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config ( Game ) native

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Info
      +-- Engine.GameInfo

Direct Known Subclasses:

DemoGame, UTGame

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Engine.Actor

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.Actor
Acceleration, AllComponents, Attached, bAlwaysEncroachCheck, bAlwaysRelevant, bAlwaysTick, Base, BaseBoneName, BaseSkelComponent, bBlockActors, bBlocksNavigation, bBlocksTeleport, bBounce, bCanBeAdheredTo, bCanBeDamaged, bCanBeFrictionedTo, bCanTeleport, bClientDemoRecording, bCollideActors, bCollideComplex, bCollideWhenPlacing, bCollideWorld, bComponentOutsideWorld, bConsiderAllStaticMeshComponentsForStreaming, bDebug, bDeleteMe, bDemoOwner, bDemoRecording, bDestroyedByInterpActor, bDestroyInPainVolume, bEdShouldSnap, bExchangedRoles, bForceNetUpdate, bGameRelevant, bHardAttach, bHasAlternateTargetLocation, bHidden, bHiddenEd, bHiddenEdCustom, bHiddenEdGroup, bHurtEntry, bIgnoreBaseRotation, bIgnoreEncroachers, bIgnoreRigidBodyPawns, bIsMoving, bJustTeleported, bKillDuringLevelTransition, bLockLocation, BlockRigidBody, bMovable, bNetDirty, bNetInitial, bNetInitialRotation, bNetOwner, bNetTemporary, bNeverReplicateRotation, bNoDelete, bNoEncroachCheck, bOnlyDirtyReplication, bOnlyOwnerSee, bOnlyRelevantToOwner, bOrientOnSlope, bPathColliding, bPathTemp, bPendingDelete, bPendingNetUpdate, bPhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck, bPostRenderIfNotVisible, bProjTarget, bPushedByEncroachers, bRepClientDemo, bReplicateInstigator, bReplicateMovement, bReplicateRigidBodyLocation, bRouteBeginPlayEvenIfStatic, bScriptInitialized, bShadowParented, bShouldBaseAtStartup, bSkipActorPropertyReplication, bStasis, bStatic, bTearOff, bTempEditor, bTicked, bUpdateSimulatedPosition, bWorldGeometry, Children, CollisionComponent, CollisionType, Components, CreationTime, CustomTimeDilation, DesiredRotation, DetachFence, DrawScale, DrawScale3D, GeneratedEvents, Group, InitialState, Instigator, LastNetUpdateTime, LastRenderTime, LatentActions, LatentFloat, LatentSeqNode, LifeSpan, Location, MessageClass, MinDistForNetRBCorrection, NetPriority, NetTag, NetUpdateFrequency, NetUpdateTime, OverlapTag, Owner, PendingTouch, Physics, PhysicsVolume, PrePivot, RelativeLocation, RelativeRotation, RemoteRole, Role, Rotation, RotationRate, SupportedEvents, Tag, TickGroup, Timers, Touching, Velocity, WorldInfo

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.Actor
ECollisionType, EDoubleClickDir, EMoveDir, ENetRole, EPhysics, ETravelType

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from Engine.Info
KeyValuePair, PlayerResponseLine, ServerResponseLine
Inherited Structures from Engine.Actor
AnimSlotDesc, AnimSlotInfo, AsyncLineCheckResult, CollisionImpactData, ImpactInfo, NavReference, ReplicatedHitImpulse, RigidBodyContactInfo, RigidBodyState, TimerData, TraceHitInfo

Delegates Summary
delegatebool CanUnpause ()))

