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Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Player card scene for UT3, allows players to add friends, invite to games, etc.

+-- Engine.UIRoot
   +-- Engine.UIScreenObject
      +-- Engine.UIScene
         +-- UTGame.UTUIScene
            +-- UTGame.UTUIFrontEnd
               +-- UTGame.UTUIFrontEnd_BasicMenu
                  +-- UTGame.UTUIScene_PlayerCard

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTUIFrontEnd_BasicMenu
bSupportBackButton, DescriptionLabel, MenuList
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTUIFrontEnd
bCancellingInstallPS3, bInstallingPS3, ButtonBar, CurrentPageIndex, ImportingMessageBoxReference, ImportState, LastURL, PreviousPageIndex, TabControl, TitleMarkupString, VersionFont, VersionPos, VersionText

Enumerations Summary
PCO_SendFriendRequest, PCO_SendMessage, PCO_InviteToGame, PCO_Follow, PCO_Kick, PCO_Ban
Inherited Enumerations from UTGame.UTUIFrontEnd

Functions Summary
function BanSelection (UTUIScene_MessageBox MessageBox, int SelectedOption, int PlayerIndex))
functionbool FollowRequiresPassword (UTPlayerController UTPlayerOwner, const out OnlineSubsystem.UniqueNetId FriendNetId ))
function GenerateOptions (bool bIncludeKickOption, bool bIncludeBanOption))
functionbool GetOnlineFriendData (UTPlayerController OwnerPC, const out OnlineSubsystem.UniqueNetId FriendNetId, out OnlineSubsystem.OnlineFriend out_FriendData ))
function KickSelection (UTUIScene_MessageBox MessageBox, int SelectedOption, int PlayerIndex))
function OnBan ()))
function OnFollow (optional string ServerPassword ))
function OnFollowComplete (bool bWasSuccessful))
function OnInviteToGame ()))
function OnJoiningMessage_Closed ()))
function OnKick ()))
function OnMenu_ValueChanged (UIObject Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=0 ))
function OnPasswordDialog_Closed (UTUIScene_MessageBox MessageBox, int SelectedOption, int PlayerIndex))
function OnSelectItem (int PlayerIndex=0))
function OnSendFriendRequest ()))
function OnSendFriendRequest_Opened (UIScene OpenedScene, bool bInitialActivation))
function OnSendMessage ()))
function OnSendMessageScene_Opened (UIScene OpenedScene, bool bInitialActivation))
event PostInitialize ()))
function ProcessFollow ()))
function PromptForServerPassword ()))
function SetPlayer (UniqueNetId InNetId, string InPlayerName, optional string InAccountName, optional bool bIncludeKickOption, optional bool bIncludeBanOption))
function SetupButtonBar ()))
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTUIFrontEnd_BasicMenu
HandleInputKey, OnBack, OnButtonBar_Back, OnButtonBar_Select, OnMenu_SubmitSelection, OnMenu_ValueChanged, OnSelectItem, PostInitialize, SetupButtonBar
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTUIFrontEnd
BeginHideAnimation, BeginImportMod, BeginInstallPS3, BeginShowAnimation, CancelInstallPS3, CheckForFrontEndError, ChildSceneOpened, GetTitleLabel, HandleInputKey, ImportMod, InstallPS3, OnCancelInstallPS3, OnCancelMessageClosed, OnImportModFinished, OnInstallMessageClosed, OnLoginError_Confirm, OnMainRegion_Show_UIAnimEnd, OnPageActivated, OnRetryPasswordDialog_Closed, OnTabPage_Hide_UIAnimEnd, OnTabPage_Show_UIAnimEnd, PostInitialize, PromptForPassword, SavePassword, SceneActivated, SetTitle, SetupButtonBar, UpdateModState, UpdatePS3InstallState

Variables Detail

AccountLabel Source code

var transient UILabel AccountLabel;
Reference to the label that displays the account name

bWasAbleToJoin Source code

var transient bool bWasAbleToJoin;
Whether or not we were able to join a friend's game in progress.

CurrentOptions Source code

var transient array<PlayerCardOptions> CurrentOptions;
Current array of options visible to the player.

DescLinks[6] Source code

var string DescLinks[6];

PlayerInt Source code

var transient OnlinePlayerInterface PlayerInt;
Reference to the online player interface.

PlayerName Source code

var transient string PlayerName;
Name of the player we are showing the card for.

PlayerNameLabel Source code

var transient UILabel PlayerNameLabel;
Reference to a label that displays the name of the player that this card belongs to.

PlayerNetId Source code

var transient UniqueNetId PlayerNetId;
Net ID of the player we are showing the card for.

SendFriendRequestScene Source code

var transient string SendFriendRequestScene;
Reference to the send friend request screen.

