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dependson ( Scene ) native noexport abstract

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Core.Component
   +-- Engine.ActorComponent
      +-- Engine.PrimitiveComponent

Direct Known Subclasses:

ArrowComponent, BrushComponent, CameraConeComponent, CascadePreviewComponent, CoverGroupRenderingComponent, CylinderComponent, DecalComponent, DrawBoxComponent, DrawCapsuleComponent, DrawConeComponent, DrawCylinderComponent, DrawFrustumComponent, DrawQuadComponent, DrawSphereComponent, EditorComponent, FoliageComponent, LensFlareComponent, LensFlarePreviewComponent, LineBatchComponent, MeshComponent, ModelComponent, ParticleSystemComponent, PathRenderingComponent, RB_ConstraintDrawComponent, RB_RadialImpulseComponent, RouteRenderingComponent, SpeedTreeComponent, SpriteComponent, TerrainComponent

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.ActorComponent
bAttached, bNeedsReattach, bNeedsUpdateTransform, bTickInEditor, Owner, Scene, TickGroup
Inherited Variables from Core.Component
TemplateName, TemplateOwnerClass

Enumerations Summary
RIF_Constant, RIF_Linear
RBCC_Default, RBCC_Nothing, RBCC_Pawn, RBCC_Vehicle, RBCC_Water, RBCC_GameplayPhysics, RBCC_EffectPhysics, RBCC_Untitled1, RBCC_Untitled2, RBCC_Untitled3, RBCC_Untitled4, RBCC_Cloth, RBCC_FluidDrain,

Structures Summary
bOpaque, bTranslucent, bDistortion, bLit, bUsesSceneColor
Default, Nothing, Pawn, Vehicle, Water, GameplayPhysics, EffectPhysics, Untitled1, Untitled2, Untitled3, Untitled4, Cloth, FluidDrain

Functions Summary
function AddForce (vector Force, optional vector Position, optional name BoneName)
function AddImpulse (vector Impulse, optional vector Position, optional name BoneName, optional bool bVelChange)
function AddRadialForce (vector Origin, float Radius, float Strength, ERadialImpulseFalloff Falloff)
function AddRadialImpulse (vector Origin, float Radius, float Strength, ERadialImpulseFalloff Falloff, optional bool bVelChange)
functionvector GetPosition ()))
functionRB_BodyInstance GetRootBodyInstance ()
function PutRigidBodyToSleep (optional name BoneName)
functionbool RigidBodyIsAwake (optional name BoneName)
function SetAbsolute (optional bool NewAbsoluteTranslation, ptional bool NewAbsoluteRotation, ptional bool NewAbsoluteScale)
function SetActorCollision (bool NewCollideActors, bool NewBlockActors)
function SetBlockRigidBody (bool bNewBlockRigidBody)
function SetCullDistance (float NewCullDistance)
function SetDepthPriorityGroup (ESceneDepthPriorityGroup NewDepthPriorityGroup)
function SetHidden (bool NewHidden)
function SetIgnoreOwnerHidden (bool bNewIgnoreOwnerHidden)
function SetLightEnvironment (LightEnvironmentComponent NewLightEnvironment)
function SetLightingChannels (LightingChannelContainer NewLightingChannels)
function SetNotifyRigidBodyCollision (bool bNewNotifyRigidBodyCollision)
function SetOnlyOwnerSee (bool bNewOnlyOwnerSee)
function SetOwnerNoSee (bool bNewOwnerNoSee)
function SetPhysMaterialOverride (PhysicalMaterial NewPhysMaterial)
function SetRBAngularVelocity (vector NewAngVel, optional bool bAddToCurrent)
function SetRBChannel (ERBCollisionChannel Channel)
function SetRBCollidesWithChannel (ERBCollisionChannel Channel, bool bNewCollides)
function SetRBDominanceGroup (BYTE InDomGroup)
function SetRBLinearVelocity (vector NewVel, optional bool bAddToCurrent)
function SetRBPosition (vector NewPos, optional name BoneName)
function SetRBRotation (rotator NewRot, optional name BoneName)
function SetRotation (rotator NewRotation)
function SetScale (float NewScale)
function SetScale3D (vector NewScale3D)
function SetShadowParent (PrimitiveComponent NewShadowParent)
function SetTraceBlocking (bool NewBlockZeroExtent, bool NewBlockNonZeroExtent)
function SetTranslation (vector NewTranslation)
function SetViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup (bool bNewUseViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup, ESceneDepthPriorityGroup NewViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup)
function WakeRigidBody (optional name BoneName)
Inherited Functions from Engine.ActorComponent
ForceUpdate, SetComponentRBFixed, SetTickGroup

Variables Detail

AlwaysLoadOnClient Source code

var private const bool AlwaysLoadOnClient;
If this is True, this component must always be loaded on clients, even if HiddenGame && !CollideActors.

