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Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Core.Component
   +-- Engine.ActorComponent
      +-- Engine.PrimitiveComponent
         +-- Engine.MeshComponent
            +-- Engine.SkeletalMeshComponent

Direct Known Subclasses:

AnimTreeEdSkelComponent, ASVSkelComponent, FaceFXStudioSkelComponent, MaterialEditorSkeletalMeshComponent, PhATSkeletalMeshComponent, UTGibSkeletalMeshComponent, UTSkeletalMeshComponent

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.MeshComponent
Inherited Variables from Engine.PrimitiveComponent
AbsoluteRotation, AbsoluteScale, AbsoluteTranslation, AlwaysLoadOnClient, AlwaysLoadOnServer, bAcceptsDecals, bAcceptsDecalsDuringGameplay, bAcceptsDynamicLights, bAcceptsFoliage, bAcceptsLights, bAllowApproximateOcclusion, bAllowCullDistanceVolume, bCastDynamicShadow, bCastHiddenShadow, bDisableAllRigidBody, bFluidDrain, bFluidTwoWay, bForceDirectLightMap, bForceMipStreaming, bIgnoreForceField, bIgnoreHiddenActorsMembership, bIgnoreOwnerHidden, bIgnoreRadialForce, bIgnoreRadialImpulse, bIsRefreshingDecals, BlockActors, BlockNonZeroExtent, BlockRigidBody, BlockZeroExtent, bNotifyRigidBodyCollision, BodyInstance, bOnlyOwnerSee, Bounds, bOwnerNoSee, bUseAsOccluder, bUseCompartment, bUsePrecomputedShadows, bUseViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup, bWasSNFiltered, CachedCullDistance, CachedParentToWorld, CastShadow, CollideActors, CullDistance, DecalList, DepthPriorityGroup, DetachFence, DetailMode, FogVolumeComponent, HiddenEditor, HiddenGame, LastRenderTime, LastSubmitTime, LightEnvironment, LightingChannels, LocalToWorld, LocalToWorldDeterminant, MotionBlurInfoIndex, MotionBlurScale, OctreeNodes, PhysMaterialOverride, RBChannel, RBCollideWithChannels, RBDominanceGroup, RigidBodyIgnorePawns, Rotation, Scale, Scale3D, SceneInfo, ScriptRigidBodyCollisionThreshold, ShadowParent, Tag, Translation, TranslucencySortPriority, ViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup

Enumerations Summary
FXBM_Overwrite, FXBM_Additive,
FXRO_Add, FXRO_Multiply, FXRO_Replace,
RMM_Translate, RMM_Velocity, RMM_Ignore, RMM_Accel,
RMRM_Ignore, RMRM_RotateActor,
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.PrimitiveComponent
ERadialImpulseFalloff, ERBCollisionChannel

Structures Summary
Target, Weight
Component, BoneName, RelativeLocation, RelativeRotation, RelativeScale
Inherited Structures from Engine.PrimitiveComponent
MaterialViewRelevance, RBCollisionChannelContainer

