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abstract native ( Vehicle ) notplaceable

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Pawn
      +-- Engine.Vehicle
         +-- Engine.SVehicle
            +-- UTGame.UTVehicleBase

Direct Known Subclasses:

UTVehicle, UTWeaponPawn

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.SVehicle
AngErrorAccumulator, BaseOffset, bCanFlip, bChassisTouchingGround, bFlipRight, bHoldingDownHandbrake, bIsInverted, bIsUprighting, bOutputHandbrake, bStayUpright, bUpdateWheelShapes, bUseSuspensionAxis, bVehicleOnGround, bVehicleOnWater, bWasChassisTouchingGroundLastTick, CamDist, CollisionIntervalSecs, CollisionSound, COMOffset, DriverViewPitch, DriverViewYaw, EngineSound, EngineStartOffsetSecs, EngineStopOffsetSecs, EnterVehicleSound, ExitVehicleSound, ForwardVel, HeavySuspensionShiftPercent, InertiaTensorMultiplier, LastCollisionSoundTime, LatAngleVolumeMult, MaxAngularVelocity, MaxSpeed, NumPoweredWheels, OutputBrake, OutputGas, OutputRise, OutputSteering, RadialImpulseScaling, SimObj, SquealLatThreshold, SquealSound, SquealThreshold, StayUprightConstraintInstance, StayUprightConstraintSetup, StayUprightDamping, StayUprightPitchResistAngle, StayUprightRollResistAngle, StayUprightStiffness, TimeOffGround, UprightLiftStrength, UprightStartTime, UprightTime, UprightTorqueStrength, VState, Wheels
Inherited Variables from Engine.Vehicle
AIMoveCheckTime, bAttachDriver, bAvoidReversing, bDoExtraNetRelevancyTraces, bDriverIsVisible, bDriving, bDuckObstacles, bFollowLookDir, bHasHandbrake, bIgnoreStallZ, bRetryPathfindingWithDriver, bScriptedRise, bSeparateTurretFocus, bTurnInPlace, CrushedDamageType, Driver, DriverDamageMult, ExitOffset, ExitPositions, ExitRadius, ForceCrushPenetration, MinCrushSpeed, MomentumMult, OldSteering, OldThrottle, OnlySteeringStartTime, Rise, Steering, StuckCount, StuckTime, TargetLocationAdjustment, Throttle, ThrottleTime, TurnTime, VehicleMovingTime

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Engine.SVehicle

Functions Summary
function AdjacentSeat (int Direction, Controller C))
function ApplyWeaponEffects (int OverlayFlags, optional int SeatIndex)
functionbool BotFire (bool bFinished))
functionbyte ChooseFireMode ()))
function DetachDriver (Pawn P))
function DisplayHud (UTHud Hud, Canvas Canvas, vector2D HudPOS, optional int SIndex)
functionbool DriverEnter (Pawn P))
function DriverLeft ()))
function DrivingStatusChanged ()))
function EjectDriver ()))
functionfloat GetDamageScaling ()))
functionbool GetPowerLevel (out float PowerLevel))
function GetQuickPickCells (UTHud Hud, out array<QuickPickCell> Cells, out int CurrentWeaponIndex)
functionname GetVehicleDrivingStatName ()))
function HandleDeadVehicleDriver ()))
event HoldGameObject (UTCarriedObject GameObj)
functionbool NeedToTurn (vector Targ))
function QuickPick (int Quad)
function ServerAdjacentSeat (int Direction, Controller C)
function ServerChangeSeat (int RequestedSeat)
function StopFiringWeapon ()))
function SwitchWeapon (byte NewGroup))
functionbool TakeHeadShot (const out ImpactInfo Impact, class<UTDamageType> HeadShotDamageType, int HeadDamage, float AdditionalScale, Controller InstigatingController))
Inherited Functions from Engine.SVehicle
AddVelocity, CalcCamera, Destroyed, Died, DisplayDebug, DisplayWheelsDebug, DrivingStatusChanged, GetDefaultCameraMode, GetSVehicleDebug, HasWheelsOnGround, HermiteEval, InitVehicleRagdoll, PostBeginPlay, PostInitAnimTree, PostTeleport, RigidBodyCollision, SetWheelCollision, StartEngineSound, StartEngineSoundTimed, StopEngineSound, StopEngineSoundTimed, StopVehicleSounds, SuspensionHeavyShift, TakeRadiusDamage, TryToDrive, TurnOff, VehiclePlayEnterSound, VehiclePlayExitSound
Inherited Functions from Engine.Vehicle
AdjustDriverDamage, AnySeatAvailable, AttachDriver, CanEnterVehicle, CheatFly, CheatGhost, CheatWalk, ContinueOnFoot, CrushedBy, Destroyed, Destroyed_HandleDriver, DetachDriver, Died, DisplayDebug, DriverDied, DriverEnter, DriverLeave, DriverLeft, DriverRadiusDamage, DrivingStatusChanged, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EntryAnnouncement, FaceRotation, FindAutoExit, GetCollisionDamageInstigator, GetDefaultCameraMode, GetEntryLocation, GetTargetLocation, HandleDeadVehicleDriver, NotifyDriverTakeHit, NotifyTeamChanged, PancakeOther, PlaceExitingDriver, PlayDying, PlayerChangedTeam, PossessedBy, PostBeginPlay, ReplicatedEvent, SetBaseEyeheight, SetDriving, SetInputs, SetKillInstigator, Suicide, TakeDamage, TakeRadiusDamage, ThrowActiveWeapon, TryExitPos, TryToDrive, UnPossessed

