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abstract native ( Vehicle ) nativereplication notplaceable dependson ( UTPlayerController )

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Pawn
      +-- Engine.Vehicle
         +-- Engine.SVehicle
            +-- UTGame.UTVehicleBase
               +-- UTGame.UTVehicle

Direct Known Subclasses:

UTHoverVehicle, UTVehicle_Deployable, UTVehicle_Eradicator, UTVehicle_Goliath, UTVehicle_HellBender, UTVehicle_Nemesis, UTVehicle_Paladin, UTVehicle_Scorpion, UTVehicle_TrackTurretBase, UTVehicle_Walker

Constants Summary

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTVehicleBase
bHasBarGraph, bShouldEject, HudCoords, HudIcons
Inherited Variables from Engine.SVehicle
AngErrorAccumulator, BaseOffset, bCanFlip, bChassisTouchingGround, bFlipRight, bHoldingDownHandbrake, bIsInverted, bIsUprighting, bOutputHandbrake, bStayUpright, bUpdateWheelShapes, bUseSuspensionAxis, bVehicleOnGround, bVehicleOnWater, bWasChassisTouchingGroundLastTick, CamDist, CollisionIntervalSecs, CollisionSound, COMOffset, DriverViewPitch, DriverViewYaw, EngineSound, EngineStartOffsetSecs, EngineStopOffsetSecs, EnterVehicleSound, ExitVehicleSound, ForwardVel, HeavySuspensionShiftPercent, InertiaTensorMultiplier, LastCollisionSoundTime, LatAngleVolumeMult, MaxAngularVelocity, MaxSpeed, NumPoweredWheels, OutputBrake, OutputGas, OutputRise, OutputSteering, RadialImpulseScaling, SimObj, SquealLatThreshold, SquealSound, SquealThreshold, StayUprightConstraintInstance, StayUprightConstraintSetup, StayUprightDamping, StayUprightPitchResistAngle, StayUprightRollResistAngle, StayUprightStiffness, TimeOffGround, UprightLiftStrength, UprightStartTime, UprightTime, UprightTorqueStrength, VState, Wheels

Enumerations Summary
AIP_Offensive, AIP_Defensive, AIP_Any,

Structures Summary
MITV, CurrValue
DamageParamName, Scale
MorphNodeName, MorphNode, LinkedMorphNodeName, LinkedMorphNodeIndex, InfluenceBone, Health, DamagePropNames
Position, Time
AnimTag, AnimSeqs, AnimRate, bAnimLoopLastSeq, AnimPlayerName
EffectStartTag, EffectEndTag, bRestartRunning, bHighDetailOnly, EffectTemplate, EffectTemplate_Blue, EffectSocket, EffectRef
StoragePawn, SeatPawn, GunClass, Gun, GunSocket, GunPivotPoints, BarrelIndex, TurretVarPrefix, WeaponEffects, WeaponRotationName, FlashLocationName, FlashCountName, FiringModeName, WeaponRotationProperty, FlashLocationProperty, FlashCountProperty, FiringModeProperty, LastWeaponRotation, TurretControls, TurretControllers, AimPoint, AimTarget, PivotFireOffsetZ, bDisableOffsetZAdjust, CameraTag, CameraBaseOffset, CameraSafeOffset, CameraOffset, CameraEyeHeight, ViewPitchMin, ViewPitchMax, bSeatVisible, SeatBone, SeatOffset, SeatRotation, SeatSocket, MuzzleFlashLightClass, MuzzleFlashLight, ImpactFlashLightClass, DriverDamageMult, SeatMotionAudio, SeatMovementEffect, SeatIconPOS
SoundStartTag, SoundEndTag, SoundTemplate, SoundRef
SocketName, Offset, Scale3D, Effect
Inherited Structures from Engine.SVehicle

