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within PlayerController native

+-- Engine.CheatManager

Direct Known Subclasses:


Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Core.Object
DegToRad, INDEX_NONE, MaxInt, Pi, RadToDeg

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Core.Object
Class, HashNext, HashOuterNext, Linker, LinkerIndex, Name, NetIndex, ObjectArchetype, ObjectFlags, ObjectInternalInteger, Outer, StateFrame, VfTableObject

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Core.Object
EAxis, EInputEvent, EInterpCurveMode, EInterpMethodType, ETickingGroup

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Core.Object
Box, BoxSphereBounds, Color, Cylinder, double, DynamicMap_Mirror, Guid, IndirectArray_Mirror, InterpCurveFloat, InterpCurvePointFloat, InterpCurvePointQuat, InterpCurvePointTwoVectors, InterpCurvePointVector, InterpCurvePointVector2D, InterpCurveQuat, InterpCurveTwoVectors, InterpCurveVector, InterpCurveVector2D, IntPoint, LinearColor, Map_Mirror, Matrix, MultiMap_Mirror, Plane, pointer, Quat, qword, RawDistribution, RenderCommandFence, Rotator, TextureMipBulkData_Mirror, ThreadSafeCounter, TPOV, TwoVectors, UntypedBulkData_Mirror, Vector, Vector2D, Vector4

Functions Summary
function AffectedByHitEffects ()))
function AllAmmo ()
function AllWeapons ()))
function Amphibious ()))
function Avatar (name ClassName ))
function BugIt (optional string ScreenShotDescription ))
function BugItGo (coerce float X, coerce float Y, coerce float Z, coerce int Pitch, coerce int Yaw, coerce int Roll ))
function BugItGoString (String TheLocation, String TheRotation ))
function BugItWorker (vector TheLocation, rotator TheRotation ))
function ChangeSize (float F ))
function EndPath ()))
function Fly ()))
function FreezeFrame (float delay))
functionrotator GetFRotatorFromString (string InStr)
functionvector GetFVectorFromString (string InStr)
function Ghost ()))
functionInventory GivePickup (String PickupClassStr ))
functionWeapon GiveWeapon (String WeaponClassStr ))
function God ()))
function KillAll (class<actor> aClass))
function KillAllPawns (class<Pawn> aClass))
function KillPawns ()))
function KillViewedActor ()))
function ListDynamicActors ()))
function Loaded ()))
function OnlyLoadLevel (name PackageName))
function PlayersOnly ()))
function RememberSpot ()))
function SetGravity (float F ))
function SetJumpZ (float F ))
function SetLevelStreamingStatus (name PackageName, bool bShouldBeLoaded, bool bShouldBeVisible))
function SetSpeed (float F ))
function SloMo (float T ))
function StreamLevelIn (name PackageName))
function StreamLevelOut (name PackageName))
function Summon (string ClassName ))
function Teleport ()))
function TestLevel ()))
function ToggleDebugCamera ()))
function ViewActor (name ActorName))
function ViewBot ()))
function ViewClass (class aClass ))
function ViewFlag ()))
function ViewPlayer (string S ))
function ViewSelf (optional bool bQuiet))
function Walk ()))
function WriteToLog (string Param ))
Inherited Functions from Core.Object
!, !=, $, $=, %, &, &&, *, **, *=, +, ++, +=, -, --, -=, / , /=, <, <<, <=, ==, >, >=, >>, >>>, @, @=, Abs, Acos, Asc, Asin, Atan, BeginState, ByteToFloat, Caps, Chr, Clamp, ClampLength, ClampRotAxis, ClassIsChildOf, ClearConfig, ClockwiseFrom, ColorToLinearColor, ContinuedState, Cos, Cross, Disable, Dot, DumpStateStack, DynamicLoadObject, Enable, EndState, Exp, FClamp, FCubicInterp, FindDeltaAngle, FindObject, FInterpEaseIn, FInterpEaseInOut, FInterpEaseOut, FInterpTo, FloatToByte, FMax, FMin, FPctByRange, FRand, GetAngularDegreesFromRadians, GetAngularDistance, GetAngularFromDotDist, GetAxes, GetDotDistance, GetEnum, GetFuncName, GetHeadingAngle, GetNetFuncName, GetPackageName, GetPerObjectConfigSections, GetRangePctByValue, GetRangeValueByPct, GetSpecialValue, GetStateName, GetUnAxes, GotoState, InStr, IsA, IsChildState, IsInState, IsNetScript, IsPendingKill, IsUTracing, IsZero, JoinArray, Left, Len, Lerp, Localize, Locs, Loge, LogInternal, MakeColor, MakeLinearColor, Max, Mid, Min, MirrorVectorByNormal, Normal, Normalize, NormalizeRotAxis, OrthoRotation, ParseStringIntoArray, PathName, PausedState, PointDistToLine, PointDistToPlane, PointInBox, PoppedState, PopState, ProjectOnTo, PushedState, PushState, QuatDot, QuatFindBetween, QuatFromAxisAndAngle, QuatFromRotator, QuatInvert, QuatProduct, QuatRotateVector, QuatSlerp, QuatToRotator, Rand, RandRange, RDiff, Repl, Right, RInterpTo, RLerp, RotRand, Round, RSize, RSmerp, SaveConfig, SClampRotAxis, ScriptTrace, SetSpecialValue, SetUTracing, Sin, Split, Sqrt, Square, StaticClearConfig, StaticSaveConfig, Tan, TimeStamp, ToHex, TransformVectorByRotation, UnwindHeading, vect2d, VInterpTo, VLerp, VRand, VSize, VSize2D, VSizeSq, VSizeSq2D, VSmerp, WarnInternal, ^, ^^, |, ||, ~, ~=

Functions Detail

AffectedByHitEffects Source code

exec function AffectedByHitEffects ( ) )
Some games have God Mode not actually be god mode but be "don't take damage mode". So we need to have another flag that says to not be affected by effects (e.g. momentum transfer, hit effects, etc.)

