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placeable native ( UIPrivate )

This widget defines a region in which its child widgets can be placed. If any of its children lay outside of its defined region then a scroll bar will be made visible to allow the region to be scrolled to the outside widgets. Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.UIRoot
   +-- Engine.UIScreenObject
      +-- Engine.UIObject
         +-- Engine.UIContainer
            +-- Engine.UIScrollFrame

Direct Known Subclasses:


Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.UIObject

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIContainer
Inherited Variables from Engine.UIObject
AnimationParent, AnimationPosition, AnimStack, bDebugShowBounds, bEnableActiveCursorUpdates, bSupportsPrimaryStyle, ContextMenuData, DebugBoundsColor, DockTargets, NavigationTargets, Owner, OwnerScene, PrimaryStyle, PrivateFlags, RenderBoundsVertices[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], RenderBounds[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX], RenderOffset, Rotation, StyleSubscribers, TabIndex, ToolTip, WidgetID, WidgetTag

Functions Summary
event AddedChild (UIScreenObject WidgetOwner, UIObject NewChild ))
functionfloat GetClientRegionPosition (EUIOrientation Orientation ) con)
functionvector2D GetClientRegionPositionVector () con)
functionfloat GetClientRegionSize (EUIOrientation Orientation ) con)
functionvector2D GetClientRegionSizeVector () con)
function GetClipRegion (out float MinX, out float MinY, out float MaxX, out float MaxY ) con)
functionfloat GetVisibleRegionPercentage (EUIOrientation Orientation ) con)
function OnApplyScrolling (UIAction_ApplyScrolling Action ))
function OnChildRepositioned (UIScreenObject Sender ))
function ReapplyFormatting (optional bool bImmediately)
function RefreshScrollbars (optional bool bImmediately)
event RemovedChild (UIScreenObject WidgetOwner, UIObject OldChild, optional array ExclusionSet ))
functionbool ScrollRegion (UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionChange, optional bool bPositionMaxed)
event ScrollZoneClicked (UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionPerc, int PlayerIndex ))
functionbool SetClientRegionPosition (EUIOrientation Orientation, float NewPosition)
functionbool SetClientRegionPositionVector (Vector2D NewPosition)
Inherited Functions from Engine.UIObject
AddStyleSubscriber, AnimSetBottom, AnimSetColor, AnimSetLeft, AnimSetOpacity, AnimSetPosition, AnimSetRelPosition, AnimSetRight, AnimSetRotation, AnimSetScale, AnimSetTop, AnimSetVisibility, CanAcceptFocus, ClearDefaultDataBinding, ClearUIAnimation, FindStyleSubscriberIndex, FindStyleSubscriberIndexById, GenerateSceneDataStoreMarkup, GenerateTransformMatrix, GetAnchorPosition, GetDefaultDataBinding, GetDefaultDataStores, GetOwner, GetParent, GetPositionExtent, GetPositionExtents, GetRotationMatrix, GetScene, GetToolTipValue, HasTransform, IsContainedBy, IsDockedTo, IsPrivateBehaviorSet, LogRenderBounds, NeedsActiveCursorUpdates, NotifyValueChanged, OnSetDatastoreBinding, PlayUIAnimation, RemoveStyleSubscriber, ResolveDefaultDataBinding, ResolveStyles, RotateWidget, SetActiveCursorUpdate, SetAnchorPosition, SetDefaultDataBinding, SetDockPadding, SetDockParameters, SetDockTarget, SetForcedNavigationTarget, SetNavigationTarget, SetPrivateBehavior, SetWidgetStyleByName, StopUIAnimation, TickAnim, UIAnimEnd, UpdateRotationMatrix

Variables Detail

bRecalculateClientRegion Source code

var private const transient bool bRecalculateClientRegion;
indicates that the client region is out of date and needs to be recalculated

bRefreshScrollbars Source code

var private const transient bool bRefreshScrollbars;
indicates when the scrollbars need to be updated

ClientRegionPosition Source code

var private transient Vector2D ClientRegionPosition;
Represents the position of the client region with respect to this scrollframe. Values are from 0.0 - 1.0, where 0,0 means that the top-left of the client region is at the top-left corner of this widget, and a value of 1,1 means that the bottom-right of the client region is at the top-left corner of this widget.

FrameBounds[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX] Source code

var private transient float FrameBounds[EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX];
caches the value of the frame's bounding region extent (includes any rotation)

ScrollbarHorizontal Source code

var duplicatetransient const private UIScrollbar ScrollbarHorizontal;
A scrollbar widget that allows the entire RegionExtent to be scrolled to for the horizontal dimension.

ScrollbarVertical Source code

var duplicatetransient const private UIScrollbar ScrollbarVertical;
A scrollbar widget that allows the entire RegionExtent to be scrolled to for the horizontal dimension.


StaticBackgroundImage Source code

var(Image) editinline const UIComp_DrawImage StaticBackgroundImage;
Component for rendering the background image. If given a value, this image will not move when the user scrolls, whereas the background image for the client panel will.


HorizontalClientRegion Source code

var(UIScrollFrame) editinline editconst private transient UIScreenValue_Extent HorizontalClientRegion;
The horizontal extent of the region which contains this widget's children. If this region is greater than the horizontal extent of this scrollframe, the horizontal scrollbar will be made visible.

VerticalClientRegion Source code

var(UIScrollFrame) editinline editconst private transient UIScreenValue_Extent VerticalClientRegion;
The vertical extent of the region which contains this widget's children. If this region is greater than the vertical extent of this scrollframe, the vertical scrollbar will be made visible.

