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config ( Game ) native

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Info
      +-- Engine.ReplicationInfo
         +-- Engine.GameReplicationInfo
            +-- UTGame.UTGameReplicationInfo

Direct Known Subclasses:

UTBetrayalGRI, UTMissionGRI, UTOnslaughtGRI

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Engine.GameReplicationInfo
AdminEmail, AdminName, bIsArbitrated, bMatchHasBegun, bMatchIsOver, bNeedsOnlineCleanup, bStopCountDown, bTrackStats, CurrentGameData, ElapsedTime, GameClass, GoalScore, InactivePRIArray, MatchID, MaxLives, MessageOfTheDay, PRIArray, RemainingMinute, RemainingTime, SecondCount, ServerName, ServerRegion, ShortName, Teams, TimeLimit, Winner

Enumerations Summary
FLAG_Home, FLAG_HeldFriendly, FLAG_HeldEnemy, FLAG_Down,

Structures Summary
MergeState, AssetStore, ArmAssetStore, PRI, StartMergeTime, bOtherTeamSkin, bNeedsArms, bForceFallbackArms
Mesh, Material

Functions Summary
function AddGameRule (string Rule))
function AddPRI (PlayerReplicationInfo PRI))
function AssignSinglePlayerCharacters (UTPlayerReplicationInfo PRI))
functionbool CanChangeTeam ()))
event Destroyed ()))
function DisplayMOTD ()))
functionUTPlayerReplicationInfo FindExistingMeshForFamily (string FamilyID, byte TeamNum, UTPlayerReplicationInfo CurrentPRI))
functionSkeletalMesh FinishCharMerge (int StatusIndex))
functionbool FlagIsDown (int TeamIndex))
functionbool FlagIsHeldEnemy (int TeamIndex))
functionbool FlagIsHeldFriendly (int TeamIndex))
functionbool FlagIsHome (int TeamIndex))
functionbool FlagsAreHome ()))
functionbool IsNecrisTeam (byte TeamNum)
functionbool IsProcessingCharacterData ()))
function MidGameMenuClosed ()))
functionbool MidMenuMenu (UTPlayerController UTPC, UTSimpleList List, int Index))
functionUIScene OpenUIScene (UTPlayerController InstigatorPC, UIScene Template))
function PopulateMidGameMenu (UTSimpleMenu Menu))
function PostBeginPlay ()))
functionbool PreventPause ()))
function ProcessCharacterData (UTPlayerReplicationInfo PRI, optional bool bTeamChange))
function ReplicatedEvent (name VarName))
function ResetCharMerge (int StatusIndex))
function SendCharacterProcessingNotification (bool bNowProcessing))
function SetFlagDown (int TeamIndex))
function SetFlagHeldEnemy (int TeamIndex))
function SetFlagHeldFriendly (int TeamIndex))
function SetFlagHome (int TeamIndex))
function SetHudShowScores (bool bShow))
function SetNoStreamWorldTextureForFrames (int NumFrames)
function SetVoteRoundTimeRemaining (int NewValue))
functionUTUIScene_MidGameMenu ShowMidGameMenu (UTPlayerController InstigatorPC, optional name TabTag, ptional bool bEnableInput))
function ShowScores (bool bShow, UTPlayerController Host, UTUIScene_Scoreboard Template))
functionbool SkipAllProcessing ()))
function StartProcessingCharacterData ()))
function TickCharacterMeshCreation ()))
function Timer ()))
function ToggleViewingMap (bool bIsViewing))
Inherited Functions from Engine.GameReplicationInfo
AddPRI, CleanupGameDataStore, Destroyed, EndGame, FindPlayerByID, GetOnlineGameInterface, GetPRIArray, InitializeGameDataStore, InOrder, IsCoopMultiplayerGame, IsMultiplayerGame, OnDestroyOnlineGameComplete, OnlineSession_EndMatch, OnlineSession_EndSession, OnlineSession_StartMatch, OnSameTeam, PostBeginPlay, PreventPause, RemovePRI, ReplicatedEvent, Reset, SetTeam, SortPRIArray, StartMatch, Timer