Functions Summary
function AdjustCameraScale (bool bMoveCameraIn))
functionbool AllowLinkThroughOwnedActor (Actor OwnedActor)
functionbool AnySeatAvailable ()))
function ApplyMorphDamage (vector HitLocation, int Damage, vector Momentum)
event ApplyMorphHeal (int Amount))
function ApplyRandomMorphDamage (int Amount))
function ApplyWeaponEffects (int OverlayFlags, optional int SeatIndex))
function AttachDriver (Pawn P ))
function AttachFlag (UTCarriedObject FlagActor, Pawn NewDriver))
event BaseChange ()))
function BeginState (name PreviousStateName))
function BlowupVehicle ()))
function BlowupVehicle ()))
functionfloat BotDesireability (UTSquadAI S, int TeamIndex, Actor Objective))
functionbool CalcCamera (float DeltaTime, out vector out_CamLoc, out rotator out_CamRot, out float out_FOV))
functionbool CanAttack (Actor Other))
functionbool CanDeployedAttack (Actor Other))
functionbool CanEnterVehicle (Pawn P))
function CauseMuzzleFlashLight (int SeatIndex))
functionbool ChangedReservation (Pawn P))
functionbool ChangeSeat (Controller ControllerToMove, int RequestedSeat))
functionbool ChargeAttackObjective (UTBot B, UTGameObjective O))
function CheckDamageSmoke ()))
function CheckDamageSmoke ()
function CheckGameClass ()))
event CheckReset ()))
functionbool CheckTurretPitchLimit (int NeededPitch, int SeatIndex))
function ClearFlashCount (Weapon Who))
function ClearFlashLocation (Weapon Who ))
eventbool ContinueOnFoot ()))
function CreateDamageMaterialInstance ()))
function CreateVehicleEffect (int EffectIndex))
functionbool CriticalChargeAttack (UTBot B))
function DecrementLinkedToCount ()))
function Destroyed ()))
function DetachDriver (Pawn P))
function DetachTowCable ()
functionbool Died (Controller Killer, class<DamageType> DamageType, vector HitLocation))
functionbool Died (Controller Killer, class<DamageType> damageType, vector HitLocation)
function DisableCollision ()))
function DisableDamageSmoke ()))
functionbool DisableVehicle ()))
function DisplayExtraHud (UTHud Hud, Canvas Canvas, vector2D POS, float Width, float Height, int SIndex)
function DisplayHud (UTHud Hud, Canvas Canvas, vector2D HudPOS, optional int SeatIndex))
function DisplaySeats (UTHud Hud, Canvas Canvas, float PosX, float PosY, float Width, float Height, int SIndex))
event DisplayWeaponBar (Canvas canvas, UTHUD HUD)
functionbool Dodge (eDoubleClickDir DoubleClickMove)
function DoVehicleExplosion (bool bDoingSecondaryExplosion))
function DrawBarGraph (float X, float Y, float Width, float Height, float PercentFilled, float ResolutionScale, Canvas DrawCanvas))
function DrawKillIcon (Canvas Canvas, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, float HUDScaleX, float HUDScaleY))
functionbool DriverEnter (Pawn P))
eventbool DriverLeave (bool bForceLeave))
function DriverLeft ()))
function DriverRadiusDamage (float DamageAmount, float DamageRadius, Controller EventInstigator, class<DamageType> DamageType, float Momentum, vector HitLocation, Actor DamageCauser ))
function DrivingStatusChanged ()))
functionbool EagleEyeTarget ()))
function EditUDmgFX (optional int Index))
function EjectSeat (int SeatIdx))
function EnableVehicle ()))
function EntryAnnouncement (Controller C))
functionRotator ExitRotation ()))
functionbool FastVehicle ()))
event FellOutOfWorld (class<DamageType> dmgType))
functionbool FindAutoExit (Pawn ExitingDriver))
function FindGoodEndView (PlayerController PC, out Rotator GoodRotation))
functionactor FindWeaponHitNormal (out vector HitLocation, out Vector HitNormal, vector End, vector Start, out TraceHitInfo HitInfo))
function FixedView (string VisibleMeshes))
function ForceWeaponRotation (int SeatIndex, Rotator NewRotation)
functionActor GetAlternateLockTarget ()
functionint GetBarrelIndex (int SeatIndex)
event GetBarrelLocationAndRotation (int SeatIndex, out vector SocketLocation, optional out rotator SocketRotation))
functionvector GetCameraFocus (int SeatIndex))
functionvector GetCameraStart (int SeatIndex))
functionfloat GetChargePower ()
functionrotator GetClampedViewRotation ()))
functionController GetCollisionDamageInstigator ()))
functionfloat GetCollisionDamageModifier (const out array<RigidBodyContactInfo> ContactInfos))
functioncontroller GetControllerForSeatIndex (int SeatIndex))
functionfloat GetDisplayedHealth ()))
functionvector GetEffectLocation (int SeatIndex))
functionint GetFirstAvailableSeat ()))
functionint GetHealth (int SeatIndex))
eventActor GetHomingTarget (UTProjectile Seeker, Controller InstigatedBy))
functionname GetHoverBoardAttachPoint (vector HoverBoardLocation))
functionString GetHumanReadableName ()))
functionUTVehicle GetMoveTargetFor (Pawn P))
functionVector GetPhysicalFireStartLoc (UTWeapon ForWeapon))
functionLinearColor GetSeatColor (int SeatIndex, bool bIsPlayersSeat))
functionint GetSeatIndexForController (controller ControllerToMove))
functionint GetSeatIndexFromPrefix (string Prefix))
functionvector GetSeatPivotPoint (int SeatIndex)
functionPlayerReplicationInfo GetSeatPRI (int SeatNum))
function GetSVehicleDebug (out Array DebugInfo ))
functionbyte GetTeamNum ()
function GetTowedVehicles (out array<UTVehicle> TowedVehicles))
functionUTVehicle GetTowingVehicle ()
functionname GetVehicleKillStatName ()))
eventrotator GetViewRotation ()))
functionrotator GetWeaponAim (UTVehicleWeapon VWeapon))
function GetWeaponViewAxes (UTWeapon WhichWeapon, out vector xaxis, out vector yaxis, out vector zaxis ))
function HandleEnteringFlag (UTPlayerReplicationInfo EnteringPRI))
functionbool HasOccupiedTurret ()))
functionbool HasPriority (controller First, controller Second))
functionbool HealDamage (int Amount, Controller Healer, class<DamageType> DamageType))
event HoldGameObject (UTCarriedObject GameObj))
functionbool ImportantVehicle ()))
event IncomingMissile (Projectile P))
function IncrementFlashCount (Weapon Who, byte FireModeNum))
function IncrementLinkedToCount ()))
functionbool InCustomEntryRadius (Pawn P))
function InitDamageSkel ()
function InitializeEffects ()))
function InitializeMorphs ()))
function InitializeSeats ()))
function InitializeTurrets ()))
functionbool InUseableRange (UTPlayerController PC, float Dist)
functionbool IsArtillery ()))
functionbool IsDeployed ()))
functionbool IsDriverSeat (Vehicle TestSeatPawn))
functionbool IsGoodTowTruck ()))
functionbool IsSeatControllerReplicationViewer (int SeatIndex)
event JumpOutCheck ()
functionbool KickOutBot ()))
event Landed (vector HitNormal, Actor FloorActor))
functionfloat LimitCameraZ (float CurrentCamZ, float OriginalCamZ, int SeatIndex))
event LockOnWarning (UTProjectile IncomingMissile))
event MorphTargetDestroyed (int MorphNodeIndex)
function NativePostRenderFor (PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir)
function NotifyTakeHit (Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, int Damage, class<DamageType> damageType, vector Momentum))
functionint NumPassengers ()))
functionbool Occupied ()))
event OnAnimEnd (AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, float PlayedTime, float ExcessTime))
function OnDriverPhysicsAssetChanged (UTPawn UTP)
function OnExitVehicle (UTSeqAct_ExitVehicle Action))
event OnPropertyChange (name PropName))
functionbool OnTouchForcedDirVolume (ForcedDirVolume Vol))
functionbool OpenPositionFor (Pawn P))
functionbool OverrideBeginFire (byte FireModeNum)
functionbool OverrideEndFire (byte FireModeNum)
function PancakeOther (Pawn Other))
functionbool PassengerEnter (Pawn P, int SeatIndex))
function PassengerLeave (int SeatIndex))
function PerformDeathEffects ()))
function PerformSecondaryVehicleExplosion ()))
function PlayHit (float Damage, Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, class<DamageType> damageType, vector Momentum, TraceHitInfo HitInfo))
function PlayHorn ()))
function PlayNextAnimation ()))
function PlaySpawnEffect ()))
event PlayTakeHitEffects ()))
function PlayVehicleAnimation (name EventTag))
function PlayVehicleExplosionEffect (ParticleSystem TheExplosionTemplate, bool bSpawnLight ))
function PlayVehicleSound (name SoundTag))
function PlayWeaponSwitch (Weapon OldWeapon, Weapon NewWeapon))
function PossessedBy (Controller C, bool bVehicleTransition))
function PostBeginPlay ()))
event PostRenderFor (PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir))
event PostRenderFor (PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir))
function PostRenderPassengerBeacon (PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, LinearColor TeamColor, Color TextColor, UTWeapon Weap, UTPlayerReplicationInfo InPassengerPRI, vector InPassengerTeamBeaconOffset))
function PreCacheSeatNames ()))
function ProcessViewRotation (float DeltaTime, out rotator out_ViewRotation, out rotator out_DeltaRot))
event RanInto (Actor Other))
event RBPenetrationDestroy ()))
function ReattachMesh ()))
event ReceivedHealthChange ()))
functionbool RecommendCharge (UTBot B, Pawn Enemy))
function RenderMapIcon (UTMapInfo MP, Canvas Canvas, UTPlayerController PlayerOwner, LinearColor FinalColor))
function RenderPassengerBeacons (PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, LinearColor TeamColor, Color TextColor, UTWeapon Weap))
event ReplicatedEvent (name VarName))
functionfloat ReservationCostMultiplier (Pawn P))
event RigidBodyCollision (PrimitiveComponent HitComponent, PrimitiveComponent OtherComponent, const out CollisionImpactData Collision, int ContactIndex ))
event RigidBodyCollision (PrimitiveComponent HitComponent, PrimitiveComponent OtherComponent, const out CollisionImpactData Collision, int ContactIndex ))
functionbool SeatAvailable (int SeatIndex))
functionbyte SeatFiringMode (int SeatIndex, optional byte NewFireMode, optional bool bReadValue)
functionbyte SeatFlashCount (int SeatIndex, optional byte NewCount, optional bool bReadValue)
functionvector SeatFlashLocation (int SeatIndex, optional vector NewLoc, optional bool bReadValue)
functionrotator SeatWeaponRotation (int SeatIndex, optional rotator NewRot, optional bool bReadValue)
function SecondaryVehicleExplosion ()))
event SelfDestruct (Actor ImpactedActor)
function SendLockOnMessage (int Switch))
function ServerAdjacentSeat (int Direction, Controller C))
function ServerChangeSeat (int RequestedSeat))
function ServerSetConsoleTurning (bool bNewConsoleTurning))
function SetBurnOut ()))
function SetFiringMode (byte FiringModeNum))
function SetFlashLocation (Weapon Who, byte FireModeNum, vector NewLoc ))
function SetHoverBoardAttachPointInUse (name PointName, bool bInUse))
function SetHUDLocation (vector NewHUDLocation)
function SetInputs (float InForward, float InStrafe, float InUp))
event SetKeyVehicle ()))
function SetMaxRadius (SoundNodeAttenuation Node)
function SetMovementEffect (int SeatIndex, bool bSetActive, optional UTPawn UTP))
function SetReservation (controller C))
function SetSeatStoragePawn (int SeatIndex, Pawn PawnToSit))
function SetShieldActive (int SeatIndex, bool bActive)
event SetTeamNum (byte T))
function SetTexturesToBeResident (bool bActive ))
function SetVehicleEffectParms (name TriggerName, ParticleSystemComponent PSC))
function ShootMissile (Projectile P))
functionbool ShouldClamp ()))
functionbool ShouldLeaveForCombat (UTBot B))
functionbool ShouldShowUseable (PlayerController PC, float Dist))
functionbool ShouldSpawnExplosionLight (vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal))
function SitDriver (UTPawn UTP, int SeatIndex))
functionUTGib SpawnGibVehicle (vector SpawnLocation, rotator SpawnRotation, StaticMesh TheMesh, vector HitLocation, bool bSpinGib, vector ImpulseDirection, ParticleSystem PS_OnBreak, ParticleSystem PS_Trail))
function SpawnImpactEmitter (vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal, const out MaterialImpactEffect ImpactEffect, int SeatIndex))
functionbool SpokenFor (Controller C))
function StartBurnOut ()))
function StartLinkedEffect ()))
function StopLinkedEffect ()))
function StopSpawnEffect ()))
functionbool StopsProjectile (Projectile P))
function StopVehicleSounds ()))
event TakeDamage (int Damage, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser))
event TakeDamage (int Damage, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser))
event TakeFireDamage ()))
functionbool TakeHeadShot (const out ImpactInfo Impact, class<UTDamageType> HeadShotDamageType, int HeadDamage, float AdditionalScale, Controller InstigatingController))
event TakeWaterDamage ()))
function TeamChanged ()))
function TeamChanged_VehicleEffects ()))
functionbool TeamLink (int TeamNum))
functionbool TooCloseToAttack (Actor Other))
event TornOff ()))
function TriggerVehicleEffect (name EventTag))
functionbool TryAttachingTowCable (UTBot B, UTVehicle TowingVehicle)
functionbool TryToDrive (Pawn P))
function TurnOffShadows ()))
function TurretExplosion ()))
function UpdateControllerOnPossess (bool bVehicleTransition)
function UpdateDamageMaterial ()
function UpdateLookSteerStatus ()))
function UpdateShadowSettings (bool bWantShadow))
function VehicleAdjustFlashCount (int SeatIndex, byte FireModeNum, optional bool bClear))
function VehicleAdjustFlashLocation (int SeatIndex, byte FireModeNum, vector NewLocation, optional bool bClear))
function VehicleCalcCamera (float DeltaTime, int SeatIndex, out vector out_CamLoc, out rotator out_CamRot, out vector CamStart, optional bool bPivotOnly))
function VehicleCalcCamera (float fDeltaTime, int SeatIndex, out vector out_CamLoc, out rotator out_CamRot, out vector CamStart, optional bool bPivotOnly))
function VehicleEvent (name EventTag))
function VehicleHudCoordsFixup ()
function VehicleLocked (Pawn P ))
function VehicleWeaponFired (bool bViaReplication, vector HitLocation, int SeatIndex ))
function VehicleWeaponFireEffects (vector HitLocation, int SeatIndex))
function VehicleWeaponImpactEffects (vector HitLocation, int SeatIndex))
function VehicleWeaponStoppedFiring (bool bViaReplication, int SeatIndex ))
function WeaponFired (bool bViaReplication, optional vector HitLocation))
function WeaponRotationChanged (int SeatIndex))
function WeaponStoppedFiring (bool bViaReplication ))
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTVehicleBase
AdjacentSeat, ApplyWeaponEffects, BotFire, ChooseFireMode, DetachDriver, DisplayHud, DriverEnter, DriverLeft, DrivingStatusChanged, EjectDriver, GetDamageScaling, GetPowerLevel, GetQuickPickCells, GetVehicleDrivingStatName, HandleDeadVehicleDriver, HoldGameObject, NeedToTurn, QuickPick, ServerAdjacentSeat, ServerChangeSeat, StopFiringWeapon, SwitchWeapon, TakeHeadShot
Inherited Functions from Engine.SVehicle
AddVelocity, CalcCamera, Destroyed, Died, DisplayDebug, DisplayWheelsDebug, DrivingStatusChanged, GetDefaultCameraMode, GetSVehicleDebug, HasWheelsOnGround, HermiteEval, InitVehicleRagdoll, PostBeginPlay, PostInitAnimTree, PostTeleport, RigidBodyCollision, SetWheelCollision, StartEngineSound, StartEngineSoundTimed, StopEngineSound, StopEngineSoundTimed, StopVehicleSounds, SuspensionHeavyShift, TakeRadiusDamage, TryToDrive, TurnOff, VehiclePlayEnterSound, VehiclePlayExitSound

States Summary
DyingVehicle Source code
simulated state DyingVehicle
BaseChange, BeginState, BlowupVehicle, CheckDamageSmoke, Died, DoVehicleExplosion, Landed, PerformDeathEffects, PerformSecondaryVehicleExplosion, PlayNextAnimation, PlayVehicleExplosionEffect, PlayWeaponSwitch, PostRenderFor, RigidBodyCollision, SecondaryVehicleExplosion, TakeDamage, VehicleCalcCamera

Constants Detail


value for Team property that indicates the vehicle's team hasn't been set

Variables Detail

AccruedFireDamage Source code

var float AccruedFireDamage;
Accrued Fire Damage

AccumulatedWaterDamage Source code

var float AccumulatedWaterDamage;
Accumulated water damage (only call take damage when > 1

AIPurpose Source code

var EAIVehiclePurpose AIPurpose;
suitable for anything

bAcceptTurretJump Source code

var bool bAcceptTurretJump;
Whether to accept jump from UTWeaponPawns

bAllowedExit Source code

var bool bAllowedExit;
Whether the driver is allowed to exit the vehicle

bAllowTowFromAllDirections Source code

var bool bAllowTowFromAllDirections;
If true, you can grapple to this vehicle from any direction - not just from behind it.

bCameraNeverHidesVehicle Source code

var bool bCameraNeverHidesVehicle;

bCanCarryFlag Source code

var bool bCanCarryFlag;
Determines if a driver/passenger in this vehicle can carry the flag

bDeadVehicle Source code

var repnotify bool bDeadVehicle;
Is this vehicle dead

bDisplayHealthBar Source code

var bool bDisplayHealthBar;
if true, show health bar for this vehicle

bDrawHealthOnHUD Source code

var bool bDrawHealthOnHUD;
whether or not to draw this vehicle's health on the HUD in addition to the driver's health

bDriverCastsShadow Source code

var bool bDriverCastsShadow;
whether or not driver pawn should always cast shadow

bDriverHoldsFlag Source code

var bool bDriverHoldsFlag;
If true the driver will have the flag attached to its model

bDropDetailWhenDriving Source code

var bool bDropDetailWhenDriving;
if set, drop detail when the local player is driving this vehicle (unless in super high detail mode)

bEjectKilledBodies Source code

var bool bEjectKilledBodies;
If true, any dead bodies that get ejected when the vehicle is flipped/destroy will be destroyed immediately

bEjectPassengersWhenFlipped Source code

var bool bEjectPassengersWhenFlipped;
If true, all passengers (inc. the driver) will be ejected if the vehicle flips over

bEnteringUnlocks Source code

var bool bEnteringUnlocks;
Vehicle is unlocked when a player enters it..

bFindGroundExit Source code

var bool bFindGroundExit;
Whether to make sure exit position is near solid ground

bFixedCamZ Source code

var bool bFixedCamZ;
Used only if bNoFollowJumpZ=true. True when Camera Z is being fixed.

bFrontalCollision Source code

var const bool bFrontalCollision;
Set internally by physics - if the contact force is pressing along vehicle forward direction.

bFrontalCollisionWithFixed Source code

var const bool bFrontalCollisionWithFixed;
If bFrontalCollision is true, this indicates the collision is with a fixed object (ie not PHYS_RigidBody)

bHasBeenDriven Source code

var bool bHasBeenDriven;
whether this vehicle has been driven at any time

bHasCustomEntryRadius Source code

var bool bHasCustomEntryRadius;
Vehicle has special entry radius rules

bHasEnemyVehicleSound Source code

var bool bHasEnemyVehicleSound;
bot voice message support

bHasTowCable Source code

var bool bHasTowCable;
AI flag - indicates this vehicle has a tow cable, so evaluate if it should link up to others by calling TryAttachingTowCable()

bHasTurretExplosion Source code

var bool bHasTurretExplosion;
Whether or not there is a turret explosion sequence on death

bHasWeaponBar Source code

var bool bHasWeaponBar;
HUD should draw weapon bar for this vehicle

bHomingTarget Source code

var bool bHomingTarget;
If true, certain weapons/vehicles can lock their weapons on to this vehicle