Functions Summary
function AllAnimNodes (class<AnimNode> BaseClass, out AnimNode Node)
function AttachClothToCollidingShapes (bool AttatchTwoWay, bool AttachTearable)
function AttachComponent (ActorComponent Component, ame BoneName, ptional vector RelativeLocation, ptional rotator RelativeRotation, ptional vector RelativeScale)
function AttachComponentToSocket (ActorComponent Component, name SocketName)
function AttachedComponents (class<ActorComponent> BaseClass, out ActorComponent OutComponent)
function DeclareFaceFXRegister (string RegName)
function DetachComponent (ActorComponent Component)
function EnableClothValidBounds (bool IfEnableClothValidBounds)
functionAnimNode FindAnimNode (name InNodeName)
functionAnimSequence FindAnimSequence (Name AnimSeqName)
functionRB_BodyInstance FindBodyInstanceNamed (Name BoneName)
functionname FindClosestBone (vector TestLocation, optional out vector BoneLocation, optional float IgnoreScale)
functionActorComponent FindComponentAttachedToBone (name InBoneName)
functionname FindConstraintBoneName (int ConstraintIndex)
functionint FindConstraintIndex (name ConstraintName)
functionMorphNodeBase FindMorphNode (name InNodeName)
functionMorphTarget FindMorphTarget (Name MorphTargetName)
functionSkelControlBase FindSkelControl (name InControlName)
function ForceSkelUpdate ()
functionfloat GetAnimLength (Name AnimSeqName))
functionfloat GetAnimRateByDuration (Name AnimSeqName, float Duration ))
functionvector GetBoneAxis (name BoneName, EAxis Axis)
functionvector GetBoneLocation (name BoneName, optional int Space)
functionmatrix GetBoneMatrix (int BoneIndex)
function GetBoneNames (out array<name> BoneNames)
functionquat GetBoneQuaternion (name BoneName, optional int Space)
functionbool GetBonesWithinRadius (Vector Origin, FLOAT Radius, INT TraceFlags, out array< Name > out_Bones)
functionfloat GetClothAttachmentResponseCoefficient ()
functionfloat GetClothAttachmentTearFactor ()
functionfloat GetClothBendingStiffness ()
functionfloat GetClothCollisionResponseCoefficient ()
functionfloat GetClothDampingCoefficient ()
functionint GetClothFlags ()
functionfloat GetClothFriction ()
functionfloat GetClothPressure ()
functionfloat GetClothSleepLinearVelocity ()
functionint GetClothSolverIterations ()
functionfloat GetClothStretchingStiffness ()
functionfloat GetClothTearFactor ()
functionfloat GetClothThickness ()
functionfloat GetFaceFXRegister (string RegName)
functionname GetParentBone (name BoneName)
functionSkeletalMeshSocket GetSocketByName (Name InSocketName)
functionbool GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation (name InSocketName, out vector OutLocation, optional out rotator OutRotation)
function InitSkelControls ()
functionbool IsComponentAttached (ActorComponent Component, optional Name BoneName)
functionbool IsPlayingFaceFXAnim ()
functionint MatchRefBone (name BoneName)
function PlayAnim (name AnimName, optional float Duration, optional bool bLoop, optional bool bRestartIfAlreadyPlaying = true))
functionbool PlayFaceFXAnim (FaceFXAnimSet FaceFXAnimSetRef, string AnimName, string GroupName)
function ResetClothVertsToRefPose ()
function RestoreSavedAnimSets ()
function SaveAnimSets ()
function SetAnimTreeTemplate (AnimTree NewTemplate)
function SetAttachClothVertsToBaseBody (bool bAttachVerts)
function SetClothAttachmentResponseCoefficient (float ClothAttachmentResponseCoefficient)
function SetClothAttachmentTearFactor (float ClothAttachTearFactor)
function SetClothBendingStiffness (float ClothBendingStiffness)
function SetClothCollisionResponseCoefficient (float ClothCollisionResponseCoefficient)
function SetClothDampingCoefficient (float ClothDampingCoefficient)
function SetClothExternalForce (vector InForce)
function SetClothFlags (int ClothFlags)
function SetClothFriction (float ClothFriction)
function SetClothFrozen (bool bNewFrozen)
function SetClothPosition (vector ClothOffSet)
function SetClothPressure (float ClothPressure)
function SetClothSleep (bool IfClothSleep)
function SetClothSleepLinearVelocity (float ClothSleepLinearVelocity)
function SetClothSolverIterations (int ClothSolverIterations)
function SetClothStretchingStiffness (float ClothStretchingStiffness)
function SetClothTearFactor (float ClothTearFactor)
function SetClothThickness (float ClothThickness)
function SetClothValidBounds (vector ClothValidBoundsMin, vector ClothValidBoundsMax)
function SetClothVelocity (vector VelocityOffSet)
function SetEnableClothSimulation (bool bInEnable)
function SetFaceFXRegister (string RegName, float RegVal, EFaceFXRegOp RegOp, optional float InterpDuration)
function SetFaceFXRegisterEx (string RegName, EFaceFXRegOp RegOp, float FirstValue, float FirstInterpDuration, float NextValue, float NextInterpDuration)
function SetForceRefPose (bool bNewForceRefPose)
function SetHasPhysicsAssetInstance (bool bHasInstance)
function SetParentAnimComponent (SkeletalMeshComponent NewParentAnimComp)
function SetPhysicsAsset (PhysicsAsset NewPhysicsAsset, optional bool bForceReInit)
function SetSkeletalMesh (SkeletalMesh NewMesh, optional bool bKeepSpaceBases)
function StopAnim ()))
function StopFaceFXAnim ()
function TransformFromBoneSpace (name BoneName, vector InPosition, rotator InRotation, out vector OutPosition, out rotator OutRotation)
function TransformToBoneSpace (name BoneName, vector InPosition, rotator InRotation, out vector OutPosition, out rotator OutRotation)
function UpdateAnimations ()
function UpdateClothParams ()
function UpdateParentBoneMap ()
function UpdateRBBonesFromSpaceBases (bool bMoveUnfixedBodies, bool bTeleport)
Inherited Functions from Engine.MeshComponent
CreateAndSetMaterialInstanceConstant, CreateAndSetMaterialInstanceTimeVarying, GetMaterial, GetNumElements, SetMaterial
Inherited Functions from Engine.PrimitiveComponent
AddForce, AddImpulse, AddRadialForce, AddRadialImpulse, GetPosition, GetRootBodyInstance, PutRigidBodyToSleep, RigidBodyIsAwake, SetAbsolute, SetActorCollision, SetBlockRigidBody, SetCullDistance, SetDepthPriorityGroup, SetHidden, SetIgnoreOwnerHidden, SetLightEnvironment, SetLightingChannels, SetNotifyRigidBodyCollision, SetOnlyOwnerSee, SetOwnerNoSee, SetPhysMaterialOverride, SetRBAngularVelocity, SetRBChannel, SetRBCollidesWithChannel, SetRBDominanceGroup, SetRBLinearVelocity, SetRBPosition, SetRBRotation, SetRotation, SetScale, SetScale3D, SetShadowParent, SetTraceBlocking, SetTranslation, SetViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup, WakeRigidBody

Variables Detail

ActiveMorphs Source code

var array<ActiveMorph> ActiveMorphs;
Array indicating all active MorphTargets. This array is updated inside UpdateSkelPose based on the AnimTree's st of MorphNodes.

AnimTickArray Source code

var const transient array<AnimNode> AnimTickArray;
Array of all AnimNodes in entire tree, in the order they should be ticked - that is, all parents appear before a child.

AttachedToSkelComponent Source code

var SkeletalMeshComponent AttachedToSkelComponent;
The SkeletalMeshComponent that this one is possibly attached to.

