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abstract native nativereplication

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Inventory

Direct Known Subclasses:

UTInventory, Weapon

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.Actor
Inherited Contants from Core.Object
DegToRad, INDEX_NONE, MaxInt, Pi, RadToDeg

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.Actor
Acceleration, AllComponents, Attached, bAlwaysEncroachCheck, bAlwaysRelevant, bAlwaysTick, Base, BaseBoneName, BaseSkelComponent, bBlockActors, bBlocksNavigation, bBlocksTeleport, bBounce, bCanBeAdheredTo, bCanBeDamaged, bCanBeFrictionedTo, bCanTeleport, bClientDemoRecording, bCollideActors, bCollideComplex, bCollideWhenPlacing, bCollideWorld, bComponentOutsideWorld, bConsiderAllStaticMeshComponentsForStreaming, bDebug, bDeleteMe, bDemoOwner, bDemoRecording, bDestroyedByInterpActor, bDestroyInPainVolume, bEdShouldSnap, bExchangedRoles, bForceNetUpdate, bGameRelevant, bHardAttach, bHasAlternateTargetLocation, bHidden, bHiddenEd, bHiddenEdCustom, bHiddenEdGroup, bHurtEntry, bIgnoreBaseRotation, bIgnoreEncroachers, bIgnoreRigidBodyPawns, bIsMoving, bJustTeleported, bKillDuringLevelTransition, bLockLocation, BlockRigidBody, bMovable, bNetDirty, bNetInitial, bNetInitialRotation, bNetOwner, bNetTemporary, bNeverReplicateRotation, bNoDelete, bNoEncroachCheck, bOnlyDirtyReplication, bOnlyOwnerSee, bOnlyRelevantToOwner, bOrientOnSlope, bPathColliding, bPathTemp, bPendingDelete, bPendingNetUpdate, bPhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck, bPostRenderIfNotVisible, bProjTarget, bPushedByEncroachers, bRepClientDemo, bReplicateInstigator, bReplicateMovement, bReplicateRigidBodyLocation, bRouteBeginPlayEvenIfStatic, bScriptInitialized, bShadowParented, bShouldBaseAtStartup, bSkipActorPropertyReplication, bStasis, bStatic, bTearOff, bTempEditor, bTicked, bUpdateSimulatedPosition, bWorldGeometry, Children, CollisionComponent, CollisionType, Components, CreationTime, CustomTimeDilation, DesiredRotation, DetachFence, DrawScale, DrawScale3D, GeneratedEvents, Group, InitialState, Instigator, LastNetUpdateTime, LastRenderTime, LatentActions, LatentFloat, LatentSeqNode, LifeSpan, Location, MessageClass, MinDistForNetRBCorrection, NetPriority, NetTag, NetUpdateFrequency, NetUpdateTime, OverlapTag, Owner, PendingTouch, Physics, PhysicsVolume, PrePivot, RelativeLocation, RelativeRotation, RemoteRole, Role, Rotation, RotationRate, SupportedEvents, Tag, TickGroup, Timers, Touching, Velocity, WorldInfo
Inherited Variables from Core.Object
Class, HashNext, HashOuterNext, Linker, LinkerIndex, Name, NetIndex, ObjectArchetype, ObjectFlags, ObjectInternalInteger, Outer, StateFrame, VfTableObject

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.Actor
ECollisionType, EDoubleClickDir, EMoveDir, ENetRole, EPhysics, ETravelType
Inherited Enumerations from Core.Object
EAxis, EInputEvent, EInterpCurveMode, EInterpMethodType, ETickingGroup

