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native ( UIPrivate ) implements ( UIDataStorePublisher )

The "container" component of the UI system's list functionality, which is composed fo three components: data source, container widget, and formatter. The UIList acts as the conduit for list data to the UI. UIList knows nothing about the type of data it contains. It is responsible for tracking the number of elements it has, the size of each cell, handling input (including tracking which elements are selected, changing the selected element, etc.), adding and removing elements from the list, and passing data back and forth between the data source and the presenter components. Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.UIRoot
   +-- Engine.UIScreenObject
      +-- Engine.UIObject
         +-- Engine.UIList

Direct Known Subclasses:

UIContextMenu, UTUIList

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.UIObject

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIObject
AnimationParent, AnimationPosition, AnimStack, bDebugShowBounds, bEnableActiveCursorUpdates, bSupportsPrimaryStyle, ContextMenuData, DebugBoundsColor, DockTargets, NavigationTargets, Owner, OwnerScene, PrimaryStyle, PrivateFlags, RenderBoundsVertices[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], RenderBounds[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], RenderOffset, Rotation, StyleSubscribers, TabIndex, ToolTip, WidgetID, WidgetTag
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIScreenObject
bHidden, bInitialized, bNeverFocus, bSupports3DPrimitives, Children, DefaultStates, EventProvider, FocusControls, FocusedCue, FocusPropagation, InactiveStates, InitialState, MouseEnterCue, NavigateDownCue, NavigateLeftCue, NavigateRightCue, NavigateUpCue, Opacity, PlayerInputMask, Position, StateStack, ZDepth

Enumerations Summary

Structures Summary
HitColumn, HitRow, ResizeColumn, ResizeRow

Delegates Summary
delegate OnListElementsSorted (UIList Sender)
delegate OnSubmitSelection (UIList Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex())
Inherited Delegates from Engine.UIObject
OnClicked, OnCloseContextMenu, OnContextMenuItemSelected, OnCreate, OnDoubleClick, OnOpenContextMenu, OnPressed, OnPressRelease, OnPressRepeat, OnQueryToolTip, OnRefreshSubscriberValue, OnUIAnimEnd, OnValueChanged
Inherited Delegates from Engine.UIScreenObject
NotifyActiveSkinChanged, NotifyActiveStateChanged, NotifyPositionChanged, NotifyResolutionChanged, NotifyVisibilityChanged, OnPreRenderCallBack, OnProcessInputAxis, OnProcessInputKey, OnRawInputAxis, OnRawInputKey