Attachments Source code

var duplicatetransient const array<Attachment> Attachments;

bAnimTreeInitialised Source code

var const transient bool bAnimTreeInitialised;
If true, AnimTree has been initialised.

bCacheAnimSequenceNodes Source code

var bool bCacheAnimSequenceNodes;
Should anim sequence nodes cache the calculated values when not actually playing an animation?

bChartDistanceFactor Source code

var bool bChartDistanceFactor;
If true, DistanceFactor for this SkeletalMeshComponent will be added to global chart.

bDisableWarningWhenAnimNotFound Source code

var bool bDisableWarningWhenAnimNotFound;
Disable warning when an AnimSequence is not found. FALSE by default.

bDisplayBones Source code

var int bDisplayBones;
Draw the skeleton hierarchy for this skel mesh.

bForceMeshObjectUpdates Source code

var bool bForceMeshObjectUpdates;
Should the mesh object be updated even when the component hasn't recently been rendered (fixes popping for cinematic cuts)

bForceRawOffset Source code

var int bForceRawOffset;

bForceRefpose Source code

var int bForceRefpose;
If true, force the mesh into the reference pose - is an optimization.

bForceWireframe Source code

var int bForceWireframe;

bHasHadPhysicsBlendedIn Source code

var const bool bHasHadPhysicsBlendedIn;
Used for consistency checking. Indicates that the results of physics have been blended into SpaceBases this frame.

bHideSkin Source code

var int bHideSkin;

bIgnoreControllers Source code

var int bIgnoreControllers;

bIgnoreControllersWhenNotRendered Source code

var bool bIgnoreControllersWhenNotRendered;
If true, do not apply any SkelControls when owner has not been rendered recently.

bNoSkeletonUpdate Source code

var int bNoSkeletonUpdate;
Skip UpdateSkelPose.

bNotUpdatingKinematicDueToDistance Source code

var const bool bNotUpdatingKinematicDueToDistance;
If this is true, we are not updating kinematic bones and motors based on animation because the skeletal mesh is too far from any viewer.

bOldForceRefPose Source code

var int bOldForceRefPose;
If bForceRefPose was set last tick.

bOverrideAttachmentOwnerVisibility Source code

var bool bOverrideAttachmentOwnerVisibility;
if set, components that are attached to us have their bOwnerNoSee and bOnlyOwnerSee properties overridden by ours

bPauseAnims Source code

var bool bPauseAnims;
pauses this component's animations (doesn't tick them)

bRequiredBonesUpToDate Source code

var transient int bRequiredBonesUpToDate;

bRMMOneFrameDelay Source code

var const INT bRMMOneFrameDelay;
Handle one frame delay with PendingRMM

bRootMotionExtractedNotify Source code

var bool bRootMotionExtractedNotify;
if TRUE, the event RootMotionExtracted() will be called on this owning actor, after root motion has been extracted, and before it's been used. This notification can be used to alter extracted root motion before it is forwarded to physics.

bRootMotionModeChangeNotify Source code

var bool bRootMotionModeChangeNotify;
if TRUE, notify owning actor of root motion mode changes. This calls the Actor.RootMotionModeChanged() event. This is useful for synchronizing movements. For intance, when using RMM_Translate, and the event is called, we know that root motion will kick in on next frame. It is possible to kill in-game physics, and then use root motion seemlessly.

bShowPrePhysBones Source code

var int bShowPrePhysBones;
Bool that enables debug drawing of the skeleton before it is passed to the physics. Useful for debugging animation-driven physics.

bSkelCompFixed Source code

var const bool bSkelCompFixed;
Indicates whether this SkeletalMeshComponent is currently considered 'fixed' (ie kinematic)

bSkipAllUpdateWhenPhysicsAsleep Source code

var bool bSkipAllUpdateWhenPhysicsAsleep;
When true, if owned by a PHYS_RigidBody Actor, skip all update (bones and bounds) when physics are asleep.

bTransformFromAnimParent Source code

var int bTransformFromAnimParent;

bUpdateSkelWhenNotRendered Source code

var bool bUpdateSkelWhenNotRendered;
if true, update skeleton/attachments even when our Owner has not been rendered recently @note if this is false, bone information may not be accurate, so be careful setting this to false if bone info is relevant to gameplay @note you can use ForceSkelUpdate() to force an update

bUseRawData Source code

var const bool bUseRawData;
If TRUE, force usage of raw animation data when animating this skeletal mesh; if FALSE, use compressed data.

bUseSingleBodyPhysics Source code

var const int bUseSingleBodyPhysics;

CachedAtomsTag Source code

var const transient int CachedAtomsTag;

CachedFaceFXAudioComp Source code

var AudioComponent CachedFaceFXAudioComp;
The audio component that we are using to play audio for a facial animation. Assigned in PlayFaceFXAnim and cleared in StopFaceFXAnim.

ClothDirtyBufferFlag Source code

var int ClothDirtyBufferFlag;
flags to indicate which buffers were recently updated by the cloth simulation.

ClothMeshIndexData Source code

var const array<int> ClothMeshIndexData;

ClothMeshNormalData Source code

var const array<vector> ClothMeshNormalData;

ClothMeshParentData Source code

var const array<int> ClothMeshParentData;
Cloth parent indices contain the index of the original vertex when a vertex is created during tearing. If it is an original vertex then the parent index is the same as the vertex index.

ClothMeshPosData Source code

var const array<vector> ClothMeshPosData;

ClothMeshWeldedIndexData Source code

var const native transient array<int> ClothMeshWeldedIndexData;

ClothMeshWeldedNormalData Source code

var const native transient array<vector> ClothMeshWeldedNormalData;

ClothMeshWeldedPosData Source code

var const native transient array<vector> ClothMeshWeldedPosData;
buffers used for reverse lookups to unweld vertices to support wrapped UVs.

