flush persistent lines

ForceNetRelevant Source code

function ForceNetRelevant ( ) )
forces this actor to be net relevant if it is not already by default, only works on level placed actors (bNoDelete)

ForceUpdateComponents Source code

native function ForceUpdateComponents ( optional bool bCollisionUpdate = FALSE, optional bool bTransformOnly = TRUE )
Flags all components as dirty and then calls UpdateComponents().
@param bCollisionUpdate [opt] As per UpdateComponents; defaults to FALSE.
@param bTransformOnly [opt] TRUE to update only the component transforms, FALSE to update the entire component.

GainedChild Source code

event GainedChild ( Actor Other )

GetActorEyesViewPoint Source code

simulated event GetActorEyesViewPoint ( out vector out_Location, out Rotator out_Rotation ) )
returns the point of view of the actor. note that this doesn't mean the camera, but the 'eyes' of the actor. For example, for a Pawn, this would define the eye height location, and view rotation (which is different from the pawn rotation which has a zeroed pitch component). A camera first person view will typically use this view point. Most traces (weapon, AI) will be done from this view point.
@param out_Location - location of view point
@param out_Rotation - view rotation of actor.

GetActorFaceFXAsset Source code

event FaceFXAsset GetActorFaceFXAsset ( )
Used by Matinee in-game to mount FaceFXAnimSets before playing animations.

GetBaseMost Source code

native function Actor GetBaseMost ( )
Walks up the Base chain from this Actor and returns the Actor at the top (the eventual Base). this->Base is NULL, returns this.

GetBoundingCylinder Source code

native const function GetBoundingCylinder ( out float CollisionRadius, out float CollisionHeight) con )

GetComponentsBoundingBox Source code

native final const function GetComponentsBoundingBox ( out box ActorBox) con )

GetDebugName Source code

function String GetDebugName ( ) )

GetDestination Source code

native final virtual function vector GetDestination ( Controller C )
returns the position the AI should move toward to reach this actor accounts for AI using path lanes, cutting corners, and other special adjustments

GetFaceFXAudioComponent Source code

simulated event AudioComponent GetFaceFXAudioComponent ( ) )
Function for allowing you to tell FaceFX which AudioComponent it should use for playing audio for corresponding facial animation.

GetGravityZ Source code

native function float GetGravityZ ( )
Get gravity currently affecting this actor

GetHumanReadableName Source code

simulated function String GetHumanReadableName ( ) )

GetItemName Source code

simulated function String GetItemName ( string FullName ) )

GetLocalString Source code

static function string GetLocalString ( optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2 ) )

GetLocationStringFor Source code

simulated function string GetLocationStringFor ( PlayerReplicationInfo PRI) )

GetPackageGuid Source code

native static final function Guid GetPackageGuid ( name PackageName )
Looks up the GUID of a package on disk. The package must NOT be in the autodownload cache. This may require loading the header of the package in question and is therefore slow.

GetPhysicsName Source code

simulated function String GetPhysicsName ( ) )

GetTargetLocation Source code

simulated native const function vector GetTargetLocation ( optional actor RequestedBy, optional bool bRequestAlternateLoc) con )

@param RequestedBy - the Actor requesting the target location
@param bRequestAlternateLoc (optional) - return a secondary target location if there are multiple
@return the optimal location to fire weapons at this actor

GetTeamNum Source code

simulated native function byte GetTeamNum ( )

GetTerminalVelocity Source code

native function float GetTerminalVelocity ( )
returns terminal velocity (max speed while falling) for this actor. Unless overridden, it returns the TerminalVelocity of the PhysicsVolume in which this actor is located.