Functions Summary
eventbool AllMutexesDisabled ()))
functionint CalculateIndexFromCursorLocation (optional bool bRequireValidIndex=true ) con)
functionbool CanSelectElement (int ElementIndex)
function ClearBoundDataStores ()
function ClickedScrollZone (UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionPerc, int PlayerIndex ))
event DecrementAllMutexes (optional bool bDispatchUpdates ))
event DisableSetIndex ()))
event DisableValueChangeNotification ()))
function EnableColumnHeaderRendering (bool bShouldRenderColHeaders=true ))
event EnableSetIndex ()))
event EnableValueChangeNotification ()))
functionint FindItemIndex (string ItemValue, optional int CellIndex=INDEX_NONE ) con)
function GetBoundDataStores (out array<UIDataStore> out_BoundDataStores)
functionvector2D GetClientRegion () con)
functionfloat GetColumnWidth (optional int ColumnIndex=INDEX_NONE, optional bool bColHeader, optional bool bReturnUnformattedValue ) con)
functionint GetCurrentItem () con)
functionstring GetDataStoreBinding (optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE ) con)
functionstring GetElementValue (int ElementIndex, optional int CellIndex=INDEX_NONE ) con)
functionint GetItemCount () con)
functionint GetMaxNumVisibleColumns () con)
functionint GetMaxNumVisibleRows () con)
functionint GetMaxVisibleElementCount () con)
functionint GetResizeColumn (optional out const CellHitDetectionInfo ClickedCell ) con)
functionfloat GetRowHeight (optional int RowIndex=INDEX_NONE, optional bool bColHeader, optional bool bReturnUnformattedValue ) con)
functionarray<int> GetSelectedItems () con)
functionint GetTotalColumnCount () con)
functionint GetTotalRowCount () con)
event IncrementAllMutexes ()))
event Initialized ()))
functionbool IsElementAutoSizingEnabled () con)
functionbool IsElementEnabled (INT ElementIndex)
functionbool IsHotTrackingEnabled () con)
eventbool IsSetIndexEnabled ()))
eventbool IsValueChangeNotificationEnabled ()))
function NotifyDataStoreValueUpdated (UIDataStore SourceDataStore, bool bValuesInvalidated, name PropertyTag, UIDataProvider SourceProvider, int ArrayIndex)
function OnGetTextValue (UIAction_GetTextValue Action ))
function OnSetListIndex (UIAction_SetListIndex Action ))
function OnStateChanged (UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex, UIState NewlyActiveState, optional UIState PreviouslyActiveState ))
event PostInitialize ()))
functionbool RefreshSubscriberValue (optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE)
functionint RemoveElement (int ElementToRemove)
functionbool SaveSubscriberValue (out array<UIDataStore> out_BoundDataStores, optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE)
functionbool ScrollVertical (UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionChange, optional bool bPositionMaxed=false)
function SetColumnCount (int NewColumnCount)
function SetDataStoreBinding (string MarkupText, optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE)
function SetHotTracking (bool bShouldUpdateItemUnderCursor)
functionbool SetIndex (int NewIndex, optional bool bClampValue=true, optional bool bSkipNotification=false)
function SetRowCount (int NewRowCount)
functionbool SetTopIndex (int NewTopIndex, optional bool bClampValue=true)
functionbool ShouldRenderColumnHeaders ()))
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIObject
AddStyleSubscriber, AnimSetBottom, AnimSetColor, AnimSetLeft, AnimSetOpacity, AnimSetPosition, AnimSetRelPosition, AnimSetRight, AnimSetRotation, AnimSetScale, AnimSetTop, AnimSetVisibility, CanAcceptFocus, ClearDefaultDataBinding, ClearUIAnimation, FindStyleSubscriberIndex, FindStyleSubscriberIndexById, GenerateSceneDataStoreMarkup, GenerateTransformMatrix, GetAnchorPosition, GetDefaultDataBinding, GetDefaultDataStores, GetOwner, GetParent, GetPositionExtent, GetPositionExtents, GetRotationMatrix, GetScene, GetToolTipValue, HasTransform, IsContainedBy, IsDockedTo, IsPrivateBehaviorSet, LogRenderBounds, NeedsActiveCursorUpdates, NotifyValueChanged, OnSetDatastoreBinding, PlayUIAnimation, RemoveStyleSubscriber, ResolveDefaultDataBinding, ResolveStyles, RotateWidget, SetActiveCursorUpdate, SetAnchorPosition, SetDefaultDataBinding, SetDockPadding, SetDockParameters, SetDockTarget, SetForcedNavigationTarget, SetNavigationTarget, SetPrivateBehavior, SetWidgetStyleByName, StopUIAnimation, TickAnim, UIAnimEnd, UpdateRotationMatrix
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIScreenObject
AcceptsPlayerInput, ActivateEventByClass, ActivateState, ActivateStateByClass, AddedChild, CanAcceptFocus, CanPlayOnline, CanPropagateFocusFor, CanvasToScreen, ConditionalPropagateEnabledState, ContainsChild, ContainsChildOfClass, CreatePlayerData, CreateWidget, DeactivateState, DeactivateStateByClass, DeProject, DisablePlayerInput, DisableWidget, EnablePlayerInput, EnableWidget, FindChild, FindChildIndex, FindChildUsingID, FindEventsOfClass, FocusFirstControl, FocusLastControl, GetActivePlayerCount, GetAspectRatioAutoScaleFactor, GetBestControllerId, GetBestPlayerIndex, GetBounds, GetCanvasToScreen, GetChildren, GetCurrentState, GetDockedWidgets, GetFocusedControl, GetInverseCanvasToScreen, GetLastFocusedControl, GetLoginStatus, GetNATType, GetObjectCount, GetParent, GetPlayerOwner, GetPosition, GetPositionVector, GetSupportedPlayerCount, GetSupportedUIActionKeyNames, GetViewportHeight, GetViewportOffset, GetViewportOrigin, GetViewportScale, GetViewportSize, GetViewportWidth, GetWidgetPathName, HasActiveStateOfClass, HasLinkConnection, Initialize, Initialized, InitializePlayerTracking, InsertChild, IsActive, IsEnabled, IsFocused, IsHidden, IsHoldingAlt, IsHoldingCtrl, IsHoldingShift, IsInitialized, IsLoggedIn, IsNeverFocused, IsPressed, IsVisible, KillFocus, LogCurrentState, NavigateFocus, NextControl, OnChangeVisibility, OnConsoleCommand, OnSetControllerId, OnShowAchievementsUI, OnShowContentMarketplaceUI, OnShowFeedbackUI, OnShowFriendInviteUI, OnShowFriendsUI, OnShowGamerCardUI, OnShowMembershipMarketplaceUI, OnShowMessagesUI, OnShowPlayersUI, OverrideLastFocusedControl, PixelToCanvas, PixelToScreen, PlayUISound, PostInitialize, PrevControl, PrivateSetVisibility, Project, RebuildNavigationLinks, RemoveChild, RemoveChildren, RemovedChild, RemovedFromParent, RemovePlayerData, ReplaceChild, RequestFormattingUpdate, RequestPrimitiveReview, RequestSceneUpdate, ScreenToCanvas, ScreenToPixel, SetEnabled, SetFocus, SetFocusToChild, SetInputMask, SetPosition, SetVisibility