ClothSim Source code

var const native transient pointer ClothSim;

FaceFXActorInstance Source code

var transient native pointer FaceFXActorInstance;
The FaceFX actor instance associated with the skeletal mesh component.

FramesPhysicsAsleep Source code

var transient int FramesPhysicsAsleep;
Used to keep track of how many frames physics has been asleep for (when using PHYS_RigidBody).

LimitMaterial Source code

var material LimitMaterial;

LocalAtoms Source code

var native transient const array<AnimNode.BoneAtom> LocalAtoms;
Temporary array of local-space (ie relative to parent bone) rotation/translation for each bone.

MaxDistanceFactor Source code

var const float MaxDistanceFactor;
High (best) DistanceFactor that was desired for rendering this SkeletalMesh last frame. Represents how big this mesh was in screen space

MeshObject Source code

var native transient const pointer MeshObject;

MinDistFactorForKinematicUpdate Source code

var float MinDistFactorForKinematicUpdate;
If non-zero, skeletal mesh component will not update kinematic bones and bone springs when distance factor is greater than this (or has not been rendered for a while). This also turns off BlockRigidBody, so you do not get collisions with 'left behind' ragdoll setups.

NumClothMeshIndices Source code

var int NumClothMeshIndices;

NumClothMeshParentIndices Source code

var int NumClothMeshParentIndices;

NumClothMeshVerts Source code

var int NumClothMeshVerts;

OldPendingRMM Source code

var ERootMotionMode OldPendingRMM;

OldPredictedLODLevel Source code

var int OldPredictedLODLevel;

ParentBoneMap Source code

var native transient const array<int> ParentBoneMap;
Mapping between bone indices in this component and the parent one. Each element is the index of the bone in the ParentAnimComponent. Size should be the same as SkeletalMesh.RefSkeleton size (ie number of bones in this skeleton).

PendingRMM Source code

var ERootMotionMode PendingRMM;

PhysicsAssetInstance Source code

var const transient editinline export PhysicsAssetInstance PhysicsAssetInstance;
Any instanced physics engine information for this SkeletalMeshComponent. This is only required when you want to run physics or you want physical interaction with this skeletal mesh.

PhysicsBlendZeroDriftBoneName Source code

var name PhysicsBlendZeroDriftBoneName;
When blending in physics, translate data from physics so that this bone aligns with its current graphics position. Can be useful for hacking 'frame behind' issues.

PredictedLODLevel Source code

var int PredictedLODLevel;

PreviousRMM Source code

var const ERootMotionMode PreviousRMM;
Previous Root Motion Mode, to catch changes

RequiredBones Source code

var native transient const array<byte> RequiredBones;
Temporary array of bone indices required this frame. Filled in by UpdateSkelPose.

RootBoneTranslation Source code

var const transient Vector RootBoneTranslation;
Offset of the root bone from the reference pose. Used to offset bounding box.

RootMotionAccelScale Source code

var vector RootMotionAccelScale;
Scale applied in physics when RootMotionMode == RMM_Accel

RootMotionDelta Source code

var const transient BoneAtom RootMotionDelta;
Root Motion extracted from animation.

RootMotionVelocity Source code

var transient Vector RootMotionVelocity;
Root Motion velocity for this frame, set from RootMotionDelta.

SceneIndex Source code

var const native transient int SceneIndex;

SkelControlIndex Source code

var transient const array<byte> SkelControlIndex;

SpaceBases Source code

var native transient const array<matrix> SpaceBases;
Temporary array of of component-space bone matrices, update each frame and used for rendering the mesh.

TemporarySavedAnimSets Source code

var native transient const array<AnimSet> TemporarySavedAnimSets;
Temporary array of AnimSets that are used as a backup target when the engine needs to temporarily modify the actor's animation set list. (e.g. Matinee playback)

TickTag Source code

var const transient int TickTag;


bAttachClothVertsToBaseBody Source code

var(Cloth) bool bAttachClothVertsToBaseBody;
If true, fixed verts of the cloth are attached in the physics to the physics body that this components actor is attached to.

bAutoFreezeClothWhenNotRendered Source code

var(Cloth) bool bAutoFreezeClothWhenNotRendered;
If true, cloth will automatically have bClothFrozen set when it is not rendered, and have it turned off when it is seen.

bClothBaseVelClamp Source code

var(Cloth) bool bClothBaseVelClamp;
It true, clamp velocity of cloth particles to be within ClothOwnerVelClampRange of Base velocity.

bClothFrozen Source code

var(Cloth) const bool bClothFrozen;
If true, cloth is 'frozen' and no simulation is taking place for it, though it will keep its shape.

bDisableClothCollision Source code

var(Cloth) const bool bDisableClothCollision;
Turns off all cloth collision so not checks are done (improves performance).

bEnableClothSimulation Source code

var(Cloth) const bool bEnableClothSimulation;
Whether cloth simulation should currently be used on this SkeletalMeshComponent. @see SetEnableClothSimulation

ClothAttachmentTearFactor Source code

var(Cloth) const float ClothAttachmentTearFactor;
The cloth tear factor for this SkeletalMeshComponent, negative values take the tear factor from the SkeletalMesh. Note: UpdateClothParams() should be called after modification so that the changes are reflected in the simulation.

