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placeable native ( UIFrontEnd )

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Keybinding List, exposes a set of UTUIDataProvider_KeyBinding objects to the user so they can bind keys.

+-- Engine.UIRoot
   +-- Engine.UIScreenObject
      +-- Engine.UIObject
         +-- UTGame.UTUI_Widget
            +-- UTGame.UTDrawPanel
               +-- UTGame.UTUIOptionList
                  +-- UTGame.UTUIKeyBindingList

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTUIOptionList
ArrowColor, ArrowImage, bAnimatingBGPrefab, bDownArrowPressed, bDragging, BGPrefab, BGPrefabInstance, bRegenOptions, bUpArrowPressed, CurrentIndex, DataProvider, DataSource, DefaultOptionHeight, DefaultOptionPadding, DefaultOptionRightMargin, DefaultOptionTopMargin, DownArrowBounds[4], DragClickPosition, DragDeadZone, GeneratedObjects, LastDragSelection, MaxVisibleItems, PreviousIndex, ScrollArrowWidth, SelectionImage, SelectionSpeed, StartMovementTime, UpArrowBounds[4], VerticalScrollbar
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTDrawPanel
bUseFullViewport, Canvas, pHeight, pLeft, pTop, pWidth, ResolutionScale

Structures Summary
KeyName, Command, PInput, PreviousBinding, bPromptForDuplicate, bBindIsPrimary
Inherited Structures from UTGame.UTUIOptionList

Functions Summary
function AttemptKeyBind ()))
functionbool BindingsHaveChanged ()))
function BindKey ()))
function CancelKeyBind ()))
function ClickedScrollZone (UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionPerc, int PlayerIndex ))
function FinishBinding ()))
function FinishKeyDialog (bool bPromptForBindStomp))
functionString GetBindKeyFromCommand (PlayerInput PInput, String Command, out int StartIdx)
functionint GetFirstUnboundCrucialBind ()))
eventPlayerInput GetPlayerInput ()))
functionbool HandleInputKey (const out InputEventParameters EventParms ))
functionbool IsAlreadyBound (Name KeyName))
function OnBindDialogSceneDeactivated (UIScene DeactivatedScene ))
functionbool OnBindKey_InputKey (const out InputEventParameters EventParms ))
function OnBindStompWarning_Closed ()))
functionbool OnButton_InputKey (const out InputEventParameters EventParms ))
functionbool OnClicked (UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex ))
function OnMenu_BindOverwrite_Confirm (UTUIScene_MessageBox MessageBox, int SelectedItem, int PlayerIndex))
function OnStompBindDialogSceneDeactivated (UIScene DeactivatedScene ))
event PostInitialize ()))
function RefreshBindingLabels ()
function RegenerateOptions ()
function ReloadDefaults ()))
function RepositionOptions ()
functionbool ScrollVertical (UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionChange, optional bool bPositionMaxed=false ))
functionbool SelectNextItem (optional bool bWrap=false, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex()))
functionbool SelectPreviousItem (optional bool bWrap=false, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex()))
function SpawnBindStompWarningMessage ()))
function UnbindKey (name BindName))
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTUIOptionList
CheckAndUpdateDragging, CheckArrowInput, ClearBoundDataStores, ClickedScrollZone, CursorCheck, DrawPanel, DrawSpecial, EnableItem, EnableItemAtIndex, GetBoundDataStores, GetCurrentlySelectedOption, GetDataStoreBinding, GetMousePosition, GetObjectInfoIndexFromName, GetObjectInfoIndexFromObject, GetSupportedUIActionKeyNames, InitializeComboboxWidgets, InitializeScrollbars, NotifyDataStoreValueUpdated, OnOption_NotifyActiveStateChanged, OnValueChanged, PostInitialize, ProcessInputAxis, ProcessInputKey, RefreshAllOptions, RefreshSubscriberValue, RegenerateOptions, RepositionOptions, ScrollVertical, SelectItem, SelectNextItem, SelectPreviousItem, SetDataStoreBinding, SetSelectedOptionIndex, SetupOptionBindings
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTDrawPanel
Draw2DLine, DrawPanel

Variables Detail

bCurrentlyBindingKey Source code

var transient bool bCurrentlyBindingKey;
Whether or not we should try to bind the next key.

