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placeable native ( UIFrontEnd ) implements ( UIDataStoreSubscriber )

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Options tab page, autocreates a set of options widgets using the datasource provided.

+-- Engine.UIRoot
   +-- Engine.UIScreenObject
      +-- Engine.UIObject
         +-- UTGame.UTUI_Widget
            +-- UTGame.UTDrawPanel
               +-- UTGame.UTUIOptionList

Direct Known Subclasses:

UTUIDynamicOptionList, UTUIKeyBindingList

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTDrawPanel
bUseFullViewport, Canvas, pHeight, pLeft, pTop, pWidth, ResolutionScale
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTUI_Widget
bRequiresTick, UTSceneOwner

Structures Summary
OptionProviderName, LabelObj, OptionObj, OptionProvider, OptionY, OptionHeight, OptionX, OptionWidth

Delegates Summary
delegate OnAcceptOptions (UIScreenObject InObject, int PlayerIndex)
delegate OnOptionChanged (UIScreenObject InObject, name OptionName, int PlayerIndex)
delegate OnOptionFocused (UIScreenObject InObject, UIDataProvider OptionProvider)
Inherited Delegates from UTGame.UTDrawPanel

Functions Summary
function CheckAndUpdateDragging ()))
function CheckArrowInput (const SubscribedInputEventParameters EventParms))
function ClearBoundDataStores ()
function ClickedScrollZone (UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionPerc, int PlayerIndex ))
functionbool CursorCheck (float X1, float Y1, float X2, float Y2))
event DrawPanel ()))
function DrawSpecial (float x, float y, float w, float h, float u, float v, float ul, float vl, color DrawColor, bool bOver, bool bPressed))
functionbool EnableItem (int PlayerIndex, UIObject ChosenObj, bool bShouldEnable=true ))
functionbool EnableItemAtIndex (int PlayerIndex, int OptionIdx, bool bShouldEnable=true ))
function GetBoundDataStores (out array<UIDataStore> out_BoundDataStores)
functionUIObject GetCurrentlySelectedOption ()))
functionstring GetDataStoreBinding (optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE ) con)
functionVector GetMousePosition ()))
functionint GetObjectInfoIndexFromName (name ProviderName))
functionint GetObjectInfoIndexFromObject (UIObject Sender))
event GetSupportedUIActionKeyNames (out array out_KeyNames ))
function InitializeComboboxWidgets ()
function InitializeScrollbars ()
function NotifyDataStoreValueUpdated (UIDataStore SourceDataStore, bool bValuesInvalidated, name PropertyTag, UIDataProvider SourceProvider, int ArrayIndex)
function OnOption_NotifyActiveStateChanged (UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex, UIState NewlyActiveState, optional UIState PreviouslyActiveState ))
function OnValueChanged (UIObject Sender, int PlayerIndex ))
event PostInitialize ()))
functionbool ProcessInputAxis (const out SubscribedInputEventParameters EventParms ))
functionbool ProcessInputKey (const out SubscribedInputEventParameters EventParms ))
function RefreshAllOptions ()))
functionbool RefreshSubscriberValue (optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE)
function RegenerateOptions ()
function RepositionOptions ()
functionbool ScrollVertical (UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionChange, optional bool bPositionMaxed=false ))
functionbool SelectItem (int OptionIdx, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex(), optional bool bClampValue=true ))
functionbool SelectNextItem (optional bool bWrap=false, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex()))
functionbool SelectPreviousItem (optional bool bWrap=false, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex()))
function SetDataStoreBinding (string MarkupText, optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE)
function SetSelectedOptionIndex (int OptionIdx)
event SetupOptionBindings ()))
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTDrawPanel
Draw2DLine, DrawPanel
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTUI_Widget
FindDataStore, GetPlayerControllerId, NotifyGameSessionEnded

Variables Detail

ArrowColor Source code

var color ArrowColor;

