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config ( Game ) native ( UI ) transient implements ( UIListElementProvider ) implements ( UIListElementCellProvider )

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.UIRoot
   +-- Engine.UIDataProvider
      +-- Engine.UIDataStore
         +-- UTGame.UTUIDataStore_StringList

Constants Summary

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIDataStore
RefreshSubscriberNotifies, Tag
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIDataProvider
ProviderChangedNotifies, WriteAccessType

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.UIDataProvider

Structures Summary
Tag, ColumnHeaderText, CurrentValue, DefaultValueIndex, Strings, DataProvider
Inherited Structures from Engine.UIDataProvider

Functions Summary
function AddStr (name FieldName, string NewString, optional bool bBatchOp)
function Empty (name FieldName, optional bool bBatchOp)
functionINT FindStr (name FieldName, string SearchString)
eventbool GetCurrentValue (name FieldName, out string out_Value))
eventint GetCurrentValueIndex (name FieldName))
functionINT GetFieldIndex (Name FieldName)
functionarray<string> GetList (name FieldName)
functionstring GetStr (name FieldName, int StrIndex)
function InsertStr (name FieldName, string NewString, int InsertIndex, optional bool bBatchOp)
eventint Num (name FieldName))
event Registered (LocalPlayer PlayerOwner ))
function RemoveStr (name FieldName, string StringToRemove, optional bool bBatchOp)
function RemoveStrByIndex (name FieldName, int Index, optional int Count=1, optional bool bBatchOp)
eventint SetCurrentValueIndex (name FieldName, int NewValueIndex))
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIDataStore
GetDataStoreClient, NotifyGameSessionEnded, OnCommit, RefreshSubscribers, Registered, SubscriberAttached, SubscriberDetached, Unregistered
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIDataProvider
AddPropertyNotificationChangeRequest, GenerateFillerData, GenerateScriptMarkupString, GetFieldValue, GetSupportedScriptFields, NotifyPropertyChanged, RemovePropertyNotificationChangeRequest, SetFieldValue

Constants Detail


const INVALIDFIELD = -1;

Variables Detail

StringData Source code

var config array<EStringListData> StringData;

Structures Detail

EStringListData Source code

struct EStringListData
var localized string ColumnHeaderText;
var string CurrentValue;
var transient UTUIDataProvider_StringArray DataProvider;
var int DefaultValueIndex;
var localized array<string> Strings;
var name Tag;

the string to use as the column header for cells bound to this field
the currently selected value from the Strings array
provider for the list of strings associated with this tag
the index into the Strings array for the element that should be selected by default
the available value choices
the tag used for binding this data to a list cell

Functions Detail

AddStr Source code

native function AddStr ( name FieldName, string NewString, optional bool bBatchOp )
Add a string to the list
@Param FieldName The string list to work on
@Param NewString The new string to add
@param bBatchOp if TRUE, doesn't call RefreshSubscribers()

Empty Source code

native function Empty ( name FieldName, optional bool bBatchOp )
Empty a string List
@Param FieldName The string list to work on
@param bBatchOp if TRUE, doesn't call RefreshSubscribers()

FindStr Source code

native function INT FindStr ( name FieldName, string SearchString )
Finds a string in the list
@Param FieldName The string list to add the new string to
@Param SearchStr The string to find
@returns the index in the list or INVALIDFIELD

GetCurrentValue Source code

event bool GetCurrentValue ( name FieldName, out string out_Value) )
Returns the current value of a field.
@param FieldName Field to search.
@param out_Value Variable to store the result string in.
@return TRUE if the field was found, FLASE otherwise.

GetCurrentValueIndex Source code

event int GetCurrentValueIndex ( name FieldName) )
Returns the current value index of a given field.
@param FieldName Field to search.