GetTimerCount Source code

native final function float GetTimerCount ( optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer', optional Object inObj )
Gets the current count for the specified timer, defaults to 'Timer' if no function is specified. Returns -1.f if the timer is not currently active.
@param inTimerFunc the name of the timer to remove or the default one if not specified

GetTimerRate Source code

native final function float GetTimerRate ( optional name TimerFuncName = 'Timer', optional Object inObj )
Gets the current rate for the specified timer.
@note: GetTimerRate('SomeTimer') - GetTimerCount('SomeTimer') is the time remaining before 'SomeTimer' is called
@param: TimerFuncName the name of the function to check for a timer for; 'Timer' is the default
@return the rate for the given timer, or -1.f if that timer is not active

GetURLMap Source code

native(547) final function string GetURLMap ( )

GetUTFlag Source code

native final function Actor GetUTFlag ( bool bIsRed )

HealDamage Source code

function bool HealDamage ( int Amount, Controller Healer, class<DamageType> DamageType )
the reverse of TakeDamage(); heals the specified amount
@param Amount The amount of damage to heal
@param Healer Who is doing the healing
@param DamageType What type of healing is it

HitWall Source code

event HitWall ( vector HitNormal, actor Wall, PrimitiveComponent WallComp )

HurtRadius Source code

simulated function bool HurtRadius ( float BaseDamage, float DamageRadius, class<DamageType> DamageType, float Momentum, vector HurtOrigin, optional Actor IgnoredActor, optional Controller InstigatedByController = Instigator != None ? Instigator.Controller : None, optional bool bDoFullDamage ) )

InterpolationChanged Source code

simulated event InterpolationChanged ( SeqAct_Interp InterpAction )
called when a SeqAct_Interp action affecting this Actor received an event that changed its properties (paused, reversed direction, etc)
@note this function is called on clients for actors that are interpolated clientside via MatineeActor
@param InterpAction the SeqAct_Interp that is affecting the Actor

InterpolationFinished Source code

simulated event InterpolationFinished ( SeqAct_Interp InterpAction )
called when a SeqAct_Interp action finished interpolating this Actor
@note this function is called on clients for actors that are interpolated clientside via MatineeActor
@param InterpAction the SeqAct_Interp that was affecting the Actor

InterpolationStarted Source code

simulated event InterpolationStarted ( SeqAct_Interp InterpAction )
called when a SeqAct_Interp action starts interpolating this Actor via matinee
@note this function is called on clients for actors that are interpolated clientside via MatineeActor
@param InterpAction the SeqAct_Interp that is affecting the Actor

IsActorPlayingFaceFXAnim Source code

simulated function bool IsActorPlayingFaceFXAnim ( ) )
Returns TRUE if Actor is playing a FaceFX anim. Implement in sub-class.

IsBasedOn Source code

native noexport final function bool IsBasedOn ( Actor TestActor )
iterates up the Base chain to see whether or not this Actor is based on the given Actor
@param TestActor the Actor to test for
@return whether or not this Actor is based on TestActor

IsInPain Source code

function bool IsInPain ( ) )

IsInVolume Source code

function bool IsInVolume ( Volume aVolume) )

IsOverlapping Source code

native noexport final function bool IsOverlapping ( Actor A )

IsOwnedBy Source code

native noexport final function bool IsOwnedBy ( Actor TestActor )
iterates up the Owner chain to see whether or not this Actor is owned by the given Actor
@param TestActor the Actor to test for
@return whether or not this Actor is owned by TestActor

IsPlayerOwned Source code

native simulated function bool IsPlayerOwned ( )
Searches the owner chain looking for a player.

