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+-- U2AI.BehaviorControllerInterf
   +-- U2AI.BehaviorControllerBasic

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Core.Object
DegreesToRadians, DegreesToRotationUnits, MaxFlt, MaxInt, MAXSEED, NoLabel, NoState, Pi, RadiansToDegrees, RF_NotifyStateChange, RotationUnitsToDegrees

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Core.Object
Class, Name, ObjectFlags, ObjectInternal[6], Outer

Enumerations Summary
MS_AttackInactive, MS_AttackActive, MS_AttackActiveCantReach, MS_AttackActiveEnemyNotVisible, MS_AttackActiveMelee, MS_AttackActiveMeleeHit, MS_AttackActiveUseCover, MS_AttackPassive, MS_AttackPassiveCantReach, MS_AttackPassiveEnemyNotVisible, MS_AttackPassiveMelee, MS_AttackPassiveMeleeHit, MS_AttackPassiveUseCover,
Inherited Enumerations from U2AI.BehaviorControllerInterf
Inherited Enumerations from Core.Object
EAlignment, ECamOrientation, ESheerAxis

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Core.Object
Alignment, BoundingVolume, Box, Color, ComponentHandle, Coords, Dimension, Guid, Matrix, NotifyInfo, ParticleHandle, Plane, Point, Range, RangeVector, Rectangle, Rotator, Scale, Vector