BigExplosionSocket Source code

var name BigExplosionSocket;
socket to attach big explosion to (if 'None' it won't be attached at all)

BigExplosionTemplates Source code

var array<DistanceBasedParticleTemplate> BigExplosionTemplates;

bInitializedVehicleEffects Source code

var bool bInitializedVehicleEffects;
set after attaching vehicle effects, as this is delayed slightly to allow time for team info to be set

bIsBurning Source code

var bool bIsBurning;
This vehicle is dead and burning

bIsConsoleTurning Source code

var bool bIsConsoleTurning;
for player controlled !bSeparateTurretFocus vehicles on console, this is updated to indicate whether the controller is currently turning (server and owning client only)

bIsDisabled Source code

var repnotify bool bIsDisabled;

bIsInDestroyablePenetration Source code

var bool bIsInDestroyablePenetration;
TRUE indicates vehicle is currently in penetration greater than DestroyOnPenetrationThreshold.

bIsNecrisVehicle Source code

var bool bIsNecrisVehicle;
True if is Necris vehicle (used by single player campaign)

bIsOnTrack Source code

var bool bIsOnTrack;
AI flag that indicates whether this vehicle is on a fixed track (i.e, it can move, but don't expect it to be able to reach anything in particular) this also causes it to use ReachSpecs with the track flag (created through UTTrackTurretPathNode)

bIsScraping Source code

var bool bIsScraping;
If true, this vehicle is scraping against something

bIsTowingHoverboard Source code

var bool bIsTowingHoverboard;
if true, currently towing hoverboard

bKeyVehicle Source code

var repnotify bool bKeyVehicle;
hint for AI and show this vehicle on minimap

bLightArmor Source code

var bool bLightArmor;
Used to designate this vehicle as having light armor

bLimitCameraZLookingUp Source code

var bool bLimitCameraZLookingUp;
If true, make sure camera z stays above vehicle when looking up (to avoid clipping when flying vehicle going up)

bMustBeUpright Source code

var bool bMustBeUpright;
true if vehicle must be upright to be entered

bNeverReset Source code

var bool bNeverReset;
The variable can be used to restrict this vehicle from being reset.

bNoFollowJumpZ Source code

var bool bNoFollowJumpZ;
If true, don't change Z while jumping, for more dramatic looking jumps

bNoZDamping Source code

var bool bNoZDamping;
If true, don't damp z component of vehicle velocity even when on the ground

bNoZDampingInAir Source code

var bool bNoZDampingInAir;
If true, don't damp z component of vehicle velocity while it is in the air

bNoZSmoothing Source code

var bool bNoZSmoothing;
If true, don't Z smooth lagged camera (for bumpier looking ride

BoostPadSound Source code

var SoundCue BoostPadSound;
Sound to play when going over a boost pad.

bOverrideAVRiLLocks Source code

var bool bOverrideAVRiLLocks;
Whether can override AVRiL target locks

bPlayingSpawnEffect Source code

var repnotify bool bPlayingSpawnEffect;
whether we're currently playing the spawn effect

bPostRenderOtherTeam Source code

var bool bPostRenderOtherTeam;
If true, call postrenderfor() even if on different team

bPostRenderTraceSucceeded Source code

var bool bPostRenderTraceSucceeded;
true is last trace test check for drawing postrender hud icons succeeded

bReducedFallingCollisionDamage Source code

var bool bReducedFallingCollisionDamage;
if true, collision damage is reduced when the vehicle collided with something below it

bRequestedEntryWithFlag Source code

var bool bRequestedEntryWithFlag;
true if pressed use while holding flag for vehicle you can't enter with flag

bShouldAutoCenterViewPitch Source code

var bool bShouldAutoCenterViewPitch;
Whether or not the vehicle can auto center its view pitch. Some vehicles (e.g. darkwalker) do not want this

bShouldLeaveForCombat Source code

var bool bShouldLeaveForCombat;
whether or not bots should leave this vehicle if they encounter enemies

bShowDamageDebug Source code

var bool bShowDamageDebug;

bShowLocked Source code

var bool bShowLocked;

bSpectatedView Source code

var bool bSpectatedView;
true if being spectated (set temporarily in UTPlayerController.GetPlayerViewPoint()

bStealthVehicle Source code

var bool bStealthVehicle;
This vehicle should display the cusrsor

bStickDeflectionThrottle Source code

var bool bStickDeflectionThrottle;
Use stick deflection to determine throttle magnitude (used for console controllers)

bStopDeathCamera Source code

var bool bStopDeathCamera;
Stop death camera using OldCameraPosition if true

bTakeWaterDamageWhileDriving Source code

var bool bTakeWaterDamageWhileDriving;
Whether takes water damage while being driven

bTeamLocked Source code

var bool bTeamLocked;
Team defines which players are allowed to enter the vehicle

BurnOutMaterialInstances Source code

var array<BurnOutDatum> BurnOutMaterialInstances;
The material instances and their data used when showing the burning hulk

BurnOutMaterial[2] Source code

var MaterialInterface BurnOutMaterial[2];
Burn out material (per team)

BurnOutTime Source code

var float BurnOutTime;
How long does it take to burn out

BurnTimeParameterName Source code

var name BurnTimeParameterName;
names of material parameters for burnout material effect

bUseAlternatePaths Source code

var bool bUseAlternatePaths;
whether AI should consider using its squad's alternate path to objectives while in this vehicle (set false for vehicles where detours are painful and/or the vehicle is so strong the AI just shouldn't care)

bUsingLookSteer Source code

var transient bool bUsingLookSteer;
Cached value indicating what style of control we are currently using.

bValidLinkTarget Source code

var bool bValidLinkTarget;
if true, can be healing target for link gun

CameraLag Source code

var float CameraLag;
Amount of camera lag for this vehicle (in seconds

CameraOffset Source code

var vector CameraOffset;
Smoothed Camera Offset

CameraSmoothingFactor Source code

var float CameraSmoothingFactor;
Smoothing scale for lagged camera - higher values = shorter smoothing time.

ChargeBarCoords Source code

var TextureCoordinates ChargeBarCoords;

ChargeBarEndCapCoords Source code

var TextureCoordinates ChargeBarEndCapCoords;

ChargeBarHeight Source code

var float ChargeBarHeight;

ChargeBarPosX Source code

var float ChargeBarPosX;

ChargeBarPosY Source code

var float ChargeBarPosY;

ChargeBarWidth Source code

var float ChargeBarWidth;

ClientHealth Source code

var int ClientHealth;
client-side health for morph targets. Used to adjust everything to the replicated Health whenever we receive it

CollisionDamageMult Source code

var float CollisionDamageMult;
multiplier to damage from colliding with other rigid bodies

CurrentTireMaterial Source code

var name CurrentTireMaterial;

DamageMaterialInstance[2] Source code

var MaterialInstanceConstant DamageMaterialInstance[2];

DamageMorphTargets Source code

var array<FDamageMorphTargets> DamageMorphTargets;
Holds the Damage Morph Targets

DamageParamScaleLevels Source code

var array<DamageParamScales> DamageParamScaleLevels;

DamageSkelControls Source code

var array<UTSkelControl_Damage> DamageSkelControls;
Holds the damage skel controls

DamageSmokeThreshold Source code

var float DamageSmokeThreshold;
The health ratio threshold at which the vehicle will begin smoking

DeadVehicleLifeSpan Source code

var float DeadVehicleLifeSpan;
How long should the vehicle should last after being destroyed

DeathExplosion Source code

var Emitter DeathExplosion;
This is a reference to the Emitter we spawn on death. We need to keep a ref to it (briefly) so we can turn off the particle system when the vehicle decided to burnout.

DeathExplosionShake Source code

var CameraAnim DeathExplosionShake;
camera shake for players near the vehicle when it explodes

DefaultFOV Source code

var float DefaultFOV;
FOV to use when driving this vehicle

DefaultPhysicalMaterial Source code

var transient PhysicalMaterial DefaultPhysicalMaterial;
PhysicalMaterial to use while not driving

DeflectionReverseThresh Source code

var float DeflectionReverseThresh;
When using bStickDeflectionThrottle, how far along Y do you pull stick before you actually reverse.

DelayedBurnoutCount Source code

var int DelayedBurnoutCount;
How many times burnout has been delayed

DestroyedTurret Source code

var UTVehicleDeathPiece DestroyedTurret;
Reference to destroyed turret for death effects

DestroyedTurretTemplate Source code

var StaticMesh DestroyedTurretTemplate;
Class to spawn when turret destroyed

DisabledEffectComponent Source code

var ParticleSystemComponent DisabledEffectComponent;
component that holds the disabled effect (created dynamically)

DisabledTemplate Source code

var ParticleSystem DisabledTemplate;
effect played when disabled

DistanceTurretExplosionTemplates Source code

var array<DistanceBasedParticleTemplate> DistanceTurretExplosionTemplates;
Explosion of the turret

DriverStatusChangedWaveform Source code

var ForceFeedbackWaveform DriverStatusChangedWaveform;
The force feedback waveform to play when you get in/out of the vehicle

DrivingAnim Source code

var name DrivingAnim;
Anim to play when a visible driver is driving

DrivingPhysicalMaterial Source code

var transient PhysicalMaterial DrivingPhysicalMaterial;
PhysicalMaterial to use while driving

DropFlagIconCoords Source code

var TextureCoordinates DropFlagIconCoords;

DropOrbIconCoords Source code

var TextureCoordinates DropOrbIconCoords;

EnemyVehicleSound Source code

var array<SoundNodeWave> EnemyVehicleSound;

EnterToolTipIconCoords Source code

var TextureCoordinates EnterToolTipIconCoords;

ExplosionDamage Source code

var float ExplosionDamage;
Damage/Radius/Momentum parameters for dying explosions

ExplosionDamageType Source code

var class<DamageType> ExplosionDamageType;
The Damage Type of the explosion when the vehicle is upside down

ExplosionInAirAngVel Source code

var float ExplosionInAirAngVel;
If vehicle dies in the air, this is how much spin is given to it.

ExplosionLightClass Source code

var class<UTExplosionLight> ExplosionLightClass;
Class of ExplosionLight

ExplosionMomentum Source code

var float ExplosionMomentum;
Damage/Radius/Momentum parameters for dying explosions

ExplosionRadius Source code

var float ExplosionRadius;
Damage/Radius/Momentum parameters for dying explosions

ExplosionSound Source code

var SoundCue ExplosionSound;
sound for dying explosion

ExplosionTemplate Source code

var ParticleSystem ExplosionTemplate;
Templates used for explosions

ExtraReachDownThreshold Source code

var float ExtraReachDownThreshold;
additional downward threshold for AI reach tests (for high hover vehicles)

FireDamagePerSec Source code

var float FireDamagePerSec;
Damage per second if vehicle is on fire

FireDamageThreshold Source code

var float FireDamageThreshold;
The health ratio threshold at which the vehicle will catch on fire (and begin to take continuous damage if empty)

FlippedCount Source code

var float FlippedCount;
Used natively to give a little pause before kicking everyone out

FlipToolTipIconCoords Source code

var TextureCoordinates FlipToolTipIconCoords;

GreedCoinBonus Source code

var int GreedCoinBonus;
Coin bonus given for killing this vehicle (if driven by enemy)

HealthPulseTime Source code

var float HealthPulseTime;

HeroBonus Source code

var float HeroBonus;
bonus given for killing this vehicle (if driven by enemy)

HornAIRadius Source code

var float HornAIRadius;
radius in which friendly bots respond to the horn by trying to get into any unoccupied seats

HornIndex Source code

var int HornIndex;
Horn to play for this vehicle.

