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00001 00002 00003 00004 00005 00006 00007 00008 00009 00010 00011 00012 00013 00014 00015 00016 00017 00018 00019 00020 00021 00022 00023 00024 00025 00026 00027 00028 00029 00030 00031 00032 00033 00034 00035 00036 00037 00038 00039 00040 00041 00042 00043 00044 00045 00046 00047 00048 00049 00050 00051 00052 00053 00054 00055 00056 00057 00058 00059 00060 00061 00062 00063 00064 00065 00066 00067 00068 00069 00070 00071 00072 00073 00074 00075 00076 00077 00078 00079 00080 00081 00082 00083 00084 00085 00086 00087 00088 00089 00090 00091 00092 00093 00094 00095 00096 00097 00098 00099 00100 00101 00102 00103 00104 00105 00106 00107 00108 00109 00110 00111 00112 00113 00114 00115 00116 00117 00118 00119 00120 00121 00122 00123 00124 00125 00126 00127 00128 00129 00130 00131 00132 00133 00134 00135 00136 00137 00138 00139 00140 00141 00142 00143 00144 00145 00146 00147 00148 00149 00150 00151 00152 00153 00154 00155 00156 00157 00158 00159 00160 00161 00162 00163 00164 00165 00166 00167 00168 00169 00170 00171 00172 00173 00174 00175 00176 00177 00178 00179 00180 00181 00182 00183 00184 00185 00186 00187 00188 00189 00190 00191 00192 00193 00194 00195 00196 00197 00198 00199 00200 00201 00202 00203 00204 00205 00206 00207 00208 00209 00210 00211 00212 00213 00214 00215 00216 00217 00218 00219 00220 00221 00222 00223 00224 00225 00226 00227 00228 00229 00230 00231 00232 00233 00234 00235 00236 00237 00238 00239 00240 00241 00242 00243 00244 00245 00246 00247 00248 00249 00250 00251 00252 00253 00254 00255 00256 00257 00258 00259 00260 00261 00262 00263 00264 00265 00266 00267 00268 00269 00270 00271 00272 00273 00274 00275 00276 00277 00278 00279 00280 00281 00282 00283 00284 00285 00286 00287 00288 00289 00290 00291 00292 00293 00294 00295 00296 00297 00298 00299 00300 00301 00302 00303 00304 00305 00306 00307 00308 00309 00310 00311 00312 00313 00314 00315 00316 00317 00318 00319 00320 00321 00322 00323 00324 00325 00326 00327 00328 00329 00330 00331 00332 00333 00334 00335 00336 00337 00338 00339 00340 00341 00342 00343 00344 00345 00346 00347 00348 00349 00350 00351 00352 00353 00354 00355 00356 00357 00358 00359 00360 00361 00362 00363 00364 00365 00366 00367 00368 00369 00370 00371 00372 00373 00374 00375 00376 00377 00378 00379 00380 00381 00382 00383 00384 00385 00386 00387 00388 00389 00390 00391 00392 00393 00394 00395 00396 00397 00398 00399 00400 00401 00402 00403 00404 00405 00406 00407 00408 00409 00410 00411 00412 00413 00414 00415 00416 00417 00418 00419 00420 00421 00422 00423 00424 00425 00426 00427 00428 00429 00430 00431 00432 00433 00434 00435 00436 00437 00438 00439 00440 00441 00442 00443 00444 00445 00446 00447 00448 00449 00450 00451 00452 00453 00454 00455 00456 00457 00458 00459 00460 00461 00462 00463 00464 00465 00466 00467 00468 00469 00470 00471 00472 00473 00474 00475 00476 00477 00478 00479 00480 00481 00482 00483 00484 00485 00486 00487 00488 00489 00490 00491 00492 00493 00494 00495 00496 00497 00498 00499 00500 00501 00502 00503 00504 00505 00506 00507 00508 00509 00510 00511 00512 00513 00514 00515 00516 00517 00518 00519 00520 00521 00522 00523 00524 00525 00526 00527 00528 00529 00530 00531 00532 00533 00534 00535 00536 00537 00538 00539 00540 00541 00542 00543 00544 00545 00546 00547 00548 00549 00550 00551 00552 00553 00554 00555 00556 00557 00558 00559 00560 00561 00562 00563 00564 00565 00566 00567 00568 00569 00570 00571 00572 00573 00574 00575 00576 00577 00578 00579 00580 00581 00582 00583 00584 00585 00586 00587 00588 00589 00590 00591 00592 00593 00594 00595 00596 00597 00598 00599 00600 00601 00602 00603 00604 00605 00606 00607 00608 00609 00610 00611 00612 00613 00614 00615 00616 00617 00618 00619 00620 00621 00622 00623 00624 00625 00626 00627 00628 00629 00630 00631 00632 00633 00634 00635 00636 00637 00638 00639 00640 00641 00642 00643 00644 00645 00646 00647 00648 00649 00650 00651 00652 00653 00654 00655 00656 00657 00658 00659 |