Functions Summary
event AcceptInventory (pawn PlayerPawn))
event AddDefaultInventory (Pawn P))
function AddGameRules (class<GameRules> GRClass))
function AddInactivePRI (PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, PlayerController PC))
function AddMutator (string mutname, optional bool bUserAdded))
function AddObjectiveScore (PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer, Int Score))
functionbool AllowCheats (PlayerController P))
functionbool AllowMutator (string MutatorClassName ))
function ArbitrationRegistrationComplete (bool bWasSuccessful)
function ArbitrationRegistrationComplete (bool bWasSuccessful))
function ArbitrationTimeout ()))
functionbool AtCapacity (bool bSpectator))
function AttemptReconnect ()))
function BeginPlay ()))
event Broadcast (Actor Sender, coerce string Msg, optional name Type ))
function BroadcastDeathMessage (Controller Killer, Controller Other, class<DamageType> damageType))
event BroadcastLocalized (actor Sender, class<LocalMessage> Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ))
event BroadcastLocalizedTeam (int TeamIndex, actor Sender, class<LocalMessage> Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ))
function BroadcastTeam (Controller Sender, coerce string Msg, optional name Type ))
functionint CalculatedNetSpeed ()))
functionbool CanLeaveVehicle (Vehicle V, Pawn P))
functionbool CanSpectate (PlayerController Viewer, PlayerReplicationInfo ViewTarget ))
function ChangeName (Controller Other, coerce string S, bool bNameChange ))
functionbool ChangeTeam (Controller Other, int N, bool bNewTeam))
functionbool CheckEndGame (PlayerReplicationInfo Winner, string Reason))
functionbool CheckModifiedEndGame (PlayerReplicationInfo Winner, string Reason))
functionbool CheckRelevance (Actor Other))
functionbool CheckScore (PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer))
functionPlayerStart ChoosePlayerStart (Controller Player, optional byte InTeam ))
function ClearAutoLoginDelegates ()))
function ClearPause ()))
functionint CurrentPlayerCount ()
function DebugPause ()))
function DiscardInventory (Pawn Other, optional controller Killer ))
function DoNavFearCostFallOff ()
function DriverEnteredVehicle (Vehicle V, Pawn P))
function DriverLeftVehicle (Vehicle V, Pawn P))
function EnableAutoReconnect ()))
function EndGame (PlayerReplicationInfo Winner, string Reason ))
event EndState (name NextStateName))
functionbool FindInactivePRI (PlayerController PC))
functionstring FindPlayerByID (int PlayerID ))
functionNavigationPoint FindPlayerStart (Controller Player, optional byte InTeam, optional string IncomingName ))
event GameEnding ()))
eventstring GetBeaconText ()))
functionCoverReplicator GetCoverReplicator ()))
functionclass<PawnGetDefaultPlayerClass (Controller C))
functionint GetIntOption (string Options, string ParseString, int CurrentValue))
function GetKeyValue (string Pair, out string Key, out string Value ))
functionstring GetNetworkNumber ()
functionstring GetNextMap ()
functionint GetNextPlayerID ()
functionint GetNumPlayers ()))
event GetSeamlessTravelActorList (bool bToEntry, out array<Actor> ActorList))
functionint GetServerPort ()))
functionbool GetTravelType ()))
functionbool GrabOption (out string Options, out string Result ))
event HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer (out Controller C))
functionbool HasOption (string Options, string InKey ))
event InitGame (string Options, out string ErrorMessage ))
function InitGameReplicationInfo ()))
function Kick (string S ))
function KickBan (string S ))
event KickIdler (PlayerController PC))
function KillBots ()
function Killed (Controller Killer, Controller KilledPlayer, Pawn KilledPawn, class damageType ))
eventPlayerController Login (string Portal, string Options, out string ErrorMessage ))
function Logout (Controller Exiting ))
functionbool MatchIsInProgress ()))
functionbool MatchIsInProgress ()))
event MatineeCancelled ()
function ModifyScoreKill (Controller Killer, Controller Other))
function Mutate (string MutateString, PlayerController Sender))
function NotifyArbitratedMatchEnd ()))
function NotifyKilled (Controller Killer, Controller Killed, Pawn KilledPawn ))
function NotifyNavigationChanged (NavigationPoint N)
function OnConnectionStatusChange (EOnlineServerConnectionStatus ConnectionStatus))
function OnDestroyOnlineGameComplete (bool bWasSuccessful))
function OnLoginChange ()))
function OnLoginFailed (byte LocalUserNum, OnlineServerConnectionStatus ErrorCode))
function OnServerCreateComplete (bool bWasSuccessful))
function OnStartOnlineGameComplete (bool bWasSuccessful))
function OverridePRI (PlayerController PC, PlayerReplicationInfo OldPRI))
functionstring ParseKillMessage (string KillerName, string VictimName, string DeathMessage ))
functionstring ParseMessageString (Controller Who, String Message))
functionstring ParseOption (string Options, string InKey ))
functionbyte PickFriendTeam (byte Current, Controller C, UniqueNetId FriendNetId))
functionbyte PickTeam (byte Current, Controller C))
functionbool PickupQuery (Pawn Other, class<Inventory> ItemClass, Actor Pickup))
functionbool PlayerCanRestart (PlayerController aPlayer ))
functionbool PlayerCanRestartGame (PlayerController aPlayer ))
event PostBeginPlay ()))
event PostCommitMapChange ()
event PostLogin (PlayerController NewPlayer ))
event PostSeamlessTravel ()))
event PreBeginPlay ()))
event PreCommitMapChange (string PreviousMapName, string NextMapName)
event PreExit ()
event PreLogin (string Options, string Address, out string ErrorMessage))
functionbool PreventDeath (Pawn KilledPawn, Controller Killer, class<DamageType> damageType, vector HitLocation))
function ProcessClientDataWriteCompletion (PlayerController PC))
function ProcessClientRegistrationCompletion (PlayerController PC, ool bWasSuccessful)
function ProcessClientRegistrationCompletion (PlayerController PC, ool bWasSuccessful))
function ProcessEndGameHandshake ()))
functionbool ProcessServerLogin ()))
function ProcessServerTravel (string URL, optional bool bAbsolute))
functionfloat RatePlayerStart (PlayerStart P, byte Team, Controller Player))
function RecalculateSkillRating ()))
function ReduceDamage (out int Damage, pawn injured, Controller instigatedBy, vector HitLocation, out vector Momentum, class DamageType ))
function RegisterServer ()))
function RegisterServerForArbitration ()
function RegisterServerForArbitration ()))
function RemoveMutator (Mutator MutatorToRemove ))
function ReplicateStreamingStatus (PlayerController PC))
functionbool RequiresPassword ()))
function Reset ()))
function ResetLevel ()))
function ResetLog ()))
function RestartGame ()))
function RestartPlayer (Controller NewPlayer))
function ScoreKill (Controller Killer, Controller Other))
function ScoreObjective (PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer, Int Score))
function SendPlayer (PlayerController aPlayer, string URL ))
function ServerWriteArbitrationEndGameData ()))
function SessionBan (string S))
function SetGameSpeed (Float T ))
eventclass<GameInfoSetGameType (string MapName, string Options))
functionbool SetPause (PlayerController PC, optional delegate<CanUnpause> CanUnpauseDelegate))
function SetPlayerDefaults (Pawn PlayerPawn))
functionbool ShouldReset (Actor ActorToReset))
functionbool ShouldRespawn (PickupFactory Other ))
functionbool ShouldSpawnAtStartSpot (Controller Player))
functionPawn SpawnDefaultPawnFor (Controller NewPlayer, NavigationPoint StartSpot))
function StartArbitratedMatch ()
function StartArbitratedMatch ()))
function StartArbitrationRegistration ()
function StartArbitrationRegistration ()))
function StartBots ()))
function StartHumans ()))
function StartMatch ()))
function StartMatch ()))
function StartOnlineGame ()))
function SwapPlayerControllers (PlayerController OldPC, PlayerController NewPC)
event Timer ()))
function TravelFailed (string TravelURL, string Error, optional string ErrorCode)
function UpdateGameplayMuteList (PlayerController PC)
function UpdateGameSettings ()
function UpdateGameSettingsCounts ()))
function UpdateNetSpeeds ()))
functionbool UseLowGore (WorldInfo WI))
function WriteOnlinePlayerScores ()))
function WriteOnlineStats ()
Inherited Functions from Engine.Actor
ActivateEventClass, AllActors, AllOwnedComponents, Attach, AttachComponent, AutonomousPhysics, BaseChange, BasedActors, BecomeViewTarget, BeginAnimControl, BroadcastLocalizedMessage, BroadcastLocalizedTeamMessage, Bump, CalcCamera, CanSplash, ChartData, CheckForErrors, CheckHitInfo, CheckMaxEffectDistance, ChildActors, ClampRotation, ClearLatentAction, ClearTimer, Clock, CollidingActors, CollisionChanged, ComponentList, ConsoleCommand, ConstraintBrokenNotify, ContainsPoint, CreateAudioComponent, DebugFreezeGame, Destroy, Destroyed, Detach, DetachComponent, DisplayDebug, DoKismetAttachment, DrawDebugBox, DrawDebugCone, DrawDebugCoordinateSystem, DrawDebugCylinder, DrawDebugLine, DrawDebugSphere, DynamicActors, EffectIsRelevant, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EndViewTarget, Falling, FastTrace, FellOutOfWorld, FindActorsOfClass, FindBase, FindEventsOfClass, FindGoodEndView, FindSpot, FinishAnim, FinishAnimControl, FlushPersistentDebugLines, ForceNetRelevant, ForceUpdateComponents, GainedChild, GetActorEyesViewPoint, GetActorFaceFXAsset, GetBaseMost, GetBoundingCylinder, GetComponentsBoundingBox, GetDebugName, GetDestination, GetFaceFXAudioComponent, GetGravityZ, GetHumanReadableName, GetItemName, GetLocalString, GetLocationStringFor, GetPackageGuid, GetPhysicsName, GetTargetLocation, GetTeamNum, GetTerminalVelocity, GetTimerCount, GetTimerRate, GetURLMap, GetUTFlag, HealDamage, HitWall, HurtRadius, InterpolationChanged, InterpolationFinished, InterpolationStarted, IsActorPlayingFaceFXAnim, IsBasedOn, IsInPain, IsInVolume, IsOverlapping, IsOwnedBy, IsPlayerOwned, IsStationary, IsTimerActive, KilledBy, Landed, LocalPlayerControllers, LostChild, MakeNoise, MatchStarting, ModifyHearSoundComponent, Move, MoveSmooth, MovingWhichWay, NativePostRenderFor, NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived, NotifySkelControlBeyondLimit, OnAnimEnd, OnAnimPlay, OnAttachToActor, OnCauseDamage, OnChangeCollision, OnDestroy, OnHealDamage, OnMakeNoise, OnRanOver, OnSetBlockRigidBody, OnSetPhysics, OnTeleport, OnToggleHidden, OutsideWorldBounds, OverlappingActors, OverRotated, PawnBaseDied, PhysicsVolumeChange, PickedUpBy, PlayActorFaceFXAnim, PlayerCanSeeMe, PlaySound, PlayTeleportEffect, PointCheckComponent, PostBeginPlay, PostInitAnimTree, PostRenderFor, PostTeleport, PostTouch, PreBeginPlay, PreTeleport, RanInto, ReplaceText, ReplicatedEvent, Reset, RigidBodyCollision, RootMotionExtracted, RootMotionModeChanged, ScriptGetTeamNum, SetAnimPosition, SetAnimWeights, SetBase, SetCollision, SetCollisionSize, SetDrawScale, SetDrawScale3D, SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty, SetGRI, SetHardAttach, SetHidden, SetHUDLocation, SetInitialState, SetLocation, SetMorphWeight, SetNetUpdateTime, SetOnlyOwnerSee, SetOwner, SetPhysics, SetRelativeLocation, SetRelativeRotation, SetRotation, SetSkelControlScale, SetTickGroup, SetTimer, SetZone, ShutDown, Sleep, Spawn, SpawnedByKismet, SpecialHandling, StopActorFaceFXAnim, StopsProjectile, SuggestTossVelocity, TakeDamage, TakeRadiusDamage, Tick, Timer, TimeSince, TornOff, Touch, TouchingActors, Trace, TraceActors, TraceComponent, TriggerEventClass, UnClock, UnTouch, UsedBy, VisibleActors, VisibleCollidingActors