HornSounds Source code

var array<SoundCue> HornSounds;
The sounds to play when the horn is played

HoverBoardAttachSockets Source code

var array<name> HoverBoardAttachSockets;

HoverBoardSocketInUse Source code

var array<bool> HoverBoardSocketInUse;

HUDExtent Source code

var float HUDExtent;
Scaling factor used to determine if crosshair might be over this vehicle

HUDLocation Source code

var vector HUDLocation;
HUD Beacon

IconCoords Source code

var TextureCoordinates IconCoords;
Coordiates of the icon associated with this object

ImpactHitSound Source code

var SoundCue ImpactHitSound;
Sound for being hit by impact hammer

InitialSpawnDelay Source code

var float InitialSpawnDelay;
How long to wait before spawning this vehicle when its factory becomes active

InnerExplosionShakeRadius Source code

var float InnerExplosionShakeRadius;
radius at which the death camera shake is full intensity

KillerController Source code

var Controller KillerController;
player that killed the vehicle (replicated, but only to that player)

LargeChunkImpactSound Source code

var SoundCue LargeChunkImpactSound;
The sounds this vehicle will play based on impact force

LastCheckUpsideDownTime Source code

var float LastCheckUpsideDownTime;
Used natively to determine if the vehicle has been upside down

LastCollisionDamageTime Source code

var float LastCollisionDamageTime;
last time we took collision damage, so we don't take collision damage multiple times in the same tick

LastDeathImpactTime Source code

var float LastDeathImpactTime;
stores the time of the last death impact to stop spamming them from occurring

LastEnemyWarningTime Source code

var float LastEnemyWarningTime;

LastHealth Source code

var int LastHealth;

LastHornTime Source code

var float LastHornTime;
The time at which the horn was last played

LastJumpOutCheck Source code

var float LastJumpOutCheck;
Natively used in determining when a bot should just out of the vehicle

LastPostRenderTraceTime Source code

var float LastPostRenderTraceTime;
Last time trace test check for drawing postrender hud icons was performed

LastRunOverWarningTime Source code

var float LastRunOverWarningTime;
last time checked for pawns in front of vehicle and warned them of their impending doom.

LastTakeHitInfo Source code

var UTPawn.TakeHitInfo LastTakeHitInfo;
replicated information on a hit we've taken

LastTakeHitTimeout Source code

var float LastTakeHitTimeout;
stop considering LastTakeHitInfo for replication when world time passes this (so we don't replicate out-of-date hits when pawns become relevant)

LightEnvironment Source code

var DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent LightEnvironment;
The pawn's light environment

LinkedEndSound Source code

var soundcue LinkedEndSound;

LinkedToAudio Source code

var audiocomponent LinkedToAudio;

LinkedToCount Source code

var protected repnotify byte LinkedToCount;
How many linkguns are linking to this vehicle

LinkedToCue Source code

var soundcue LinkedToCue;

LinkHealMult Source code

var float LinkHealMult;
If > 0, Link Gun secondary heals an amount equal to its damage times this

LockedOnSound Source code

var SoundCue LockedOnSound;
Sound to play when something locks on

MapSize Source code

var float MapSize;

MaxDesireability Source code

var float MaxDesireability;
hint for AI

MaxExplosionLightDistance Source code

var float MaxExplosionLightDistance;
Max distance to create ExplosionLight

MaxFireEffectDistance Source code

var float MaxFireEffectDistance;
The maximum distance out where a fire effect will be spawned

MaxImpactEffectDistance Source code

var float MaxImpactEffectDistance;
The maximum distance out where an impact effect will be spawned

MaxWheelEffectDistSq Source code

var float MaxWheelEffectDistSq;
Max dist for wheel sounds and particle effects

MediumChunkImpactSound Source code

var SoundCue MediumChunkImpactSound;
The sounds this vehicle will play based on impact force

MinCameraDistSq Source code

var float MinCameraDistSq;
hide vehicle if camera is too close

MinRunOverSpeed Source code

var float MinRunOverSpeed;
speed must be greater than this for running into someone to do damage

MinRunOverWarningAim Source code

var float MinRunOverWarningAim;
last time checked for pawns in front of vehicle and warned them of their impending doom.

NeedToPickUpAnnouncement Source code

var ObjectiveAnnouncementInfo NeedToPickUpAnnouncement;

NextVehicle Source code

var UTVehicle NextVehicle;
Quick link to the next vehicle in the chain

NoPassengerObjective Source code

var Actor NoPassengerObjective;
bots will not try to be a passenger in this vehicle while their objective is this (used for key vehicles that we want to have one bot stay in if possible)

ObjectiveGetOutDist Source code

var float ObjectiveGetOutDist;
if AI controlled and bot needs to trigger an objective not triggerable by vehicles, it will try to get out this far away

OccupiedUpsideDownDamagePerSec Source code

var float OccupiedUpsideDownDamagePerSec;
Damage per second if vehicle is upside down with a driver

OldCameraPosition Source code

var vector OldCameraPosition;
OldCameraPosition saved when dead for use if fall below killz

OldCamPosZ Source code

var float OldCamPosZ;
Used only if bNoFollowJumpZ=true. saves the Camera Z position from the previous tick.

OldPositions Source code

var array<TimePosition> OldPositions;

OriginalMaterials Source code

var array<MaterialInterface> OriginalMaterials;
list of Mesh's original materials when playing spawn effect so we can restore them afterwards

OuterExplosionShakeRadius Source code

var float OuterExplosionShakeRadius;
radius at which the death camera shake reaches zero intensity

ParentFactory Source code

var UTVehicleFactory ParentFactory;
Quick link to the factory that spawned this vehicle

PassengerPRI Source code

var UTPlayerReplicationInfo PassengerPRI;
PRI of player in passenger turret

PassengerTeamBeaconOffset Source code

var vector PassengerTeamBeaconOffset;
offset for passenger team beacon

PlayerStartTime Source code

var float PlayerStartTime;
Track different milestones (in terms of time) for this vehicle

RanOverDamageType Source code

var class<UTDamageType> RanOverDamageType;
The Damage type to use when something get's run over

RanOverSound Source code

var SoundCue RanOverSound;
Sound to play when someone is run over

ReferenceMovementMesh Source code

var StaticMesh ReferenceMovementMesh;
Reference Mesh for the movement effect on seats

RemainingBurn Source code

var float RemainingBurn;
How long until it's done burning

Reservation Source code

var UTBot Reservation;
bot that's about to get in this vehicle

ResetTime Source code

var float ResetTime;
if vehicle has no driver, CheckReset() will be called at this time

RespawnTime Source code

var float RespawnTime;
How long vehicle takes to respawn

SeatMask Source code

var int SeatMask;
This replicated property holds a mask of which seats are occupied.

SecondaryExplosion Source code

var ParticleSystem SecondaryExplosion;
Secondary explosions from vehicles. (usually just dust when they are impacting something)

ShowLockedMaxDist Source code

var float ShowLockedMaxDist;

SmallChunkImpactSound Source code

var SoundCue SmallChunkImpactSound;
The sounds this vehicle will play based on impact force

SpawnInSound Source code

var SoundCue SpawnInSound;
Sound to play when spawning in

SpawnInTemplates Source code

var array<ParticleSystem> SpawnInTemplates;
Team specific effect played when the vehicle is spawned

SpawnInTime Source code

var float SpawnInTime;
How long is the SpawnIn effect

SpawnMaterialLists Source code

var array<MaterialList> SpawnMaterialLists;

SpawnMaterialParameterCurve Source code

var InterpCurveFloat SpawnMaterialParameterCurve;

SpawnMaterialParameterName Source code

var name SpawnMaterialParameterName;
parameter for the spawn material

SpawnOutSound Source code

var SoundCue SpawnOutSound;
Sound to play when despawning

SpawnRadius Source code

var float SpawnRadius;
This is used to determine a safe zone around the spawn point of the vehicle. It won't spawn until this zone is clear of pawns

StolenAnnouncementIndex Source code

var int StolenAnnouncementIndex;
The Message index for the "Hijack" announcement

StolenSound Source code

var SoundCue StolenSound;
SoundCue to play when someone steals this vehicle

Team Source code

var repnotify byte Team;
Holds the team designation for this vehicle

TeamBeaconMaxDist Source code

var float TeamBeaconMaxDist;
The maximum distance out that the Team Beacon will be displayed

TeamBeaconOffset Source code

var vector TeamBeaconOffset;
offset for team beacon

TeamBeaconPlayerInfoMaxDist Source code

var float TeamBeaconPlayerInfoMaxDist;
The maximum distance out that the player info will be displayed

TeamMaterials Source code

var array<MaterialInterface> TeamMaterials;
The Team Skins (0 = red/unknown, 1 = blue)

TimeInDestroyablePenetration Source code

var float TimeInDestroyablePenetration;
How long the vehicle has been in penetration greater than DestroyOnPenetrationThreshold.

TimeLastDisabled Source code

var float TimeLastDisabled;

TimeTilSecondaryVehicleExplosion Source code

var float TimeTilSecondaryVehicleExplosion;
How long to wait after the InitialVehicleExplosion before doing the Secondary VehicleExplosion (if it already has not happened) (e.g. due to the vehicle falling from the air and hitting the ground and doing it's secondary explosion that way).

Trackers Source code

var array<UTBot> Trackers;

TurretExplosiveForce Source code

var float TurretExplosiveForce;
Force applied to the turret explosion

TurretOffset Source code

var vector TurretOffset;
The offset from the TurretSocketName to spawn the turret

TurretScaleControlName Source code

var name TurretScaleControlName;
Name of the turret skel control to scale the turret to nothing

TurretSocketName Source code

var name TurretSocketName;
Name of the socket location to spawn the explosion effect for the turret blowing up

UpsideDownDamagePerSec Source code

var float UpsideDownDamagePerSec;
Damage per second if vehicle is upside down

VehicleDestroyedSound Source code

var array<SoundNodeWave> VehicleDestroyedSound;

VehicleDrowningDamType Source code

var class<DamageType> VehicleDrowningDamType;
Damage type it takes when submerged in the water

VehicleIndex Source code

var int VehicleIndex;
The vechile index for this vehicle.

VehicleLockedSound Source code

var SoundCue VehicleLockedSound;
Sound played if tries to enter a locked vehicle

VehicleLostTime Source code

var float VehicleLostTime;
Track different milestones (in terms of time) for this vehicle

VehicleNameString Source code

var localized string VehicleNameString;
The human readable name of this vehicle

VehiclePieceClass Source code

var class<UTGib_Vehicle> VehiclePieceClass;
class to spawn for blown off vehicle pieces

VehiclePositionString Source code

var localized string VehiclePositionString;
String that describes "In a vehicle name"

WaterDamage Source code

var float WaterDamage;
How much damage the vehicle will take when submerged in the water

WaterEffectType Source code

var name WaterEffectType;
Water effect type name

WeaponRotation Source code

var repnotify rotator WeaponRotation;
rotation for the vehicle's main weapon

WheelParticleEffects Source code

var array<MaterialParticleEffect> WheelParticleEffects;
material specific wheel effects, applied to all attached UTVehicleWheels with bUseMaterialSpecificEffects set to true


bRotateCameraUnderVehicle Source code

var(Camera) bool bRotateCameraUnderVehicle;
If true, this will allow the camera to rotate under the vehicle which may obscure the view

LookForwardDist Source code

var(Camera) float LookForwardDist;
How far forward to bring camera if looking over nose of vehicle


VehicleAnims Source code

var(Effects) array<VehicleAnim> VehicleAnims;
Holds a list of vehicle animations

VehicleEffects Source code

var(Effects) array<VehicleEffect> VehicleEffects;
Holds the Vehicle Effects data

VehicleSounds Source code

var(Effects) array<VehicleSound> VehicleSounds;


FlagBone Source code

var(Flag) name FlagBone;

FlagOffset Source code

var(Flag) vector FlagOffset;
Flag carrying

FlagRotation Source code

var(Flag) rotator FlagRotation;


bLookSteerOnNormalControls Source code

var(LookSteer) bool bLookSteerOnNormalControls;
If true, use 'look to steer' on 'Normal' vehicle control settings.

bLookSteerOnSimpleControls Source code

var(LookSteer) bool bLookSteerOnSimpleControls;
If true, use 'look to steer' on 'Simple' vehicle control settings.

