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native ( Vehicle ) nativereplication notplaceable

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Pawn
      +-- Engine.Vehicle
         +-- Engine.SVehicle
            +-- UTGame.UTVehicleBase
               +-- UTGame.UTWeaponPawn

Direct Known Subclasses:


Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTVehicleBase
bHasBarGraph, bShouldEject, HudCoords, HudIcons
Inherited Variables from Engine.SVehicle
AngErrorAccumulator, BaseOffset, bCanFlip, bChassisTouchingGround, bFlipRight, bHoldingDownHandbrake, bIsInverted, bIsUprighting, bOutputHandbrake, bStayUpright, bUpdateWheelShapes, bUseSuspensionAxis, bVehicleOnGround, bVehicleOnWater, bWasChassisTouchingGroundLastTick, CamDist, CollisionIntervalSecs, CollisionSound, COMOffset, DriverViewPitch, DriverViewYaw, EngineSound, EngineStartOffsetSecs, EngineStopOffsetSecs, EnterVehicleSound, ExitVehicleSound, ForwardVel, HeavySuspensionShiftPercent, InertiaTensorMultiplier, LastCollisionSoundTime, LatAngleVolumeMult, MaxAngularVelocity, MaxSpeed, NumPoweredWheels, OutputBrake, OutputGas, OutputRise, OutputSteering, RadialImpulseScaling, SimObj, SquealLatThreshold, SquealSound, SquealThreshold, StayUprightConstraintInstance, StayUprightConstraintSetup, StayUprightDamping, StayUprightPitchResistAngle, StayUprightRollResistAngle, StayUprightStiffness, TimeOffGround, UprightLiftStrength, UprightStartTime, UprightTime, UprightTorqueStrength, VState, Wheels

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Engine.SVehicle

Functions Summary
function AddVelocity (vector NewVelocity, vector HitLocation, class<DamageType> damageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo ))
function AdjustCameraScale (bool bIn))
function ApplyWeaponEffects (int OverlayFlags, optional int SeatIndex))
function AttachDriver (Pawn P ))
event BaseChange ()))
functionbool CalcCamera (float fDeltaTime, out vector out_CamLoc, out rotator out_CamRot, out float out_FOV))
function ClearFlashCount (Weapon Who))
function ClearFlashLocation (Weapon Who))
functionbool Died (Controller Killer, class<DamageType> DamageType, vector HitLocation))
function DisplayDebug (HUD HUD, out float out_YL, out float out_YPos))
function DisplayHud (UTHud Hud, Canvas Canvas, vector2D HudPOS, optional int SIndex))
functionbool DoJump (bool bUpdating ))
functionbool DriverLeave (bool bForceLeave))
function DriverLeft ()))
function DropToGround ()))
function EditUDmgFX (optional int Index))
function FaceRotation (rotator NewRotation, float DeltaTime))
function FixedView (string VisibleMeshes))
functionfloat GetCollisionRadius ()))
function GetQuickPickCells (UTHud Hud, out array<QuickPickCell> Cells, out int CurrentWeaponIndex))
functionvector GetTargetLocation (optional Actor RequestedBy, optional bool bRequestAlternateLoc) con)
functionname GetVehicleDrivingStatName ()))
event HoldGameObject (UTCarriedObject GameObj))
function IncrementFlashCount (Weapon Who, byte FireModeNum ))
function JumpOffPawn ()))
functionbool PlaceExitingDriver (optional Pawn ExitingDriver))
function PossessedBy (Controller C, bool bVehicleTransition))
function ProcessViewRotation (float DeltaTime, out rotator out_ViewRotation, out rotator out_DeltaRot))
function QuickPick (int Quad))
event ReplicatedEvent (name VarName))
function ServerAdjacentSeat (int Direction, Controller C))
function ServerChangeSeat (int RequestedSeat))
function SetBaseEyeheight ()))
function SetFiringMode (byte FiringModeNum))
function SetFlashLocation (Weapon Who, byte FireModeNum, vector NewLoc ))
function SetMovementPhysics ()))
functionbool TooCloseToAttack (Actor Other))
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTVehicleBase
AdjacentSeat, ApplyWeaponEffects, BotFire, ChooseFireMode, DetachDriver, DisplayHud, DriverEnter, DriverLeft, DrivingStatusChanged, EjectDriver, GetDamageScaling, GetPowerLevel, GetQuickPickCells, GetVehicleDrivingStatName, HandleDeadVehicleDriver, HoldGameObject, NeedToTurn, QuickPick, ServerAdjacentSeat, ServerChangeSeat, StopFiringWeapon, SwitchWeapon, TakeHeadShot
Inherited Functions from Engine.SVehicle
AddVelocity, CalcCamera, Destroyed, Died, DisplayDebug, DisplayWheelsDebug, DrivingStatusChanged, GetDefaultCameraMode, GetSVehicleDebug, HasWheelsOnGround, HermiteEval, InitVehicleRagdoll, PostBeginPlay, PostInitAnimTree, PostTeleport, RigidBodyCollision, SetWheelCollision, StartEngineSound, StartEngineSoundTimed, StopEngineSound, StopEngineSoundTimed, StopVehicleSounds, SuspensionHeavyShift, TakeRadiusDamage, TryToDrive, TurnOff, VehiclePlayEnterSound, VehiclePlayExitSound

