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Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Info
      +-- Engine.GameInfo
         +-- UTGame.UTGame
            +-- UTGame.UTDeathmatch
               +-- UTGame.UTTeamGame
                  +-- UTGame.UTDuelGame

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTTeamGame
bAllowNonTeamChat, bForceAllRed, bNoTeamChangePenalty, bPlayersBalanceTeams, bRebalanceAfterTravel, bRebalanceOnceAfterTravel, bScoreTeamKills, bScoreVictimsTarget, bSpawnInTeamArea, CustomTeamName[2], FlagKillMessageName, FriendlyFireScale, PendingTeamSwap, SwapRequestTime, TeamAIType[2], TeamFactions[2], TeammateBoost, TeamScoreMessageClass, Teams[2]

Functions Summary
functionUTBot AddBot (optional string botName, optional bool bUseTeamIndex, optional int TeamIndex))
function AddToQueue (UTDuelPRI Who))
functionbool AllowBecomeActivePlayer (PlayerController P))
functionbool AllowMutator (string MutatorClassName ))
functionbool CanSpectate (PlayerController Viewer, PlayerReplicationInfo ViewTarget ))
functionbool ChangeTeam (Controller Other, int num, bool bNewTeam))
functionbool CheckEndGame (PlayerReplicationInfo Winner, string Reason))
functionstring GetEndOfMatchRules (int InGoalScore, int InTimeLimit))
functionController GetPlayerFromQueue ()))
event HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer (out Controller C))
event InitGame (string Options, out string ErrorMessage))
function Logout (Controller Exiting))
functionbyte PickFriendTeam (byte Current, Controller C, UniqueNetId FriendNetId))
event PostLogin (PlayerController NewPlayer))
event PostSeamlessTravel ()))
function ProcessServerTravel (string URL, optional bool bAbsolute))
function ResetLevel ()))
function ResetLevel ()))
function RestartGame ()))
function RestartPlayer (Controller aPlayer))
function ScoreKill (Controller Killer, Controller Other))
function StartBots ()
function StartHumans ()))
function UpdateCombatants ()))
function UpdateQueuePositions ()))
function WriteOnlinePlayerScores ()))
function WriteOnlineStats ()))
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTTeamGame
AddBlueBots, AddRedBots, AdjustSkill, AllowClientToTeleport, AnnounceScore, BalanceTeams, CampaignSkillAdjust, CanSpectate, ChangeTeam, CheckEndGame, CheckMaxLives, CheckScore, CheckTeamBasedAchievements, CreateTeam, DominatingVictory, FindNewObjectives, FindVictimsTarget, ForceRespawn, GetBotTeam, GetFriendTeam, GetHandicapNeed, GetSeamlessTravelActorList, HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer, InitGame, InitializeBot, IsAWinner, IsWinningTeam, LevelRecommendedPlayers, Logout, NearGoal, NotifyKilled, OverridePRI, ParseSpeechRecipients, PickFriendTeam, PickTeam, PlayRegularEndOfMatchMessage, PostLogin, PostSeamlessTravel, PreBeginPlay, ProcessSpeechOrders, ProcessSpeechRecognition, RatePlayerStart, ReduceDamage, RestartGame, ScoreKill, SendFlagKillMessage, SetEndGameFocus, SetTeam, ShowPathTo, TooManyBots, WriteOnlineStats
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTDeathmatch
CheckAchievements, CheckCampaignAchievements, CheckLikeTheBackOfMyHandAchievement, CheckMissionAchievements, CheckSpiceOfLifeAchievement, GetHandicapNeed, IsValidMutatorsForLikeTheBackOfMyHand, UpdateOnlineAchievements, WantsPickups, WriteOnlineStats

States Summary
RoundOver Source code
state RoundOver

Variables Detail

bRotateQueueEachKill Source code

var bool bRotateQueueEachKill;
whether to rotate the queue each kill instead of each round (Survival mode)

CurrentRound Source code

var int CurrentRound;
current round number

NumRounds Source code

var config int NumRounds;
how many rounds before we switch maps

Queue Source code

var array<UTDuelPRI> Queue;
queue of players that will take on the winner

Functions Detail

AddBot Source code

function UTBot AddBot ( optional string botName, optional bool bUseTeamIndex, optional int TeamIndex) )

AddToQueue Source code

function AddToQueue ( UTDuelPRI Who) )

AllowBecomeActivePlayer Source code

function bool AllowBecomeActivePlayer ( PlayerController P) )

AllowMutator Source code

static function bool AllowMutator ( string MutatorClassName ) )

CanSpectate Source code

function bool CanSpectate ( PlayerController Viewer, PlayerReplicationInfo ViewTarget ) )
returns true if Viewer is allowed to spectate ViewTarget

ChangeTeam Source code

function bool ChangeTeam ( Controller Other, int num, bool bNewTeam) )

CheckEndGame Source code

function bool CheckEndGame ( PlayerReplicationInfo Winner, string Reason) )

GetEndOfMatchRules Source code

static function string GetEndOfMatchRules ( int InGoalScore, int InTimeLimit) )
@Returns a string that describes how to win the match

GetPlayerFromQueue Source code

function Controller GetPlayerFromQueue ( ) )
removes a player from the queue, sets it up to play, and returns the Controller @note: doesn't spawn the player in (i.e. doesn't call RestartPlayer()), calling code is responsible for that

HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer Source code

event HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer ( out Controller C) )

InitGame Source code

event InitGame ( string Options, out string ErrorMessage) )

Logout Source code

function Logout ( Controller Exiting) )

PickFriendTeam Source code

function byte PickFriendTeam ( byte Current, Controller C, UniqueNetId FriendNetId) )

PostLogin Source code

event PostLogin ( PlayerController NewPlayer) )

PostSeamlessTravel Source code

event PostSeamlessTravel ( ) )

ProcessServerTravel Source code

function ProcessServerTravel ( string URL, optional bool bAbsolute) )

ResetLevel Source code

function ResetLevel ( ) )

ResetLevel RoundOver Source code

function ResetLevel ( ) )

RestartGame Source code

function RestartGame ( ) )
Skip UTTeamGame team rebalancing

RestartPlayer Source code

function RestartPlayer ( Controller aPlayer) )

ScoreKill Source code

function ScoreKill ( Controller Killer, Controller Other) )

StartBots Source code

function StartBots ( )

StartHumans Source code

function StartHumans ( ) )

UpdateCombatants Source code

function UpdateCombatants ( ) )
figures out the new combatants for the next round

UpdateQueuePositions Source code

function UpdateQueuePositions ( ) )
updates QueuePosition for all players in the queue

WriteOnlinePlayerScores Source code

function WriteOnlinePlayerScores ( ) )
Write player scores used in skill calculations

WriteOnlineStats Source code

function WriteOnlineStats ( ) )
Writes out the stats for the DUEL game type - specatators don't report/survival mode mutator check



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