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dependson ( UTMapListManager )

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. UI scene that allows the user to setup a map cycle.

+-- Engine.UIRoot
   +-- Engine.UIScreenObject
      +-- Engine.UIObject
         +-- Engine.UIContainer
            +-- Engine.UITabPage
               +-- UTGame.UTTabPage
                  +-- UTGame.UTUIPanel_MapCycle

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.UITabPage

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTTabPage
Inherited Variables from Engine.UITabPage
ButtonCaption, ButtonClass, ButtonToolTip, PageDescription, TabButton

Delegates Summary
delegate OnMapSelected ()
Inherited Delegates from UTGame.UTTabPage

Functions Summary
function GenerateMapCycleList (out GameMapCycle Cycle))
function GenerateMapCycleListNew (out UTMapList MLObj))
functionname GetCurrentGameMode ()))
functionname GetCurrentGameModeFull ()))
functionstring GetSelectedMap ()))
functionstring GrabOptions (string InURL))
functionbool HandleInputKey (const out InputEventParameters EventParms ))
functionbool HandleRefreshSubscriberValue (UIObject Sender, int BindingIndex ))
function LoadMapCycle ()))
function OnAccept ()))
function OnAvailableList_SubmitSelection (UIList Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() ))
function OnAvailableList_ValueChanged (UIObject Sender, int PlayerIndex ))
functionbool OnButtonBar_Accept (UIScreenObject InButton, int PlayerIndex))
functionbool OnButtonBar_ClearMaps (UIScreenObject InButton, int PlayerIndex))
functionbool OnButtonBar_MoveMap (UIScreenObject InButton, int PlayerIndex))
functionbool OnButtonBar_ShiftDown (UIScreenObject InButton, int PlayerIndex))
functionbool OnButtonBar_ShiftUp (UIScreenObject InButton, int PlayerIndex))
function OnClearMaps ()))
function OnEnabledList_SubmitSelection (UIList Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() ))
function OnEnabledList_ValueChanged (UIObject Sender, int PlayerIndex ))
function OnList_NotifyActiveStateChanged (UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex, UIState NewlyActiveState, optional UIState PreviouslyActiveState ))
function OnMapListChanged ()))
functionbool OnMapList_RawInputKey (const out InputEventParameters EventParms ))
function OnMoveMap ()))
function OnSelectedMapChanged ()))
function OnShiftMap (bool bShiftUp))
event PostInitialize ()))
function SaveMapCycle ()))
function SelectBestList ()))
function SetupButtonBar (UTUIButtonBar ButtonBar))
functionstring StripOptions (coerce string InURL))
function UpdateDescriptionLabel ()))
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTTabPage
CloseParentScene, GetButtonBar, HandleInputKey, OnChildRepositioned, SetupButtonBar
Inherited Functions from Engine.UITabPage
ActivatePage, AddedToTabControl, CanActivatePage, ClearBoundDataStores, CreateTabButton, GetBoundDataStores, GetDataStoreBinding, GetOwnerTabControl, GetTabButton, IsActivePage, LinkToTabButton, NotifyDataStoreValueUpdated, OnActiveStateChanged, RefreshSubscriberValue, RemovedFromParent, SetDataStoreBinding, SetTabCaption

Constants Detail



Variables Detail

AvailableList Source code

var transient UIList AvailableList;
List of available maps.

DescriptionLabel Source code

var transient UILabel DescriptionLabel;
Label describing the currently selected map.

EnabledList Source code

var transient UIList EnabledList;
List of enabled maps.

LastFocused Source code

var transient UIList LastFocused;
The last focused UI List.

ListBackground_Available Source code

var transient UIImage ListBackground_Available;

ListBackground_Enabled Source code

var transient UIImage ListBackground_Enabled;

LoadedMapList Source code

var transient UTMapList LoadedMapList;
If the mapcycle has been loaded from a named maplist, reference it here

MenuDataStore Source code

var transient UTUIDataStore_MenuItems MenuDataStore;
Reference to the menu datastore

NumPlayersLabel Source code

var transient UILabel NumPlayersLabel;
Label for the number of players the maps supports.

ShiftDownButton Source code

var transient UIButton ShiftDownButton;

ShiftDownLabel Source code

var transient UILabel ShiftDownLabel;

ShiftLeftImage Source code

var transient UIImage ShiftLeftImage;

ShiftRightImage Source code

var transient UIImage ShiftRightImage;
Arrow images.

ShiftUpButton Source code

var transient UIButton ShiftUpButton;
Reference to the shift up and down buttons.

ShiftUpLabel Source code

var transient UILabel ShiftUpLabel;
Shift up/down label callouts.

Delegates Detail

OnMapSelected Source code

delegate OnMapSelected ( )
Delegate for when the user selects a map on this page.

Functions Detail

GenerateMapCycleList Source code

function GenerateMapCycleList ( out GameMapCycle Cycle) )
Converts the current map cycle to a string map names and stores them in the config saved array.

GenerateMapCycleListNew Source code

function GenerateMapCycleListNew ( out UTMapList MLObj) )
Added for maplist objects.