Functions Summary
function AddTimerSafe (name TimerName, float TimerTime, bool bRepeat, optional float MinTime ))
functionbool BehaviorEnabled (int Index ))
function BlockFiring (float SuggestedFireAgainDelay ))
function CheckBehavior ()))
function CheckBehaviorTimer ()))
function CheckEnemySituation ()))
function CheckFireShot ()))
function CheckFireShotTimer ()))
function CheckMetaState ()))
function CheckMetaStateTimer ()))
function CleanupBC ()))
function DisableAllBehaviorsExcept (name TargetState ))
function DisableBehavior (name TargetState ))
function DisableBehaviorInAllLists (name TargetState, bool bDisabledFlag, bool bDisableAllExcept ))
function DisableBehaviorInList (name TargetState, out array<U2PawnBasic.BehaviorT> BehaviorList, bool bDisabledFlag, bool bInvertSelection ))
function DisableBehaviorTemporarily (name TargetState, float Duration ))
function DisableBehaviorTemporarilyInList (name TargetState, float Duration, out array<U2PawnBasic.BehaviorT> BehaviorList, name BehaviorListName ))
function DumpGList ()))
function DumpList (array<U2PawnBasic.BehaviorT> BehaviorList, name BehaviorListName ))
function EnableBehavior (name TargetState ))
functionbool GetBCEnabled ()))
functionfloat GetBehaviorOdds (int Index, out float MinOdds ))
functionfloat GetCheckBehaviorDelay ()))
functionfloat GetCheckMetaStateDelay ()))
functionstring GetCurrentMetaStateName ()))
functionstring GetCurrentMetaStateNameShort ()))
functionstring GetExtendedStateInformation ()))
functionfloat GetMinFiringDelay ()))
functionint GetNumEnabledBehaviors (array BehaviorList ))
function GetSelectedBehavior (out name SelectedBehaviorState, out name SelectedBehaviorLabel, out float SelectedBehaviorDuration ))
function GetTimeOutDelays (out float CheckBehaviorDelay, out float CheckMetaStateDelay ))
functionbool IsFiringMetaState (EMetaState MS ))
function RestoreTimeOutDelays (float CheckBehaviorDelay, float CheckMetaStateDelay ))
function SetBCEnabled (bool bVal ))
function SetLowOddsTimeInAllLists (name TargetState, float NewLowOddsTime ))
function SetLowOddsTimeInList (name TargetState, float NewLowOddsTime, out array BehaviorList ))
function SetMinTimeOutDelay (float MinTimeOutDelay ))
function SetNextCheckFireShotDelay (float SuggestedFireAgainDelay ))
functionbool ShouldMeleeAttack ()))
function StartFiring ()))
function UpdateAttackActive (EBCType BCType, out name SelectedBehaviorState, out name SelectedBehaviorLabel, out float SelectedBehaviorDuration ))
function UpdateAttackCantReach ()))
function UpdateAttackEnemyNotVisible ()))
function UpdateAttackMelee ()))
function UpdateAttackMeleeHit ()))
function UpdateAttackUseCover ()))
function UpdateMetaState (EMetaState NewMetaState, float MinBehaviors ))
Inherited Functions from U2AI.BehaviorControllerInterf
BlockFiring, CleanupBC, DisableAllBehaviorsExcept, DisableBehavior, EnableBehavior, GetBCEnabled, GetCheckBehaviorDelay, GetCheckMetaStateDelay, GetCurrentMetaStateName, GetCurrentMetaStateNameShort, GetExtendedStateInformation, GetMinFiringDelay, GetTimeOutDelays, RestoreTimeOutDelays, SetBCEnabled, SetMinTimeOutDelay, SetNextCheckFireShotDelay, StartFiring
Inherited Functions from Core.Object
!, !=, $, %, &, &&, *, **, *=, +, ++, +=, -, --, -=, / , /=, <, <<, <=, ==, >, >=, >>, >>>, ?, @, @=, Ablend, AblendR, Abs, Acos, AddFlagSafe, AddTimer, AddTimerS, Asc, Asin, Atan, Atan2, BeginState, Blend, BlendR, CallFunction, CallFunctionS, CanGetProperty, CanSetProperty, Caps, Chr, Clamp, ClassIsChildOf, Constructed, Cos, Cross, DefinesFunction, DefinesFunctionS, Delete, Disable, Dot, DumpProbes, DynamicLoadObject, Enable, EndState, EnumStr, Exp, FClamp, FDecision, FileSize, FindObject, FMax, FMin, FRand, GetAxes, GetContext, GetEnum, GetLanguage, GetPropertyText, GetRand, GetStateName, GetUnAxes, GetWhiteColor, GotoLabel, GotoState, InStr, Invert, IsA, IsInState, IsProbing, Left, Len, Lerp, LineLineIntersection, Localize, Locs, Log, Loge, Max, Mid, Min, MirrorVectorByNormal, Normal, Normalize, NotifyStateChange, ObjListMemStats, OrthoRotation, ProgressSeed, Quotes, Rand, RandomSpreadVector, RandRange, RemoveAllTimers, RemoveFlagSafe, RemoveTimer, RemoveTimerS, ResetConfig, ResetLoaders, Right, RMax, RMin, RotateAngleAxis, RotRand, Round, RSize, SaveConfig, SetProbing, SetPropertyText, SetPropertyTextDefault, Sin, Smerp, SMod, Split, Sqrt, Square, StaticCallFunction, StaticCallFunctionS, StaticDefinesFunction, StaticDefinesFunctionS, StaticSaveConfig, StrArray, StringToName, Tan, TimeRemaining, TimeRemainingS, TraceMessage, VRand, VSize, VSize2D, VSizeSq, VSizeSq2D, Warn, ^, ^^, |, ||, ~, ~=

Constants Detail

CheckBehaviorTimerName Source code

const CheckBehaviorTimerName = 'CheckBehaviorTimer';

CheckFireShotTimerName Source code

const CheckFireShotTimerName = 'CheckFireShotTimer';

CheckMetaStateTimerName Source code

const CheckMetaStateTimerName = 'CheckMetaStateTimer';

MaxRecursionCount Source code

const MaxRecursionCount = 5;

Variables Detail

bCleaned Source code

var bool bCleaned;

bEnabled Source code

var bool bEnabled;