ConsoleSteerScale Source code

var(LookSteer) float ConsoleSteerScale;
Increases sensitivity of steering around middle region of controller.

LeftStickDirDeadZone Source code

var(LookSteer) float LeftStickDirDeadZone;
When using 'steer to left stick dir', this is a straight ahead dead zone which makes steering directly forwards easier.

LookSteerDamping Source code

var(LookSteer) float LookSteerDamping;

LookSteerDeadZone Source code

var(LookSteer) float LookSteerDeadZone;
When error is more than this, turn on the handbrake.

LookSteerSensitivity Source code

var(LookSteer) float LookSteerSensitivity;
When bLookToSteer is enabled, relates angle between 'looking' and 'facing' and steering angle.


SeatCameraScale Source code

var(Seats) float SeatCameraScale;

Seats Source code

var(Seats) array<VehicleSeat> Seats;
information for each seat a player may occupy @note: this array is on clients as well, but SeatPawn and Gun will only be valid for the client in that seat


ScrapeSound Source code

var(Sounds) AudioComponent ScrapeSound;
Sound to play when the vehicle is scraping against something

TireAudioComp Source code

var(Sounds) editconst const AudioComponent TireAudioComp;
Sound to play from the tires

TireSoundList Source code

var(Sounds) array<MaterialSoundEffect> TireSoundList;


bRagdollDriverOnDarkwalkerHorn Source code

var(UTVehicle) bool bRagdollDriverOnDarkwalkerHorn;
If true, driver is thrown from vehicle as ragdoll by darkwalker horn.

DestroyOnPenetrationDuration Source code

var(UTVehicle) float DestroyOnPenetrationDuration;
If we are over DestroyOnPenetrationThreshold for more than this (seconds), call RBPenetrationDestroy.

DestroyOnPenetrationThreshold Source code

var(UTVehicle) float DestroyOnPenetrationThreshold;
If a physics penetration of greater than this is detected, destroy vehicle.

DisabledTime Source code

var(UTVehicle) float DisabledTime;

Enumerations Detail

EAIVehiclePurpose Source code

enum EAIVehiclePurpose
AIP_Offensive, AIP_Defensive, AIP_Any,
what kind of tasks the AI should use this vehicle for

Structures Detail

BurnOutDatum Source code

struct BurnOutDatum
var float CurrValue;
var MaterialInstanceTimeVarying MITV;

We need to store the value of the MIC set param on a per material basis as we have some MICs where are vastly different than the others.

DamageParamScales Source code

struct DamageParamScales
var name DamageParamName;
var float Scale;

FDamageMorphTargets Source code

struct FDamageMorphTargets
var array<name> DamagePropNames;
var int Health;
var Name InfluenceBone;
var int LinkedMorphNodeIndex;
var name LinkedMorphNodeName;
var MorphNodeWeight MorphNode;
var name MorphNodeName;
Damage Morphing
Holds the name of the Damage Material Scalar property to adjust when it takes damage
This is the current health of the node. If it reaches 0, then we should pass damage to the linked node
This holds the bone that influences this node
Actual Node pointed to by LinkMorphNodeName
These are used to reference the next node if this is at 0 health. It can be none
Link to the actual node
These are used to reference the MorphNode that is represented by this struct

MaterialList Source code

struct MaterialList
var array<MaterialInterface> Materials;
team specific materials to apply when spawning in

TimePosition Source code

struct TimePosition
var vector Position;
var float Time;
Saved Camera positions (for lagging camera)

VehicleAnim Source code

struct VehicleAnim
var(UTVehicle) name AnimPlayerName;
var(UTVehicle) float AnimRate;
var(UTVehicle) array<name> AnimSeqs;
var(UTVehicle) name AnimTag;
var(UTVehicle) bool bAnimLoopLastSeq;

The name of the UTAnimNodeSequence to use
Rate to play it at
Animation Sequence sets to play
Used to look up the animation
Does it loop

VehicleEffect Source code

struct VehicleEffect
var(UTVehicle) bool bHighDetailOnly;
var(UTVehicle) bool bRestartRunning;
var(UTVehicle) name EffectEndTag;
var ParticleSystemComponent EffectRef;
var(UTVehicle) name EffectSocket;
var(UTVehicle) name EffectStartTag;
var(UTVehicle) ParticleSystem EffectTemplate;
var(UTVehicle) ParticleSystem EffectTemplate_Blue;
Holds the needed data to create various effects that respond to different actions on the vehicle
If true should restart running effects, if false will just keep running
Tag used to kill the effect
The Actual PSC
Socket to attach to
Tag used to trigger the effect
Template to use
Template to use for the blue team (may or may not be one)

VehicleSeat Source code

struct VehicleSeat
var vector AimPoint;
var actor AimTarget;
var int BarrelIndex;
var bool bDisableOffsetZAdjust;
var(UTVehicle) bool bSeatVisible;
var(UTVehicle) vector CameraBaseOffset;
var(UTVehicle) float CameraEyeHeight;
var(UTVehicle) float CameraOffset;
var(UTVehicle) vector CameraSafeOffset;
var(UTVehicle) name CameraTag;
var(UTVehicle) float DriverDamageMult;
var name FiringModeName;
var const pointer FiringModeProperty;
var name FlashCountName;
var const pointer FlashCountProperty;
var name FlashLocationName;
var const pointer FlashLocationProperty;
var(UTVehicle) editinline UTVehicleWeapon Gun;
var(UTVehicle) class<UTVehicleWeapon> GunClass;
var(UTVehicle) array<name> GunPivotPoints;
var(UTVehicle) array<name> GunSocket;
var class<UTExplosionLight> ImpactFlashLightClass;
var rotator LastWeaponRotation;
var UTExplosionLight MuzzleFlashLight;
var class<UTExplosionLight> MuzzleFlashLightClass;
var float PivotFireOffsetZ;
var(UTVehicle) name SeatBone;
var(UTVehicle) vector2D SeatIconPOS;
var AudioComponent SeatMotionAudio;
var VehicleMovementEffect SeatMovementEffect;
var(UTVehicle) vector SeatOffset;
var(UTVehicle) editinline Vehicle SeatPawn;
var(UTVehicle) rotator SeatRotation;
var(UTVehicle) name SeatSocket;
var(UTVehicle) editinline Pawn StoragePawn;
var(UTVehicle) editinline array<UTSkelControl_TurretConstrained> TurretControllers;
var(UTVehicle) array<name> TurretControls;
var(UTVehicle) string TurretVarPrefix;
var(UTVehicle) float ViewPitchMax;
var(UTVehicle) float ViewPitchMin;
var array<WeaponEffectInfo> WeaponEffects;
var name WeaponRotationName;
var const pointer WeaponRotationProperty;
The VehicleSeat struct defines each available seat in the vehicle.
Cached in ApplyWeaponRotation, this is the vector in the world where the player is currently aiming
Cached in ApplyWeaponRotation, this is the actor the seat is currently aiming at (can be none)
Disable adjustment to turret pitch based on PivotFireOffsetZ.
Is this a visible Seat
Optional offset to add to the cameratag location, to determine base camera
The Eye Height for Weapon Pawns
how far camera is pulled back
Optional offset to add to the vehicle location, to determine safe trace start point
Name of the Bone/Socket to base the camera on
damage to the driver is multiplied by this value
Reference to the gun
class of weapon for this seat
Where to pivot the weapon
Name of the socket to use for effects/spawning
Holds a duplicate of the WeaponRotation value. It's used to determine if a turret is turning
Z distance between weapon pivot and actual firing location - used to correct aiming rotation.
Name of the Bone to use as an anchor for the pawn
The sound to play when this seat is in motion (ie: turning)
Offset from the origin to place the based pawn
Reference to the WeaponPawn if any
Any additional rotation needed when placing the based pawn
Name of the Socket to attach to
Who is sitting in this seat.
Hold the actual controllers
This holds all associated TurretInfos for this seat
This is the prefix for the various weapon vars (WeaponRotation, FlashCount, etc)
Used for setting the ViewPitchMax on the Weapon pawn
Used for setting the ViewPitchMin on the Weapon pawn
list of locations for weapon bonus effects (UDamage, etc) and the component references if those effects are active
Cached names for this turret
Cache pointers to the actual UProperty that is needed

VehicleSound Source code

struct VehicleSound
var(UTVehicle) name SoundEndTag;
var AudioComponent SoundRef;
var(UTVehicle) name SoundStartTag;
var(UTVehicle) SoundCue SoundTemplate;

WeaponEffectInfo Source code

struct WeaponEffectInfo
var StaticMeshComponent Effect;
var vector Offset;
var vector Scale3D;
var name SocketName;
info on locations for weapon bonus effects (UDamage, etc)
reference to the component
offset from the socket to place the effect
Scaling for the effect
socket to base on

Functions Detail

AdjustCameraScale Source code

simulated function AdjustCameraScale ( bool bMoveCameraIn) )
moves the camera in or out

AllowLinkThroughOwnedActor Source code

simulated function bool AllowLinkThroughOwnedActor ( Actor OwnedActor )
called when the link gun hits an Actor that has this vehicle as its Owner
@param OwnedActor - the Actor owned by this vehicle that was hit
@return whether attempting to link to OwnedActor should be treated as linking to this vehicle

AnySeatAvailable Source code

function bool AnySeatAvailable ( ) )

@return true if there is a seat

ApplyMorphDamage Source code

native function ApplyMorphDamage ( vector HitLocation, int Damage, vector Momentum )
When damage occur, we need to apply it to any MorphTargets. We do this natively for speed
@param HitLocation Where did the hit occured
@param Damage How much damage occured

ApplyMorphHeal Source code

simulated event ApplyMorphHeal ( int Amount) )
Since vehicles can be healed, we need to apply the healing to each MorphTarget. Since damage modeling is client-side and healing is server-side, we evenly apply healing to all nodes
@param Amount How much health to heal

ApplyRandomMorphDamage Source code

simulated function ApplyRandomMorphDamage ( int Amount) )
called to apply morph damage where we don't know what was actually hit (i.e. because the client detected it by receiving a new Health value from the server)

ApplyWeaponEffects Source code

simulated function ApplyWeaponEffects ( int OverlayFlags, optional int SeatIndex) )

AttachDriver Source code

simulated function AttachDriver ( Pawn P ) )

AttachFlag Source code

simulated function AttachFlag ( UTCarriedObject FlagActor, Pawn NewDriver) )
If the driver enters the vehicle with a UTCarriedObject, this event is triggered.
@param FlagActor The object being carried
@param NewDriver The driver (may not yet have been set)

BaseChange DyingVehicle Source code

singular event BaseChange ( ) )

BeginState DyingVehicle Source code

simulated function BeginState ( name PreviousStateName) )

BlowupVehicle Source code

simulated function BlowupVehicle ( ) )
Call this function to blow up the vehicle

BlowupVehicle DyingVehicle Source code

simulated function BlowupVehicle ( ) )

BotDesireability Source code

function float BotDesireability ( UTSquadAI S, int TeamIndex, Actor Objective) )
return a value indicating how useful this vehicle is to bots
@param S The Actor who desires this vehicle
@param TeamIndex The Team index of S
@param Objective The objective

CalcCamera Source code

simulated function bool CalcCamera ( float DeltaTime, out vector out_CamLoc, out rotator out_CamRot, out float out_FOV) )
We override CalcCamera so as to use the Camera Distance of the seat

CanAttack Source code

function bool CanAttack ( Actor Other) )

CanDeployedAttack Source code

function bool CanDeployedAttack ( Actor Other) )

CanEnterVehicle Source code

simulated function bool CanEnterVehicle ( Pawn P) )
@return true if Pawn P is allowed to enter this vehicle

CauseMuzzleFlashLight Source code

simulated function CauseMuzzleFlashLight ( int SeatIndex) )
Causes the muzzle flashlight to turn on and setup a time to turn it back off again.