Variables Detail

MySeatIndex Source code

var repnotify int MySeatIndex;
An index in to the Seats array of the vehicle housing this WeaponPawn. It is replicated

MyVehicle Source code

var repnotify UTVehicle MyVehicle;
MyVehicle points to the vehicle that houses this WeaponPawn and is replicated

MyVehicleWeapon Source code

var repnotify UTVehicleWeapon MyVehicleWeapon;
MyVehicleWeapon points to the weapon assoicated with this WeaponPawn and is replcated

Functions Detail

AddVelocity Source code

function AddVelocity ( vector NewVelocity, vector HitLocation, class<DamageType> damageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo ) )

AdjustCameraScale Source code

simulated function AdjustCameraScale ( bool bIn) )
moves the camera in or out @Param bIn If true, we should zoom the camera in

ApplyWeaponEffects Source code

simulated function ApplyWeaponEffects ( int OverlayFlags, optional int SeatIndex) )

AttachDriver Source code

simulated function AttachDriver ( Pawn P ) )
Attach the Driver to the vehicle. If he's visible, find him a place, otherwhise hind him
@param P the Pawn the attach

BaseChange Source code

singular event BaseChange ( ) )

CalcCamera Source code

simulated function bool CalcCamera ( float fDeltaTime, out vector out_CamLoc, out rotator out_CamRot, out float out_FOV) )
Caculates the Camera position. WeaponPawn's forward this to their vehicle
@param fDeltatime How long since the last calculation
@param out_CamLoc The final camera location (out)
@param out_CamRot The final camera rotation (out)
@param out_FOV The final FOV to use (out)

ClearFlashCount Source code

simulated function ClearFlashCount ( Weapon Who) )
We need to pass ClearFlashCount calls to the controlling vehicle

ClearFlashLocation Source code

simulated function ClearFlashLocation ( Weapon Who) )
We need to pass ClearFlashLocation calls to the controlling vehicle

Died Source code

function bool Died ( Controller Killer, class<DamageType> DamageType, vector HitLocation) )

DisplayDebug Source code

simulated function DisplayDebug ( HUD HUD, out float out_YL, out float out_YPos) )
General Debug information

DisplayHud Source code

function DisplayHud ( UTHud Hud, Canvas Canvas, vector2D HudPOS, optional int SIndex) )
Pass HUD Rendering to the Vehicle

DoJump Source code

function bool DoJump ( bool bUpdating ) )

DriverLeave Source code

function bool DriverLeave ( bool bForceLeave) )

DriverLeft Source code

function DriverLeft ( ) )
Called when the driver leaves the WeaponPawn. We forward it along as a PassengerLeave call to the controlling vehicle.

