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native ( AI )

operational AI control for TeamGame Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Info
      +-- Engine.ReplicationInfo
         +-- UTGame.UTSquadAI

Direct Known Subclasses:

UTCTFSquadAI, UTDMSquad, UTGreedSquadAI, UTOnslaughtSquadAI

Constants Summary

Variables Summary

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Engine.Info
KeyValuePair, PlayerResponseLine, ServerResponseLine

Functions Summary
functionbool AcceptableDefensivePosition (NavigationPoint N, UTBot B))
function AddBot (UTBot B))
functionbool AddEnemy (Pawn NewEnemy))
function AddTransientCosts (UTBot B, float f))
functionbool AllowContinueOnFoot (UTBot B, UTVehicle V))
functionbool AllowDetourTo (UTBot B, avigationPoint N))
functionbool AllowImpactJumpBy (UTBot B))
functionbool AllowTaunt (UTBot B))
functionbool AllowTranslocationBy (UTBot B))
functionfloat AssessThreat (UTBot B, Pawn NewThreat, bool bThreatVisible ))
functionbool AssignSquadResponsibility (UTBot B))
functionbool BeDevious (Pawn Enemy))
function BotEnteredVehicle (UTBot B))
functionfloat BotSuitability (UTBot B))
functionbool CheckHoverboard (UTBot B))
functionbool CheckSquadObjectives (UTBot B))
functionbool CheckSuperItem (UTBot B, float SuperDist))
functionbool CheckTowing (UTBot B, UTVehicle V))
functionbool CheckVehicle (UTBot B))
functionbool ClearPathFor (Controller C))
functionbool CloseEnoughToObjective (UTBot B, Actor O))
functionbool CloseToLeader (Pawn P))
function CriticalObjectiveWarning (Pawn NewEnemy))
function Destroyed ()))
function DisplayDebug (HUD HUD, out float YL, out float YPos))
functionbool EnterAndExitVehicle (UTBot B))
functionNavigationPoint FindDefensivePositionFor (UTBot B))
functionbool FindNewEnemyFor (UTBot B, bool bSeeEnemy))
functionbool FindPathToObjective (UTBot B, Actor O))
functionactor FormationCenter (Controller C))
functionbool FriendlyToward (Pawn Other))
functionrotator GetFacingRotation ()))
functionUTVehicle GetLinkVehicle (UTBot B))
functionfloat GetMaxDefenseDistanceFrom (Actor Center, UTBot B))
functionbool GetOnHoverboard (UTBot B))
functionname GetOrders ()))
functionString GetOrderStringFor (UTPlayerReplicationInfo PRI))
functionString GetShortOrderStringFor (UTPlayerReplicationInfo PRI))
functionint GetSize ()))
functionUTGameObjective GetStartObjective (UTBot B))
functionbyte GetTeamNum ()
functionActor GetTowingDestination (UTVehicle Towed)
functionbool GotoVehicle (UTVehicle SquadVehicle, UTBot B))
functionbool HandlePathObstruction (UTBot B, Actor BlockedBy))
functionbool HasOtherVisibleEnemy (UTBot B))
function Initialize (UTTeamInfo T, UTGameObjective O, Controller C))
functionbool IsDefending (UTBot B))
functionbool IsOnPathToSquadObjective (Actor Goal))
functionbool IsOnSquad (Controller C))
function LeaveVehicleAtParkingSpot (UTBot B, Actor O))
functionbool LeaveVehicleToReachObjective (UTBot B, Actor O))
functionbool LostEnemy (UTBot B))
function MarkHuntingSpots (UTBot B)
functionfloat MaxVehicleDist (Pawn P))
function MergeWith (UTSquadAI S))
function ModifyAggression (UTBot B, out float Aggression))
functionfloat ModifyThreat (float current, Pawn NewThreat, bool bThreatVisible, UTBot B))
functionbool MustCompleteOnFoot (Actor O, optional Pawn P))
functionbool MustKeepEnemy (Pawn E))
functionbool NearFormationCenter (Pawn P))
functionbool NeverBail (Pawn P))
function NotifyKilled (Controller Killer, Controller Killed, pawn KilledPawn))
functionbool OverrideFollowPlayer (UTBot B))
functionUTBot PickBotToReassign ()))
function PickNewLeader ()))
functionbool PickRetreatDestination (UTBot B))
functionbyte PriorityObjective (UTBot B))
functionfloat RateDefensivePosition (NavigationPoint N, UTBot CurrentBot, Actor Center))
function RemoveBot (UTBot B))
function RemoveEnemy (Pawn E))
function RemovePlayer (PlayerController P))
function Reset ()))
function Retask (UTBot B))
function SetAlternatePathTo (NavigationPoint NewRouteObjective, UTBot RouteMaker))
function SetDefenseScriptFor (UTBot B))
functionbool SetEnemy (UTBot B, Pawn NewEnemy ))
functionactor SetFacingActor (UTBot B))
event SetLeader (Controller C))
function SetObjective (UTGameObjective O, bool bForceUpdate))
functionbool ShouldCheckSuperVehicle (UTBot B))
functionbool ShouldDeferTo (Controller C))
functionbool ShouldDestroyTranslocator (UTBot B))
functionbool ShouldSuppressEnemy (UTBot B))
functionbool ShouldUndeployVehicle (UTBot B))
functionbool ShouldUseAlternatePaths ()))
functionbool ShouldUseHoverboard (UTBot B))
functionbool TellBotToFollow (UTBot B, Controller C))
function Tick (float DeltaTime))
functionbool TryToIntercept (UTBot B, Pawn P, Actor RouteGoal))
functionbool UndeployVehicle (UTBot B))
functionbool UnderFire (Pawn NewThreat, UTBot Ignored))
functionbool ValidEnemy (Pawn NewEnemy))
functionfloat VehicleDesireability (UTVehicle V, UTBot B))
functionbool WaitAtThisPosition (Pawn P))
functionbool WanderNearLeader (UTBot B))