BlockedStateName Source code

var name BlockedStateName;

bNPCSetFireShotDelay Source code

var bool bNPCSetFireShotDelay;

GBehaviorList Source code

var array<U2PawnBasic.BehaviorT> GBehaviorList;

LastAttackActiveCantReachIndex Source code

var int LastAttackActiveCantReachIndex;

LastAttackActiveEnemyNotVisibleIndex Source code

var int LastAttackActiveEnemyNotVisibleIndex;

LastAttackActiveIndex Source code

var int LastAttackActiveIndex;

LastAttackActiveMeleeHitIndex Source code

var int LastAttackActiveMeleeHitIndex;

LastAttackActiveMeleeIndex Source code

var int LastAttackActiveMeleeIndex;

LastAttackActiveUseCoverIndex Source code

var int LastAttackActiveUseCoverIndex;

LastAttackPassiveCantReachIndex Source code

var int LastAttackPassiveCantReachIndex;

LastAttackPassiveEnemyNotVisibleIndex Source code

var int LastAttackPassiveEnemyNotVisibleIndex;

LastAttackPassiveIndex Source code

var int LastAttackPassiveIndex;

LastAttackPassiveMeleeHitIndex Source code

var int LastAttackPassiveMeleeHitIndex;

LastAttackPassiveMeleeIndex Source code

var int LastAttackPassiveMeleeIndex;

LastAttackPassiveUseCoverIndex Source code

var int LastAttackPassiveUseCoverIndex;

LastSelectedBehaviorIndex Source code

var int LastSelectedBehaviorIndex;

LastTimeSeconds Source code

var private float LastTimeSeconds;

MaxSetAmmoDelay Source code

var float MaxSetAmmoDelay;

MetaState Source code

var EMetaState MetaState;

MinSetAmmoDelay Source code

var float MinSetAmmoDelay;

NextFireShotTimerAvailableTime Source code

var float NextFireShotTimerAvailableTime;

NextSetAmmoTime Source code

var float NextSetAmmoTime;

PreviousMetaState Source code

var EMetaState PreviousMetaState;

RecursionCount Source code

var private int RecursionCount;

TotalBehaviorOdds Source code

var float TotalBehaviorOdds;

Enumerations Detail

EMetaState Source code

enum EMetaState
MS_AttackInactive, MS_AttackActive, MS_AttackActiveCantReach, MS_AttackActiveEnemyNotVisible, MS_AttackActiveMelee, MS_AttackActiveMeleeHit, MS_AttackActiveUseCover, MS_AttackPassive, MS_AttackPassiveCantReach, MS_AttackPassiveEnemyNotVisible, MS_AttackPassiveMelee, MS_AttackPassiveMeleeHit, MS_AttackPassiveUseCover,

Functions Detail

AddTimerSafe Source code

function AddTimerSafe ( name TimerName, float TimerTime, bool bRepeat, optional float MinTime ) )

BehaviorEnabled Source code

function bool BehaviorEnabled ( int Index ) )

BlockFiring Source code

function BlockFiring ( float SuggestedFireAgainDelay ) )