ChangedReservation Source code

function bool ChangedReservation ( Pawn P) )
AI Hint

ChangeSeat Source code

function bool ChangeSeat ( Controller ControllerToMove, int RequestedSeat) )
ChangeSeat, this controller to change from it's current seat to a new one if (A) the new set is empty or (B) the controller looking to move has Priority over the controller already there. If the seat is filled but the new controller has priority, the current seat holder will be bumped and swapped in to the seat left vacant.
@param ControllerToMove The Controller we are trying to move
@param RequestedSeat Where are we trying to move him to
@returns true if successful

ChargeAttackObjective Source code

function bool ChargeAttackObjective ( UTBot B, UTGameObjective O) )
returns true if vehicle should charge attack this node (also responsible for setting up charge

CheckDamageSmoke Source code

simulated function CheckDamageSmoke ( ) )

CheckDamageSmoke DyingVehicle Source code

simulated function CheckDamageSmoke ( )

CheckGameClass Source code

simulated function CheckGameClass ( ) )
customize based on gameclass

CheckReset Source code

event CheckReset ( ) )
Vehicle has been in the middle of nowhere with no driver for a while, so consider resetting it

CheckTurretPitchLimit Source code

function bool CheckTurretPitchLimit ( int NeededPitch, int SeatIndex) )
checks if the given pitch would be limited by the turret controllers, i.e. we cannot possibly fire in that direction
@return whether the pitch would be constrained

ClearFlashCount Source code

simulated function ClearFlashCount ( Weapon Who) )

ClearFlashLocation Source code

function ClearFlashLocation ( Weapon Who ) )
Reset flash location variable. and call stop firing. Network: Server only

ContinueOnFoot Source code

event bool ContinueOnFoot ( ) )
ContinueOnFoot() - used by AI Called from route finding if route can only be continued on foot. @Returns true if driver left vehicle

CreateDamageMaterialInstance Source code

simulated function CreateDamageMaterialInstance ( ) )

CreateVehicleEffect Source code

simulated function CreateVehicleEffect ( int EffectIndex) )

CriticalChargeAttack Source code

function bool CriticalChargeAttack ( UTBot B) )
Recommend high priority charge at enemy

DecrementLinkedToCount Source code

function DecrementLinkedToCount ( ) )

Destroyed Source code

simulated function Destroyed ( ) )
Called when the vehicle is destroyed. Clean up the seats/effects/etc

DetachDriver Source code

simulated function DetachDriver ( Pawn P) )

DetachTowCable Source code

function DetachTowCable ( )
detach this vehicle's tow cable (used by AI)

Died Source code

function bool Died ( Controller Killer, class<DamageType> DamageType, vector HitLocation) )
See Pawn::Died()

Died DyingVehicle Source code

function bool Died ( Controller Killer, class<DamageType> damageType, vector HitLocation )

DisableCollision Source code

simulated function DisableCollision ( ) )
turns off collision on the vehicle when it's almost fully burned out

DisableDamageSmoke Source code

simulated function DisableDamageSmoke ( ) )
deactivates smoke/fire emitter when vehicle is mostly burned out

DisableVehicle Source code

simulated function bool DisableVehicle ( ) )

DisplayExtraHud Source code

simulated function DisplayExtraHud ( UTHud Hud, Canvas Canvas, vector2D POS, float Width, float Height, int SIndex )

DisplayHud Source code

simulated function DisplayHud ( UTHud Hud, Canvas Canvas, vector2D HudPOS, optional int SeatIndex) )

DisplaySeats Source code

simulated function DisplaySeats ( UTHud Hud, Canvas Canvas, float PosX, float PosY, float Width, float Height, int SIndex) )

DisplayWeaponBar Source code

event DisplayWeaponBar ( Canvas canvas, UTHUD HUD )

Dodge Source code

function bool Dodge ( eDoubleClickDir DoubleClickMove )
Stub out the Dodge event. Override if the vehicle needs a dodge See Pawn::Dodge()

DoVehicleExplosion DyingVehicle Source code

simulated function DoVehicleExplosion ( bool bDoingSecondaryExplosion) )
spawn an explosion effect and damage nearby actors

DrawBarGraph Source code

simulated function DrawBarGraph ( float X, float Y, float Width, float Height, float PercentFilled, float ResolutionScale, Canvas DrawCanvas) )

DrawKillIcon Source code

simulated static function DrawKillIcon ( Canvas Canvas, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, float HUDScaleX, float HUDScaleY) )

DriverEnter Source code

function bool DriverEnter ( Pawn P) )
Called when a pawn enters the vehicle @Param P The Pawn entering the vehicle

DriverLeave Source code

event bool DriverLeave ( bool bForceLeave) )
Called when the driver leaves the vehicle
@param bForceLeave Is true if the driver was forced out

DriverLeft Source code

function DriverLeft ( ) )
DriverLeft() called by DriverLeave() after the drive has been taken out of the vehicle

DriverRadiusDamage Source code

function DriverRadiusDamage ( float DamageAmount, float DamageRadius, Controller EventInstigator, class<DamageType> DamageType, float Momentum, vector HitLocation, Actor DamageCauser ) )
This function is called to see if radius damage should be applied to the driver. It is called from SVehicle::TakeRadiusDamage().
@param DamageAmount The amount of damage taken
@param DamageRadius The radius that the damage covered
@param EventInstigator Who caused the damage
@param DamageType What type of damage
@param Momentum How much force should be imparted
@param HitLocation Where

DrivingStatusChanged Source code

simulated function DrivingStatusChanged ( ) )
This function is called when the driver's status has changed.

EagleEyeTarget Source code

function bool EagleEyeTarget ( ) )

EditUDmgFX Source code

exec function EditUDmgFX ( optional int Index) )

EjectSeat Source code

function EjectSeat ( int SeatIdx) )

EnableVehicle Source code

simulated function EnableVehicle ( ) )

EntryAnnouncement Source code

simulated function EntryAnnouncement ( Controller C) )
EntryAnnouncement() - Called when Controller possesses vehicle, for any visual/audio effects
@param C The controller of that possessed the vehicle

ExitRotation Source code

function Rotator ExitRotation ( ) )
Returns rotation used for determining valid exit positions

FastVehicle Source code

function bool FastVehicle ( ) )
AI hint

FellOutOfWorld Source code

simulated event FellOutOfWorld ( class<DamageType> dmgType) )

FindAutoExit Source code

function bool FindAutoExit ( Pawn ExitingDriver) )
FindAutoExit() Tries to find exit position on either side of vehicle, in back, or in front returns true if driver successfully exited.
@param ExitingDriver The Pawn that is leaving the vehicle

FindGoodEndView Source code

simulated function FindGoodEndView ( PlayerController PC, out Rotator GoodRotation) )
Used by PlayerController.FindGoodView() in RoundEnded State

FindWeaponHitNormal Source code

simulated function actor FindWeaponHitNormal ( out vector HitLocation, out Vector HitNormal, vector End, vector Start, out TraceHitInfo HitInfo) )
This function is here so that children vehicles can get access to the retrace to get the hitnormal. See the Dark Walker

FixedView Source code

exec function FixedView ( string VisibleMeshes) )

ForceWeaponRotation Source code

native simulated function ForceWeaponRotation ( int SeatIndex, Rotator NewRotation )

GetAlternateLockTarget Source code

native function Actor GetAlternateLockTarget ( )

@return Actor that can be locked on to by weapons as if it were this vehicle

GetBarrelIndex Source code

native simulated function int GetBarrelIndex ( int SeatIndex )

GetBarrelLocationAndRotation Source code

simulated event GetBarrelLocationAndRotation ( int SeatIndex, out vector SocketLocation, optional out rotator SocketRotation) )

GetCameraFocus Source code

simulated function vector GetCameraFocus ( int SeatIndex) )
returns the camera focus position (without camera lag)

GetCameraStart Source code

simulated function vector GetCameraStart ( int SeatIndex) )
returns the camera focus position (adjusted for camera lag)

GetChargePower Source code

simulated function float GetChargePower ( )

GetClampedViewRotation Source code

simulated function rotator GetClampedViewRotation ( ) )

GetCollisionDamageInstigator Source code

function Controller GetCollisionDamageInstigator ( ) )

GetCollisionDamageModifier Source code

function float GetCollisionDamageModifier ( const out array<RigidBodyContactInfo> ContactInfos) )

GetControllerForSeatIndex Source code

function controller GetControllerForSeatIndex ( int SeatIndex) )

@returns the controller of a given seat. Can be none if the seat is empty

GetDisplayedHealth Source code

simulated function float GetDisplayedHealth ( ) )

GetEffectLocation Source code

simulated function vector GetEffectLocation ( int SeatIndex) )

GetFirstAvailableSeat Source code

function int GetFirstAvailableSeat ( ) )

@returns the first available passenger seat, or -1 if there are none available

GetHealth Source code

simulated function int GetHealth ( int SeatIndex) )

GetHomingTarget Source code

event Actor GetHomingTarget ( UTProjectile Seeker, Controller InstigatedBy) )
GetHomingTarget is called from projectiles looking to seek to this vehicle. It returns the actor the projectile should target
@param Seeker The projectile that seeking this vehcile
@param InstigatedBy Who is controlling that projectile
@returns the target to see

GetHoverBoardAttachPoint Source code

simulated function name GetHoverBoardAttachPoint ( vector HoverBoardLocation) )

GetHumanReadableName Source code

simulated function String GetHumanReadableName ( ) )

GetMoveTargetFor Source code

function UTVehicle GetMoveTargetFor ( Pawn P) )
AI Hint

GetPhysicalFireStartLoc Source code

simulated function Vector GetPhysicalFireStartLoc ( UTWeapon ForWeapon) )

GetSeatColor Source code

simulated function LinearColor GetSeatColor ( int SeatIndex, bool bIsPlayersSeat) )

GetSeatIndexForController Source code

simulated function int GetSeatIndexForController ( controller ControllerToMove) )

@returns the Index for this Controller's current seat or -1 if there isn't one

GetSeatIndexFromPrefix Source code

simulated function int GetSeatIndexFromPrefix ( string Prefix) )
Given the variable prefix, find the seat index that is associated with it
@returns the index if found or -1 if not found

GetSeatPivotPoint Source code

native simulated function vector GetSeatPivotPoint ( int SeatIndex )

GetSeatPRI Source code

simulated function PlayerReplicationInfo GetSeatPRI ( int SeatNum) )

GetSVehicleDebug Source code

simulated function GetSVehicleDebug ( out Array<String> DebugInfo ) )
We extend GetSVehicleDebug to include information about the seats array
@param DebugInfo We return the text to display here

GetTeamNum Source code

simulated native function byte GetTeamNum ( )
@Returns the TeamIndex of this vehicle

GetTowedVehicles Source code

function GetTowedVehicles ( out array<UTVehicle> TowedVehicles) )

@return a list of vehicles this one is towing

GetTowingVehicle Source code

function UTVehicle GetTowingVehicle ( )

@return if this vehicle is being towed, return the vehicle that is towing it

GetVehicleKillStatName Source code

function name GetVehicleKillStatName ( ) )

GetViewRotation Source code

simulated event rotator GetViewRotation ( ) )

GetWeaponAim Source code

function rotator GetWeaponAim ( UTVehicleWeapon VWeapon) )
This function returns the aim for the weapon

GetWeaponViewAxes Source code

simulated function GetWeaponViewAxes ( UTWeapon WhichWeapon, out vector xaxis, out vector yaxis, out vector zaxis ) )
GetWeaponViewAxes should be subclassed to support returningthe rotator of the various weapon points.