Variables Detail

bAllowKeyboardAndMouse Source code

var bool bAllowKeyboardAndMouse;
Which input types are allowed for this game

bAlwaysLoadCustomCharacters Source code

var globalconfig bool bAlwaysLoadCustomCharacters;
forces custom characters to always load, even after the match has started

bAnnouncementsDisabled Source code

var bool bAnnouncementsDisabled;
set by level Kismet to disable announcements during tutorials/cinematics/etc

bConsoleServer Source code

var bool bConsoleServer;
whether the server is a console so we need to make adjustments to sync up

bForceDefaultCharacter Source code

var globalconfig bool bForceDefaultCharacter;
forces other players to be viewed on this machine with the default character

bHeroesAllowed Source code

var bool bHeroesAllowed;
Whether or not heroes are allowed in the game

BotDifficulty Source code

var int BotDifficulty;

bProcessedInitialCharacters Source code

var bool bProcessedInitialCharacters;
whether we have processed all the custom characters for players that were initially in the game (clientside flag)

bRequireReady Source code

var bool bRequireReady;

bShowMenuOnDeath Source code

var bool bShowMenuOnDeath;

bShowMOTD Source code

var repnotify bool bShowMOTD;

bStoryMode Source code

var bool bStoryMode;
If this is set, the game is running in story mode

bWarmupRound Source code

var bool bWarmupRound;

CharStatus Source code

var array<CreateCharStatus> CharStatus;

CurrentMidGameMenu Source code

var UTUIScene_MidGameMenu CurrentMidGameMenu;
Holds the current Mid Game Menu Scene

FlagState[2] Source code

var EFlagState FlagState[2];

IsPlayersVsBots Source code

var int IsPlayersVsBots;
If set, players are all on one team vs bots - made an int for replication compatibility

LastUsedMidgameTab Source code

var name LastUsedMidgameTab;

LocalPCsLeftToProcess Source code

var array<PlayerController> LocalPCsLeftToProcess;
Array of local players that have not been processed yet.

MapVoteTimeRemaining Source code

var int MapVoteTimeRemaining;
********* Map Voting **********

MinNetPlayers Source code

var int MinNetPlayers;

ModClientSettingsScene Source code

var string ModClientSettingsScene;
NOTE: This is replicated, instead of being retrieved clientside, so that clients can't change the loaded scene through .ini editing

MutatorList Source code

var databinding string MutatorList;

RulesString Source code

var databinding string RulesString;

ScoreboardScene Source code

var UTUIScene_Scoreboard ScoreboardScene;
We hold a reference to the live scoreboard to adapt for split screen

SinglePlayerBotNames[4] Source code

var string SinglePlayerBotNames[4];

SinglePlayerMissionID Source code

var int SinglePlayerMissionID;
Holds the Mission index of the current mission

StartCreateCharTime Source code

var float StartCreateCharTime;

TotalPlayersSetToProcess Source code

var int TotalPlayersSetToProcess;
Total number of players set to be processed so far.

VehicleWeaponEffects Source code

var array<MeshEffect> VehicleWeaponEffects;

VoteRoundTimeCounter Source code

var int VoteRoundTimeCounter;

VoteRoundTimeModified Source code

var repnotify int VoteRoundTimeModified;

VoteRoundTimeRemaining Source code

var repnotify int VoteRoundTimeRemaining;

WeaponBerserk Source code

var float WeaponBerserk;

WeaponOverlays Source code

var array<MaterialInterface> WeaponOverlays;
weapon overlays that are available in this map - figured out in PostBeginPlay() from UTPowerupPickupFactories in the level each entry in the array represents a bit in UTPawn's WeaponOverlayFlags property @see UTWeapon::SetWeaponOverlayFlags() for how this is used

Enumerations Detail

EFlagState Source code

enum EFlagState
FLAG_Home, FLAG_HeldFriendly, FLAG_HeldEnemy, FLAG_Down,

Structures Detail

CreateCharStatus Source code

struct CreateCharStatus
var UTCharFamilyAssetStore ArmAssetStore;
var UTCharFamilyAssetStore AssetStore;
var bool bForceFallbackArms;
var bool bNeedsArms;
var bool bOtherTeamSkin;
var CustomCharMergeState MergeState;
var UTPlayerReplicationInfo PRI;
var float StartMergeTime;

MeshEffect Source code

struct MeshEffect
var MaterialInterface Material;
var StaticMesh Mesh;
vehicle weapon effects available in this map - works exactly like WeaponOverlays, except these are meshes that get attached to the vehicle mesh when the corresponding bit is set on the driver's WeaponOverlayFlags
material for the effect
mesh for the effect

Functions Detail

AddGameRule Source code

function AddGameRule ( string Rule) )

AddPRI Source code

simulated function AddPRI ( PlayerReplicationInfo PRI) )

AssignSinglePlayerCharacters Source code

function AssignSinglePlayerCharacters ( UTPlayerReplicationInfo PRI) )
In a single player campaign, this function will be called to insure all of the players are properly assigned to a given team. It insure that the host of the game is assigned to Reaper, and then assigns the other players in order. @Param PRI The PRI of the player to Assign a character for

CanChangeTeam Source code

simulated function bool CanChangeTeam ( ) )
Whether a player can change teams or not. Used by menus and such.