IsStationary Source code

function bool IsStationary ( ) )

IsTimerActive Source code

native final function bool IsTimerActive ( optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer', optional Object inObj )
Returns true if the specified timer is active, defaults to 'Timer' if no function is specified.
@param inTimerFunc the name of the timer to remove or the default one if not specified

KilledBy Source code

function KilledBy ( pawn EventInstigator )

Landed Source code

event Landed ( vector HitNormal, actor FloorActor )

LocalPlayerControllers Source code

native final iterator function LocalPlayerControllers ( class<PlayerController> BaseClass, out PlayerController PC )
iterator LocalPlayerControllers() returns all locally rendered/controlled player controllers (typically 1 per client, unless split screen)

LostChild Source code

event LostChild ( Actor Other )

MakeNoise Source code

native(512) final function MakeNoise ( float Loudness, optional Name NoiseType )

MatchStarting Source code

function MatchStarting ( )

ModifyHearSoundComponent Source code

simulated event ModifyHearSoundComponent ( AudioComponent AC )
called when a sound is going to be played on this Actor via PlayerController::ClientHearSound() gives it a chance to modify the component that will be used (add parameter values, etc)

Move Source code

native(266) final function bool Move ( vector Delta )

MoveSmooth Source code

native(3969) noexport final function bool MoveSmooth ( vector Delta )

MovingWhichWay Source code

native function EMoveDir MovingWhichWay ( out float Amount )
This will return the direction in LocalSpace that that actor is moving. This is useful for firing off effects based on which way the actor is moving.

NativePostRenderFor Source code

simulated native function NativePostRenderFor ( PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir )
Hook to allow actors to render HUD overlays for themselves. Assumes that appropriate font has already been set

NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived Source code

simulated function NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived ( )

NotifySkelControlBeyondLimit Source code

simulated event NotifySkelControlBeyondLimit ( SkelControlLookAt LookAt )

OnAnimEnd Source code

event OnAnimEnd ( AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, float PlayedTime, float ExcessTime )
Event called when an AnimNodeSequence (in the animation tree of one of this Actor's SkeletalMeshComponents) reaches the end and stops. Will not get called if bLooping is 'true' on the AnimNodeSequence. bCauseActorAnimEnd must be set 'true' on the AnimNodeSequence for this event to get generated.
@param SeqNode - Node that finished playing. You can get to the SkeletalMeshComponent by looking at SeqNode->SkelComponent
@param PlayedTime - Time played on this animation. (play rate independant).
@param ExcessTime - how much time overlapped beyond end of animation. (play rate independant).

OnAnimPlay Source code

event OnAnimPlay ( AnimNodeSequence SeqNode )
Event called when a PlayAnim is called AnimNodeSequence in the animation tree of one of this Actor's SkeletalMeshComponents. bCauseActorAnimPlay must be set 'true' on the AnimNodeSequence for this event to get generated.
@param SeqNode - Node had PlayAnim called. You can get to the SkeletalMeshComponent by looking at SeqNode->SkelComponent

OnAttachToActor Source code

function OnAttachToActor ( SeqAct_AttachToActor Action) )
Attach an actor to another one. Kismet action.

OnCauseDamage Source code

simulated function OnCauseDamage ( SeqAct_CauseDamage Action) )
Called upon receiving a SeqAct_CauseDamage action, calls TakeDamage() with the given parameters.
@param Action - damage action that was activated

OnChangeCollision Source code

function OnChangeCollision ( SeqAct_ChangeCollision Action) )
Handler for collision action, allow designer to toggle collide/block actors

OnDestroy Source code

simulated function OnDestroy ( SeqAct_Destroy Action) )
If this actor is not already scheduled for destruction, destroy it now.

OnHealDamage Source code

function OnHealDamage ( SeqAct_HealDamage Action) )
Called upon receiving a SeqAct_HealDamage action, calls HealDamage() with the given parameters.
@param Action - heal action that was activated

OnMakeNoise Source code

simulated function OnMakeNoise ( SeqAct_MakeNoise Action ) )
Force this actor to make a noise that the AI may hear

OnRanOver Source code

event OnRanOver ( SVehicle Vehicle, PrimitiveComponent RunOverComponent, int WheelIndex )
Called each frame (for each wheel) when an SVehicle has a wheel in contact with this Actor. Not called on Actors that have bWorldGeometry or bStatic set to TRUE.