//============================================================================= // U2PawnBasic.uc // Created By: Mike Fox // Created On: 8/01/00 // $Author: Mfox $ // $Date: 12/18/02 4:50p $ // $Revision: 95 $ //============================================================================= class U2PawnBasic extends U2PawnBase abstract; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct BehaviorT { var() editconst config name StateName; // destination state var() editconst config name StateLabel; // destination label within destination state (optional) var() editconst config float Odds; // odds for state relative to other states in the list (0.0 ==> cycled) var() editconst config float EntryOdds; // if set (not 0.0) ==> odds used when entering metastate (from a different state), (< 0.0 ==> don't use) var() editconst config float TimeMin; // min time state will be maintained before reevaluating (unless situation changes) var() editconst config float TimeMax; // max time state will be maintained before reevaluating (unless situation changes) var() editconst config bool bDisabled; // disabled (by default or internally) var() editconst config bool bAvoidRepeat; // if true, state won't be re-selected 2x in a row if there is an alternative state var() editconst config float EnableTime; // can be set in-game to Level.TimeSeconds + X to disable that behavior temporarily var() editconst config float LowOddsTime; // used to temporarily make odds of behavior being used very low for a period of time }; // AI behaviors (BehaviorController uses these) // Note: code that accesses these assumes the array is kept packed (no gaps) // active attack behaviors (no orders or ignoring orders) var(AI) editconst array<BehaviorT> AttackActiveBehaviors; var(AI) editconst array<BehaviorT> AttackActiveCantReachBehaviors; var(AI) editconst array<BehaviorT> AttackActiveEnemyNotVisibleBehaviors; var(AI) editconst array<BehaviorT> AttackActiveUseCoverBehaviors; var(AI) editconst array<BehaviorT> AttackActiveMeleeBehaviors; var(AI) editconst array<BehaviorT> AttackActiveMeleeHitBehaviors; // passive attack behaviors (trying to follow orders) var(AI) editconst array<BehaviorT> AttackPassiveBehaviors; var(AI) editconst array<BehaviorT> AttackPassiveCantReachBehaviors; var(AI) editconst array<BehaviorT> AttackPassiveEnemyNotVisibleBehaviors; var(AI) editconst array<BehaviorT> AttackPassiveUseCoverBehaviors; var(AI) editconst array<BehaviorT> AttackPassiveMeleeBehaviors; var(AI) editconst array<BehaviorT> AttackPassiveMeleeHitBehaviors; // properties for controlling duration of specific meta states var float AttackCantFireLockoutTime; // time to disable a state from which firing isn't possible currently var float AttackMeleeMinTime; // min durarion of melee attack (when one starts) var float AttackMeleeMaxTime; // max var float AttackUseCoverMinTime; // min duration of using cover behavior (when starting to use cover) var float AttackUseCoverMaxTime; // diff-scaled: max var float AttackUseCoverLockoutTime; // time to wait before trying to find cover again after not being able to find cover var float AttackUseCoverTimeOutTime; // diff-scaled: time to wait before trying to use cover metastate again after it times out var float RecoverLockOutUseCoverTime; // time to wait before trying to find cover again after recovering enemy (e.g. after hunt) var(AI) bool bIgnoreRelativeHealth; //2002.12.15 (mdf) McMillan hack? var float MaxFleeSearchDistance; var float MaxUseCoverSearchDistance; var bool bMonitorStanceRanges; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // combat properties var bool bAlwaysAttackNewEnemy; // npc will blindly attack each newly detected enemy (via see/hear/bump/damage etc.) var bool bAlwaysAttackAnnoyingNewEnemy; // NPC will blindly attack each newly detected enemy (via see/hear/bump/damage etc.) var bool bCanAdjustStationaryPosition; // if true, NPC can move right/left during stationary attack if shot is blocked (usually needs to be false for full-body animation-based attacks) var bool bCanStrafeDuringTacticalMoves; // (false) if false and !bCanStrafe, NPC will