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native ( Sequence ) abstract

class SequenceEvent Sequence event is a representation of any event that is used to instigate a sequence. Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.SequenceObject
   +-- Engine.SequenceOp
      +-- Engine.SequenceEvent

Direct Known Subclasses:

SeqEvent_AISeeEnemy, SeqEvent_Console, SeqEvent_ConstraintBroken, SeqEvent_Death, SeqEvent_DemoInput, SeqEvent_Destroyed, SeqEvent_GetInventory, SeqEvent_LevelBeginning, SeqEvent_LevelLoaded, SeqEvent_LevelReset, SeqEvent_LevelStartup, SeqEvent_LOS, SeqEvent_Mover, SeqEvent_PickupStatusChange, SeqEvent_PlayerSpawned, SeqEvent_ProjectileLanded, SeqEvent_RemoteEvent, SeqEvent_RigidBodyCollision, SeqEvent_SeeDeath, SeqEvent_SequenceActivated, SeqEvent_TakeDamage, SeqEvent_Touch, SeqEvent_Used, UIEvent, UTSeqEvent_CountdownNodeSucceeded, UTSeqEvent_FlagEvent, UTSeqEvent_GameEnded, UTSeqEvent_MinedOre, UTSeqEvent_ObjectiveCompleted, UTSeqEvent_OnslaughtNodeEvent, UTSeqEvent_PowerCoreDestructionEffect, UTSeqEvent_SkipCinematic, UTSeqEvent_TurretSpawn, UTSeqEvent_TurretStatusChanged, UTSeqEvent_VehicleFactory

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.SequenceOp
ActivateCount, bActive, bAutoActivateOutputLinks, bLatentExecution, EventLinks, InputLinks, OutputLinks, PlayerIndex, SearchTag, VariableLinks
Inherited Variables from Engine.SequenceObject
bDeletable, bDrawFirst, bDrawLast, bOutputObjCommentToScreen, bSuppressAutoComment, DrawHeight, DrawWidth, ObjCategory, ObjClassVersion, ObjColor, ObjComment, ObjInstanceVersion, ObjName, ObjPosX, ObjPosY, ParentSequence

Structures Summary
InOriginator, InInstigator, ActivateIndices, bPushTop
Inherited Structures from Engine.SequenceOp
SeqEventLink, SeqOpInputLink, SeqOpOutputInputLink, SeqOpOutputLink, SeqVarLink

Functions Summary
functionbool CheckActivate (Actor inOriginator, Actor inInstigator, optional bool bTest, optional const out array<int> ActivateIndices, optional bool bPushTop)
event RegisterEvent ()
function Reset ()))
event Toggled ()))
Inherited Functions from Engine.SequenceOp
Activated, Deactivated, GetBoolVars, GetController, GetLinkedObjects, GetObjectVars, GetPawn, HasLinkedOps, LinkedVariables, PopulateLinkedVariableValues, PublishLinkedVariableValues, Reset
Inherited Functions from Engine.SequenceObject
GetWorldInfo, IsValidLevelSequenceObject, IsValidUISequenceObject, ScriptLog

Variables Detail

ActivationTime Source code

var transient float ActivationTime;
Last time this event was activated at

bRegistered Source code

var transient bool bRegistered;
Has this event been successfully register?

Instigator Source code

var transient Actor Instigator;
Instigator of the event activation, or the actor that caused the event to be activated. Can vary depending on the type of event.

MaxWidth Source code

var int MaxWidth;
Editor only, max width of the title bar?

Originator Source code

var Actor Originator;
Originator of this event, set at editor time. Usually the actor that this event is attached to.

QueuedActivations Source code

var array<QueuedActivationInfo> QueuedActivations;

TriggerCount Source code

var transient int TriggerCount;
Number of times this event has been activated


bClientSideOnly Source code

var(SequenceEvent) const bool bClientSideOnly;
if true, this event (and therefore all linked actions) is triggered on the client instead of the server use for events that don't affect gameplay @note: direct references to level placed actors used by client side events/actions require that the actors have bStatic or bNoDelete set; otherwise the reference will be NULL on the client

bEnabled Source code

var(SequenceEvent) bool bEnabled;
Is this event currently enabled?

bPlayerOnly Source code

var(SequenceEvent) bool bPlayerOnly;
Require this event to be activated by a player?

MaxTriggerCount Source code

var(SequenceEvent) int MaxTriggerCount;
How many times can this event be activated, 0 for infinite

Priority Source code

var(SequenceEvent) Byte Priority;
Used by event managers (such as DialogueManager) to help filter out events that occur at same time

ReTriggerDelay Source code

var(SequenceEvent) float ReTriggerDelay;
Delay between allowed activations

Structures Detail

QueuedActivationInfo Source code

struct QueuedActivationInfo
var array<int> ActivateIndices;
var bool bPushTop;
var Actor InInstigator;
var Actor InOriginator;
Matches the ::ActivateEvent parms, for storing multiple activations per frame

Functions Detail

CheckActivate Source code

native noexport final function bool CheckActivate ( Actor inOriginator, Actor inInstigator, optional bool bTest, optional const out array<int> ActivateIndices, optional bool bPushTop )
Checks if this event could be activated, and if bTest == false then the event will be activated with the specified actor as the instigator.
@param inOriginator - actor to use as the originator
@param inInstigator - actor to use as the instigator
@param bTest - if true, then the event will not actually be activated, only tested for success
@param ActivateIndices - array of indices of output links to activate if the event is activated. If unspecified, the default is to activate all of them.
@param bPushTop - if true and the event is activated, adds it to the top of the stack (meaning it will be executed first), rather than the bottom
@return true if this event can be activated, or was activate if !bTest

RegisterEvent Source code

event RegisterEvent ( )
Called when the sequence that contains this event is initialized (@see USequence::InitializeSequence). For events attached to actors, this will occur at level startup (@see USequence::BeginPlay())

Reset Source code

function Reset ( ) )

Toggled Source code

event Toggled ( ) )
Called once this event is toggled via SeqAct_Toggle.



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