Constants Detail

ResizeBufferPixels Source code

const ResizeBufferPixels = 5;
how many pixels wide the region is that is used for resizing a column/row

Variables Detail

bInitializeScrollbars Source code

var transient bool bInitializeScrollbars;
set to indicate that the scrollbars need to be initialized after in the ResolveFacePosition call

bSortingList Source code

var const transient bool bSortingList;
TRUE if the user clicks on a column header - prevents the OnClick delegate from being fired

ColumnHeaderBackgroundStyle[EColumnHeaderState.COLUMNHEADER_MAX] Source code

var UIStyleReference ColumnHeaderBackgroundStyle[EColumnHeaderState.COLUMNHEADER_MAX];
The style to use for column header background images, if this list uses them. The CellDataComponent also needs valid values for its ColumnHeaderBackground variable.

ColumnHeaderStyle Source code

var UIStyleReference ColumnHeaderStyle;
The style to use for the list's column header text. The string portion of the style is applied to text; the image portion of the style is applied to images embedded in the column header text (NOT the column header's background). If not valid, the GlobalCellStyle for the normal cell state will be used instead

DataProvider Source code

var const transient UIListElementProvider DataProvider;
the list element provider referenced by DataSource

GlobalCellStyle[EUIListElementState.ELEMENT_MAX] Source code

var UIStyleReference GlobalCellStyle[EUIListElementState.ELEMENT_MAX];
The cell styles that are applied to any cells which do not have a custom cell style configured.

Index Source code

var transient int Index;
Index into the Items array for currently active item. In most cases, the active item will be the same as the selected item. Active item does not imply selected, however. A good example of this is a multi-select list that has no selected items, but which has focus - corresponds to the item that would be selected if the user pressed 'space' or 'enter'.

ItemOverlayStyle[EUIListElementState.ELEMENT_MAX] Source code

var UIStyleReference ItemOverlayStyle[EUIListElementState.ELEMENT_MAX];
The style to apply to the overlay textures for each cell state.

Items Source code

var const transient array<int> Items;
The elements of the list. Corresponds to the array indexes of the whichever array this list's data comes from.

ResizeColumn Source code

var const transient int ResizeColumn;
The column currently being resized, or INDEX_NONE if no columns are being resized.

SelectedItems Source code

var transient public array<int> SelectedItems;
The items which are currently selected. The int values are the array indexes of the whichever array this list's data comes from. @todo - not yet implemented

SetIndexMutex Source code

var private transient int SetIndexMutex;
If this value is greater than 0, SetIndex() will not do anything.

TopIndex Source code

var transient int TopIndex;
The index of the element which is located at the beginning of the visible region.

ValueChangeNotificationMutex Source code

var private transient int ValueChangeNotificationMutex;
If this value is more than 0, the OnValueChanged delegate will not be called.

VerticalScrollbar Source code

var UIScrollbar VerticalScrollbar;
The UIScrollbar object which is allows the UIList to be scrolled up/down


CellDataComponent Source code

var(Data) editinline UIComp_ListPresenter CellDataComponent;
Handles the interaction between the list and the list's elements. Encapsulates any special behavior associated with a particular type of list data and controls how the list formats its data.