CheckBehavior Source code

local name SelectedBehaviorState , SelectedBehaviorLabel ; local float SelectedBehaviorDuration ; local bool bKeepState ; SelectedBehaviorState = NoState ; SelectedBehaviorLabel = NoLabel ; SelectedBehaviorDuration = 0.0 ; if(Pawn!=None&&!ValidEnemy(ControllerEnemy)&&BCType!=BC_EnemyInvalid&&BCType!=BC_TookDamage&&BCType!=BC_UpdateInactive) { DMAssert(false,GetContext()) ; DM(" NPC state: "$Outer.GetStateName()) ; DM(" MetaState: "$EnumStr(enum'EMetaState',MetaState)) ; DM(" BCType: "$EnumStr(enum'EBCType',BCType)) ; DM(" Context: "$ContextStr) ; DM(" Enemy: "$ControllerEnemy) ; if(ControllerEnemy!=None) { DM(" Enemy Health: "$ControllerEnemy.Health) ; DM(" Enemy bHidden: "$ControllerEnemy.Health) ; DM(" Enemy bDeleteMe: "$ControllerEnemy.Health) ; DM(" Attitude to Enemy: "$EnumStr(enum'EAttitude',GetAttitudeTo(ControllerEnemy))) ; } } bKeepState = false ; switch(BCType) { case BC_BehaviorTimeOut : case BC_MetaStateTimeOut : UpdateAttackActive(BCType,SelectedBehaviorState,SelectedBehaviorLabel,SelectedBehaviorDuration) ; break ; case BC_EnemyAcquired : LastAcquireTime = Level.TimeSeconds ; SelectedBehaviorState = DefaultAcquisitionState ; break ; case BC_AttackUpdate : case BC_CoverNotFound : case BC_CoverNotNeeded : case BC_EnemyChanged : case BC_EnemyRecovered : case BC_MeleeRangeLost : UpdateAttackActive(BCType,SelectedBehaviorState,SelectedBehaviorLabel,SelectedBehaviorDuration) ; break ; case BC_EnemyCantReach : UpdateAttackCantReach() ; if(IsMobile()) GetSelectedBehavior(SelectedBehaviorState,SelectedBehaviorLabel,SelectedBehaviorDuration) ; else SelectedBehaviorState = DefaultImmobileAttackState ; break ; case BC_EnemyNotVisible : case BC_StakeOutEnd : UpdateAttackEnemyNotVisible() ; if(IsMobile()) GetSelectedBehavior(SelectedBehaviorState,SelectedBehaviorLabel,SelectedBehaviorDuration) ; else if(HasScript()) SelectedBehaviorState = ScriptedState ; else SelectedBehaviorState = DefaultImmobileState ; break ; case BC_CoverLeavingCover : case BC_CoverEnemyNotVisible : case BC_CoverReachedCover : case BC_CoverRecoveredEnemy : case BC_CoverTimeOut : UpdateAttackUseCover() ; if(IsMobile()) GetSelectedBehavior(SelectedBehaviorState,SelectedBehaviorLabel,SelectedBehaviorDuration) ; else SelectedBehaviorState = DefaultImmobileState ; if(BCType==BC_CoverRecoveredEnemy) { LastAcquireTime = Level.TimeSeconds - 0.2 ; StartFiring() ; } break ; case BC_MeleeRange : case BC_MeleeUpdate : UpdateAttackMelee() ; if(IsPreparedToMelee(true)) GetSelectedBehavior(SelectedBehaviorState,SelectedBehaviorLabel,SelectedBehaviorDuration) ; else bKeepState = true ; break ; case BC_MeleeUpdateHit : case BC_MeleeRangeLostHit : UpdateAttackMeleeHit() ; GetSelectedBehavior(SelectedBehaviorState,SelectedBehaviorLabel,SelectedBehaviorDuration) ; break ; case BC_EnemyInvalid : case BC_TargetInvalid : case BC_UpdateInactive : RemoveTimer(CheckBehaviorTimerName) ; UpdateMetaState(MS_AttackInactive,0) ; bKeepState = true ; break ; case BC_TookDamage : bKeepState = true ; break ; default : DMAssert(false,GetContext()) ; break ; } if(bKeepState) { } else if(SelectedBehaviorState==NoState) { } else { if(Level.TimeSeconds==LastTimeSeconds) { RecursionCount + + ; if(RecursionCount>MaxRecursionCount) { Outer.GotoState(DefaultDeadLockedState) ; return ; } } else { LastTimeSeconds = Level.TimeSeconds ; RecursionCount = 0 ; } if(SelectedBehaviorDuration>0.0) AddTimerSafe(CheckBehaviorTimerName,SelectedBehaviorDuration,false) ; else RemoveTimer(CheckBehaviorTimerName) ; if(Outer.IsInState(SelectedBehaviorState)) { InitializeState() ; if(SelectedBehaviorLabel!=NoLabel) Outer.GotoLabel(SelectedBehaviorLabel) ; } else { Outer.GotoState(SelectedBehaviorState,SelectedBehaviorLabel) ; } } } function CheckBehavior ( ) )