ArrowImage Source code

var texture2D ArrowImage;

bAnimatingBGPrefab Source code

var transient bool bAnimatingBGPrefab;
Whether or not we are currently animating the background prefab.

bDownArrowPressed Source code

var transient bool bDownArrowPressed;

bDragging Source code

var transient bool bDragging;

BGPrefabInstance Source code

var transient UIPrefabInstance BGPrefabInstance;
Instance of the background prefab.

bRegenOptions Source code

var transient bool bRegenOptions;
Flag to let the optionlist know that it should regenerate its options on next tick.

bUpArrowPressed Source code

var transient bool bUpArrowPressed;

CurrentIndex Source code

var transient int CurrentIndex;
Current option index.

DataProvider Source code

var const transient UIListElementProvider DataProvider;
the list element provider referenced by DataSource

DownArrowBounds[4] Source code

var transient float DownArrowBounds[4];

DragClickPosition Source code

var transient vector DragClickPosition;
Last time we changed the current selection due to dragging.

DragDeadZone Source code

var transient float DragDeadZone;
Current state of the arrows.

GeneratedObjects Source code

var transient array<GeneratedObjectInfo> GeneratedObjects;
List of auto-generated objects, anything in this array will be removed from the children's array before presave.

LastDragSelection Source code

var transient float LastDragSelection;
Speed to increase or decrease the currently selected element when dragging, in seconds.

MaxVisibleItems Source code

var transient int MaxVisibleItems;
Maximum number of visible items.

PreviousIndex Source code

var transient int PreviousIndex;
Previously selected option index.

ScrollArrowWidth Source code

var float ScrollArrowWidth;
Properties for the scroll arrows.

SelectionImage Source code

var texture2D SelectionImage;

SelectionSpeed Source code

var transient float SelectionSpeed;

StartMovementTime Source code

var transient float StartMovementTime;
Start time for animating option switches.

UpArrowBounds[4] Source code

var transient float UpArrowBounds[4];

VerticalScrollbar Source code

var transient UIScrollbar VerticalScrollbar;
Scrollbar to let PC users scroll up and down the list freely.


DataSource Source code

var(Data) UIDataStoreBinding DataSource;
The data store that this list is bound to


BGPrefab Source code

var(UTUIOptionList) UIPrefab BGPrefab;
Background prefab for the currently selected item.

DefaultOptionHeight Source code

var(UTUIOptionList) float DefaultOptionHeight;
Properties for individual option spacing

DefaultOptionPadding Source code

var(UTUIOptionList) float DefaultOptionPadding;

DefaultOptionRightMargin Source code

var(UTUIOptionList) float DefaultOptionRightMargin;

DefaultOptionTopMargin Source code

var(UTUIOptionList) float DefaultOptionTopMargin;

Structures Detail

GeneratedObjectInfo Source code

struct GeneratedObjectInfo
var UIObject LabelObj;
var float OptionHeight;
var UIObject OptionObj;
var UIDataProvider OptionProvider;
var name OptionProviderName;
var float OptionWidth;
var float OptionX;
var float OptionY;
Info about an option we have generated.

Delegates Detail

OnAcceptOptions Source code

delegate OnAcceptOptions ( UIScreenObject InObject, int PlayerIndex )
Accept button was pressed on the option list.

OnOptionChanged Source code

delegate OnOptionChanged ( UIScreenObject InObject, name OptionName, int PlayerIndex )
Delegate for when the user changes one of the options in this option list.

OnOptionFocused Source code

delegate OnOptionFocused ( UIScreenObject InObject, UIDataProvider OptionProvider )
Delegate called when an option gains focus.

Functions Detail

CheckAndUpdateDragging Source code

function CheckAndUpdateDragging ( ) )
If we are dragging, this function will increment the current selection based on the location of the mouse cursor.

CheckArrowInput Source code

function CheckArrowInput ( const SubscribedInputEventParameters EventParms) )
Checks to see if the user has clicked on the scroll arrows.