DataSource Source code

var(Data) UIDataStoreBinding DataSource;
The data store that this list is bound to


bDisplayDataBindings Source code

var(Debug) transient bool bDisplayDataBindings;
if TRUE, the schema fields assigned to each column/row will be rendered, rather than the actual data. Used primarily by the UI edtitor.


bAllowColumnResizing Source code

var(List) bool bAllowColumnResizing;
Controls whether the user is allowed to resize the columns in this list.

bAllowDisabledItemSelection Source code

var(List) bool bAllowDisabledItemSelection;
Controls whether items which are "disabled" can be selected.

bEnableMultiSelect Source code

var(List) bool bEnableMultiSelect;
Determines whether more than one item can be selected at the same time. @todo - not yet implemented

bEnableVerticalScrollbar Source code

var(List) bool bEnableVerticalScrollbar;
Determines if this list will display scrollbars

bHoverStateOverridesSelected Source code

var(List) private bool bHoverStateOverridesSelected;
For lists with bUpdateItemUnderCursor=TRUE, controls whether the selected item enters the hover state when mouse over.

bSingleClickSubmission Source code

var(List) bool bSingleClickSubmission;
Controls how many clicks are required in order to submit the list selected item (triggers the kismet Submit List Selection event). FALSE to require a double-click on an item; FALSE to require only a single click;

bUpdateItemUnderCursor Source code

var(List) private bool bUpdateItemUnderCursor;
Controls whether the item currently under the cursor should be drawn using a different style.

CellLinkType Source code

var(List) ECellLinkType CellLinkType;
Controls how the cells are mapped to elements. If CellLinkType is not LINKED_None, the data provider for this list must be capable of supplying multiple data fields for a single item. @todo - once this functionality is exposed through the UI, this variable should no longer be editable

ColumnAutoSizeMode Source code

var(List) ECellAutoSizeMode ColumnAutoSizeMode;
Controls how columns are auto-sized.

ColumnCount Source code

var(List) protected int ColumnCount;
Number of columns to display in the list. How this is set is dependent on the value of CellLinkType. LINKED_None: Whatever value designer specifies is used. Either the width of the list or the column widths must be dynamic. LINKED_Rows: always the same value as MaxVisibleItems. LINKED_Columns: determined by the number of cells which are bound to data providers.

RowAutoSizeMode Source code

var(List) ECellAutoSizeMode RowAutoSizeMode;
Controls how rows are auto-sized

RowCount Source code

var(List) protected int RowCount;
Number of rows to display in the list. How this is set is dependent on the value of CellLinkType. LINKED_None: Whatever value designer specifies is used. Either the height of the list or the column heights must be dynamic. LINKED_Rows: determined by the number of cells which are bound to data providers. LINKED_Columns: always the same value as MaxVisibleItems.


CellPadding Source code

var(Presentation) UIScreenValue_Extent CellPadding;
Amount of spacing to use inside each cell.

CellSpacing Source code

var(Presentation) UIScreenValue_Extent CellSpacing;
Amount of spacing to use between each element in the list.

ColumnWidth Source code

var(Presentation) UIScreenValue_Extent ColumnWidth;
Default width for cells in the list. A value of 0 indicates that the cell widths are dynamic. Dynamic behavior is as follows: Linked columns: columns are expanded to fill the width of the list Non-linked columns: columns widths will be adjusted to fit the largest string in the list If columns are linked, this value is only applied to cells that have a value of 0 for CellSize.

HeaderCellPadding Source code

var(Presentation) UIScreenValue_Extent HeaderCellPadding;
Amount of spacing to use inside the cells of the column headers.

HeaderElementSpacing Source code

var(Presentation) UIScreenValue_Extent HeaderElementSpacing;
Amount of spacing to place between the column header and the first element.

MaxVisibleItems Source code

var(Presentation) editconst transient duplicatetransient int MaxVisibleItems;
Maximum number of items that can be visible at one time in the list. Calculated using the current size of the list and the list's cells.

MinColumnSize Source code

var(Presentation) UIScreenValue_Extent MinColumnSize;
Minimum size a column is allowed to be resized to.

RowHeight Source code

var(Presentation) UIScreenValue_Extent RowHeight;
Default height for cells in the list. A value of 0 indicates that the cell heights are dynamic. If rows are linked, this value is only applied to cells that have a value of 0 for CellSize.

SortComponent Source code

var(Presentation) editinline UIComp_ListElementSorter SortComponent;
Determines how to sort the list's elements.

