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native ( Onslaught ) abstract

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- UTGame.UTCarriedObject
      +-- UTGame.UTOnslaughtFlag

Direct Known Subclasses:


Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.Actor

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTCarriedObject
Assists, bHome, bLastSecondSave, bLeavingDroppedState, BlueColor, bUseTeamColorForIcon, DefaultHeight, DefaultRadius, DroppedSound, FirstTouch, FlagLight, GameObjBone3P, GameObjOffset1P, GameObjOffset3P, GameObjRot1P, GameObjRot3P, GoldColor, HighlightScale, HighlightSpeed, Holder, HolderPRI, HomeBase, HomeBaseOffset, HUDLocation, IconCoords, IconTexture, LastAnchor, LastFlagSeeTime, LastHighlightUpdate, LastSeeMessageIndex, LastValidAnchorTime, MapSize, MaxDropTime, MaxHighlightScale, NeedToPickUpAnnouncements, OldBase, OldBaseBase, OldHolder, PickupSound, PickUpWaveForm, RedColor, ReturnedSound, TakenTime, Team, TossDistance
Inherited Variables from Engine.Actor
Acceleration, AllComponents, Attached, bAlwaysEncroachCheck, bAlwaysRelevant, bAlwaysTick, Base, BaseBoneName, BaseSkelComponent, bBlockActors, bBlocksNavigation, bBlocksTeleport, bBounce, bCanBeAdheredTo, bCanBeDamaged, bCanBeFrictionedTo, bCanTeleport, bClientDemoRecording, bCollideActors, bCollideComplex, bCollideWhenPlacing, bCollideWorld, bComponentOutsideWorld, bConsiderAllStaticMeshComponentsForStreaming, bDebug, bDeleteMe, bDemoOwner, bDemoRecording, bDestroyedByInterpActor, bDestroyInPainVolume, bEdShouldSnap, bExchangedRoles, bForceNetUpdate, bGameRelevant, bHardAttach, bHasAlternateTargetLocation, bHidden, bHiddenEd, bHiddenEdCustom, bHiddenEdGroup, bHurtEntry, bIgnoreBaseRotation, bIgnoreEncroachers, bIgnoreRigidBodyPawns, bIsMoving, bJustTeleported, bKillDuringLevelTransition, bLockLocation, BlockRigidBody, bMovable, bNetDirty, bNetInitial, bNetInitialRotation, bNetOwner, bNetTemporary, bNeverReplicateRotation, bNoDelete, bNoEncroachCheck, bOnlyDirtyReplication, bOnlyOwnerSee, bOnlyRelevantToOwner, bOrientOnSlope, bPathColliding, bPathTemp, bPendingDelete, bPendingNetUpdate, bPhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck, bPostRenderIfNotVisible, bProjTarget, bPushedByEncroachers, bRepClientDemo, bReplicateInstigator, bReplicateMovement, bReplicateRigidBodyLocation, bRouteBeginPlayEvenIfStatic, bScriptInitialized, bShadowParented, bShouldBaseAtStartup, bSkipActorPropertyReplication, bStasis, bStatic, bTearOff, bTempEditor, bTicked, bUpdateSimulatedPosition, bWorldGeometry, Children, CollisionComponent, CollisionType, Components, CreationTime, CustomTimeDilation, DesiredRotation, DetachFence, DrawScale, DrawScale3D, GeneratedEvents, Group, InitialState, Instigator, LastNetUpdateTime, LastRenderTime, LatentActions, LatentFloat, LatentSeqNode, LifeSpan, Location, MessageClass, MinDistForNetRBCorrection, NetPriority, NetTag, NetUpdateFrequency, NetUpdateTime, OverlapTag, Owner, PendingTouch, Physics, PhysicsVolume, PrePivot, RelativeLocation, RelativeRotation, RemoteRole, Role, Rotation, RotationRate, SupportedEvents, Tag, TickGroup, Timers, Touching, Velocity, WorldInfo

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.Actor
ECollisionType, EDoubleClickDir, EMoveDir, ENetRole, EPhysics, ETravelType