States Summary
Retasking Source code
state Retasking

Constants Detail



Variables Detail

AttackString Source code

var localized string AttackString;

bAddTransientCosts Source code

var bool bAddTransientCosts;

bFreelance Source code

var bool bFreelance;

bFreelanceAttack Source code

var bool bFreelanceAttack;

bFreelanceDefend Source code

var bool bFreelanceDefend;

bRoamingSquad Source code

var bool bRoamingSquad;

bShouldUseGatherPoints Source code

var bool bShouldUseGatherPoints;
whether bots should tend to wait to group up near the end of the squad route

CurrentOrders Source code

var name CurrentOrders;

DefendString Source code

var localized string DefendString;

Enemies[8] Source code

var Pawn Enemies[8];

FormationSize Source code

var float FormationSize;

FreelanceString Source code

var localized string FreelanceString;

HoldString Source code

var localized string HoldString;

LeaderPRI Source code

var UTPlayerReplicationInfo LeaderPRI;

MaxSquadRoutes Source code

var int MaxSquadRoutes;
maximum size of SquadRoutes list

MaxSquadSize Source code

var int MaxSquadSize;

NextSquad Source code

var UTSquadAI NextSquad;

ObjectiveRouteCache Source code

var array<NavigationPoint> ObjectiveRouteCache;

PendingSquadRouteMaker Source code

var UTBot PendingSquadRouteMaker;
bot that we want to use to generate the route (usually SquadLeader)

PreviousObjectiveRouteCache Source code

var array<NavigationPoint> PreviousObjectiveRouteCache;
when generating a new ObjectiveRouteCache for the same objective, the previous is stored here so bots still following it don't get disrupted

RouteObjective Source code

var NavigationPoint RouteObjective;

Size Source code

var int Size;

SquadLeader Source code

var Controller SquadLeader;

