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Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Info
      +-- Engine.GameInfo
         +-- UTGame.UTGame
            +-- UTGame.UTDeathmatch
               +-- UTGame.UTTeamGame
                  +-- UTGame.UTOnslaughtGame

Direct Known Subclasses:


Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTTeamGame
bAllowNonTeamChat, bForceAllRed, bNoTeamChangePenalty, bPlayersBalanceTeams, bRebalanceAfterTravel, bRebalanceOnceAfterTravel, bScoreTeamKills, bScoreVictimsTarget, bSpawnInTeamArea, CustomTeamName[2], FlagKillMessageName, FriendlyFireScale, PendingTeamSwap, SwapRequestTime, TeamAIType[2], TeamFactions[2], TeammateBoost, TeamScoreMessageClass, Teams[2]

Functions Summary
function ActivateVehicleFactory (UTVehicleFactory VF))
functionUTBot AddBot (optional string BotName, optional bool bUseTeamIndex, optional int TeamIndex))
function AdjustOnslaughtSkill ()))
functionbool AllowClientToTeleport (UTPlayerReplicationInfo ClientPRI, Actor DestinationActor))
functionbool AllowMutator (string MutatorClassName ))
functionPlayerStart BestPlayerStartAtNode (UTGameObjective SelectedPC, byte Team, Controller Player))
functionbool ChangeTeam (Controller Other, int num, bool bNewTeam))
functionbool CheckEndGame (PlayerReplicationInfo Winner, string Reason))
functionbool CheckScore (PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer))
function CheckSevering (UTOnslaughtNodeObjective PC, int TeamIndex))
functionPlayerStart ChoosePlayerStart (Controller Player, optional byte InTeam ))
functionUTOnslaughtNodeObjective ClosestNodeTo (Actor A))
functionUTOnslaughtObjective ClosestObjectiveTo (Actor A))
function CreateTeam (int TeamIndex))
functionbool DominatingVictory ()))
function FindCloseActors ()))
function FindNewObjectives (UTGameObjective DisabledObjective))
function FindNewObjectives (UTGameObjective DisabledObjective))
functionActor GetAutoObjectiveFor (UTPlayerController PC))
functionUTWeaponLocker GetBestLocker (Pawn PlayerPawn))
functionUTGameObjective GetClosestNodeToEnemyWithVehicles (Controller Player, const out array<int> NumVehicleFactories))
functionint GetCurrentMapCycleIndex (const out array<string> MapList))
functionint GetHandicapNeed (Pawn Other))
functionstring GetNextMap ()))
event InitGame (string Options, out string ErrorMessage))
function InitGameReplicationInfo ()))
functionbool IsTouchingNodeTeleporter (Pawn P, optional out UTOnslaughtNodeTeleporter Teleporter))
event Logout (Controller Exiting))
function MainCoreDestroyed (byte T))
function MainCoreDestroyed (byte T))
functionbool NearGoal (Controller C))
event PostLogin (PlayerController PC))
function PostSeamlessTravel ()))
function Reset ()))
function ScoreDraw ()))
function ScoreFlag (Controller Scorer, UTOnslaughtFlag TheFlag))
function ScoreObjective (PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer, int Score))
function SetEndGameFocus (PlayerReplicationInfo Winner))
function SetPowerCores ()))
functionbool ShouldPrioritizeNodeWithFlag (byte Team, byte EnemyTeam, bool bEnemyCanAttackCore, controller Player))
functionbool ShouldReset (Actor ActorToReset))
function ShowPathTo (PlayerController P, int TeamNum))
function StartAllPlayers ()))
function StartBots ()
function StartHumans ()))
functionbool TeamHasOrbRunner (Controller Player))
event Timer ()))
function UpdateLinks ()))
function UpdateNodePlayerCountRequirements (bool bAllowDuringGame))
function ViewObjective (PlayerController PC))
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTTeamGame
AddBlueBots, AddRedBots, AdjustSkill, AllowClientToTeleport, AnnounceScore, BalanceTeams, CampaignSkillAdjust, CanSpectate, ChangeTeam, CheckEndGame, CheckMaxLives, CheckScore, CheckTeamBasedAchievements, CreateTeam, DominatingVictory, FindNewObjectives, FindVictimsTarget, ForceRespawn, GetBotTeam, GetFriendTeam, GetHandicapNeed, GetSeamlessTravelActorList, HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer, InitGame, InitializeBot, IsAWinner, IsWinningTeam, LevelRecommendedPlayers, Logout, NearGoal, NotifyKilled, OverridePRI, ParseSpeechRecipients, PickFriendTeam, PickTeam, PlayRegularEndOfMatchMessage, PostLogin, PostSeamlessTravel, PreBeginPlay, ProcessSpeechOrders, ProcessSpeechRecognition, RatePlayerStart, ReduceDamage, RestartGame, ScoreKill, SendFlagKillMessage, SetEndGameFocus, SetTeam, ShowPathTo, TooManyBots, WriteOnlineStats
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTDeathmatch
CheckAchievements, CheckCampaignAchievements, CheckLikeTheBackOfMyHandAchievement, CheckMissionAchievements, CheckSpiceOfLifeAchievement, GetHandicapNeed, IsValidMutatorsForLikeTheBackOfMyHand, UpdateOnlineAchievements, WantsPickups, WriteOnlineStats