GetFieldIndex Source code

native function INT GetFieldIndex ( Name FieldName )

@param FieldName Name of the String List to find
@return the index of a string list

GetList Source code

native function array<string> GetList ( name FieldName )
Get a list
@Param FieldName The string list to add the new string to
@returns a copy of the list

GetStr Source code

native function string GetStr ( name FieldName, int StrIndex )
Returns the a string by the index
@Param FieldName The string list to add the new string to
@Param StrIndex The index of the string to get
@returns the string.

InsertStr Source code

native function InsertStr ( name FieldName, string NewString, int InsertIndex, optional bool bBatchOp )
Insert a string in to the list at a given index
@Param FieldName The string list to work on
@Param NewString The new string to add
@Param InsertIndex The index where you wish to insert the string
@param bBatchOp if TRUE, doesn't call RefreshSubscribers()

Num Source code

event int Num ( name FieldName) )
Get the number of strings in a given list
@Param FieldName The string list to work on
@returns the # of strings or -1 if the list does not exist

Registered Source code

event Registered ( LocalPlayer PlayerOwner ) )
Called when this data store is added to the data store manager's list of active data stores.
@param PlayerOwner the player that will be associated with this DataStore. Only relevant if this data store is associated with a particular player; NULL if this is a global data store.

RemoveStr Source code

native function RemoveStr ( name FieldName, string StringToRemove, optional bool bBatchOp )
Remove a string from the list
@Param FieldName The string list to work on
@Param StringToRemove The string to remove
@param bBatchOp if TRUE, doesn't call RefreshSubscribers()

RemoveStrByIndex Source code

native function RemoveStrByIndex ( name FieldName, int Index, optional int Count=1, optional bool bBatchOp )
Remove a string (or multiple strings) by the index.
@Param FieldName The string list to work on
@Param Index The index to remove
@Param Count # of strings to remove
@param bBatchOp if TRUE, doesn't call RefreshSubscribers()

SetCurrentValueIndex Source code

event int SetCurrentValueIndex ( name FieldName, int NewValueIndex) )
Sets the current value index of a given field.
@param FieldName Field to change.
@param int NewValueIndex


   StringData(0)=(Tag="ServerType",ColumnHeaderText="Match Type",DefaultValueIndex=1,Strings=("LAN","Internet"))
   StringData(1)=(Tag="ServerType360",ColumnHeaderText="Match Type",DefaultValueIndex=1,Strings=("System Link","Player","Ranked"))
   StringData(2)=(Tag="MatchType",ColumnHeaderText="Match Type",DefaultValueIndex=1,Strings=("LAN","Internet"))
   StringData(3)=(Tag="MatchType360",ColumnHeaderText="Match Type",DefaultValueIndex=1,Strings=("System Link","Player","Ranked"))
   StringData(4)=(Tag="BotTeams",ColumnHeaderText="Bot Team",Strings=("Random","Iron Guard","Ronin","Krall","Liandri","Necris"))
   StringData(5)=(Tag="RecordDemo",ColumnHeaderText="Demo Recording",Strings=("No","Yes"))
   StringData(8)=(Tag="PS3ButtonPresets",ColumnHeaderText="Button Preset",Strings=("Preset 1","Preset 2","Preset 3"))
   StringData(10)=(Tag="CharacterParts",ColumnHeaderText="Uniform",Strings=("Facemask","Helmet","Goggles","Torso","Shoulder Pads","Arms","Thighs","Boots"))
   StringData(11)=(Tag="PlayerCardOptions",ColumnHeaderText="Server Mode",Strings=("Listen","Dedicated"))
   StringData(15)=(Tag="MatchTypeCampaign",ColumnHeaderText="Match Type",Strings=("Single Player","Splitscreen","LAN","Internet Public","Internet Private"))
   StringData(17)=(Tag="BotCombatants",ColumnHeaderText="Bot Combatants",DefaultValueIndex=1,Strings=("Disabled","Enabled"))
   StringData(18)=(Tag="BotCombatantsRatio",ColumnHeaderText="Bot Combatants",DefaultValueIndex=1,Strings=("Disabled","Enabled","Players vs. Bots 1:1","Players vs. Bots 2:3","Players vs. Bots 1:2"))

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