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native ( Particle ) hidecategories ( Object ) hidecategories ( Physics ) hidecategories ( Collision ) editinlinenew dependson ( ParticleSystem )

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Core.Component
   +-- Engine.ActorComponent
      +-- Engine.PrimitiveComponent
         +-- Engine.ParticleSystemComponent

Direct Known Subclasses:

CascadeParticleSystemComponent, UTParticleSystemComponent

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.PrimitiveComponent
AbsoluteRotation, AbsoluteScale, AbsoluteTranslation, AlwaysLoadOnClient, AlwaysLoadOnServer, bAcceptsDecals, bAcceptsDecalsDuringGameplay, bAcceptsDynamicLights, bAcceptsFoliage, bAcceptsLights, bAllowApproximateOcclusion, bAllowCullDistanceVolume, bCastDynamicShadow, bCastHiddenShadow, bDisableAllRigidBody, bFluidDrain, bFluidTwoWay, bForceDirectLightMap, bForceMipStreaming, bIgnoreForceField, bIgnoreHiddenActorsMembership, bIgnoreOwnerHidden, bIgnoreRadialForce, bIgnoreRadialImpulse, bIsRefreshingDecals, BlockActors, BlockNonZeroExtent, BlockRigidBody, BlockZeroExtent, bNotifyRigidBodyCollision, BodyInstance, bOnlyOwnerSee, Bounds, bOwnerNoSee, bUseAsOccluder, bUseCompartment, bUsePrecomputedShadows, bUseViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup, bWasSNFiltered, CachedCullDistance, CachedParentToWorld, CastShadow, CollideActors, CullDistance, DecalList, DepthPriorityGroup, DetachFence, DetailMode, FogVolumeComponent, HiddenEditor, HiddenGame, LastRenderTime, LastSubmitTime, LightEnvironment, LightingChannels, LocalToWorld, LocalToWorldDeterminant, MotionBlurInfoIndex, MotionBlurScale, OctreeNodes, PhysMaterialOverride, RBChannel, RBCollideWithChannels, RBDominanceGroup, RigidBodyIgnorePawns, Rotation, Scale, Scale3D, SceneInfo, ScriptRigidBodyCollisionThreshold, ShadowParent, Tag, Translation, TranslucencySortPriority, ViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup
Inherited Variables from Engine.ActorComponent
bAttached, bNeedsReattach, bNeedsUpdateTransform, bTickInEditor, Owner, Scene, TickGroup

Enumerations Summary
PSPT_None, PSPT_Scalar, PSPT_Vector, PSPT_Color, PSPT_Actor, PSPT_Material
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.PrimitiveComponent
ERadialImpulseFalloff, ERBCollisionChannel

Structures Summary
Name, ParamType, Scalar, Vector, Color, Actor, Material
Inherited Structures from Engine.PrimitiveComponent
MaterialViewRelevance, RBCollisionChannelContainer

Delegates Summary
delegate OnSystemFinished (ParticleSystemComponent PSystem)