WrapType Source code

var(Presentation) EListWrapBehavior WrapType;
Controls the wrapping behavior of the list, or what happens when the use attempts to scroll past the last element


DecrementIndexCue Source code

var(Sound) name DecrementIndexCue;
this sound is played when the user decreases the list's index

IncrementIndexCue Source code

var(Sound) name IncrementIndexCue;
this sound is played when the user increases the list's index

SortAscendingCue Source code

var(Sound) name SortAscendingCue;
this sound is played when the user sorts the list in ascending order

SortDescendingCue Source code

var(Sound) name SortDescendingCue;
this sound is played when the user sorts the list in descending order

SubmitDataFailedCue Source code

var(Sound) name SubmitDataFailedCue;
this sound is played when the user clicks or presses A on an item that is disabled

SubmitDataSuccessCue Source code

var(Sound) name SubmitDataSuccessCue;
this sound is played when the user clicks or presses A on an item that is enabled

Enumerations Detail

ECellAutoSizeMode Source code

enum ECellAutoSizeMode
Different ways to auto-size list cells

ECellLinkType Source code

enum ECellLinkType
Determines how the cells in this list are linked.

EListWrapBehavior Source code

enum EListWrapBehavior
Determines how list elements are wrapped

Structures Detail

CellHitDetectionInfo Source code

struct native CellHitDetectionInfo
var int HitColumn;
var int HitRow;
var int ResizeColumn;
var int ResizeRow;
Provides information about which cells the mouse is currently hovering over.
the column that was hit; INDEX_NONE if the location did not correspond to a valid column
the row that was hit; INDEX_NONE if the location did not correspond to a valid row
if the hit location was within the region used for resizing a column, indicates the column that will be resized;
if the hit location was within the region used for resizing a column, indicates the column that will be resized;

Delegates Detail

OnListElementsSorted Source code

delegate OnListElementsSorted ( UIList Sender )
Called anytime this list's elements are sorted.
@param Sender the list that just sorted its elements.

OnSubmitSelection Source code

delegate OnSubmitSelection ( UIList Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() )
Called when the user presses Enter (or any other action bound to UIKey_SubmitListSelection) while this list has focus.
@param Sender the list that is submitting the selection

Functions Detail

AllMutexesDisabled Source code

final event bool AllMutexesDisabled ( ) )

@return TRUE if all mutexes are disabled.

CalculateIndexFromCursorLocation Source code

native const function int CalculateIndexFromCursorLocation ( optional bool bRequireValidIndex=true ) con )
Calculates the index of the element under the mouse or joystick cursor
@param bRequireValidIndex specify FALSE to return the calculated index, regardless of whether the index is valid or not. Useful for e.g. drag-n-drop operations where you want to drop at the end of the list.
@return the index [into the Items array] for the element under the mouse/joystick cursor, or INDEX_NONE if the mouse is not over a valid element.

CanSelectElement Source code

native final function bool CanSelectElement ( int ElementIndex )
Determines whether the specified list element can be selected.
@param ElementIndex the index into the Items array for the element to query
@return true if the specified element can enter the ELEMENT_Selected state. FALSE if the index specified is invalid or cannot be selected.

ClearBoundDataStores Source code

native final function ClearBoundDataStores ( )
Notifies this subscriber to unbind itself from all bound data stores

ClickedScrollZone Source code

function ClickedScrollZone ( UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionPerc, int PlayerIndex ) )
Handler for the vertical scrollbar's OnClickedScrollZone delegate. Scrolls the list by a full page (MaxVisibleItems).
@param Sender the scrollbar that was clicked.
@param PositionPerc a value from 0.0 - 1.0, representing the location of the click within the region between the increment and decrement buttons. Values closer to 0.0 means that the user clicked near the decrement button; values closer to 1.0 are nearer the increment button.
@param PlayerIndex Player that performed the action that issued the event.

DecrementAllMutexes Source code

final event DecrementAllMutexes ( optional bool bDispatchUpdates ) )
Decrements all mutexes
@param bDispatchUpdates specify TRUE to refresh the list's index, formatting, and states.

DisableSetIndex Source code

final event DisableSetIndex ( ) )
Disable calls to SetIndex(); useful when adding lots of items to avoid flicker.

DisableValueChangeNotification Source code

final event DisableValueChangeNotification ( ) )
Disable calls to NotifyValueChanged(); useful when adding lots of items to avoid flicker.