AlwaysLoadOnServer Source code

var private const bool AlwaysLoadOnServer;
If this is True, this component must always be loaded on servers, even if !CollideActors.

bIsRefreshingDecals Source code

var native transient const bool bIsRefreshingDecals;

BlockActors Source code

var const bool BlockActors;

BlockNonZeroExtent Source code

var const bool BlockNonZeroExtent;

BlockZeroExtent Source code

var const bool BlockZeroExtent;

BodyInstance Source code

var const native RB_BodyInstance BodyInstance;

Bounds Source code

var const native transient BoxSphereBounds Bounds;

bUseViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup Source code

var const bool bUseViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup;
True if the primitive should be rendered using ViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup if viewed by its owner.

bWasSNFiltered Source code

var const native transient bool bWasSNFiltered;

CachedParentToWorld Source code

var native transient const matrix CachedParentToWorld;

CollideActors Source code

var const bool CollideActors;

DecalList Source code

var native private noimport const array<pointer> DecalList;

DetachFence Source code

var private native const int DetachFence;
A fence to track when the primitive is detached from the scene in the rendering thread.

FogVolumeComponent Source code

var const transient FogVolumeDensityComponent FogVolumeComponent;
Keeps track of which fog component this primitive is using.

LastRenderTime Source code

var transient float LastRenderTime;
The value of WorldInfo->TimeSeconds for the frame when this actor was last rendered. This is written from the render thread, which is up to a frame behind the game thread, so you should allow this time to be at least a frame behind the game thread's world time before you consider the actor non-visible. There's an equivalent variable in PrimitiveComponent.

LastSubmitTime Source code

var const transient float LastSubmitTime;
Last time the component was submitted for rendering (called FScene::AddPrimitive).

LightEnvironment Source code

var const LightEnvironmentComponent LightEnvironment;
The lighting environment to take the primitive's lighting from.

LocalToWorld Source code

var native transient const matrix LocalToWorld;

LocalToWorldDeterminant Source code

var native transient const float LocalToWorldDeterminant;

MotionBlurInfoIndex Source code

var native transient const int MotionBlurInfoIndex;
The index for the primitive component in the MotionBlurInfo array of the scene. Render-thread usage only. This assumes that there is only one scene that requires motion blur, as there is only a single index... If the application requires a primitive component to exist in multiple scenes and have motion blur in each of them, this can be changed into a mapping of the scene pointer to the index. (Associated functions would have to be updated as well...)

OctreeNodes Source code

var const native transient array<int> OctreeNodes;

RigidBodyIgnorePawns Source code

var const bool RigidBodyIgnorePawns;
DEPRECATED! Use RBChannel/RBCollideWithChannels instead now

SceneInfo Source code

var private native transient const pointer SceneInfo;
The primitive's scene info.

ScriptRigidBodyCollisionThreshold Source code

var float ScriptRigidBodyCollisionThreshold;
if > 0, the script RigidBodyCollision() event will be called on our Owner when a physics collision involving this PrimitiveComponent occurs and the relative velocity is greater than or equal to this

ShadowParent Source code

var const PrimitiveComponent ShadowParent;

Tag Source code

var const native transient int Tag;

ViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup Source code

var const ESceneDepthPriorityGroup ViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup;
The scene depth priority group to draw the primitive in, if it's being viewed by its owner.


BlockRigidBody Source code

var(Collision) const bool BlockRigidBody;

RBChannel Source code

var(Collision) const ERBCollisionChannel RBChannel;
Enum indicating what type of object this should be considered for rigid body collision.