States Summary
PendingMatch Source code
auto state PendingMatch
/** * This state is used to change the flow of start/end match to handle arbitration * * Basic flow of events: * Server prepares to start the match and tells all clients to register arbitration * Clients register with arbitration and tell the server when they are done * Server checks for all clients to be registered and kicks any clients if * they don't register in time. * Server registers with arbitration and the match begins * * Match ends and the server tells connected clients to write arbitrated stats * Clients write stats and notifies server of completion * Server writes stats and ends the match */
ArbitrationRegistrationComplete, ArbitrationTimeout, EndState, MatchIsInProgress, ProcessClientRegistrationCompletion, RegisterServerForArbitration, StartArbitratedMatch, StartArbitrationRegistration, StartMatch

Variables Detail

AccessControl Source code

var AccessControl AccessControl;

AccessControlClass Source code

var class<AccessControl> AccessControlClass;

AdjustedNetSpeed Source code

var int AdjustedNetSpeed;
Current adjusted net speed - Used for dynamically managing netspeed for listen servers

ArbitrationHandshakeTimeout Source code

var globalconfig float ArbitrationHandshakeTimeout;
Amount of time a client can take for arbitration handshaking before being kicked

ArbitrationPCs Source code

var array<PlayerController> ArbitrationPCs;
Holds the list of players that passed handshaking and require finalization of arbitration data written to the online subsystem

AutomatedPerfRemainingTime Source code

var int AutomatedPerfRemainingTime;
Amount of time remaining before match ends -- used for auto performance test shutdown

bAdminCanPause Source code

var globalconfig bool bAdminCanPause;

bAllowSplitscreenPlayers Source code

var globalconfig bool bAllowSplitscreenPlayers;
Whether or not to accept additional splitscreen players

bAlreadyChanged Source code

var bool bAlreadyChanged;