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Engine.Actor
AnimSlotDesc, AnimSlotInfo, AsyncLineCheckResult, CollisionImpactData, ImpactInfo, NavReference, ReplicatedHitImpulse, RigidBodyContactInfo, RigidBodyState, TimerData, TraceHitInfo

Functions Summary
event BeginState (name PreviousStateName))
function BeginState (Name PreviousStateName))
function BeginState (Name PreviousStateName))
function BroadcastDroppedMessage (Controller EventInstigator))
function BroadcastTakenFromBaseMessage (Controller EventInstigator))
function ClientReturnedHome ()))
event Destroyed ()))
function DoBuildOrb ()))
function DoBuildOrb ()))
function DrawIcon (Canvas Canvas, vector IconLocation, float IconWidth, float IconAlpha))
event DrawUsePictograph (PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas))
function Drop (optional Controller Killer))
event EndState (name NextStateName))
function EndState (Name NextStateName))
function EndState (Name NextStateName))
functionUTOnslaughtFlagBase FindNearestFlagBase (UTOnslaughtNodeObjective CurrentNode, optional out array CheckedNodes ))
functionbool FlagUse (Controller C))
functionbyte GetTeamNum ()
functionbool IsNearlyHome ()))
functionbool IsRebuilding ()))
functionbool IsRebuilding ()))
function LogDropped (Controller EventInstigator))
function NativePostRenderFor (PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir)
function NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived ()))
function OrbBuilt ()))
function OrbBuilt ()))
event OrbUnused ()))
event OrbUnused ()))
function PostBeginPlay ()))
event PostRenderFor (PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir))
function RenderEnemyMapIcon (UTMapInfo MP, Canvas Canvas, UTPlayerController PlayerOwner, UTGameObjective NearbyObjective))
function RenderMapIcon (UTMapInfo MP, Canvas Canvas, UTPlayerController PlayerOwner))
event ReplicatedEvent (name VarName))
function Reset ()))
function Reset ()))
function Reset ()))
function Score ()))
function Score ()))
function SendFlagMessage (Controller C))
function SendHome (Controller Returner))
function SendHome (Controller Returner))
function SetHolder (Controller C))
function SetHomeBase ()))
event SetOrbTeam ()))
function SetTeam (int TeamIndex))
functionbool ShouldMinimapRenderFor (PlayerController PC))
function Timer ()))
event Touch (Actor Other, PrimitiveComponent OtherComp, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal))
function UpdateTeamEffects ()))
functionbool ValidHolder (Actor Other))
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTCarriedObject
AutoSendHome, BaseChange, BeginState, BroadcastDroppedMessage, BroadcastReturnedMessage, BroadcastTakenDroppedMessage, BroadcastTakenFromBaseMessage, CalcSetHome, CheckFit, CheckPain, CheckTouching, ClearHolder, ClientReturnedHome, DrawIcon, Drop, EndState, FellOutOfWorld, FlagUse, GetIconTexture, GetKismetEventObjective, GetTeamNum, HighlightOnMinimap, KismetSendHome, Landed, LogDropped, LogReturned, LogTaken, NotReachableBy, OnBaseChainChanged, PhysicsVolumeChange, Position, PostBeginPlay, RenderEnemyMapIcon, RenderMapIcon, ReplicatedEvent, Score, SendFlagMessage, SendHome, SetHolder, SetHUDLocation, ShouldMinimapRenderFor, TakeDamage, Timer, Touch, ValidHolder