States Summary
MatchInProgress Source code
state MatchInProgress
MatchOver Source code
state MatchOver
FindNewObjectives, MainCoreDestroyed

Variables Detail

bSidesAreSwitched Source code

var bool bSidesAreSwitched;

bSpawnNodeSelected Source code

var bool bSpawnNodeSelected;

bSwapSidesAfterReset Source code

var config bool bSwapSidesAfterReset;

Orbs[2] Source code

var UTOnslaughtFlag Orbs[2];
Holds refs to the two orbs

OvertimeCoreDrainPerSec Source code

var float OvertimeCoreDrainPerSec;

PowerCore[2] Source code

var UTOnslaughtPowerCore PowerCore[2];

PowerNodes Source code

var array<UTOnslaughtObjective> PowerNodes;

SelectedStartNode Source code

var UTGameObjective SelectedStartNode;

Functions Detail

ActivateVehicleFactory Source code

function ActivateVehicleFactory ( UTVehicleFactory VF) )
In Onslaught, vehicle factories are activated by active powernodes

AddBot Source code

function UTBot AddBot ( optional string BotName, optional bool bUseTeamIndex, optional int TeamIndex) )

AdjustOnslaughtSkill Source code

function AdjustOnslaughtSkill ( ) )
Adjust skill level in campaign based on relative health of cores

AllowClientToTeleport Source code

function bool AllowClientToTeleport ( UTPlayerReplicationInfo ClientPRI, Actor DestinationActor) )

AllowMutator Source code

static function bool AllowMutator ( string MutatorClassName ) )

BestPlayerStartAtNode Source code

function PlayerStart BestPlayerStartAtNode ( UTGameObjective SelectedPC, byte Team, Controller Player) )

ChangeTeam Source code

function bool ChangeTeam ( Controller Other, int num, bool bNewTeam) )

CheckEndGame Source code

function bool CheckEndGame ( PlayerReplicationInfo Winner, string Reason) )

CheckScore Source code

function bool CheckScore ( PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer) )

CheckSevering Source code

function CheckSevering ( UTOnslaughtNodeObjective PC, int TeamIndex) )

ChoosePlayerStart Source code

function PlayerStart ChoosePlayerStart ( Controller Player, optional byte InTeam ) )
ChoosePlayerStart() Return the 'best' player start for this player to start from. PlayerStarts are rated by RatePlayerStart().
@param Player is the controller for whom we are choosing a playerstart
@param InTeam specifies the Player's team (if the player hasn't joined a team yet)
@returns NavigationPoint chosen as player start (usually a PlayerStart)

ClosestNodeTo Source code

function UTOnslaughtNodeObjective ClosestNodeTo ( Actor A) )

ClosestObjectiveTo Source code

function UTOnslaughtObjective ClosestObjectiveTo ( Actor A) )

CreateTeam Source code

function CreateTeam ( int TeamIndex) )

DominatingVictory Source code

function bool DominatingVictory ( ) )

FindCloseActors Source code

function FindCloseActors ( ) )