SquadMembers Source code

var UTBot SquadMembers;

SquadObjective Source code

var UTGameObjective SquadObjective;

SquadRouteIteration Source code

var int SquadRouteIteration;
current alternate route iteration (loops back to start after reaching MaxSquadRoutes)

SquadRoutes Source code

var array<AlternateRoute> SquadRoutes;

SupportString Source code

var localized string SupportString;

SupportStringTrailer Source code

var localized string SupportStringTrailer;

Team Source code

var UTTeamInfo Team;

Structures Detail

AlternateRoute Source code

struct AlternateRoute
var array<NavigationPoint> RouteCache;
list of alternate routes. Each one higher in the list was created by first adding cost to the nodes in all previous routes

Functions Detail

AcceptableDefensivePosition Source code

function bool AcceptableDefensivePosition ( NavigationPoint N, UTBot B) )

AddBot Source code

function AddBot ( UTBot B) )

AddEnemy Source code

function bool AddEnemy ( Pawn NewEnemy) )

AddTransientCosts Source code

function AddTransientCosts ( UTBot B, float f) )

AllowContinueOnFoot Source code

function bool AllowContinueOnFoot ( UTBot B, UTVehicle V) )

@return whether bot should continue along its path on foot or stay in its current vehicle

AllowDetourTo Source code

function bool AllowDetourTo ( UTBot B,NavigationPoint N) )

AllowImpactJumpBy Source code

function bool AllowImpactJumpBy ( UTBot B) )

AllowTaunt Source code

function bool AllowTaunt ( UTBot B) )

AllowTranslocationBy Source code

function bool AllowTranslocationBy ( UTBot B) )

AssessThreat Source code

function float AssessThreat ( UTBot B, Pawn NewThreat, bool bThreatVisible ) )

AssignSquadResponsibility Source code

function bool AssignSquadResponsibility ( UTBot B) )

BeDevious Source code

function bool BeDevious ( Pawn Enemy) )

BotEnteredVehicle Source code

function BotEnteredVehicle ( UTBot B) )

BotSuitability Source code

function float BotSuitability ( UTBot B) )

CheckHoverboard Source code

function bool CheckHoverboard ( UTBot B) )

CheckSquadObjectives Source code

function bool CheckSquadObjectives ( UTBot B) )

CheckSuperItem Source code

function bool CheckSuperItem ( UTBot B, float SuperDist) )
checks for super pickups, important vehicles, etc within the specified path distance

CheckTowing Source code

function bool CheckTowing ( UTBot B, UTVehicle V) )
considers giving bot actions to do with towing or being towed
@return whether the bot was given something to do

CheckVehicle Source code

function bool CheckVehicle ( UTBot B) )

ClearPathFor Source code

function bool ClearPathFor ( Controller C) )

CloseEnoughToObjective Source code

function bool CloseEnoughToObjective ( UTBot B, Actor O) )
returns whether the bot shouldn't get any closer to the given objective with the vehicle it's using

CloseToLeader Source code

function bool CloseToLeader ( Pawn P) )

CriticalObjectiveWarning Source code

function CriticalObjectiveWarning ( Pawn NewEnemy) )

Destroyed Source code

function Destroyed ( ) )

DisplayDebug Source code

simulated function DisplayDebug ( HUD HUD, out float YL, out float YPos) )

EnterAndExitVehicle Source code

function bool EnterAndExitVehicle ( UTBot B) )
used with bot's CustomAction interface to enter and exit a vehicle in the same action

FindDefensivePositionFor Source code

function NavigationPoint FindDefensivePositionFor ( UTBot B) )

FindNewEnemyFor Source code

function bool FindNewEnemyFor ( UTBot B, bool bSeeEnemy) )

FindPathToObjective Source code

function bool FindPathToObjective ( UTBot B, Actor O) )

FormationCenter Source code

function actor FormationCenter ( Controller C) )

FriendlyToward Source code

function bool FriendlyToward ( Pawn Other) )