Inherited Functions from Engine.Actor
ActivateEventClass, AllActors, AllOwnedComponents, Attach, AttachComponent, AutonomousPhysics, BaseChange, BasedActors, BecomeViewTarget, BeginAnimControl, BroadcastLocalizedMessage, BroadcastLocalizedTeamMessage, Bump, CalcCamera, CanSplash, ChartData, CheckForErrors, CheckHitInfo, CheckMaxEffectDistance, ChildActors, ClampRotation, ClearLatentAction, ClearTimer, Clock, CollidingActors, CollisionChanged, ComponentList, ConsoleCommand, ConstraintBrokenNotify, ContainsPoint, CreateAudioComponent, DebugFreezeGame, Destroy, Destroyed, Detach, DetachComponent, DisplayDebug, DoKismetAttachment, DrawDebugBox, DrawDebugCone, DrawDebugCoordinateSystem, DrawDebugCylinder, DrawDebugLine, DrawDebugSphere, DynamicActors, EffectIsRelevant, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EndViewTarget, Falling, FastTrace, FellOutOfWorld, FindActorsOfClass, FindBase, FindEventsOfClass, FindGoodEndView, FindSpot, FinishAnim, FinishAnimControl, FlushPersistentDebugLines, ForceNetRelevant, ForceUpdateComponents, GainedChild, GetActorEyesViewPoint, GetActorFaceFXAsset, GetBaseMost, GetBoundingCylinder, GetComponentsBoundingBox, GetDebugName, GetDestination, GetFaceFXAudioComponent, GetGravityZ, GetHumanReadableName, GetItemName, GetLocalString, GetLocationStringFor, GetPackageGuid, GetPhysicsName, GetTargetLocation, GetTeamNum, GetTerminalVelocity, GetTimerCount, GetTimerRate, GetURLMap, GetUTFlag, HealDamage, HitWall, HurtRadius, InterpolationChanged, InterpolationFinished, InterpolationStarted, IsActorPlayingFaceFXAnim, IsBasedOn, IsInPain, IsInVolume, IsOverlapping, IsOwnedBy, IsPlayerOwned, IsStationary, IsTimerActive, KilledBy, Landed, LocalPlayerControllers, LostChild, MakeNoise, MatchStarting, ModifyHearSoundComponent, Move, MoveSmooth, MovingWhichWay, NativePostRenderFor, NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived, NotifySkelControlBeyondLimit, OnAnimEnd, OnAnimPlay, OnAttachToActor, OnCauseDamage, OnChangeCollision, OnDestroy, OnHealDamage, OnMakeNoise, OnRanOver, OnSetBlockRigidBody, OnSetPhysics, OnTeleport, OnToggleHidden, OutsideWorldBounds, OverlappingActors, OverRotated, PawnBaseDied, PhysicsVolumeChange, PickedUpBy, PlayActorFaceFXAnim, PlayerCanSeeMe, PlaySound, PlayTeleportEffect, PointCheckComponent, PostBeginPlay, PostInitAnimTree, PostRenderFor, PostTeleport, PostTouch, PreBeginPlay, PreTeleport, RanInto, ReplaceText, ReplicatedEvent, Reset, RigidBodyCollision, RootMotionExtracted, RootMotionModeChanged, ScriptGetTeamNum, SetAnimPosition, SetAnimWeights, SetBase, SetCollision, SetCollisionSize, SetDrawScale, SetDrawScale3D, SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty, SetGRI, SetHardAttach, SetHidden, SetHUDLocation, SetInitialState, SetLocation, SetMorphWeight, SetNetUpdateTime, SetOnlyOwnerSee, SetOwner, SetPhysics, SetRelativeLocation, SetRelativeRotation, SetRotation, SetSkelControlScale, SetTickGroup, SetTimer, SetZone, ShutDown, Sleep, Spawn, SpawnedByKismet, SpecialHandling, StopActorFaceFXAnim, StopsProjectile, SuggestTossVelocity, TakeDamage, TakeRadiusDamage, Tick, Timer, TimeSince, TornOff, Touch, TouchingActors, Trace, TraceActors, TraceComponent, TriggerEventClass, UnClock, UnTouch, UsedBy, VisibleActors, VisibleCollidingActors