RBCollideWithChannels Source code

var(Collision) const RBCollisionChannelContainer RBCollideWithChannels;
Types of objects that this physics objects will collide with.


bAcceptsDynamicLights Source code

var(Lighting) const bool bAcceptsDynamicLights;
Whether this primitives accepts dynamic lights controls whether the object should be affected by dynamic lights.

bAcceptsLights Source code

var(Lighting) const bool bAcceptsLights;
Does this primitive accept lights? controls whether the primitive accepts any lights. Should be set to FALSE for e.g. unlit objects as its a nice optimization - especially for larger objects.

bCastDynamicShadow Source code

var(Lighting) bool bCastDynamicShadow;
If false, primitive does not cast dynamic shadows. controls whether the primitive should cast shadows in the case of non precomputed shadowing like e.g. the primitive being in between a light and a dynamic object. This flag is only used if CastShadow is TRUE. Currently dynamic primitives will not receive shadows from static objects unless both this flag and CastShadow are enabled.

bCastHiddenShadow Source code

var(Lighting) bool bCastHiddenShadow;
If TRUE, the primitive will cast shadows even if bHidden is TRUE. Controls whether the primitive should cast shadows when hidden. This flag is only used if CastShadow is TRUE.

bForceDirectLightMap Source code

var(Lighting) const bool bForceDirectLightMap;
If true, forces all static lights to use light-maps for direct lighting on this primitive, regardless of the light's UseDirectLightMap property. forces the use of lightmaps for all static lights affecting this primitive even though the light might not be set to use light maps. This means that the primitive will not receive any shadows from dynamic objects obstructing static lights. It will correctly shadow in the case of dynamic lights

bUsePrecomputedShadows Source code

var(Lighting) const bool bUsePrecomputedShadows;
Whether the primitive supports/ allows static shadowing

CastShadow Source code

var(Lighting) bool CastShadow;
Whether to cast any shadows or not controls whether the primitive component should cast a shadow or not. Currently dynamic primitives will not receive shadows from static objects unless both this flag and bCastDynamicSahdow are enabled.

LightingChannels Source code

var(Lighting) const LightingChannelContainer LightingChannels;
Lighting channels controlling light/ primitive interaction. Only allows interaction if at least one channel is shared


bDisableAllRigidBody Source code

var(Physics) const bool bDisableAllRigidBody;
Never create any physics engine representation for this body.

bFluidDrain Source code

var(Physics) const bool bFluidDrain;
Whether this object should act as a 'drain' for fluid, and destroy fluid particles when they contact it.

bFluidTwoWay Source code

var(Physics) const bool bFluidTwoWay;
Indicates that fluid interaction with this object should be 'two-way' - that is, force should be applied to both fluid and object.

bIgnoreForceField Source code

var(Physics) bool bIgnoreForceField;
Will ignore force field applied to this component.

bIgnoreRadialForce Source code

var(Physics) bool bIgnoreRadialForce;
Will ignore radial forces applied to this component.

bIgnoreRadialImpulse Source code

var(Physics) bool bIgnoreRadialImpulse;
Will ignore radial impulses applied to this component.

bNotifyRigidBodyCollision Source code

var(Physics) const bool bNotifyRigidBodyCollision;
Flag that indicates if OnRigidBodyCollision function should be called for physics collisions involving this PrimitiveComponent.

bUseCompartment Source code

var(Physics) const bool bUseCompartment;
Place into a NxCompartment that will run in parallel with the primary scene's physics with potentially different simulation parameters.

PhysMaterialOverride Source code

var(Physics) const PhysicalMaterial PhysMaterialOverride;
Allows you to override the PhysicalMaterial to use for this PrimitiveComponent.

RBDominanceGroup Source code

var(Physics) byte RBDominanceGroup;
Used for creating one-way physics interactions (via constraints or contacts) Groups with lower RBDominanceGroup push around higher values in a 'one way' fashion. Must be <32.


AbsoluteRotation Source code

var(PrimitiveComponent) const bool AbsoluteRotation;

AbsoluteScale Source code

var(PrimitiveComponent) const bool AbsoluteScale;

AbsoluteTranslation Source code

var(PrimitiveComponent) const bool AbsoluteTranslation;

bIgnoreHiddenActorsMembership Source code

var(PrimitiveComponent) bool bIgnoreHiddenActorsMembership;
@fixme JF, Hack for gears ship to allow certain components to render even if the parent actor is part of the camera's HiddenActors array. Potentially worth cleaning up and integrating back to mainline, but I'm not really caring about that right now. :)

Rotation Source code

var(PrimitiveComponent) const rotator Rotation;

Scale Source code

var(PrimitiveComponent) const float Scale;

Scale3D Source code

var(PrimitiveComponent) const vector Scale3D;

Translation Source code

var(PrimitiveComponent) const vector Translation;


bAcceptsDecals Source code

var(Rendering) const bool bAcceptsDecals;
If TRUE, this primitive accepts decals.

bAcceptsDecalsDuringGameplay Source code

var(Rendering) const bool bAcceptsDecalsDuringGameplay;
If TRUE, this primitive accepts decals spawned during gameplay. Effectively FALSE if bAcceptsDecals is FALSE.