ClothBaseVelClampRange Source code

var(Cloth) vector ClothBaseVelClampRange;
Amount of variance from base's velocity the cloth is allowed.

ClothBlendWeight Source code

var(Cloth) float ClothBlendWeight;
How much to blend in results from cloth simulation with results from regular skinning.

ClothExternalForce Source code

var(Cloth) const vector ClothExternalForce;
Constant force applied to all vertices in the cloth.

ClothForceScale Source code

var(Cloth) const float ClothForceScale;
How much force to apply to cloth, in relation to the force(from a force field) applied to rigid bodies(zero applies no force to cloth, 1 applies the same)

ClothRBChannel Source code

var(Cloth) const ERBCollisionChannel ClothRBChannel;
Enum indicating what type of object this cloth should be considered for rigid body collision.

ClothRBCollideWithChannels Source code

var(Cloth) const RBCollisionChannelContainer ClothRBCollideWithChannels;
Types of objects that this cloth will collide with.

ClothWind Source code

var(Cloth) vector ClothWind;
'Wind' force applied to cloth. Force on each vertex is based on the dot product between the wind vector and the surface normal.


Animations Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) const editinline export AnimNode Animations;
This is the unique instance of the AnimTree used by this SkeletalMeshComponent. THIS SHOULD NEVER POINT TO AN ANIMTREE IN A CONTENT PACKAGE.

AnimSets Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) array<AnimSet> AnimSets;
The set of AnimSets that will be looked in to find a particular sequence, specified by name in an AnimNodeSequence. Array is search from last to first element, so you can replace a particular sequence but putting a set containing the new version later in the array. You will need to call SetAnim again on nodes that may be affected by any changes you make to this array.

AnimTreeTemplate Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) const AnimTree AnimTreeTemplate;
This should point to the AnimTree in a content package. BeginPlay on this SkeletalMeshComponent will instance (copy) the tree and assign the instance to the Animations pointer.

bDisableFaceFXMaterialInstanceCreation Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) bool bDisableFaceFXMaterialInstanceCreation;
If true, FaceFX will not automatically create material instances.

bEnableFullAnimWeightBodies Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) bool bEnableFullAnimWeightBodies;
Enables blending in of physics bodies with the bAlwaysFullAnimWeight flag set.

bForceDiscardRootMotion Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) bool bForceDiscardRootMotion;
force root motion to be discarded, no matter what the AnimNodeSequence(s) are set to do

bForceUpdateAttachmentsInTick Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) bool bForceUpdateAttachmentsInTick;
If true, attachments will be updated twice a frame - once in Tick and again when UpdateTransform is called. This can resolve some 'frame behind' issues if an attachment need to be in the correct location for it's Tick, but at a cost.

bHasPhysicsAssetInstance Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) const bool bHasPhysicsAssetInstance;
Indicates whether this SkeletalMeshComponent should have a physics engine representation of its state. @see SetHasPhysicsAssetInstance

bPerBoneVolumeEffects Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) bool bPerBoneVolumeEffects;
If true, when this skeletal mesh overlaps a physics volume, each body of it will be tested against the volume, so only limbs actually in the volume will be affected. Useful when gibbing bodies.

bSyncActorLocationToRootRigidBody Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) bool bSyncActorLocationToRootRigidBody;
If true, will move the Actors Location to match the root rigid body location when in PHYS_RigidBody.

bUpdateJointsFromAnimation Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) bool bUpdateJointsFromAnimation;
If we should pass joint position to joints each frame, so that they can be used by motorized joints to drive the ragdoll based on the animation.

bUpdateKinematicBonesFromAnimation Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) bool bUpdateKinematicBonesFromAnimation;
If we are running physics, should we update bFixed bones based on the animation bone positions.

FaceFXBlendMode Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) EFaceFXBlendMode FaceFXBlendMode;
How FaceFX transforms should be blended with skeletal mesh

ForcedLodModel Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) int ForcedLodModel;

GlobalAnimRateScale Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) float GlobalAnimRateScale;
Used to scale speed of all animations on this skeletal mesh.

MorphSets Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) array<MorphTargetSet> MorphSets;
Array of MorphTargetSets that will be looked in to find a particular MorphTarget, specified by name. It is searched in the same way as the AnimSets array above.

ParentAnimComponent Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) const SkeletalMeshComponent ParentAnimComponent;
If set, this SkeletalMeshComponent will not use its Animations pointer to do its own animation blending, but will use the SpaceBases array in the ParentAnimComponent. This is used when constructing a character using multiple skeletal meshes sharing the same skeleton within the same Actor.

PhysicsAsset Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) const PhysicsAsset PhysicsAsset;
Physics and collision information used for this SkeletalMesh, set up in PhAT. This is used for per-bone hit detection, accurate bounding box calculation and ragdoll physics for example.

PhysicsWeight Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) float PhysicsWeight;
Influence of rigid body physics on the mesh's pose (0.0 == use only animation, 1.0 == use only physics)

RootMotionMode Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) ERootMotionMode RootMotionMode;

RootMotionRotationMode Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) ERootMotionRotationMode RootMotionRotationMode;
Apply rotation delta to actor

SkeletalMesh Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) SkeletalMesh SkeletalMesh;
The skeletal mesh used by this component.

WireframeColor Source code

var(SkeletalMeshComponent) Color WireframeColor;

Enumerations Detail

EFaceFXBlendMode Source code

enum EFaceFXBlendMode
FXBM_Overwrite, FXBM_Additive,

EFaceFXRegOp Source code

enum EFaceFXRegOp
FXRO_Add, FXRO_Multiply, FXRO_Replace,
The valid FaceFX register operations.