Variables Detail

bHasBarGraph Source code

var bool bHasBarGraph;
HUD should draw bar graph to indicate charge / ammo for this vehicle

bShouldEject Source code

var bool bShouldEject;
If true the driver will be ejected if he leaves

HudCoords Source code

var TextureCoordinates HudCoords;

HudIcons Source code

var Texture2D HudIcons;

Functions Detail

AdjacentSeat Source code

simulated function AdjacentSeat ( int Direction, Controller C) )
request change to adjacent vehicle seat

ApplyWeaponEffects Source code

simulated function ApplyWeaponEffects ( int OverlayFlags, optional int SeatIndex )
applies weapon effects based on the passed in bitfield

BotFire Source code

function bool BotFire ( bool bFinished) )
AI - An AI controller wants to fire @Param bFinished unused

ChooseFireMode Source code

function byte ChooseFireMode ( ) )
AI - Returns the best firing mode for this weapon

DetachDriver Source code

simulated function DetachDriver ( Pawn P) )

DisplayHud Source code

function DisplayHud ( UTHud Hud, Canvas Canvas, vector2D HudPOS, optional int SIndex )

DriverEnter Source code

function bool DriverEnter ( Pawn P) )

DriverLeft Source code

function DriverLeft ( ) )
Called on both the server an owning client when the player leaves the vehicle. We want to make sure any active weapon is shut down

DrivingStatusChanged Source code

simulated function DrivingStatusChanged ( ) )

EjectDriver Source code

function EjectDriver ( ) )
EjectDriver() throws the driver out at high velocity

GetDamageScaling Source code

function float GetDamageScaling ( ) )
@Returns the scale factor to apply to damage affecting this vehicle

GetPowerLevel Source code

simulated function bool GetPowerLevel ( out float PowerLevel) )
Gets the powerlevel for this vehicle - primarily used for charge bars
@param PowerLevel (out) - how full the charge bar should be (0 to 1)
@return whether this vehicle's HUD should display a charge bar

GetQuickPickCells Source code

simulated function GetQuickPickCells ( UTHud Hud, out array<QuickPickCell> Cells, out int CurrentWeaponIndex )

GetVehicleDrivingStatName Source code

function name GetVehicleDrivingStatName ( ) )
Statistics gathering

HandleDeadVehicleDriver Source code

function HandleDeadVehicleDriver ( ) )
handles the driver pawn of the dead vehicle (decide whether to ragdoll it, etc)

HoldGameObject Source code

simulated event HoldGameObject ( UTCarriedObject GameObj )
HoldGameObject() Attach GameObject to mesh.
@param GameObj Game object to hold

NeedToTurn Source code

function bool NeedToTurn ( vector Targ) )
@Returns true if the AI needs to turn towards a target

QuickPick Source code

simulated function QuickPick ( int Quad )

ServerAdjacentSeat Source code

reliable server function ServerAdjacentSeat ( int Direction, Controller C )
request change to adjacent vehicle seat

ServerChangeSeat Source code

reliable server function ServerChangeSeat ( int RequestedSeat )
Called when a client is requesting a seat change @network Server-Side

StopFiringWeapon Source code

simulated function StopFiringWeapon ( ) )
Shut down the weapon

SwitchWeapon Source code

simulated function SwitchWeapon ( byte NewGroup) )

TakeHeadShot Source code

function bool TakeHeadShot ( const out ImpactInfo Impact, class<UTDamageType> HeadShotDamageType, int HeadDamage, float AdditionalScale, Controller InstigatingController) )
@param Impact - impact information (where the shot hit)
@param HeadShotDamageType - damagetype to use if this is a headshot
@param HeadDamage - amount of damage the weapon causes if this is a headshot
@param AdditionalScale - head sphere scaling for head hit determination
@return true if pawn handled this as a headshot, in which case the weapon doesn't need to cause damage to the pawn.


   Begin Object Class=RB_StayUprightSetup Name=MyStayUprightSetup ObjName=MyStayUprightSetup Archetype=RB_StayUprightSetup'Engine.Default__SVehicle:MyStayUprightSetup'
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=RB_ConstraintInstance Name=MyStayUprightConstraintInstance ObjName=MyStayUprightConstraintInstance Archetype=RB_ConstraintInstance'Engine.Default__SVehicle:MyStayUprightConstraintInstance'
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=SkeletalMeshComponent Name=SVehicleMesh ObjName=SVehicleMesh Archetype=SkeletalMeshComponent'Engine.Default__SVehicle:SVehicleMesh'
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=CylinderComponent Name=CollisionCylinder ObjName=CollisionCylinder Archetype=CylinderComponent'Engine.Default__SVehicle:CollisionCylinder'
   End Object

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