DropToGround Source code

function DropToGround ( ) )

EditUDmgFX Source code

exec function EditUDmgFX ( optional int Index) )

FaceRotation Source code

simulated function FaceRotation ( rotator NewRotation, float DeltaTime) )

FixedView Source code

exec function FixedView ( string VisibleMeshes) )

GetCollisionRadius Source code

simulated function float GetCollisionRadius ( ) )
@Returns the collision radius. In this case we return that of the vehicle if it exists

GetQuickPickCells Source code

simulated function GetQuickPickCells ( UTHud Hud, out array<QuickPickCell> Cells, out int CurrentWeaponIndex) )

GetTargetLocation Source code

simulated native const function vector GetTargetLocation ( optional Actor RequestedBy, optional bool bRequestAlternateLoc) con )

GetVehicleDrivingStatName Source code

function name GetVehicleDrivingStatName ( ) )
Statistics gathering

HoldGameObject Source code

simulated event HoldGameObject ( UTCarriedObject GameObj) )

IncrementFlashCount Source code

simulated function IncrementFlashCount ( Weapon Who, byte FireModeNum ) )
We need to pass IncreantFlashCount calls to the controlling vehicle

JumpOffPawn Source code

function JumpOffPawn ( ) )

PlaceExitingDriver Source code

function bool PlaceExitingDriver ( optional Pawn ExitingDriver) )
Called when the vehicle needs to place an exiting driver. Forward the call to the controlling vehicle
@param ExitingDriver The pawn that is exiting

PossessedBy Source code

function PossessedBy ( Controller C, bool bVehicleTransition) )
Called when the controller takes possession of the WeaponPawn. Upon Possession, make sure the weapon heads to the right state and set the eye height.
@param C the controller taking posession
@param bVehicleTransition Will be true if this the pawn is entering/leaving a vehicle

ProcessViewRotation Source code

simulated function ProcessViewRotation ( float DeltaTime, out rotator out_ViewRotation, out rotator out_DeltaRot) )

QuickPick Source code

simulated function QuickPick ( int Quad) )

ReplicatedEvent Source code

simulated event ReplicatedEvent ( name VarName) )
We use NetNotify to signal that critical data has been replicated. when the Vehicle, Weapon and SeatIndex have all arrived, we setup ourself up locally.
@param VarName Name of the variable replicated

ServerAdjacentSeat Source code

reliable server function ServerAdjacentSeat ( int Direction, Controller C) )
request change to adjacent vehicle seat

ServerChangeSeat Source code

reliable server function ServerChangeSeat ( int RequestedSeat) )

SetBaseEyeheight Source code

simulated function SetBaseEyeheight ( ) )
Set the Base Eye height. We override it here to pull it from the CameraEyeHeight variable of in the seat array

SetFiringMode Source code

simulated function SetFiringMode ( byte FiringModeNum) )

SetFlashLocation Source code

function SetFlashLocation ( Weapon Who, byte FireModeNum, vector NewLoc ) )
We need to pass SetFlashLocation calls to the controlling vehicle

SetMovementPhysics Source code

function SetMovementPhysics ( ) )

TooCloseToAttack Source code

function bool TooCloseToAttack ( Actor Other) )


   Begin Object Class=RB_StayUprightSetup Name=MyStayUprightSetup ObjName=MyStayUprightSetup Archetype=RB_StayUprightSetup'UTGame.Default__UTVehicleBase:MyStayUprightSetup'
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=RB_ConstraintInstance Name=MyStayUprightConstraintInstance ObjName=MyStayUprightConstraintInstance Archetype=RB_ConstraintInstance'UTGame.Default__UTVehicleBase:MyStayUprightConstraintInstance'
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=SkeletalMeshComponent Name=SVehicleMesh ObjName=SVehicleMesh Archetype=SkeletalMeshComponent'UTGame.Default__UTVehicleBase:SVehicleMesh'
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=CylinderComponent Name=CollisionCylinder ObjName=CollisionCylinder Archetype=CylinderComponent'UTGame.Default__UTVehicleBase:CollisionCylinder'
   End Object

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Creation time: sk 18-3-2018 10:01:02.673 - Created with UnCodeX