bAcceptsFoliage Source code

var(Rendering) const bool bAcceptsFoliage;
If TRUE, this primitive accepts foliage.

bAllowApproximateOcclusion Source code

var(Rendering) bool bAllowApproximateOcclusion;
If this is True, this component doesn't need exact occlusion info.

bAllowCullDistanceVolume Source code

var(Rendering) const bool bAllowCullDistanceVolume;
Whether to accept cull distance volumes to modify cached cull distance.

bForceMipStreaming Source code

var(Rendering) const bool bForceMipStreaming;
If TRUE, forces mips for textures used by this component to be resident when this component's level is loaded.

bIgnoreOwnerHidden Source code

var(Rendering) const bool bIgnoreOwnerHidden;
If true, bHidden on the Owner of this component will be ignored.

bOnlyOwnerSee Source code

var(Rendering) const bool bOnlyOwnerSee;
If this is True, this component will only be visible when the view actor is the component's owner, directly or indirectly.

bOwnerNoSee Source code

var(Rendering) const bool bOwnerNoSee;
If this is True, this component won't be visible when the view actor is the component's owner, directly or indirectly.

bUseAsOccluder Source code

var(Rendering) bool bUseAsOccluder;
If this is True, this primitive will be used to occlusion cull other primitives.

CachedCullDistance Source code

var(Rendering) editconst float CachedCullDistance;
The distance to cull this primitive at. A CullDistance of 0 indicates that the primitive should not be culled by distance. The distance calculation uses the center of the primitive's bounding sphere.

CullDistance Source code

var(Rendering) const private noexport float CullDistance;
Cull distance exposed to LDs. The real cull distance is the min (disregarding 0) of this and volumes affecting this object.

DepthPriorityGroup Source code

var(Rendering) const ESceneDepthPriorityGroup DepthPriorityGroup;
The scene depth priority group to draw the primitive in.

DetailMode Source code

var(Rendering) const EDetailMode DetailMode;
If detail mode is >= system detail mode, primitive won't be rendered.

HiddenEditor Source code

var(Rendering) const bool HiddenEditor;

HiddenGame Source code

var(Rendering) const bool HiddenGame;

MotionBlurScale Source code

var(Rendering) float MotionBlurScale;
Scalar controlling the amount of motion blur to be applied when object moves

TranslucencySortPriority Source code

var(Rendering) int TranslucencySortPriority;
Translucent objects with a lower sort priority draw before objects with a higher priority. Translucent objects with the same priority are rendered from back-to-front based on their bounds origin. Ignored if the object is not translucent. The default priority is zero.

Enumerations Detail

ERadialImpulseFalloff Source code

enum ERadialImpulseFalloff
RIF_Constant, RIF_Linear
Enum for controlling the falloff of strength of a radial impulse as a function of distance from Origin.

ERBCollisionChannel Source code

enum ERBCollisionChannel
RBCC_Default, RBCC_Nothing, RBCC_Pawn, RBCC_Vehicle, RBCC_Water, RBCC_GameplayPhysics, RBCC_EffectPhysics, RBCC_Untitled1, RBCC_Untitled2, RBCC_Untitled3, RBCC_Untitled4, RBCC_Cloth, RBCC_FluidDrain,
Enum indicating different type of objects for rigid-body collision purposes.

Structures Detail

MaterialViewRelevance Source code

struct MaterialViewRelevance
var bool bDistortion;
var bool bLit;
var bool bOpaque;
var bool bTranslucent;
var bool bUsesSceneColor;
Mirrored from Scene.h

RBCollisionChannelContainer Source code

struct RBCollisionChannelContainer
var(PrimitiveComponent) const bool Cloth;
var(PrimitiveComponent) const bool Default;
var(PrimitiveComponent) const bool EffectPhysics;
var(PrimitiveComponent) const bool FluidDrain;
var(PrimitiveComponent) const bool GameplayPhysics;
var const bool Nothing;
var(PrimitiveComponent) const bool Pawn;
var(PrimitiveComponent) const bool Untitled1;
var(PrimitiveComponent) const bool Untitled2;
var(PrimitiveComponent) const bool Untitled3;
var(PrimitiveComponent) const bool Untitled4;
var(PrimitiveComponent) const bool Vehicle;
var(PrimitiveComponent) const bool Water;
Container for indicating a set of collision channel that this object will collide with. Mirrored manually in UnPhysPublic.h

Functions Detail

AddForce Source code

native final function AddForce ( vector Force, optional vector Position, optional name BoneName )
Add a force to this component.
@param Force Force vector to apply. Magnitude indicates strength of force.
@param Position Position on object to apply force. If (0,0,0), force is applied at center of mass.
@param BoneName Used in the skeletal case to apply a force to a single body.

