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native ( Sequence ) abstract

Base class of any sequence operation that acts as a conditional statement, such as simple boolean expression. When a SequenceCondition is activated, the values for each variable linked to this conditional are retrieved. The appropriate output link (which is specific to each conditional type) is then activated based on the value of the those variables. Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.SequenceObject
   +-- Engine.SequenceOp
      +-- Engine.SequenceCondition

Direct Known Subclasses:

SeqCond_CompareBool, SeqCond_CompareFloat, SeqCond_CompareInt, SeqCond_CompareObject, SeqCond_GetServerType, SeqCond_Increment, SeqCond_IncrementFloat, SeqCond_IsInCombat, SeqCond_IsLoggedIn, SeqCond_IsSameTeam, SeqCond_SwitchBase, UTSeqCond_CheckWeapon, UTSeqCond_DoTutorial, UTSeqCond_GetNodeState, UTSeqCond_HasInventory, UTSeqCond_HasPersistentKey, UTSeqCond_IsCarryingFlag, UTSeqCond_IsConsole, UTSeqCond_IsLinkSetupActive, UTSeqCond_IsUsingWeapon, UTSeqCond_MissionCheck

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.SequenceOp
ActivateCount, bActive, bAutoActivateOutputLinks, bLatentExecution, EventLinks, InputLinks, OutputLinks, PlayerIndex, SearchTag, VariableLinks
Inherited Variables from Engine.SequenceObject
bDeletable, bDrawFirst, bDrawLast, bOutputObjCommentToScreen, bSuppressAutoComment, DrawHeight, DrawWidth, ObjCategory, ObjClassVersion, ObjColor, ObjComment, ObjInstanceVersion, ObjName, ObjPosX, ObjPosY, ParentSequence

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Engine.SequenceOp
SeqEventLink, SeqOpInputLink, SeqOpOutputInputLink, SeqOpOutputLink, SeqVarLink

Functions Summary
eventbool IsValidUISequenceObject (optional UIScreenObject TargetObject ))
Inherited Functions from Engine.SequenceOp
Activated, Deactivated, GetBoolVars, GetController, GetLinkedObjects, GetObjectVars, GetPawn, HasLinkedOps, LinkedVariables, PopulateLinkedVariableValues, PublishLinkedVariableValues, Reset
Inherited Functions from Engine.SequenceObject
GetWorldInfo, IsValidLevelSequenceObject, IsValidUISequenceObject, ScriptLog

Functions Detail

IsValidUISequenceObject Source code

event bool IsValidUISequenceObject ( optional UIScreenObject TargetObject ) )
Determines whether this class should be displayed in the list of available ops in the UI's kismet editor.
@param TargetObject the widget that this SequenceObject would be attached to.
@return TRUE if this sequence object should be available for use in the UI kismet editor


   ObjName="Undefined Condition"

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