BaseMutator Source code

var Mutator BaseMutator;

bAutoContinueToNextRound Source code

var bool bAutoContinueToNextRound;
This will auto continue to the next round. Very useful doing soak testing and testing traveling to next level

bAutomatedPerfTesting Source code

var bool bAutomatedPerfTesting;
Whether the game is currently in automated perf test mode.

bChangeLevels Source code

var globalconfig bool bChangeLevels;

bCheckingForFragmentation Source code

var bool bCheckingForFragmentation;
Whether or not this game should check for fragmentation. This can be used to have a specific game type check for fragmentation at some point (e.g. start/end of match, time period)

bCheckingForMemLeaks Source code

var bool bCheckingForMemLeaks;
Whether or not this game should check for memory leaks

bDelayedStart Source code

var bool bDelayedStart;

bDisableGamespyLogs Source code

var bool bDisableGamespyLogs;

bDoFearCostFallOff Source code

var bool bDoFearCostFallOff;

bDoingAFlyThrough Source code

var bool bDoingAFlyThrough;
Whether game is doing a fly through or not. This is separate from automatedPerfTesting which is going to probably spawn bots / effects

bFixedPlayerStart Source code

var bool bFixedPlayerStart;
Whether the game expects a fixed player start for profiling.

bForceNoSeamlessTravel Source code

var globalconfig bool bForceNoSeamlessTravel;

bGameEnded Source code

var bool bGameEnded;

bGameRestarted Source code

var bool bGameRestarted;

bHasArbitratedHandshakeBegun Source code

var bool bHasArbitratedHandshakeBegun;
Whether the arbitrated handshaking has occurred or not. NOTE: The code will reject new connections once handshaking has started

bHasEndGameHandshakeBegun Source code

var bool bHasEndGameHandshakeBegun;
Used to indicate when an arbitrated match has started its end sequence

bHasNetworkError Source code

var bool bHasNetworkError;
Tracks whether the server can travel due to a critical network error or not

bIsEndGameHandshakeComplete Source code

var bool bIsEndGameHandshakeComplete;
Whether the arbitrated handshaking has completed or not.

bKickLiveIdlers Source code

var globalconfig bool bKickLiveIdlers;

bKickMissingCDHashKeys Source code

var globalconfig bool bKickMissingCDHashKeys;
If the server doesn't hear a response regarding a cd hash key request, kick them

bLevelChange Source code

var bool bLevelChange;

bLoggingGame Source code

var bool bLoggingGame;

bNeedsEndGameHandshake Source code

var bool bNeedsEndGameHandshake;
Whether the arbitrated handshaking has occurred or not.

bOverTime Source code

var bool bOverTime;

bPauseable Source code

var bool bPauseable;

bRequiresPushToTalk Source code

var const bool bRequiresPushToTalk;
Whether this game type requires voice to be push to talk or not

bRestartLevel Source code

var bool bRestartLevel;

BroadcastHandler Source code

var BroadcastHandler BroadcastHandler;

BroadcastHandlerClass Source code

var class<BroadcastHandler> BroadcastHandlerClass;

bTeamGame Source code

var bool bTeamGame;

BugLocString Source code

var string BugLocString;
Currently stores the location string form

BugRotString Source code

var string BugRotString;
Currently stores the rotation in string form

bUseSeamlessTravel Source code

var bool bUseSeamlessTravel;
perform map travels using SeamlessTravel() which loads in the background and doesn't disconnect clients @see WorldInfo::SeamlessTravel()

bUsingArbitration Source code

var bool bUsingArbitration;
Whether this match is going to use arbitration or not

bWaitingToStartMatch Source code

var bool bWaitingToStartMatch;

CoverReplicatorBase Source code

var protected CoverReplicator CoverReplicatorBase;
Base copy of cover changes that need to be replicated to clients on join

CurrentFriendId Source code

var UniqueNetId CurrentFriendId;
Contains the friend id of the currently logging in player as a workaround for ChangeTeams function prototype

CurrentID Source code

var int CurrentID;

DeathMessageClass Source code

var class<LocalMessage> DeathMessageClass;

DefaultPawnClass Source code

var class<Pawn> DefaultPawnClass;

DefaultPlayerName Source code

var localized string DefaultPlayerName;

DialogueManager Source code

var DialogueManager DialogueManager;
Pointer to Manager

DialogueManagerClass Source code

var String DialogueManagerClass;
Name of DialogueManager class

FearCostFallOff Source code

var float FearCostFallOff;

GameDifficulty Source code

var globalconfig float GameDifficulty;

GameInterface Source code

var OnlineGameInterface GameInterface;
Cached online game interface variable

GameMessageClass Source code

var class<GameMessage> GameMessageClass;

GameName Source code

var localized string GameName;

GameReplicationInfo Source code

var GameReplicationInfo GameReplicationInfo;

GameRulesModifiers Source code

var GameRules GameRulesModifiers;

GameSettings Source code

var OnlineGameSettings GameSettings;
Cached online game settings object

GameSpeed Source code

var float GameSpeed;

GoalScore Source code

var config int GoalScore;

GoreLevel Source code

var globalconfig int GoreLevel;

HUDType Source code

var class<HUD> HUDType;

InactivePRIArray Source code

var array<PlayerReplicationInfo> InactivePRIArray;

LastAutoReconnectMessageTime Source code

var float LastAutoReconnectMessageTime;
Prevents excessive log spam from the Gamespy auto-reconnect code

LastNetSpeedUpdateTime Source code

var float LastNetSpeedUpdateTime;
Last time netspeed was updated for server (by client entering or leaving)

MaxChildConnections Source code

var globalconfig int MaxChildConnections;
The maximum numer of additional splitscreen connections per-player