turn away from enemy when doing tactical moves var bool bCanStrafeDuringTacticalRetreat; // (true) if false and !bCanStrafe, NPC will turn away from enemy when backing off var bool bCanStrafeDuringOrders; // if true, NPC can strafe when carrying out orders var bool bJumpy; var bool bLeadTarget; // lead target with non-weapon based projectile attacks var bool bPredictChargeLocation; // when charging head towards wherever target is headed instead of at target var bool bFacePredictedLocation; // if true (default) NPC will face predicted location when moving to it var bool bFearPlayersMoreThanNPCs; var bool bFearNPCsMoreThanPlayers; var int CloseFaceTarget; // 1: always -1: never 0: default (check time since acquired etc.) var float AttackClosingCanFireOdds; // odds NPC will try to fire while closing (if possible) var float AttackClosingReachableDistSquared; // defaults to 1200*1200 but some NPCs try to close directly from further away (increasing this means reach test will be more expensive) var float AttackStationaryCanFireOdds; // odds NPC will try to fire while stationary (if possible) var float AttackTacticalMoveCanFireOdds; // odds NPC will try to fire during tactical moves (if possible) var float BaseAggressiveness; var float BaseAlertness; // not currently set -- established in BotInfo var float CampingRate; var float CombatStyle; // -1 to 1 = low means tends to stay off and snipe, high means tends to charge and melee var float RefireRate; // mdf-tbd: not used much currently (lower=faster -- opposite of UT?) var float StationaryStandOdds; // odds that NPC will stand when stationary (attacking, holding etc.) var float StationaryCrouchOdds; // odds that NPC will crouch when stationary (attacking, holding etc.) var float StationaryProneOdds; // odds that NPC will go prone when stationary (attacking, holding etc.) var float StationaryStayCrouchingOdds; // odds that NPC will stay crouching (once crouching) when stationary var float StationaryStayProneOdds; // odds that NPC will stay prone (once prone) when stationary var float MinStayCrouchingTime; // min time NPC will stay crouching if it crouches (e.g. before moving) var float MinStayProneTime; // min time NPC will stay prone if it goes prone (e.g. before moving) var float MinReduceStanceAgainDelay; // min delay after crouching/prone before going standing -> crouching/prone or crouching -> prone again var float BounceProjectileOdds; var float BounceLifespan; // diff-scaled: with NPCs, grenades get their lifespan set to this once they bounce the first time // acquisition var float MaxStationaryFiringDelay; // leave stationary attack state if NPC won't be able to fire for at least this long var float MinAcquisitionDelay; // additional delay when an enemy is acquired (after turning towards enemy, playing animation etc.). var float MinAlertAcquisitionDelay; // delay before firing when re-acquiring an enemy while fairly alert (enemy detected recently, using cover etc.) var float MinReAcquisitionDelay; // delay before firing when re-acquiring an enemy that is being hunted var float PostAcquisitionAnimationDelay; var float AcquisitionAnimationOdds; var float TauntAnimationOdds; // leaping var bool bLeapRequiresLOS; // if true, NPCs only leap at visible enemies var bool bTurnToEnemyAfterLeap; // if true turns to enemy after leap completed (landing + delay) var float LeapHighSpeed; // speed of high leap var float LeapLowSpeed; // speed of low leap (determines range) NOTE: Pawns fall faster than other Actors... var float LeapHighOdds; // odds NPC will use high projectile trajectory (if target inside range) var float LeapHighPredictOdds; // odds NPC will predict target's location with high trajectory var float LeapLowPredictOdds; // odds NPC will predict target's location with low trajectory var float LeapMaxOdds; // odds NPC will leap at 45 degrees (max range) when target out of range var float LeapToMeleeOdds; // odds NPC will go straight to melee attack if enemy bumped during leap var float LeapDelayFailure; // seconds - time to wait after a failed