OnSetBlockRigidBody Source code

simulated function OnSetBlockRigidBody ( SeqAct_SetBlockRigidBody Action) )
Handler for the SeqAct_SetBlockRigidBody action. Allows level designer to toggle the rigid-body blocking flag on an Actor, and will handle updating the physics engine etc.

OnSetPhysics Source code

simulated function OnSetPhysics ( SeqAct_SetPhysics Action) )
Handler for the SeqAct_SetPhysics action, allowing designer to change the Physics mode of an Actor.

OnTeleport Source code

simulated function OnTeleport ( SeqAct_Teleport Action) )
Called upon receiving a SeqAct_Teleport action. Grabs the first destination available and attempts to teleport this actor.
@param Action - teleport action that was activated

OnToggleHidden Source code

simulated function OnToggleHidden ( SeqAct_ToggleHidden Action) )
Handler for SeqAct_ToggleHidden, just sets bHidden.

OutsideWorldBounds Source code

simulated event OutsideWorldBounds ( ) )
called when the Actor is outside the hard limit on world bounds @note physics and collision are automatically turned off after calling this function

OverlappingActors Source code

native final iterator function OverlappingActors ( class<Actor> BaseClass, out Actor out_Actor, float Radius, optional vector Loc, optional bool bIgnoreHidden )
Returns colliding (bCollideActors==true) which overlap a Sphere from location 'Loc' and 'Radius' radius.
@param BaseClass The Actor returns must be a subclass of this.
@param out_Actor returned Actor at each iteration.
@param Radius Radius of sphere for overlapping check.
@param Loc Center of sphere for overlapping check. (Optional, caller's location is used otherwise).
@param bIgnoreHidden if true, ignore bHidden actors.

OverRotated Source code

simulated event bool OverRotated ( out Rotator out_Desired, out Rotator out_Actual )
Called by ClampRotation if the rotator was outside of the limits

PawnBaseDied Source code

function PawnBaseDied ( )

PhysicsVolumeChange Source code

event PhysicsVolumeChange ( PhysicsVolume NewVolume )

PickedUpBy Source code

function PickedUpBy ( Pawn P )
implemented by pickup type Actors to do things following a successful pickup
@param P the Pawn that picked us up
@todo remove this and fix up the DenyPickupQuery() calls that use this

PlayActorFaceFXAnim Source code

event bool PlayActorFaceFXAnim ( FaceFXAnimSet AnimSet, String GroupName, String SeqName )
Play FaceFX animations on this Actor. Returns TRUE if succeeded, if failed, a log warning will be issued.

PlayerCanSeeMe Source code

native(532) final function bool PlayerCanSeeMe ( )

PlaySound Source code

native noexport final function PlaySound ( SoundCue InSoundCue, optional bool bNotReplicated, optional bool bNoRepToOwner, optional bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed, optional vector SoundLocation, optional bool bNoRepToRelevant )

PlayTeleportEffect Source code

function PlayTeleportEffect ( bool bOut, bool bSound )

PointCheckComponent Source code

native noexport final function bool PointCheckComponent ( PrimitiveComponent InComponent, vector PointLocation, vector PointExtent )
Run a point check against just this PrimitiveComponent. Return TRUE if we hit. NOTE: the actual Actor we call this on is irrelevant!

PostBeginPlay Source code

event PostBeginPlay ( )

PostInitAnimTree Source code

event PostInitAnimTree ( SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp )
called after initializing the AnimTree for the given SkeletalMeshComponent that has this Actor as its Owner this is a good place to cache references to skeletal controllers, etc that the Actor modifies

PostRenderFor Source code

simulated event PostRenderFor ( PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir )
Script function called by NativePostRenderFor().