MaxClientTravelTime Source code

var globalconfig float MaxClientTravelTime;
if > 0, maximum time in seconds players are allowed to take travelling to a new map before they are kicked

MaxDynamicBandwidth Source code

var globalconfig int MaxDynamicBandwidth;
Maximum bandwidth dynamically set per connection

MaxIdleTime Source code

var globalconfig float MaxIdleTime;

MaxLives Source code

var config int MaxLives;

MaxPlayers Source code

var globalconfig int MaxPlayers;

MaxPlayersAllowed Source code

var int MaxPlayersAllowed;

MaxSpectators Source code

var globalconfig int MaxSpectators;

MaxSpectatorsAllowed Source code

var int MaxSpectatorsAllowed;

MaxTimeMargin Source code

var globalconfig float MaxTimeMargin;

MinDynamicBandwidth Source code

var globalconfig int MinDynamicBandwidth;
Minimum bandwidth dynamically set per connection

MinTimeMargin Source code

var globalconfig float MinTimeMargin;

NumBots Source code

var int NumBots;

NumPlayers Source code

var int NumPlayers;

NumSpectators Source code

var int NumSpectators;

NumTravellingPlayers Source code

var int NumTravellingPlayers;
number of players that are still travelling from a previous map

OnlineGameSettingsClass Source code

var const class<OnlineGameSettings> OnlineGameSettingsClass;
The class to use when registering dedicated servers with the online service

OnlineStatsWriteClass Source code

var class<OnlineStatsWrite> OnlineStatsWriteClass;
Class sent to clients to use to create and hold their stats

OnlineSub Source code

var OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub;
Cached online subsystem variable

Pausers Source code

var array<delegate<CanUnpause>> Pausers;
The list of delegates to check before unpausing a game

PendingArbitrationPCs Source code

var array<PlayerController> PendingArbitrationPCs;
List of player controllers we're awaiting handshakes with NOTE: Any PC in this list that does not complete the handshake within ArbitrationHandshakeTimeout will be kicked from the match

PlayerControllerClass Source code

var class<PlayerController> PlayerControllerClass;

PlayerReplicationInfoClass Source code

var class<PlayerReplicationInfo> PlayerReplicationInfoClass;

ScoreBoardType Source code

var class<Scoreboard> ScoreBoardType;

ServerOptions Source code

var string ServerOptions;
The options to apply for dedicated server when it starts to register

TimeLimit Source code

var config int TimeLimit;

TimeMarginSlack Source code

var globalconfig float TimeMarginSlack;

TimeToWaitForHashKey Source code

var globalconfig float TimeToWaitForHashKey;
Timeout value while waiting for a response to teh cd hash key request

TotalNetBandwidth Source code

var globalconfig int TotalNetBandwidth;
Total available bandwidth for listen server, split dynamically across net connections


GameReplicationInfoClass Source code

var(GameInfo) class<GameReplicationInfo> GameReplicationInfoClass;

Delegates Detail

CanUnpause Source code

delegate bool CanUnpause ( ) )
Default delegate that provides an implementation for those that don't have special needs other than a toggle

Functions Detail

AcceptInventory Source code

event AcceptInventory ( pawn PlayerPawn) )

AddDefaultInventory Source code

event AddDefaultInventory ( Pawn P) )

AddGameRules Source code

function AddGameRules ( class<GameRules> GRClass) )

AddInactivePRI Source code

function AddInactivePRI ( PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, PlayerController PC) )
AddInactivePRI() Add PRI to the inactive list, remove from the active list

AddMutator Source code

function AddMutator ( string mutname, optional bool bUserAdded) )

AddObjectiveScore Source code

function AddObjectiveScore ( PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer, Int Score) )

AllowCheats Source code

function bool AllowCheats ( PlayerController P) )

AllowMutator Source code

static function bool AllowMutator ( string MutatorClassName ) )

ArbitrationRegistrationComplete Source code

function ArbitrationRegistrationComplete ( bool bWasSuccessful )
Empty implementation of the code that handles the callback for completion

ArbitrationRegistrationComplete PendingMatch Source code

function ArbitrationRegistrationComplete ( bool bWasSuccessful) )
Callback from the server that starts the match if the registration was successful. If not, it goes back to the menu
@param bWasSuccessful whether the registration worked or not

ArbitrationTimeout PendingMatch Source code

function ArbitrationTimeout ( ) )
Handles kicking any clients that haven't completed handshaking

AtCapacity Source code

function bool AtCapacity ( bool bSpectator) )

AttemptReconnect Source code

function AttemptReconnect ( ) )

BeginPlay Source code

function BeginPlay ( ) )

Broadcast Source code

event Broadcast ( Actor Sender, coerce string Msg, optional name Type ) )

BroadcastDeathMessage Source code

function BroadcastDeathMessage ( Controller Killer, Controller Other, class<DamageType> damageType) )

BroadcastLocalized Source code

event BroadcastLocalized ( actor Sender, class<LocalMessage> Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ) )

BroadcastLocalizedTeam Source code

event BroadcastLocalizedTeam ( int TeamIndex, actor Sender, class<LocalMessage> Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ) )

BroadcastTeam Source code

function BroadcastTeam ( Controller Sender, coerce string Msg, optional name Type ) )

CalculatedNetSpeed Source code

function int CalculatedNetSpeed ( ) )

CanLeaveVehicle Source code

function bool CanLeaveVehicle ( Vehicle V, Pawn P) )

CanSpectate Source code

function bool CanSpectate ( PlayerController Viewer, PlayerReplicationInfo ViewTarget ) )

ChangeName Source code

function ChangeName ( Controller Other, coerce string S, bool bNameChange ) )

ChangeTeam Source code

function bool ChangeTeam ( Controller Other, int N, bool bNewTeam) )

CheckEndGame Source code

function bool CheckEndGame ( PlayerReplicationInfo Winner, string Reason) )

CheckModifiedEndGame Source code

function bool CheckModifiedEndGame ( PlayerReplicationInfo Winner, string Reason) )

