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native ( Vehicle ) abstract

Copyright 1998-2008 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

+-- Engine.Actor
   +-- Engine.Pawn
      +-- Engine.Vehicle
         +-- Engine.SVehicle
            +-- UTGame.UTVehicleBase
               +-- UTGame.UTVehicle
                  +-- UTGame.UTVehicle_Deployable
                     +-- UTGame.UTStealthVehicle

Direct Known Subclasses:

UTVehicle_NightShade, UTVehicle_StealthBender

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from UTGame.UTVehicle

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTVehicle_Deployable
AnimPlay, bAllowAbortDeploy, bDrawCanDeployTooltip, bNotGoodArtilleryPosition, bRequireAllWheelsOnGround, DeployAnim[2], DeployedEnterSound, DeployedExitSound, DeployedState, DeployIconOffset, DeploySound, DeploySoundComp, DeployTime, GetInAnim[2], GetOutAnim[2], IdleAnim[2], LastDeployStartTime, MaxDeploySpeed, TimeSinceLastDeployCheck, ToolTipIconCoords, UndeploySound, UnDeployTime
Inherited Variables from UTGame.UTVehicle
AccruedFireDamage, AccumulatedWaterDamage, AIPurpose, bAcceptTurretJump, bAllowedExit, bAllowTowFromAllDirections, bCameraNeverHidesVehicle, bCanCarryFlag, bDeadVehicle, bDisplayHealthBar, bDrawHealthOnHUD, bDriverCastsShadow, bDriverHoldsFlag, bDropDetailWhenDriving, bEjectKilledBodies, bEjectPassengersWhenFlipped, bEnteringUnlocks, bFindGroundExit, bFixedCamZ, bFrontalCollision, bFrontalCollisionWithFixed, bHasBeenDriven, bHasCustomEntryRadius, bHasEnemyVehicleSound, bHasTowCable, bHasTurretExplosion, bHasWeaponBar, bHomingTarget, BigExplosionSocket, BigExplosionTemplates, bInitializedVehicleEffects, bIsBurning, bIsConsoleTurning, bIsDisabled, bIsInDestroyablePenetration, bIsNecrisVehicle, bIsOnTrack, bIsScraping, bIsTowingHoverboard, bKeyVehicle, bLightArmor, bLimitCameraZLookingUp, bLookSteerOnNormalControls, bLookSteerOnSimpleControls, bMustBeUpright, bNeverReset, bNoFollowJumpZ, bNoZDamping, bNoZDampingInAir, bNoZSmoothing, BoostPadSound, bOverrideAVRiLLocks, bPlayingSpawnEffect, bPostRenderOtherTeam, bPostRenderTraceSucceeded, bRagdollDriverOnDarkwalkerHorn, bReducedFallingCollisionDamage, bRequestedEntryWithFlag, bRotateCameraUnderVehicle, bShouldAutoCenterViewPitch, bShouldLeaveForCombat, bShowDamageDebug, bShowLocked, bSpectatedView, bStealthVehicle, bStickDeflectionThrottle, bStopDeathCamera, bTakeWaterDamageWhileDriving, bTeamLocked, BurnOutMaterialInstances, BurnOutMaterial[2], BurnOutTime, BurnTimeParameterName, bUseAlternatePaths, bUsingLookSteer, bValidLinkTarget, CameraLag, CameraOffset, CameraSmoothingFactor, ChargeBarCoords, ChargeBarEndCapCoords, ChargeBarHeight, ChargeBarPosX, ChargeBarPosY, ChargeBarWidth, ClientHealth, CollisionDamageMult, ConsoleSteerScale, CurrentTireMaterial, DamageMaterialInstance[2], DamageMorphTargets, DamageParamScaleLevels, DamageSkelControls, DamageSmokeThreshold, DeadVehicleLifeSpan, DeathExplosion, DeathExplosionShake, DefaultFOV, DefaultPhysicalMaterial, DeflectionReverseThresh, DelayedBurnoutCount, DestroyedTurret, DestroyedTurretTemplate, DestroyOnPenetrationDuration, DestroyOnPenetrationThreshold, DisabledEffectComponent, DisabledTemplate, DisabledTime, DistanceTurretExplosionTemplates, DriverStatusChangedWaveform, DrivingAnim, DrivingPhysicalMaterial, DropFlagIconCoords, DropOrbIconCoords, EnemyVehicleSound, EnterToolTipIconCoords, ExplosionDamage, ExplosionDamageType, ExplosionInAirAngVel, ExplosionLightClass, ExplosionMomentum, ExplosionRadius, ExplosionSound, ExplosionTemplate, ExtraReachDownThreshold, FireDamagePerSec, FireDamageThreshold, FlagBone, FlagOffset, FlagRotation, FlippedCount, FlipToolTipIconCoords, GreedCoinBonus, HealthPulseTime, HeroBonus, HornAIRadius, HornIndex, HornSounds, HoverBoardAttachSockets, HoverBoardSocketInUse, HUDExtent, HUDLocation, IconCoords, ImpactHitSound, InitialSpawnDelay, InnerExplosionShakeRadius, KillerController, LargeChunkImpactSound, LastCheckUpsideDownTime, LastCollisionDamageTime, LastDeathImpactTime, LastEnemyWarningTime, LastHealth, LastHornTime, LastJumpOutCheck, LastPostRenderTraceTime, LastRunOverWarningTime, LastTakeHitInfo, LastTakeHitTimeout, LeftStickDirDeadZone, LightEnvironment, LinkedEndSound, LinkedToAudio, LinkedToCount, LinkedToCue, LinkHealMult, LockedOnSound, LookForwardDist, LookSteerDamping, LookSteerDeadZone, LookSteerSensitivity, MapSize, MaxDesireability, MaxExplosionLightDistance, MaxFireEffectDistance, MaxImpactEffectDistance, MaxWheelEffectDistSq, MediumChunkImpactSound, MinCameraDistSq, MinRunOverSpeed, MinRunOverWarningAim, NeedToPickUpAnnouncement, NextVehicle, NoPassengerObjective, ObjectiveGetOutDist, OccupiedUpsideDownDamagePerSec, OldCameraPosition, OldCamPosZ, OldPositions, OriginalMaterials, OuterExplosionShakeRadius, ParentFactory, PassengerPRI, PassengerTeamBeaconOffset, PlayerStartTime, RanOverDamageType, RanOverSound, ReferenceMovementMesh, RemainingBurn, Reservation, ResetTime, RespawnTime, ScrapeSound, SeatCameraScale, SeatMask, Seats, SecondaryExplosion, ShowLockedMaxDist, SmallChunkImpactSound, SpawnInSound, SpawnInTemplates, SpawnInTime, SpawnMaterialLists, SpawnMaterialParameterCurve, SpawnMaterialParameterName, SpawnOutSound, SpawnRadius, StolenAnnouncementIndex, StolenSound, Team, TeamBeaconMaxDist, TeamBeaconOffset, TeamBeaconPlayerInfoMaxDist, TeamMaterials, TimeInDestroyablePenetration, TimeLastDisabled, TimeTilSecondaryVehicleExplosion, TireAudioComp, TireSoundList, Trackers, TurretExplosiveForce, TurretOffset, TurretScaleControlName, TurretSocketName, UpsideDownDamagePerSec, VehicleAnims, VehicleDestroyedSound, VehicleDrowningDamType, VehicleEffects, VehicleIndex, VehicleLockedSound, VehicleLostTime, VehicleNameString, VehiclePieceClass, VehiclePositionString, VehicleSounds, WaterDamage, WaterEffectType, WeaponRotation, WheelParticleEffects