Functions Detail

AddedChild Source code

event AddedChild ( UIScreenObject WidgetOwner, UIObject NewChild ) )
Called immediately after a child has been added to this screen object. Sets up NotifyPositionChanged delegate in the added child
@param WidgetOwner the screen object that the NewChild was added as a child for
@param NewChild the widget that was added

GetClientRegionPosition Source code

native final const function float GetClientRegionPosition ( EUIOrientation Orientation ) con )
Gets the position of either the left or top side of the client region.
@param Orientation specify UIORIENT_Horizontal to retrieve the position of the left side; specify UIORIENT_Vertical to retrieve the position of the top side.
@return the position of the client region, in canvas coordinates relative to the top left corner of this widget.

GetClientRegionPositionVector Source code

native final const function vector2D GetClientRegionPositionVector ( ) con )
Gets the position of the upper-left corner of the client region.
@return the position of the client region, in canvas coordinates relative to the top left corner of this widget.

GetClientRegionSize Source code

native final const function float GetClientRegionSize ( EUIOrientation Orientation ) con )
Returns the size of a single orientation of the client region, in pixels.
@param Orientation specify UIORIENT_Horizontal to retrieve the width of the client region or UIORIENT_Vertical to get the height of the client region.
@return the width or height of the client region, in pixels.

GetClientRegionSizeVector Source code

native final const function vector2D GetClientRegionSizeVector ( ) con )
Returns the size of the client region, in pixels.
@return the size of the client region, in pixels.

GetClipRegion Source code

native const function GetClipRegion ( out float MinX, out float MinY, out float MaxX, out float MaxY ) con )
Returns a vector containing the size of the region (in pixels) available for rendering inside this scrollframe, taking account whether the scrollbars are visible.

GetVisibleRegionPercentage Source code

native final const function float GetVisibleRegionPercentage ( EUIOrientation Orientation ) con )
Returns the percentage of the client region that is visible within the scrollframe's bounds.
@param Orientation specifies whether to return the vertical or horizontal percentage.
@return a value from 0.0 to 1.0 representing the percentage of the client region that can be visible at once.

OnApplyScrolling Source code

function OnApplyScrolling ( UIAction_ApplyScrolling Action ) )
Handler for the ApplyScrolling action.

OnChildRepositioned Source code

final function OnChildRepositioned ( UIScreenObject Sender ) )
Handler for NotifyPositionChanged delegate for children of this panel. Sets the flag indicating that the panel should recalculate the client region.
@param Sender Child widget which has been repositioned

ReapplyFormatting Source code

native final function ReapplyFormatting ( optional bool bImmediately )
Sets the flag indicating that the client region needs to be recalculated. Does not necessarily trigger a scene update.
@param bImmediately specify TRUE to immediately recalculate the client region instead of batching up and waiting until the next scene update.

RefreshScrollbars Source code

native final function RefreshScrollbars ( optional bool bImmediately )
Sets the flag indicating that the scrollbars need to be re-resolved. Does not necessarily trigger a scene update.
@param bImmediately specify TRUE to resolve the scrollbars immediately instead of batching until the next scene update.

RemovedChild Source code

event RemovedChild ( UIScreenObject WidgetOwner, UIObject OldChild, optional array<UIObject> ExclusionSet ) )
Called immediately after a child has been removed from this screen object. Clears the NotifyPositionChanged delegate in the removed child
@param WidgetOwner the screen object that the widget was removed from.
@param OldChild the widget that was removed
@param ExclusionSet used to indicate that multiple widgets are being removed in one batch; useful for preventing references between the widgets being removed from being severed. NOTE: If a value is specified, OldChild will ALWAYS be part of the ExclusionSet, since it is being removed.

ScrollRegion Source code

native final function bool ScrollRegion ( UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionChange, optional bool bPositionMaxed )
Scrolls all of the child widgets by the specified amount in the specified direction.
@param Sender the scrollbar that generated the event.
@param PositionChange indicates the amount that the scrollbar has travelled.
@param bPositionMaxed indicates that the scrollbar's marker has reached its farthest available position, used to achieve pixel exact scrolling

ScrollZoneClicked Source code

private event ScrollZoneClicked ( UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionPerc, int PlayerIndex ) )
Handler for the scrollbars' OnClickedScrollZone delegate. Scrolls the client region by a full page.
@param Sender the scrollbar that was clicked.
@param PositionPerc a value from 0.0 - 1.0, representing the location of the click within the region between the increment and decrement buttons. Values closer to 0.0 means that the user clicked near the decrement button; values closer to 1.0 are nearer the increment button.
@param PlayerIndex index of the player that generated the scrollzone click.

SetClientRegionPosition Source code

native final function bool SetClientRegionPosition ( EUIOrientation Orientation, float NewPosition )
Changes the position of the client region and synchronizes the scrollbars to the new position.
@param Orientation specify UIORIENT_Horizontal to set the position of the left side; specify UIORIENT_Vertical to set the position of the top side.
@param NewPosition the position to move the client region to, in pixels.
@return TRUE if the client region was moved successfully.

SetClientRegionPositionVector Source code

native final function bool SetClientRegionPositionVector ( Vector2D NewPosition )
Changes the position of the client region and synchronizes the scrollbars to the new position.
@param NewPosition the position to move the client region to, in pixels.
@return TRUE if the client region was moved successfully.


   Begin Object Class=UIComp_Event Name=WidgetEventComponent ObjName=WidgetEventComponent Archetype=UIComp_Event'Engine.Default__UIContainer:WidgetEventComponent'
   End Object

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