ERootMotionMode Source code

enum ERootMotionMode
RMM_Translate, RMM_Velocity, RMM_Ignore, RMM_Accel,

ERootMotionRotationMode Source code

enum ERootMotionRotationMode
RMRM_Ignore, RMRM_RotateActor,
Root Motion Rotation mode

Structures Detail

ActiveMorph Source code

struct ActiveMorph
var MorphTarget Target;
var float Weight;
Struct used to indicate one active morph target that should be applied to this SkeletalMesh when rendered.
The morph target that we want to apply.
Strength of the morph target, between 0.0 and 1.0

Attachment Source code

struct Attachment
var(SkeletalMeshComponent) name BoneName;
var(SkeletalMeshComponent) editinline ActorComponent Component;
var(SkeletalMeshComponent) vector RelativeLocation;
var(SkeletalMeshComponent) rotator RelativeRotation;
var(SkeletalMeshComponent) vector RelativeScale;

Functions Detail

AllAnimNodes Source code

native final iterator function AllAnimNodes ( class<AnimNode> BaseClass, out AnimNode Node )
returns all AnimNodes in the animation tree that are the specfied class or a subclass
@param BaseClass base class to return
@param Node (out) the returned AnimNode for each iteration

AttachClothToCollidingShapes Source code

simulated native final function AttachClothToCollidingShapes ( bool AttatchTwoWay, bool AttachTearable )

AttachComponent Source code

native final function AttachComponent ( ActorComponent Component,name BoneName,optional vector RelativeLocation,optional rotator RelativeRotation,optional vector RelativeScale )

AttachComponentToSocket Source code

native final function AttachComponentToSocket ( ActorComponent Component, name SocketName )
Attach an ActorComponent to a Socket.

AttachedComponents Source code

native final iterator function AttachedComponents ( class<ActorComponent> BaseClass, out ActorComponent OutComponent )
returns all attached components that are of the specified class or a subclass
@param BaseClass the base class of ActorComponent to return
@param (out) OutComponent the returned ActorComponent for each iteration

DeclareFaceFXRegister Source code

native final function DeclareFaceFXRegister ( string RegName )
Declare a new register in the FaceFX register system. This is required

DetachComponent Source code

native final function DetachComponent ( ActorComponent Component )

EnableClothValidBounds Source code

simulated native final function EnableClothValidBounds ( bool IfEnableClothValidBounds )

FindAnimNode Source code

native final function AnimNode FindAnimNode ( name InNodeName )
Find an Animation Node in the Animation Tree whose NodeName matches InNodeName. Warning: The search is O(n^2), so for large AnimTrees, cache result.

FindAnimSequence Source code

native final function AnimSequence FindAnimSequence ( Name AnimSeqName )
Find a named AnimSequence from the AnimSets array in the SkeletalMeshComponent. This searches array from end to start, so specific sequence can be replaced by putting a set containing a sequence with the same name later in the array.
@param AnimSeqName Name of AnimSequence to look for.
@return Pointer to found AnimSequence. Returns NULL if could not find sequence with that name.

FindBodyInstanceNamed Source code

final native function RB_BodyInstance FindBodyInstanceNamed ( Name BoneName )
Find a BodyInstance by BoneName

FindClosestBone Source code

native final function name FindClosestBone ( vector TestLocation, optional out vector BoneLocation, optional float IgnoreScale )
finds the closest bone to the given location
@param TestLocation the location to test against
@param BoneLocation (optional, out) if specified, set to the world space location of the bone that was found, or (0,0,0) if no bone was found
@param IgnoreScale (optional) if specified, only bones with scaling larger than the specified factor are considered
@return the name of the bone that was found, or 'None' if no bone was found

FindComponentAttachedToBone Source code

native final function ActorComponent FindComponentAttachedToBone ( name InBoneName )
Returns component attached to specified BoneName. (returns the first entry found).
@param BoneName Bone Name to look up.
@return First ActorComponent found, attached to BoneName, if it exists.

FindConstraintBoneName Source code

final native function name FindConstraintBoneName ( int ConstraintIndex )

FindConstraintIndex Source code

final native function int FindConstraintIndex ( name ConstraintName )

FindMorphNode Source code

native final function MorphNodeBase FindMorphNode ( name InNodeName )

FindMorphTarget Source code

native final function MorphTarget FindMorphTarget ( Name MorphTargetName )
Find a named MorphTarget from the MorphSets array in the SkeletalMeshComponent. This searches the array in the same way as FindAnimSequence
@param AnimSeqName Name of MorphTarget to look for.
@return Pointer to found MorphTarget. Returns NULL if could not find target with that name.

FindSkelControl Source code

native final function SkelControlBase FindSkelControl ( name InControlName )

ForceSkelUpdate Source code

native final function ForceSkelUpdate ( )
forces an update to the mesh's skeleton/attachments, even if bUpdateSkelWhenNotRendered is false and it has not been recently rendered @note if bUpdateSkelWhenNotRendered is true, there is no reason to call this function (but doing so anyway will have no effect)

GetAnimLength Source code

final function float GetAnimLength ( Name AnimSeqName) )
Returns the duration (in seconds) for a named AnimSequence. Returns 0.f if no animation.

GetAnimRateByDuration Source code

final function float GetAnimRateByDuration ( Name AnimSeqName, float Duration ) )
Finds play Rate for a named AnimSequence to match a specified Duration in seconds.
@param AnimSeqName Name of AnimSequence to look for.
@param Duration in seconds to match
@return play rate of animation, so it plays in seconds.