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from UTGame.UTVehicle_Deployable
Inherited Enumerations from UTGame.UTVehicle

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from UTGame.UTVehicle
BurnOutDatum, DamageParamScales, FDamageMorphTargets, MaterialList, TimePosition, VehicleAnim, VehicleEffect, VehicleSeat, VehicleSound, WeaponEffectInfo

Functions Summary
function AddBeamEmitter ()))
function AdjacentSeat (int Direction, Controller C))
function AdjustCameraScale (bool bMoveCameraIn))
function AttachDriver (Pawn P ))
function BeginState (name PreviousStateName))
function BlowupVehicle ()))
functionbool BotDropDeployable (UTBot B))
function BotUndeploy ()))
function BotUndeploy ()))
function CancelDeploy ()))
eventbool CanDeploy (optional bool bShowMessage = true))
function CheckAICloak ()))
function Cloak (bool bIsEnabled, optional bool bForce=FALSE))
function DeployedStateChanged ()))
event Destroyed ()))
function DisplayHud (UTHud Hud, Canvas Canvas, vector2D HudPOS, optional int SeatIndex))
function DisplayWeaponBar (Canvas canvas, UTHUD HUD))
functionbool DoJump (bool bUpdating)
function DrawWeaponTile (Canvas Canvas, Texture2D IconTexture, UTVWeap_NightshadeGun Gun, int WeaponIndex, float OffsetSizeX, float OffsetSizeY))
functionbool DriverEnter (Pawn P))
eventbool DriverLeave (bool bForceLeave))
function DrivingStatusChanged ()))
functionactor FindWeaponHitNormal (out vector HitLocation, out Vector HitNormal, vector End, vector Start, out TraceHitInfo HitInfo))
functionvector GetCameraFocus (int SeatIndex))
functioncolor GetTeamBeamColor (byte TeamNum))
functionRotator GetViewRotation ()))
functionbool GoodDefensivePosition ()))
function ImmediatelyRedeploy (bool ShouldImmediatelyRedeploy))
functionbool ImportantVehicle ()))
functionbool IsInvisible ()
function KillBeamEmitter ()))
function KillEndpointEffect ()))
function OnAnimEnd (AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, float PlayedTime, float ExcessTime))
functionbool OverrideBeginFire (byte FireModeNum))
functionint PartialTurn (int original, int desired, float PctTurn))
function PlayHit (float Damage, Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, class<DamageType> damageType, vector Momentum, TraceHitInfo HitInfo))
function PlayReleaseAnim ()))
event PlayTakeHitEffects ()))
event PostBeginPlay ()))
function ProcessViewRotation (float DeltaTime, out rotator out_ViewRotation, out Rotator out_DeltaRot ))
event ReplicatedEvent (name VarName))
function ServerSetArmDeltaYaw (int InArmDeltaYaw))
function ServerSetCloak (bool bIsEnabled))
function ServerSetDeployMesh (Object InDeployMesh, int DeployableIndex))
function ServerSetImmediateRedeploy (bool ShouldImmediatelyRedeploy))
function ServerSwitchWeapon (byte NewGroup))
function ServerToggleDeploy ()))
function ServerToggleDeploy ()))
function SetArmLocation (float DeltaSeconds)
function SetBeamEmitterHidden (bool bHide))
function SetDeployMesh (Object InDeployMesh, int DeployableIndex))
function SetDeployMeshHidden (bool bIsHidden))
function SetDeployVisual ()))
functionbool SetupCloakedBodyMaterialMIC ()))
function SetVehicleDeployed ()))
function SetVehicleUndeployed ()))
function SetVehicleUndeploying ()))
functionbool ShouldDeployToAttack ()))
functionbool ShouldDropDeployable ()))
functionbool ShouldUndeploy (UTBot B))
function SpawnImpactEmitter (vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal, const out MaterialImpactEffect ImpactEffect, int SeatIndex))
function SwitchWeapon (byte NewGroup))
function TeamChanged ()))
function ToggleCloak ()))
function VehicleUnDeployIsFinished ()))
function VehicleWeaponImpactEffects (vector HitLocation, int SeatIndex))
function VehicleWeaponStoppedFiring (bool bViaReplication, int SeatIndex ))
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTVehicle_Deployable
AttachDriver, BackToUndeployed, BeginState, CanDeploy, CanDeployedAttack, ChangeDeployState, CheckStability, DeployActivated, DeployedStateChanged, DetachDriver, DisplayHud, DoJump, DrivingStatusChanged, EndState, GoodDefensivePosition, IsDeployed, OnAnimEnd, PlayAnim, PostBeginPlay, ReplicatedEvent, ServerToggleDeploy, SetVehicleDeployed, SetVehicleUndeployed, SetVehicleUndeploying, ShouldClamp, ShouldDeployToAttack, ShouldUndeploy, StartEngineSound, StopAnim, VehicleIsDeployed, VehiclePlayEnterSound, VehiclePlayExitSound, VehicleUnDeployIsFinished