CheckRelevance Source code

function bool CheckRelevance ( Actor Other) )

CheckScore Source code

function bool CheckScore ( PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer) )

ChoosePlayerStart Source code

function PlayerStart ChoosePlayerStart ( Controller Player, optional byte InTeam ) )
ChoosePlayerStart() Return the 'best' player start for this player to start from. PlayerStarts are rated by RatePlayerStart().
@param Player is the controller for whom we are choosing a playerstart
@param InTeam specifies the Player's team (if the player hasn't joined a team yet)
@returns NavigationPoint chosen as player start (usually a PlayerStart)

ClearAutoLoginDelegates Source code

function ClearAutoLoginDelegates ( ) )
Clears the login delegates once the login process has passed or failed

ClearPause Source code

function ClearPause ( ) )
Checks the list of delegates to determine if the pausing can be cleared. If the delegate says it's ok to unpause, that delegate is removed from the list and the rest are checked. The game is considered unpaused when the list is empty.

CurrentPlayerCount Source code

native function int CurrentPlayerCount ( )

DebugPause Source code

function DebugPause ( ) )
Dumps the pause delegate list to track down who has the game paused

DiscardInventory Source code

function DiscardInventory ( Pawn Other, optional controller Killer ) )

DoNavFearCostFallOff Source code

final native function DoNavFearCostFallOff ( )
Update navigation point fear cost fall off.

DriverEnteredVehicle Source code

function DriverEnteredVehicle ( Vehicle V, Pawn P) )

DriverLeftVehicle Source code

function DriverLeftVehicle ( Vehicle V, Pawn P) )

EnableAutoReconnect Source code

function EnableAutoReconnect ( ) )

EndGame Source code

function EndGame ( PlayerReplicationInfo Winner, string Reason ) )

EndState PendingMatch Source code

event EndState ( name NextStateName) )

FindInactivePRI Source code

function bool FindInactivePRI ( PlayerController PC) )
FindInactivePRI() returns the PRI associated with this re-entering player

FindPlayerByID Source code

function string FindPlayerByID ( int PlayerID ) )

FindPlayerStart Source code

function NavigationPoint FindPlayerStart ( Controller Player, optional byte InTeam, optional string IncomingName ) )
FindPlayerStart() Return the 'best' player start for this player to start from. PlayerStarts are rated by RatePlayerStart().
@param Player is the controller for whom we are choosing a playerstart
@param InTeam specifies the Player's team (if the player hasn't joined a team yet)
@param IncomingName specifies the tag of a teleporter to use as the Playerstart
@returns NavigationPoint chosen as player start (usually a PlayerStart)

GameEnding Source code

event GameEnding ( ) )

GetBeaconText Source code

event string GetBeaconText ( ) )

GetCoverReplicator Source code

function CoverReplicator GetCoverReplicator ( ) )

GetDefaultPlayerClass Source code

function class<Pawn> GetDefaultPlayerClass ( Controller C) )
Returns the default pawn class for the specified controller,
@param C - controller to figure out pawn class for
@return default pawn class

GetIntOption Source code

static function int GetIntOption ( string Options, string ParseString, int CurrentValue) )

GetKeyValue Source code

static function GetKeyValue ( string Pair, out string Key, out string Value ) )

GetNetworkNumber Source code

native function string GetNetworkNumber ( )

GetNextMap Source code

function string GetNextMap ( )

@return the map we should travel to for the next game

GetNextPlayerID Source code

native final function int GetNextPlayerID ( )

GetNumPlayers Source code

function int GetNumPlayers ( ) )

GetSeamlessTravelActorList Source code

event GetSeamlessTravelActorList ( bool bToEntry, out array<Actor> ActorList) )
called on server during seamless level transitions to get the list of Actors that should be moved into the new level PlayerControllers, Role < ROLE_Authority Actors, and any non-Actors that are inside an Actor that is in the list (i.e. Object.Outer == Actor in the list) are all autmoatically moved regardless of whether they're included here only dynamic (!bStatic and !bNoDelete) actors in the PersistentLevel may be moved (this includes all actors spawned during gameplay) this is called for both parts of the transition because actors might change while in the middle (e.g. players might join or leave the game)
@see also PlayerController::GetSeamlessTravelActorList() (the function that's called on clients)
@param bToEntry true if we are going from old level -> entry, false if we are going from entry -> new level
@param ActorList (out) list of actors to maintain

GetServerPort Source code

function int GetServerPort ( ) )

GetTravelType Source code

function bool GetTravelType ( ) )
Returns true if we want to travel_absolute

GrabOption Source code

static function bool GrabOption ( out string Options, out string Result ) )

HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer Source code

event HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer ( out Controller C) )
handles reinitializing players that remained through a seamless level transition called from C++ for players that finished loading after the server
@param C the Controller to handle

HasOption Source code

static function bool HasOption ( string Options, string InKey ) )

InitGame Source code

event InitGame ( string Options, out string ErrorMessage ) )

InitGameReplicationInfo Source code

function InitGameReplicationInfo ( ) )

Kick Source code

function Kick ( string S ) )

KickBan Source code

function KickBan ( string S ) )

KickIdler Source code

event KickIdler ( PlayerController PC) )

KillBots Source code

exec function KillBots ( )

Killed Source code

function Killed ( Controller Killer, Controller KilledPlayer, Pawn KilledPawn, class<DamageType> damageType ) )

Login Source code

event PlayerController Login ( string Portal, string Options, out string ErrorMessage ) )

Logout Source code

function Logout ( Controller Exiting ) )

MatchIsInProgress Source code

function bool MatchIsInProgress ( ) )

MatchIsInProgress PendingMatch Source code

function bool MatchIsInProgress ( ) )

MatineeCancelled Source code

event MatineeCancelled ( )
Called when this PC is in cinematic mode, and its matinee is cancelled by the user.