States Summary
Dropped Source code
state Dropped
BeginState, EndState, FlagUse, SendHome, Timer, Touch
Held Source code
state Held
OrbUnused, Score
Home Source code
state Home
BeginState, EndState, Reset
Rebuilding Source code
auto state Rebuilding
BeginState, DoBuildOrb, EndState, IsRebuilding, OrbBuilt, Reset

Variables Detail

bFinishedPreBuild Source code

var repnotify bool bFinishedPreBuild;
set when rebuilding and finished prebuild delay

BuildStartTime Source code

var repnotify float BuildStartTime;
Time when orb building started

BuildTime Source code

var float BuildTime;
How long to wait before building power orb

EnemyReturnPrebuildTime Source code

var float EnemyReturnPrebuildTime;
How long before rebuilding orb if enemy returns it

FlagEffectComp Source code

var ParticleSystemComponent FlagEffectComp;

FlagEffect[2] Source code

var ParticleSystem FlagEffect[2];

FlagMaterials[2] Source code

var Material FlagMaterials[2];

GodBeamClass Source code

var class<UTOnslaughtGodBeam> GodBeamClass;

GraceDist Source code

var float GraceDist;
if a teammate is within this range when the orb would be returned, it halts the timer at zero to give them a final chance to grab it

HomeHiddenCount Source code

var int HomeHiddenCount;
Used for failsafe check if orb should be unhidden

HomeOrbScale Source code

var float HomeOrbScale;
scale when rebuilding/at home

HoverboardOrbScale Source code

var float HoverboardOrbScale;
scale when viewed by player holding orb and driving hoverboard

LastForcedReturnPRI Source code

var PlayerReplicationInfo LastForcedReturnPRI;
Don't let auto-return player pick it up again unless at least 30 seconds have passed.

LastForcedReturnTime Source code

var float LastForcedReturnTime;

LastGraceDistance Source code

var float LastGraceDistance;

LastIncomingWarning Source code

var float LastIncomingWarning;

LastNearbyObjective Source code

var UTGameObjective LastNearbyObjective;

LastUsefulTime Source code

var float LastUsefulTime;
When held, monitor last time it was used usefully, and auto-return if player isn't doing anything with orb.

LightColors[2] Source code

var color LightColors[2];

LockedNode Source code

var UTOnslaughtPowerNode LockedNode;
currently locked node

MaxHoldTime Source code

var float MaxHoldTime;
max time before auto-return unused orb (note that locking a vulnerable node counts as use)

MaxSpringDistance Source code

var float MaxSpringDistance;

Mesh Source code

var StaticMeshComponent Mesh;

MyGodBeam Source code

var UTOnslaughtGodBeam MyGodBeam;

NormalOrbScale Source code

var float NormalOrbScale;
normal orb scale

OldLocation Source code

var vector OldLocation;

OrbMinViewDist Source code

var float OrbMinViewDist;
Hide orb if closer than this, to avoid camera clipping

OrbString Source code

var localized string OrbString;

Prebuildtime Source code

var float Prebuildtime;
How long to wait before building power orb

RemainingDropTime Source code

var byte RemainingDropTime;
remaining time (in real seconds) orb can be on the ground before it gets returned

ReturnedEffectClasses[2] Source code

var class<UTReplicatedEmitter> ReturnedEffectClasses[2];
teamcolored effect played when we are returned

StartingHomeBase Source code

var UTOnslaughtFlagBase StartingHomeBase;
keeps track of starting home base for round resets, as HomeBase changes depending on the closest friendly base when the flag gets returned

ToolTipIconCoords Source code

var UIRoot.TextureCoordinates ToolTipIconCoords;
Coordinates for the tooltip textures

UsePictographDistSq Source code

var float UsePictographDistSq;
Use pictograph distance - show pictograph to use enemy orb if within this distance

Functions Detail

BeginState Dropped Source code

event BeginState ( name PreviousStateName) )

BeginState Home Source code

function BeginState ( Name PreviousStateName) )

BeginState Rebuilding Source code

function BeginState ( Name PreviousStateName) )

BroadcastDroppedMessage Source code

function BroadcastDroppedMessage ( Controller EventInstigator) )

BroadcastTakenFromBaseMessage Source code

function BroadcastTakenFromBaseMessage ( Controller EventInstigator) )

ClientReturnedHome Source code

simulated function ClientReturnedHome ( ) )

Destroyed Source code

simulated event Destroyed ( ) )

DoBuildOrb Source code

function DoBuildOrb ( ) )

DoBuildOrb Rebuilding Source code

function DoBuildOrb ( ) )