GetCurrentGameMode Source code

function name GetCurrentGameMode ( ) )

GetCurrentGameModeFull Source code

function name GetCurrentGameModeFull ( ) )

GetSelectedMap Source code

function string GetSelectedMap ( ) )

@return Returns the first currently selected map.

GrabOptions Source code

function string GrabOptions ( string InURL) )

HandleInputKey Source code

function bool HandleInputKey ( const out InputEventParameters EventParms ) )
Provides a hook for unrealscript to respond to input using actual input key names (i.e. Left, Tab, etc.) Called when an input key event is received which this widget responds to and is in the correct state to process. The keys and states widgets receive input for is managed through the UI editor's key binding dialog (F8). This delegate is called BEFORE kismet is given a chance to process the input.
@param EventParms information about the input event.
@return TRUE to indicate that this input key was processed; no further processing will occur on this input key event.

HandleRefreshSubscriberValue Source code

function bool HandleRefreshSubscriberValue ( UIObject Sender, int BindingIndex ) )
Called when this widget receives a call to RefreshSubscriberValue.
@param BindingIndex optional parameter for indicating which data store binding is being refreshed, for those objects which have multiple data store bindings. How this parameter is used is up to the class which implements this interface, but typically the "primary" data store will be index 0, while values greater than FIRST_DEFAULT_DATABINDING_INDEX correspond to tooltips and context menus.
@return TRUE to indicate that this widget is going to refresh its value manually.

LoadMapCycle Source code

function LoadMapCycle ( ) )
Loads the map cycle for the current game mode and sets up the datastore's lists.

OnAccept Source code

function OnAccept ( ) )
The user has finished setting up their cycle and wants to save changes.

OnAvailableList_SubmitSelection Source code

function OnAvailableList_SubmitSelection ( UIList Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() ) )
Callback for when the user submits the selection on the available list.

OnAvailableList_ValueChanged Source code

function OnAvailableList_ValueChanged ( UIObject Sender, int PlayerIndex ) )
Callback for when the user selects a new item in the available list.

OnButtonBar_Accept Source code

function bool OnButtonBar_Accept ( UIScreenObject InButton, int PlayerIndex) )
Buttonbar Callbacks.

OnButtonBar_ClearMaps Source code

function bool OnButtonBar_ClearMaps ( UIScreenObject InButton, int PlayerIndex) )

OnButtonBar_MoveMap Source code

function bool OnButtonBar_MoveMap ( UIScreenObject InButton, int PlayerIndex) )

OnButtonBar_ShiftDown Source code

function bool OnButtonBar_ShiftDown ( UIScreenObject InButton, int PlayerIndex) )

OnButtonBar_ShiftUp Source code

function bool OnButtonBar_ShiftUp ( UIScreenObject InButton, int PlayerIndex) )

OnClearMaps Source code

function OnClearMaps ( ) )
Clears the enabled map list.

OnEnabledList_SubmitSelection Source code

function OnEnabledList_SubmitSelection ( UIList Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=GetBestPlayerIndex() ) )
Callback for when the user submits the selection on the enabled list.

OnEnabledList_ValueChanged Source code

function OnEnabledList_ValueChanged ( UIObject Sender, int PlayerIndex ) )
Callback for when the user selects a new item in the enabled list.

OnList_NotifyActiveStateChanged Source code

function OnList_NotifyActiveStateChanged ( UIScreenObject Sender, int PlayerIndex, UIState NewlyActiveState, optional UIState PreviouslyActiveState ) )
Callback for when the object's active state changes.

OnMapListChanged Source code

function OnMapListChanged ( ) )
Called whenever one of the map lists changes.

OnMapList_RawInputKey Source code

function bool OnMapList_RawInputKey ( const out InputEventParameters EventParms ) )
Callback for the map lists, captures the accept button before the lists get to it.

OnMoveMap Source code

function OnMoveMap ( ) )
Callback for when the user tries to move a map from one list to another.

OnSelectedMapChanged Source code

function OnSelectedMapChanged ( ) )
Updates widgets when the currently selected map changes.

OnShiftMap Source code

function OnShiftMap ( bool bShiftUp) )
Shifts maps up and down in the map cycle.

PostInitialize Source code

event PostInitialize ( ) )
Post initialization event - Setup widget delegates.

SaveMapCycle Source code

function SaveMapCycle ( ) )
Transfers the current map cycle in the menu datastore to our array of config saved map cycles for each gamemode.

SelectBestList Source code

function SelectBestList ( ) )
Selects the best list depending on which list has currently available maps.

SetupButtonBar Source code

function SetupButtonBar ( UTUIButtonBar ButtonBar) )
Sets up the button bar for the parent scene.

StripOptions Source code

function string StripOptions ( coerce string InURL) )

UpdateDescriptionLabel Source code

function UpdateDescriptionLabel ( ) )
Updates the description label.


   Begin Object Class=UIComp_Event Name=WidgetEventComponent ObjName=WidgetEventComponent Archetype=UIComp_Event'UTGame.Default__UTTabPage:WidgetEventComponent'
   End Object

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