Functions Summary
function ActivateSystem ()
function ClearParameter (name ParameterName, optional EParticleSysParamType ParameterType)
function DeactivateSystem ()
functionint GetEditorLODLevel ()
functionint GetLODLevel ()
functionbool GetSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick ()
function KillParticlesForced ()
function ResetToDefaults ()
function RewindEmitterInstance (int EmitterIndex)
function RewindEmitterInstances ()
function SetActive (bool bNowActive)
function SetActorParameter (name ParameterName, actor Param)
function SetBeamDistance (int EmitterIndex, float Distance)
function SetBeamEndPoint (int EmitterIndex, vector NewEndPoint)
function SetBeamSourcePoint (int EmitterIndex, vector NewSourcePoint, int SourceIndex)
function SetBeamSourceStrength (int EmitterIndex, float NewSourceStrength, int SourceIndex)
function SetBeamSourceTangent (int EmitterIndex, vector NewTangentPoint, int SourceIndex)
function SetBeamTargetPoint (int EmitterIndex, vector NewTargetPoint, int TargetIndex)
function SetBeamTargetStrength (int EmitterIndex, float NewTargetStrength, int TargetIndex)
function SetBeamTargetTangent (int EmitterIndex, vector NewTangentPoint, int TargetIndex)
function SetBeamTessellationFactor (int EmitterIndex, float NewFactor)
function SetBeamType (int EmitterIndex, int NewMethod)
function SetColorParameter (name ParameterName, color Param)
function SetEditorLODLevel (int InLODLevel)
function SetFloatParameter (name ParameterName, float Param)
function SetKillOnCompleted (int EmitterIndex, bool bKill)
function SetKillOnDeactivate (int EmitterIndex, bool bKill)
function SetLODLevel (int InLODLevel)
function SetMaterialParameter (name ParameterName, MaterialInterface Param)
function SetSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick (bool bInSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick)
function SetTemplate (ParticleSystem NewTemplate)
function SetVectorParameter (name ParameterName, vector Param)
Inherited Functions from Engine.PrimitiveComponent
AddForce, AddImpulse, AddRadialForce, AddRadialImpulse, GetPosition, GetRootBodyInstance, PutRigidBodyToSleep, RigidBodyIsAwake, SetAbsolute, SetActorCollision, SetBlockRigidBody, SetCullDistance, SetDepthPriorityGroup, SetHidden, SetIgnoreOwnerHidden, SetLightEnvironment, SetLightingChannels, SetNotifyRigidBodyCollision, SetOnlyOwnerSee, SetOwnerNoSee, SetPhysMaterialOverride, SetRBAngularVelocity, SetRBChannel, SetRBCollidesWithChannel, SetRBDominanceGroup, SetRBLinearVelocity, SetRBPosition, SetRBRotation, SetRotation, SetScale, SetScale3D, SetShadowParent, SetTraceBlocking, SetTranslation, SetViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup, WakeRigidBody
Inherited Functions from Engine.ActorComponent
ForceUpdate, SetComponentRBFixed, SetTickGroup

Variables Detail

AccumTickTime Source code

var transient float AccumTickTime;
Used to accumulate total tick time to determine whether system can be skipped ticking if not visible.

bDeferredBeamUpdate Source code

var bool bDeferredBeamUpdate;
Set this to TRUE to have beam emitters defer their update until the data is being passed to the render thread.

bForcedInActive Source code

var transient bool bForcedInActive;
This is set when any of our "don't tick me" timeout values have fired

bIsActive Source code

var transient bool bIsActive;
INTERNAL Set to TRUE when InitParticles has been called. Set to FALSE when ResetParticles has been called. Used to quick-out of Tick and Render calls (when caching PSysComps and emitter instances).

bIsCachedInPool Source code

var bool bIsCachedInPool;
bCanBeCachedInPool If this is true, when the PSC completes it will do the following: bHidden = TRUE This is used for Particles which are cached in a pool where you need to make certain to NOT kill off the EmitterInstances so we do not re allocate. @see ActivateSystem() where it rewinds the indiv emitters if they need it

bIsViewRelevanceDirty Source code

var transient bool bIsViewRelevanceDirty;
If TRUE, the ViewRelevanceFlags are dirty and should be recached

bIsWarmingUp Source code

var transient bool bIsWarmingUp;
This is set when the particle system component is warming up

bJustAttached Source code

var bool bJustAttached;
Indicates that the component has not been ticked since being attached.

bSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick Source code

var bool bSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick;
Flag indicating that dynamic updating of render data should NOT occur during Tick. This is used primarily to allow for warming up and simulated effects to a certain state.

bSuppressSpawning Source code

var const bool bSuppressSpawning;

bUpdateComponentInTick Source code

var bool bUpdateComponentInTick;
Set this to TRUE to have the PSysComponent update during the tick if 'dirty'.

bUpdateOnDedicatedServer Source code

var bool bUpdateOnDedicatedServer;
whether to update the particle system on dedicated servers

bWarmingUp Source code

var bool bWarmingUp;

bWasCompleted Source code

var const bool bWasCompleted;

bWasDeactivated Source code

var const bool bWasDeactivated;

CachedViewRelevanceFlags Source code

var transient const array<MaterialViewRelevance> CachedViewRelevanceFlags;
The view relevance flags for each LODLevel.