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Engine.Actor
AnimSlotDesc, AnimSlotInfo, AsyncLineCheckResult, CollisionImpactData, ImpactInfo, NavReference, ReplicatedHitImpulse, RigidBodyContactInfo, RigidBodyState, TimerData, TraceHitInfo
Inherited Structures from Core.Object
Box, BoxSphereBounds, Color, Cylinder, double, DynamicMap_Mirror, Guid, IndirectArray_Mirror, InterpCurveFloat, InterpCurvePointFloat, InterpCurvePointQuat, InterpCurvePointTwoVectors, InterpCurvePointVector, InterpCurvePointVector2D, InterpCurveQuat, InterpCurveTwoVectors, InterpCurveVector, InterpCurveVector2D, IntPoint, LinearColor, Map_Mirror, Matrix, MultiMap_Mirror, Plane, pointer, Quat, qword, RawDistribution, RenderCommandFence, Rotator, TextureMipBulkData_Mirror, ThreadSafeCounter, TPOV, TwoVectors, UntypedBulkData_Mirror, Vector, Vector2D, Vector4

Functions Summary
function ActiveRenderOverlays (HUD H)
function AnnouncePickup (Pawn Other))
functionfloat BotDesireability (Actor PickupHolder, Pawn P, Controller C))
function ClientGivenTo (Pawn NewOwner, bool bDoNotActivate))
functionbool DenyPickupQuery (class<Inventory> ItemClass, Actor Pickup))
event Destroyed ()))
functionfloat DetourWeight (Pawn Other, loat PathWeight))
function DropFrom (vector StartLocation, vector StartVelocity))
functionString GetHumanReadableName ()))
functionstring GetLocalString (optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2 ))
function GivenTo (Pawn thisPawn, optional bool bDoNotActivate ))
function GiveTo (Pawn Other ))
function ItemRemovedFromInvManager ()
function OwnerEvent (name EventName)
function RenderOverlays (HUD H)
Inherited Functions from Engine.Actor
ActivateEventClass, AllActors, AllOwnedComponents, Attach, AttachComponent, AutonomousPhysics, BaseChange, BasedActors, BecomeViewTarget, BeginAnimControl, BroadcastLocalizedMessage, BroadcastLocalizedTeamMessage, Bump, CalcCamera, CanSplash, ChartData, CheckForErrors, CheckHitInfo, CheckMaxEffectDistance, ChildActors, ClampRotation, ClearLatentAction, ClearTimer, Clock, CollidingActors, CollisionChanged, ComponentList, ConsoleCommand, ConstraintBrokenNotify, ContainsPoint, CreateAudioComponent, DebugFreezeGame, Destroy, Destroyed, Detach, DetachComponent, DisplayDebug, DoKismetAttachment, DrawDebugBox, DrawDebugCone, DrawDebugCoordinateSystem, DrawDebugCylinder, DrawDebugLine, DrawDebugSphere, DynamicActors, EffectIsRelevant, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EndViewTarget, Falling, FastTrace, FellOutOfWorld, FindActorsOfClass, FindBase, FindEventsOfClass, FindGoodEndView, FindSpot, FinishAnim, FinishAnimControl, FlushPersistentDebugLines, ForceNetRelevant, ForceUpdateComponents, GainedChild, GetActorEyesViewPoint, GetActorFaceFXAsset, GetBaseMost, GetBoundingCylinder, GetComponentsBoundingBox, GetDebugName, GetDestination, GetFaceFXAudioComponent, GetGravityZ, GetHumanReadableName, GetItemName, GetLocalString, GetLocationStringFor, GetPackageGuid, GetPhysicsName, GetTargetLocation, GetTeamNum, GetTerminalVelocity, GetTimerCount, GetTimerRate, GetURLMap, GetUTFlag, HealDamage, HitWall, HurtRadius, InterpolationChanged, InterpolationFinished, InterpolationStarted, IsActorPlayingFaceFXAnim, IsBasedOn, IsInPain, IsInVolume, IsOverlapping, IsOwnedBy, IsPlayerOwned, IsStationary, IsTimerActive, KilledBy, Landed, LocalPlayerControllers, LostChild, MakeNoise, MatchStarting, ModifyHearSoundComponent, Move, MoveSmooth, MovingWhichWay, NativePostRenderFor, NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived, NotifySkelControlBeyondLimit, OnAnimEnd, OnAnimPlay, OnAttachToActor, OnCauseDamage, OnChangeCollision, OnDestroy, OnHealDamage, OnMakeNoise, OnRanOver, OnSetBlockRigidBody, OnSetPhysics, OnTeleport, OnToggleHidden, OutsideWorldBounds, OverlappingActors, OverRotated, PawnBaseDied, PhysicsVolumeChange, PickedUpBy, PlayActorFaceFXAnim, PlayerCanSeeMe, PlaySound, PlayTeleportEffect, PointCheckComponent, PostBeginPlay, PostInitAnimTree, PostRenderFor, PostTeleport, PostTouch, PreBeginPlay, PreTeleport, RanInto, ReplaceText, ReplicatedEvent, Reset, RigidBodyCollision, RootMotionExtracted, RootMotionModeChanged, ScriptGetTeamNum, SetAnimPosition, SetAnimWeights, SetBase, SetCollision, SetCollisionSize, SetDrawScale, SetDrawScale3D, SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty, SetGRI, SetHardAttach, SetHidden, SetHUDLocation, SetInitialState, SetLocation, SetMorphWeight, SetNetUpdateTime, SetOnlyOwnerSee, SetOwner, SetPhysics, SetRelativeLocation, SetRelativeRotation, SetRotation, SetSkelControlScale, SetTickGroup, SetTimer, SetZone, ShutDown, Sleep, Spawn, SpawnedByKismet, SpecialHandling, StopActorFaceFXAnim, StopsProjectile, SuggestTossVelocity, TakeDamage, TakeRadiusDamage, Tick, Timer, TimeSince, TornOff, Touch, TouchingActors, Trace, TraceActors, TraceComponent, TriggerEventClass, UnClock, UnTouch, UsedBy, VisibleActors, VisibleCollidingActors
Inherited Functions from Core.Object
!, !=, $, $=, %, &, &&, *, **, *=, +, ++, +=, -, --, -=, / , /=, <, <<, <=, ==, >, >=, >>, >>>, @, @=, Abs, Acos, Asc, Asin, Atan, BeginState, ByteToFloat, Caps, Chr, Clamp, ClampLength, ClampRotAxis, ClassIsChildOf, ClearConfig, ClockwiseFrom, ColorToLinearColor, ContinuedState, Cos, Cross, Disable, Dot, DumpStateStack, DynamicLoadObject, Enable, EndState, Exp, FClamp, FCubicInterp, FindDeltaAngle, FindObject, FInterpEaseIn, FInterpEaseInOut, FInterpEaseOut, FInterpTo, FloatToByte, FMax, FMin, FPctByRange, FRand, GetAngularDegreesFromRadians, GetAngularDistance, GetAngularFromDotDist, GetAxes, GetDotDistance, GetEnum, GetFuncName, GetHeadingAngle, GetNetFuncName, GetPackageName, GetPerObjectConfigSections, GetRangePctByValue, GetRangeValueByPct, GetSpecialValue, GetStateName, GetUnAxes, GotoState, InStr, IsA, IsChildState, IsInState, IsNetScript, IsPendingKill, IsUTracing, IsZero, JoinArray, Left, Len, Lerp, Localize, Locs, Loge, LogInternal, MakeColor, MakeLinearColor, Max, Mid, Min, MirrorVectorByNormal, Normal, Normalize, NormalizeRotAxis, OrthoRotation, ParseStringIntoArray, PathName, PausedState, PointDistToLine, PointDistToPlane, PointInBox, PoppedState, PopState, ProjectOnTo, PushedState, PushState, QuatDot, QuatFindBetween, QuatFromAxisAndAngle, QuatFromRotator, QuatInvert, QuatProduct, QuatRotateVector, QuatSlerp, QuatToRotator, Rand, RandRange, RDiff, Repl, Right, RInterpTo, RLerp, RotRand, Round, RSize, RSmerp, SaveConfig, SClampRotAxis, ScriptTrace, SetSpecialValue, SetUTracing, Sin, Split, Sqrt, Square, StaticClearConfig, StaticSaveConfig, Tan, TimeStamp, ToHex, TransformVectorByRotation, UnwindHeading, vect2d, VInterpTo, VLerp, VRand, VSize, VSize2D, VSizeSq, VSizeSq2D, VSmerp, WarnInternal, ^, ^^, |, ||, ~, ~=

