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native ( inherit ) implements ( UIDataStoreSubscriber ) placeable HideDropDown

This widget is used by the UITabControl as a container for the widgets to be displayed when a tab is activated in the tab control. Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved

+-- Engine.UIRoot
   +-- Engine.UIScreenObject
      +-- Engine.UIObject
         +-- Engine.UIContainer
            +-- Engine.UITabPage

Direct Known Subclasses:


Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.UIObject

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIContainer
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIObject
AnimationParent, AnimationPosition, AnimStack, bDebugShowBounds, bEnableActiveCursorUpdates, bSupportsPrimaryStyle, ContextMenuData, DebugBoundsColor, DockTargets, NavigationTargets, Owner, OwnerScene, PrimaryStyle, PrivateFlags, RenderBoundsVertices[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], RenderBounds[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], RenderOffset, Rotation, StyleSubscribers, TabIndex, ToolTip, WidgetID, WidgetTag

Functions Summary
eventbool ActivatePage (int PlayerIndex, bool bActivate, optional bool bTakeFocus=true ))
function AddedToTabControl (UITabControl TabControl)
functionbool CanActivatePage (int PlayerIndex ))
function ClearBoundDataStores ()
eventUITabButton CreateTabButton (UITabControl TabControl ))
function GetBoundDataStores (out array<UIDataStore> out_BoundDataStores)
functionstring GetDataStoreBinding (optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE ) con)
functionUITabControl GetOwnerTabControl () con)
functionUITabButton GetTabButton (UITabControl TabControl=None ))
functionbool IsActivePage ()))
eventbool LinkToTabButton (UITabButton NewButton, UITabControl TabControl ))
function NotifyDataStoreValueUpdated (UIDataStore SourceDataStore, bool bValuesInvalidated, name PropertyTag, UIDataProvider SourceProvider, int ArrayIndex)
function OnActiveStateChanged (UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex, UIState NewlyActiveState, optional UIState PreviouslyActiveState ))
functionbool RefreshSubscriberValue (optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE)
event RemovedFromParent (UIScreenObject WidgetOwner ))
function SetDataStoreBinding (string MarkupText, optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE)
function SetTabCaption (string NewButtonMarkup))
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIObject
AddStyleSubscriber, AnimSetBottom, AnimSetColor, AnimSetLeft, AnimSetOpacity, AnimSetPosition, AnimSetRelPosition, AnimSetRight, AnimSetRotation, AnimSetScale, AnimSetTop, AnimSetVisibility, CanAcceptFocus, ClearDefaultDataBinding, ClearUIAnimation, FindStyleSubscriberIndex, FindStyleSubscriberIndexById, GenerateSceneDataStoreMarkup, GenerateTransformMatrix, GetAnchorPosition, GetDefaultDataBinding, GetDefaultDataStores, GetOwner, GetParent, GetPositionExtent, GetPositionExtents, GetRotationMatrix, GetScene, GetToolTipValue, HasTransform, IsContainedBy, IsDockedTo, IsPrivateBehaviorSet, LogRenderBounds, NeedsActiveCursorUpdates, NotifyValueChanged, OnSetDatastoreBinding, PlayUIAnimation, RemoveStyleSubscriber, ResolveDefaultDataBinding, ResolveStyles, RotateWidget, SetActiveCursorUpdate, SetAnchorPosition, SetDefaultDataBinding, SetDockPadding, SetDockParameters, SetDockTarget, SetForcedNavigationTarget, SetNavigationTarget, SetPrivateBehavior, SetWidgetStyleByName, StopUIAnimation, TickAnim, UIAnimEnd, UpdateRotationMatrix

Constants Detail







Variables Detail

ButtonClass Source code

var const class<UITabButton> ButtonClass;
The UITabButton class to use for creating this page's button.

TabButton Source code

var protected UITabButton TabButton;
The tab button associated with this page; set in GetTabButton()


ButtonCaption Source code

var(Data) private UIDataStoreBinding ButtonCaption;
provides the caption for this page's tab button

ButtonToolTip Source code

var(Data) private UIDataStoreBinding ButtonToolTip;
provides the tooltip for this page's tab button

PageDescription Source code

var(Data) private UIDataStoreBinding PageDescription;
provides the text that will appear in status bars while this page is active

Functions Detail

ActivatePage Source code

event bool ActivatePage ( int PlayerIndex, bool bActivate, optional bool bTakeFocus=true ) )
Causes this page to become (or no longer be) the tab control's currently active page.
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that wishes to activate this page.
@param bActivate TRUE if this page should become the tab control's active page; FALSE if it is losing the active status.
@param bTakeFocus specify TRUE to give this panel focus once it's active (only relevant if bActivate = true)
@return TRUE if this page successfully changed its active state; FALSE otherwise.

AddedToTabControl Source code

function AddedToTabControl ( UITabControl TabControl )
Called when this tab page is inserted into a tab control's list of pages. Child classes can override this function to perform any additional initialization.
@param TabControl the tab control that this page was just added to.