GetBoneAxis Source code

native final function vector GetBoneAxis ( name BoneName, EAxis Axis )
finds a vector pointing along the given axis of the given bone
@param BoneName the name of the bone to find
@param Axis the axis of that bone to return
@return the direction of the specified axis, or (0,0,0) if the specified bone was not found

GetBoneLocation Source code

native final function vector GetBoneLocation ( name BoneName, optional int Space )

GetBoneMatrix Source code

native final function matrix GetBoneMatrix ( int BoneIndex )
returns the matrix of the bone at the specified index

GetBoneNames Source code

native final function GetBoneNames ( out array<name> BoneNames )
fills the given array with the names of all the bones in this component's current SkeletalMesh

GetBoneQuaternion Source code

native final function quat GetBoneQuaternion ( name BoneName, optional int Space )

GetBonesWithinRadius Source code

native final function bool GetBonesWithinRadius ( Vector Origin, FLOAT Radius, INT TraceFlags, out array< Name > out_Bones )
Find all bones by name within given radius

GetClothAttachmentResponseCoefficient Source code

simulated native final function float GetClothAttachmentResponseCoefficient ( )

GetClothAttachmentTearFactor Source code

simulated native final function float GetClothAttachmentTearFactor ( )

GetClothBendingStiffness Source code

simulated native final function float GetClothBendingStiffness ( )

GetClothCollisionResponseCoefficient Source code

simulated native final function float GetClothCollisionResponseCoefficient ( )

GetClothDampingCoefficient Source code

simulated native final function float GetClothDampingCoefficient ( )

GetClothFlags Source code

simulated native final function int GetClothFlags ( )

GetClothFriction Source code

simulated native final function float GetClothFriction ( )

GetClothPressure Source code

simulated native final function float GetClothPressure ( )

GetClothSleepLinearVelocity Source code

simulated native final function float GetClothSleepLinearVelocity ( )

GetClothSolverIterations Source code

simulated native final function int GetClothSolverIterations ( )

GetClothStretchingStiffness Source code

simulated native final function float GetClothStretchingStiffness ( )

GetClothTearFactor Source code

simulated native final function float GetClothTearFactor ( )

GetClothThickness Source code

simulated native final function float GetClothThickness ( )

GetFaceFXRegister Source code

native final function float GetFaceFXRegister ( string RegName )
Retrieve the value of the specified FaceFX register.

GetParentBone Source code

native final function name GetParentBone ( name BoneName )
returns the name of the parent bone for the specified bone. Returns 'None' if the bone does not exist or it is the root bone

GetSocketByName Source code

native final function SkeletalMeshSocket GetSocketByName ( Name InSocketName )
Returns SkeletalMeshSocket of named socket on the skeletal mesh component. Returns None if not found.

GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation Source code

native final function bool GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation ( name InSocketName, out vector OutLocation, optional out rotator OutRotation )
Find the current world space location and rotation of a named socket on the skeletal mesh component. If the socket is not found, then it returns false and does not change the OutLocation/OutRotation variables.
@param InSocketName the name of the socket to find
@param OutLocation (out) set to the world space location of the socket
@param OutRotation (out) if specified, set to the world space rotation of the socket
@return whether or not the socket was found

InitSkelControls Source code

native final function InitSkelControls ( )

IsComponentAttached Source code

native final function bool IsComponentAttached ( ActorComponent Component, optional Name BoneName )
Returns true if component is attached to skeletal mesh.
@param Component ActorComponent to check for.
@return true if Component is attached to SkeletalMesh.

IsPlayingFaceFXAnim Source code

native final function bool IsPlayingFaceFXAnim ( )
Is playing a FaceFX animation.

MatchRefBone Source code

native final function int MatchRefBone ( name BoneName )
returns the bone index of the specified bone, or INDEX_NONE if it couldn't be found

PlayAnim Source code

function PlayAnim ( name AnimName, optional float Duration, optional bool bLoop, optional bool bRestartIfAlreadyPlaying = true) )
simple generic case animation player requires that the one and only animation node in the AnimTree is an AnimNodeSequence
@param AnimName name of the animation to play
@param Duration (optional) override duration for the animation
@param bLoop (optional) whether the animation should loop
@param bRestartIfAlreadyPlaying whether or not to restart the animation if the specified anim is already playing

PlayFaceFXAnim Source code

native final function bool PlayFaceFXAnim ( FaceFXAnimSet FaceFXAnimSetRef, string AnimName, string GroupName )
Play the specified FaceFX animation. Returns TRUE if successful. If animation couldn't be found, a log warning will be issued.

ResetClothVertsToRefPose Source code

simulated native final function ResetClothVertsToRefPose ( )
Move all vertices in the cloth to the reference pose and zero their velocity.

RestoreSavedAnimSets Source code

native final function RestoreSavedAnimSets ( )
Restores saved AnimSets to the master list of AnimSets and clears the temporary saved list of AnimSets.

SaveAnimSets Source code

native final function SaveAnimSets ( )
Saves the skeletal component's current AnimSets to a temporary buffer. You can restore them later by calling RestoreSavedAnimSets().

SetAnimTreeTemplate Source code

native final function SetAnimTreeTemplate ( AnimTree NewTemplate )

SetAttachClothVertsToBaseBody Source code

simulated native final function SetAttachClothVertsToBaseBody ( bool bAttachVerts )
Attach/detach verts from physics body that this components actor is attached to.