Inherited Functions from UTGame.UTVehicle
AdjustCameraScale, AllowLinkThroughOwnedActor, AnySeatAvailable, ApplyMorphDamage, ApplyMorphHeal, ApplyRandomMorphDamage, ApplyWeaponEffects, AttachDriver, AttachFlag, BaseChange, BeginState, BlowupVehicle, BotDesireability, CalcCamera, CanAttack, CanDeployedAttack, CanEnterVehicle, CauseMuzzleFlashLight, ChangedReservation, ChangeSeat, ChargeAttackObjective, CheckDamageSmoke, CheckGameClass, CheckReset, CheckTurretPitchLimit, ClearFlashCount, ClearFlashLocation, ContinueOnFoot, CreateDamageMaterialInstance, CreateVehicleEffect, CriticalChargeAttack, DecrementLinkedToCount, Destroyed, DetachDriver, DetachTowCable, Died, DisableCollision, DisableDamageSmoke, DisableVehicle, DisplayExtraHud, DisplayHud, DisplaySeats, DisplayWeaponBar, Dodge, DoVehicleExplosion, DrawBarGraph, DrawKillIcon, DriverEnter, DriverLeave, DriverLeft, DriverRadiusDamage, DrivingStatusChanged, EagleEyeTarget, EditUDmgFX, EjectSeat, EnableVehicle, EntryAnnouncement, ExitRotation, FastVehicle, FellOutOfWorld, FindAutoExit, FindGoodEndView, FindWeaponHitNormal, FixedView, ForceWeaponRotation, GetAlternateLockTarget, GetBarrelIndex, GetBarrelLocationAndRotation, GetCameraFocus, GetCameraStart, GetChargePower, GetClampedViewRotation, GetCollisionDamageInstigator, GetCollisionDamageModifier, GetControllerForSeatIndex, GetDisplayedHealth, GetEffectLocation, GetFirstAvailableSeat, GetHealth, GetHomingTarget, GetHoverBoardAttachPoint, GetHumanReadableName, GetMoveTargetFor, GetPhysicalFireStartLoc, GetSeatColor, GetSeatIndexForController, GetSeatIndexFromPrefix, GetSeatPivotPoint, GetSeatPRI, GetSVehicleDebug, GetTeamNum, GetTowedVehicles, GetTowingVehicle, GetVehicleKillStatName, GetViewRotation, GetWeaponAim, GetWeaponViewAxes, HandleEnteringFlag, HasOccupiedTurret, HasPriority, HealDamage, HoldGameObject, ImportantVehicle, IncomingMissile, IncrementFlashCount, IncrementLinkedToCount, InCustomEntryRadius, InitDamageSkel, InitializeEffects, InitializeMorphs, InitializeSeats, InitializeTurrets, InUseableRange, IsArtillery, IsDeployed, IsDriverSeat, IsGoodTowTruck, IsSeatControllerReplicationViewer, JumpOutCheck, KickOutBot, Landed, LimitCameraZ, LockOnWarning, MorphTargetDestroyed, NativePostRenderFor, NotifyTakeHit, NumPassengers, Occupied, OnAnimEnd, OnDriverPhysicsAssetChanged, OnExitVehicle, OnPropertyChange, OnTouchForcedDirVolume, OpenPositionFor, OverrideBeginFire, OverrideEndFire, PancakeOther, PassengerEnter, PassengerLeave, PerformDeathEffects, PerformSecondaryVehicleExplosion, PlayHit, PlayHorn, PlayNextAnimation, PlaySpawnEffect, PlayTakeHitEffects, PlayVehicleAnimation, PlayVehicleExplosionEffect, PlayVehicleSound, PlayWeaponSwitch, PossessedBy, PostBeginPlay, PostRenderFor, PostRenderPassengerBeacon, PreCacheSeatNames, ProcessViewRotation, RanInto, RBPenetrationDestroy, ReattachMesh, ReceivedHealthChange, RecommendCharge, RenderMapIcon, RenderPassengerBeacons, ReplicatedEvent, ReservationCostMultiplier, RigidBodyCollision, SeatAvailable, SeatFiringMode, SeatFlashCount, SeatFlashLocation, SeatWeaponRotation, SecondaryVehicleExplosion, SelfDestruct, SendLockOnMessage, ServerAdjacentSeat, ServerChangeSeat, ServerSetConsoleTurning, SetBurnOut, SetFiringMode, SetFlashLocation, SetHoverBoardAttachPointInUse, SetHUDLocation, SetInputs, SetKeyVehicle, SetMaxRadius, SetMovementEffect, SetReservation, SetSeatStoragePawn, SetShieldActive, SetTeamNum, SetTexturesToBeResident, SetVehicleEffectParms, ShootMissile, ShouldClamp, ShouldLeaveForCombat, ShouldShowUseable, ShouldSpawnExplosionLight, SitDriver, SpawnGibVehicle, SpawnImpactEmitter, SpokenFor, StartBurnOut, StartLinkedEffect, StopLinkedEffect, StopSpawnEffect, StopsProjectile, StopVehicleSounds, TakeDamage, TakeFireDamage, TakeHeadShot, TakeWaterDamage, TeamChanged, TeamChanged_VehicleEffects, TeamLink, TooCloseToAttack, TornOff, TriggerVehicleEffect, TryAttachingTowCable, TryToDrive, TurnOffShadows, TurretExplosion, UpdateControllerOnPossess, UpdateDamageMaterial, UpdateLookSteerStatus, UpdateShadowSettings, VehicleAdjustFlashCount, VehicleAdjustFlashLocation, VehicleCalcCamera, VehicleEvent, VehicleHudCoordsFixup, VehicleLocked, VehicleWeaponFired, VehicleWeaponFireEffects, VehicleWeaponImpactEffects, VehicleWeaponStoppedFiring, WeaponFired, WeaponRotationChanged, WeaponStoppedFiring

