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abstract native ( Vehicle ) nativereplication dependson ( UTPhysicalMaterialProperty )

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Inventory
      +-- Engine.Weapon
         +-- GameFramework.GameWeapon
            +-- UTGame.UTWeapon
               +-- UTGame.UTVehicleWeapon

Direct Known Subclasses:

UTVWeap_CicadaMissileLauncher, UTVWeap_CicadaTurret, UTVWeap_DarkWalkerPassGun, UTVWeap_DarkWalkerTurret, UTVWeap_FuryGun, UTVWeap_GoliathMachineGun, UTVWeap_GoliathTurret, UTVWeap_HellBenderPrimary, UTVWeap_LeviathanPrimary, UTVWeap_LeviathanTurretBase, UTVWeap_MantaGun, UTVWeap_NemesisTurret, UTVWeap_NightshadeGun, UTVWeap_PaladinGun, UTVWeap_RaptorGun, UTVWeap_RocketTurret, UTVWeap_ScavengerGun, UTVWeap_ScorpionTurret, UTVWeap_ShockTurretBase, UTVWeap_SPMACannon, UTVWeap_TowCable, UTVWeap_TurretPrimary, UTVWeap_TurretShock, UTVWeap_TurretStinger, UTVWeap_ViperGun

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTWeapon
AdditionalHintString, AimError, AimingHelpRadius[2], AmmoCount, AmmoDisplayType, AmmoPickupClass, AmmoRechargeRate, ArmFireAnim, ArmIdleAnims, ArmsAnimSet, ArmsEquipAnim, ArmsPutDownAnim, AttachmentClass, bAllowFiringWithoutController, bAutoCharge, bCanDestroyBarricades, bConsiderProjectileAcceleration, bDebugWeapon, bExportMenuData, bFastRepeater, bForceHidden, bHasLocationSpeech, bLeadTarget, bLockedAimWhileFiring, bMuzzleFlashAttached, bMuzzleFlashPSCLoops, bNeverForwardPendingFire, BobDamping, bPendingShow, bRecommendSplashDamage, bShowAltMuzzlePSCWhenWeaponHidden, bSmallWeapons, bSniping, bSplashJump, bSuperWeapon, bSuppressSounds, bTargetAdhesionEnabled, bTargetFrictionEnabled, bUseCustomCoordinates, bUsesOffhand, bUsingAimingHelp, bWarnIfInLocker, bWasLocked, bZoomedFireMode, CrosshairColor, CrossHairCoordinates, CrosshairImage, CrosshairScaling, CrouchHintString, CurrentLockedScale, CurrentRating, CustomCrosshairCoordinates, DroppedPickupOffsetZ, EffectSockets, FinalLockedScale, FireCameraAnim, GroupWeight, HiddenWeaponsOffset, HitEnemy, IconCoordinates, IconHeight, IconWidth, IconX, IconY, InventoryGroup, InventoryWeight, JumpDamping, JumpHintString, LastHitEnemyTime, LastRotation, LastRotUpdate, LastWeaponFireTime, LocationSpeech, LockedCrossHairCoordinates, LockedScaleTime, LockedStartTime, LockerAmmoCount, LockerOffset, LockerRotation, MaxAmmoCount, MaxPitchLag, MaxYawLag, MinReloadPct, MuzzleFlashAltPSCTemplate, MuzzleFlashColor, MuzzleFlashDuration, MuzzleFlashLight, MuzzleFlashLightClass, MuzzleFlashPSC, MuzzleFlashPSCTemplate, MuzzleFlashSocket, NeedToPickUpAnnouncement, OldLeadMag[2], OldMaxDiff[2], OldRotDiff[2], OverlayMesh, PartialCharge, PivotTranslation, PlayerViewOffset, PrimaryFireHintString, ProjectileSpawnOffset, QuickPickGroup, QuickPickWeight, ReturnChgSpeed, RotChgSpeed, SecondaryFireHintString, ShotCost, SimpleCrossHairCoordinates, SmallWeaponsOffset, StartLockedScale, SwitchAbortTime, TargetAdhesionAimDistY, TargetAdhesionAimDistZ, TargetAdhesionDistanceMax, TargetAdhesionPlayerVelocityMin, TargetAdhesionScaleAmountMin, TargetAdhesionScaleRange, TargetAdhesionTargetVelocityMin, TargetAdhesionTimeMax, TargetAdhesionZoomedBoostValue, TargetFrictionDistanceCurve, TargetFrictionDistanceMax, TargetFrictionDistanceMin, TargetFrictionDistancePeak, TargetFrictionMultiplierRange, TargetFrictionOffset, TargetFrictionPeakHeightScale, TargetFrictionPeakRadiusScale, TargetFrictionZoomedBoostValue, UseHintString, WeaponCanvasXPct, WeaponCanvasYPct, WeaponColor, WeaponEquipAnim, WeaponEquipSnd, WeaponFireAnim, WeaponFireSnd, WeaponFireWaveForm, WeaponIdleAnims, WeaponPutDownAnim, WeaponPutDownSnd, WideScreenOffsetScaling, WidescreenRotationOffset, ZoomedFireModeNum, ZoomedRate, ZoomedTargetFOV, ZoomedTurnSpeedScalePct, ZoomFadeTime, ZoomInSound, ZoomOutSound