ModifyScoreKill Source code

function ModifyScoreKill ( Controller Killer, Controller Other) )
For subclasses which don't call GameInfo.ScoreKill()

Mutate Source code

function Mutate ( string MutateString, PlayerController Sender) )

NotifyArbitratedMatchEnd Source code

function NotifyArbitratedMatchEnd ( ) )
Tells all clients to disconnect and then goes to the menu

NotifyKilled Source code

function NotifyKilled ( Controller Killer, Controller Killed, Pawn KilledPawn ) )

NotifyNavigationChanged Source code

function NotifyNavigationChanged ( NavigationPoint N )
notification when a NavigationPoint becomes blocked or unblocked

OnConnectionStatusChange Source code

function OnConnectionStatusChange ( EOnlineServerConnectionStatus ConnectionStatus) )
Delegate fired when the online server connection state changes
@param ConnectionStatus the new connection status

OnDestroyOnlineGameComplete Source code

function OnDestroyOnlineGameComplete ( bool bWasSuccessful) )

OnLoginChange Source code

function OnLoginChange ( ) )
Used to tell the game when the autologin has completed

OnLoginFailed Source code

function OnLoginFailed ( byte LocalUserNum,EOnlineServerConnectionStatus ErrorCode) )
Called if the autologin fails
@param LocalUserNum the controller number of the associated user
@param ErrorCode the async error code that occurred

OnServerCreateComplete Source code

function OnServerCreateComplete ( bool bWasSuccessful) )
Notifies us of the game being registered successfully or not
@param bWasSuccessful flag telling us whether it worked or not

OnStartOnlineGameComplete Source code

function OnStartOnlineGameComplete ( bool bWasSuccessful) )
Callback when the start completes
@param bWasSuccessful true if it worked, false otherwise

OverridePRI Source code

function OverridePRI ( PlayerController PC, PlayerReplicationInfo OldPRI) )
OverridePRI() override as needed properties of NewPRI with properties from OldPRI which were assigned during the login process

ParseKillMessage Source code

static function string ParseKillMessage ( string KillerName, string VictimName, string DeathMessage ) )

ParseMessageString Source code

static function string ParseMessageString ( Controller Who, String Message) )

ParseOption Source code

static function string ParseOption ( string Options, string InKey ) )

PickFriendTeam Source code

function byte PickFriendTeam ( byte Current, Controller C, UniqueNetId FriendNetId) )

PickTeam Source code

function byte PickTeam ( byte Current, Controller C) )

PickupQuery Source code

function bool PickupQuery ( Pawn Other, class<Inventory> ItemClass, Actor Pickup) )
PickupQuery: Called when pawn has a chance to pick Item up (i.e. when the pawn touches a weapon pickup). Should return true if he wants to pick it up, false if he does not want it.
@param Other the Pawn that wants the item
@param ItemClass the Inventory class the Pawn can pick up
@param Pickup the Actor containing that item (this may be a PickupFactory or it may be a DroppedPickup)
@return whether or not the Pickup actor should give its item to Other

PlayerCanRestart Source code

function bool PlayerCanRestart ( PlayerController aPlayer ) )

PlayerCanRestartGame Source code

function bool PlayerCanRestartGame ( PlayerController aPlayer ) )

PostBeginPlay Source code

event PostBeginPlay ( ) )

PostCommitMapChange Source code

event PostCommitMapChange ( )
Called from C++'s CommitMapChange after unloading previous level and loading new level+sublevels

PostLogin Source code

event PostLogin ( PlayerController NewPlayer ) )

PostSeamlessTravel Source code

event PostSeamlessTravel ( ) )
called after a seamless level transition has been completed on the *new* GameInfo used to reinitialize players already in the game as they won't have *Login() called on them

PreBeginPlay Source code

event PreBeginPlay ( ) )

PreCommitMapChange Source code

event PreCommitMapChange ( string PreviousMapName, string NextMapName )
Called from C++'s CommitMapChange before unloading previous level
@param PreviousMapName Name of the previous persistent level
@param NextMapName Name of the persistent level being streamed to

PreExit Source code

event PreExit ( )
Engine is shutting down.

PreLogin Source code

event PreLogin ( string Options, string Address, out string ErrorMessage) )

PreventDeath Source code

function bool PreventDeath ( Pawn KilledPawn, Controller Killer, class<DamageType> damageType, vector HitLocation) )

ProcessClientDataWriteCompletion Source code

function ProcessClientDataWriteCompletion ( PlayerController PC) )
Removes the specified client from the pending list and tells the game to restart once all clients have notified
@param PC the player controller that completed the write

ProcessClientRegistrationCompletion Source code

function ProcessClientRegistrationCompletion ( PlayerController PC,bool bWasSuccessful )
This is a base (empty) implementation of the completion notification
@param PC the player controller to mark as done
@param bWasSuccessful whether the PC was able to register for arbitration or not

ProcessClientRegistrationCompletion PendingMatch Source code

function ProcessClientRegistrationCompletion ( PlayerController PC,bool bWasSuccessful) )
Removes the player controller from the pending list. Kicks that PC if it failed to register for arbitration. Starts the match if all clients have completed their registration
@param PC the player controller to mark as done
@param bWasSuccessful whether the PC was able to register for arbitration or not

ProcessEndGameHandshake Source code

function ProcessEndGameHandshake ( ) )
Iterates the arbitrated PCs list and tells them to write their end of game data to arbitration

ProcessServerLogin Source code

function bool ProcessServerLogin ( ) )
Checks for the login parameters being passed on the command line. If present, it does an async login before starting the dedicated server registration process
@return true if the login is in progress, false otherwise

ProcessServerTravel Source code

function ProcessServerTravel ( string URL, optional bool bAbsolute) )

RatePlayerStart Source code

function float RatePlayerStart ( PlayerStart P, byte Team, Controller Player) )
RatePlayerStart() Return a score representing how desireable a playerstart is.
@param P is the playerstart being rated
@param Team is the team of the player choosing the playerstart
@param Player is the controller choosing the playerstart
@returns playerstart score