HandleEnteringFlag Source code

function HandleEnteringFlag ( UTPlayerReplicationInfo EnteringPRI) )
handles dealing with any flag the given driver/passenger may be holding

HasOccupiedTurret Source code

function bool HasOccupiedTurret ( ) )
AI Hint
@returns true if there is an occupied turret

HasPriority Source code

function bool HasPriority ( controller First, controller Second) )
This function looks at 2 controllers and decides if one as priority over the other. Right now it looks to see if a human is against a bot but it could be extended to use rank/etc.
@returns ture if First has priority over second

HealDamage Source code

function bool HealDamage ( int Amount, Controller Healer, class<DamageType> DamageType) )
This function is called to heal the vehicle @See Actor.HealDamage()

HoldGameObject Source code

simulated event HoldGameObject ( UTCarriedObject GameObj) )
HoldGameObject() Attach GameObject to mesh.
@param GameObj Game object to hold

ImportantVehicle Source code

function bool ImportantVehicle ( ) )

IncomingMissile Source code

event IncomingMissile ( Projectile P) )
This function is called from an incoming missile that is targetting this vehicle
@param P The incoming projectile

IncrementFlashCount Source code

simulated function IncrementFlashCount ( Weapon Who, byte FireModeNum) )

IncrementLinkedToCount Source code

function IncrementLinkedToCount ( ) )

InCustomEntryRadius Source code

function bool InCustomEntryRadius ( Pawn P) )
if bHasCustomEntryRadius, this is called to see if Pawn P is in it.

InitDamageSkel Source code

native simulated function InitDamageSkel ( )

InitializeEffects Source code

simulated function InitializeEffects ( ) )
Initialize the effects system. Create all the needed PSCs and set their templates

InitializeMorphs Source code

simulated function InitializeMorphs ( ) )
Initialize the damage modeling system

InitializeSeats Source code

function InitializeSeats ( ) )
Create all of the vehicle weapons

InitializeTurrets Source code

simulated function InitializeTurrets ( ) )

InUseableRange Source code

simulated native function bool InUseableRange ( UTPlayerController PC, float Dist )

IsArtillery Source code

function bool IsArtillery ( ) )
AI Hint

IsDeployed Source code

simulated function bool IsDeployed ( ) )

IsDriverSeat Source code

function bool IsDriverSeat ( Vehicle TestSeatPawn) )

@return whether the given vehicle pawn is in this vehicle's driver seat (usually seat 0, but some vehicles may give driver control of a different seat when deployed)

IsGoodTowTruck Source code

function bool IsGoodTowTruck ( ) )

@return whether bots should consider attaching a tow link to this vehicle

IsSeatControllerReplicationViewer Source code

native(999) noexport final function bool IsSeatControllerReplicationViewer ( int SeatIndex )

@return whether we are currently replicating to the Controller of the given seat this would be equivalent to checking bNetOwner on that seat, but bNetOwner is only valid during that Actor's replication, not during the base vehicle's not complex logic, but since it's for use in vehicle replication statements, the faster the better

JumpOutCheck Source code

event JumpOutCheck ( )
JumpOutCheck() Check if bot wants to jump out of vehicle, which is currently descending towards its destination

KickOutBot Source code

function bool KickOutBot ( ) )
kick out the first bot in the vehicle to make way for human driver

Landed DyingVehicle Source code

event Landed ( vector HitNormal, Actor FloorActor) )

LimitCameraZ Source code

simulated function float LimitCameraZ ( float CurrentCamZ, float OriginalCamZ, int SeatIndex) )
returns the camera focus position (adjusted for camera lag)

LockOnWarning Source code

simulated event LockOnWarning ( UTProjectile IncomingMissile) )
LockOnWarning() called by seeking missiles to warn vehicle they are incoming

MorphTargetDestroyed Source code

simulated event MorphTargetDestroyed ( int MorphNodeIndex )
The event is called from the native function ApplyMorphDamage when a node is destroyed (health <= 0).
@param MorphNodeIndex The Index of the node that was destroyed

NativePostRenderFor Source code

simulated native function NativePostRenderFor ( PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir )

NotifyTakeHit Source code

function NotifyTakeHit ( Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, int Damage, class<DamageType> damageType, vector Momentum) )

NumPassengers Source code

simulated function int NumPassengers ( ) )

@returns the number of passengers in this vehicle

Occupied Source code

function bool Occupied ( ) )
AI code

OnAnimEnd Source code

event OnAnimEnd ( AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, float PlayedTime, float ExcessTime) )

OnDriverPhysicsAssetChanged Source code

simulated function OnDriverPhysicsAssetChanged ( UTPawn UTP )
Allows a vehicle to do specific physics setup on a driver when physics asset changes.

OnExitVehicle Source code

function OnExitVehicle ( UTSeqAct_ExitVehicle Action) )
Kismet hook for kicking a pawn out of a vehicle

OnPropertyChange Source code

event OnPropertyChange ( name PropName) )

OnTouchForcedDirVolume Source code

function bool OnTouchForcedDirVolume ( ForcedDirVolume Vol) )
Notification that this vehicle has hit a ForcedDirVolume. If it returns FALSE, volume will not affect it.

OpenPositionFor Source code

function bool OpenPositionFor ( Pawn P) )
OpenPositionFor() returns true if there is a seat available for P
@param P The Pawn to test for
@returns true if open

OverrideBeginFire Source code

simulated function bool OverrideBeginFire ( byte FireModeNum )
Gives the vehicle an opportunity to override the functionality of the given fire mode, called on both the owning client and the server

OverrideEndFire Source code

simulated function bool OverrideEndFire ( byte FireModeNum )

PancakeOther Source code

function PancakeOther ( Pawn Other) )

PassengerEnter Source code

function bool PassengerEnter ( Pawn P, int SeatIndex) )
Called when a passenger enters the vehicle
@param P The Pawn entering the vehicle
@param SeatIndex The seat where he is to sit

PassengerLeave Source code

function PassengerLeave ( int SeatIndex) )
Called when a passenger leaves the vehicle
@param SeatIndex Leaving from which seat

PerformDeathEffects DyingVehicle Source code

simulated function PerformDeathEffects ( ) )

PerformSecondaryVehicleExplosion DyingVehicle Source code

simulated function PerformSecondaryVehicleExplosion ( ) )

PlayHit Source code

function PlayHit ( float Damage, Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, class<DamageType> damageType, vector Momentum, TraceHitInfo HitInfo) )

PlayHorn Source code

function PlayHorn ( ) )
Play the horn for this vehicle

PlayNextAnimation DyingVehicle Source code

simulated function PlayNextAnimation ( ) )

PlaySpawnEffect Source code

simulated function PlaySpawnEffect ( ) )

PlayTakeHitEffects Source code

simulated event PlayTakeHitEffects ( ) )
plays take hit effects; called from PlayHit() on server and whenever LastTakeHitInfo is received on the client

PlayVehicleAnimation Source code

simulated function PlayVehicleAnimation ( name EventTag) )
Plays a Vehicle Animation

PlayVehicleExplosionEffect DyingVehicle Source code

simulated function PlayVehicleExplosionEffect ( ParticleSystem TheExplosionTemplate, bool bSpawnLight ) )
This will spawn the actual explosion particle system. It could be a fiery death or just dust when the vehicle hits the ground

PlayVehicleSound Source code

simulated function PlayVehicleSound ( name SoundTag) )
Trigger or untrigger a vehicle sound
@param EventTag The tag that describes the effect

PlayWeaponSwitch DyingVehicle Source code

simulated function PlayWeaponSwitch ( Weapon OldWeapon, Weapon NewWeapon) )

PossessedBy Source code

function PossessedBy ( Controller C, bool bVehicleTransition) )

PostBeginPlay Source code

simulated function PostBeginPlay ( ) )

PostRenderFor Source code

simulated event PostRenderFor ( PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir) )
PostRenderFor() Hook to allow pawns to render HUD overlays for themselves. Assumes that appropriate font has already been set
@param PC The Player Controller who is rendering this pawn
@param Canvas The canvas to draw on

PostRenderFor DyingVehicle Source code

simulated event PostRenderFor ( PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir) )

PostRenderPassengerBeacon Source code

simulated function PostRenderPassengerBeacon ( PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, LinearColor TeamColor, Color TextColor, UTWeapon Weap, UTPlayerReplicationInfo InPassengerPRI, vector InPassengerTeamBeaconOffset) )
PostRenderPassengerBeacon() renders Assumes that appropriate font has already been set
@param PC The Player Controller who is rendering this pawn
@param Canvas The canvas to draw on

PreCacheSeatNames Source code

simulated function PreCacheSeatNames ( ) )

ProcessViewRotation Source code

simulated function ProcessViewRotation ( float DeltaTime, out rotator out_ViewRotation, out rotator out_DeltaRot) )

RanInto Source code

event RanInto ( Actor Other) )
RanInto() called for encroaching actors which successfully moved the other actor out of the way
@param Other The pawn that was hit

RBPenetrationDestroy Source code

event RBPenetrationDestroy ( ) )
Called when a contact with a large penetration occurs.

ReattachMesh Source code

simulated function ReattachMesh ( ) )
reattaches the mesh component, because settings were updated

ReceivedHealthChange Source code

simulated event ReceivedHealthChange ( ) )
called when the client receives a change to Health if LastTakeHitInfo changed in the same received bunch, always called *after* PlayTakeHitEffects() (this is so we can use the damage info first for more accurate modelling and only use the direct health change for corrections)

RecommendCharge Source code

function bool RecommendCharge ( UTBot B, Pawn Enemy) )

RenderMapIcon Source code

simulated function RenderMapIcon ( UTMapInfo MP, Canvas Canvas, UTPlayerController PlayerOwner, LinearColor FinalColor) )
When an icon for this vehicle is needed on the hud, this function is called

RenderPassengerBeacons Source code

simulated function RenderPassengerBeacons ( PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, LinearColor TeamColor, Color TextColor, UTWeapon Weap) )

ReplicatedEvent Source code

simulated event ReplicatedEvent ( name VarName) )
This event is triggered when a repnotify variable is received
@param VarName The name of the variable replicated

ReservationCostMultiplier Source code

function float ReservationCostMultiplier ( Pawn P) )
AT Hint

RigidBodyCollision Source code

simulated event RigidBodyCollision ( PrimitiveComponent HitComponent, PrimitiveComponent OtherComponent, const out CollisionImpactData Collision, int ContactIndex ) )

RigidBodyCollision DyingVehicle Source code

simulated event RigidBodyCollision ( PrimitiveComponent HitComponent, PrimitiveComponent OtherComponent, const out CollisionImpactData Collision, int ContactIndex ) )

SeatAvailable Source code

function bool SeatAvailable ( int SeatIndex) )
@Returns true if a seat is not occupied

SeatFiringMode Source code

native simulated function byte SeatFiringMode ( int SeatIndex, optional byte NewFireMode, optional bool bReadValue )

SeatFlashCount Source code

native simulated function byte SeatFlashCount ( int SeatIndex, optional byte NewCount, optional bool bReadValue )

SeatFlashLocation Source code

native simulated function vector SeatFlashLocation ( int SeatIndex, optional vector NewLoc, optional bool bReadValue )

SeatWeaponRotation Source code

native simulated function rotator SeatWeaponRotation ( int SeatIndex, optional rotator NewRot, optional bool bReadValue )
Native Accessors for the WeaponRotation, FlashLocation, FlashCount and FiringMode

SecondaryVehicleExplosion DyingVehicle Source code

simulated function SecondaryVehicleExplosion ( ) )
This does the secondary explosion of the vehicle (e.g. from reserve fuel tanks finally blowing / ammo blowing up

SelfDestruct Source code

event SelfDestruct ( Actor ImpactedActor )

SendLockOnMessage Source code

simulated function SendLockOnMessage ( int Switch) )
sends the LockOn message to all seats in this vehicle with the specified switch
@param Switch The message switch