EnableColumnHeaderRendering Source code

final function EnableColumnHeaderRendering ( bool bShouldRenderColHeaders=true ) )
Changes whether this list renders colum headers or not. Only applicable if the owning list's CellLinkType is LINKED_Columns

EnableSetIndex Source code

final event EnableSetIndex ( ) )
Enable calls to SetIndex(); useful when adding lots of items to avoid flicker.

EnableValueChangeNotification Source code

final event EnableValueChangeNotification ( ) )
Enable calls to NotifyValueChanged(); useful when adding lots of items to avoid flicker.

FindItemIndex Source code

native final const function int FindItemIndex ( string ItemValue, optional int CellIndex=INDEX_NONE ) con )
Finds the index for the element with the specified text.
@param StringValue the value to find
@param CellIndex for lists which have linked columns or rows, indicates which column/row to check
@return the index [into the Items array] for the element with the specified value, or INDEX_NONE if not found.

GetBoundDataStores Source code

native final virtual function GetBoundDataStores ( out array<UIDataStore> out_BoundDataStores )
Retrieves the list of data stores bound by this subscriber.
@param out_BoundDataStores receives the array of data stores that subscriber is bound to.

GetClientRegion Source code

native const function vector2D GetClientRegion ( ) con )
Returns the width and height of the bounding region for rendering the cells, taking into account whether the scrollbar and column header are displayed.

GetColumnWidth Source code

native final const function float GetColumnWidth ( optional int ColumnIndex=INDEX_NONE, optional bool bColHeader, optional bool bReturnUnformattedValue ) con )
Returns the width of the specified column.
@param ColumnIndex the index for the column to get the width for. If the index is invalid, the list's configured CellWidth is returned instead.
@param bColHeader specify TRUE to apply HeaderCellPadding instead of CellPadding.
@param bReturnUnformattedValue specify TRUE to return a value determined by the size of a typical character from the font applied to the cell; otherwise, uses the cell string's calculated StringExtent, which will include any scaling that has been applied.

GetCurrentItem Source code

native final const function int GetCurrentItem ( ) con )
Returns the value of the element associated with the current list index
@return the value of the element at Index; this is not necessarily an index into the UIList.Items array; rather, it is the value of the UIList.Items element located at Index

GetDataStoreBinding Source code

native final virtual const function string GetDataStoreBinding ( optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE ) con )
Retrieves the markup string corresponding to the data store that this object is bound to.
@param BindingIndex optional parameter for indicating which data store binding is being requested for those objects which have multiple data store bindings. How this parameter is used is up to the class which implements this interface, but typically the "primary" data store will be index 0.
@return a datastore markup string which resolves to the datastore field that this object is bound to, in the format:

GetElementValue Source code

native final const function string GetElementValue ( int ElementIndex, optional int CellIndex=INDEX_NONE ) con )
Returns the text value for the specified element. (temporary)
@param ElementIndex index [into the Items array] for the value to return.
@param CellIndex for lists which have linked columns or rows, indicates which column/row to retrieve.
@return the value of the specified element, or an empty string if that element doesn't have a text value.

GetItemCount Source code

native const function int GetItemCount ( ) con )
Returns the number of elements in the list.
@return the number of elements in the list

GetMaxNumVisibleColumns Source code

native final const function int GetMaxNumVisibleColumns ( ) con )
Returns the maximum number of columns that can be displayed in the list, given its current size and configuration.

GetMaxNumVisibleRows Source code

native final const function int GetMaxNumVisibleRows ( ) con )
Returns the maximum number of rows that can be displayed in the list, given its current size and configuration.

GetMaxVisibleElementCount Source code

native const function int GetMaxVisibleElementCount ( ) con )
Returns the maximum number of elements that can be displayed by the list given its current size and configuration.

GetResizeColumn Source code

native noexport const function int GetResizeColumn ( optional out const CellHitDetectionInfo ClickedCell ) con )
If the mouse is over a column boundary, returns the index of the column that would be resized, or INDEX_NONE if the mouse is not hovering over a column boundary.
@param ClickedCell will be filled with information about which cells the cursor is currently over
@return if the cursor is within ResizeBufferPixels of a column boundary, the index of the column the left of the cursor; INDEX_NONE otherwise.
@note: noexport to allow the C++ version of this function to have a slightly different signature.

GetRowHeight Source code

native virtual const function float GetRowHeight ( optional int RowIndex=INDEX_NONE, optional bool bColHeader, optional bool bReturnUnformattedValue ) con )
Returns the width of the specified row.
@param RowIndex the index for the row to get the width for. If the index is invalid, the list's configured RowHeight is returned instead.
@param bColHeader specify TRUE to apply HeaderCellPadding instead of CellPadding.
@param bReturnUnformattedValue specify TRUE to return a value determined by the size of a typical character from the font applied to the cell; otherwise, uses the cell string's calculated StringExtent, which will include any scaling that has been applied.