AllAmmo Source code

exec function AllAmmo ( )

AllWeapons Source code

exec function AllWeapons ( ) )

Amphibious Source code

exec function Amphibious ( ) )

Avatar Source code

exec function Avatar ( name ClassName ) )
Possess a pawn of the requested class

BugIt Source code

exec function BugIt ( optional string ScreenShotDescription ) )
This function is used to print out the BugIt location. It prints out copy and paste versions for both IMing someone to type in and also a gameinfo ?options version so that you can append it to your launching url and be taken to the correct place. Additionally, it will take a screen shot so reporting bugs is a one command action! @TODO: make this bad

BugItGo Source code

exec function BugItGo ( coerce float X, coerce float Y, coerce float Z, coerce int Pitch, coerce int Yaw, coerce int Roll ) )
This will move the player and set their rotation to the passed in values. We have this version of the BugIt family as it is easier to type in just raw numbers in the console.

BugItGoString Source code

function BugItGoString ( String TheLocation, String TheRotation ) )
This will move the player and set their rotation to the passed in values. We have this version of the BugIt family strings can be passed in from the game ?options easily

BugItWorker Source code

function BugItWorker ( vector TheLocation, rotator TheRotation ) )
This will move the player and set their rotation to the passed in values. This actually does the location / rotation setting. Additionally it will set you as ghost as the level may have changed since the last time you were here. And the bug may actually be inside of something.

ChangeSize Source code

exec function ChangeSize ( float F ) )

EndPath Source code

exec function EndPath ( ) )

Fly Source code

exec function Fly ( ) )

FreezeFrame Source code

exec function FreezeFrame ( float delay) )

GetFRotatorFromString Source code

private native function rotator GetFRotatorFromString ( string InStr )
This will return a vector from a passed in string in form: (Pitch=100,Yaw=13559,Roll=0)

GetFVectorFromString Source code

private native function vector GetFVectorFromString ( string InStr )
This will return a vector from a passed in string in form: (X=8141.9819,Y=7483.3872,Z=2093.4136)

Ghost Source code

exec function Ghost ( ) )

GivePickup Source code

exec function Inventory GivePickup ( String PickupClassStr ) )

GiveWeapon Source code

exec function Weapon GiveWeapon ( String WeaponClassStr ) )
Give a specified weapon to the Pawn. If weapon is not carried by player, then it is created. Weapon given is returned as the function's return parmater.

God Source code

exec function God ( ) )

KillAll Source code

exec function KillAll ( class<actor> aClass) )

KillAllPawns Source code

function KillAllPawns ( class<Pawn> aClass) )

KillPawns Source code

exec function KillPawns ( ) )

KillViewedActor Source code

exec function KillViewedActor ( ) )

ListDynamicActors Source code

exec function ListDynamicActors ( ) )

Loaded Source code

exec function Loaded ( ) )

OnlyLoadLevel Source code

exec function OnlyLoadLevel ( name PackageName) )

PlayersOnly Source code

exec function PlayersOnly ( ) )

RememberSpot Source code

exec function RememberSpot ( ) )

SetGravity Source code

exec function SetGravity ( float F ) )

SetJumpZ Source code

exec function SetJumpZ ( float F ) )

SetLevelStreamingStatus Source code

function SetLevelStreamingStatus ( name PackageName, bool bShouldBeLoaded, bool bShouldBeVisible) )
streaming level debugging

SetSpeed Source code

exec function SetSpeed ( float F ) )

SloMo Source code

exec function SloMo ( float T ) )

StreamLevelIn Source code

exec function StreamLevelIn ( name PackageName) )

StreamLevelOut Source code

exec function StreamLevelOut ( name PackageName) )

Summon Source code

exec function Summon ( string ClassName ) )

Teleport Source code

exec function Teleport ( ) )

TestLevel Source code

exec function TestLevel ( ) )

ToggleDebugCamera Source code

exec function ToggleDebugCamera ( ) )
Toggle between debug camera/player camera without locking gameplay and with locking local player controller input.

ViewActor Source code

exec function ViewActor ( name ActorName) )

ViewBot Source code

exec function ViewBot ( ) )

ViewClass Source code

exec function ViewClass ( class<actor> aClass ) )

ViewFlag Source code

exec function ViewFlag ( ) )

ViewPlayer Source code

exec function ViewPlayer ( string S ) )

ViewSelf Source code

exec function ViewSelf ( optional bool bQuiet) )

Walk Source code

exec function Walk ( ) )

WriteToLog Source code

exec function WriteToLog ( string Param ) )



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