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from UTGame.UTWeapon
AmmoWidgetDisplayStyle, EZoomState

Functions Summary
function Activate ()))
function AttachWeaponTo (SkeletalMeshComponent MeshCpnt, optional Name SocketName)
function BeginFire (byte FireModeNum))
functionbool CanHitDesiredTarget (vector SocketLocation, rotator SocketRotation, vector DesiredAimPoint, Actor TargetActor, out vector RealAimPoint))
function DetachWeapon ()
function DrawKillIcon (Canvas Canvas, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, float HUDScaleX, float HUDScaleY))
function DrawTowingIndicator (Hud HUD, Float CenterSize))
function DrawWeaponCrosshair (Hud HUD ))
function EndFire (byte FireModeNum))
function EndZoom (UTPlayerController PC))
functionRotator GetAdjustedAim (vector StartFireLoc ))
function GetCrosshairScaling (Hud HUD))
eventvector GetDesiredAimPoint (optional out Actor TargetActor))
functionfloat GetFireInterval (byte FireModeNum ))
function GetFireStartLocationAndRotation (out vector StartLocation, out rotator StartRotation))
functionName GetFireTriggerTag (int BarrelIndex, int FireMode))
functionMaterialImpactEffect GetImpactEffect (Actor HitActor, PhysicalMaterial HitMaterial, byte FireModeNum))
functionfloat GetMaxFinalAimAdjustment ()))
functionVector GetPhysicalFireStartLoc (optional vector AimDir))
functionActor GetTraceOwner ()))
functionEZoomState GetZoomedState ()))
functionvector InstantFireEndTrace (vector StartTrace))
functionvector InstantFireStartTrace ()))
eventbool IsAimCorrect ()))
function NotifyVehicleDeployed ()
function NotifyVehicleUndeployed ()
function PostBeginPlay ()))
functionProjectile ProjectileFire ()))
function PutDownWeapon ()))
event ReplicatedEvent (name VarName))
function ServerSetZoom (bool bNowZoomed))
function StartZoom (UTPlayerController PC))
function WeaponPlaySound (SoundCue Sound, optional float NoiseLoudness ))
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTWeapon
Activate, ActiveRenderOverlays, AddAmmo, AdjustPlayerDamage, AdjustWeaponTimingForConsole, AllowSwitchTo, AmmoMaxed, AttachMuzzleFlash, AttachWeaponTo, BeginFire, BeginState, BestMode, BotDesireability, bReadyToFire, CalcInventoryWeight, CanAttack, CanHeal, CanThrow, CanViewAccelerationWhenFiring, CauseMuzzleFlash, CauseMuzzleFlashLight, ChangeVisibility, CheckZoom, ClientEndFire, ClientWeaponSet, ClientWeaponThrown, ConsumeAmmo, CoversScreenSpace, CreateOverlayMesh, DenyClientWeaponSet, DenyPickupQuery, DesireAmmo, Destroyed, DetachMuzzleFlash, DetachWeapon, DetourWeight, DisplayDebug, DrawKillIcon, DrawLockedOn, DrawWeaponCrosshair, DropFrom, EnableFriendlyWarningCrosshair, EndFire, EndState, EndZoom, EnsureWeaponOverlayComponentLast, FireAmmunition, FireHack, FireOnRelease, FiringPutDownWeapon, GetAmmoCount, GetArmAnimNodeSeq, GetEffectLocation, GetEquipTime, GetFireInterval, GetHand, GetOptimalRangeFor, GetOwnerName, GetPhysicalFireStartLoc, GetPowerPerc, GetViewAxes, GetWeaponRating, GetZoomedState, GivenTo, HasAmmo, HasAnyAmmo, HolderEnteredVehicle, InstantAimHelp, InstantFire, InstantFireEndTrace, InstantFireStartTrace, IsFullyCharged, LagRot, Loaded, MuzzleFlashTimer, NeedAmmo, OnAnimEnd, PerformWeaponChange, PlayArmAnimation, PlayFireEffects, PlayFiringSound, PlayWeaponAnimation, PlayWeaponEquip, PlayWeaponPutDown, PostBeginPlay, PreloadTextures, ProcessInstantHit, ProjectileFire, ReadyToFire, RefireCheckTimer, ReplicatedEvent, SendToFiringState, ServerReselectWeapon, ServerStartFire, SetMuzzleFlashParams, SetPosition, SetSkin, SetupArmsAnim, SetWeaponOverlayFlags, ShakeView, ShouldFireWithoutTarget, ShouldLagRot, ShouldSwitchTo, SplashJump, StartFire, StartZoom, StillFiring, StopFireEffects, StopMuzzleFlash, ThrottleLook, TimeWeaponEquipping, TimeWeaponPutDown, TryPutDown, WeaponEmpty, WeaponEquipAborted, WeaponPlaySound