GetFacingRotation Source code

function rotator GetFacingRotation ( ) )

GetLinkVehicle Source code

function UTVehicle GetLinkVehicle ( UTBot B) )

GetMaxDefenseDistanceFrom Source code

function float GetMaxDefenseDistanceFrom ( Actor Center, UTBot B) )

@return the maximum distance a bot should be from the given Actor it wants to defend

GetOnHoverboard Source code

function bool GetOnHoverboard ( UTBot B) )
used with bot's CustomAction interface to tell it to get on the hoverboard

GetOrders Source code

function name GetOrders ( ) )

GetOrderStringFor Source code

simulated function String GetOrderStringFor ( UTPlayerReplicationInfo PRI) )

GetShortOrderStringFor Source code

simulated function String GetShortOrderStringFor ( UTPlayerReplicationInfo PRI) )

GetSize Source code

function int GetSize ( ) )

GetStartObjective Source code

function UTGameObjective GetStartObjective ( UTBot B) )

@return the objective the given bot wants to spawn at

GetTeamNum Source code

simulated native function byte GetTeamNum ( )

GetTowingDestination Source code

function Actor GetTowingDestination ( UTVehicle Towed )

@return a good objective to tow the given Pawn to - if None is returned bot will just do its normal logic

GotoVehicle Source code

function bool GotoVehicle ( UTVehicle SquadVehicle, UTBot B) )
tells the given bot to attempt to move toward and enter the given vehicle

HandlePathObstruction Source code

function bool HandlePathObstruction ( UTBot B, Actor BlockedBy) )
called when a ReachSpec the given bot wants to use is blocked by a dynamic obstruction gives the AI an opportunity to do something to get rid of it instead of trying to find another path
@note MoveTarget is the actor the AI wants to move toward, CurrentPath the ReachSpec it wants to use
@param B the bot whose path is blocked
@param BlockedBy the object blocking the path
@return true if the AI did something about the obstruction and should use the path anyway, false if the path is unusable and the bot must find some other way to go

HasOtherVisibleEnemy Source code

function bool HasOtherVisibleEnemy ( UTBot B) )

@return whether the given bot knows of some visible enemy that is not its current enemy

Initialize Source code

function Initialize ( UTTeamInfo T, UTGameObjective O, Controller C) )

IsDefending Source code

function bool IsDefending ( UTBot B) )

IsOnPathToSquadObjective Source code

function bool IsOnPathToSquadObjective ( Actor Goal) )
returns whether the bot should be considered as moving towards SquadObjective if its goal is the given Actor

IsOnSquad Source code

function bool IsOnSquad ( Controller C) )

LeaveVehicleAtParkingSpot Source code

function LeaveVehicleAtParkingSpot ( UTBot B, Actor O) )
called when the bot is trying to get to the given objective and has reached one of its parking spots

LeaveVehicleToReachObjective Source code

function bool LeaveVehicleToReachObjective ( UTBot B, Actor O) )
checks if the bot's vehicle is close enough to leave and proceed on foot (assumes the objective cannot be completed while inside a vehicle)
@return true if the bot left the vehicle and is continuing on foot, false if it did nothing

LostEnemy Source code

function bool LostEnemy ( UTBot B) )

MarkHuntingSpots Source code

function MarkHuntingSpots ( UTBot B )
called when the given bot is hunting - gives the squad an opportunity to evaluate more accessible NavigationPoints for attacking the bot's Enemy than pathing towards it (e.g. sniper spots)

MaxVehicleDist Source code

function float MaxVehicleDist ( Pawn P) )

MergeWith Source code

function MergeWith ( UTSquadAI S) )

ModifyAggression Source code

function ModifyAggression ( UTBot B, out float Aggression) )
gives Squad a chance to modify how aggressively the bot chases down enemies

ModifyThreat Source code

function float ModifyThreat ( float current, Pawn NewThreat, bool bThreatVisible, UTBot B) )