RecalculateSkillRating Source code

function RecalculateSkillRating ( ) )
Used by the game type to update the advertised skill for this game

ReduceDamage Source code

function ReduceDamage ( out int Damage, pawn injured, Controller instigatedBy, vector HitLocation, out vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType ) )

RegisterServer Source code

function RegisterServer ( ) )
Registers the dedicated server with the online service

RegisterServerForArbitration Source code

function RegisterServerForArbitration ( )
Empty implementation of the code that registers the server for arbitration

RegisterServerForArbitration PendingMatch Source code

function RegisterServerForArbitration ( ) )
Does the registration for the server. This must be done last as it includes all the players info from their registration

RemoveMutator Source code

function RemoveMutator ( Mutator MutatorToRemove ) )

ReplicateStreamingStatus Source code

function ReplicateStreamingStatus ( PlayerController PC) )
replicates the current level streaming status to the given PlayerController

RequiresPassword Source code

function bool RequiresPassword ( ) )

Reset Source code

function Reset ( ) )

ResetLevel Source code

function ResetLevel ( ) )
Resets level by calling Reset() on all actors

ResetLog Source code

function ResetLog ( ) )

RestartGame Source code

function RestartGame ( ) )

RestartPlayer Source code

function RestartPlayer ( Controller NewPlayer) )

ScoreKill Source code

function ScoreKill ( Controller Killer, Controller Other) )

ScoreObjective Source code

function ScoreObjective ( PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer, Int Score) )

SendPlayer Source code

function SendPlayer ( PlayerController aPlayer, string URL ) )

ServerWriteArbitrationEndGameData Source code

function ServerWriteArbitrationEndGameData ( ) )
Commits arbitration data for the server and restarts the match

SessionBan Source code

function SessionBan ( string S) )

SetGameSpeed Source code

function SetGameSpeed ( Float T ) )

SetGameType Source code

static event class<GameInfo> SetGameType ( string MapName, string Options) )

SetPause Source code

function bool SetPause ( PlayerController PC, optional delegate<CanUnpause> CanUnpauseDelegate) )
Adds the delegate to the list if the player controller has the right to pause the game. The delegate is called to see if it is ok to unpause the game, e.g. the reason the game was paused has been cleared.
@param PC the player controller to check for admin privs
@param CanUnpauseDelegate the delegate to query when checking for unpause

SetPlayerDefaults Source code

function SetPlayerDefaults ( Pawn PlayerPawn) )

ShouldReset Source code

function bool ShouldReset ( Actor ActorToReset) )

@return true if ActorToReset should have Reset() called on it while restarting the game, false if the GameInfo will manually reset it or if the actor does not need to be reset

ShouldRespawn Source code

function bool ShouldRespawn ( PickupFactory Other ) )

ShouldSpawnAtStartSpot Source code

function bool ShouldSpawnAtStartSpot ( Controller Player) )
returns whether the given Controller StartSpot property should be used as the spawn location for its Pawn

SpawnDefaultPawnFor Source code

function Pawn SpawnDefaultPawnFor ( Controller NewPlayer, NavigationPoint StartSpot) )
Returns a pawn of the default pawn class
@param NewPlayer - Controller for whom this pawn is spawned
@param StartSpot - PlayerStart at which to spawn pawn
@return pawn

StartArbitratedMatch Source code

function StartArbitratedMatch ( )
Empty implementation of the code that starts an arbitrated match

StartArbitratedMatch PendingMatch Source code

function StartArbitratedMatch ( ) )

StartArbitrationRegistration Source code

function StartArbitrationRegistration ( )
Empty implementation of the code that kicks off async registration

StartArbitrationRegistration PendingMatch Source code

function StartArbitrationRegistration ( ) )
Kicks off the async tasks of having the clients register with arbitration before the server does. Sets a timeout for when all slow to respond clients get kicked

StartBots Source code

function StartBots ( ) )

StartHumans Source code

function StartHumans ( ) )

StartMatch Source code

function StartMatch ( ) )

StartMatch PendingMatch Source code

function StartMatch ( ) )
Tells all of the currently connected clients to register with arbitration. The clients will call back to the server once they have done so, which will tell this state to see if it is time for the server to register with arbitration.

StartOnlineGame Source code

function StartOnlineGame ( ) )
Tells the online system to start the game and waits for the callback. Tells each connected client to register their

SwapPlayerControllers Source code

native final function SwapPlayerControllers ( PlayerController OldPC, PlayerController NewPC )
used to swap a viewport/connection's PlayerControllers when seamless travelling and the new gametype's controller class is different than the previous includes network handling
@param OldPC - the old PC that should be discarded
@param NewPC - the new PC that should be used for the player

Timer Source code

event Timer ( ) )

TravelFailed Source code

function TravelFailed ( string TravelURL, string Error, optional string ErrorCode )
Called from the WorldInfo when travelling fails

UpdateGameplayMuteList Source code

function UpdateGameplayMuteList ( PlayerController PC )
Used to notify the game type that it is ok to update a player's gameplay specific muting information now. The playercontroller needs to notify the server when it is possible to do so or the unique net id will be incorrect and the muting not work.
@param PC the playercontroller that is ready for updates

UpdateGameSettings Source code

function UpdateGameSettings ( )
Used to update any changes in game settings that need to be published to players that are searching for games

UpdateGameSettingsCounts Source code

function UpdateGameSettingsCounts ( ) )
Updates the online subsystem's information for player counts so that LAN matches can show the correct player counts

UpdateNetSpeeds Source code

function UpdateNetSpeeds ( ) )

UseLowGore Source code

static function bool UseLowGore ( WorldInfo WI) )

WriteOnlinePlayerScores Source code

function WriteOnlinePlayerScores ( ) )
Overload this method so that your game writes out player scores

WriteOnlineStats Source code

function WriteOnlineStats ( )
Overload this method so that your game writes out stats



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