SendOnlineMessageScene Source code

var transient string SendOnlineMessageScene;
Reference to the send online message screen.

StringListDataStore Source code

var transient UTUIDataStore_StringList StringListDataStore;
Reference to the string list datastore.

Enumerations Detail

PlayerCardOptions Source code

enum PlayerCardOptions
PCO_SendFriendRequest, PCO_SendMessage, PCO_InviteToGame, PCO_Follow, PCO_Kick, PCO_Ban

Functions Detail

BanSelection Source code

function BanSelection ( UTUIScene_MessageBox MessageBox, int SelectedOption, int PlayerIndex) )

FollowRequiresPassword Source code

static function bool FollowRequiresPassword ( UTPlayerController UTPlayerOwner, const out OnlineSubsystem.UniqueNetId FriendNetId ) )
Determines whether we need to supply a password in order to join this friend's match.
@return TRUE if the friend's server is password-protected; FALSE otherwise.

GenerateOptions Source code

function GenerateOptions ( bool bIncludeKickOption, bool bIncludeBanOption) )
Generates the options for the player card menu based on the users's current relationship to the player in question.

GetOnlineFriendData Source code

static function bool GetOnlineFriendData ( UTPlayerController OwnerPC, const out OnlineSubsystem.UniqueNetId FriendNetId, out OnlineSubsystem.OnlineFriend out_FriendData ) )
Gets the OnlineFriend struct for the player we're displaying this player card for.
@param OwnerPC the player controller associated with the player to get friend info from (i.e. the local player)
@param FriendNetId the unique network id associated with the friend to get info for (i.e. the friend)
@param out_FriendData receives the online friend data
@return FALSE if this player isn't one of our friends or the OnlineFriend data couldn't be found.

KickSelection Source code

function KickSelection ( UTUIScene_MessageBox MessageBox, int SelectedOption, int PlayerIndex) )

OnBan Source code

function OnBan ( ) )

OnFollow Source code

function OnFollow ( optional string ServerPassword ) )
Tries to follow the player that owns this playercard by joining their current game.

OnFollowComplete Source code

function OnFollowComplete ( bool bWasSuccessful) )
Called once the join task has completed
@param bWasSuccessful the session was found and is joinable, false otherwise

OnInviteToGame Source code

function OnInviteToGame ( ) )
Invites the owner of this player card to the local player's game.

OnJoiningMessage_Closed Source code

function OnJoiningMessage_Closed ( ) )
Callback for when the joining messagebox has closed.

OnKick Source code

function OnKick ( ) )

OnMenu_ValueChanged Source code

function OnMenu_ValueChanged ( UIObject Sender, optional int PlayerIndex=0 ) )
Called when the user changes the currently selected list item.

OnPasswordDialog_Closed Source code

private function OnPasswordDialog_Closed ( UTUIScene_MessageBox MessageBox, int SelectedOption, int PlayerIndex) )
The user has made a selection of the choices available to them.

OnSelectItem Source code

function OnSelectItem ( int PlayerIndex=0) )
Executes a action based on the currently selected menu item.

OnSendFriendRequest Source code

function OnSendFriendRequest ( ) )
Sends a friend request to the owner of this player card.

OnSendFriendRequest_Opened Source code

function OnSendFriendRequest_Opened ( UIScene OpenedScene, bool bInitialActivation) )
Callback for when the send message scene has actually been opened. Sets the target player for the scene.

OnSendMessage Source code

function OnSendMessage ( ) )
Displays the send online message scene for the owner of this card.

OnSendMessageScene_Opened Source code

function OnSendMessageScene_Opened ( UIScene OpenedScene, bool bInitialActivation) )
Callback for when the send message scene has actually been opened. Sets the target player for the scene.

PostInitialize Source code

event PostInitialize ( ) )

ProcessFollow Source code

private function ProcessFollow ( ) )

PromptForServerPassword Source code

private function PromptForServerPassword ( ) )
Displays a dialog to the user which allows him to enter the password for the currently selected server.

SetPlayer Source code

function SetPlayer ( UniqueNetId InNetId, string InPlayerName, optional string InAccountName, optional bool bIncludeKickOption, optional bool bIncludeBanOption) )
Sets the current player for this player card.

SetupButtonBar Source code

function SetupButtonBar ( ) )
Setup the scene's buttonbar.


   Begin Object Class=UIComp_Event Name=SceneEventComponent ObjName=SceneEventComponent Archetype=UIComp_Event'UTGame.Default__UTUIFrontEnd_BasicMenu:SceneEventComponent'
   End Object

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Creation time: sk 18-3-2018 10:00:59.415 - Created with UnCodeX