GetSelectedItems Source code

native final const function array<int> GetSelectedItems ( ) con )
Returns the items that are currently selected.
@return an array of values that represent indexes into the data source's data array for the list elements that are selected. these indexes are NOT indexes into the UIList.Items array; rather, they are the values of the UIList.Items elements which correspond to the selected items

GetTotalColumnCount Source code

native final const function int GetTotalColumnCount ( ) con )
Returns the total number of columns in this list.

GetTotalRowCount Source code

native final const function int GetTotalRowCount ( ) con )
Returns the total number of rows in this list.

IncrementAllMutexes Source code

final event IncrementAllMutexes ( ) )
Increments all mutexes

Initialized Source code

event Initialized ( ) )
Sets up the scroll activity delegates in the scrollbars @todo - this is a fix for the issue where delegates don't seem to be getting set properly in defaultproperties blocks.

IsElementAutoSizingEnabled Source code

native final const function bool IsElementAutoSizingEnabled ( ) con )
Returns whether element size is determined by the elements themselves. For lists with linked columns, returns whether the item height is autosized; for lists with linked rows, returns whether item width is autosized.

IsElementEnabled Source code

native final function bool IsElementEnabled ( INT ElementIndex )
Determines whether the specified list element is disabled by the data source bound to this list.
@param ElementIndex the index into the Items array for the element to retrieve the menu state for.

IsHotTrackingEnabled Source code

native final const function bool IsHotTrackingEnabled ( ) con )
Returns the value of bUpdateItemUnderCursor.

IsSetIndexEnabled Source code

final event bool IsSetIndexEnabled ( ) )

@return TRUE if calls to SetIndex() will be executed.

IsValueChangeNotificationEnabled Source code

final event bool IsValueChangeNotificationEnabled ( ) )

@return TRUE if calls to NotifyValueChanged() will be executed.

NotifyDataStoreValueUpdated Source code

native final virtual function NotifyDataStoreValueUpdated ( UIDataStore SourceDataStore, bool bValuesInvalidated, name PropertyTag, UIDataProvider SourceProvider, int ArrayIndex )
Handler for the UIDataStore.OnDataStoreValueUpdated delegate. Used by data stores to indicate that some data provided by the data has changed. Subscribers should use this function to refresh any data store values being displayed with the updated value. notify subscribers when they should refresh their values from this data store.
@param SourceDataStore the data store that generated the refresh notification; useful for subscribers with multiple data store bindings, to tell which data store sent the notification.
@param PropertyTag the tag associated with the data field that was updated; Subscribers can use this tag to determine whether there is any need to refresh their data values.
@param SourceProvider for data stores which contain nested providers, the provider that contains the data which changed.
@param ArrayIndex for collection fields, indicates which element was changed. value of INDEX_NONE indicates not an array or that the entire array was updated.

OnGetTextValue Source code

function OnGetTextValue ( UIAction_GetTextValue Action ) )
Handler for GetTextValue action.

OnSetListIndex Source code

protected final function OnSetListIndex ( UIAction_SetListIndex Action ) )

OnStateChanged Source code

final function OnStateChanged ( UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex, UIState NewlyActiveState, optional UIState PreviouslyActiveState ) )
Called when a new UIState becomes the widget's currently active state, after all activation logic has occurred.
@param Sender the widget that changed states.
@param PlayerIndex the index [into the GamePlayers array] for the player that activated this state.
@param NewlyActiveState the state that is now active
@param PreviouslyActiveState the state that used the be the widget's currently active state.

PostInitialize Source code

event PostInitialize ( ) )
Propagate the enabled state of this widget.

RefreshSubscriberValue Source code

native final virtual function bool RefreshSubscriberValue ( optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE )
Resolves this subscriber's data store binding and updates the subscriber with the current value from the data store.
@return TRUE if this subscriber successfully resolved and applied the updated value.

RemoveElement Source code

native function int RemoveElement ( int ElementToRemove )
Removes the specified element from the list.
@param ElementToRemove the element to remove from the list
@return the index [into the Items array] for the element that was removed, or INDEX_NONE if the element wasn't part of the list.

