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native ( UIPrivate ) notplaceable HideDropDown

This widget class is a container for widget archetypes. Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Known issues: - copy/paste operations aren't propagated to UIPrefabInstances - [FIXED] changes to parent/child relationships aren't propagated to UIPrefabInstances, including adding/removing/reparenting - [FIXED] changes to custom input events (UUIEvent_MetaObject - WxDlgUIEvent_MetaObject) don't perform any change tracking/propagation - [FIXED] changes to PlayerInputMask don't seem to propagate correctly - need support for specifying "input alias => raw input key" mappings for widget archetypes (UIInputAliasStateMap/UIInputAliasClassMap/UIInputConfiguration) - reformatting doesn't occur for instanced UIList widgets or widgets which have UIComp_DrawString components (either when placing or updating). - modifying docking relationships using the docking editor doesn't propagate changes to instances. - most changes made through kismet editor (adding new seq. objects, removing objects, etc.) aren't propagated to instances at all

+-- Engine.UIRoot
   +-- Engine.UIScreenObject
      +-- Engine.UIObject
         +-- Engine.UIPrefab

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.UIObject

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIObject
AnimationParent, AnimationPosition, AnimStack, bDebugShowBounds, bEnableActiveCursorUpdates, bSupportsPrimaryStyle, ContextMenuData, DebugBoundsColor, DockTargets, NavigationTargets, Owner, OwnerScene, PrimaryStyle, PrivateFlags, RenderBoundsVertices[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], RenderBounds[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], RenderOffset, Rotation, StyleSubscribers, TabIndex, ToolTip, WidgetID, WidgetTag
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIScreenObject
bHidden, bInitialized, bNeverFocus, bSupports3DPrimitives, Children, DefaultStates, EventProvider, FocusControls, FocusedCue, FocusPropagation, InactiveStates, InitialState, MouseEnterCue, NavigateDownCue, NavigateLeftCue, NavigateRightCue, NavigateUpCue, Opacity, PlayerInputMask, Position, StateStack, ZDepth

Structures Summary
WidgetArchetype, WidgetInstance, ArchetypeBounds[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], InstanceBounds[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX]

Functions Summary
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIObject
AddStyleSubscriber, AnimSetBottom, AnimSetColor, AnimSetLeft, AnimSetOpacity, AnimSetPosition, AnimSetRelPosition, AnimSetRight, AnimSetRotation, AnimSetScale, AnimSetTop, AnimSetVisibility, CanAcceptFocus, ClearDefaultDataBinding, ClearUIAnimation, FindStyleSubscriberIndex, FindStyleSubscriberIndexById, GenerateSceneDataStoreMarkup, GenerateTransformMatrix, GetAnchorPosition, GetDefaultDataBinding, GetDefaultDataStores, GetOwner, GetParent, GetPositionExtent, GetPositionExtents, GetRotationMatrix, GetScene, GetToolTipValue, HasTransform, IsContainedBy, IsDockedTo, IsPrivateBehaviorSet, LogRenderBounds, NeedsActiveCursorUpdates, NotifyValueChanged, OnSetDatastoreBinding, PlayUIAnimation, RemoveStyleSubscriber, ResolveDefaultDataBinding, ResolveStyles, RotateWidget, SetActiveCursorUpdate, SetAnchorPosition, SetDefaultDataBinding, SetDockPadding, SetDockParameters, SetDockTarget, SetForcedNavigationTarget, SetNavigationTarget, SetPrivateBehavior, SetWidgetStyleByName, StopUIAnimation, TickAnim, UIAnimEnd, UpdateRotationMatrix
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIScreenObject
AcceptsPlayerInput, ActivateEventByClass, ActivateState, ActivateStateByClass, AddedChild, CanAcceptFocus, CanPlayOnline, CanPropagateFocusFor, CanvasToScreen, ConditionalPropagateEnabledState, ContainsChild, ContainsChildOfClass, CreatePlayerData, CreateWidget, DeactivateState, DeactivateStateByClass, DeProject, DisablePlayerInput, DisableWidget, EnablePlayerInput, EnableWidget, FindChild, FindChildIndex, FindChildUsingID, FindEventsOfClass, FocusFirstControl, FocusLastControl, GetActivePlayerCount, GetAspectRatioAutoScaleFactor, GetBestControllerId, GetBestPlayerIndex, GetBounds, GetCanvasToScreen, GetChildren, GetCurrentState, GetDockedWidgets, GetFocusedControl, GetInverseCanvasToScreen, GetLastFocusedControl, GetLoginStatus, GetNATType, GetObjectCount, GetParent, GetPlayerOwner, GetPosition, GetPositionVector, GetSupportedPlayerCount, GetSupportedUIActionKeyNames, GetViewportHeight, GetViewportOffset, GetViewportOrigin, GetViewportScale, GetViewportSize, GetViewportWidth, GetWidgetPathName, HasActiveStateOfClass, HasLinkConnection, Initialize, Initialized, InitializePlayerTracking, InsertChild, IsActive, IsEnabled, IsFocused, IsHidden, IsHoldingAlt, IsHoldingCtrl, IsHoldingShift, IsInitialized, IsLoggedIn, IsNeverFocused, IsPressed, IsVisible, KillFocus, LogCurrentState, NavigateFocus, NextControl, OnChangeVisibility, OnConsoleCommand, OnSetControllerId, OnShowAchievementsUI, OnShowContentMarketplaceUI, OnShowFeedbackUI, OnShowFriendInviteUI, OnShowFriendsUI, OnShowGamerCardUI, OnShowMembershipMarketplaceUI, OnShowMessagesUI, OnShowPlayersUI, OverrideLastFocusedControl, PixelToCanvas, PixelToScreen, PlayUISound, PostInitialize, PrevControl, PrivateSetVisibility, Project, RebuildNavigationLinks, RemoveChild, RemoveChildren, RemovedChild, RemovedFromParent, RemovePlayerData, ReplaceChild, RequestFormattingUpdate, RequestPrimitiveReview, RequestSceneUpdate, ScreenToCanvas, ScreenToPixel, SetEnabled, SetFocus, SetFocusToChild, SetInputMask, SetPosition, SetVisibility