Destroyed Source code

simulated event Destroyed ( ) )

DisplayMOTD Source code

simulated function DisplayMOTD ( ) )
Displays the message of the day by finding a hud and passing off the call.

FindExistingMeshForFamily Source code

simulated function UTPlayerReplicationInfo FindExistingMeshForFamily ( string FamilyID, byte TeamNum, UTPlayerReplicationInfo CurrentPRI) )
Util to find an existing custom mesh with the same race/sex/team

FinishCharMerge Source code

simulated function SkeletalMesh FinishCharMerge ( int StatusIndex) )
Attempt to finish merging - returns SkeletalMesh when done.

FlagIsDown Source code

simulated function bool FlagIsDown ( int TeamIndex) )

FlagIsHeldEnemy Source code

simulated function bool FlagIsHeldEnemy ( int TeamIndex) )

FlagIsHeldFriendly Source code

simulated function bool FlagIsHeldFriendly ( int TeamIndex) )

FlagIsHome Source code

simulated function bool FlagIsHome ( int TeamIndex) )

FlagsAreHome Source code

simulated function bool FlagsAreHome ( ) )

IsNecrisTeam Source code

simulated function bool IsNecrisTeam ( byte TeamNum )

@return whether the given team is Necris (used by e.g. vehicle factories to control whether they can activate for this team)

IsProcessingCharacterData Source code

simulated function bool IsProcessingCharacterData ( ) )

@return whether we're still processing character data into meshes

MidGameMenuClosed Source code

simulated function MidGameMenuClosed ( ) )
Clean up

MidMenuMenu Source code

simulated function bool MidMenuMenu ( UTPlayerController UTPC, UTSimpleList List, int Index) )

OpenUIScene Source code

simulated function UIScene OpenUIScene ( UTPlayerController InstigatorPC, UIScene Template) )
wrapper for opening UI scenes
@param InstigatorPC - player to open it for
@param Template - the scene to open

PopulateMidGameMenu Source code

simulated function PopulateMidGameMenu ( UTSimpleMenu Menu) )

PostBeginPlay Source code

simulated function PostBeginPlay ( ) )

PreventPause Source code

simulated function bool PreventPause ( ) )
hook to allow the GRI to prevent pausing; used when it's performing asynch tasks that must be completed

ProcessCharacterData Source code

simulated singular function ProcessCharacterData ( UTPlayerReplicationInfo PRI, optional bool bTeamChange) )
determines whether we should process the given player's character data into a mesh and if so, gets that started
@note: this can be called multiple times for a given PRI if more info is received (e.g. Team)
@param PRI - the PlayerReplicationInfo that holds the data to process
@param bTeamChange - if this is the result of a team change

ReplicatedEvent Source code

simulated function ReplicatedEvent ( name VarName) )

ResetCharMerge Source code

simulated function ResetCharMerge ( int StatusIndex) )
Reset merging on a character.

SendCharacterProcessingNotification Source code

simulated function SendCharacterProcessingNotification ( bool bNowProcessing) )
called to notify all local players when character data processing is started/stopped

SetFlagDown Source code

function SetFlagDown ( int TeamIndex) )

SetFlagHeldEnemy Source code

function SetFlagHeldEnemy ( int TeamIndex) )

SetFlagHeldFriendly Source code

function SetFlagHeldFriendly ( int TeamIndex) )

SetFlagHome Source code

function SetFlagHome ( int TeamIndex) )

SetHudShowScores Source code

simulated function SetHudShowScores ( bool bShow) )

SetNoStreamWorldTextureForFrames Source code

native final function SetNoStreamWorldTextureForFrames ( int NumFrames )
Function that disables streaming of world textures for NumFrames.

SetVoteRoundTimeRemaining Source code

function SetVoteRoundTimeRemaining ( int NewValue) )

ShowMidGameMenu Source code

simulated function UTUIScene_MidGameMenu ShowMidGameMenu ( UTPlayerController InstigatorPC, optional name TabTag,optional bool bEnableInput) )
Open the mid-game menu

ShowScores Source code

simulated function ShowScores ( bool bShow, UTPlayerController Host, UTUIScene_Scoreboard Template) )

SkipAllProcessing Source code

simulated function bool SkipAllProcessing ( ) )

@return whether we should skip all character processing of any kind, even arms

StartProcessingCharacterData Source code

simulated function StartProcessingCharacterData ( ) )

TickCharacterMeshCreation Source code

simulated function TickCharacterMeshCreation ( ) )
called when character meshes are being processed to update it

Timer Source code

simulated function Timer ( ) )

ToggleViewingMap Source code

function ToggleViewingMap ( bool bIsViewing) )



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