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Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Extended version of console that only allows the quick console to be open if there are no UI scenes open, this is to allow UI scenes to process the TAB key.

+-- Engine.UIRoot
   +-- Engine.Interaction
      +-- Engine.Console
         +-- UTGame.UTConsole

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.Console

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.Console
bCaptureKeyInput, bCtrl, bEnableUI, ConsoleBufferText, ConsoleKey, ConsoleTargetPlayer, DefaultTexture_Black, DefaultTexture_White, HistoryBot, HistoryCur, HistoryTop, History[MaxHistory], LargeConsoleInput, LargeConsoleScene, MaxScrollbackSize, MiniConsoleInput, MiniConsoleScene, SBHead, SBPos, Scrollback, TypedStr, TypedStrPos, TypeKey

Functions Summary
functionbool InputKey (int ControllerId, name Key, EInputEvent Event, float AmountDepressed = 1.f, bool bGamepad = FALSE ))
functionbool InputKey (int ControllerId, name Key, EInputEvent Event, float AmountDepressed = 1.f, bool bGamepad = FALSE ))
function OutputTextLine (coerce string Text))
Inherited Functions from Engine.Console
AppendInputText, BeginState, ClearOutput, ConsoleCommand, EndState, FlushPlayerInput, Initialized, InputChar, InputKey, IsUIConsoleOpen, IsUIMiniConsoleOpen, OutputText, OutputTextLine, PostRender_Console, ProcessControlKey, PurgeCommandFromHistory, SetCursorPos, SetInputText, StartTyping
Inherited Functions from Engine.Interaction
Init, Initialized, NotifyGameSessionEnded, NotifyPlayerAdded, NotifyPlayerRemoved, PostRender, Tick

States Summary
Typing Source code
state Typing

Variables Detail

TextCount Source code

var int TextCount;

Functions Detail

InputKey Source code

function bool InputKey ( int ControllerId, name Key, EInputEvent Event, float AmountDepressed = 1.f, bool bGamepad = FALSE ) )
Process an input key event routed through unrealscript from another object. This method is assigned as the value for the OnRecievedNativeInputKey delegate so that native input events are routed to this unrealscript function.
@param ControllerId the controller that generated this input key event
@param Key the name of the key which an event occured for (KEY_Up, KEY_Down, etc.)
@param EventType the type of event which occured (pressed, released, etc.)
@param AmountDepressed for analog keys, the depression percent.
@return true to consume the key event, false to pass it on.

InputKey Typing Source code

function bool InputKey ( int ControllerId, name Key, EInputEvent Event, float AmountDepressed = 1.f, bool bGamepad = FALSE ) )

OutputTextLine Source code

function OutputTextLine ( coerce string Text) )



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