CrucialBindValues Source code

var transient array<bool> CrucialBindValues;
List of bools to keep track of crucial binds that must be bound before exiting screen, the length of this array should match the generated objects array.

CurrentBindings Source code

var transient array<string> CurrentBindings;
Current bindings for each of the buttons, the length of this array should match the generated objects array.

CurrentlyBindingObject Source code

var transient UIObject CurrentlyBindingObject;
Which button we are currently rebinding.

CurrKeyBindData Source code

var transient BindKeyData CurrKeyBindData;
Key bind data to be passed from function to function and into message logic when attempting a key bind.

LocalizedFriendlyNames Source code

var transient array<string> LocalizedFriendlyNames;
List of friendly label names for the actions being bound to.

MessageBoxReference Source code

var transient UTUIScene_MessageBox MessageBoxReference;
Reference to the message box scene.

NonIntrusiveMessageBoxScene Source code

var transient UIScene NonIntrusiveMessageBoxScene;
Global scene reference for non intrusive message box scene

NumButtons Source code

var transient int NumButtons;
Number of buttons to display for each key binding.

StoredBindings Source code

var transient array<string> StoredBindings;
Stored bindings for each of the buttons, the length of this array should match the generated objects array. This array stores the starting values for CurrentBindings so we know if any changes were made.

Structures Detail

BindKeyData Source code

struct BindKeyData
var bool bBindIsPrimary;
var bool bPromptForDuplicate;
var string Command;
var name KeyName;
var PlayerInput PInput;
var name PreviousBinding;
Structure to store all pertinent data when in the process of binding a key.
Whether the bind is the primary or secondary bind.
Whether to prompt about duplicate binds or not.
Command to bind to the KeyName
New key to bind to.
Player input object to bind in.
The previous key bound to.

Functions Detail

AttemptKeyBind Source code

function AttemptKeyBind ( ) )
Attempts to bind the specified key to an action. Will prompt user of bind stomping.

BindingsHaveChanged Source code

function bool BindingsHaveChanged ( ) )
Whether any changes have been made to the bindings.

BindKey Source code

function BindKey ( ) )
Binds the specified key to an action.

CancelKeyBind Source code

function CancelKeyBind ( ) )
Cancels out of an attempted bind.

ClickedScrollZone Source code

function ClickedScrollZone ( UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionPerc, int PlayerIndex ) )
Handler for the vertical scrollbar's OnClickedScrollZone delegate. Scrolls the list by a full page (MaxVisibleItems).
@param Sender the scrollbar that was clicked.
@param PositionPerc a value from 0.0 - 1.0, representing the location of the click within the region between the increment and decrement buttons. Values closer to 0.0 means that the user clicked near the decrement button; values closer to 1.0 are nearer the increment button.
@param PlayerIndex Player that performed the action that issued the event.

FinishBinding Source code

function FinishBinding ( ) )
Finishes the binding process by clearing variables and closing the bind key dialog.

FinishKeyDialog Source code

function FinishKeyDialog ( bool bPromptForBindStomp) )
Closes the key dialog

GetBindKeyFromCommand Source code

native function String GetBindKeyFromCommand ( PlayerInput PInput, String Command, out int StartIdx )
Get the binding key using the command as the key and starting from a specific place in the list.

GetFirstUnboundCrucialBind Source code

function int GetFirstUnboundCrucialBind ( ) )
Returns the index in the CrucialBindValues array of the first crucial bind not bound. Returns -1 if all is good.

GetPlayerInput Source code

event PlayerInput GetPlayerInput ( ) )
Returns the player input object for the player that owns this widget.