ClearBoundDataStores Source code

native final virtual function ClearBoundDataStores ( )
Notifies this subscriber to unbind itself from all bound data stores

ClickedScrollZone Source code

function ClickedScrollZone ( UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionPerc, int PlayerIndex ) )
Handler for the vertical scrollbar's OnClickedScrollZone delegate. Scrolls the list by a full page (MaxVisibleItems).
@param Sender the scrollbar that was clicked.
@param PositionPerc a value from 0.0 - 1.0, representing the location of the click within the region between the increment and decrement buttons. Values closer to 0.0 means that the user clicked near the decrement button; values closer to 1.0 are nearer the increment button.
@param PlayerIndex Player that performed the action that issued the event.

CursorCheck Source code

function bool CursorCheck ( float X1, float Y1, float X2, float Y2) )
All are in pixels @Param X1 Left @Param Y1 Top @Param X2 Right @Param Y2 Bottom @Returns true if the mouse is within the bounds given

DrawPanel Source code

event DrawPanel ( ) )
Render's the list's selection elements.

DrawSpecial Source code

function DrawSpecial ( float x, float y, float w, float h, float u, float v, float ul, float vl, color DrawColor, bool bOver, bool bPressed) )

EnableItem Source code

function bool EnableItem ( int PlayerIndex, UIObject ChosenObj, bool bShouldEnable=true ) )
Enables / disables an item in the list. If the item is the currently selected item, selects the next item in the list, if possible.
@param OptionIdx the index for the option that should be updated
@param bShouldEnable TRUE to enable the item; FALSE to disable.
@return TRUE if the item's state was successfully changed; FALSE if it couldn't be changed or OptionIdx was invalid.

EnableItemAtIndex Source code

function bool EnableItemAtIndex ( int PlayerIndex, int OptionIdx, bool bShouldEnable=true ) )

GetBoundDataStores Source code

native final virtual function GetBoundDataStores ( out array<UIDataStore> out_BoundDataStores )
Retrieves the list of data stores bound by this subscriber.
@param out_BoundDataStores receives the array of data stores that subscriber is bound to.

GetCurrentlySelectedOption Source code

function UIObject GetCurrentlySelectedOption ( ) )
Returns the currently selected option object

GetDataStoreBinding Source code

native final virtual const function string GetDataStoreBinding ( optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE ) con )
Retrieves the markup string corresponding to the data store that this object is bound to.
@param BindingIndex optional parameter for indicating which data store binding is being requested for those objects which have multiple data store bindings. How this parameter is used is up to the class which implements this interface, but typically the "primary" data store will be index 0.
@return a datastore markup string which resolves to the datastore field that this object is bound to, in the format:

GetMousePosition Source code

function Vector GetMousePosition ( ) )
@Returns the mouse position in widget space

GetObjectInfoIndexFromName Source code

function int GetObjectInfoIndexFromName ( name ProviderName) )

@return Returns the object info struct index given a provider namename.

GetObjectInfoIndexFromObject Source code

function int GetObjectInfoIndexFromObject ( UIObject Sender) )

@return Returns the object info struct given a sender object.

GetSupportedUIActionKeyNames Source code

event GetSupportedUIActionKeyNames ( out array<Name> out_KeyNames ) )

InitializeComboboxWidgets Source code

native function InitializeComboboxWidgets ( )
Initializes combobox widgets.

InitializeScrollbars Source code

native function InitializeScrollbars ( )
Initializes the scrollbar widget for the option list.

NotifyDataStoreValueUpdated Source code

native function NotifyDataStoreValueUpdated ( UIDataStore SourceDataStore, bool bValuesInvalidated, name PropertyTag, UIDataProvider SourceProvider, int ArrayIndex )
Handler for the UIDataStore.OnDataStoreValueUpdated delegate. Used by data stores to indicate that some data provided by the data has changed. Subscribers should use this function to refresh any data store values being displayed with the updated value. notify subscribers when they should refresh their values from this data store.
@param SourceDataStore the data store that generated the refresh notification; useful for subscribers with multiple data store bindings, to tell which data store sent the notification.
@param PropertyTag the tag associated with the data field that was updated; Subscribers can use this tag to determine whether there is any need to refresh their data values.
@param SourceProvider for data stores which contain nested providers, the provider that contains the data which changed.
@param ArrayIndex for collection fields, indicates which element was changed. value of INDEX_NONE indicates not an array or that the entire array was updated.