leap attempt (e.g. something in the way) var float LeapDelayLand; // delay after leaping NPC lands var float LeapDelayPreJump; // delay prior to leaping including time to turn towards destination var float LeapDelaySuccess; // seconds - time to wait after a successful leap before trying again var int LeapMaxDamage; // max damage if target hit dead on var float LeapMaxMomentumTransfer; // max MT if target hit dead on var float LeapNotifyTime; // time between start of leap animation and leap notify (refined with first leap) var float OnlyLeapLowRange; // distance within which NPC will only do low leaps // dodging //tbd var bool bHasDodgeFinishAttack; // can dodge into an attack var bool bJumpDodges; // jump dodge (phys_falling) vs. dodge along the ground (phys_walking) //var float DodgeFromDamageOdds; // odds that NPC will dodge away from damage var float DodgeProjectileOdds; // odds that an NPC will dodge to avoid projectiles var float DodgeInsteadofStrafeOdds; // odds of dodging projectiles rather than strafing away from them var float PostDodgeDelay; // time to wait after dodge animation is complete var vector DodgeDestination; // where the npc will dodge to var float RandomCloseDodgeOdds; // odds of dodging during a closing attack move var float DodgeTime; // duration of dodge animation (updated after first dodge occurs) var float DodgeDistance; // how far NPC tries to dodge var float JumpyOdds; // odds NPC will jump during tactical moves if bJumpy=false // not editable intentionally for now (these shouldn't vary from instance to instance) var bool bHasMovingRangedAttack; // if true, NPC can move while carrying out ranged attacks (has proper animation support) var bool bHasMovingMeleeAttack; // if true, NPC can move while doing melee attacks (has proper animation support) var bool bHasRangedAttack; // mdf-tbr? might go away if behavior lists control this instead var bool bInstantHitAttack; // animation-based ranged attack is an instant hit attack var bool bKamikazeClosing; // if true, NPC will head straight at enemy without pathing or reachability checks var bool bSplashDamageAttack; // animation-based ranged attack causes splash damage var float MaxTacticalRetreatDistance; // distance NPCs back of by when using TacticalRetreats var float PreferHighTrajectoryOdds; // odds that tossed projectiles will use high vs low trajectory solution var float TacticalJumpOdds; // odds of jumping during a tactical move var float TacticalMoveCloseOdds; // odds NPC will use tactical moves while closing in on an enemy var float TacticalMoveFallbackOdds; // odds NPC will use tactical moves during fallbacks // Controls range within which NPC will try to fire weapon (Min..Max) and range // that NPC will try to close to (Ideal) during tactical moves. var(AI) bool bForceRanges; //2002.12.15 hack to *force* NPCs to not fire outside min/max ranges var(AI) float RangeMinAttack; // min attack range to target var(AI) float RangeIdealAttack; // ideal attack range to target (NPC will try to maintain this distance) var(AI) float RangeMaxAttackMobile; // max attack range to target if NPC can move var(AI) float RangeMaxAttackMobileNoLOS; // max attack range to target if NPC can move and enemy can't see NPC (sneak in) var(AI) float RangeMaxAttackStationary; // max attack range to target if NPC can't move var(AI) float RangeMaxAttackStationaryNoLOS; // max attack range to target if NPC can move and enemy can't see NPC (sneak in) //var(AI) float RangeLimitAttack; // absolute limit of attack range to target? (tbd) var(AI) float DefaultLookedAtCos; // cos of default fov angle to use when checking for LOS for ranged attack range var bool bHasMaxAttackRanges; // set when ranges updated // firing control var float FireCheckRate; // rate at which behavior controller checks for being able to fire var float FireFastDuration; // duration for "fast" (rapid fire) shots var float FireFastPauseTime; // time to wait between "fast" (rapid fire) shots var float FireSlowPauseTime; // time to wait between "slow" (non-rapid fire) shots var