States Summary
Deployed Source code
simulated state Deployed
BeginState, BotUndeploy, ServerToggleDeploy
UnDeploying Source code
simulated state UnDeploying
DoJump, ServerToggleDeploy, VehicleUnDeployIsFinished

Variables Detail

AimYawOffset Source code

var int AimYawOffset;
The current steering offset of the arm when deployed.

ArmDeltaYaw Source code

var int ArmDeltaYaw;
The distance delta for the deploy arm

BeamAmbientSound Source code

var protected AudioComponent BeamAmbientSound;

BeamEmitter Source code

var ParticleSystemComponent BeamEmitter;
Holds the Emitter for the Beam

BeamEndpointEffect Source code

var UTEmitter BeamEndpointEffect;
Emitter for the endpoint beam effect

BeamFireSound Source code

var soundcue BeamFireSound;

BeamSockets Source code

var name BeamSockets;
Where to attach the Beam

BeamStartSound Source code

var soundcue BeamStartSound;

BeamStopSound Source code

var soundcue BeamStopSound;

BeamTemplate Source code

var particleSystem BeamTemplate;
The Link Beam

bIsDeployableHidden Source code

var repnotify bool bIsDeployableHidden;
Trigger for hiding/unhiding the deployable

bIsVehicleCloaked Source code

var repnotify bool bIsVehicleCloaked;
Is the vehicle currently cloaked

BouncedWeapon Source code

var int BouncedWeapon;

bReleasedADeployable Source code

var bool bReleasedADeployable;

bShouldImmediatelyRedeploy Source code

var bool bShouldImmediatelyRedeploy;
Tells the vehicle to immediately redeploy after undeploying

CloakedBodyMIC Source code

var protected MaterialInstanceConstant CloakedBodyMIC;

CloakedSkin Source code

var MaterialInterface CloakedSkin;
Material to use when the vehicle is cloaked

CloakTransitionTime Source code

var float CloakTransitionTime;
Time last cloak was started

CurrentWeaponScale[10] Source code

var float CurrentWeaponScale[10];

DeployableTurretCached Source code

var UTSkelControl_TurretConstrained DeployableTurretCached;
cached Turret control for Tick()

DeployArmTestDir Source code

var float DeployArmTestDir;
Stores the current direction the deploy arm is moving

DeployMesh Source code

var repnotify Object DeployMesh;
Used for Either a skeletalmesh or staticmesh, common parent is Object

DeployPreviewMesh Source code

var MeshComponent DeployPreviewMesh;
The deployable item mesh

EndPointParamName Source code

var name EndPointParamName;
The name of the EndPoint parameter

ExhaustEffectName Source code

var name ExhaustEffectName;