CanActivatePage Source code

function bool CanActivatePage ( int PlayerIndex ) )
Callback for determining whether this page can be activated.
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the Engine.GamePlayers array] for the player that wishes to activate this page.

ClearBoundDataStores Source code

native final function ClearBoundDataStores ( )
Notifies this subscriber to unbind itself from all bound data stores

CreateTabButton Source code

protected static event UITabButton CreateTabButton ( UITabControl TabControl ) )
Creates a new UITabButton for this page. Child classes can override this method in order to do perform additional initialization of the tab button.
@param TabControl the tab control that is requesting the button.

GetBoundDataStores Source code

native final virtual function GetBoundDataStores ( out array<UIDataStore> out_BoundDataStores )
Retrieves the list of data stores bound by this subscriber.
@param out_BoundDataStores receives the array of data stores that subscriber is bound to.

GetDataStoreBinding Source code

native final virtual const function string GetDataStoreBinding ( optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE ) con )
Retrieves the markup string corresponding to the data store that this object is bound to.
@param BindingIndex optional parameter for indicating which data store binding is being requested for those objects which have multiple data store bindings. How this parameter is used is up to the class which implements this interface, but typically the "primary" data store will be index 0.
@return a datastore markup string which resolves to the datastore field that this object is bound to, in the format:

GetOwnerTabControl Source code

native final const function UITabControl GetOwnerTabControl ( ) con )
Returns the tab control that contains this tab page, or NULL if it's not part of a tab control.

GetTabButton Source code

function UITabButton GetTabButton ( UITabControl TabControl=None ) )
Creates the UITabButton for this page, if necessary. Child classes can override this method in order to do perform additional initialization of the tab button.
@param TabControl the tab control that is requesting the button. Should only be specified if the tab page should a new button if one doesn't exist.
@return the page's tab button

IsActivePage Source code

function bool IsActivePage ( ) )
Wrapper for determining whether this is the currently active page.
@return TRUE if this is the tab control's currently active page.

LinkToTabButton Source code

event bool LinkToTabButton ( UITabButton NewButton, UITabControl TabControl ) )
Associates this UITabPage with the specified tab button.
@param NewButton the tab button to link this tab page to
@param TabControl the tab control which will contain this tab page.
@return TRUE if this tab page was successfully linked to the tab button.

NotifyDataStoreValueUpdated Source code

native final virtual function NotifyDataStoreValueUpdated ( UIDataStore SourceDataStore, bool bValuesInvalidated, name PropertyTag, UIDataProvider SourceProvider, int ArrayIndex )
Handler for the UIDataStore.OnDataStoreValueUpdated delegate. Used by data stores to indicate that some data provided by the data has changed. Subscribers should use this function to refresh any data store values being displayed with the updated value. notify subscribers when they should refresh their values from this data store.
@param SourceDataStore the data store that generated the refresh notification; useful for subscribers with multiple data store bindings, to tell which data store sent the notification.
@param PropertyTag the tag associated with the data field that was updated; Subscribers can use this tag to determine whether there is any need to refresh their data values.
@param SourceProvider for data stores which contain nested providers, the provider that contains the data which changed.
@param ArrayIndex for collection fields, indicates which element was changed. value of INDEX_NONE indicates not an array or that the entire array was updated.

OnActiveStateChanged Source code

function OnActiveStateChanged ( UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex, UIState NewlyActiveState, optional UIState PreviouslyActiveState ) )
Called when a new UIState becomes the widget's currently active state, after all activation logic has occurred.
@param Sender the widget that changed states.
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the GamePlayers array] for the player that activated this state.
@param NewlyActiveState the state that is now active
@param PreviouslyActiveState the state that used the be the widget's currently active state.

RefreshSubscriberValue Source code

native final function bool RefreshSubscriberValue ( optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE )
Resolves this subscriber's data store binding and updates the subscriber with the current value from the data store.
@return TRUE if this subscriber successfully resolved and applied the updated value.

RemovedFromParent Source code

event RemovedFromParent ( UIScreenObject WidgetOwner ) )
Notification that this widget's parent is about to remove this widget from its children array. Allows the widget to clean up any references to the old parent. This version clears the tab page's reference to it's tab button.
@param WidgetOwner the screen object that this widget was removed from.

SetDataStoreBinding Source code

native final virtual function SetDataStoreBinding ( string MarkupText, optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE )
Sets the data store binding for this object to the text specified.
@param MarkupText a markup string which resolves to data exposed by a data store. The expected format is:
@param BindingIndex optional parameter for indicating which data store binding is being requested for those objects which have multiple data store bindings. How this parameter is used is up to the class which implements this interface, but typically the "primary" data store will be index 0.

SetTabCaption Source code

function SetTabCaption ( string NewButtonMarkup) )
Sets the caption for this pages button
@param NewButtonMarkup The Markup to set the caption to.


   Begin Object Class=UIComp_Event Name=WidgetEventComponent ObjName=WidgetEventComponent Archetype=UIComp_Event'Engine.Default__UIContainer:WidgetEventComponent'
   End Object

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