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config ( Game ) abstract

This specialized online game search data store provides the UI access to the search query and results for specific servers that the player wishes to query. It is aware of the main game search data store, and ensures that the main search data store is not busy before allowing any action to take place. Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.UIRoot
   +-- Engine.UIDataProvider
      +-- Engine.UIDataStore
         +-- Engine.UIDataStore_Remote
            +-- Engine.UIDataStore_OnlineGameSearch
               +-- UTGame.UTDataStore_GameSearchBase
                  +-- UTGame.UTDataStore_GameSearchPersonal

Direct Known Subclasses:

UTDataStore_GameSearchFavorites, UTDataStore_GameSearchFind, UTDataStore_GameSearchHistory

Constants Summary

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTDataStore_GameSearchBase
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIDataStore_OnlineGameSearch
ActiveSearchIndex, GameInterface, GameSearchCfgList, OnlineSub, SearchResultsName, SelectedIndex

Structures Summary
ServerUniqueId, ServerName
Inherited Structures from Engine.UIDataStore_OnlineGameSearch

Functions Summary
functionbool AddServer (int ControllerId, UniqueNetId IdToAdd, const string ServerNameToAdd ))
functionbool AddServerPlusIP (int ControllerID, UniqueNetID IDToAdd, string ServerNameToAdd, string IPToAdd))
functionint FindServerIndexById (int ControllerId, const out UniqueNetId IdToFind ))
functionint FindServerIndexByString (int ControllerId, string IdToFind ))
functionstring GetPlayerName (optional int ControllerId=0 ))
functionbool GetPlayerNetId (out UniqueNetId out_PlayerId, optional int ControllerId=0 ))
function GetServerIdList (out array out_ServerList ))
functionstring GetServerIP (out const string IDString))
function GetServerStringList (out array out_ServerList ))
functionstring GetServerUID (out const string IDString))
functionbool HasOutstandingQueries (optional bool bRestrictCheckToSelf ))
function OnSearchComplete (bool bWasSuccessful))
functionbool OverrideQuerySubmission (byte ControllerId, OnlineGameSearch Search ))
functionbool RemoveServer (int ControllerId, UniqueNetId IdToRemove ))
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTDataStore_GameSearchBase
GetEnabledMutators, HasExistingSearchResults, HasOutstandingQueries, Init, OnSearchComplete, SubmitGameSearch
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIDataStore_OnlineGameSearch
AddJoinableOfflineServer, AddOfflineServer, BuildSearchResults, ClearAllSearchResults, FindSearchConfigurationIndex, GetActiveGameSearch, GetCurrentGameSearch, GetSearchResultFromIndex, Init, InvalidateCurrentSearchResults, MoveToNext, MoveToPrevious, OnSearchComplete, OverrideQuerySubmission, SetCurrentByIndex, SetCurrentByName, ShowHostGamercard, SubmitGameSearch

Constants Detail


the maximum number of most recently visited servers that will be retained

Variables Detail

PrimaryGameSearchDataStore Source code

var transient UTDataStore_GameSearchDM PrimaryGameSearchDataStore;
reference to the main game search data store

ServerList[MAX_PERSONALSERVERS] Source code

var config ServerEntry ServerList[MAX_PERSONALSERVERS];
the list of servers stored in this data store

Structures Detail

ServerEntry Source code

struct ServerEntry
var string ServerName;
var string ServerUniqueId;

Functions Detail

AddServer Source code

function bool AddServer ( int ControllerId, UniqueNetId IdToAdd, const string ServerNameToAdd ) )
Add a server to the server history list. Places the server at position 0; if the server already exists in the list elsewhere, it is moved to position 0.
@param ControllerId the index of the controller associated with the logged in player.
@param IdToFind the UniqueNetId for the server to add

AddServerPlusIP Source code

function bool AddServerPlusIP ( int ControllerID, UniqueNetID IDToAdd, string ServerNameToAdd, string IPToAdd) )

FindServerIndexById Source code

function int FindServerIndexById ( int ControllerId, const out UniqueNetId IdToFind ) )
Find the index [into the server history list] of the specified server.
@param ControllerId the index of the controller associated with the logged in player.
@param IdToFind the UniqueNetId for the server to find
@return the index [into the server history list] for the specified server

FindServerIndexByString Source code

function int FindServerIndexByString ( int ControllerId, string IdToFind ) )
Find the index [into the server history list] of the specified server.
@param ControllerId the index of the controller associated with the logged in player.
@param IdToFind the UniqueNetId for the server to find
@return the index [into the server history list] for the specified server

GetPlayerName Source code

function string GetPlayerName ( optional int ControllerId=0 ) )
Retrieve the name of the currently logged in profile.
@param ControllerId the index of the controller associated with the logged in player.
@return the name of the currently logged in player.

GetPlayerNetId Source code

function bool GetPlayerNetId ( out UniqueNetId out_PlayerId, optional int ControllerId=0 ) )
Retrieve the UniqueNetId for the currently logged in player.
@param out_PlayerId receives the value of the logged in player's UniqueNetId
@param ControllerId the index of the controller associated with the logged in player.
@return TRUE if the logged in player's UniqueNetId was successfully retrieved.

GetServerIdList Source code

function GetServerIdList ( out array<UniqueNetId> out_ServerList ) )
Retrieve the list of most recently visited servers.
@param out_ServerList receives the list of UniqueNetIds for the most recently visited servers.

GetServerIP Source code

function string GetServerIP ( out const string IDString) )

GetServerStringList Source code

function GetServerStringList ( out array<string> out_ServerList ) )

GetServerUID Source code

function string GetServerUID ( out const string IDString) )

HasOutstandingQueries Source code

function bool HasOutstandingQueries ( optional bool bRestrictCheckToSelf ) )

@param bRestrictCheckToSelf if TRUE, will not check related game search data stores for outstanding queries.
@return TRUE if a server list query was started but has not completed yet.

OnSearchComplete Source code

function OnSearchComplete ( bool bWasSuccessful) )
Called by the online subsystem when the game search has completed
@param bWasSuccessful true if the async action completed without error, false if there was an error

OverrideQuerySubmission Source code

protected function bool OverrideQuerySubmission ( byte ControllerId, OnlineGameSearch Search ) )
Worker for SubmitGameSeach; allows child classes to perform additional work before the query is submitted.
@param ControllerId the index of the controller for the player to perform the search for.
@param Search the search object that will be used to generate the query.
@return TRUE to prevent SubmitGameSeach from submitting the search (such as when you do this step yourself).

RemoveServer Source code

function bool RemoveServer ( int ControllerId, UniqueNetId IdToRemove ) )
Removes the specified server from the server history list.
@param ControllerId the index of the controller associated with the logged in player.
@param IdToRemove the UniqueNetId for the server to remove



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