FireToolTipIconCoords Source code

var UIRoot.TextureCoordinates FireToolTipIconCoords;
Coordinates for the fire tooltip textures

HitEffectColor Source code

var float HitEffectColor;

HitEffectName Source code

var name HitEffectName;

HUDIconsUT3G Source code

var Texture2d HUDIconsUT3G;
Texture for HUD icons new to UT3G

LagDegreesPerSecondDefault Source code

var transient float LagDegreesPerSecondDefault;
Lag behind value for the deploy arm control

LastDropAttemptTime Source code

var float LastDropAttemptTime;
last time bot tried to drop a deployable

LastDropSuccessTime Source code

var float LastDropSuccessTime;
Last time bot succeeded in dropping a deployable

LastHitActor Source code

var Actor LastHitActor;
Used for detecting change in the impact effect emitter

LastSelectedWeapon Source code

var int LastSelectedWeapon;

LinkBeamColors[3] Source code

var color LinkBeamColors[3];
team based colors for beam when targeting a teammate

OverlayColorName Source code

var name OverlayColorName;

ReleaseAnimCount Source code

var repnotify int ReleaseAnimCount;
Tells clients to play the release animation

SkinTranslucencyName Source code

var name SkinTranslucencyName;

StealthResSound Source code

var AudioComponent StealthResSound;

TeamSkinParamName Source code

var name TeamSkinParamName;

TurretArmMoveSound Source code

var AudioComponent TurretArmMoveSound;

TurretFiringMode Source code

var byte TurretFiringMode;

TurretName Source code

var name TurretName;
name of the Turret control


DeployArmCameraDist Source code

var(Camera) float DeployArmCameraDist;
Distance behind the vehicle to focus the camera

DeployArmCameraPitch Source code

var(Camera) float DeployArmCameraPitch;
The pitch of the camera while deployed


DeployablePositionOffsets Source code

var(Deploy) array<vector> DeployablePositionOffsets;
Offsets for the deployables


FastCamTransitionTime Source code

var(Movement) float FastCamTransitionTime;
time to transition to deployed camera mode


ArmSpeedTune Source code

var(UTStealthVehicle) int ArmSpeedTune;
Max distance added per frame to the deploy arm rotation

CloakedSpeedModifier Source code

var(UTStealthVehicle) float CloakedSpeedModifier;
Speed modifier to the above max speeds while cloaked

CloakTotalResTime Source code

var(UTStealthVehicle) float CloakTotalResTime;

DeployCheckDistance Source code

var(UTStealthVehicle) float DeployCheckDistance;
How far behind the vehicle to check for obstacles

HitEffectScale Source code

var(UTStealthVehicle) float HitEffectScale;
Scale value for the hit effect color

OverlayTeamRezColor[2] Source code

var(UTStealthVehicle) LinearColor OverlayTeamRezColor[2];

SlowSpeed Source code

var(UTStealthVehicle) float SlowSpeed;
Speed while 'crouched'

VisibleAirSpeed Source code

var(UTStealthVehicle) float VisibleAirSpeed;
Max air speed while visible

VisibleGroundSpeed Source code

var(UTStealthVehicle) float VisibleGroundSpeed;
Max ground speed while visible

VisibleMaxSpeed Source code

var(UTStealthVehicle) float VisibleMaxSpeed;
Max speed while visible

Functions Detail

AddBeamEmitter Source code

simulated function AddBeamEmitter ( ) )

AdjacentSeat Source code

simulated function AdjacentSeat ( int Direction, Controller C) )
request change to adjacent vehicle seat

AdjustCameraScale Source code

simulated function AdjustCameraScale ( bool bMoveCameraIn) )
if deployed, changes selected deployable

AttachDriver Source code

simulated function AttachDriver ( Pawn P ) )
Attach driver to vehicle. Sets up the Pawn to drive the vehicle (rendering, physics, collision..). Called only if bAttachDriver is true. Network : ALL

BeginState Deployed Source code

function BeginState ( name PreviousStateName) )

BlowupVehicle Source code

simulated function BlowupVehicle ( ) )
Call this function to blow up the vehicle

BotDropDeployable Source code

function bool BotDropDeployable ( UTBot B) )
used with bot's CustomAction interface to drop a deployable