Variables Detail

InternalPrefabVersion Source code

var private const int InternalPrefabVersion;
Version number for this prefab when it was loaded from disk. Used to determine whether a modification to a widget contained in this prefab should increment the PrefabVersion (i.e. PrefabVersion should only be incremented if InternalPrefabVersion matches PrefabVersion).

ModificationCounter Source code

var transient const int ModificationCounter;
Used to track the number of calls to Pre/PostEditChange for widgets contained within this UIPrefab. When PreEditChange or PostEditChange is called on a widget contained within a UIPrefab, rather than calling the UObject version, it is instead routed to the owning UIPrefab. When UIPrefab receives a call to PreEditChange, the UIPrefab calls SavePrefabInstances if ModificationCounter is 0, then increments the counter. When UIPrefab receives a call to PostEditChange, it decrements the counter and calls LoadPrefabInstances once it reaches 0.

PrefabPreview Source code

var editoronly const Texture2D PrefabPreview;
Snapshot of Prefab used for thumbnail in the browser.

PrefabVersion Source code

var const int PrefabVersion;
Version number for this prefab. Each time a UIPrefab is saved, the PrefabVersion is incremented. This number is used to detect when UIPrefabInstances based on this prefab need to be updated.

Structures Detail

ArchetypeInstancePair Source code

struct native ArchetypeInstancePair
var transient float ArchetypeBounds[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
var transient float InstanceBounds[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
var transient UIObject WidgetArchetype;
var transient UIObject WidgetInstance;
This struct is used for various purposes to track information about a widget instance and an associated archetype.
Used to stores the RenderBounds of WidgetArchetype in cases where WidgetArchetype is not in the scene's children array.
Used to stores the RenderBounds of WidgetInstance in cases where WidgetInstance is not in the scene's children array.
Holds a reference to a widget archetype
Holds a reference to the widget instance; depending on where this struct is used, could be an instance of WidgetArchetype or might be e.g. the widget instance used to create WidgetArchetype (when creating a completely new UIPrefab).


   Begin Object Class=UIComp_Event Name=WidgetEventComponent ObjName=WidgetEventComponent Archetype=UIComp_Event'Engine.Default__UIObject:WidgetEventComponent'
   End Object

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