MustCompleteOnFoot Source code

function bool MustCompleteOnFoot ( Actor O, optional Pawn P) )
returns whether bot must be on foot to use the given objective (if so, bot will get out of any vehicle just before reaching it)

MustKeepEnemy Source code

function bool MustKeepEnemy ( Pawn E) )

NearFormationCenter Source code

function bool NearFormationCenter ( Pawn P) )

NeverBail Source code

function bool NeverBail ( Pawn P) )

@return whether bot should bail on a vehicle that has low health or is stuck

NotifyKilled Source code

function NotifyKilled ( Controller Killer, Controller Killed, pawn KilledPawn) )

OverrideFollowPlayer Source code

function bool OverrideFollowPlayer ( UTBot B) )

PickBotToReassign Source code

function UTBot PickBotToReassign ( ) )

PickNewLeader Source code

function PickNewLeader ( ) )

PickRetreatDestination Source code

function bool PickRetreatDestination ( UTBot B) )

PriorityObjective Source code

function byte PriorityObjective ( UTBot B) )

RateDefensivePosition Source code

function float RateDefensivePosition ( NavigationPoint N, UTBot CurrentBot, Actor Center) )

RemoveBot Source code

function RemoveBot ( UTBot B) )

RemoveEnemy Source code

function RemoveEnemy ( Pawn E) )

RemovePlayer Source code

function RemovePlayer ( PlayerController P) )

Reset Source code

function Reset ( ) )

Retask Source code

function Retask ( UTBot B) )

SetAlternatePathTo Source code

function SetAlternatePathTo ( NavigationPoint NewRouteObjective, UTBot RouteMaker) )

SetDefenseScriptFor Source code

function SetDefenseScriptFor ( UTBot B) )

SetEnemy Source code

function bool SetEnemy ( UTBot B, Pawn NewEnemy ) )

SetFacingActor Source code

function actor SetFacingActor ( UTBot B) )

SetLeader Source code

event SetLeader ( Controller C) )

SetObjective Source code

function SetObjective ( UTGameObjective O, bool bForceUpdate) )

ShouldCheckSuperVehicle Source code

function bool ShouldCheckSuperVehicle ( UTBot B) )

@return whether CheckSuperItem() should include vehicles

ShouldDeferTo Source code

function bool ShouldDeferTo ( Controller C) )

ShouldDestroyTranslocator Source code

function bool ShouldDestroyTranslocator ( UTBot B) )

ShouldSuppressEnemy Source code

function bool ShouldSuppressEnemy ( UTBot B) )

ShouldUndeployVehicle Source code

function bool ShouldUndeployVehicle ( UTBot B) )
if bot is in a deployed vehicle, consider undeploying it
@return whether bot was given instructions

ShouldUseAlternatePaths Source code

function bool ShouldUseAlternatePaths ( ) )
returns whether bots should use an alternate squad route to reach SquadObjective instead of the shortest possible route

ShouldUseHoverboard Source code

function bool ShouldUseHoverboard ( UTBot B) )

TellBotToFollow Source code

function bool TellBotToFollow ( UTBot B, Controller C) )

Tick Retasking Source code

function Tick ( float DeltaTime) )

TryToIntercept Source code

function bool TryToIntercept ( UTBot B, Pawn P, Actor RouteGoal) )

UndeployVehicle Source code

function bool UndeployVehicle ( UTBot B) )
used with bot's CustomAction interface to undeploy a vehicle

UnderFire Source code

function bool UnderFire ( Pawn NewThreat, UTBot Ignored) )

ValidEnemy Source code

function bool ValidEnemy ( Pawn NewEnemy) )

VehicleDesireability Source code

function float VehicleDesireability ( UTVehicle V, UTBot B) )

WaitAtThisPosition Source code

function bool WaitAtThisPosition ( Pawn P) )

WanderNearLeader Source code

function bool WanderNearLeader ( UTBot B) )



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