SaveSubscriberValue Source code

native virtual function bool SaveSubscriberValue ( out array<UIDataStore> out_BoundDataStores, optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE )
Resolves this subscriber's data store binding and publishes this subscriber's value to the appropriate data store.
@param out_BoundDataStores contains the array of data stores that widgets have saved values to. Each widget that implements this method should add its resolved data store to this array after data values have been published. Once SaveSubscriberValue has been called on all widgets in a scene, OnCommit will be called on all data stores in this array.
@param BindingIndex optional parameter for indicating which data store binding is being requested for those objects which have multiple data store bindings. How this parameter is used is up to the class which implements this interface, but typically the "primary" data store will be index 0.
@return TRUE if the value was successfully published to the data store.

ScrollVertical Source code

native final function bool ScrollVertical ( UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionChange, optional bool bPositionMaxed=false )
Handler for vertical scrolling activity PositionChange should be a number of nudge values by which the slider was moved The nudge value in the UIList slider is equal to one list Item.
@param Sender the scrollbar that generated the event.
@param PositionChange indicates how many items to scroll the list by
@param bPositionMaxed indicates that the scrollbar's marker has reached its farthest available position, unused in this function

SetColumnCount Source code

native final function SetColumnCount ( int NewColumnCount )
Changes the list's ColumnCount to the value specified.

SetDataStoreBinding Source code

native final virtual function SetDataStoreBinding ( string MarkupText, optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE )
Sets the data store binding for this object to the text specified.
@param MarkupText a markup string which resolves to data exposed by a data store. The expected format is:
@param BindingIndex optional parameter for indicating which data store binding is being requested for those objects which have multiple data store bindings. How this parameter is used is up to the class which implements this interface, but typically the "primary" data store will be index 0.

SetHotTracking Source code

native final function SetHotTracking ( bool bShouldUpdateItemUnderCursor )
Change the value of bUpdateItemUnderCursor to the specified value.

SetIndex Source code

native final virtual function bool SetIndex ( int NewIndex, optional bool bClampValue=true, optional bool bSkipNotification=false )
Sets the list's index to the value specified and activates the appropriate notification events.
@param NewIndex An index into the Items array that should become the new Index for the list.
@param bClampValue if TRUE, NewIndex will be clamped to a valid value in the range of 0 -> ItemCount - 1
@param bSkipNotification if TRUE, no events are generated as a result of updating the list's index.
@return TRUE if the list's Index was successfully changed.

SetRowCount Source code

native final function SetRowCount ( int NewRowCount )
Changes the list's RowCount to the value specified.

SetTopIndex Source code

native final virtual function bool SetTopIndex ( int NewTopIndex, optional bool bClampValue=true )
Changes the list's first visible item to the element at the index specified.
@param NewTopIndex an index into the Items array that should become the new first visible item.
@param bClampValue if TRUE, NewTopIndex will be clamped to a valid value in the range of 0 - ItemCount - 1
@return TRUE if the list's TopIndex was successfully changed.

ShouldRenderColumnHeaders Source code

final function bool ShouldRenderColumnHeaders ( ) )
Returns whether this list should render column headers


   Begin Object Class=UIComp_ListPresenter Name=ListPresentationComponent ObjName=ListPresentationComponent Archetype=UIComp_ListPresenter'Engine.Default__UIComp_ListPresenter'
      Begin Object Class=UITexture Name=NormalOverlayTemplate ObjName=NormalOverlayTemplate Archetype=UITexture'Engine.Default__UIComp_ListPresenter:NormalOverlayTemplate'
      End Object
      Begin Object Class=UITexture Name=ActiveOverlayTemplate ObjName=ActiveOverlayTemplate Archetype=UITexture'Engine.Default__UIComp_ListPresenter:ActiveOverlayTemplate'
      End Object
      Begin Object Class=UITexture Name=SelectionOverlayTemplate ObjName=SelectionOverlayTemplate Archetype=UITexture'Engine.Default__UIComp_ListPresenter:SelectionOverlayTemplate'
      End Object
      Begin Object Class=UITexture Name=HoverOverlayTemplate ObjName=HoverOverlayTemplate Archetype=UITexture'Engine.Default__UIComp_ListPresenter:HoverOverlayTemplate'
      End Object
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=UIComp_Event Name=WidgetEventComponent ObjName=WidgetEventComponent Archetype=UIComp_Event'Engine.Default__UIObject:WidgetEventComponent'
   End Object

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