BotUndeploy Source code

function BotUndeploy ( ) )

BotUndeploy Deployed Source code

function BotUndeploy ( ) )

CancelDeploy Source code

function CancelDeploy ( ) )

CanDeploy Source code

event bool CanDeploy ( optional bool bShowMessage = true) )

CheckAICloak Source code

function CheckAICloak ( ) )
called on a timer while AI controlled so AI can evaluate cloaking

Cloak Source code

simulated function Cloak ( bool bIsEnabled, optional bool bForce=FALSE) )
Cloaks or decloaks the vehicle. Force is for replication to use since bIsVehicleCloaked has already been modified

DeployedStateChanged Source code

simulated function DeployedStateChanged ( ) )

Destroyed Source code

simulated event Destroyed ( ) )

DisplayHud Source code

simulated function DisplayHud ( UTHud Hud, Canvas Canvas, vector2D HudPOS, optional int SeatIndex) )

DisplayWeaponBar Source code

function DisplayWeaponBar ( Canvas canvas, UTHUD HUD) )

DoJump UnDeploying Source code

function bool DoJump ( bool bUpdating )

DrawWeaponTile Source code

function DrawWeaponTile ( Canvas Canvas, Texture2D IconTexture, UTVWeap_NightshadeGun Gun, int WeaponIndex, float OffsetSizeX, float OffsetSizeY) )
Draws a single weapon selection tile in the HUD Created primarily so Stealthbender could override texture for new UT3G deployables

DriverEnter Source code

function bool DriverEnter ( Pawn P) )

DriverLeave Source code

event bool DriverLeave ( bool bForceLeave) )

DrivingStatusChanged Source code

simulated function DrivingStatusChanged ( ) )

FindWeaponHitNormal Source code

simulated function actor FindWeaponHitNormal ( out vector HitLocation, out Vector HitNormal, vector End, vector Start, out TraceHitInfo HitInfo) )
Detect the transition from vehicle to ground and vice versus and handle it

GetCameraFocus Source code

simulated function vector GetCameraFocus ( int SeatIndex) )
returns the camera focus position (without camera lag)

GetTeamBeamColor Source code

static function color GetTeamBeamColor ( byte TeamNum) )

GetViewRotation Source code

simulated function Rotator GetViewRotation ( ) )

GoodDefensivePosition Source code

function bool GoodDefensivePosition ( ) )

ImmediatelyRedeploy Source code

simulated function ImmediatelyRedeploy ( bool ShouldImmediatelyRedeploy) )

ImportantVehicle Source code

function bool ImportantVehicle ( ) )

IsInvisible Source code

native function bool IsInvisible ( )
@RETURN true if pawn is invisible to AI

KillBeamEmitter Source code

simulated function KillBeamEmitter ( ) )

KillEndpointEffect Source code

simulated function KillEndpointEffect ( ) )
deactivates the beam endpoint effect, if present

OnAnimEnd Source code

simulated function OnAnimEnd ( AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, float PlayedTime, float ExcessTime) )
Play the ambients when an action anim finishes

OverrideBeginFire Source code

simulated function bool OverrideBeginFire ( byte FireModeNum) )

PartialTurn Source code

simulated function int PartialTurn ( int original, int desired, float PctTurn) )

PlayHit Source code

function PlayHit ( float Damage, Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, class<DamageType> damageType, vector Momentum, TraceHitInfo HitInfo) )

PlayReleaseAnim Source code

simulated function PlayReleaseAnim ( ) )
Tells clients to play the release animation and sets up the timer for undeploy

PlayTakeHitEffects Source code

simulated event PlayTakeHitEffects ( ) )
plays take hit effects; called from PlayHit() on server and whenever LastTakeHitInfo is received on the client

PostBeginPlay Source code

simulated event PostBeginPlay ( ) )

ProcessViewRotation Source code

simulated function ProcessViewRotation ( float DeltaTime, out rotator out_ViewRotation, out Rotator out_DeltaRot ) )

ReplicatedEvent Source code

simulated event ReplicatedEvent ( name VarName) )

ServerSetArmDeltaYaw Source code

reliable server function ServerSetArmDeltaYaw ( int InArmDeltaYaw) )