Variables Detail

bDelayedSpawn Source code

var bool bDelayedSpawn;

bDropOnDeath Source code

var bool bDropOnDeath;
if true, this inventory item should be dropped if the owner dies

bPredictRespawns Source code

var bool bPredictRespawns;

bReceiveOwnerEvents Source code

var bool bReceiveOwnerEvents;

bRenderOverlays Source code

var bool bRenderOverlays;

DroppedPickupClass Source code

var class<DroppedPickup> DroppedPickupClass;

DroppedPickupMesh Source code

var PrimitiveComponent DroppedPickupMesh;

DroppedPickupParticles Source code

var ParticleSystemComponent DroppedPickupParticles;

Inventory Source code

var Inventory Inventory;

InvManager Source code

var InventoryManager InvManager;

ItemName Source code

var databinding localized string ItemName;

MaxDesireability Source code

var float MaxDesireability;

PickupFactoryMesh Source code

var PrimitiveComponent PickupFactoryMesh;


PickupForce Source code

var(Inventory) string PickupForce;

PickupMessage Source code

var(Inventory) databinding localized string PickupMessage;

PickupSound Source code

var(Inventory) SoundCue PickupSound;

RespawnTime Source code

var(Inventory) float RespawnTime;

Functions Detail

ActiveRenderOverlays Source code

simulated function ActiveRenderOverlays ( HUD H )
Access to HUD and Canvas. Event always called when the InventoryManager considers this Inventory Item currently "Active" (for example active weapon)
@param HUD H

AnnouncePickup Source code

function AnnouncePickup ( Pawn Other) )

BotDesireability Source code

static function float BotDesireability ( Actor PickupHolder, Pawn P, Controller C) )

ClientGivenTo Source code

reliable client function ClientGivenTo ( Pawn NewOwner, bool bDoNotActivate) )
This Inventory Item has just been given to this Pawn (owning client only)
@param thisPawn new Inventory owner
@param bDoNotActivate If true, this item will not try to activate

DenyPickupQuery Source code

function bool DenyPickupQuery ( class<Inventory> ItemClass, Actor Pickup) )
DenyPickupQuery Function which lets existing items in a pawn's inventory prevent the pawn from picking something up.
@param ItemClass Class of Inventory our Owner is trying to pick up
@param Pickup the Actor containing that item (this may be a PickupFactory or it may be a DroppedPickup)
@return true to abort pickup or if item handles pickup

Destroyed Source code

event Destroyed ( ) )

DetourWeight Source code

static function float DetourWeight ( Pawn Other,float PathWeight) )

DropFrom Source code

function DropFrom ( vector StartLocation, vector StartVelocity) )
Drop this item out in to the world
@param StartLocation - The World Location to drop this item from
@param StartVelocity - The initial velocity for the item when dropped

GetHumanReadableName Source code

simulated function String GetHumanReadableName ( ) )

GetLocalString Source code

static function string GetLocalString ( optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2 ) )

GivenTo Source code

function GivenTo ( Pawn thisPawn, optional bool bDoNotActivate ) )
This Inventory Item has just been given to this Pawn (server only)
@param thisPawn new Inventory owner
@param bDoNotActivate If true, this item will not try to activate

GiveTo Source code

final function GiveTo ( Pawn Other ) )

ItemRemovedFromInvManager Source code

function ItemRemovedFromInvManager ( )
Event called when Item is removed from Inventory Manager. Network: Authority

OwnerEvent Source code

function OwnerEvent ( name EventName )

RenderOverlays Source code

simulated function RenderOverlays ( HUD H )
Access to HUD and Canvas. Set bRenderOverlays=true to receive event. Event called every frame when the item is in the InventoryManager
@param HUD H


   PickupMessage="Snagged an item."
   Begin Object Class=SpriteComponent Name=Sprite ObjName=Sprite Archetype=SpriteComponent'Engine.Default__SpriteComponent'
   End Object

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