Variables Detail

AimingTraceIgnoredActors Source code

var array<Actor> AimingTraceIgnoredActors;
actors that the aiming trace should ignore

AimTraceRange Source code

var float AimTraceRange;
cached max range of the weapon used for aiming traces

AltFireTriggerTags Source code

var array<name> AltFireTriggerTags;
Triggers that should be activated when a weapon fires

AltImpactEffects Source code

var array<MaterialImpactEffect> AltImpactEffects;
impact effects by material type

bCurrentlyZoomed Source code

var bool bCurrentlyZoomed;
used for client to tell server when zooming, as that is clientside but on console it affects the controls so the server needs to know

bDebugTurret Source code

var bool bDebugTurret;
for debugging turret aiming

bIgnoreDownwardPitch Source code

var bool bIgnoreDownwardPitch;
Same as above, but only allows for downward direction, for vehicles with 'bomber' like behavior.

bIgnoreSocketPitchRotation Source code

var bool bIgnoreSocketPitchRotation;
If the weapon is attached to a socket that doesn't pitch with player view, and should fire at the aimed pitch, then this should be enabled.

bPlaySoundFromSocket Source code

var bool bPlaySoundFromSocket;

BulletWhip Source code

var SoundCue BulletWhip;
sound that is played when the bullets go whizzing past your head

CurrentCrosshairScaling Source code

var float CurrentCrosshairScaling;

DefaultAltImpactEffect Source code

var MaterialImpactEffect DefaultAltImpactEffect;
default impact effect to use if a material specific one isn't found

DefaultImpactEffect Source code

var MaterialImpactEffect DefaultImpactEffect;
default impact effect to use if a material specific one isn't found

FireTriggerTags Source code

var array<name> FireTriggerTags;
Triggers that should be activated when a weapon fires

ImpactEffects Source code

var array<MaterialImpactEffect> ImpactEffects;
impact effects by material type

LastCorrectAimTime Source code

var float LastCorrectAimTime;
last time aim was correct, used for looking up GoodAimColor

LastInCorrectAimTime Source code

var float LastInCorrectAimTime;
last time aim was incorrect, used for looking up GoodAimColor

MaxFinalAimAdjustment Source code

var float MaxFinalAimAdjustment;
This value is used to cap the maximum amount of "automatic" adjustment that will be made to a shot so that it will travel at the crosshair. If the angle between the barrel aim and the player aim is

MyVehicle Source code

var RepNotify UTVehicle MyVehicle;
Holds a link to the parent vehicle

SeatIndex Source code

var int SeatIndex;
Holds a link in to the Seats array in MyVehicle that represents this weapon

VehicleClass Source code

var class<UTVehicle> VehicleClass;
Vehicle class used for drawing kill icons

Functions Detail

Activate Source code

simulated function Activate ( ) )

AttachWeaponTo Source code

simulated function AttachWeaponTo ( SkeletalMeshComponent MeshCpnt, optional Name SocketName )

BeginFire Source code

simulated function BeginFire ( byte FireModeNum) )

