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Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Info
      +-- UTGame.UTTeamAI
         +-- UTGame.UTOnslaughtTeamAI

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTTeamAI
AttackSquad, bFoundSuperItems, EnemyTeam, FreelanceSquad, ImportantVehicleFactories, NumSuperPickups, NumSupportingPlayer, Objectives, OrderList[8], OrderOffset, PickedObjective, PickedStandaloneObjective, Squads, SquadType, SuperPickups[16], Team

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Engine.Info
KeyValuePair, PlayerResponseLine, ServerResponseLine

Functions Summary
functionfloat CoreAvailabilityScore (UTOnslaughtNodeObjective Core))
function CriticalObjectiveWarning (UTGameObjective AttackedObjective, Pawn EventInstigator))
functionUTGameObjective FindFastFreelanceObjective ()))
function FindNewObjectives (UTGameObjective DisabledObjective))
functionUTGameObjective GetLeastDefendedObjective (Controller InController))
functionUTGameObjective GetLeastDefendedPlayerObjective (UTPlayerController PC))
functionUTGameObjective GetPriorityAttackObjectiveFor (UTSquadAI AnAttackSquad, Controller InController))
functionUTGameObjective GetPriorityFreelanceObjectiveFor (UTSquadAI InFreelanceSquad))
functionUTOnslaughtNodeObjective GetPriorityOrbObjectiveFor (Controller InController))
functionUTGameObjective GetPriorityPlayerAttackObjectiveFor (UTPlayerController PC))
function GetSquadsOrdered (out array<UTSquadAI> SquadList))
functionbool IsFastFreelanceObjective (UTOnslaughtObjective Core))
functionbool ObjectiveCoveredByAnotherSquad (UTGameObjective O, UTSquadAI IgnoreSquad, optional bool bRequireAttackSquad, optional int RequiredAttackers))
functionbool PutOnDefense (UTBot B))
function ReAssessStrategy ()))
function Reset ()))
function SetObjectiveLists ()))
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTTeamAI
AddHumanSquad, AddSquadWithLeader, CallForHelp, ClearEnemies, CriticalObjectiveWarning, FindHumanSquad, FindNewObjectiveFor, FindNewObjectives, FindSquadOf, FindSuperItems, FriendlyToward, GetLeastDefendedObjective, GetPriorityAttackObjectiveFor, GetPriorityFreelanceObjectiveFor, GetPriorityStandaloneObjectiveFor, GetSquadLedBy, GetTeamNum, NotifyKilled, PostBeginPlay, PutBotOnSquadLedBy, PutOnDefense, PutOnFreelance, PutOnOffense, ReAssessStrategy, RemoveFromTeam, RemoveSquad, Reset, SetBotOrders, SetObjectiveLists, SetOrders, Timer

Variables Detail

bAllNodesTaken Source code

var bool bAllNodesTaken;

FinalCore Source code

var UTOnslaughtPowerCore FinalCore;

Flag Source code

var UTOnslaughtFlag Flag;
this team's flag for capturing bunkers

Functions Detail

CoreAvailabilityScore Source code

function float CoreAvailabilityScore ( UTOnslaughtNodeObjective Core) )

CriticalObjectiveWarning Source code

function CriticalObjectiveWarning ( UTGameObjective AttackedObjective, Pawn EventInstigator) )

FindFastFreelanceObjective Source code

function UTGameObjective FindFastFreelanceObjective ( ) )

FindNewObjectives Source code

function FindNewObjectives ( UTGameObjective DisabledObjective) )

GetLeastDefendedObjective Source code

function UTGameObjective GetLeastDefendedObjective ( Controller InController) )

GetLeastDefendedPlayerObjective Source code

function UTGameObjective GetLeastDefendedPlayerObjective ( UTPlayerController PC) )

GetPriorityAttackObjectiveFor Source code

function UTGameObjective GetPriorityAttackObjectiveFor ( UTSquadAI AnAttackSquad, Controller InController) )

GetPriorityFreelanceObjectiveFor Source code

function UTGameObjective GetPriorityFreelanceObjectiveFor ( UTSquadAI InFreelanceSquad) )

GetPriorityOrbObjectiveFor Source code

function UTOnslaughtNodeObjective GetPriorityOrbObjectiveFor ( Controller InController) )
Return recommended objective node for orb runner

GetPriorityPlayerAttackObjectiveFor Source code

function UTGameObjective GetPriorityPlayerAttackObjectiveFor ( UTPlayerController PC) )

GetSquadsOrdered Source code

function GetSquadsOrdered ( out array<UTSquadAI> SquadList) )

@return Squads with primary attack squad(s) first, defense second, freelance third, others last this is used when evaulating objective changes to make sure primary squads get the most important objectives regardless of the order they were added

IsFastFreelanceObjective Source code

function bool IsFastFreelanceObjective ( UTOnslaughtObjective Core) )

ObjectiveCoveredByAnotherSquad Source code

function bool ObjectiveCoveredByAnotherSquad ( UTGameObjective O, UTSquadAI IgnoreSquad, optional bool bRequireAttackSquad, optional int RequiredAttackers) )
returns true if the given objective is a SquadObjective for some other squad on this team than the passed in squad
@param O - the objective to test for
@param IgnoreSquad - squad to ignore (because we're calling this while evaluating changing its objective)
@param bRequireAttackSquad (opt) - if true, only count as covered if at least one squad has 'Attack' orders
@param RequiredAttackers (opt) - only valid if bRequireAttackSquad - only count as covered if this many bots are covering it
@return whether the objective is sufficiently covered by another squad

PutOnDefense Source code

function bool PutOnDefense ( UTBot B) )

ReAssessStrategy Source code

function ReAssessStrategy ( ) )

Reset Source code

function Reset ( ) )

SetObjectiveLists Source code

function SetObjectiveLists ( ) )



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