float FireCheckFailedRate; // rate at which to check for firing if previous check failed // can be used to "fake" single notifies for melee/ranged attacks (but notifications should generally be used) var float MeleeNotifyTime; // quick 'n dirty way to fake a melee notify (should use animation ultimately) var float RangedNotifyTime; // quick 'n dirty way to fake a ranged notify (should use animation ultimately) // for animation based attacks var(AI) class<Projectile> RangedProjectileClass; var(AI) vector FireOffset; // basic melee attack support var EWeaponAnimationType MeleeWeaponType; var int Melee01MaxDamage; var int Melee02MaxDamage; var int Melee03MaxDamage; var int Melee01MomentumPerUnitDamage; var int Melee02MomentumPerUnitDamage; var int Melee03MomentumPerUnitDamage; var class<DamageType> Melee01DamageType; var class<DamageType> Melee02DamageType; var class<DamageType> Melee03DamageType; var float MeleeDamageRangeMultiplier; // amount to scale melee range by when checking for damage to target var float MeleeDamageXMPPawnMultiplier; // goose up melee damage to force fields & such var float MeleeAccelRate; // rate to scale Pawn's acceleration by when matching enemy's velocity during melee attack, 0.0 means use default AccelRate var float MeleeSpeed; // speed to scale Pawn's velocity by when matching enemy's velocity during melee attack, 0.0 means use current velocity, 1.0 means use full GroundSpeed var float MeleeAccelerationChangeLimit; // cosine of max angle acceleration is allowed to change by when matching enemy's acceleration //var float MeleeShakeRadius; //var float MeleeShakeMagnitude; //var float MeleeShakeDuration; // charging var float ChargeMinDamage; var float ChargeMaxDamage; var float ChargeMaxMomentumTransfer; var float ChargeMaxChangeSize; var float ChargeHeadSize; // stance var float MinStationaryDistance; // if Enemy within this distance, don't remain stationary (-1 ==> no effect) var float MinCrouchDistance; // if Enemy within this distance, shouldn't be crouching / prone var float MinProneDistance; // if Enemy within this distance, shouldn't be prone var float MinStationaryHealth; // if NPC health drops below this, don't remain stationary (-1 ==> ignore) // impaling var float ImpaleOdds; // odds of impaling the enemy var float ImpaleToMeleeOdds; // odds of using impale behavior instead of melee attacks var string ImpaleMountNode; // node to attach victim to during impalification // mib-tbd: use animation notifications with parameters and get rid of these? var float ImpaleAttachDamage; // damage to victim when impaling starts var float ImpaleAttachShakeMag; // how much / how long to shake the camera when sticking the victim var float ImpaleAttachShakeSecs; var float ImpaleDetachDamage; // damage to victim when impaling ends var float ImpaleDetachShakeMag; // how much / how long to shake the camera when launching the victim var float ImpaleDetachShakeSecs; var float ImpaleDetachMomentum; // velocity to impart on victim when impaling is done var float MaxHuntFireAtLastSeenTime; // controls how long NPC can shoot at last enemy seen position when hunting var bool bAlertedEnemyHunted; // set when the npc has alerted the enemy that its hunting //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- event PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); UpdateAttackRanges(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function UpdateAttackRanges() { RangeMaxAttackMobile = FMin( default.RangeMaxAttackMobile, SightRadius ); RangeMaxAttackMobileNoLOS = FMin( default.RangeMaxAttackMobileNoLOS, SightRadius ); RangeMaxAttackStationary = FMin( default.RangeMaxAttackStationary, SightRadius ); RangeMaxAttackStationaryNoLOS = FMin( default.RangeMaxAttackStationaryNoLOS, SightRadius ); bHasMaxAttackRanges = ( RangeMinAttack > 0.0 || RangeMaxAttackMobile < default.RangeMaxAttackMobile || RangeMaxAttackMobileNoLOS < default.RangeMaxAttackMobileNoLOS || RangeMaxAttackStationary < default.RangeMaxAttackStationary || RangeMaxAttackStationaryNoLOS < default.RangeMaxAttackStationaryNoLOS ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SetSightRadius( float NewSightRadius ) { Super.SetSightRadius( NewSightRadius ); UpdateAttackRanges(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function RestoreSightRadius() { Super.RestoreSightRadius(); UpdateAttackRanges(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function vector GetFireOffset() { return class'UtilGame'.static.GetRotatedFireStart( Self, Location, Rotation, FireOffset ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Projectile HandleSpawnShot( float ProjSpeed, bool bProjLeadTarget ) { local rotator FireRotation; local vector StartLocation; local Projectile SpawnedProjectile; /* DMTNS( "HandleSpawnShot:" ); DumpAgentAnimInfo(); AddActor( Self, ColorCyan() ); */ #debug DMAIA( "HandleSpawnShot" ); // uncomment return to disabled projectiles during testing //return; if( bHasRangedAttack ) { StartLocation = GetFireOffset(); //AddCylinder( StartLocation, 4, 4, ColorOrange() ); if( Controller.AdjustAim( RangedProjectileClass, ProjSpeed, StartLocation, 0.0, bProjLeadTarget, false, (RangedProjectileClass.default.Physics == PHYS_Falling), bSplashDamageAttack ) ) { FireRotation = GetAimRotation(); /* #debugbegin if( DebugAIAttacks() ) { AddCylinder( StartLocation, 16, 16, ColorCyan() ); AddArrow( StartLocation, Controller.ControllerEnemy.Location, ColorGrey() ); AddArrow( StartLocation, StartLocation + 1024.0*vector(FireRotation), ColorOrange() ); } #debugend */ SpawnedProjectile = Spawn( RangedProjectileClass, Self, '', StartLocation, FireRotation ); /* if( SpawnedProjectile == None ) { DMTNS( "HandleSpawnShot -- failed to spawn projectile!" ); class'U2GameInfo'.static.BSM( Self, "ALERT!" ); } */ MakeNoise( 1.0 ); } /* else { DMTNS( "HandleSpawnShot -- call to AdjustAim failed!" ); class'U2GameInfo'.static.BSM( Self, "ALERT!" ); } */ } return SpawnedProjectile; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SpawnShot() { HandleSpawnShot( RangedProjectileClass.default.Speed, bLeadTarget ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function FireAtEnemy() { if( Controller != None ) Controller.FireAt( Controller.ControllerEnemy ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function LicenseePawn.EWeaponAnimationType GetWeaponAnimationTypeW( Weapon Weap ) { // hack for melees which have wrong weapon extension if( Health > 0 && MeleeWeaponType != AT_None && U2NPCController(Controller) != None && U2NPCController(Controller).IsMeleeAttacking() ) return MeleeWeaponType; else return Super.GetWeaponAnimationTypeW( Weap ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function HandleAcquireEnemySound() { AssetsHelperClass.static.HandleAcquireEnemySound( Self ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function HandleLeapImpactSound() { AssetsHelperClass.static.HandleLeapImpactSound( Self ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function HandleLeapLandSound() { AssetsHelperClass.static.HandleLeapLandSound( Self ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function HandleMiscSound() { AssetsHelperClass.static.HandleMiscSound( Self ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function NotifyMeleeMotionSound() { AssetsHelperClass.static.HandleMeleeMotionSound( Self ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function MeleeDamagedTarget() { AssetsHelperClass.static.HandleMeleeDamageSound( Self ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function float GetMeleeDamageRange() { //!!mdf-tbd: this means you can damage enemy from further away than the melee range... //DMTNS( "GetMeleeDamageRange returning " $ MeleeDamageRangeMultiplier*MeleeRange ); return ( MeleeDamageRangeMultiplier*MeleeRange ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function vector GetMeleeMomentumNormal( Actor TargetActor ) { return Normal( TargetActor.Location - Location ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function bool FilterMeleeAttack( Actor TargetActor ) { return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Called by AI Controller when