AddImpulse Source code

native final function AddImpulse ( vector Impulse, optional vector Position, optional name BoneName, optional bool bVelChange )
Add an impulse to the physics of this PrimitiveComponent.
@param Impulse Magnitude and direction of impulse to apply.
@param Position Point in world space to apply impulse at. If Position is (0,0,0), impulse is applied at center of mass ie. no rotation.
@param BoneName If a SkeletalMeshComponent, name of bone to apply impulse to.
@param bVelChange If true, the Strength is taken as a change in velocity instead of an impulse (ie. mass will have no affect).

AddRadialForce Source code

native final function AddRadialForce ( vector Origin, float Radius, float Strength, ERadialImpulseFalloff Falloff )
Add a force originating from the supplied world-space location.
@param Origin Origin of force in world space.
@param Radius Radius within which to apply the force.
@param Strength Strength of force to apply.
@param Falloff Allows you to control the strength of the force as a function of distance from Origin.

AddRadialImpulse Source code

native final function AddRadialImpulse ( vector Origin, float Radius, float Strength, ERadialImpulseFalloff Falloff, optional bool bVelChange )
Add an impulse to this component, radiating out from the specified position. In the case of a skeletal mesh, may affect each bone of the mesh.
@param Origin Point of origin for the radial impulse blast
@param Radius Size of radial impulse. Beyond this distance from Origin, there will be no affect.
@param Strength Maximum strength of impulse applied to body.
@param Falloff Allows you to control the strength of the impulse as a function of distance from Origin.
@param bVelChange If true, the Strength is taken as a change in velocity instead of an impulse (ie. mass will have no affect).

GetPosition Source code

final function vector GetPosition ( ) )

GetRootBodyInstance Source code

native final function RB_BodyInstance GetRootBodyInstance ( )
returns the physics RB_BodyInstance for the root body of this component (if any)

PutRigidBodyToSleep Source code

native final function PutRigidBodyToSleep ( optional name BoneName )
Put a simulation back to see.

RigidBodyIsAwake Source code

native final function bool RigidBodyIsAwake ( optional name BoneName )
Returns if the body is currently awake and simulating. If a SkeletalMeshComponent, and no BoneName is specified, will pick a random bone - so does not make much sense if not all bones are jointed together.

SetAbsolute Source code

native function SetAbsolute ( optional bool NewAbsoluteTranslation,optional bool NewAbsoluteRotation,optional bool NewAbsoluteScale )

SetActorCollision Source code

native final function SetActorCollision ( bool NewCollideActors, bool NewBlockActors )

SetBlockRigidBody Source code

native final function SetBlockRigidBody ( bool bNewBlockRigidBody )
Change the value of BlockRigidBody.
@param NewBlockRigidBody - The value to assign to BlockRigidBody.

SetCullDistance Source code

native final function SetCullDistance ( float NewCullDistance )
Changes the value of CullDistance.
@param NewCullDistance - The value to assign to CullDistance.

SetDepthPriorityGroup Source code

native final function SetDepthPriorityGroup ( ESceneDepthPriorityGroup NewDepthPriorityGroup )
Changes the value of DepthPriorityGroup.
@param NewDepthPriorityGroup - The value to assign to DepthPriorityGroup.

SetHidden Source code

native final function SetHidden ( bool NewHidden )
Changes the value of HiddenGame.
@param NewHidden - The value to assign to HiddenGame.

SetIgnoreOwnerHidden Source code

native final function SetIgnoreOwnerHidden ( bool bNewIgnoreOwnerHidden )
Changes the value of bIgnoreOwnerHidden.

SetLightEnvironment Source code

native final function SetLightEnvironment ( LightEnvironmentComponent NewLightEnvironment )
Changes the value of LightEnvironment.
@param NewLightEnvironment - The value to assign to LightEnvironment.

SetLightingChannels Source code

native final function SetLightingChannels ( LightingChannelContainer NewLightingChannels )
Changes the value of LightingChannels.
@param NewLightingChannels - The value to assign to LightingChannels.

