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Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Info
      +-- Engine.ReplicationInfo
         +-- UTGame.UTSquadAI
            +-- UTGame.UTCTFSquadAI

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from UTGame.UTSquadAI

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTSquadAI
AttackString, bAddTransientCosts, bFreelance, bFreelanceAttack, bFreelanceDefend, bRoamingSquad, bShouldUseGatherPoints, CurrentOrders, DefendString, Enemies[8], FormationSize, FreelanceString, HoldString, LeaderPRI, MaxSquadRoutes, MaxSquadSize, NextSquad, ObjectiveRouteCache, PendingSquadRouteMaker, PreviousObjectiveRouteCache, RouteObjective, Size, SquadLeader, SquadMembers, SquadObjective, SquadRouteIteration, SquadRoutes, SupportString, SupportStringTrailer, Team

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from UTGame.UTSquadAI

Functions Summary
functionbool AllowContinueOnFoot (UTBot B, UTVehicle V))
functionbool AllowDetourTo (UTBot B, avigationPoint N))
functionbool AllowTaunt (UTBot B))
functionbool AllowTranslocationBy (UTBot B))
functionbool BeDevious (Pawn Enemy))
functionbool CheckSquadObjectives (UTBot B))
functionbool CheckVehicle (UTBot B))
function EnemyFlagTakenBy (Controller C))
functionNavigationPoint FindHidePathFor (UTBot B))
functionbool FindPathToObjective (UTBot B, Actor O))
functionbool FlagNearBase ()))
functionactor FormationCenter (Controller C))
functionActor GetTowingDestination (UTVehicle Towed))
functionbool GoPickupFlag (UTBot B))
function ModifyAggression (UTBot B, out float Aggression)
functionfloat ModifyThreat (float current, Pawn NewThreat, bool bThreatVisible, UTBot B))
functionbool MustKeepEnemy (Pawn E))
functionbool NearEnemyBase (UTBot B))
functionbool NearHomeBase (UTBot B))
functionbool OrdersForFlagCarrier (UTBot B))
functionbool OverrideFollowPlayer (UTBot B))
function PostBeginPlay ()))
functionbyte PriorityObjective (UTBot B))
function SetAlternatePathTo (NavigationPoint NewRouteObjective, UTBot RouteMaker))
functionbool ShouldDeferTo (Controller C))
functionbool ShouldUseAlternatePaths ()))
functionbool VisibleToEnemiesOf (Actor A, UTBot B))
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTSquadAI
AcceptableDefensivePosition, AddBot, AddEnemy, AddTransientCosts, AllowContinueOnFoot, AllowDetourTo, AllowImpactJumpBy, AllowTaunt, AllowTranslocationBy, AssessThreat, AssignSquadResponsibility, BeDevious, BotEnteredVehicle, BotSuitability, CheckHoverboard, CheckSquadObjectives, CheckSuperItem, CheckTowing, CheckVehicle, ClearPathFor, CloseEnoughToObjective, CloseToLeader, CriticalObjectiveWarning, Destroyed, DisplayDebug, EnterAndExitVehicle, FindDefensivePositionFor, FindNewEnemyFor, FindPathToObjective, FormationCenter, FriendlyToward, GetFacingRotation, GetLinkVehicle, GetMaxDefenseDistanceFrom, GetOnHoverboard, GetOrders, GetOrderStringFor, GetShortOrderStringFor, GetSize, GetStartObjective, GetTeamNum, GetTowingDestination, GotoVehicle, HandlePathObstruction, HasOtherVisibleEnemy, Initialize, IsDefending, IsOnPathToSquadObjective, IsOnSquad, LeaveVehicleAtParkingSpot, LeaveVehicleToReachObjective, LostEnemy, MarkHuntingSpots, MaxVehicleDist, MergeWith, ModifyAggression, ModifyThreat, MustCompleteOnFoot, MustKeepEnemy, NearFormationCenter, NeverBail, NotifyKilled, OverrideFollowPlayer, PickBotToReassign, PickNewLeader, PickRetreatDestination, PriorityObjective, RateDefensivePosition, RemoveBot, RemoveEnemy, RemovePlayer, Reset, Retask, SetAlternatePathTo, SetDefenseScriptFor, SetEnemy, SetFacingActor, SetLeader, SetObjective, ShouldCheckSuperVehicle, ShouldDeferTo, ShouldDestroyTranslocator, ShouldSuppressEnemy, ShouldUndeployVehicle, ShouldUseAlternatePaths, ShouldUseHoverboard, TellBotToFollow, Tick, TryToIntercept, UndeployVehicle, UnderFire, ValidEnemy, VehicleDesireability, WaitAtThisPosition, WanderNearLeader