ServerSetCloak Source code

reliable server function ServerSetCloak ( bool bIsEnabled) )
Listen clients will call Cloak() replicating the value directly Clients will call Cloak() which also calls this function allowing the server to cloak thus replicating to everyone else

ServerSetDeployMesh Source code

singular reliable server function ServerSetDeployMesh ( Object InDeployMesh, int DeployableIndex) )

ServerSetImmediateRedeploy Source code

reliable server function ServerSetImmediateRedeploy ( bool ShouldImmediatelyRedeploy) )

ServerSwitchWeapon Source code

reliable server function ServerSwitchWeapon ( byte NewGroup) )

ServerToggleDeploy Deployed Source code

reliable server function ServerToggleDeploy ( ) )

ServerToggleDeploy UnDeploying Source code

reliable server function ServerToggleDeploy ( ) )

SetArmLocation Source code

simulated native function SetArmLocation ( float DeltaSeconds )

SetBeamEmitterHidden Source code

simulated function SetBeamEmitterHidden ( bool bHide) )

SetDeployMesh Source code

simulated function SetDeployMesh ( Object InDeployMesh, int DeployableIndex) )

SetDeployMeshHidden Source code

simulated function SetDeployMeshHidden ( bool bIsHidden) )

SetDeployVisual Source code

simulated function SetDeployVisual ( ) )

SetupCloakedBodyMaterialMIC Source code

simulated function bool SetupCloakedBodyMaterialMIC ( ) )
This function will verify that the CloakedBodyMIC variable is setup and ready to go. This is a key component for the BodyMat overlay system

SetVehicleDeployed Source code

simulated function SetVehicleDeployed ( ) )

SetVehicleUndeployed Source code

simulated function SetVehicleUndeployed ( ) )

SetVehicleUndeploying Source code

simulated function SetVehicleUndeploying ( ) )

ShouldDeployToAttack Source code

function bool ShouldDeployToAttack ( ) )

ShouldDropDeployable Source code

function bool ShouldDropDeployable ( ) )
AI interface for dropping deployables
@return whether bot was given an action and so should exit its decision logic

ShouldUndeploy Source code

function bool ShouldUndeploy ( UTBot B) )

SpawnImpactEmitter Source code

simulated function SpawnImpactEmitter ( vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal, const out MaterialImpactEffect ImpactEffect, int SeatIndex) )

SwitchWeapon Source code

simulated function SwitchWeapon ( byte NewGroup) )

TeamChanged Source code

simulated function TeamChanged ( ) )

ToggleCloak Source code

simulated function ToggleCloak ( ) )

VehicleUnDeployIsFinished UnDeploying Source code

simulated function VehicleUnDeployIsFinished ( ) )

VehicleWeaponImpactEffects Source code

simulated function VehicleWeaponImpactEffects ( vector HitLocation, int SeatIndex) )

VehicleWeaponStoppedFiring Source code

simulated function VehicleWeaponStoppedFiring ( bool bViaReplication, int SeatIndex ) )


   Begin Object Class=DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent Name=MyLightEnvironment ObjName=MyLightEnvironment Archetype=DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent'UTGame.Default__UTVehicle_Deployable:MyLightEnvironment'
   End Object
   NeedToPickUpAnnouncement=(AnnouncementText="Man the Stealth Vehicle")
   Begin Object Class=RB_StayUprightSetup Name=MyStayUprightSetup ObjName=MyStayUprightSetup Archetype=RB_StayUprightSetup'UTGame.Default__UTVehicle_Deployable:MyStayUprightSetup'
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=RB_ConstraintInstance Name=MyStayUprightConstraintInstance ObjName=MyStayUprightConstraintInstance Archetype=RB_ConstraintInstance'UTGame.Default__UTVehicle_Deployable:MyStayUprightConstraintInstance'
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=SkeletalMeshComponent Name=SVehicleMesh ObjName=SVehicleMesh Archetype=SkeletalMeshComponent'UTGame.Default__UTVehicle_Deployable:SVehicleMesh'
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=CylinderComponent Name=CollisionCylinder ObjName=CollisionCylinder Archetype=CylinderComponent'UTGame.Default__UTVehicle_Deployable:CollisionCylinder'
   End Object

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