CanHitDesiredTarget Source code

simulated function bool CanHitDesiredTarget ( vector SocketLocation, rotator SocketRotation, vector DesiredAimPoint, Actor TargetActor, out vector RealAimPoint) )
checks if the weapon is actually capable of hitting the desired target, including trace test (used by crosshair) if false because trace failed, RealAimPoint is set to what the trace hit

DetachWeapon Source code

simulated function DetachWeapon ( )

DrawKillIcon Source code

simulated static function DrawKillIcon ( Canvas Canvas, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, float HUDScaleX, float HUDScaleY) )

DrawTowingIndicator Source code

simulated function DrawTowingIndicator ( Hud HUD, Float CenterSize) )

DrawWeaponCrosshair Source code

simulated function DrawWeaponCrosshair ( Hud HUD ) )

EndFire Source code

simulated function EndFire ( byte FireModeNum) )

EndZoom Source code

simulated function EndZoom ( UTPlayerController PC) )

GetAdjustedAim Source code

simulated function Rotator GetAdjustedAim ( vector StartFireLoc ) )

GetCrosshairScaling Source code

simulated function GetCrosshairScaling ( Hud HUD) )

GetDesiredAimPoint Source code

simulated event vector GetDesiredAimPoint ( optional out Actor TargetActor) )
GetDesiredAimPoint - Returns the desired aim given the current controller
@param TargetActor (out) - if specified, set to the actor being aimed at
@return The location the controller is aiming at

GetFireInterval Source code

simulated function float GetFireInterval ( byte FireModeNum ) )
Returns interval in seconds between each shot, for the firing state of FireModeNum firing mode.
@param FireModeNum fire mode
@return Period in seconds of firing mode

GetFireStartLocationAndRotation Source code

simulated function GetFireStartLocationAndRotation ( out vector StartLocation, out rotator StartRotation) )
returns the location and rotation that the weapon's fire starts at

GetFireTriggerTag Source code

simulated static function Name GetFireTriggerTag ( int BarrelIndex, int FireMode) )

GetImpactEffect Source code

simulated static function MaterialImpactEffect GetImpactEffect ( Actor HitActor, PhysicalMaterial HitMaterial, byte FireModeNum) )
returns the impact effect that should be used for hits on the given actor and physical material

GetMaxFinalAimAdjustment Source code

simulated function float GetMaxFinalAimAdjustment ( ) )

GetPhysicalFireStartLoc Source code

simulated function Vector GetPhysicalFireStartLoc ( optional vector AimDir) )

GetTraceOwner Source code

simulated function Actor GetTraceOwner ( ) )

GetZoomedState Source code

simulated function EZoomState GetZoomedState ( ) )

InstantFireEndTrace Source code

simulated function vector InstantFireEndTrace ( vector StartTrace) )

@returns end trace position for instantfire()

InstantFireStartTrace Source code

simulated function vector InstantFireStartTrace ( ) )
Overriden to use vehicle starttrace/endtrace locations
@returns position of trace start for instantfire()

IsAimCorrect Source code

simulated event bool IsAimCorrect ( ) )
IsAimCorrect - Returns true if the turret associated with a given seat is aiming correctly
@return TRUE if we can hit where the controller is aiming

NotifyVehicleDeployed Source code

simulated function NotifyVehicleDeployed ( )
notification that MyVehicle has been deployed/undeployed, since that often changes how its weapon works

NotifyVehicleUndeployed Source code

simulated function NotifyVehicleUndeployed ( )

PostBeginPlay Source code

simulated function PostBeginPlay ( ) )

ProjectileFire Source code

simulated function Projectile ProjectileFire ( ) )
Create the projectile, but also increment the flash count for remote client effects.

PutDownWeapon Source code

simulated function PutDownWeapon ( ) )

ReplicatedEvent Source code

simulated event ReplicatedEvent ( name VarName) )

ServerSetZoom Source code

reliable server function ServerSetZoom ( bool bNowZoomed) )

StartZoom Source code

simulated function StartZoom ( UTPlayerController PC) )

WeaponPlaySound Source code

simulated function WeaponPlaySound ( SoundCue Sound, optional float NoiseLoudness ) )


   Begin Object Class=UTSkeletalMeshComponent Name=FirstPersonMesh ObjName=FirstPersonMesh Archetype=UTSkeletalMeshComponent'UTGame.Default__UTWeapon:FirstPersonMesh'
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=SkeletalMeshComponent Name=PickupMesh ObjName=PickupMesh Archetype=SkeletalMeshComponent'UTGame.Default__UTWeapon:PickupMesh'
   End Object

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