PostTeleport Source code

function PostTeleport ( Teleporter OutTeleporter )

PostTouch Source code

event PostTouch ( Actor Other )

PreBeginPlay Source code

event PreBeginPlay ( ) )

PreTeleport Source code

function bool PreTeleport ( Teleporter InTeleporter )

RanInto Source code

event RanInto ( Actor Other )

ReplaceText Source code

static function ReplaceText ( out string Text, string Replace, string With) )

ReplicatedEvent Source code

simulated event ReplicatedEvent ( name VarName )

Reset Source code

event Reset ( )

RigidBodyCollision Source code

event RigidBodyCollision ( PrimitiveComponent HitComponent, PrimitiveComponent OtherComponent, const out CollisionImpactData RigidCollisionData, int ContactIndex )
Called when a PrimitiveComponent this Actor owns has: -bNotifyRigidBodyCollision set to true -ScriptRigidBodyCollisionThreshold > 0 -it is involved in a physics collision where the relative velocity exceeds ScriptRigidBodyCollisionThreshold
@param HitComponent the component of this Actor that collided
@param OtherComponent the other component that collided
@param RigidCollisionData information on the collision itslef, including contact points
@param ContactIndex the element in each ContactInfos' ContactVelocity and PhysMaterial arrays that corresponds to this Actor/HitComponent

RootMotionExtracted Source code

simulated event RootMotionExtracted ( SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp, out BoneAtom ExtractedRootMotionDelta )
Notification called after root motion has been extracted, and before it's been used. This notification can be used to alter extracted root motion before it is forwarded to physics. It is only called when bRootMotionExtractedNotify is TRUE on the SkeletalMeshComponent. @note: It is fairly slow in Script, so enable only when really needed.

RootMotionModeChanged Source code

simulated event RootMotionModeChanged ( SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp )
Notification that root motion mode changed. Called only from SkelMeshComponents that have bRootMotionModeChangeNotify set. This is useful for synchronizing movements. For intance, when using RMM_Translate, and the event is called, we know that root motion will kick in on next frame. It is possible to kill in-game physics, and then use root motion seemlessly.

ScriptGetTeamNum Source code

simulated event byte ScriptGetTeamNum ( ) )

SetAnimPosition Source code

event SetAnimPosition ( name SlotName, int ChannelIndex, name InAnimSeqName, float InPosition, bool bFireNotifies, bool bLooping )
Called each from while the Matinee action is running, with the desired sequence name and position we want to be at.

SetAnimWeights Source code

event SetAnimWeights ( array<AnimSlotInfo> SlotInfos )
Called each from while the Matinee action is running, to set the animation weights for the actor.

SetBase Source code

native(298) noexport final function SetBase ( actor NewBase, optional vector NewFloor, optional SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp, optional name AttachName )

SetCollision Source code

native(262) final noexport function SetCollision ( optional bool bNewColActors, optional bool bNewBlockActors, optional bool bNewIgnoreEncroachers )

SetCollisionSize Source code

native(283) final function SetCollisionSize ( float NewRadius, float NewHeight )

SetDrawScale Source code

native final function SetDrawScale ( float NewScale )

SetDrawScale3D Source code

native final function SetDrawScale3D ( vector NewScale3D )

SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty Source code

native final function SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty ( Property PropToReplicate, bool bAdd )
adds/removes a property from a list of properties that will always be replicated when this Actor is bNetInitial, even if the code thinks the client has the same value the server already does This is a workaround to the problem where an LD places an Actor in the level, changes a replicated variable away from the defaults, then at runtime the variable is changed back to the default but it doesn't replicate because initial replication is based on class defaults Only has an effect when called on bStatic or bNoDelete Actors Only properties already in the owning class's replication block may be specified
@param PropToReplicate the property to add or remove to the list
@param bAdd true to add the property, false to remove the property

SetGRI Source code

function SetGRI ( GameReplicationInfo GRI )

SetHardAttach Source code

native final noexport function SetHardAttach ( optional bool bNewHardAttach )

SetHidden Source code

native final function SetHidden ( bool bNewHidden )
Changes the value of bHidden.
@param bNewHidden - The value to assign to bHidden.