EditorLODLevel Source code

var int EditorLODLevel;
INTERNAL. Used by the editor to set the LODLevel

EmitterInstances Source code

var native transient const array<pointer> EmitterInstances;

LODLevel Source code

var int LODLevel;

OldPosition Source code

var vector OldPosition;

PartSysVelocity Source code

var vector PartSysVelocity;

SMComponents Source code

var private transient duplicatetransient const array<StaticMeshComponent> SMComponents;
The static mesh components for a mesh emitter. This is to prevent the SMCs from being garbage collected.

SMMaterialInterfaces Source code

var private transient duplicatetransient const array<MaterialInterface> SMMaterialInterfaces;

WarmupTime Source code

var float WarmupTime;


bOverrideLODMethod Source code

var(LOD) bool bOverrideLODMethod;
indicates that the component's LODMethod overrides the Template's

LODMethod Source code

var(LOD) ParticleSystemLODMethod LODMethod;
The method of LOD level determination to utilize for this particle system


bAutoActivate Source code

var(ParticleSystemComponent) bool bAutoActivate;
If true, activate on creation.

bResetOnDetach Source code

var(ParticleSystemComponent) bool bResetOnDetach;

InstanceParameters Source code

var(ParticleSystemComponent) editinline array<ParticleSysParam> InstanceParameters;
Array holding name instance parameters for this ParticleSystemComponent. Parameters can be used in Cascade using DistributionFloat/VectorParticleParameters.

SecondsBeforeInactive Source code

var(ParticleSystemComponent) float SecondsBeforeInactive;
Number of seconds of emitter not being rendered that need to pass before it no longer gets ticked/ becomes inactive.

Template Source code

var(ParticleSystemComponent) const ParticleSystem Template;

Enumerations Detail

EParticleSysParamType Source code

enum EParticleSysParamType
PSPT_None, PSPT_Scalar, PSPT_Vector, PSPT_Color, PSPT_Actor, PSPT_Material
Enum for specifying type of a name instance parameter.

Structures Detail

ParticleEmitterInstance Source code

struct ParticleEmitterInstance

ParticleSysParam Source code

struct ParticleSysParam
var(ParticleSystemComponent) actor Actor;
var(ParticleSystemComponent) color Color;
var(ParticleSystemComponent) MaterialInterface Material;
var(ParticleSystemComponent) name Name;
var(ParticleSystemComponent) EParticleSysParamType ParamType;
var(ParticleSystemComponent) float Scalar;
var(ParticleSystemComponent) vector Vector;
Struct used for a particular named instance parameter for this ParticleSystemComponent.

Delegates Detail

OnSystemFinished Source code

delegate OnSystemFinished ( ParticleSystemComponent PSystem )

Functions Detail

ActivateSystem Source code

native final function ActivateSystem ( )

ClearParameter Source code

native final function ClearParameter ( name ParameterName, optional EParticleSysParamType ParameterType )
clears the specified parameter, returning it to the default value set in the template
@param ParameterName name of parameter to remove
@param ParameterType type of parameter to remove; if omitted or PSPT_None is specified, all parameters with the given name are removed

DeactivateSystem Source code

native final function DeactivateSystem ( )

GetEditorLODLevel Source code

native final function int GetEditorLODLevel ( )

GetLODLevel Source code

native final function int GetLODLevel ( )
GetLODLevel - gets the LOD level currently set.

GetSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick Source code

native final function bool GetSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick ( )
Function for retrieving the bSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick flag.

KillParticlesForced Source code

native final function KillParticlesForced ( )

ResetToDefaults Source code

native final function ResetToDefaults ( )
stops the emitter, detaches the component, and resets the component's properties to the values of its template

RewindEmitterInstance Source code

native function RewindEmitterInstance ( int EmitterIndex )
Rewind emitter instances.

RewindEmitterInstances Source code

native function RewindEmitterInstances ( )

SetActive Source code

native final function SetActive ( bool bNowActive )
calls ActivateSystem() or DeactivateSystem() only if the component is not already activated/deactivated necessary because ActivateSystem() resets already active emitters so it shouldn't be called multiple times on looping effects
@param bNowActive - whether the system should be active

SetActorParameter Source code

native final function SetActorParameter ( name ParameterName, actor Param )

SetBeamDistance Source code

native function SetBeamDistance ( int EmitterIndex, float Distance )
Set the beam distance
@param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
@param Distance The value to set it to

SetBeamEndPoint Source code

native function SetBeamEndPoint ( int EmitterIndex, vector NewEndPoint )
Set the beam end point
@param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
@param NewEndPoint The value to set it to

SetBeamSourcePoint Source code

native function SetBeamSourcePoint ( int EmitterIndex, vector NewSourcePoint, int SourceIndex )
Set the beam source point
@param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
@param NewSourcePoint The value to set it to
@param SourceIndex Which beam within the emitter to set it on

SetBeamSourceStrength Source code

native function SetBeamSourceStrength ( int EmitterIndex, float NewSourceStrength, int SourceIndex )
Set the beam source strength
@param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
@param NewSourceStrength The value to set it to
@param SourceIndex Which beam within the emitter to set it on

SetBeamSourceTangent Source code

native function SetBeamSourceTangent ( int EmitterIndex, vector NewTangentPoint, int SourceIndex )
Set the beam source tangent
@param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
@param NewTangentPoint The value to set it to
@param SourceIndex Which beam within the emitter to set it on

SetBeamTargetPoint Source code

native function SetBeamTargetPoint ( int EmitterIndex, vector NewTargetPoint, int TargetIndex )
Set the beam target point
@param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
@param NewTargetPoint The value to set it to
@param TargetIndex Which beam within the emitter to set it on

SetBeamTargetStrength Source code

native function SetBeamTargetStrength ( int EmitterIndex, float NewTargetStrength, int TargetIndex )
Set the beam target strength
@param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
@param NewTargetStrength The value to set it to
@param TargetIndex Which beam within the emitter to set it on

SetBeamTargetTangent Source code

native function SetBeamTargetTangent ( int EmitterIndex, vector NewTangentPoint, int TargetIndex )
Set the beam target tangent
@param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
@param NewTangentPoint The value to set it to
@param TargetIndex Which beam within the emitter to set it on

SetBeamTessellationFactor Source code

native function SetBeamTessellationFactor ( int EmitterIndex, float NewFactor )
Set the beam tessellation factor
@param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
@param NewFactor The value to set it to

SetBeamType Source code

native function SetBeamType ( int EmitterIndex, int NewMethod )
Set the beam type
@param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
@param NewMethod The new method/type of beam to generate

SetColorParameter Source code

native final function SetColorParameter ( name ParameterName, color Param )

SetEditorLODLevel Source code

native final function SetEditorLODLevel ( int InLODLevel )

SetFloatParameter Source code

native final function SetFloatParameter ( name ParameterName, float Param )

SetKillOnCompleted Source code

native function SetKillOnCompleted ( int EmitterIndex, bool bKill )
SetKillOnDeactivate is used to set the KillOnCompleted( flag. If true, when the particle system is completed, it will immediately kill the emitter instance. Set this to true for cached ParticleSystems
@param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
@param bKill The value to set it to

SetKillOnDeactivate Source code

native function SetKillOnDeactivate ( int EmitterIndex, bool bKill )
SetKillOnDeactivate is used to set the KillOnDeactivate flag. If true, when the particle system is deactivated, it will immediately kill the emitter instance. If false, the emitter instance live particles will complete their lifetime. Set this to true for cached ParticleSystems
@param EmitterIndex The index of the emitter to set it on
@param bKill value to set KillOnDeactivate to

SetLODLevel Source code

native final function SetLODLevel ( int InLODLevel )
SetLODLevel - sets the LOD level to use for this instance.

SetMaterialParameter Source code

native final function SetMaterialParameter ( name ParameterName, MaterialInterface Param )

SetSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick Source code

native final function SetSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick ( bool bInSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick )
Function for setting the bSkipUpdateDynamicDataDuringTick flag.

SetTemplate Source code

native final function SetTemplate ( ParticleSystem NewTemplate )

SetVectorParameter Source code

native final function SetVectorParameter ( name ParameterName, vector Param )



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