DrawIcon Source code

simulated function DrawIcon ( Canvas Canvas, vector IconLocation, float IconWidth, float IconAlpha) )
If being rebuilt, Draw partial icon to reflect that orb is building

DrawUsePictograph Source code

simulated event DrawUsePictograph ( PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas) )

Drop Source code

function Drop ( optional Controller Killer) )

EndState Dropped Source code

event EndState ( name NextStateName) )

EndState Home Source code

function EndState ( Name NextStateName) )

EndState Rebuilding Source code

function EndState ( Name NextStateName) )

FindNearestFlagBase Source code

function UTOnslaughtFlagBase FindNearestFlagBase ( UTOnslaughtNodeObjective CurrentNode, optional out array<UTOnslaughtNodeObjective> CheckedNodes ) )
find the nearest flag base to the given objective on the Onslaught node network

FlagUse Dropped Source code

function bool FlagUse ( Controller C) )

GetTeamNum Source code

simulated native function byte GetTeamNum ( )

IsNearlyHome Source code

function bool IsNearlyHome ( ) )

@return whether this flag is at its homebase or reasonably close to it

IsRebuilding Source code

function bool IsRebuilding ( ) )

IsRebuilding Rebuilding Source code

function bool IsRebuilding ( ) )

LogDropped Source code

function LogDropped ( Controller EventInstigator) )

NativePostRenderFor Source code

simulated native function NativePostRenderFor ( PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir )

NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived Source code

simulated function NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived ( ) )

OrbBuilt Source code

function OrbBuilt ( ) )

OrbBuilt Rebuilding Source code

function OrbBuilt ( ) )

OrbUnused Source code

event OrbUnused ( ) )

OrbUnused Held Source code

event OrbUnused ( ) )
Send unused orb home

PostBeginPlay Source code

simulated function PostBeginPlay ( ) )

PostRenderFor Source code

simulated event PostRenderFor ( PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir) )
PostRenderFor() Hook to allow objectives to render HUD overlays for themselves. Called only if objective was rendered this tick. Assumes that appropriate font has already been set

RenderEnemyMapIcon Source code

simulated function RenderEnemyMapIcon ( UTMapInfo MP, Canvas Canvas, UTPlayerController PlayerOwner, UTGameObjective NearbyObjective) )

RenderMapIcon Source code

simulated function RenderMapIcon ( UTMapInfo MP, Canvas Canvas, UTPlayerController PlayerOwner) )

ReplicatedEvent Source code

simulated event ReplicatedEvent ( name VarName) )

Reset Source code

function Reset ( ) )

Reset Home Source code

function Reset ( ) )

Reset Rebuilding Source code

function Reset ( ) )

Score Source code

function Score ( ) )

Score Held Source code

function Score ( ) )

SendFlagMessage Source code

function SendFlagMessage ( Controller C) )

SendHome Source code

function SendHome ( Controller Returner) )
called to send the flag to its home base
@param Returner the player responsible for returning the flag (may be None)

SendHome Dropped Source code

function SendHome ( Controller Returner) )

SetHolder Source code

function SetHolder ( Controller C) )

SetHomeBase Source code

function SetHomeBase ( ) )
sets HomeBase to the nearest friendly Onslaught flag base

SetOrbTeam Source code

simulated event SetOrbTeam ( ) )

SetTeam Source code

function SetTeam ( int TeamIndex) )

ShouldMinimapRenderFor Source code

simulated function bool ShouldMinimapRenderFor ( PlayerController PC) )
returns true if should be rendered for passed in player

Timer Dropped Source code

function Timer ( ) )

Touch Dropped Source code

event Touch ( Actor Other, PrimitiveComponent OtherComp, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) )

UpdateTeamEffects Source code

simulated function UpdateTeamEffects ( ) )

ValidHolder Source code

function bool ValidHolder ( Actor Other) )


   Begin Object Class=CylinderComponent Name=CollisionCylinder ObjName=CollisionCylinder Archetype=CylinderComponent'UTGame.Default__UTCarriedObject:CollisionCylinder'
   End Object

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