HandleInputKey Source code

function bool HandleInputKey ( const out InputEventParameters EventParms ) )
Provides a hook for unrealscript to respond to input using actual input key names (i.e. Left, Tab, etc.) Called when an input key event is received which this widget responds to and is in the correct state to process. The keys and states widgets receive input for is managed through the UI editor's key binding dialog (F8). This delegate is called BEFORE kismet is given a chance to process the input.
@param EventParms information about the input event.
@return TRUE to indicate that this input key was processed; no further processing will occur on this input key event.

IsAlreadyBound Source code

function bool IsAlreadyBound ( Name KeyName) )
Whether or not a key is already bound to a command.

OnBindDialogSceneDeactivated Source code

function OnBindDialogSceneDeactivated ( UIScene DeactivatedScene ) )
Called when the bind dialog is closed.

OnBindKey_InputKey Source code

function bool OnBindKey_InputKey ( const out InputEventParameters EventParms ) )
Provides a hook for unrealscript to respond to input using actual input key names (i.e. Left, Tab, etc.) Called when an input key event is received which this widget responds to and is in the correct state to process. The keys and states widgets receive input for is managed through the UI editor's key binding dialog (F8). This delegate is called BEFORE kismet is given a chance to process the input.
@param EventParms information about the input event.
@return TRUE to indicate that this input key was processed; no further processing will occur on this input key event.

OnBindStompWarning_Closed Source code

function OnBindStompWarning_Closed ( ) )
Callback for when the warning for stomping binds dialog has finished closing.

OnButton_InputKey Source code

function bool OnButton_InputKey ( const out InputEventParameters EventParms ) )
Callback for the mutator lists, captures the accept button before the mutators get to it.

OnClicked Source code

function bool OnClicked ( UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex ) )
Callback for all of the options we generated.

OnMenu_BindOverwrite_Confirm Source code

function OnMenu_BindOverwrite_Confirm ( UTUIScene_MessageBox MessageBox, int SelectedItem, int PlayerIndex) )
Confirmation for rebinding of an already bound key message bos.

OnStompBindDialogSceneDeactivated Source code

function OnStompBindDialogSceneDeactivated ( UIScene DeactivatedScene ) )
Called when the bind dialog is closed.

PostInitialize Source code

event PostInitialize ( ) )
Post initialize, binds callbacks for all of the generated options.

RefreshBindingLabels Source code

native function RefreshBindingLabels ( )
Refreshes the binding labels for all of the buttons.

RegenerateOptions Source code

native function RegenerateOptions ( )
Generates widgets for all of the options.

ReloadDefaults Source code

function ReloadDefaults ( ) )
Reloads default values from the default INI (PC Only).

RepositionOptions Source code

native function RepositionOptions ( )
Repositions all of the visible options.

ScrollVertical Source code

function bool ScrollVertical ( UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionChange, optional bool bPositionMaxed=false ) )
Handler for vertical scrolling activity PositionChange should be a number of nudge values by which the slider was moved
@param Sender the scrollbar that generated the event.
@param PositionChange indicates how many items to scroll the list by
@param bPositionMaxed indicates that the scrollbar's marker has reached its farthest available position, unused in this function

SelectNextItem Source code

function bool SelectNextItem ( optional bool bWrap=false, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex()) )
Selects the next item in the list.

SelectPreviousItem Source code

function bool SelectPreviousItem ( optional bool bWrap=false, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex()) )
Selects the previous item in the list.

SpawnBindStompWarningMessage Source code

function SpawnBindStompWarningMessage ( ) )
Spawns the message dialog so we can warn the player about stomping a key bind.

UnbindKey Source code

function UnbindKey ( name BindName) )
Unbinds the specified key.


   Begin Object Class=UIComp_Event Name=WidgetEventComponent ObjName=WidgetEventComponent Archetype=UIComp_Event'UTGame.Default__UTUIOptionList:WidgetEventComponent'
   End Object

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