FindNewObjectives Source code

function FindNewObjectives ( UTGameObjective DisabledObjective) )

FindNewObjectives MatchOver Source code

function FindNewObjectives ( UTGameObjective DisabledObjective) )

GetAutoObjectiveFor Source code

function Actor GetAutoObjectiveFor ( UTPlayerController PC) )

GetBestLocker Source code

function UTWeaponLocker GetBestLocker ( Pawn PlayerPawn) )

GetClosestNodeToEnemyWithVehicles Source code

function UTGameObjective GetClosestNodeToEnemyWithVehicles ( Controller Player, const out array<int> NumVehicleFactories) )
finds the closest node to the enemy powercore that has vehicles available according to the passed in array may return None if no node with vehicles is available for that team
@param Player the Player we're choosing a node for
@param NumVehicleFactories

GetCurrentMapCycleIndex Source code

function int GetCurrentMapCycleIndex ( const out array<string> MapList) )

GetHandicapNeed Source code

function int GetHandicapNeed ( Pawn Other) )
return a value based on how much this pawn needs help

GetNextMap Source code

function string GetNextMap ( ) )

InitGame Source code

event InitGame ( string Options, out string ErrorMessage) )

InitGameReplicationInfo Source code

function InitGameReplicationInfo ( ) )

IsTouchingNodeTeleporter Source code

function bool IsTouchingNodeTeleporter ( Pawn P, optional out UTOnslaughtNodeTeleporter Teleporter) )

@return whether the given Pawn is touching/walking on an Actor that allows node teleporting

Logout Source code

event Logout ( Controller Exiting) )

MainCoreDestroyed Source code

function MainCoreDestroyed ( byte T) )

MainCoreDestroyed MatchOver Source code

function MainCoreDestroyed ( byte T) )

NearGoal Source code

function bool NearGoal ( Controller C) )

PostLogin Source code

event PostLogin ( PlayerController PC) )

PostSeamlessTravel Source code

function PostSeamlessTravel ( ) )

Reset Source code

function Reset ( ) )

ScoreDraw Source code

function ScoreDraw ( ) )

ScoreFlag Source code

function ScoreFlag ( Controller Scorer, UTOnslaughtFlag TheFlag) )

ScoreObjective Source code

function ScoreObjective ( PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer, int Score) )

SetEndGameFocus Source code

function SetEndGameFocus ( PlayerReplicationInfo Winner) )

SetPowerCores Source code

function SetPowerCores ( ) )

ShouldPrioritizeNodeWithFlag Source code

function bool ShouldPrioritizeNodeWithFlag ( byte Team, byte EnemyTeam, bool bEnemyCanAttackCore, controller Player) )
returns whether a node with a flag at it should be prioritized for spawning members of Team

ShouldReset Source code

function bool ShouldReset ( Actor ActorToReset) )

ShowPathTo Source code

function ShowPathTo ( PlayerController P, int TeamNum) )

StartAllPlayers Source code

function StartAllPlayers ( ) )

StartBots Source code

function StartBots ( )

StartHumans Source code

function StartHumans ( ) )

TeamHasOrbRunner Source code

function bool TeamHasOrbRunner ( Controller Player) )

Timer MatchInProgress Source code

event Timer ( ) )

UpdateLinks Source code

function UpdateLinks ( ) )

UpdateNodePlayerCountRequirements Source code

function UpdateNodePlayerCountRequirements ( bool bAllowDuringGame) )
update the state of nodes with player count requirements because the number of players in the game has changed

ViewObjective Source code

function ViewObjective ( PlayerController PC) )


   Description="Create a power chain to the enemy Core by capturing Nodes in a 'connect the dots' fashion.  Nodes at the end of a chain may be controlled by either team.  Control Nodes for your team by touching them to start the build process (use the Link Gun alt-fire to speed things up).  Once your team has a link to the enemy Core, attack and destroy it."
   EndOfMatchRulesTemplateStr_Scoring="First team to score `g points wins"
   EndOfMatchRulesTemplateStr_ScoringSingle="First team to score one point wins"
   EndOfMatchRulesTemplateStr_Time="Team with most points in `t mins. wins"

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