melee attack starts. function NotifyMeleeBegin(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function MeleeDamageTarget( int Damage, int MomentumPerUnitDamage, class<DamageType> DamageType ) { local Actor TargetActor; local vector HitLocation, HitNormal; local Actor HitActor; local float DistanceToTarget; local float MeleeDamageRange; local float DamageMultiplier; if( Controller == None ) return; // check if close enough to damage target TargetActor = Controller.GetTarget(); MeleeDamageRange = GetMeleeDamageRange(); //DMTNS( "MeleeDamageTarget MeleeDamageRange: " $ MeleeDamageRange $ " Damage: " $ Damage ); //DumpAgentAnimInfo(); AssetsHelperClass.static.HandleMeleeImpactPointSound( Self ); if( TargetActor != None && !FilterMeleeAttack( TargetActor ) ) { if( U2NPCControllerShared(Controller).CheckMeleeAttackRange( TargetActor, MeleeDamageRange ) ) { // make sure nothing in the way HitActor = Trace( HitLocation, HitNormal, TargetActor.Location, Location, false ); if( HitActor == None ) { DistanceToTarget = class'Util'.static.GetDistanceBetweenActors( Self, TargetActor ); DamageMultiplier = (MeleeDamageRange-DistanceToTarget)/MeleeDamageRange; Damage = FMax( 1.0, Damage * DamageMultiplier ); //DMTNS( "MeleeDamageTarget damage check:" ); //DMTNS( " DistanceToTarget: " $ DistanceToTarget ); //DMTNS( " MeleeDamageRange: " $ MeleeDamageRange ); //DMTNS( " DamageMultiplier: " $ (MeleeDamageRange-DistanceToTarget)/MeleeDamageRange ); //DMTNS( " Damage: " $ Damage ); if( StationaryPawn(TargetActor) != None ) Damage *= MeleeDamageXMPPawnMultiplier; HitLocation = TargetActor.Location; //!!mdf-tbd - ideally we'd refine this TargetActor.TakeDamage( Damage, Self, HitLocation, Damage*MomentumPerUnitDamage*GetMeleeMomentumNormal( TargetActor ), DamageType ); U2NPCControllerShared(Controller).NotifyMeleeDamagedEnemy( Damage, Self, HitLocation, Damage*MomentumPerUnitDamage*GetMeleeMomentumNormal( TargetActor ), DamageType ); /* !!mdf-tbd: we're doing this in the damage code already? if( MeleeShakeRadius > 0.0 && DamageMultiplier > 0.0 ) class'UtilGame'.static.MakeShake( Self, Location, MeleeShakeRadius*DamageMultiplier, MeleeShakeMagnitude*DamageMultiplier, MeleeShakeDuration*DamageMultiplier ); */ MeleeDamagedTarget(); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function NotifyMelee01() { MeleeDamageTarget( Melee01MaxDamage, Melee01MomentumPerUnitDamage, Melee01DamageType ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function NotifyMelee02() { MeleeDamageTarget( Melee02MaxDamage, Melee02MomentumPerUnitDamage, Melee02DamageType ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function NotifyMelee03() { MeleeDamageTarget( Melee03MaxDamage, Melee03MomentumPerUnitDamage, Melee03DamageType ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Impale notifications - punt over to controller to manage. function NotifyImpale() { if( U2NPCControllerShared(Controller) != None ) U2NPCControllerShared(Controller).ImpalePawn(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function NotifyUnImpale() { if( U2NPCControllerShared(Controller) != None ) U2NPCControllerShared(Controller).UnImpalePawn(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function NotifyLeapBegin() { U2NPCController(Controller).ReflectNotify( U2NPCControllerBasic.LeapBeginNotify ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function NotifyStay01() { U2NPCController(Controller).ReflectNotify( U2NPCControllerBasic.StayNotify ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- defaultproperties { AttackActiveBehaviors(0)=(StateName=AttackClose,Odds=1.000000,TimeMin=4.000000,TimeMax=4.000000) AttackActiveCantReachBehaviors(0)=(StateName=AttackStationary,Odds=1.000000,TimeMin=3.000000,TimeMax=3.000000) AttackActiveCantReachBehaviors(1)=(StateName=AttackTacticalMove,StateLabel=DontClose,Odds=1.000000,TimeMin=2.000000,TimeMax=2.000000) AttackActiveEnemyNotVisibleBehaviors(0)=(StateName=AttackHunt,Odds=1.000000,TimeMin=20.000000,TimeMax=20.000000) AttackActiveMeleeBehaviors(0)=(StateName=AttackMelee,TimeMin=3.000000,TimeMax=3.000000) AttackPassiveBehaviors(0)=(StateName=AttackMoveToCoverCombat,Odds=0.400000,TimeMin=7.000000,TimeMax=7.000000) AttackPassiveBehaviors(1)=(StateName=AttackStationary,Odds=0.060000,TimeMin=1.000000,TimeMax=3.000000) AttackPassiveBehaviors(2)=(StateName=AttackFallback,Odds=0.240000,TimeMin=2.500000,TimeMax=7.000000) AttackPassiveCantReachBehaviors(0)=(StateName=AttackStationary,Odds=0.500000,TimeMin=1.000000) AttackPassiveCantReachBehaviors(1)=(StateName=AttackFallback,Odds=1.000000,TimeMin=2.000000,TimeMax=7.000000) AttackPassiveEnemyNotVisibleBehaviors(0)=(StateName=AttackFallback,Odds=1.000000,TimeMin=20.000000,TimeMax=20.000000) AttackPassiveUseCoverBehaviors(0)=(StateName=AttackStakeOutCover,TimeMin=2.000000,TimeMax=5.000000) AttackPassiveUseCoverBehaviors(1)=(StateName=AttackRecoverEnemy,TimeMin=2.000000,TimeMax=4.000000) AttackPassiveUseCoverBehaviors(2)=(StateName=AttackStationary,TimeMin=1.000000,TimeMax=4.000000) AttackPassiveUseCoverBehaviors(3)=(StateName=AttackFallback,TimeMin=10.000000,TimeMax=20.000000) AttackPassiveUseCoverBehaviors(4)=(StateName=AttackMoveToCoverCombat,TimeMin=7.000000,TimeMax=7.000000) AttackPassiveMeleeBehaviors(0)=(StateName=AttackMelee,TimeMin=1.000000,TimeMax=2.000000) AttackPassiveMeleeBehaviors(1)=(StateName=AttackFallback,TimeMin=2.000000,TimeMax=5.000000) AttackCantFireLockoutTime=0.500000 AttackMeleeMinTime=2.000000 AttackMeleeMaxTime=5.000000 AttackUseCoverMinTime=20.000000 AttackUseCoverMaxTime=20.000000 AttackUseCoverLockoutTime=3.000000 AttackUseCoverTimeOutTime=10.000000 RecoverLockOutUseCoverTime=3.000000 MaxFleeSearchDistance=2048.000000 MaxUseCoverSearchDistance=2048.000000 bCanStrafeDuringTacticalRetreat=true bLeadTarget=true bFacePredictedLocation=true AttackClosingCanFireOdds=1.000000 AttackClosingReachableDistSquared=1440000.000000 AttackStationaryCanFireOdds=1.000000 AttackTacticalMoveCanFireOdds=1.000000 BaseAggressiveness=0.300000 CombatStyle=0.600000 RefireRate=0.200000 StationaryStandOdds=1.000000 StationaryStayCrouchingOdds=1.000000 StationaryStayProneOdds=1.000000 MinStayCrouchingTime=2.000000 MinStayProneTime=3.000000 MinReduceStanceAgainDelay=5.000000 BounceProjectileOdds=1.000000 BounceLifespan=2.000000 MaxStationaryFiringDelay=0.250000 MinAcquisitionDelay=1.000000 MinAlertAcquisitionDelay=0.250000 MinReAcquisitionDelay=0.500000 bLeapRequiresLOS=true LeapHighPredictOdds=1.000000 LeapLowPredictOdds=1.000000 LeapMaxOdds=1.000000 LeapDelayFailure=2.000000 LeapDelayPreJump=0.250000 LeapDelaySuccess=5.000000 LeapNotifyTime=0.250000 bJumpDodges=true PostDodgeDelay=0.250000 DodgeTime=-0.655000 DodgeDistance=300.000000 JumpyOdds=0.330000 bHasMovingRangedAttack=true MaxTacticalRetreatDistance=256.000000 TacticalMoveCloseOdds=0.750000 RangeMaxAttackMobile=65535.000000 RangeMaxAttackMobileNoLOS=65535.000000 RangeMaxAttackStationary=65535.000000 RangeMaxAttackStationaryNoLOS=65535.000000 FireCheckRate=1.000000 FireFastDuration=1.000000 FireFastPauseTime=1.000000 FireSlowPauseTime=1.000000 FireCheckFailedRate=0.500000 Melee01MaxDamage=30 Melee02MaxDamage=30 Melee03MaxDamage=30 Melee01MomentumPerUnitDamage=2500 Melee02MomentumPerUnitDamage=2500 Melee03MomentumPerUnitDamage=2500 Melee01DamageType=Class'U2.DamageTypePhysical' Melee02DamageType=Class'U2.DamageTypePhysical' Melee03DamageType=Class'U2.DamageTypePhysical' MeleeDamageRangeMultiplier=1.400000 MeleeAccelerationChangeLimit=-1.000000 MinStationaryDistance=256.000000 MinCrouchDistance=256.000000 MinProneDistance=1024.000000 MinStationaryHealth=30.000000 MaxHuntFireAtLastSeenTime=3.000000 WanderSpeedMax=1.500000 WanderViewBlockedTurnOdds=0.500000 bSentient=true bCanKnockDown=true MinKnockDownMomentumThreshold=200.000000 bAmbientCreature=false ControllerClass=Class'U2AI.U2NPCControllerBasic' UseReticleOnEvents(0)="UseReticleText" UseReticleOnEvents(1)="UseReticleCorners" UseReticleOnEvents(2)="UseReticleSideBars" ProximityReticleOnEvents(0)="ProximityReticleCorners" ProximityReticleOnEvents(1)="ProximityReticleSideBars" } |
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