SetHUDLocation Source code

simulated native function SetHUDLocation ( vector NewHUDLocation )
function used to update where icon for this actor should be rendered on the HUD
@param NewHUDLocation is a vector whose X and Y components are the X and Y components of this actor's icon's 2D position on the HUD

SetInitialState Source code

simulated event SetInitialState ( ) )

SetLocation Source code

native(267) final function bool SetLocation ( vector NewLocation )

SetMorphWeight Source code

event SetMorphWeight ( name MorphNodeName, float MorphWeight )
Called each frame by Matinee to update the weight of a particular MorphNodeWeight.

SetNetUpdateTime Source code

final native function SetNetUpdateTime ( float NewUpdateTime )
Updates NetUpdateTime to the new value for future net relevancy checks

SetOnlyOwnerSee Source code

native final function SetOnlyOwnerSee ( bool bNewOnlyOwnerSee )
changes the value of bOnlyOwnerSee
@param bNewOnlyOwnerSee the new value to assign to bOnlyOwnerSee

SetOwner Source code

native(272) final function SetOwner ( actor NewOwner )

SetPhysics Source code

native(3970) noexport final function SetPhysics ( EPhysics newPhysics )

SetRelativeLocation Source code

native final function bool SetRelativeLocation ( vector NewLocation )

SetRelativeRotation Source code

native final function bool SetRelativeRotation ( rotator NewRotation )

SetRotation Source code

native(299) final function bool SetRotation ( rotator NewRotation )

SetSkelControlScale Source code

event SetSkelControlScale ( name SkelControlName, float Scale )
Called each frame by Matinee to update the scaling on a SkelControl.

SetTickGroup Source code

native final function SetTickGroup ( ETickingGroup NewTickGroup )
Changes the ticking group for this actor

SetTimer Source code

native(280) final function SetTimer ( float inRate, optional bool inbLoop, optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer', optional Object inObj )
Sets a timer to call the given function at a set interval. Defaults to calling the 'Timer' event if no function is specified. If inRate is set to 0.f it will effectively disable the previous timer. NOTE: Functions with parameters are not supported!
@param inRate the amount of time to pass between firing
@param inbLoop whether to keep firing or only fire once
@param inTimerFunc the name of the function to call when the timer fires

SetZone Source code

native final noexport function SetZone ( bool bForceRefresh )
updates the zone/PhysicsVolume of this Actor
@param bForceRefresh - forces the code to do a full collision check instead of exiting early if the current info is valid

ShutDown Source code

simulated event ShutDown ( ) )
ShutDown an actor.

Sleep Source code

native(256) final latent function Sleep ( float Seconds )

Spawn Source code

native noexport final coerce function actor Spawn ( class<actor> SpawnClass, optional actor SpawnOwner, optional name SpawnTag, optional vector SpawnLocation, optional rotator SpawnRotation, optional Actor ActorTemplate, optional bool bNoCollisionFail )
Spawn an actor. Returns an actor of the specified class, not of class Actor (this is hardcoded in the compiler). Returns None if the actor could not be spawned (if that happens, there will be a log warning indicating why) Defaults to spawning at the spawner's location. @note: ActorTemplate is sent for replicated actors and therefore its properties will also be applied at initial creation on the client. However, because of this, ActorTemplate must be a static resource (an actor archetype, default object, or a bStatic/bNoDelete actor in a level package) or the spawned Actor cannot be replicated

SpawnedByKismet Source code

event SpawnedByKismet ( )
called when this Actor was spawned by a Kismet actor factory (SeqAct_ActorFactory) after all other spawn events (PostBeginPlay(), etc) have been called

SpecialHandling Source code

event Actor SpecialHandling ( Pawn Other )

StopActorFaceFXAnim Source code

event StopActorFaceFXAnim ( )
Stop any matinee FaceFX animations on this Actor.