Variables Detail

EnemyFlag Source code

var UTCTFFlag EnemyFlag;

EnemyFlagRoutes Source code

var array<AlternateRoute> EnemyFlagRoutes;
separate alternate route caches for the two flags

FriendlyFlag Source code

var UTCTFFlag FriendlyFlag;

FriendlyFlagRoutes Source code

var array<AlternateRoute> FriendlyFlagRoutes;

HidePath Source code

var NavigationPoint HidePath;

LastSeeFlagCarrier Source code

var float LastSeeFlagCarrier;

Functions Detail

AllowContinueOnFoot Source code

function bool AllowContinueOnFoot ( UTBot B, UTVehicle V) )

AllowDetourTo Source code

function bool AllowDetourTo ( UTBot B,NavigationPoint N) )

AllowTaunt Source code

function bool AllowTaunt ( UTBot B) )

AllowTranslocationBy Source code

function bool AllowTranslocationBy ( UTBot B) )

BeDevious Source code

function bool BeDevious ( Pawn Enemy) )

CheckSquadObjectives Source code

function bool CheckSquadObjectives ( UTBot B) )

CheckVehicle Source code

function bool CheckVehicle ( UTBot B) )

EnemyFlagTakenBy Source code

function EnemyFlagTakenBy ( Controller C) )

FindHidePathFor Source code

function NavigationPoint FindHidePathFor ( UTBot B) )

FindPathToObjective Source code

function bool FindPathToObjective ( UTBot B, Actor O) )

FlagNearBase Source code

function bool FlagNearBase ( ) )

FormationCenter Source code

function actor FormationCenter ( Controller C) )

GetTowingDestination Source code

function Actor GetTowingDestination ( UTVehicle Towed) )

GoPickupFlag Source code

function bool GoPickupFlag ( UTBot B) )

ModifyAggression Source code

function ModifyAggression ( UTBot B, out float Aggression )

ModifyThreat Source code

function float ModifyThreat ( float current, Pawn NewThreat, bool bThreatVisible, UTBot B) )

MustKeepEnemy Source code

function bool MustKeepEnemy ( Pawn E) )

NearEnemyBase Source code

function bool NearEnemyBase ( UTBot B) )

NearHomeBase Source code

function bool NearHomeBase ( UTBot B) )

OrdersForFlagCarrier Source code

function bool OrdersForFlagCarrier ( UTBot B) )

OverrideFollowPlayer Source code

function bool OverrideFollowPlayer ( UTBot B) )

PostBeginPlay Source code

function PostBeginPlay ( ) )

PriorityObjective Source code

function byte PriorityObjective ( UTBot B) )

SetAlternatePathTo Source code

function SetAlternatePathTo ( NavigationPoint NewRouteObjective, UTBot RouteMaker) )

ShouldDeferTo Source code

function bool ShouldDeferTo ( Controller C) )

ShouldUseAlternatePaths Source code

function bool ShouldUseAlternatePaths ( ) )

VisibleToEnemiesOf Source code

function bool VisibleToEnemiesOf ( Actor A, UTBot B) )



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