SetClothAttachmentResponseCoefficient Source code

simulated native final function SetClothAttachmentResponseCoefficient ( float ClothAttachmentResponseCoefficient )

SetClothAttachmentTearFactor Source code

simulated native final function SetClothAttachmentTearFactor ( float ClothAttachTearFactor )

SetClothBendingStiffness Source code

simulated native final function SetClothBendingStiffness ( float ClothBendingStiffness )

SetClothCollisionResponseCoefficient Source code

simulated native final function SetClothCollisionResponseCoefficient ( float ClothCollisionResponseCoefficient )

SetClothDampingCoefficient Source code

simulated native final function SetClothDampingCoefficient ( float ClothDampingCoefficient )

SetClothExternalForce Source code

simulated native final function SetClothExternalForce ( vector InForce )
Modify the external force that is applied to the cloth. Will continue to be applied until it is changed.

SetClothFlags Source code

simulated native final function SetClothFlags ( int ClothFlags )

SetClothFriction Source code

simulated native final function SetClothFriction ( float ClothFriction )

SetClothFrozen Source code

simulated native final function SetClothFrozen ( bool bNewFrozen )
Toggle active simulation of cloth. Cheaper than doing SetEnableClothSimulation, and keeps its shape while frozen.

SetClothPosition Source code

simulated native final function SetClothPosition ( vector ClothOffSet )

SetClothPressure Source code

simulated native final function SetClothPressure ( float ClothPressure )

SetClothSleep Source code

simulated native final function SetClothSleep ( bool IfClothSleep )

SetClothSleepLinearVelocity Source code

simulated native final function SetClothSleepLinearVelocity ( float ClothSleepLinearVelocity )

SetClothSolverIterations Source code

simulated native final function SetClothSolverIterations ( int ClothSolverIterations )

SetClothStretchingStiffness Source code

simulated native final function SetClothStretchingStiffness ( float ClothStretchingStiffness )

SetClothTearFactor Source code

simulated native final function SetClothTearFactor ( float ClothTearFactor )

SetClothThickness Source code

simulated native final function SetClothThickness ( float ClothThickness )

SetClothValidBounds Source code

simulated native final function SetClothValidBounds ( vector ClothValidBoundsMin, vector ClothValidBoundsMax )

SetClothVelocity Source code

simulated native final function SetClothVelocity ( vector VelocityOffSet )

SetEnableClothSimulation Source code

simulated native final function SetEnableClothSimulation ( bool bInEnable )
Turn on and off cloth simulation for this skeletal mesh.

SetFaceFXRegister Source code

native final function SetFaceFXRegister ( string RegName, float RegVal, EFaceFXRegOp RegOp, optional float InterpDuration )
Set the value and operation of the specified FaceFX register.

SetFaceFXRegisterEx Source code

native final function SetFaceFXRegisterEx ( string RegName, EFaceFXRegOp RegOp, float FirstValue, float FirstInterpDuration, float NextValue, float NextInterpDuration )
Set the value and operation of the specified FaceFX register.

SetForceRefPose Source code

simulated native final function SetForceRefPose ( bool bNewForceRefPose )
Change whether to force mesh into ref pose (and use cheaper vertex shader)

SetHasPhysicsAssetInstance Source code

final native function SetHasPhysicsAssetInstance ( bool bHasInstance )
Set value of bHasPhysicsAssetInstance flag. Will create/destroy PhysicsAssetInstance as desired.

SetParentAnimComponent Source code

native final function SetParentAnimComponent ( SkeletalMeshComponent NewParentAnimComp )

SetPhysicsAsset Source code

simulated native final function SetPhysicsAsset ( PhysicsAsset NewPhysicsAsset, optional bool bForceReInit )
Change the Physics Asset of the mesh

SetSkeletalMesh Source code

simulated native final function SetSkeletalMesh ( SkeletalMesh NewMesh, optional bool bKeepSpaceBases )
Change the SkeletalMesh that is rendered for this Component. Will re-initialize the animation tree etc.

StopAnim Source code

function StopAnim ( ) )
simple generic case animation stopper requires that the one and only animation node in the AnimTree is an AnimNodeSequence

StopFaceFXAnim Source code

native final function StopFaceFXAnim ( )
Stop any currently playing FaceFX animation.

TransformFromBoneSpace Source code

native final function TransformFromBoneSpace ( name BoneName, vector InPosition, rotator InRotation, out vector OutPosition, out rotator OutRotation )
Transform a location/rotation in bone relative space to world space.

TransformToBoneSpace Source code

native final function TransformToBoneSpace ( name BoneName, vector InPosition, rotator InRotation, out vector OutPosition, out rotator OutRotation )
Transform a location/rotation from world space to bone relative space. This is handy if you know the location in world space for a bone attachment, as AttachComponent takes location/rotation in bone-relative space.

UpdateAnimations Source code

native final function UpdateAnimations ( )
Force AnimTree to recache all animations. Call this when the AnimSets array has been changed.

UpdateClothParams Source code

simulated native final function UpdateClothParams ( )
Update params of the this components internal cloth sim from the SkeletalMesh properties.

UpdateParentBoneMap Source code

native final function UpdateParentBoneMap ( )

UpdateRBBonesFromSpaceBases Source code

native final function UpdateRBBonesFromSpaceBases ( bool bMoveUnfixedBodies, bool bTeleport )
Force an update of this meshes kinematic bodies and springs.



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