ServerAdjacentSeat Source code

reliable server function ServerAdjacentSeat ( int Direction, Controller C) )
request change to adjacent vehicle seat

ServerChangeSeat Source code

reliable server function ServerChangeSeat ( int RequestedSeat) )
Called when a client is requesting a seat change @network Server-Side

ServerSetConsoleTurning Source code

reliable server function ServerSetConsoleTurning ( bool bNewConsoleTurning) )
used on console builds to set the value of bIsConsoleTurning on the server

SetBurnOut Source code

simulated function SetBurnOut ( ) )

SetFiringMode Source code

simulated function SetFiringMode ( byte FiringModeNum) )

SetFlashLocation Source code

function SetFlashLocation ( Weapon Who, byte FireModeNum, vector NewLoc ) )

SetHoverBoardAttachPointInUse Source code

simulated function SetHoverBoardAttachPointInUse ( name PointName, bool bInUse) )

SetHUDLocation Source code

simulated native function SetHUDLocation ( vector NewHUDLocation )
function used to update where icon for this actor should be rendered on the HUD
@param NewHUDLocation is a vector whose X and Y components are the X and Y components of this actor's icon's 2D position on the HUD

SetInputs Source code

simulated function SetInputs ( float InForward, float InStrafe, float InUp) )
Console specific input modification

SetKeyVehicle Source code

event SetKeyVehicle ( ) )

SetMaxRadius Source code

native function SetMaxRadius ( SoundNodeAttenuation Node )
Hack the max radius to be updated values

SetMovementEffect Source code

simulated function SetMovementEffect ( int SeatIndex, bool bSetActive, optional UTPawn UTP) )

SetReservation Source code

function SetReservation ( controller C) )
AI Hint

SetSeatStoragePawn Source code

function SetSeatStoragePawn ( int SeatIndex, Pawn PawnToSit) )

SetShieldActive Source code

function SetShieldActive ( int SeatIndex, bool bActive )
stub for vehicles with shield firemodes

SetTeamNum Source code

event SetTeamNum ( byte T) )
Team is changed when vehicle is possessed

SetTexturesToBeResident Source code

simulated function SetTexturesToBeResident ( bool bActive ) )
This will set the textures to be resident or not

SetVehicleEffectParms Source code

simulated function SetVehicleEffectParms ( name TriggerName, ParticleSystemComponent PSC) )
Whenever a vehicle effect is triggered, this function is called (after activation) to allow for the setting of any parameters associated with the effect.
@param TriggerName The effect tag that describes the effect that was activated
@param PSC The Particle System component associated with the effect

ShootMissile Source code

function ShootMissile ( Projectile P) )
AI hint - Shoot at the missle
@param P The incoming projectile

ShouldClamp Source code

simulated function bool ShouldClamp ( ) )

ShouldLeaveForCombat Source code

function bool ShouldLeaveForCombat ( UTBot B) )

@return whether bot should leave this vehicle if it encounters combat

ShouldShowUseable Source code

simulated function bool ShouldShowUseable ( PlayerController PC, float Dist) )
returns TRUE if vehicle is useable (can be entered)

ShouldSpawnExplosionLight Source code

simulated function bool ShouldSpawnExplosionLight ( vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) )
ShouldSpawnExplosionLight() Decide whether or not to create an explosion light for this explosion

SitDriver Source code

simulated function SitDriver ( UTPawn UTP, int SeatIndex) )

SpawnGibVehicle Source code

simulated function UTGib SpawnGibVehicle ( vector SpawnLocation, rotator SpawnRotation, StaticMesh TheMesh, vector HitLocation, bool bSpinGib, vector ImpulseDirection, ParticleSystem PS_OnBreak, ParticleSystem PS_Trail) )
We use this function as the UTPawn's spawngib as for our vehicles we are spawning the gibs at specific locations based on the skelcontrollers and the placement of meshes on the exterior of the vehicle

SpawnImpactEmitter Source code

simulated function SpawnImpactEmitter ( vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal, const out MaterialImpactEffect ImpactEffect, int SeatIndex) )

SpokenFor Source code

function bool SpokenFor ( Controller C) )
AI Hint

StartBurnOut Source code

simulated function StartBurnOut ( ) )

StartLinkedEffect Source code

protected simulated function StartLinkedEffect ( ) )
function to call whenever a link gun links to this vehicle (e.g. to heal the Vehicle)

StopLinkedEffect Source code

protected simulated function StopLinkedEffect ( ) )
function to call when a link gun unlinks

StopSpawnEffect Source code

simulated function StopSpawnEffect ( ) )

StopsProjectile Source code

simulated function bool StopsProjectile ( Projectile P) )

StopVehicleSounds Source code

simulated function StopVehicleSounds ( ) )

TakeDamage Source code

simulated event TakeDamage ( int Damage, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser) )
@See Actor.TakeDamage()

TakeDamage DyingVehicle Source code

simulated event TakeDamage ( int Damage, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser) )

TakeFireDamage Source code

event TakeFireDamage ( ) )
This event occurs when the physics determines the vehicle is upside down or empty and on fire. Called from AUTVehicle::TickSpecial()

TakeHeadShot Source code

function bool TakeHeadShot ( const out ImpactInfo Impact, class<UTDamageType> HeadShotDamageType, int HeadDamage, float AdditionalScale, Controller InstigatingController) )
Implementation of TakeHeadShot that iterates over seats checking each person in vehicle.

TakeWaterDamage Source code

event TakeWaterDamage ( ) )
TakeWaterDamage() called every tick when AccumulatedWaterDamage>0 and PhysicsVolume.bWaterVolume=true
@param DeltaTime The amount of time passed since it was last called

TeamChanged Source code

simulated function TeamChanged ( ) )
This function is called when the team has changed. Use it to setup team specific overlays/etc NOTE: the UTVehicle_Scavenger is doing all kinds of crazy special case stuff and does NOT call super. Make certain that you check UTVehicle_Scavenger.TeamChanged() when making changes here.

TeamChanged_VehicleEffects Source code

simulated function TeamChanged_VehicleEffects ( ) )
This function is called when we need to change Vehicle Effects. To get blue effects add this to the VehicleEffects list entry: EffectTemplate_Blue=ParticleSystem'',

TeamLink Source code

function bool TeamLink ( int TeamNum) )
AI Hint

TooCloseToAttack Source code

function bool TooCloseToAttack ( Actor Other) )
Check to see if Other is too close to attack
@param Other Actor to check against
@returns true if he's too close

TornOff Source code

simulated event TornOff ( ) )
This event is called when the pawn is torn off

TriggerVehicleEffect Source code

simulated function TriggerVehicleEffect ( name EventTag) )
Trigger or untrigger a vehicle effect
@param EventTag The tag that describes the effect

TryAttachingTowCable Source code

function bool TryAttachingTowCable ( UTBot B, UTVehicle TowingVehicle )
if TowingVehicle is a valid vehicle to tow, tell bot how to hook up to it
@return whether the bot was given instructions

TryToDrive Source code

function bool TryToDrive ( Pawn P) )
The pawn Driver has tried to take control of this vehicle
@param P The pawn who wants to drive this vehicle

TurnOffShadows Source code

simulated function TurnOffShadows ( ) )
This will turn off the shadow casting of the vehicle

TurretExplosion Source code

simulated function TurretExplosion ( ) )

UpdateControllerOnPossess Source code

function UpdateControllerOnPossess ( bool bVehicleTransition )
UpdateControllerOnPossess() override Pawn.UpdateControllerOnPossess() to keep from changing controller's rotation
@param bVehicleTransition Will be true if this the pawn is entering/leaving a vehicle

UpdateDamageMaterial Source code

native simulated function UpdateDamageMaterial ( )
Whenever the morph system adjusts a health, it should call UpdateDamageMaterial() so that any associated skins can be adjusted. This is also native

UpdateLookSteerStatus Source code

simulated function UpdateLookSteerStatus ( ) )

UpdateShadowSettings Source code

simulated function UpdateShadowSettings ( bool bWantShadow) )

VehicleAdjustFlashCount Source code

simulated function VehicleAdjustFlashCount ( int SeatIndex, byte FireModeNum, optional bool bClear) )
These two functions needs to be subclassed in each weapon

VehicleAdjustFlashLocation Source code

simulated function VehicleAdjustFlashLocation ( int SeatIndex, byte FireModeNum, vector NewLocation, optional bool bClear) )

VehicleCalcCamera Source code

simulated function VehicleCalcCamera ( float DeltaTime, int SeatIndex, out vector out_CamLoc, out rotator out_CamRot, out vector CamStart, optional bool bPivotOnly) )

VehicleCalcCamera DyingVehicle Source code

simulated function VehicleCalcCamera ( float fDeltaTime, int SeatIndex, out vector out_CamLoc, out rotator out_CamRot, out vector CamStart, optional bool bPivotOnly) )
Calculate camera view point, when viewing this pawn.
@param fDeltaTime delta time seconds since last update
@param out_CamLoc Camera Location
@param out_CamRot Camera Rotation
@param out_FOV Field of View
@return true if Pawn should provide the camera point of view.

VehicleEvent Source code

simulated function VehicleEvent ( name EventTag) )
An interface for causing various events on the vehicle.

VehicleHudCoordsFixup Source code

native function VehicleHudCoordsFixup ( )

VehicleLocked Source code

function VehicleLocked ( Pawn P ) )
Pawn tried to enter vehicle, but it's locked!!
@param P The pawn that tried

VehicleWeaponFired Source code

simulated function VehicleWeaponFired ( bool bViaReplication, vector HitLocation, int SeatIndex ) )
Vehicle will want to override WeaponFired and pass off the effects to the proper Seat

VehicleWeaponFireEffects Source code

simulated function VehicleWeaponFireEffects ( vector HitLocation, int SeatIndex) )
This function should be subclassed and manage the different effects

VehicleWeaponImpactEffects Source code

simulated function VehicleWeaponImpactEffects ( vector HitLocation, int SeatIndex) )
Spawn any effects that occur at the impact point. It's called from the pawn.

VehicleWeaponStoppedFiring Source code

simulated function VehicleWeaponStoppedFiring ( bool bViaReplication, int SeatIndex ) )

WeaponFired Source code

simulated function WeaponFired ( bool bViaReplication, optional vector HitLocation) )

WeaponRotationChanged Source code

simulated function WeaponRotationChanged ( int SeatIndex) )
this function is called when a weapon rotation value has changed. It sets the DesiredboneRotations for each controller associated with the turret. Network: Remote clients. All other cases are handled natively FIXME: Look at handling remote clients natively as well
@param SeatIndex The seat at which the rotation changed

WeaponStoppedFiring Source code

simulated function WeaponStoppedFiring ( bool bViaReplication ) )


   Begin Object Class=DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent Name=MyLightEnvironment ObjName=MyLightEnvironment Archetype=DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent'Engine.Default__DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent'
   End Object
   VehiclePositionString="in a vehicle"
   NeedToPickUpAnnouncement=(AnnouncementText="Man the Key Vehicle!")
   Begin Object Class=RB_StayUprightSetup Name=MyStayUprightSetup ObjName=MyStayUprightSetup Archetype=RB_StayUprightSetup'UTGame.Default__UTVehicleBase:MyStayUprightSetup'
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=RB_ConstraintInstance Name=MyStayUprightConstraintInstance ObjName=MyStayUprightConstraintInstance Archetype=RB_ConstraintInstance'UTGame.Default__UTVehicleBase:MyStayUprightConstraintInstance'
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=SkeletalMeshComponent Name=SVehicleMesh ObjName=SVehicleMesh Archetype=SkeletalMeshComponent'UTGame.Default__UTVehicleBase:SVehicleMesh'
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=CylinderComponent Name=CollisionCylinder ObjName=CollisionCylinder Archetype=CylinderComponent'UTGame.Default__UTVehicleBase:CollisionCylinder'
   End Object

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