OnOption_NotifyActiveStateChanged Source code

function OnOption_NotifyActiveStateChanged ( UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex, UIState NewlyActiveState, optional UIState PreviouslyActiveState ) )
Callback for when the object's active state changes.

OnValueChanged Source code

function OnValueChanged ( UIObject Sender, int PlayerIndex ) )
Callback for all of the options we generated.

PostInitialize Source code

event PostInitialize ( ) )
Post initialize, binds callbacks for all of the generated options.

ProcessInputAxis Source code

function bool ProcessInputAxis ( const out SubscribedInputEventParameters EventParms ) )
Enable hottracking if we are dragging

ProcessInputKey Source code

function bool ProcessInputKey ( const out SubscribedInputEventParameters EventParms ) )
Provides a hook for unrealscript to respond to input using actual input key names (i.e. Left, Tab, etc.) Called when an input key event is received which this widget responds to and is in the correct state to process. The keys and states widgets receive input for is managed through the UI editor's key binding dialog (F8). This delegate is called BEFORE kismet is given a chance to process the input.
@param EventParms information about the input event.
@return TRUE to indicate that this input key was processed; no further processing will occur on this input key event.

RefreshAllOptions Source code

function RefreshAllOptions ( ) )
Refreshes the value of all of the options by having them pull their options from the datastore again.

RefreshSubscriberValue Source code

native final virtual function bool RefreshSubscriberValue ( optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE )
Resolves this subscriber's data store binding and updates the subscriber with the current value from the data store.
@return TRUE if this subscriber successfully resolved and applied the updated value.

RegenerateOptions Source code

native function RegenerateOptions ( )
Generates widgets for all of the options.

RepositionOptions Source code

native function RepositionOptions ( )
Repositions all of the visible options.

ScrollVertical Source code

function bool ScrollVertical ( UIScrollbar Sender, float PositionChange, optional bool bPositionMaxed=false ) )
Handler for vertical scrolling activity PositionChange should be a number of nudge values by which the slider was moved
@param Sender the scrollbar that generated the event.
@param PositionChange indicates how many items to scroll the list by
@param bPositionMaxed indicates that the scrollbar's marker has reached its farthest available position, unused in this function

SelectItem Source code

function bool SelectItem ( int OptionIdx, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex(), optional bool bClampValue=true ) )
Selects the specified option item.

SelectNextItem Source code

function bool SelectNextItem ( optional bool bWrap=false, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex()) )
Selects the next item in the list.

SelectPreviousItem Source code

function bool SelectPreviousItem ( optional bool bWrap=false, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex()) )
Selects the previous item in the list.

SetDataStoreBinding Source code

native final virtual function SetDataStoreBinding ( string MarkupText, optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE )
Sets the data store binding for this object to the text specified.
@param MarkupText a markup string which resolves to data exposed by a data store. The expected format is:
@param BindingIndex optional parameter for indicating which data store binding is being requested for those objects which have multiple data store bindings. How this parameter is used is up to the class which implements this interface, but typically the "primary" data store will be index 0.

SetSelectedOptionIndex Source code

native function SetSelectedOptionIndex ( int OptionIdx )
Sets the currently selected option index.

SetupOptionBindings Source code

event SetupOptionBindings ( ) )
Sets up the option bindings.


   Begin Object Class=UIComp_Event Name=WidgetEventComponent ObjName=WidgetEventComponent Archetype=UIComp_Event'UTGame.Default__UTDrawPanel:WidgetEventComponent'
   End Object

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