CheckBehaviorTimer Source code

function CheckBehaviorTimer ( ) )

CheckEnemySituation Source code

function CheckEnemySituation ( ) )

CheckFireShot Source code

function CheckFireShot ( ) )

CheckFireShotTimer Source code

function CheckFireShotTimer ( ) )

CheckMetaState Source code

function CheckMetaState ( ) )

CheckMetaStateTimer Source code

function CheckMetaStateTimer ( ) )

CleanupBC Source code

function CleanupBC ( ) )

DisableAllBehaviorsExcept Source code

function DisableAllBehaviorsExcept ( name TargetState ) )

DisableBehavior Source code

function DisableBehavior ( name TargetState ) )

DisableBehaviorInAllLists Source code

function DisableBehaviorInAllLists ( name TargetState, bool bDisabledFlag, bool bDisableAllExcept ) )

DisableBehaviorInList Source code

function DisableBehaviorInList ( name TargetState, out array<U2PawnBasic.BehaviorT> BehaviorList, bool bDisabledFlag, bool bInvertSelection ) )

DisableBehaviorTemporarily Source code

function DisableBehaviorTemporarily ( name TargetState, float Duration ) )

DisableBehaviorTemporarilyInList Source code

function DisableBehaviorTemporarilyInList ( name TargetState, float Duration, out array<U2PawnBasic.BehaviorT> BehaviorList, name BehaviorListName ) )

DumpGList Source code

function DumpGList ( ) )

DumpList Source code

if(bCanOverride||!bNPCSetFireShotDelay) { AddTimerSafe(CheckFireShotTimerName,TimerTime,true) ; } } function DumpList ( array<U2PawnBasic.BehaviorT> BehaviorList, name BehaviorListName ) )

EnableBehavior Source code

function EnableBehavior ( name TargetState ) )

GetBCEnabled Source code

function bool GetBCEnabled ( ) )

GetBehaviorOdds Source code

function float GetBehaviorOdds ( int Index, out float MinOdds ) )

GetCheckBehaviorDelay Source code

function float GetCheckBehaviorDelay ( ) )

GetCheckMetaStateDelay Source code

function float GetCheckMetaStateDelay ( ) )

GetCurrentMetaStateName Source code

function string GetCurrentMetaStateName ( ) )

GetCurrentMetaStateNameShort Source code

function string GetCurrentMetaStateNameShort ( ) )

GetExtendedStateInformation Source code

function string GetExtendedStateInformation ( ) )

GetMinFiringDelay Source code

function float GetMinFiringDelay ( ) )

GetNumEnabledBehaviors Source code

function int GetNumEnabledBehaviors ( array<U2PawnBasic.BehaviorT> BehaviorList ) )

GetSelectedBehavior Source code

function GetSelectedBehavior ( out name SelectedBehaviorState, out name SelectedBehaviorLabel, out float SelectedBehaviorDuration ) )

GetTimeOutDelays Source code

function GetTimeOutDelays ( out float CheckBehaviorDelay, out float CheckMetaStateDelay ) )

IsFiringMetaState Source code

function bool IsFiringMetaState ( EMetaState MS ) )

RestoreTimeOutDelays Source code

function RestoreTimeOutDelays ( float CheckBehaviorDelay, float CheckMetaStateDelay ) )