StopsProjectile Source code

simulated function bool StopsProjectile ( Projectile P) )

SuggestTossVelocity Source code

native noexport final function bool SuggestTossVelocity ( out vector TossVelocity, vector Destination, vector Start, float TossSpeed, optional float BaseTossZ, optional float DesiredZPct, optional vector CollisionSize, optional float TerminalVelocity )

TakeDamage Source code

event TakeDamage ( int DamageAmount, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser) )
apply some amount of damage to this actor
@param Damage the base damage to apply
@param EventInstigator the Controller responsible for the damage
@param HitLocation world location where the hit occurred
@param Momentum force caused by this hit
@param DamageType class describing the damage that was done
@param HitInfo additional info about where the hit occurred
@param DamageCauser the Actor that directly caused the damage (i.e. the Projectile that exploded, the Weapon that fired, etc)

TakeRadiusDamage Source code

simulated function TakeRadiusDamage ( Controller InstigatedBy, float BaseDamage, float DamageRadius, class<DamageType> DamageType, float Momentum, vector HurtOrigin, bool bFullDamage, Actor DamageCauser ) )
Take Radius Damage by default scales damage based on distance from HurtOrigin to Actor's location. This can be overridden by the actor receiving the damage for special conditions (see KAsset.uc). This then calls TakeDamage() to go through the same damage pipeline.
@param InstigatedBy, instigator of the damage
@param Base Damage
@param Damage Radius (from Origin)
@param DamageType class
@param Momentum (float)
@param HurtOrigin, origin of the damage radius.
@param bFullDamage, if true, damage not scaled based on distance HurtOrigin
@param DamageCauser the Actor that directly caused the damage (i.e. the Projectile that exploded, the Weapon that fired, etc)

Tick Source code

event Tick ( float DeltaTime )

Timer Source code

event Timer ( )

TimeSince Source code

simulated final function float TimeSince ( float Time ) )
Retrieves difference between world time and given time

TornOff Source code

event TornOff ( )

Touch Source code

event Touch ( Actor Other, PrimitiveComponent OtherComp, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal )

TouchingActors Source code

native(307) final iterator function TouchingActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor )

Trace Source code

native(277) noexport final function Actor Trace ( out vector HitLocation, out vector HitNormal, vector TraceEnd, optional vector TraceStart, optional bool bTraceActors, optional vector Extent, optional out TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional int ExtraTraceFlags )
Trace a line and see what it collides with first. Takes this actor's collision properties into account. Returns first hit actor, Level if hit level, or None if hit nothing.

TraceActors Source code

native(309) final iterator function TraceActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, out vector HitLoc, out vector HitNorm, vector End, optional vector Start, optional vector Extent, optional out TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional int ExtraTraceFlags )

TraceComponent Source code

native noexport final function bool TraceComponent ( out vector HitLocation, out vector HitNormal, PrimitiveComponent InComponent, vector TraceEnd, optional vector TraceStart, optional vector Extent, optional out TraceHitInfo HitInfo )
Run a line check against just this PrimitiveComponent. Return TRUE if we hit. NOTE: the actual Actor we call this on is irrelevant!

TriggerEventClass Source code

simulated function bool TriggerEventClass ( class<SequenceEvent> InEventClass, Actor InInstigator, optional int ActivateIndex = -1, optional bool bTest) )
Convenience function for triggering events in the GeneratedEvents list If you need more options (activating multiple outputs, etc), call ActivateEventClass() directly

UnClock Source code

native final function UnClock ( out float time )

UnTouch Source code

event UnTouch ( Actor Other )

UsedBy Source code

function bool UsedBy ( Pawn User) )
Called when being activated by the specified pawn. Default implementation searches for any SeqEvent_Used and activates them.
@return true to indicate this actor was activated

VisibleActors Source code

native(311) final iterator function VisibleActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, optional float Radius, optional vector Loc )

VisibleCollidingActors Source code

native(312) final iterator function VisibleCollidingActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, float Radius, optional vector Loc, optional bool bIgnoreHidden )



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