SetNotifyRigidBodyCollision Source code

native final function SetNotifyRigidBodyCollision ( bool bNewNotifyRigidBodyCollision )
Changes the value of bNotifyRigidBodyCollision
@param bNewNotifyRigidBodyCollision - The value to assign to bNotifyRigidBodyCollision

SetOnlyOwnerSee Source code

native final function SetOnlyOwnerSee ( bool bNewOnlyOwnerSee )
Changes the value of bOnlyOwnerSee.

SetOwnerNoSee Source code

native final function SetOwnerNoSee ( bool bNewOwnerNoSee )
Changes the value of bOwnerNoSee.

SetPhysMaterialOverride Source code

native final function SetPhysMaterialOverride ( PhysicalMaterial NewPhysMaterial )
Changes the current PhysMaterialOverride for this component. Note that if physics is already running on this component, this will _not_ alter its mass/inertia etc, it will only change its surface properties like friction and the damping.

SetRBAngularVelocity Source code

native final function SetRBAngularVelocity ( vector NewAngVel, optional bool bAddToCurrent )
Set the angular velocity of the rigid body physics of this PrimitiveComponent. If no rigid-body physics is active, will do nothing. In the case of a SkeletalMeshComponent will affect all bones - and will apply the linear velocity necessary to get all bones to rotate around the root. This should be used cautiously - it may be better to use AddForce or AddImpulse.
@param NewAngVel New angular velocity to apply to physics.
@param bAddToCurrent If true, NewAngVel is added to the existing velocity of the body.

SetRBChannel Source code

final native function SetRBChannel ( ERBCollisionChannel Channel )
Changes the rigid-body channel that this object is defined in.

SetRBCollidesWithChannel Source code

final native function SetRBCollidesWithChannel ( ERBCollisionChannel Channel, bool bNewCollides )
Changes a member of the RBCollideWithChannels container for this PrimitiveComponent.
@param bNewCollides whether or not to collide with passed in channel

SetRBDominanceGroup Source code

native final function SetRBDominanceGroup ( BYTE InDomGroup )
Used for creating one-way physics interactions. @see RBDominanceGroup

SetRBLinearVelocity Source code

native final function SetRBLinearVelocity ( vector NewVel, optional bool bAddToCurrent )
Set the linear velocity of the rigid body physics of this PrimitiveComponent. If no rigid-body physics is active, will do nothing. In the case of a SkeletalMeshComponent will affect all bones. This should be used cautiously - it may be better to use AddForce or AddImpulse.
@param NewVel New linear velocity to apply to physics.
@param bAddToCurrent If true, NewVel is added to the existing velocity of the body.

SetRBPosition Source code

native final function SetRBPosition ( vector NewPos, optional name BoneName )
Called if you want to move the physics of a component which has dynamics running (ie actor is in PHYS_RigidBody). Be careful calling this when this is jointed to something else, or when it does not fit in the destination (no checking is done).
@param NewPos new position of the body
@param BoneName (SkeletalMeshComponent only) if specified, the bone to change position of if not specified for a SkeletalMeshComponent, all bodies are moved by the delta between the desired location and that of the root body.

SetRBRotation Source code

native final function SetRBRotation ( rotator NewRot, optional name BoneName )
Called if you want to rotate the physics of a component which has dynamics running (ie actor is in PHYS_RigidBody).
@param NewRot new rotation of the body
@param BoneName (SkeletalMeshComponent only) if specified, the bone to change rotation of if not specified for a SkeletalMeshComponent, all bodies are moved by the delta between the desired rotation and that of the root body.

SetRotation Source code

native function SetRotation ( rotator NewRotation )

SetScale Source code

native function SetScale ( float NewScale )

SetScale3D Source code

native function SetScale3D ( vector NewScale3D )

SetShadowParent Source code

native final function SetShadowParent ( PrimitiveComponent NewShadowParent )
Changes the value of ShadowParent.
@param NewShadowParent - The value to assign to ShadowParent.

SetTraceBlocking Source code

native final function SetTraceBlocking ( bool NewBlockZeroExtent, bool NewBlockNonZeroExtent )

SetTranslation Source code

native function SetTranslation ( vector NewTranslation )

SetViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup Source code

native final function SetViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup ( bool bNewUseViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup, ESceneDepthPriorityGroup NewViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup )
Changes the value of bUseViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup and ViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup.
@param bNewUseViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup - The value to assign to bUseViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup.
@param NewViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup - The value to assign to ViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup.

WakeRigidBody Source code

native final function WakeRigidBody ( optional name BoneName )
Ensure simulation is running for this component. If a SkeletalMeshComponent and no BoneName is specified, will wake all bones in the PhysicsAsset.



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