SetBCEnabled Source code

local EBCType BCTypeOut ; if(Pawn==None) { return ; } else if(Pawn.Health<=0) { return ; } if(!bEnabled) { return ; } BCTypeOut = BCTypeIn ; if(MetaState==MS_AttackActiveUseCover||MetaState==MS_AttackPassiveUseCover) { if(BCTypeOut==BC_BehaviorTimeOut) BCTypeOut = BC_CoverTimeOut ; else if(BCTypeOut==BC_EnemyRecovered) BCTypeOut = BC_CoverRecoveredEnemy ; else if(BCTypeOut==BC_EnemyNotVisible&&Outer.GetStateName()!=AttackStationaryState) BCTypeOut = BC_CoverEnemyNotVisible ; } else if(MetaState==MS_AttackActiveMelee||MetaState==MS_AttackPassiveMelee) { if(BCTypeOut==BC_AttackUpdate) BCTypeOut = BC_MeleeUpdate ; } if(BCTypeOut==BC_MeleeUpdateHit) { if((bExecuteOrders&&GetNumEnabledBehaviors(U2PBasic.AttackPassiveMeleeHitBehaviors)==0)||(!bExecuteOrders&&GetNumEnabledBehaviors(U2PBasic.AttackActiveMeleeHitBehaviors)==0)) BCTypeOut = BC_MeleeUpdate ; } else if(BCTypeOut==BC_MeleeRangeLostHit) { if((bExecuteOrders&&GetNumEnabledBehaviors(U2PBasic.AttackPassiveMeleeHitBehaviors)==0)||(!bExecuteOrders&&GetNumEnabledBehaviors(U2PBasic.AttackActiveMeleeHitBehaviors)==0)) BCTypeOut = BC_MeleeRangeLost ; } if(BCTypeOut==BC_CoverNotFound||BCTypeOut==BC_CoverNotNeeded) { DisableBehaviorTemporarily(AttackMoveToCoverCombatState,U2PBasic.AttackUseCoverLockoutTime) ; } else if(BCTypeOut==BC_AttackCantFire) { DisableBehaviorTemporarily(Outer.GetStateName(),U2PBasic.AttackCantFireLockoutTime) ; BCTypeOut = BC_AttackUpdate ; } else if(BCTypeOut==BC_EnemyRecovered) { SetLowOddsTimeInAllLists(AttackMoveToCoverCombatState,Level.TimeSeconds+U2PBasic.RecoverLockOutUseCoverTime) ; } BlockedStateName = Outer.GetStateName() ; PreviousMetaState = MetaState ; BlockedStateName = '' ; } function SetBCEnabled ( bool bVal ) )

SetLowOddsTimeInAllLists Source code

function SetLowOddsTimeInAllLists ( name TargetState, float NewLowOddsTime ) )

SetLowOddsTimeInList Source code

function SetLowOddsTimeInList ( name TargetState, float NewLowOddsTime, out array<U2PawnBasic.BehaviorT> BehaviorList ) )

SetMinTimeOutDelay Source code

function SetMinTimeOutDelay ( float MinTimeOutDelay ) )

SetNextCheckFireShotDelay Source code

function SetNextCheckFireShotDelay ( float SuggestedFireAgainDelay ) )

ShouldMeleeAttack Source code

function bool ShouldMeleeAttack ( ) )

StartFiring Source code

function StartFiring ( ) )

UpdateAttackActive Source code

function UpdateAttackActive ( EBCType BCType, out name SelectedBehaviorState, out name SelectedBehaviorLabel, out float SelectedBehaviorDuration ) )

UpdateAttackCantReach Source code

function UpdateAttackCantReach ( ) )

UpdateAttackEnemyNotVisible Source code

function UpdateAttackEnemyNotVisible ( ) )

UpdateAttackMelee Source code

function UpdateAttackMelee ( ) )

UpdateAttackMeleeHit Source code

function UpdateAttackMeleeHit ( ) )

UpdateAttackUseCover Source code

function UpdateAttackUseCover ( ) )

UpdateMetaState Source code

function UpdateMetaState ( EMetaState NewMetaState, float MinBehaviors ) )



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