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Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.Surface
   +-- Engine.Texture
      +-- Engine.Texture2D

Direct Known Subclasses:

ShadowMapTexture2D, TerrainWeightMapTexture, TextureFlipBook

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.Texture
bAsyncResourceReleaseHasBeenStarted, bDitherMipMapAlpha, bPreserveBorderA, bPreserveBorderB, bPreserveBorderG, bPreserveBorderR, CachedCombinedLODBias, CompressionFullDynamicRange, CompressionNoAlpha, CompressionNoMipmaps, CompressionNone, CompressionSettings, DeferCompression, Filter, LODBias, LODGroup, NeverStream, Resource, RGBE, SourceArt, SourceFilePath, SourceFileTimestamp, SRGB, UnpackMax[4], UnpackMin[4]

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.Texture
EPixelFormat, TextureAddress, TextureCompressionSettings, TextureFilter, TextureGroup

Structures Summary
Data, SizeX, SizeY
Element, Next, PrevLink

Functions Summary
Inherited Functions from Engine.Surface
GetSurfaceHeight, GetSurfaceWidth

Variables Detail

bForceMiplevelsToBeResident Source code

var transient bool bForceMiplevelsToBeResident;
Override whether to fully stream even if texture hasn't been rendered.

bHasBeenLoadedFromPersistentArchive Source code

var transient const bool bHasBeenLoadedFromPersistentArchive;
Whether the texture has been loaded from a persistent archive. We keep track of this in order to not stream textures that are being re-imported over as they will have a linker but won't have been serialized from disk and are therefore not streamable.

bHasCancelationPending Source code

var transient const bool bHasCancelationPending;
Whether the current texture mip change request is pending cancelation.

bIsStreamable Source code

var transient const bool bIsStreamable;
Whether the texture is currently streamable or not.

FirstResourceMemMip Source code

var private const native transient int FirstResourceMemMip;
keep track of first mip level used for ResourceMem creation

Format Source code

var const EPixelFormat Format;
The format of the texture data.

Mips Source code

var native const IndirectArray_Mirror Mips;
The texture's mip-map data.

MipTailBaseIdx Source code

var const int MipTailBaseIdx;
Keep track of the first mip level stored in the packed miptail. it's set to highest mip level if no there's no packed miptail

PendingMipChangeRequestStatus Source code

var native transient const ThreadSafeCounter PendingMipChangeRequestStatus;
Thread safe counter indicating status of mip change request. The below defines are mirrored in UnTex.h. >= 3 == TEXTURE_STATUS_REQUEST_IN_FLIGHT - a request has been kicked off and is in flight == 2 == TEXTURE_READY_FOR_FINALIZATION - initial request has completed and finalization needs to be kicked off == 1 == TEXTURE_FINALIZATION_IN_PROGRESS - finalization has been kicked off and is in progress == 0 == TEXTURE_READY_FOR_REQUESTS - there are no pending requests/ all requests have been fulfilled == -1 == TEXTURE_PENDING_INITIALIZATION - the renderer hasn't created the resource yet

RequestedMips Source code

var transient const int RequestedMips;
Number of miplevels the texture should have resident.

ResidentMips Source code

var transient const int ResidentMips;
Number of miplevels currently resident.

ResourceMem Source code

var private const native transient pointer ResourceMem;
memory used for directly loading bulk mip data

SizeX Source code

var const int SizeX;
The width of the texture.

SizeY Source code

var const int SizeY;
The height of the texture.

StreamableTexturesLink Source code

var private native const duplicatetransient noimport TextureLinkedListMirror StreamableTexturesLink;
This texture's link in the global streamable texture list.

TextureFileCacheName Source code

var name TextureFileCacheName;
Name of texture file cache texture mips are stored in, NAME_None if it is not part of one.

TimeToForceMipLevelsToBeResident Source code

var transient float TimeToForceMipLevelsToBeResident;
If > 0 overrides texture to fully stream in. Time is decremented by streaming code.


AddressX Source code

var(Texture2D) TextureAddress AddressX;
The addressing mode to use for the X axis.

AddressY Source code

var(Texture2D) TextureAddress AddressY;
The addressing mode to use for the Y axis.

bGlobalForceMipLevelsToBeResident Source code

var(Texture2D) const bool bGlobalForceMipLevelsToBeResident;
Global/ serialized version of ForceMiplevelsToBeResident.

Structures Detail

Texture2DMipMap Source code

struct Texture2DMipMap
var native TextureMipBulkData_Mirror Data;
var native int SizeX;
var native int SizeY;
A mip-map of the texture.

TextureLinkedListMirror Source code

struct TextureLinkedListMirror
var native const POINTER Element;
var native const POINTER Next;
var native const POINTER PrevLink;
Mirror helper structure for linked list of texture objects. The linked list should NOT be traversed by the garbage collector, which is why Element is declared as a pointer.



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